\input docstrip \keepsilent \askforoverwritefalse %% (C) 1997,1998,1999 Christian Cornelssen %% This file will unpack the \LaTeXe\ files contained in the package file %% `moresize.dtx' when run through plain TeX or LaTeX. \preamble Version: v1.9 [1999/07/26] Author : Christian Cornelssen <cornsub1@flintstone.ukbf.fu-berlin.de> Copyright 1997,1998,1999 Christian Cornelssen This program can be redistributed and/or modified under the terms of the LaTeX Project Public License Distributed from CTAN archives in directory macros/latex/base/lppl.txt; either version 1 of the License, or any later version. \endpreamble \postamble \endpostamble \generate{ \file{moresize.sty}{\from{moresize.dtx}{package}} % \file{moresize.drv}{\from{moresize.dtx}{driver}} \file{msizetst.tex}{\from{moresize.dtx}{testfile}}} \ifToplevel{ \Msg{*****************************************************************} \Msg{* To finish the installation, you have to move the following} \Msg{* file into a directory searched by TeX:} \Msg{*} \Msg{* \space\space moresize.sty} \Msg{*} \Msg{* To produce the documentation, run moresize.dtx through LaTeX.} \Msg{* For testing, edit msizetst.tex and run it through LaTeX.} \Msg{*} \Msg{* Happy TeXing} \Msg{*****************************************************************} } \endbatchfile