# Marquette University Graduate School (MUGS) Thesis Class, mugsthesis

Copyright (C) 2022 Paul D. Gessler <mailto:paul@gessler.net>

This is a document class to be used for typesetting MUGS theses and dissertations.
The mugsthesis class is based on the memoir document class and
meets the MUGS Thesis/Dissertation Directives requirements.

The sample folder contains a sample thesis for testing/review.

This work may be distributed and/or modified under the 
conditions of the LaTeX Project Public License, either 
version 1.3 of this license or (at your option) any later
version. The latest version of this license is in
and version 1.3 or later is part of all distributions of 
LaTeX version 2005/12/01 or later.

This package has the LPPL maintenance status `maintained'.

The Current Maintainer of this package is Paul D. Gessler.

This work consists of the source files mugsthesis.dtx and mugsthesis.ins,
the derived (generated) file mugsthesis.cls, the documentation file 
mugsthesis.pdf, and test/sample files abstract.tex, acknowledgments.tex,
appendix1.tex, ch01.tex, ch02.tex, dedication.tex, mugsthesis_sample.pdf,
mugsthesis_sample.tex, and refs.bib.

Use at your own risk! Class author is not responsible for denied
thesis submissionts. Report issues and enhancement requests on
sourcehut at https://sr.ht/~pdgessler/mugsthesis/