% \iffalse meta-comment
% mycv : a curriculum vitae class allowing TikZ decorations
% (v1.5.6 - Sun May 20 21:31:37 CEST 2012)
% This work may be distributed and/or modified under the
% conditions of the LaTeX Project Public License version
% 1.3c, available at 'http://www.latex-project.org/lppl'.
% This work consists of the main source file 'mycv.dtx'
% and the derived files:
%     mycv.ins,
%     mycv.cls,
%     mycv_base.def, mycv_misc.def, mycv_version.def
%     mycv_style.sty, mycv_dec.sty,
%     mycv_split_contents.pl
%     mycv.pdf
% Moreover, it also consists of the files 'README',
% 'CHANGELOG', 'checksum.pl' and folders <Examples>
% and <Doc>.
% Unpacking the class files:
%     (pdf)latex mycv.dtx
% Generating the documentation:
% the documentation has to be produced separately as it
% uses the package 'arsclassica', that seems to be not
% fully compatible with the 'doc' package (that should
% be used in the driver file for producing the document).
% To produce the documentation, move to the folder 'Doc'
% and type:
%     pdflatex mycv.tex
% Generating the examples:
% see the file 'Exampes/Notes.txt'.
% ----------------------------------------------------------
% ** This file was automatically generated by <DoPackage.sh>
% ** with option(s) 'ctan'.
% ** Date: Sun May 20 21:31:37 CEST 2012::1337542297
% ----------------------------------------------------------
% \fi
\input docstrip.tex

 Author: Andrea Ghersi
 Copyright 2012 Ghersi Andrea (ghanhawk@gmail.com).

 This work may be distributed and/or modified under the
 conditions of the LaTeX Project Public License version
 1.3c, available at 'http://www.latex-project.org/lppl'.

 This work has the LPPL maintenance status "maintained".
 The Current Maintainer of this work is Andrea Ghersi.

 This work consists of the files listed in the README




\Msg{*                                                            *}
\Msg{* To finish the installation you have to move the following  *}
\Msg{* files into a directory searched by (La)TeX:                *}
\Msg{*                                                            *}
\Msg{*     mycv.cls, mycv*.def, mycv*.sty                         *}
\Msg{*                                                            *}
\Msg{* and copy the script 'mycv-split-contents.pl' into a folder *}
\Msg{* that is in your PATH environment variable.                 *}
\Msg{* On Unix-like operating systems, make the script executable *}
\Msg{* (i.e. chmod +x mycv-split-contents.pl).                    *}
\Msg{*                                                            *}
\Msg{* To produce the documentation, move to the folder <Doc> and *}
\Msg{* run the file 'mycv.tex' twice through LaTeX.               *}
\Msg{*                                                            *}
\Msg{* See the file 'Exampes/Notes.txt' for information on how to *}
\Msg{* produce pdf files with examples.                           *}
\Msg{*                                                            *}
\Msg{* If you want to verify the integrity of the main files, you *}
\Msg{* can run the script 'checksum.pl' (on Unix-like operating   *}
\Msg{* systems, make it executable -- i.e. chmod +x checksum.pl). *}
\Msg{*                                                            *}
\Msg{* Happy (La)TeXing!                                          *}
\Msg{*                                                            *}

% \StopEventually{}
% \iffalse
% \fi

   {$Id: mycv_base.def 87 2012-05-17 00:40:11Z ghangenit $}
   [v\@versionstr][Base system core]

%% for lists and other useful tools

%%                %
%% Default values %
%%                %




%%                            %
%% Layout components (parser) %
%%                            %



%% -----------------------------------
%% setup file components: header pages
%% -----------------------------------


%% ---------------------------------
%% setup file components: body pages
%% ---------------------------------



%% -------------------
%% regular expressions
%% -------------------

\def\@regexPreCmd{<precmd:([-!*@.0-9A-Za-z \@cmdsListSep\@argsListSep]+)>}
\def\@regexPostCmd{<postcmd:([-!*@.0-9A-Za-z \@cmdsListSep\@argsListSep]+)>}
\def\@regexArgsList{\@argsListSep([-!*@.0-9A-Za-z \@argsListSep]+)}


%% ==================
%% Auxiliary commands
%% ==================



   \StrPosition{\pdflastmatch 1}{>}[\n]
   \StrGobbleLeft{\pdflastmatch 1}{\n}[#1]%

      \StrPosition{\pdflastmatch 1}{>}[\n]
      \StrGobbleLeft{\pdflastmatch 1}{\n}[\cmdlist]





%% =============
%% Main commands
%% =============



         {  \@parsePageEnd{#1}%

%%                            %
%% Layout components (render) %
%%                            %

      WARNING! The list <#1> used by 'mycv' class is undefined. %
      Please, define it before using '\myrenderlayout' command. %

         {\@raisewarning{bodylayoutlist}}% else
         %% --------
         %% HEADINGS
         %% --------
            {\@raisewarning{headerlayoutlist}}% else
         %% ------------------------------------------------
         %% FOOTINGS: sign and treatment of personal details
         %% ------------------------------------------------
               {\@raisewarning{footerlayoutlist}}% else
            %% --------------
            %% ALL COMPONENTS
            %% --------------
               {\@raisewarning{headerlayoutlist}}% else
               {\@raisewarning{bodylayoutlist}}% else
               {\@raisewarning{footerlayoutlist}}% else
% \iffalse
% \fi
% \iffalse
% \fi
%% -------------------------------------------------------
%% Copyright 2012 Ghersi Andrea (ghanhawk@gmail.com).
%% This work may be distributed and/or modified under the
%% conditions of the LaTeX Project Public License version
%% 1.3c, available at 'http://www.latex-project.org/lppl'.
%% -------------------------------------------------------

   {$Id: mycv_misc.def 66 2012-04-28 14:38:41Z ghangenit $}
   [v\@versionstr][Miscellaneous commands]


%% -----------------------------------------------------
%% partial hyperref setup: the rest is set in style file
%% -----------------------------------------------------

   pdfstartpage = 1,
   pdfauthor    = \@pdfauthor,
   pdftitle     = \@pdftitle,
   pdfsubject   = \@pdfsubject,
   pdfproducer  = \LaTeX{},
   pdfkeywords  = cv curriculum vit\ae{},
   pdfcreator   = \LaTeX{} with 'mycv' (v\@versionstr)

%%         %
%% Margins %
%%         %




%%             %
%% Other stuff %
%%             %

   \foreignlanguage{#1}{{z#2}}} %{\color{blue}{#2}}}

%% ------------
%% pdf metadata
%% ------------


% \iffalse
% \fi
% \iffalse
% \fi
% \iffalse
% \fi
% \iffalse
% \fi



   {$Id: mycv.cls 87 2012-05-17 00:40:11Z ghangenit $}
   [v\@versionstr][My Curriculum Vitae class]

%% ========
%% Packages
%% ========

\RequirePackage{kvoptions} % for class options with key-value format
\RequirePackage{xstring}   % for string utilities
\RequirePackage{ifthen}    % for the <\ifthenelse> command

%% =============
%% Class Options
%% =============




%% -----------------------------------------------------------
%% The value of an option declared with <\DeclareStringOption>
%% is stored in the macro \<class (or package) name>@<option>
%% -----------------------------------------------------------




%% ===============
%% File inclusions
%% ===============


%% -------------------------------------
%% use custom, default or any style file
%% -------------------------------------
   {\relax}% file style is not wanted

%% ----------------------
%% use decorations or not
%% ----------------------


%% -----------------------------------------------
%% <\ifoption{optionname}{then block}{else block}>
%% -----------------------------------------------

% \iffalse
% \fi
% \iffalse
% \fi



   {$Id: mycv_dec.sty 89 2012-05-19 18:23:03Z ghangenit $}
   [v\@versionstr][Decorations commands]

\RequirePackage{tikz} % for graphics
\RequirePackage{xparse}  % for commands with multiple default arguments
\RequirePackage{xstring} % for string utilities

%%          %
%% Settings %
%%          %


   name=fade out, inner color=transparent!0,
   outer color=transparent!100%

   define mycolor/.code 2 args={\definecolor{#1}{rgb}{#2}},
      decorate,decoration={shape backgrounds,shape=#1}%
      define mycolor={myred}{0.43,0.06,0,13},
      define mycolor={dpred}{0.80,0.35,0}

%%          %
%% Commands %
%%          %

      %% ---------------------------------------------------------
      %% From <xstring> package
      %% ---------------------------------------------------------
      %% Macros of this package take the catcodes of tokens into
      %% account. To avoid unexpected behaviour (particulary with
      %% tests), you should keep in mind that tokens and their
      %% catcodes are examined.
      %% For instance, these two arguments: {\string a\string b}
      %% and {ab} do not expand into equal strings for xstring!
      %% Because of the command \string, the first expands into
      %% ab with catcodes 12 while the second have characters
      %% with their natural catcodes 11. Catcodes do not match!
      %% Starred macros do not take catcodes into account. They
      %% simply convert some arguments into arguments with
      %% catcodes 10, 11 and 12, and call the non-starred macros
      %% with these modified arguments.
      %% ---------------------------------------------------------
         {radial}{\def\@colorStr{inner color}}%
         {ball}{\def\@colorStr{ball color}}%
      [mycv: Unknown option <#2>!!!]%

%% -----------------------------------------------------
%% Pathmorphing decoration values:
%%    shape, straight zigzag, random steps, saw, zigzag,
%%    bent, bumps, coil, snake, Koch snowflake
%% Shadings: radial, ball
%% -----------------------------------------------------

   {s O{1} m O{gray} D<>{radial} D<>{white}}%
   \begin{tikzpicture}[overlay,remember picture]%
      \IfBooleanTF#1{% version with a star (shading)
      {% version without a star (not shading)
      ($ (current page.north west)+
         (\@xTopLeft,\@yTopLeft) $)
      rectangle % -- oppure circle (4), ...
      ($ (current page.south east)+
         (\@xBottomRight,\@yBottomRight) $);

%% --------------------------------------
%% Shapes: dart, diamond, rectangle, star
%% --------------------------------------

   {O{1} m O{gray}}
   \begin{tikzpicture}[overlay,remember picture]
      ($ (current page.north west)+
         (\@xTopLeft,\@yTopLeft) $)
      ($ (current page.south east)+
         (\@xBottomRight,\@yBottomRight) $);

   {O{north} m O{80} O{black} D<>{1.0}}
   \begin{tikzpicture}[overlay,remember picture]
   \draw[path fading=#1,fill=#2!#3!#4,opacity=#5]
      ($ (current page.north west)+
         (\@xTopLeft,\@yTopLeft) $)
      rectangle % -- oppure circle (4), ...
      ($ (current page.south east)+
         (\@xBottomRight,\@yBottomRight) $);





   {s O{}}%
      {\def\@lineWidthString{}} % starred
      {\def\@lineWidthString{line width}} % not starred


   {s O{}}%
      {\def\@segmentAmplitudeString{}} % starred
      {\def\@segmentAmplitudeString{segment amplitude}} % not starred


   {s O{}}%
      {\def\@segmentLengthString{}} % starred
      {\def\@segmentLengthString{segment length}} % not starred

% \iffalse
% \fi
% \iffalse
% \fi



   {$Id: mycv_style.sty 89 2012-05-19 18:23:03Z ghangenit $}
   [v\@versionstr][Default style file]

\RequirePackage{titlesec}  % for title format and spacing
\RequirePackage{fancyhdr}  % for custom headers and footers
\RequirePackage{xcolor}    % for colors
\RequirePackage{calligra}  % for the calligra font 
\RequirePackage{times}     % for times font
\RequirePackage{pifont}    % for the ���ding��� style (itemize environment)
\RequirePackage{marvosym}  % symbols - phone
\RequirePackage{amssymb}   % symbols - email
\RequirePackage{hyperref}  % for hypertext links and other stuff
\RequirePackage{xparse}    % for commands with multiple default arguments

%%         %
%% Layout  %
%%         %

%% -----------------------------------------------------
%% passing the option 'showframe' to the package permits
%% to see the page margins: that may be useful for debug
%% -----------------------------------------------------

%%                   %
%% Header and footer %
%%                   %





%%                      %
%% Hyperref and colours %
%%                      %

%% ------------------------------------------
%% setup colours for links, text and headings
%% ------------------------------------------
\definecolor{mylinkcolour}{HTML}{0000FF}     % {FF0080} %light purple link for the email
\definecolor{myshadecolor}{HTML}{F0F0F0}     % {E4E3E3}%{D4D7FE} %light blue shade
\definecolor{mytextcolor}{HTML}{2b2b2b}      % text is almost black
\definecolor{myheadingscolor}{HTML}{701112}  % dark red

%% ----------------------
%% setup hyperref package
%% ----------------------

%%                                  %
%% Section title format and spacing %
%%                                  %

   {O{myheadingscolor} O{myheadingscolor}}%

   {O{0pt} O{0pt} O{5pt}}%


%%                 %
%% Customized list %
%%                 %


%%             %
%% Other stuff %
%%             %

%% --------------------------------
%% set text color for the whole doc
%% --------------------------------
% \iffalse
% \fi
% \iffalse
% \fi

# -------------------------------------------------------
# Copyright 2012 Ghersi Andrea (ghanhawk@gmail.com).
# This work may be distributed and/or modified under the
# conditions of the LaTeX Project Public License version
# 1.3c, available at 'http://www.latex-project.org/lppl'.
# -------------------------------------------------------

# $Id: mycv_split_contents.pl 89 2012-05-19 18:23:03Z ghangenit $

use Getopt::Long;
use File::Path;
use warnings;
use strict;
use Cwd;

# hashes with errors and warnings messages

my %errors = (
    OME => "$0: ERROR opening <%s> in output mode (CWD: %s): %s\n",
    IME => "$0: ERROR opening <%s> in input mode (CWD: %s): %s\n",
    NIF => "$0: ERROR: no input file provided!\nUse the option <-i infile>.\n",
    NOD => "$0: ERROR: no output dir. provided!\nUse the option <-o outdir>.\n",
    IOE => "$0: ERROR: input file and output dir are the same!\n"

my %warnings = (
    NVC => "WARNING:: <%s> is not recognized as a valid component!\n" .
           "A component can only be 'header', 'body' or 'footer'.\n"

my $outdir = 'Contents';         # default output dir
my $infile = 'cv_contents.tex';  # default input file
my $cwd = getcwd();              # current directory
my %opt = ();                    # hash for options


sub _usage()
    print STDERR << "EOF";

    Usage: $0 [-h] [-e] [-i infile] [-o outdir] [-m modelfile]
    Version <1.0>


    -o outdir  \t  : uses <outdir> as output dir {default: 'Contents'}
    -m mdlfile \t  : writes basic model directives to the <mdlfile> file
    -i infile  \t  : uses <infile> as input file {default: 'cv_contents.tex'}
    -e         \t  : keeps file names extension in model directives
    -h         \t  : this help message


    1) Splits the input file 'cv_contents.tex' into multiple files (they
       will be created in the directory 'Contents'), as specified in the
       file itself - the input file is not modified:

          [$0 -i cv_contents.tex]

    2) As above but, in addiction, a basic model file (model-spl.tex) for
       multiple files is created (in the model directives, the file names
       extension will be removed):

          [$0 -i cv_contents.tex -m model-spl.tex]

    3) As above, but file names in the model directives will keep their
       own extension:

          [$0 -i cv_contents.tex -m model-spl.tex -e]

    exit 0;


sub mcdie { printf STDERR @_, $!; exit 1; }


sub processCommandLine()
    GetOptions (
      'o=s' => \$opt{o}, 'i=s' => \$opt{i},
      'm=s' => \$opt{m}, 'h'   => \$opt{h},
      'e'   => \$opt{e}
    ) or _usage();

    $opt{h} and _usage();
    _usage() if ( $#ARGV > -1 );

    return \%opt;


sub _dealWithInOutFiles
    $opt{o} and $outdir = $opt{o};
    $opt{i} and $infile = $opt{i};

    if ( $infile eq "" ){ die $errors{NIF} }
    if ( $outdir eq "" ){ die $errors{NOD} }
    if ( $infile eq $outdir ){ die $errors{IOE} }

    $opt{outdir} = $outdir;
    $opt{infile} = $infile;


sub fileprocess ($)
    my $cmdoptions = shift;
    my $outdir = $cmdoptions->{'outdir'};
    my $linehook = '###';
    my %components;
    my $sep = '::';

    open INFILE, $cmdoptions->{'infile'} or
        mcdie( $errors{IME}, $cmdoptions->{'infile'}, $cwd );

    (-d $outdir) or mcdie( $errors{OME}, $outdir, $cwd );

    while ( my $line = <INFILE> )
        my @info; my $ctype='';
        if ( $line =~ /$linehook/ )
            @info = split(/$sep/, $line);

            $ctype=$info[2]; # contains the component type (header,...)

            if ( $info[2] )
                if ( $ctype =~ /header/ ) { push (@{$components{h}}, $line) }
                elsif ( $ctype =~ /body/ ){ push (@{$components{b}}, $line) }
                elsif ( $ctype =~ /footer/ ){ push (@{$components{f}}, $line) }
                else { printf STDERR $warnings{NVC}, $ctype }

            if ( $info[1] ) # contains the file name to write
                open OUTFILE, '>', "$outdir/$info[1]" or
                    mcdie( $errors{OME}, $info[1], $cwd );

                while ( $line = <INFILE> )
                    if ( $line =~ /$linehook/ )
                        close OUTFILE;
                        goto PROCESSLINE;
                    else { print OUTFILE $line } # write to file

    close INFILE;
    if ( $cmdoptions->{'m'} )
        open OUTFILE, '>', $cmdoptions->{'m'} or
            mcdie( $errors{OME}, $cmdoptions->{'m'}, $cwd );

        for my $key ( keys %components )
            if ( $key eq "b" )    { print OUTFILE "\\def\\bodylayoutlist{%\n" }
            elsif ( $key eq "h" ) { print OUTFILE "\\def\\headerlayoutlist{%\n" }
            elsif ( $key eq "f" ) { print OUTFILE "\\def\\footerlayoutlist{%\n" }

            my @info; my $cnt=0; my $fname='';
            while ( $components{$key}[$cnt] )
                @info = split(/$sep/, $components{$key}[$cnt]);

                if ( !$cmdoptions->{'e'} ){ $fname =~ s{\.[^.]+$}{} }
                if ( $info[1] ){ chomp($fname); print OUTFILE "   $fname@" }
                if ( $info[3] ){ chomp($info[3]); print OUTFILE ":$info[3]" }
                print OUTFILE ",\n";
            print OUTFILE "}\n";
        close OUTFILE;


fileprocess( processCommandLine() );
% \iffalse
% \fi
% \Finale