% This is file 'newenviron.sty', version 1.0, Match 2013.                  %
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% Copyright (c) 2013 Ahmed Musa (amusa22@gmail.com).                       %

\StyleFilePurpose{Collect and execute environment body (AM)}
$Id: newenviron.sty,v 1.0 2013/03/08 09:00:00 Ahmed Musa Exp $

% Collect environment body in macro \envbody and \<env name>body.
% \newenviron<optional *>
%   {<name>}[<narg>][<default of 1st argument>]{<start-code>}{<end-code>}
% \renewenviron<optional *>
%   {<name>}[<narg>][<default of 1st argument>]{<start-code>}{<end-code>}
    % We want any parameter characters in #4 to be doubled by
    % the user at environment definition time. The aim is that in both
    % <start code> and <end code>, the parameter characters should be
    % doubled for any new macro definition. For example,
    % \newenviron{assertion}
    %   {\def\acmd##1{##1}}
    %   {\def\bcmd##1{##1}\assertionbody}
    % Any #1, #2, etc. in <start code> refer to the parameters of
    % \assertion.
      % Last end of \newenviron grabbed:
        \csn@edef{\@currenvir body}{%
        \letcstocsn\noexpand\envbody{\@currenvir body}%
      % Nested \newenviron: add current #1 and continue:
    {\@latex@error{Environment #1 is undefined}\@ehd}%
\XDeclareOption*{\@@warning{Unknown option '\CurrentOption' ignored}}
