# Package numberpt #

Typeset counters spelled out in Portuguese.

Author: Miguel V. S. Frasson

This material is subject to the
[LaTeX Project Public License 1.3c](https://ctan.org/license/lppl1.3)

## What it does ##

Package `numberpt` defines commands to display counters speeled out in

For example,
``` TeX
makes chapter titles to be rendered as
> **Cap��tulo Um**
> **Cap��tulo Dois**

The styles are
* `\numberpt` for _all lowercase_
* `\Numberpt` for _First word capitalized_
* `\Numberpt` for _All Capitalized_

## Options ##

In Portuguese, both ���catorze��� or ���quatorze��� (for 14) are correct.

In European Portuguese, the spelled out forms for 16, 17 and 19 are
���dezasseis���, ���dezassete��� and ���dezanove���.  In Brazilian Portuguese, the
forms are ���dezesseis���, ���dezessete��� and ���dezenove���.

The package has options
* `catorze` (default) and `quatorze` to select form for 14.
* `dezesseis` (default) and `dezasseis` to select Brazilian or European Portuguese forms for 16, 17 and 19.

## Documentation ##

Full documentation on [numberpt.pdf].