numerica-tables: a package to create tables of function values.

Andrew Parsloe (

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of the LaTeX Project Public License, either version 1.3c of this 
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numerica-tables allows the creation of possibly multi-column 
tables of mathematical function values in a wide variety of 

Version 3.1.0 requires version 3 of numerica and the booktabs 
package. numerica must be loaded  before numerica-tables. 
Version 3.1.0 of numerica-tables adds an index to the docu-
mentation and allows the rounding value to vary with row or 
column (or both). See numerica-tables.pdf for details on how 
to use the package.

README.txt             this document

numerica-tables.sty    LaTeX .sty file
numerica-tables.pdf    documentation for numerica-tables.sty
numerica-tables.tex    documentation source file