%%% perfectcut.sty 
%%% Author: Guillaume Munch-Maccagnoni
%%% http://guillaume.munch.name/
%%% This work may be distributed and/or modified under the conditions of
%%% the LaTeX Project Public License, either version 1.3 of this license
%%% or (at your option) any later version. Refer to the README file.
\ProvidesPackage{perfectcut}[06/23/2017 Perfect Cut v2.3]
%%% Option processing
\DeclareOption{nomathstyle}{\cut@mathstyle@false}%backwards compat
%%% End option processing
%%% Exported commands
%%See end of file for a more detailed description of the commands
\newcommand{\perfectcut}[2]{\cut@{#1}{#2}}%% displays <#1||#2>
\newcommand{\perfectbra}[1]{\cut@bra{#1}}%% displays <#1|
\newcommand{\perfectket}[1]{\cut@ket{#1}}%%  displays |#2>
\let\cutprimitive\perfectcut%backward compat
\let\cutbraprimitive\perfectbra%backward compat
\let\cutketprimitive\perfectket%backward compat
\newcommand{\perfectcase}[2]{\cut@case{#1}{#2}}%% displays [#1|#2]
\newcommand{\perfectbrackets}[1]{\cut@brackets{#1}}%% displays [#1]
\newcommand{\perfectparens}[1]{\cut@parens{#1}}%% displays (#1)
\newcommand{\perfectunary}[4]{\cut@customUnary{#1}{#2}{#3}{#4}}%% displays
  %% #2#3#4 where #2 and #4 are delimiters. The size of the delimiters is
  %% computed according to #1 which must be one of IncreaseHeight,
  %% CurrentHeight, or CurrentHeightPlusOne.
  %% displays #2#3#4#5#6 where #2, #4 and #6 are delimiters. The size of the
  %% delimiters is computed according to #1 which must be one of IncreaseHeight,
  %% CurrentHeight, or CurrentHeightPlusOne.
%% The following variables can be redefined in your preamble
\cutbarskip=5.0mu plus 8.0mu minus 2.0mu
\cutangleskip=0.0mu plus 8mu minus 1.0mu
\cutangleouterskip=0.0mu plus 8mu minus 0.0mu
\cutinterbarskip=1.4mu plus 0mu minus 0mu
\cutcasebarskip=3.0mu plus 5.0mu minus 1.5mu
\cutdebugfalse%% print the size after each \rangle?
%%% Various reimplementations of \left, \right and \middle.
%% \nthleft{4}\langle ==> fourth size of \langle; begins at 0
%% \matchleft{\big\langle}| ===> | of the same size as \big\langle obtained
%% by resizing the closest glyph
%% \lenleft{3mm}\langle ===> \langle of size at least 3mm
%% (in math mode it is preferable to use math units such as 10mu,...
%% however only regular units are implemented now.)
%% \reallenleft{3mm}\langle ===> \langle of size 3mm by resizing the
%% closest glyph

%%% Preliminary commands

%% setting up mathstyle

%% sets the behaviour of delimiters to always grow while evaluating #1
  \global\delimitershortfall=-0.1pt%that's the trick to get perfect growth

%% scale #2 to size #1 (length)

%% scale #2 to the size of #1. Assumes that #1 goes above and below the base line.

%% gives the delimiter #1 which is immediately bigger than #2
%% notice that \delimitershortfall is not modified so LaTeX can decide to give
%% a smaller one.

%% like the previous one but resized to exactly match argument #1
%% used in order to have vertical bars of the perfect size

%% gives the delimiter #2 which is immediately longer than #1 (length)

%% like the previous one but resized to exactly match #1 (length)

%I don't get anything about this bug which affects the
%alignment with respect to the math axis
%% iterates #2 over itself #1 number of times
    #2{\bugfix} % 0 = smallest. This dot is here to prevent a
                 % bug regarding vertical positioning.
    \advance\count0 -1\relax%

%% \cut@nthdelim{n}{delim}{f} iterates f{delim} n time over itself after
%% resetting delimiter shortfall
%% \cut@nthxdelim gives the #1-th size of the delimiter #2

%%%% now the main algorithm


% lengths with names of the form \cut@height{depth}

% boxes with names of the form \cut@savebox{num}@{depth}



%%% Definition of Cut primitives

%% Main loop. #1 determines how the height is incremented. #2 and #3 are saved
%% in cut@boxleft and cut@boxright. Computed height is stored in cut@finalheight
    %defining variables
    %computing recursively
    %exporting values outside the local scope

%% Displays #1#2#3#4#5. Arguments #2 and #4 can contain other cut primitives.
%% Calls to cut primitives inside #2 and #4 will have a smaller height.
%% Arguments #1, #3 and #5 can access the current height in two different
%% forms via \cut@n and \count0.
  \@ifundefined{c@\cut@localheight}{}{% if #2 and #4 did not contain any cut primitive
  }%end @ifundefined

%% Displays #1#2#3#4#5. Arguments #2 and #4 can contain other cut primitives.
%% Does not increase the current height computed by cut primitives inside #2
%% and #4.
%% Arguments #1, #3 and #5 can access the current height in two different
%% forms via \cut@n and \count0.
  \@ifundefined{c@\cut@localheight}{}{% if #2 and #4 did not contain any cut primitive
  }%end @ifundefined

%% Displays #1#2#3#4#5. Arguments #2 and #4 can contain other cut primitives.
%% Does not increase the current height computed by cut primitives inside #2
%% and #4 but the height to display is increased by 1.
%% Arguments #1, #3 and #5 can access the height height in two different
%% forms via \cut@n and \count0.
  \@ifundefined{c@\cut@localheight}{}{% if #2 and #4 did not contain any cut primitive
  }%end @ifundefined
  \advance\count0 1%

%%% Implementation of the particular delimiters

%% special vertical bars
%% \vert adjusted to #1
  \kern -.5\wd0%
  \kern -.5\wd0%

%% special double vertical bars
  \penalty \the\binoppenalty\relax%

%% special double vertical bars (alternate)
  \kern -.3\wd0%
  \kern -.3\wd0%

%% setting up realVert

%% \perfectcut
%% <#1||#2>, increases height, inserts skips

%% \perfectbra
%% <#1|, increases height, inserts skips
    {}{}%only one argument

%% \perfectket
%% |#1>, increases height, inserts skips
    {}{}%only one argument

%% \perfectcase
%% [#1|#2], height is current height plus one, inserts skips

%% \perfectbrackets
%% [#1], height is current height plus one, inserts skips only inside
    {}{}%only one argument

%% \perfectparens
%% (#1), height is current height, inserts skips only inside
    {}{}%only one argument

%% \perfectunary
%% #2#4#3 where #2 and #3 are delimiters. The size of the delimiters is computed
%% according to #1 which must be one of IncreaseHeight, CurrentHeight,
%% or CurrentHeightPlusOne.
  \csname cut@computeBinary@#1\endcsname%

%% \perfectbinary
%% #2#5#3#6#4 where #2, #3 and #4 are delimiters. The size of the delimiters is
%% computed according to #1 which must be one of IncreaseHeight, CurrentHeight,
%% or CurrentHeightPlusOne.
   \csname cut@computeBinary@#1\endcsname%
%% Example: The following displays a set {#1|#2} with delimiters of the
%% appropriate size if there are \perfectcommands inside #1 and #2.
%% \def\Set#1#2{\perfectbinary{IncreaseHeight}\{|\}{#1\mathrel{}}{\mathrel{}#2}}

%%% for testing purposes
{#1 \[ \mathrm{\f@size\,pt:} \begin{array}{l}