% PACKAGE    : piano
% DESCRIPTION: Draws basic 2 octaves keyboard diagrams with up to 
%              7 highlighted keys.
% SYNTAX     : \keyboard[highligh 1][highlight 2]..[highlight 7]
%              First octave keys : 
%              Co, Cso, Do, Dso, Eo, Fo, Fso, Go, Gso, Ao, Aso and Bo
%			   Second octave keys :
%			   Ct, Cst, Dt, Dst, Et, Ft, Fst, Gt, Gst, At, Ast and Bt
% CREATED BY : �mile Daneault
% VERSION    : 1.0
% COMMENT    : This package is very limited. You have no control over the size
%              or the color of the keyboard/highlighting. I'm uploading this to
%              CTAN because I though someone might need a basic tool like this
%              someday. Feel free to modify, but beware of the monstruous
%              \ifthenelse trees(its function is to "overload" the command with
%              anywhere between 0 and 7 inputs.)
% EXAMPLE    :
%				\begin{figure}[thpb]\
%  					\centering
% 				    \keyboard[Co][Eo][Gso][Ct][Et]
%  					\caption{C aug chord}
%  					\label{Chord1}
%				\end{figure}
% LISCENCE   : This material is subject to the LaTeX Project Public Licence.
%              See
%          http://www.ctan.org/tex-archive/help/Catalogue/licenses.lppl.html
%              for the details of that licence.



\newcommandx*{\keyboard}[7][1=0, 2=0, 3=0, 4=0, 5=0, 6=0, 7=0]{

%% Clavier 2 octaves
%Touches blanches


%Touches noires




%Rond de note

