% \iffalse
% This document is copyright 2019 by Donald P. Goodman, and is
% released publicly under the LaTeX Project Public License.  The
% distribution and modification of this work is constrained by the
% conditions of that license.  See
% 	http://www.latex-project.org/lppl.txt
% for the text of the license.  This document is released
% under version 1.3c of that license, and this work may be distributed
% or modified under the terms of that license or, at your option, any
% later version.
% This work has the LPPL maintenance status 'maintained'.
% The Current Maintainer of this work is Donald P. Goodman
% (dgoodmaniii@gmail.com).
% This work consists of poetry.dtx, poetry.ins, and
% derived files poetry.sty and poetry.pdf.
% \fi

% \iffalse
%<package>\ProvidesPackage{poetry}[2019/05/02 v2.2 support for typesetting poetry]

	\ifnum,\fi, \ifx, \fi, \Huge, \Large, \LARGE, \begin, \end,
	\bfseries, \baselineskip, \begingroup,\endgroup,
	\jobname, \l@poem,\leftskip, \linewidth, \index,
	\@dottedtocline, \@firstoftwo, \@ifnextchar, \@starttoc,
	\addcontentsline, \advance, \everypar, \expandafter,
	\hangafter, \hangindent, \hbox, \hfil, \hsize, \hskip,
	\multiply, \linewidth, \llap, \blap, \rlap, \tlap,
	\makeindex, \newcommand, \newcount, \newcounter,
	\newdimen, \newif, \newlength, \noindent, \par,
	\parindent, \penalty, \ProvidesPackage, \relax,
	\RequirePackage, \setcounter, \setlength, \settowidth,
	\stepcounter, \textwidth, \the, \today, \value, \vbox,
	\vskip, \vss,


% \fi
% \title{The |poetry| Package, v2.2}
% \author{Donald P.\ Goodman III}
% \date{\today}
% \maketitle
% \begin{abstract}
% The |poetry| package provides some macros and general
% doodads for typesetting poetry.  There is, of course,
% already the excellent |verse| package, and the |poetrytex|
% package provides some extra functionality on top of it.
% But |poetry| provides much of the same functionality in a
% bit of a different way, and with a few additional
% abilities, such as facilities for a list of poems, an
% index of first lines, and some structural commands.
% \end{abstract}
% \tableofcontents
% \section{Introduction}
% The |verse| package provides some truly excellent verse
% typesetting abilities.  Its documentation, particularly,
% is a great demonstration of (1) how to write \LaTeX\
% documentation, and (2) how difficult typesetting poetry
% with \LaTeX\ was before |verse| came along.  And yet,
% occasionally one comes to some things that it doesn't seem
% able to do.  At least, I personally did; when lines
% wrapped, the line number was placed along the
% \emph{bottom} of the line, rather than the top, and there
% doesn't seem to be any way to fix this rather odd
% behavior.
% So, the |poetry| package was born.  It endeavors to
% provide all the same functionality as |verse|, in a
% (mostly) compatible way; but also to fill in this little
% lacuna, plus any others I happened across while doing it.
% It also endeavors to add similar functionality as I found
% in the other major \LaTeX\ poetry package, |poetrytex|,
% which includes some great ideas for document structure.
% Finally, it adds some new functionality which is not, to
% my knowledge, included elsewhere.
% This document is written in accordance with the \LaTeX\
% \textsc{docstrip} utility, which allows the automatic
% extraction of package code and documentation.
% The numbering in this document is in \emph{dozenal}; that
% is, numbering goes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, \x, \e, 10,
% 11\xelip  It uses the |dozenal| \LaTeX\ package to make
% this happen.  For more information, visit
% \url{http://www.dozenal.org}.
% \section{Typesetting Verse}
% \label{sect:verse}
% \subsection{Basics}
% \label{sub:basics}
% |poetry|'s basic environment is, as one would expect, the
% |poem| environment.  \DescribeEnv{poem}|\begin{poem}|
% and |\end{poem}| will get your poem off and running, no
% questions asked.  The environment redefines certain
% commands, particularly |\\|, so be aware that you can't
% use |\\| just anywhere within your poem.  Alternatively,
% you can use \DescribeMacro{\poem}|\poem| to begin the
% poem, and just use the normal |\\-| to end it (about which
% more in a moment).
% Conceptually, each line of the poem is a paragraph, so in
% order to ensure proper paragraph setting, the |poem|
% environment also resets |\parindent|, |\hangindent|, and
% |\hangafter| to appropriate values.  We will see how to
% customize those values in Section \ref{sub:custspace}.
% End each line of your poem with \DescribeMacro{\\}|\\|,
% which will end the line and also number the next line.  By
% default, every line is numbered; if you want some other
% behavior, you will find how to customize line numbering in
% Section \ref{sub:custlineno}.
% If the poem has stanzas, end them with the command
% \DescribeMacro{\\!}|\\!|; this will insert the appropriate
% amount of vertical spacing, as well as reset the verse
% line number counter.
% To end the entire poem, after the last line use
% \DescribeMacro{\\-}|\\-| (double backslash followed by a
% hyphen).  This clearly differentiates normal line endings;
% line endings which also end stanzas; and the final line of
% the poem.
% If you wish to end the poem for a moment, then resume it
% later, use \DescribeMacro{\\*}|\\*|.  You can then insert
% whatever you want (e.g., a subpart heading, or some
% annotations).  When you want to start the poetry again,
% begin the line with \DescribeMacro{\*}|\*|.  This allows
% you insert mostly arbitrary material without leaving the
% |\poem| environment.
% Finally, if you want to end the poem for a moment (that
% is, insert some non-poetical material, like a subpart
% heading or some annotations), but also want to end a
% verse, you can use \DescribeMacro{\\?}|\\?|.  This
% combines |\\!| and |\\*|; it has the same visual effect as
% the latter, but the semantic meaning of the former.  Since
% non-poetical material will follow, it does \emph{not}
% insert the inter-stanza spacing.  You must still use |\*|
% when you restart poetical material.
% The idea behind these commands is not to make life
% difficult for the typesetter, but to mark semantic
% concepts; that is, to mark very clearly when a line ends;
% when a line ending is also a stanza ending; when a line
% ending is followed by non-poetry material; and when a line
% ending is also the final line of the poem.  This kind of
% information makes it much easier for format converters to
% work, as well as for semantic readers to figure out what's
% going on.
% If you need to include some non-poetry material right at
% the beginning of a poem, use the starred version to begin
% it:  \DescribeMacro{\poetry*}|\poetry*| or
% \DescribeMacro{\begin\{poem\}*}|\begin{poem}*|.  This will
% suppress the first line number.  When you're ready to
% begin your first line, begin it with |\*| to insert the
% first line number.
% If a line needs some extra indentation, indent it with
% \DescribeMacro{\hin}|\hin|.  This adds the space
% |\poemhinwd| to the left margin of that particular line and
% no other.  All other paragraph settings are adjusted
% accordingly.  This command can be repeated as needed to
% produce specific indentation.
% An example of this basic usage:
% \begin{verbatim}
% \begin{poem}
% Let me not to the marriage of true minds \\
% \hin Admit impediments.  Love is not love \\
% Which alters when it alteration finds, \\
% \hin Or bends with the remover to remove: \\!
% O, no!  it is an ever-fixed mark, \\
% \hin That looks on tempests and is never shaken; \\
% It is the star to every wandering bark, \\
% \hin Whose worth's unknown, although his height be taken. \\-
% \end{poem}
% \end{verbatim}
% Which produces (with drastically reduced line length, to
% show how wrapping will work in these cases; though keep in
% mind that all these lengths are customizable):
% \setlength{\poemindent}{1.5in}
% \setlength{\poemmaxlinewd}{2in}
% \begin{poem}
% Let me not to the marriage of true minds \\
% \hin Admit impediments.  Love is not love \\
% Which alters when it alteration finds, \\
% \hin Or bends with the remover to remove: \\!
% O, no!  it is an ever-fixed mark, \\
% \hin That looks on tempests and is never shaken; \\
% It is the star to every wandering bark, \\
% \hin Whose worth's unknown, although his height be taken. \\-
% \end{poem}
% \subsection{Customizing Spacing and Indentation}
% \label{sub:custspace}
% |poetry| inserts some space above and below the typeset
% poems (unless you tell it not to).
% \DescribeMacro{\poemtopskip}|\poemtopskip| is inserted
% above the poem, and
% \DescribeMacro{\poembotskip}|\poembotskip| is inserted
% below it.  These are standard \LaTeX\ lengths, and can be
% reset in the usual way.  By default, both are set at
% |1em|.
% \DescribeMacro{\poemindent}|\poemindent| is the length
% that governs how far the poem will be indented from the
% left margin.  Reset it as usual with \LaTeX's |\setlength|
% command; e.g., |\setlength{\poemindent}{1.5in}| to indent
% the entire poem 1.5in from the left margin.  By default,
% |\poemindent| is |0pt|, meaning that verses are flush with
% the left margin.  This also means that line numbers, if
% they are on the left, will hang into the left margin.
% It may be that you wish to control the overall widths of
% lines; for example, you may want poetry lines to be
% shorter than the actual text lines.  For this, use
% \DescribeMacro{\poemmaxlinewd}|\poemmaxlinewd|.  By
% default, this standard \LaTeX\ length is set to equal
% |\linewidth|, so poetry lines can equal the length of the
% text block.  If you don't want this, then you can set it
% as you please.  E.g., if your text block is |5in| wide and
% you want a half inch of space on either side of your
% poetry lines, set |\poemmaxlinewd| to |4in| and
% |\poemindent| to |0.5in|.
% When lines wrap, |poetry| applies a certain |\hangindent|
% to make them look nice.  To change the length of this
% hanging indent, reset the value of the standard \LaTeX\
% length \DescribeMacro{\poemhangindent}|\poemhangindent|,
% in any of the usual ways (e.g., |\setlength|).  By
% default, |\poemhangindent| is |1em|.
% Often, particularly when a poem (or lyrics) are simply a
% small portion of a largely prosaic work, we want the lines
% more-or-less centered within the text block.  The |verse|
% package does this by providing an optional argument to the
% |verse| environment, giving the length of a line which
% will serve as the basis for centering the entire poem.
% |poetry| instead provides the |\centerpoem| commands.
% \DescribeMacro{\centerpoemon}|\centerpoemon| sets the
% centering mechanism on, and (obviously)
% \DescribeMacro{\centerpoemoff}|\centerpoemoff| turns it
% off.  |\centerpoemon| takes a mandatory argument, the line
% which you wish to serve as the basis for the centering:
% \begin{center}
% \cmd{\centerpoemon} \marg{line-to-use-for-centering}
% \end{center}
% What this command does is measures the length of the line,
% compares it to the text block, and then centers that line;
% all other lines in the poem will share a left and right
% margin with that line.  E.g.:
% \begin{verbatim}
% \centerpoemon{The ship has weather'd every rack, the prize we sought is won}
% \begin{poem}
% O captain! my captain!  The fearful trip is done; \\
% The ship has weather'd every rack, the prize we sought is won;\\-
% \end{poem}
% \end{verbatim}
% Which gives us:
% \setlength{\poemmaxlinewd}{\textwidth}
% \centerpoemon{The ship has weather'd every rack, the
% prize we sought is won}
% \begin{poem}
% O captain! my captain!  The fearful trip is done; \\
% The ship has weather'd every rack, the prize we sought is won;\\-
% \end{poem}
% Note that this \emph{does} set the maximum line width to
% the width of that line, as well.  You can reset this after
% issuing |\centerpoemon| if that's not the behavior you
% want; that is, if you want to center on that particular
% line but still allow other lines to be longer.  This
% behavior makes it default that your poem will actually be
% centered on the width of the line you've entered; however,
% if you're really just looking for an approximate optical
% centering, with lines extending longer if necessary, set
% |\poemmaxlinewd| to what you want your longest line to be.
% Just make sure that you set it \emph{after} you set
% |\centerpoemon|.
% |\centerpoemoff| simply resets |\poemindent| to |0pt| and
% |\poemmaxlinewd| to |\textwidth|.
% The indentation given by |\hin| is controlled by the
% \LaTeX\ length \DescribeMacro{\poemhinwd}|\poemhinwd|,
% which can be set however the user wishes.  By default, it
% is |1em|.  E.g.:
% \begin{verbatim}
% \centerpoemon{Alas, poor Yorick!  I knew him.  Horatio!}
% \settowidth{\poemhinwd}{Alas, poor Yorick!  I knew him.  }
% \begin{poem}
% Alas, poor Yorick!  I knew him.\\
% \hin Horatio! \\
% \setlength{\poemhinwd}{2em}
% A fellow of infinite jest, of most excellent fancy.  \\
% \hin He hath borne me on his back a thousand times, \\
% and now, how abhorred in my imagination it is! \\
% My gorge rises at it.  Here hung those lips\xelip\\-
% \end{poem}
% \end{verbatim}
% This is a common requirement when the meter of one line is
% continued onto the next, as in this famous line(s) from
% \textit{Hamlet}:
% \centerpoemon{Alas, poor Yorick!  I knew him.  Horatio!}
% \begin{poem}
% \settowidth{\poemhinwd}{Alas, poor Yorick!  I knew him.  }
% Alas, poor Yorick!  I knew him.\\
% \hin Horatio! \\
% \setlength{\poemhinwd}{2em}
% A fellow of infinite jest, of most excellent fancy.  \\
% \hin He hath\label{ln:ex} borne me on his back a thousand times, \\
% and now, how abhorred in my imagination it is! \\
% My gorge rises at it.  Here hung those lips\xelip\\-
% \end{poem}
% This way we can advance the second line so that it's
% clearly a continuation of the first.  The second |\hin|
% command here is just to show that the lengths can be
% adjusted at will throughout the poem, and it doesn't
% effect the line numbering in any way.
% Using |\hin| manually works fine, but sometimes it's a
% hassle, particularly when the indentation pattern is
% regular.  E.g., when every second line is to be indented,
% why should you manually have to insert |\hin| every second
% line?  That's the sort of thing computers are good at.
% Fortunately, |poetry| agrees with you, and offers the
% \DescribeMacro{poemindentevery}|poemindentevery| counter.
% This is a standard \LaTeX\ counter.  If its value is |0|,
% it has no effect whatsoever; if its value is any other
% integer, however, it will indent every multiple of that
% line number.  E.g.:
% \begin{verbatim}
% \setcounter{poemindentevery}{3}
% \setcounter{poemlinenumsevery}{2}
% \begin{poem}
% Once upon a midnight dreary, while I pondered, weak and weary,\\
% Over many a quaint and curious volume of forgotten lore---\\
% While I nodded, nearly napping, suddenly there came a tapping,\\
% As of someone gently rapping, rapping at my chamber door.\\
% ``'Tis some visitor,'' I muttered, ``tapping at my chamber door---\\
% Only this and nothing more.''\\-
% \end{poem}
% \end{verbatim}
% Which will give us this:
% \setcounter{poemindentevery}{3}
% \setcounter{poemlinenumsevery}{2}
% \begin{poem}
% Once upon a midnight dreary, while I pondered, weak and weary,\\
% Over many a quaint and curious volume of forgotten lore---\\
% While I nodded, nearly napping, suddenly there came a tapping,\\
% As of someone gently rapping, rapping at my chamber door.\\
% ``'Tis some visitor,'' I muttered, ``tapping at my chamber door---\\
% Only this and nothing more.''\\-
% \end{poem}
% \setcounter{poemindentevery}{0}
% \setcounter{poemlinenumsevery}{1}
% Notice that line numbers are also unaffected by this
% setting; line numbers will be placed where needed, and
% indents will be added as needed, without regard for one
% another.  (We will officially meet the counter
% |poemlinenumsevery| in Section \ref{subsub:basiclineno}.)
% Sometimes, however, indenting every third line (or
% whatever) isn't the right solution; sometimes each
% \emph{verse} has a particular indentation pattern.  For
% that, |poetry| offers the command
% \DescribeMacro{\poemvsindentlines}|\poemvsindentlines|.
% Redefine this command to contain a list of the line
% numbers (by verse) you wish to indent, and |poetry| will dutifully
% indent them.  E.g.:
% \begin{verbatim}
% \def\poemvsindentlines{23}%
% \begin{poem}
% I saw you starting for another war,\\
% The emblem of adventure and of youth,\\
% So that men trembled, saying:  He forsooth\\
% Has gone, has gone, and shall return no more.\\-
% \end{poem}
% \end{verbatim}
% \def\poemvsindentlines{23}%
% \begin{poem}
% I saw you starting for another war,\\
% The emblem of adventure and of youth,\\
% So that men trembled, saying:  He forsooth\\
% Has gone, has gone, and shall return no more.\\-
% \end{poem}
% \def\poemvsindentlines{0}%
% If you give a line number larger than the number of lines
% in a verse, it will be quietly ignored.
% Note that |\poemvsindentlines| and |poemindentevery| will
% \emph{stack}; if a line qualifies for both, it will be
% indented twice.
% |\poemvsindentlines| allows you to arrange the indentation
% on each verse with very fine detail, assuming that all
% your verses are indented the same way.
% Finally, you should meet
% \DescribeMacro{\poemverseskip}|\poemverseskip|, which
% controls the distance between verses (stanzas) of the
% poem.  By default, this is set equal to |\baselineskip|,
% leaving about one full line between stanzas.  This is a
% standard \LaTeX\ length, and can be reset in the usual
% way.
% \subsection{Customizing Line Numbering}
% \label{sub:custlineno}
% \subsubsection{Basics of Line Numbering}
% \label{subsub:basiclineno}
% Line numbers, unlike in |verse|, \emph{are} typeset by
% default.  To turn them off, just say
% \DescribeMacro{\poemlinenumsfalse}|\poemlinenumsfalse|.
% Of course, issuing
% \DescribeMacro{\poemlinenumstrue}|\poemlinenumstrue| will
% do the opposite.
% \centerpoemoff
% \begin{verbatim}
% \poemlinenumsfalse
% \begin{poem}
% O captain! my captain!  The fearful trip is done; \\
% \poemlinenumstrue
% The ship has weather'd every rack, the prize we sought is won;\\
% The port is near, the bells I hear, the people all exulting, \\
% While follow eyes the steady keel, the vessel grim and daring; \\-
% \end{poem}
% \end{verbatim}
% Which gives us:
% \poemindent=0pt
% \poemlinenumsfalse
% \begin{poem}
% O captain! my captain!  The fearful trip is done; \\
% \poemlinenumstrue
% The ship has weather'd every rack, the prize we sought is won;\\
% The port is near, the bells I hear, the people all exulting, \\
% While follow eyes the steady keel, the vessel grim and daring; \\-
% \end{poem}
% Notice that |poetry| actually sets the line number
% \emph{before} the rest of the line; so when turning line
% numbers on again, you need to put |\poemlinenumstrue| one
% line earlier than you might expect.
% Line numbers aren't just on or off, however; you can have
% them every certain number of lines, for example.  The
% command for this is
% \DescribeMacro{\poemlinenumsevery}|\poemlinenumsevery|; note that
% this is a \emph{counter}, so redefine it with
% |\setcounter| and friends.  By default, its value is |1|.
% The value works as one would expect; |2| means a number
% every two lines, |3| every three lines, and so on.  For
% example:
% \begin{verbatim}
% \setcounter{poemlinenumsevery}{2}
% \poemlinenumstrue
% \begin{poem}
% O captain! my captain!  The fearful trip is done; \\
% The ship has weather'd every rack, the prize we sought is won;\\
% The port is near, the bells I hear, the people all exulting, \\
% While follow eyes the steady keel, the vessel grim and daring; \\-
% \end{poem}
% \end{verbatim}
% Gives us this:
% \setcounter{poemlinenumsevery}{2}
% \poemlinenumstrue
% \begin{poem}
% O captain! my captain!  The fearful trip is done; \\
% The ship has weather'd every rack, the prize we sought is won;\\
% The port is near, the bells I hear, the people all exulting, \\
% While follow eyes the steady keel, the vessel grim and daring; \\-
% \end{poem}
% \setcounter{poemlinenumsevery}{0}
% This can, of course, be set to any value, though typically
% 1--4 are reasonable ones.  A sufficiently high number will
% essentially turn off line numbering; e.g., 84, as by the
% time you've seen the 84th line you won't remember what the
% last line number was.  But I'm certainly not going to make
% it impossible.
% Often, though, you won't want to print line numbers every
% arbitrary number of lines throughout the poem, but on
% certain lines by verse.  E.g., perhaps you want to number
% lines 2, 3, and 5 of a poem, but not 1, 4, and 6.  To
% accomplish this, use the \DescribeMacro{\poemnumlines}|\poemnumlines|
% macro.  If empty, it has no effect, and by default it is
% empty.  However, if you put in a list of numbers,
% then the lines of each stanza corresponding to that list
% of numbers will be numbered accordingly.  So, for example,
% to number 2, 3, and 5 only:
% \begin{verbatim}
% \def\poemnumlines{235}
% \begin{poem}
% Once upon a midnight dreary, while I pondered, weak and weary,\\
% Over many a quaint and curious volume of forgotten lore---\\
% While I nodded, nearly napping, suddenly there came a tapping,\\
% As of someone gently rapping, rapping at my chamber door.\\
% ``'Tis some visitor,'' I muttered, ``tapping at my chamber door---\\
% Only this and nothing more.''\\-
% \end{poem}
% \def\poemnumlines{}
% \end{verbatim}
% Yields the following:
% \def\poemnumlines{235}
% \begin{poem}
% Once upon a midnight dreary, while I pondered, weak and weary,\\
% Over many a quaint and curious volume of forgotten lore---\\
% While I nodded, nearly napping, suddenly there came a tapping,\\
% As of someone gently rapping, rapping at my chamber door.\\
% ``'Tis some visitor,'' I muttered, ``tapping at my chamber door---\\
% Only this and nothing more.''\\-
% \end{poem}
% \def\poemnumlines{}
% This pattern will repeat for each verse until you set
% |\poemnumline| to something else.
% Finally, line numbers can be placed on either the right or the
% left.  |poetry| v2.0 introduces significantly more
% flexibility into this mechanic; however, to preserve
% backward compatibility, the old commands are still
% recognized.  To place line numbers on the right, use
% \DescribeMacro{\poemlinenumrighttrue}|\poemlinenumrighttrue|;
% to put them back on the left, use the corresponding
% command
% \DescribeMacro{\poemlinenumrightfalse}|\poemlinenumrightfalse|.
% Note that these commands merely set the right-hand line
% number spot to equal the poem line counter; this will make
% sense to you later.
% \begin{verbatim}
% \poemlinenumrighttrue
% \setcounter{poemlinenumsevery}{1}
% \begin{poem}
% O captain! my captain!  The fearful trip is done; \\
% \poemlinenumrightfalse
% The ship has weather'd every rack, the prize we sought is won;\\
% The port is near, the bells I hear, the people all exulting, \\
% While follow eyes the steady keel, the vessel grim and daring; \\-
% \end{poem}
% \end{verbatim}
% Which gives us this (notice that right-side line numbers
% are placed after |\poemmaxlinewd|):
% \poemlinenumrighttrue
% \setcounter{poemlinenumsevery}{1}
% \begin{poem}
% O captain! my captain!  The fearful trip is done; \\
% \poemlinenumrightfalse
% The ship has weather'd every rack, the prize we sought is won;\\
% The port is near, the bells I hear, the people all exulting, \\
% While follow eyes the steady keel, the vessel grim and daring; \\-
% \end{poem}
% Notice again that the line's line number is printed
% \emph{first}, before the line; so you need to put this
% command one line earlier than you'd expect.
% Please notice also that \emph{the line numbers are
% \emph{not} part of the line when calculating widths}.
% They are boxes which overhang the end or beginning of the
% line.  Please keep that in mind when you're planning your
% formats.
% As of v2.0, |poetry| allows numbering to appearing on both
% the right \emph{and} left side of the poem.  This is a
% much more flexible mechanism than before, and should be
% used in preference to the old |\poemlinenumsrighttrue|
% mechanism in any new work.
% Any of the line numbering variables beginning with |\poem|
% have corresponding versions beginning with |\poemrt|.  You
% can then set the variables arbitrarily for the left and
% right sides, which will not effect one another.
% E.g., perhaps you want to show total line numbers on the
% left, and verse line numbers on the right, both on every
% two lines:
% \begin{quote}
% |\renewcommand{\thepoemline}{\arabic{poemline}}|\\
% |\setcounter{poemlinenumsevery}{2}|\\
% |\setcounter{poemrtlinenumsevery}{2}|\\
% |\renewcommand{\thepoemrtline}{\arabic{verseline}}|\\
% \end{quote}
% \renewcommand{\thepoemline}{\arabic{poemline}}
% \setcounter{poemlinenumsevery}{2}
% \setcounter{poemrtlinenumsevery}{2}
% \renewcommand{\thepoemrtline}{\arabic{verseline}}
% \centerpoemon{Whose woods these are I think I know.}
% \begin{poem}
% Whose woods these are I think I know. \\
% His house is in the village though; \\
% He will not see me stopping here \\
% To watch his woods fill up with snow. \\!
% My little horse must think it queer \\
% To stop without a farmhouse near \\
% Between the woods and frozen lake \\
% The darkest evening of the year. \\-
% \end{poem}
% \setcounter{poemlinenumsevery}{0}
% \setcounter{poemrtlinenumsevery}{0}
% This is useful for those volumes that wish to list a
% stanza number as well as a line numbers, one on each side.
% |poetry| offers the stanza number as the counter
% \DescribeMacro{stanzacount}|stanzacount|.  For example, to
% put the line count on the right, with a stanza count on the
% first line of each stanza on the left:
% \begin{quote}
% |\def\poemnumlines{1}|\\
% |\renewcommand{\thepoemline}{\arabic{stanzacount}}|\\
% |\setcounter{poemrtlinenumsevery}{1}|\\
% |\renewcommand{\thepoemrtline}{\arabic{poemline}}|\\
% \end{quote}
% \def\poemnumlines{1}
% \renewcommand{\thepoemline}{\arabic{stanzacount}}
% \setcounter{poemrtlinenumsevery}{1}
% \renewcommand{\thepoemrtline}{\arabic{poemline}}
% \centerpoemon{Whose woods these are I think I know.}
% \begin{poem}
% Whose woods these are I think I know. \\
% His house is in the village though; \\
% He will not see me stopping here \\
% To watch his woods fill up with snow. \\!
% My little horse must think it queer \\
% To stop without a farmhouse near \\
% Between the woods and frozen lake \\
% The darkest evening of the year. \\-
% \end{poem}
% We can occasionally do some truly interesting things this
% way.  For example, to have odd-numbered lines marked on
% the left and even on the right:
% \begin{quote}
% |\renewcommand{\thepoemline}{\arabic{poemline}}|\\
% |\renewcommand{\thepoemrtline}{\arabic{poemline}}|\\
% |\def\poemnumlines{13}|\\
% |\def\poemrtnumlines{24}|\\
% \end{quote}
% \setcounter{poemlinenumsevery}{99}
% \setcounter{poemrtlinenumsevery}{99}
% \renewcommand{\thepoemline}{\arabic{poemline}}
% \renewcommand{\thepoemrtline}{\arabic{poemline}}
% \def\poemnumlines{13}
% \def\poemrtnumlines{24}
% \centerpoemon{Whose woods these are I think I know.}
% \begin{poem}
% Whose woods these are I think I know. \\
% His house is in the village though; \\
% He will not see me stopping here \\
% To watch his woods fill up with snow. \\!
% My little horse must think it queer \\
% To stop without a farmhouse near \\
% Between the woods and frozen lake \\
% The darkest evening of the year. \\!
% He gives his harness bells a shake \\
% To ask if there is some mistake. \\
% The only other sound's the sweep \\
% Of easy wind and downy flake. \\-
% \end{poem}
% \subsubsection{Styling Line Numbers}
% \label{subsub:stylelineno}
% As mentioned before, the line numbers are set in boxes
% which overhang either the left or right margins of the
% line, depending on the value of |\ifpoemlinenumright|
% (that is, on whether you've isseud |\poemlinenumrighttrue|
% or not).  The size of that box, and how much it overhangs
% the margin, are both within your control.
% By default, the box is |2em| wide, and it's separated from
% the margin by |0pt|.  To change the space between the box
% and the line itself, use the standard \LaTeX\ length
% \DescribeMacro{\poemlinenumboxgap}|\poemlinenumboxgap|;
% below, see some lines from \textit{Henry V} to
% demonstrate.  The first two lines are set with default
% line number spacing; the second two with
% |\poemlinenumboxgap| set to |1em|:
% \centerpoemon{We few, we happy few; we band of brothers;}
% \poemlinenumrightfalse
% \begin{poem}
% We few, we happy few; we band of brothers; \\
% \setlength{\poemlinenumboxgap}{1em}
% for he today who sheds his blood with me \\
% shall be my brother; be he ne'er so vile \\
% this day shall gentle his condition. \\-
% \end{poem}
% The width of the line number box itself is controlled by
% \DescribeMacro{\poemlinenumboxwd}|\poemlinenumboxwd|,
% another standard \LaTeX\ length which can be reset, as
% usual, with |\setlength|.  Below, we have some more of
% \textit{Henry V}, this time with varying line number box
% widths; the first two lines have the default, the second
% two have a width of |1em|:
% \centerpoemon{shall think themselves accurs'd they were not here,}
% \poemlinenumrighttrue
% \begin{poem}
% And gentlemen in England now abed \\
% \setlength{\poemrtlinenumboxwd}{1em}
% shall think themselves accurs'd they were not here, \\
% and hold their manhoods cheap whilst any speaks \\
% that fought with us, upon St.~Crispin's day. \\-
% \end{poem}
% The line number itself is held in the \LaTeX\ macro
% \DescribeMacro{\thepoemline}|\thepoemline|; so you can
% style this as you wish.  However, in the event you want
% line numbers to look a certain way in the poem itself,
% but a different way when you use them elsehwere, you can
% use \DescribeMacro{\poemlinenumstyle}|\poemlinenumstyle|
% to change their appearance.  For example, the following
% uses |\def\poemlinenumstyle{\footnotesize\color{green}}|
% and |\def\poemrtlinenumstyle{\LARGE\color{red}}|:
% \centerpoemon{Thou see'st the world, Volumnius, how it goes; }
% \renewcommand{\thepoemline}{\arabic{poemline}}
% \renewcommand{\thepoemrtline}{\arabic{poemline}}
% \def\poemnumlines{13}
% \def\poemrtnumlines{24}
% \def\poemlinenumstyle{\footnotesize\color{green}}
% \def\poemrtlinenumstyle{\LARGE\color{red}}
% \begin{poem}
% Thou see'st the world, Volumnius, how it goes; \\
% our enemies have beat us to the pit. \\
% It would be better to jump in ourselves, \\
% than tarry till they push us. \\-
% \end{poem}
% The right line style is an insane choice; but it does
% demonstrate how things work.  By default, both
% |\poemlinenumstyle| and |\poemrtlinenumstyle| do nothing.
% \def\poemlinenumstyle{}
% \def\poemrtlinenumstyle{}
% \def\poemrtnumlines{}
% Labels can be placed on any line of poetry, and refer back
% to that line.  Make references with the usual \LaTeX\
% |\ref| and |\label| commands; for example, ``line
% \ref{ln:ex}'' refers to line 4 of the quotation from
% \textit{Hamlet} we gave you earlier.  If you've loaded
% |hyperref|, these will correctly turn into hyperlinks, as
% well.
% \section{Document Structure}
% \label{sect:structure}
% |poetry| actually provides some significant structural
% commands, as well, which may make it easier to typeset
% larger amounts of poetry.  It was inspired here more by
% |poetrytex| than by |verse|; indeed, this area is really
% where |poetrytex| shines.  However, |poetry| does add some
% functionality to it.  We'll explore first counters,
% then sectioning.
% \subsection{Other Counters}
% \label{sub:othcounters}
% |poetry| provides several other counters, which will
% probably rarely be useful when typesetting poetry, but
% which are provided just in case.
% Besides |\thepoemline|, we also have
% \DescribeMacro{verseline}|verseline|, a counter which
% keeps track of what line in a given verse is currently
% being typeset.  It's reset every time you call |\\!|, to
% signify the end of a verse (or, more properly for poetry,
% stanza).  It's typeset with |\theverseline|, which can be
% redefined in the normal \LaTeX\ ways.  For example, to
% number each verse with the poem line number, a colon, and
% a verse line number, try:
% \begin{center}
% |\renewcommand{\thepoemline}{\arabic{poemline}:\arabic{verseline}}|
% \end{center}
% You'll get something like this:
% \renewcommand{\thepoemline}{\arabic{poemline}:\arabic{verseline}}
% \centerpoemon{Whose woods these are I think I know.}
% \begin{poem}
% Whose woods these are I think I know. \\
% His house is in the village though; \\
% He will not see me stopping here \\
% To watch his woods fill up with snow. \\!
% My little horse must think it queer \\
% To stop without a farmhouse near \\
% Between the woods and frozen lake \\
% The darkest evening of the year. \\-
% \end{poem}
% We also have a counter for the number of poems themselves;
% two, actually.  First is
% \DescribeMacro{abspoemno}|abspoemno|, which keeps track of
% the poem numbers throughout the entire document.
% |abspoemno| is typeset, as always with \LaTeX\ counters,
% with |\theabspoemno|.  This number can be useful with sets
% of poems, such as Shakespeare's sonnets; or with
% anthologies which include untitled poems, which might
% otherwise be difficult to list in a table of contents.
% Second, there is the \emph{poem group} counter, or
% \DescribeMacro{poemno}|poemno|.  |poemno| equals
% |abspoemno| unless you're utilizing poem groups (for which
% see Section \ref{sub:structures}).  Starting a new poem
% group resets |poemno| but not |abspoemno|.
% We will see some poetry-specific sectioning commands in
% Section \ref{subsub:usemeta}.  These commands increment
% |poemno| and |abspoemno|; so if you're not using those
% sectioning commands, these numbers won't be incremented.
% If for some reason you don't use a visible title for your
% poem, or wish to use your own sectioning commands, but
% still want it counted for the purposes of these counters,
% you need to tell |poetry| so.  Issue
% \DescribeMacro{\poemnew}|\poemnew| prior to starting your
% |poem| environment; it will increment your counters
% without putting anything in your text.
% These counters are formatted, as always, with the \LaTeX\
% |\the| commands:  |\thepoemno|, |\theabspoemno|.
% \subsection{Other Variables}
% \label{sub:othervars}
% |poetry| gives a few variables that we can use to fill in
% gaps when we have them.
% \DescribeMacro{\poemblanktitle}|\poemblanktitle| is the
% word that |poetry| will use when it's asked to typeset a
% title but it doesn't have one; by default, this is set as
% |Untitled|.  Reset this with |\def| or |\renewcommand|;
% e.g., |\renewcommand{\poemblanktitle}{Not Titled}|.  Then,
% when you are expected to input a title and you don't have
% one (possible in, for example, the |\titlepoem| command,
% for which see Section \ref{sub:metadata}), instead of
% printing ``Untitled'', |poetry| will print ``Not Titled''.
% There is a corresponding
% \DescribeMacro{\poemblankauthor}|\poemblankauthor|, which
% does the same thing.  Its default value is |Anonymous|.
% \subsection{Metadata}
% \label{sub:metadata}
% All poems have authors, even if we don't know who; and
% some also have titles.  In other words, poems have
% \emph{metadata}, data about themselves, and |poetry|
% provides easy ways to deal with these things, whether we
% have the information or not.  Sometimes it will be
% convenient to use the variables from Section
% \ref{sub:othervars} in these commands.
% |poetry| keeps the issue of \emph{having} the metadata
% separate from \emph{typesetting} it.  You can set these
% variables but never have them appear in the final
% document.  In theory, this information could instead by
% embedded in the |pdf| for document readers to use, or
% things of that nature.  At present, pdf doesn't have any
% means to embed metadata about individual parts of a
% document; however, should such a capability be added,
% |poetry| will be ready.
% \subsubsection{Setting Metadata Values}
% \label{subsub:setmeta}
% \DescribeMacro{\thepoemtitle}|\thepoemtitle| holds the
% currently defined poem title, if any.  You might find this
% handy for running headers, TOC entries, and the like.
% \DescribeMacro{\thepoemauthor}|\thepoemauthor| corresponds
% to |\thepoemtitle|, and is useful for the same sorts of
% things.
% Most written works these days have \emph{licenses};
% |poetry| makes it easy to specify that, as well.  The
% variable is
% \DescribeMacro{\thepoemlicense}|\thepoemlicense|, and
% defaults to the string |Public Domain|.  To alter this,
% simply redefine it with |\def| or |\renewcommand|; e.g.,
% |\renewcommand{\thepoemlicense}{CC-BY-SA}|.  To change the
% default, redefine
% \DescribeMacro{\poemdefaultlicense}|\poemdefaultlicense|.
% Publication date can also be important, particularly when
% combined with certain types of licensing.  To specify
% this, redefine
% \DescribeMacro{\thepoempubdate}|\thepoempubdate|, which
% defaults to the value of |\today|.
% \subsubsection{Using Metadata}
% \label{subsub:usemeta}
% The most obvious way of using the metadata you've set for
% a poem is to \emph{typeset} it.  |poetry| offers a number
% of ways to do this.
% If you're only interested in printing the poem's title,
% you can use the \DescribeMacro{\titlepoem}|\titlepoem|
% command:
% \begin{center}
% \cmd{\titlepoem} \marg{title}
% \end{center}
% E.g., with the default settings:
% \bigskip\hrule\bigskip
% \begin{parcolumns}[rulebetween]{2}%
% \colchunk[1]{
%	|\titlepoem{\poemblanktitle}|
% }\colchunk[2]{%
%	\titlepoem{\poemblanktitle}
% }\end{parcolumns}%
% \bigskip\hrule\bigskip
% If you have multiple untitled poems to typeset, it may be
% convenient to use |\thepoemno| or |\theabspoemno| to
% different them; e.g.,
% \begin{center}
% |\titlepoem{Untitled No.\ \thepoemno}|
% \end{center}
% |\titlepoem| will reset the variable |\thepoemtitle| to
% whatever argument you give it.  This will be available
% later for other uses.
% If you want to typeset both the title and the author,
% |poetry| provides you with
% \DescribeMacro{\titleauthorpoem}|\titleauthorpoem|:
% \begin{center}
% \cmd{\titlepoem} \marg{title} \marg{author}
% \end{center}
% \bigskip\hrule\bigskip
% \begin{parcolumns}[rulebetween]{2}%
% \colchunk[1]{
%	\noindent|\titleauthorpoem|\par
%  \quad|{\poemblanktitle}|\par
%  \quad|{\poemblankauthor}|
% }\colchunk[2]{%
%	\titleauthorpoem{\poemblanktitle}{\poemblankauthor}
% }\end{parcolumns}%
% \bigskip\hrule\bigskip
% |\titleauthorpoem| resets both |\thepoemtitle| and
% |\thepoemauthor| to the values you submit.
% |poetry| also gives you hooks to control the appearance of
% these macros.
% \DescribeMacro{\poemtitleprehook}|\poemtitleprehook| is
% inserted by |poetry| prior to the title text, and
% \DescribeMacro{\poemtitleposthook}|\poemtitleposthook| is
% inserted afterward.  For |\titleauthorpoem|, there is also
% \DescribeMacro{\poemauthorprehook}|\poemauthorprehook| and
% \DescribeMacro{\poemauthorposthook}|\poemauthorposthook|,
% inserted before and after the author.  By default, the
% |pre| commands simply |\begin{center}|, while the
% |post| commands contain |\end{center}|, but you can
% certainly change their values to achieve the appearance
% you want:
% \bigskip\hrule\bigskip
% \begin{parcolumns}[colwidths={1=1.5in}]{2}%
% \colchunk[1]{
% \begin{verbatim}
% \def\poemtitleprehook{%
%	\bigskip\noindent}
% \def\poemtitleposthook{}
% \def\poemauthorprehook{\hfill}
% \def\poemauthorposthook{\bigskip}
% \titleauthorpoem{\poemblanktitle}{\poemblankauthor}
% \end{verbatim}
% }\colchunk[2]{%
% \def\poemtitleprehook{\bigskip\noindent}%
% \def\poemtitleposthook{}%
% \def\poemauthorprehook{\hfill}%
% \def\poemauthorposthook{\bigskip}%
% \titleauthorpoem{\poemblanktitle}{\poemblankauthor}%
% }\end{parcolumns}
% \bigskip\hrule\bigskip
% These settings are rather na\"\i{}ve, since they don't
% take the length of either author or title into account,
% but they suffice to show the power of using these hooks.
% There is also
% \DescribeMacro{\poemtitlestyle}|\poemtitlestyle|, which
% sets the styling of the title.  By default, it is simply
% set with |\def\poemtitlestyle{\LARGE\bfseries}|.
% Similarly, there is
% \DescribeMacro{\poemauthorstyle}|\poemauthorstyle|, which
% provides the styles for the author (if one will be
% typeset).  By default, this is
% |\def\poemauthorstyle{\Large}|.
% \subsection{Structural Features}
% \label{sub:structures}
% In addition to typesetting poems individually, |poetry|
% has some features to facilitate typesetting collections of
% poetry.  Structurally, primarily we're dealing with poem
% groups (for which see Section \ref{subsub:poemgroups});
% however, we also have significant power in indexing and
% tracking poems.
% \subsubsection{Poem Groups}
% \label{subsub:poemgroups}
% Poem groups are just what they sound like:  groups of
% poems.  They might be arranged by topic, by author, by
% style, or by any other criteria.  As we have already seen
% in Section \ref{sub:othcounters}, the |poemno| counter
% tracks the number of poems individually within poem
% groups.  Let's see a few of the commands we have for
% creating and dealing with these groups.
% \DescribeMacro{\poemgroup}|\poemgroup| starts a new poem
% group; it resets the |poemno| counter and adds one to the
% poem group counter.  That's it; it's a purely structural
% command.  Formatting title pages and the like for poem
% groups is another matter.
% \DescribeMacro{\endpoemgroup}|\endpoemgroup| can
% optionally be used to end the poem group.  Like |\poem|,
% however, these can also be used like a \LaTeX\
% environment, using |\begin{poemgroup}| and
% |\end{poemgroup}|.
% \DescribeMacro{poemgroupno}|poemgroupno| is the counter
% which keeps track of which poem group you're currently in.
% It is a standard \LaTeX\ counter, which can be reset,
% manipulated, formatted, and displayed in the usual ways.
% \DescribeMacro{\poemgroupheading}|\poemgroupheading|
% prints a heading for the poem group.  This may or may not
% be on its own page; that's up to your formatting.
% \begin{center}
% \cmd{\poemgroupheading} \marg{title} \marg{other}
% \end{center}
% Both these arguments are mandatory, though of course one
% or the other might be empty.  The first is the title of
% the poem group; the second is whatever else.  It may be
% the author of the group; the style of poetry (e.g.,
% anapestic, or alliterative); or any other criteria by
% which the poetry is broken into groups.
% |\poemgroupheading| also resets the value of
% \DescribeMacro{\thepoemgroupname}|\thepoemgroupname|,
% which is another bit of metadata that can used throughout
% that group.  It resets it to the value of its first
% argument.  If it is not reset, its value is simply the
% value of
% \DescribeMacro{\poemgroupblankname}|\poemgroupblankname|,
% which defaults to |Untitled Group|.  By redefining this
% command, you can change the default group name.  You can
% also redefine |\thepoemgroupname| separately, but be aware
% that calling |\poemgroupheading| will reset it again.
% The hooks listed to the left
% \DescribeMacro{\poemgrouptitleprehook}
% \DescribeMacro{\poemgrouptitleposthook}
% \DescribeMacro{\poemgroupotherprehook}
% \DescribeMacro{\poemgroupotherposthook} are inserted where
% their names imply into the heading.  By default, all are
% defined to do nothing, but you can fix this with |\def| or
% |\renewcommand|.  A common styling would involve putting
% |\begin{center}| and |\end{center}| into one or both of the
% |pre| and |post| hooks, respectively.  Another common
% requirement would involve putting |\cleardoublepage| into
% |\poemgrouptitleprehook|, along with whatever else is
% required, in order to ensure a poem group starts on the
% next new recto (right-side and odd-numbered) page.
% The title can be styled by redefining
% \DescribeMacro{\poemgrouptitlestyle}|\poemgrouptitlestyle|,
% which by default simply contains |\Huge|.  The ``other''
% argument can be styled with
% \DescribeMacro{\poemgroupotherstyle}|\poemgroupotherstyle|,
% which by default contains simply |\LARGE|.

% \subsubsection{List of Poems}
% \label{subsub:tocpoems}
% To go along with the table of contents, the list of
% figures, and the list of tables, |poetry| provides a list
% of poems.  We use standard \LaTeX\ facilities to produce
% this list, so they should be pretty familiar to you.  The
% source below can give the nitty-gritty.
% \DescribeMacro{\listofpoems}Just add |\listofpoems|
% wherever you want your list of poems to appear.  Unlike
% |\tableofcontents| and the like, |\listofpoems| does
% \emph{not} start a new chapter or section, change the
% headings, and so forth; since |poetry| doesn't know what
% document class you're using, or how you want the list set
% up, it leaves the details up to you.  This is easy enough
% to elaborate on; for example, to set up the list of poems
% like an unmarked chapter, like the table of contents:
% \begin{verbatim}
% \chapter*{\lopname}
% \listofpoems
% \end{verbatim}
% \DescribeMacro{\lopname}|\lopname| is a macro which simply
% contains whatever you want the title of the list of poems
% to be; by default, it is |List of Poems|.
% |poetry| also provides a little syntactic sugar to make
% adding entries to the list of poems easier.   Rather than
% doing |\addcontentsline| and the like, simply use
% \DescribeMacro{\addtolop}|\addtolop|:
% \begin{center}
% \cmd{\addtolop} \marg{contents-line}
% \end{center}
% This will add an entry to the list of poems in the default
% style; this is set up much like a normal section entry
% without indentation.  To alter this, redefine 
% \DescribeMacro{\poemlopformat}|\poemlopformat|.  By
% default, this is defined in a very \LaTeX-y way; the
% standard definition is shown on top below, with a
% different one underneath it:
% \begin{quote}
% |\def\poemlopformat{\@dottedtocline{1}{0em}{2.3em}}|\\
% |\def\poemlopformat#1#2{\hbox to\linewidth{\textit{#1}\hfill#2}}|
% \end{quote}
% You can specify it however you like.
% There is an equivalent
% \DescribeMacro{\poemgrouplopformat}|\poemgrouplopformat|,
% which by default is designed to mimic |\chapter| lines in
% the standard \LaTeX\ classes.  This can be redefined as
% necessary, too.  You add a group to the list of poems by
% using \DescribeMacro{\addgrouptolop}|\addgrouptolop|,
% which functions just like |\addtolop| does.  So something
% like this:
% \begin{quote}
% |\def\poemgrouplopformat#1#2{\hbox to\linewidth{#1\hfil#2}}|\\
% |\addgrouptolop{Poem Group Name}|
% \end{quote}
% Note that none of our sectioning commands insert
% themselves into the table of contents or the list of poems
% by default.  If you want this to happen automatically,
% best to write small wrappers macros around them.  E.g.:
% \begin{verbatim}
% \def\makenewpoem#1{%
%		\titlepoem{#1}%
%		\addtolop{#1}%
% }%
% \end{verbatim}
% \subsubsection{Index of First Lines}
% \label{subsub:iofl}
% Few people remember ``Sonnet 18,'' but many people
% remember, ``Shall I compare thee to a summer's day?''  For
% this reason, an index of first lines is an important part
% of most books of poetry.  |poetry| provides facilities to
% easily create them.
% |poetry| uses the |imakeidx| package to produce this
% index, so you can use the options it contains.  To run the
% index, |poetry| uses the following configuration line:
% \begin{center}
% |\makeindex[intoc,columns=1,name={\jobname-iofl},title={\poemioflname}]|
% \end{center}
% Obviously, you can change this if you need to.  This means
% that, by default, the index will appear in the table of
% contents (if there is one); the index will be set in one
% column; the index file name will be |\jobname-iofl|
% (|\jobname| is a \TeX\ variable that contains the name of
% your document, without its extension), and the title of
% the index (what appears on the top of the page) will be
% the value of the command |\poemioflname|.
% To change the title that appears at the top of the index,
% change \DescribeMacro{\poemioflname}|\poemioflname| to
% whatever you want; e.g., |\def\poemioflname{Index}|.
% \DescribeMacro{\printiofl}Use |\printiofl| at whatever
% point in your document you want the index to actually
% appear.
% To make entries in the index, you have two options.
% First, use \DescribeMacro{\poemfirstline}|\poemfirstline|,
% which takes a single argument, which is the entry you want
% to appear in the index.  This command will \emph{not}
% typeset its argument in the document, only send it to the
% index.  Second, you can use \DescribeMacro{\iofl}|\iofl|,
% which also takes a single argument; however, it will not
% only enter that line into the index, but it will also
% typeset it in the document.  This means that you can wrap
% the first line of your poem in |\iofl| (\emph{without} the
% |\\|), and it will put it both in your poem and your
% index, without you having to type it twice.
% \section{Implementation}
% \label{sect:implem}
%    \begin{macrocode}
% From David Carlisle's answer on tex.stackexchange.com,
% question 57598; allows us to loop through a string in a
% command.  We will use this for the verse indentation
% counter, as well as for the generic line indentatin
% counter and the right indentation counter, both in |\placelineno|.
% from verse.sty
\newcommand{\poem@ifbang}[1]{\@ifnextchar !{\@firstoftwo{#1}}}
\newcommand{\poem@ifhyph}[1]{\@ifnextchar -{\@firstoftwo{#1}}}
\newcommand{\poem@ifstar}[1]{\@ifnextchar *{\@firstoftwo{#1}}}
\newcommand{\poem@ifques}[1]{\@ifnextchar ?{\@firstoftwo{#1}}}
\def\tlap#1{\vbox to0pt{\vss\hbox{#1}}}%
\def\blap#1{\vbox to0pt{\hbox{#1}\vss}}%
			\hbox to\poem@linenumboxwd{%
			\hbox to\poem@rt@linenumboxwd{%
	\advance\poemlineno by1%
	\advance\vslineno by1%
	\advance\poemlineno by1%
	\advance\vslineno by1%
	\advance\poemlineno by1%
	\advance\stanzano by1%
	\advance\poemlineno by1%
	\advance\leftskip by\the\poem@hinwd%
	\advance\poem@poemno by1\stepcounter{poemno}%
	\advance\poem@abspoemno by1\stepcounter{abspoemno}%
	\advance\hsize by\the\poem@maxlinewd%
		\advance\poem@buff by-\poem@centlinewd%
		\divide\poem@buff by2%
%    \end{macrocode}
% Define a few variables for document metadata.
%    \begin{macrocode}
\def\thepoemlicense{Public Domain}%
\def\poemdefaultlicense{Public Domain}%
%    \end{macrocode}
% Here we begin the structural code; which, of course, uses
% a lot of the code above, particularly the counters.
% First, let's give folks a way to title their poems.  But
% even before that, we need to define some more commands to
% help people style them.
%    \begin{macrocode}
%    \end{macrocode}
% Specifically, one for titles with no authors:
%    \begin{macrocode}
	\advance\poem@poemno by1\stepcounter{poemno}%
	\advance\poem@abspoemno by1\stepcounter{abspoemno}%
		\poemtitlestyle #1%
%    \end{macrocode}
% Next, one for titles and authors:
%    \begin{macrocode}
	\advance\poem@poemno by1\stepcounter{poemno}%
	\advance\poem@abspoemno by1\stepcounter{abspoemno}%
		\poemtitlestyle #1%
		\poemauthorstyle #2%
%    \end{macrocode}
% Now we define the poem group commands.  These are pretty
% simple, essentially just resetting various variables to
% sensible values.  We have the |\endpoemgroup| command here
% just to allow people to use them as environments, if they
% want.
%    \begin{macrocode}
	\advance\poem@groupno by1%
\def\poemgroupblankname{Untitled Group}%
		\poemgrouptitlestyle #1%
		\poemgroupotherstyle #2%
%    \end{macrocode}
% Now let's define the necessary commands for the list of
% poems.  (\emph{Not} the index of first lines, yet.)
%    \begin{macrocode}
\def\lopname{List of Poems}%
	\ifnum \c@tocdepth >\m@ne
		\vskip 1.0em \@plus\p@
			\parindent \z@ \rightskip \@pnumwidth
			\parfillskip -\@pnumwidth
			\leavevmode \bfseries
			\hskip -\leftskip
			#1\nobreak\hfil \nobreak\hb@xt@\@pnumwidth{\hss #2}\par
%    \end{macrocode}
% Do some magic to ensure that the package works even if
% |hyperref| isn't loaded.
%    \begin{macrocode}
	\ifcsname phantomsection\endcsname%
%    \end{macrocode}
% Now let's set up the index of first lines.  We use the
% |imakeidx| package for this, so as not to interfere with
% any existing indices.
%    \begin{macrocode}
\def\poemioflname{Index of First Lines}%
%    \end{macrocode}
% \listofpoems
% \PrintIndex