do local function looks_like_token(t) return type(t)=="userdata" or (type(t)=="table" and t.cmdname~=nil and t.tok~=nil) end -- public API :: once the package is loaded, this holds the .tok value of the frozen relax token prettyprint_frozenrelaxtok=nil local function prettyprint_one_arg(tokenlist) if looks_like_token(tokenlist) then return prettyprint_one_arg({tokenlist}) end local s="" local function printstring(t) -- this is just for debugging/convenience purpose. If the item is a string instead of a token... t=tostring(t) for _, c in do if c==32 then s=s.."token("..c..',"A"),' else s=s.."token("..c..',"C"),' end end end if type(tokenlist)~="table" then -- user give a string (or something similar). Print it as detokenized characters printstring(tokenlist) else -- normal print of tokenlist for i=1, #tokenlist do local t=tokenlist[i] if not looks_like_token(t) then printstring(t) elseif t.csname==nil then s=s.."token("..t.mode..',"'..(({left_brace=1, right_brace=2, math_shift=3, tab_mark=4, mac_param=6, sup_mark=7, sub_mark=8, spacer="A", letter="B", other_char="C"})[t.cmdname])..'"),' else if then s=s.."token("..utf8.codepoint(t.csname)..',"D"),' elseif t.tok==prettyprint_frozenrelaxtok then s=s.."csfrozenrelax()," else s=s.."cs(" -- TODO for _, c in do s=s..c.."," end s=s..")," end end end end return s end local function get_output_format() return token.get_macro "_prettytok_mode" end local function get_file_number() return token.get_mode(token.create("_prettytok_file")) end function prettyprint(...) local output_format=get_output_format() local args={...} if output_format=="html" then local prettyfilenumber=get_file_number() local s="print_tl(" for i=1, select("#", ...) do s=s..prettyprint_one_arg(args[i]) end texio.write(prettyfilenumber, s..")//</script><script>\n") else assert(output_format=="term-8bit" or output_format=="term-shell") texio.write_nl("") local content="" local content_len=0 -- only count visible content local function typeout_content() print(content) content="" content_len=0 end local function append_content(s) -- only call this on content that takes visible width. For example don't use this to set color assert(type(s)=="string") content=content..s content_len=content_len+utf8.len(s) end append_content(token.get_macro "prettytermprefix") local wraplimit=tonumber(token.get_macro "prettytermwraplimit") ---- color --[[ local gray ='\x1b[90m' local red ='\x1b[31m' local green ='\x1b[38;5;121m' local yellow='\x1b[93m' local white ='\x1b[0m' ]] local gray =token.get_macro "_prettytok_gray" local red =token.get_macro "_prettytok_red" local green =token.get_macro "_prettytok_green" local yellow=token.get_macro "_prettytok_yellow" local white =token.get_macro "_prettytok_white" local current_color=white local function setcolor(c) if current_color~=c then current_color=c content=content..c end end local prettytermprefixmore=token.get_macro "prettytermprefixmore" local function check_wrap() if content_len>wraplimit then if current_color~=white then content=content..white end print(content) content="" content_len=0 append_content(prettytermprefixmore) if current_color~=white then content=content..current_color end end end local function prettyprint_term_one_arg(tokenlist) if looks_like_token(tokenlist) then return prettyprint_term_one_arg({tokenlist}) end local function print_term_char(code) if code<27 then if code==9 then append_content("���") else append_content("^^"..string.char(code+64)) if code==13 or code==10 then typeout_content() append_content(prettytermprefixmore) -- color the prefix with the same color end end elseif code==32 then append_content("���") else append_content(utf8.char(code)) -- unlike TeX implementation currently this does not show ^^���hex digits��� representation end end local function printstring(t) -- this is just for debugging/convenience purpose. If the item is a string instead of a token... t=tostring(t) for _, c in do if c==32 then setcolor(gray) append_content("���") else setcolor(white) append_content(utf8.char(c)) end end end if type(tokenlist)~="table" then -- user give a string (or something similar). Print it as detokenized characters printstring(tokenlist) check_wrap() else -- normal print of tokenlist for i=1, #tokenlist do local t=tokenlist[i] if not looks_like_token(t) then printstring(t) check_wrap() elseif t.csname==nil then setcolor(({left_brace=red, right_brace=red, math_shift=red, tab_mark=red, mac_param=red, sup_mark=red, sub_mark=red, spacer=gray, letter=green, other_char=white})[t.cmdname]) print_term_char(t.mode) check_wrap() else if then setcolor(yellow) print_term_char(utf8.codepoint(t.csname)) elseif t.tok==prettyprint_frozenrelaxtok then setcolor(red) append_content("\\relax ") else setcolor(yellow) append_content("\\") for _, c in do print_term_char(c) end append_content(" ") end check_wrap() end end end end for i=1, select("#", ...) do prettyprint_term_one_arg(args[i]) end setcolor(white) typeout_content() end end function prettyprintw() local callback=token.scan_toks() local extra=token.scan_toks() local s={} local last_token while true do last_token=token.get_next() if last_token.csname=="prettystop" then break end s[#s+1]=last_token callback[#callback+1]=last_token end prettyprint(extra, s) -- exclude the \prettystop token callback[#callback+1]=last_token token.put_next(callback) end end