%%% Sample bibliography file for PRTEC conference
%%% Author: John H. Lienhard, MIT, April 2019.
%%% Version: 1.01
  title = {Title of article},
  journal = {Title of Journal},
  year = {2009},
  volume = {12},
  pages = {231--251},
  author = {A. A. Author and B. B. Author and  C. C. Author},
  note={\textbf{\color{red}Journal paper with page numbers. <- This note means that this is an example of a journal paper. The same applies to the following lines. Please remove all these red bold-face texts in your manuscript.}},
% Journal article with page numbers
% can add doi={},  or url={}, if desired

  title = {Title of article},
  journal = {Title of Journal},
  year = {2009},
  volume = {34},
  eid = {123456},
  author = {A. A. Author and B. B. Author and  C. C. Author},
  note={\textbf{\color{red}Journal paper with article number}},
%% Journal article with article number (eid)

  title = {Title of article},
  journal = {Title of Journal},
  author = {A. A. Author and B. B. Author and  C. C. Author},
  year= {2009},
  doi = {abced/fghij/12345},
  note={\textbf{\color{red}Journal paper published online with doi only}},
%% Journal article with doi only

  title = {Title of article},
  journal = {Title of Journal},
  author = {A. A. Author and B. B. Author},
  year = {2013},
  volume = {56},
  url = {http://web.com},
  urldate = {Month day, year},
  note =  {\textbf{\color{red}Other online scholarly article}},
%% Journal article online

  title = {Convection in Porous Media},
  publisher = {Springer-Verlag},
  year = {2005},
  author = {D. A. Nield and A. Bejan},
  address = {New York},
  pages = {125--176},
  note = {\textbf{\color{red}Book}},
%% Use "inbook{" to cite specific pages in a book; if no pages, can just use "book{"
%% doi = {10.1115/1.4042912}, 
%% URL = {https://doi.org/10.1115/1.4042912},

  title = {Heat Transfer in Dispersions},
  publisher = {Begell House},
  year = {2005},
  author = {A. Buyevich and D. V. Alexandrov},
  address = {Connecticut},
  note = {Available at \url{http://www.edata-center.com/ebooks/b7f98f1e271b3e77a.html/} [accessed May 5, 2005] \textbf{\color{red}E-Book}},
%% ebook

  title = {Rotating Machinery},
  publisher = {Begell House},
  year = {1992},
  editor = {W. Yang and J. H. Kim},
  address = {New York},
  note = {\textbf{\color{red}Edited book}},
%% Edited book

  title = {Augmentation of Nucleate Boiling Heat Transfer by Prepared Surfaces},
  editor = {Mizushina, T. and Yang, W. J.},
  publisher = {Hemisphere Publishing},
  pages = {1111--1182},
  year = {1982},
  booktitle = {Heat Transfer in Energy Problems},
  author = {Nishikawa, K. and Ito, T.},
  address = {Washington, D.C.},
  note = {\textbf{\color{red}Chapter of Edited Book}},
%% Chapter in edited book
% if type = is omitted, chapter = will default to "chap."
%% doi = {10.1115/1.4042912}, 
%% URL = {https://doi.org/10.1115/1.4042912},

  author = {Ma, T. M.}, 
  title = {Effects of Geometrical Shapes of Reentrant Grooves on Boiling Heat Transfer from Porous Surfaces},
  booktitle = {{\upshape Heat Transfer 1986,} Proc. 8th Int. Heat Trans. Conf.},
  year = {1987},
  pages = {2013--2018},
  volume = {4},
  note = {\textbf{\color{red}Paper in conference proceedings}},
%% Article in conference proceedings
%% Note hack in booktitle
%% If paper is numbered without page numbers, omit pages={}, and insert number={}, or number ={Paper No.\ xxx},
%% Can include doi or url if desired

  author = {J. Richmond},
  title = {Steady State Thermal Conductivity},
  school = {University of Connecticut},
  year = {2002},
  note = {\textbf{\color{red}Dissertation}},
% ADDITIONAL fields available include:
% address = {Storrs, CT}, 
% type = {Sc{D} Thesis},  use to change the type of thesis.
% doi = {10.1115/1.4042912}, 
% URL = {https://doi.org/10.1115/1.4042912},

  author  = {Author, A. A. and Author, B. B.},
  title = {Title of document},
  url = {http://web.com},
  urldate = {Month day, year},
  year = {2015},
  note = {\textbf{\color{red}Nonperiodical Web Document}},
%  howpublished = {Retrieved month day, year, from \url{http://web.com}},

  author  = {Author, A. A. and Author, B. B.},
  title = {Title of Article},
  booktitle = {Title of book or larger document},
  chapter = {4.6},
  url = {http://web.com},
  urldate = {Month day, year},
  urltype = {Retrieved},
  note = {\textbf{\color{red} Chapter or Section of a Web Document}},
  year = {2015},
  type = {sect.}
%% if type = is omitted, it will default to "chap."
%% Retrieved month day, year, from \url{}


  title        = {The title of the proceedings},
  year         = 2015,
  editor       = {Howard Johnson},
  volume       = 2,
  address      = {Address of publisher},
  organization = {The organization},
  publisher    = {Name of publisher},
  note = {\textbf{\color{red}Conference proceedings}},
%  series       = {Series A,

author = {W.~C.~Reynolds and W.~M.~Kays and S.~J.~Kline},
title = {Heat transfer in the incompressible turbulent boundary layer. {I}--constant wall temperature},
type = {Memorandum},
institution = {NASA},
address = {Washington, D.C.},
number = {12-1-58W},
year = {1958},
url = {https://ntrs.nasa.gov/archive/nasa/casi.ntrs.nasa.gov/19980228020.pdf},
note = {\textbf{\color{red}Technical report}},
% if type = is omitted, it will default to "Tech. Rep."

  author = {Prakash Narayan Govindan and Steven Lam and Maximus G. {St. John}},
  title = {Systems including a condensing apparatus such as a bubble column condenser}, 
  year = {2017},
  howpublished = {US Patent {\#}9700811},
  note = {\textbf{\color{red}Patent}},
%% US Patent

	title    =	{{GNU} Scientific Library Release 2.4},
    URL = {https://www.gnu.org/software/gsl/},
   author = {Mark Galassi 
	and Jim Davies
	and James Theiler
	and Brian Gough
	and Gerard Jungman
	and Patrick Alken
	and Michael Booth
	and Fabrice Rossi
	and Rhys Ulerich},
   year = 2017,
   organization = {Free Software Foundation},
   address = {Boston, MA},
   month = {June},
   note = {\textbf{\color{red}Technical manual}},
%% Technical manual