\errorcontextlines=\maxdimen % \iffalse %% %% Copyright (C) 2006, 2007 QuinScape GmbH %% http://www.quinscape.de % % This file may be distributed and/or modified under the % conditions of the LaTeX Project Public License, either version 1.3 % of this license or (at your option) any later version. % The latest version of this license is in % http://www.latex-project.org/lppl.txt % \fi % % \CheckSum{1258} % \section{Using \texttt{qstest}} % % The basic idea of \texttt{qstest} is to let the user specify a % number of tests that can be performed either at package load time or % while running a separate test file through \LaTeX. If you are % writing |.dtx| files, it is a good idea to use Docstrip `modules' % for specifying which lines are to be used for testing. The file % |qstest.dtx| from which both the style file as well as this % documentation have been generated has been done in this manner. % % Since the following tests should be ignored when the |dtx| file is % compiled itself, we use this for skipping over the tests: % \begin{macrocode} %<*dtx> \iffalse %</dtx> % \end{macrocode} % % A standalone test file actually does not need a preamble. We can % load the packages with \cmd{\RequirePackage} and just go ahead. Let % us demonstrate how to build such a test file by testing the |qstest| % package itself: % \begin{macrocode} %<*test> \RequirePackage{qstest} % \end{macrocode} % % \subsection{Pattern and keyword lists} % % Check section \href{file:makematch#patterns}{``Match patterns and % targets''} of the |makematch| package for an explanation of the % comma-separated pattern and keyword lists. In a nutshell, both are % lists of arbitrary material that is not expanded but rather used in % sanitized (printable) form. Patterns may contain wildcard % characters |*| matching zero or more characters, and may be preceded % by |!| in order to negate a match from an earlier pattern in the % pattern list. Leading spaces before an item in either list are % discarded. % % \subsection{Specifying test sets} % % \DescribeMacro{\IncludeTests} This macro specifies a pattern list % matched to tests' keyword lists in order to determine the tests to % be included in this test run. The characters |*| and |!| are % interpreted as explained above. % % For example, % \begin{quote} % |\IncludeTests{*, !\cs}| % \end{quote} % will run all tests except those that have a test keyword of |\cs| in % their list of keywords. It is a good convention to specify the % principal macro or environment to be tested as the first keyword. % % The default is to include all tests. If you are interspersing % possibly expensive tests with your source file, you might want to % specify something like % \begin{quote} % |\IncludeTests{*, !expensive}| % \end{quote} % or even % \begin{quote} % |\IncludeTests{}| % \end{quote} % in your document preamble, and then possibly override this on the % command line with % \begin{quote} % |latex "\AtBeginDocument{\IncludeTests{*}}\input{file}"| % \end{quote} % or similar for getting a more complete test. % % \DescribeMacro{\TestErrors} This defines test patterns that will % throw an error when failing. A test that throws an error will not % also add a warning to the standard log file with extension |log| % since that would be redundant. % % The default is |\TestErrors{*, !fails}|, have all tests that are not % marked as broken throw an error when they fail. % % The throwing of errors does not depend on the logging settings (see % below) for the default |log| file. % % \DescribeMacro{\LogTests} This macro receives three arguments. The % first is the filename extension of a log file (the extension |log| % is treated specially and uses package warning and info commands to % log test failures and passes, respectively). The second is a % keyword list that indicates which passed tests are to be logged. % The third is a keyword list specifying which failed tests are to be % logged. Let us open a file logging everything: % \begin{macrocode} \LogTests{lgout}{*}{*} % \end{macrocode} % The choice of |lgout| is made to make it possible to also have % |lgin| for comparison purposes: the latter would be an |lgout| file % from a previous, `definitive run', renamed and checked into version % control, for the sake of being able to compare the log output from % different versions. % % An already open log file stays open and just changes what is logged. % By default, the standard |log| % \mbox{(pseudo-)}\discretionary{}{}{}file is already open and logs % everything. % % Passed and failed tests are not completely symmetric with regard to % logging: test failures are logged and/or indicated on the individual % failed assertions, while a successful test is only logged and/or % indicated in summary. % % \DescribeMacro{\LogClose} You can explicitly close a log file if you % want to reread it in the course of processing, or call an executable % that would process it. The standard file with extension |log| will % not actually get closed and flushed if you do this (though logging % would stop on it), but all others might. The actual example for % this follows after the tests. You can reopen a closed log file % using \cmd{\LogTests}. It will then get rewritten from the % beginning (with the exception for the standard |log| file, of % course). % % \subsection{The tests} % % \DescribeEnv{qstest} % Tests are performed within the |qstest| environment. The % environment gets two arguments. The first is the name of the test % recorded in the log file. The second is a list of test keywords % used for deciding which tests are performed and logged. % % Before delving in the details of what kind of tests you can perform % in this environment, we list the various commands that are given % patterns and thus control what kind of tests are performed and % logged. % % \DescribeMacro{\Expect} % This is the workhorse for checking that values, dimensions, macros % and other things are just like the test designer would expect them % to be. % % This macro basically receives two brace-delimited % arguments\footnote{The arguments are collected with a token register % assignment. This gives several options for specifying them, % including giving a token register without braces around it. It % also makes it possible to precede the \textsl{balanced text} with % \cmd{\expandafter} and similar expandable stuff.} and checks that % they are equal after being passed through \cmd{\def} and sanitized. % This means that you can't normally use |#| except when followed by a % digit (all from 1 to 9 are allowed) or |#|. If you precede one of % those arguments with |*| it gets passed through through \cmd{\edef} % instead of \cmd{\def}. There may also be additional tokens like % |\expandafter| before the opening brace. Note that the combination % of \cmd{\edef} and |\the|\meta{token variable} can be used to pass % through |#| characters without interpretation. e\TeX\ provides a % similar effect with \cmd{\unexpanded}. So if you want to compare a % token list that may contain isolated hash characters, you can do so % by writing something like % \begin{macrocode} %<*etex> \begin{qstest}{# in isolation}{\Expect, #, \unexpanded} \toks0{# and #} \Expect*{\the\toks0}*{\unexpanded{# and #}} \end{qstest} %</etex> % \end{macrocode} % Since the sanitized version will convert |#| macro parameters to the % string |##|, you might also do this explicitly (and without e\TeX) % as % \begin{macrocode} \begin{qstest}{# in isolation 2}{\Expect, #, \string} \toks0{# and #} \Expect*{\the\toks0}*{\string#\string# and \string#\string#} \end{qstest} % \end{macrocode} % If the token register is guaranteed to only contain `proper' |#| % characters that are either followed by another |#| or a digit, you % can let the normal interpretation of a macro parameter for % \cmd{\def} kick in and use this as % \begin{macrocode} \begin{qstest}{# as macro parameter}{\Expect, #} \toks0{\def\xxx#1{}} \Expect\expandafter{\the\toks0}{\def\xxx#1{}} \end{qstest} % \end{macrocode} % In this manner, |#1| is interpreted (and sanitized) as a macro % parameter on both sides, and consequently no doubling of |#| % occurs. % % Before the comparison is done, both arguments are sanitized, % converted into printing characters with standardized catcodes % throughout\footnote{Spaces get catcode~10, all other characters % catcode~12.}. A word of warning: both sanitization as well as % using \cmd{\meaning} still depend on catcode settings, since % single-letter control sequences (made from a catcode 11 letter) % are followed by a space, and other single-character control % sequences are not. For that reason, a standalone test file for % \LaTeX\ class or package files will usually need to declare % \begin{macrocode} \makeatletter % \end{macrocode} % in order to make `|@|' a letter, like it usually is in such % files. % % All of the of the following expectations would turn out correct: % \begin{macrocode} \begin{qstest}{Some LaTeX definitions}{\Expect} \Expect*{\meaning\@gobble}{\long macro:#1->} \Expect*{\the\maxdimen}{16383.99998pt} \end{qstest} % \end{macrocode} % Note that there is no way to convert the contents of a box into a % printable rendition, so with regard to boxes, you will be mostly % reduced to check that dimensions of a box meet expectations. % % \subsection{Expecting \texttt{ifthen} conditions} % \DescribeMacro{\ExpectIfThen} % This is used for evaluating a condition as provided by the % |ifthen| package. See its docs for the kind of condition that is % possible there. You just specify one argument: the condition that % you expect to be true. Here is an example: % \begin{macrocode} \RequirePackage{ifthen} \begin{qstest}{\ExpectIfThen}{\ExpectIfThen} \ExpectIfThen{\lengthtest{\maxdimen=16383.99998pt}\AND \maxdimen>1000000000} \end{qstest} % \end{macrocode} % % \subsection{Dimension ranges} % % \DescribeMacro{\InRange} Sometimes we want to check whether some % dimension is not exactly like some value, but rather in some range. % We do this by specifying as the second argument to \cmd{\Expect} an % artificial macro with two arguments specifying the range in % question. This will make \cmd{\Expect} succeed if its first % argument is in the range specified by the two arguments to % \cmd{\InRange}. % % The range is specified as two \TeX\ dimens. If you use a dimen % register and you want to have a possible error message display the % value instead of the dimen register, you can do so by using the |*| % modifier before \cmd{\InRange} (which will cause the value to be % expanded before printing and comparing) and put \cmd{\the} before % the dimen register since such register are not expandible by % themselves. % % Here are some examples: % \begin{macrocode} \begin{qstest}{\InRange success}{\InRange} \dimen@=10pt \Expect*{\the\dimen@}\InRange{5pt}{15pt} \Expect*{\the\dimen@}\InRange{10pt}{15pt} \Expect*{\the\dimen@}\InRange{5pt}{10pt} \end{qstest} \begin{qstest}{\InRange failure}{\InRange, fails} \dimen@=10pt \dimen@ii=9.99998pt \Expect*{\the\dimen@}\InRange{5pt}{\dimen@ii} \dimen@ii=10.00002pt \Expect*{\the\dimen@}*\InRange{\the\dimen@ii}{15pt} \end{qstest} % \end{macrocode} % \DescribeMacro{\NearTo} This requires e\TeX's arithmetic and will % not be available for versions built without e\TeX\ support. The % macro is used in lieu of an expected value and is similar to % \cmd{InRange} in that it is a pseudovalue to be used for the second % argument of \cmd{\Expect}. It makes \cmd{\Expect} succeed if its % own mandatory argument is close to the first argument from % \cmd{\Expect}, where closeness is defined as being within |0.05pt|. % This size can be varied by specifying a different one as optional % argument to \cmd{\NearTo}. Here is a test: % \begin{macrocode} %<*etex> \begin{qstest}{\NearTo success}{\NearTo} \dimen@=10pt \Expect*{\the\dimen@}\NearTo{10.05pt} \Expect*{\the\dimen@}\NearTo{9.95pt} \Expect*{\the\dimen@}\NearTo[2pt]{12pt} \Expect*{\the\dimen@}\NearTo[0.1pt]{9.9pt} \end{qstest} \begin{qstest}{\NearTo failure}{\NearTo, fails} \dimen@=10pt \Expect*{\the\dimen@}\NearTo{10.05002pt} \Expect*{\the\dimen@}\NearTo[1pt]{11.00001pt} \end{qstest} %</etex> % \end{macrocode} % % \subsection{Saved results} % % The purpose of saved results is to be able to check that the value % has remained the same over passes. Results are given a unique label % name and are written to an auxiliary file where they can be read in % for the sake of comparison. One can use the normal |aux| file for % this purpose, but it might be preferable to use a separate dedicated % file. That way it is possible to input a versioned \emph{copy} of % this file and have a fixed point of reference rather than the last % run. % % While the |aux| file is read in automatically at the beginning of % the document, this does not happen with explicitly named files. You % have to read them in yourself, preferably using % \begin{quote} % |\InputIfFileExists|\marg{filename}|{}{}| % \end{quote} % so that no error is thrown when the file does not yet exist. % % \DescribeMacro{\SaveValueFile} This gets one argument specifying % which file name to use for saving results. If this is specified, a % special file is opened. If \cmd{\SaveValueFile} is not called, the % standard |aux| file is used instead, but then you can only save % values after |\begin||{document}|. |\jobname.qsout| seems like a % useful file name to use here (the extension |out| is already in % use by PDF\TeX). % \begin{macrocode} \begin{qstest}{\SavedValue}{\SavedValue} \SaveValueFile{\jobname.qsout} % \end{macrocode} % If this were a real test instead of just documentation, we probably % would have written something like % \begin{quote} % |\InputIfFileExists{\jobname.qsin}{}{}| % \end{quote} % first in order to read in values from a previous run. The given % file would have been a copy of a previous |qsout| file, possibly % checked into version control in order to make sure behavior is % consistent across runs. If it is an error to not have such a file % (once you have established appropriate testing), you can just write % \begin{quote} % |\input{\jobname.qsin}| % \end{quote} % instead, of course. % % \DescribeMacro{\CloseValueFile} This macro takes no argument and % will close a value save file if one is open (using this has no % effect if no file has been opened and values are saved on the |aux| % file instead). We'll demonstrate use of it later. It is probably % only necessary for testing |qstest| itself (namely, when you read in % saved values in the same run), or when you do the % processing/comparison with a previous version by executing commands % via \TeX's |\write18| mechanism. % % \DescribeMacro{\SaveValue} This gets the label name as first % argument. If you are using the non-e\TeX-version, the label name % gets sanitized using \cmd{\string} and so can't deal with % non-character material except at its immediate beginning. The % e\TeX-version has no such constraint. % % The second argument is the same kind of argument as \cmd{\Expect} % expects, namely something suitable for a token register assignment % which is passed through \cmd{\def} if not preceded by |*|, and by % \cmd{\edef} if preceded by |*|. The value is written out to the % save file where it can be read in afterwards. % % Let us save a few values under different names now: % \begin{macrocode} \SaveValue{\InternalSetValue}*{\meaning\InternalSetValue} \SaveValue{\IncludeTests}*{\meaning\IncludeTests} \SaveValue{whatever}*{3.1415} \SaveValue{\maxdimen}*{\the\maxdimen} % \end{macrocode} % \DescribeMacro{\InternalSetValue} A call to this macro is placed % into the save file for each call of \cmd{\SaveValue}. The details % are not really relevant: in case you run into problems while % inputting the save file, it might be nice to know. % % \DescribeMacro{\SavedValue} This is used for retrieving a saved % value. When used as the second argument to \cmd{\Expect}, it will % default to the value of the first argument to \cmd{\Expect} unless % it has been read in from a save file. This behavior is intended for % making it easy to add tests and saved values and not get errors at % first, until actually values from a previous test become available. % % Consequently, the following tests will all turn out true before we % read in a file, simply because all the saved values are not yet % defined and default to the expectations: % \begin{macrocode} \Expect{Whatever}\SavedValue{\InternalSetValue} \Expect[\IncludeTests]{Whatever else}\SavedValue{\IncludeTests} \Expect[whatever]{2.71828}\SavedValue{whatever} \Expect[undefined]{1.618034}\SavedValue{undefined} % \end{macrocode} % After closing and rereading the file, we'll need to be more careful % with our expectations, but the last line still works since there % still is no saved value for ``undefined''. % \begin{macrocode} \CloseValueFile \input{\jobname.qsout} \Expect*{\meaning\InternalSetValue}\SavedValue{\InternalSetValue} \Expect[\IncludeTests]*{\meaning\IncludeTests}% \SavedValue{\IncludeTests} \Expect[whatever]{3.1415}\SavedValue{whatever} \Expect[undefined]{1.618034}\SavedValue{undefined} \end{qstest} % \end{macrocode} % Ok, and now lets take the previous tests which succeeded again and % let them fail now that the variables are defined: % \begin{macrocode} \begin{qstest}{\SavedValue failure}{\SavedValue,fails} \Expect{Whatever}\SavedValue{\InternalSetValue} \Expect[\IncludeTests]{Whatever else}\SavedValue{\IncludeTests} \Expect{2.71828}\SavedValue{whatever} \end{qstest} % \end{macrocode} % % % \subsection{Checking for call sequences} % \DescribeEnv{ExpectCallSequence} The environment % |ExpectCallSequence| tells the test system that macros are going to % be called in a certain order and with particular types of arguments. % % It gets as an argument the expected call sequence. The call % sequence contains entries that look like a macro definition: % starting with the macro name followed with a macro argument list and % a brace-enclosed substitution text that gets executed in place of % the macro. The argument list given to this macro substitution will % get as its first argument a macro with the original definition of % the control sequence, so you can get at the original arguments for % this particular macro call starting with |#2|. As a consequence, if % you specify no arguments at all and an empty replacement text for % the substitution, the original macro gets executed with the original % arguments. % % \DescribeMacro{\CalledName} If you want to get back from the control % sequence with the original meaning in |#1| to the original macro % name, you can use \cmd{\CalledName} on it. This will expand to the % original control sequence \emph{name}, all in printable characters % fit for output or typesetting in a typewriter font (or use in % \cmd{\csname}), but without leading backslash character. You can % get to the control sequence itself by using % \begin{quote} % |\csname \CalledName#1\endcsname| % \end{quote} % and to a printable version including backslash by using % \begin{quote} % |\expandafter \string \csname \CalledName#1\endcsname| % \end{quote} % % Going into more detail, a substitution function is basically defined % using % \begin{quote} % |\protected| |\long| |\def| % \end{quote} % so it will not usually get expanded except when hit with % \cmd{\expandafter} or actually being executed. Note that you can't % use this on stuff that has to work at expansion time. This really % works mainly with macros that would also be suitable candidates for % \cmd{\DeclareRobustCommand}. % % It is also a bad idea to trace a conditional in this manner: while % the substitution could be made to work when being executed, it will % appear like an ordinary macro when being skipped, disturbing the % conditional nesting. % % Only macros occuring somewhere in the call sequence will get % tracked, other macros are not affected. The environment can % actually get nested, in which case the outer sequences will get % tracked independently from the inner sequence. % % This makes it possible to use |ExpectCallSequence| in order to % spoof, for example, both input consuming and output producing macros % without knowing the exact relationship of both. % % Apart from specifying macro calls, the call sequence specification % can contain special characters that also carry meaning: % \begin{description} % \item[\texttt{\string`}] If this is set in the call sequence, it % places the initial parsing state here. This will make it an error % if non-matching entries occur at the start of the sequence, which % otherwise is effectively enclosed with % \begin{quote} % |.{}*(|\meta{sequence}|).{}*| % \end{quote} % meaning that nonmatching entries before the first and after the % last matching item of the sequence are ignored by default (this % makes it closer to normal regexp matchers). Since the matching % will then start at |`|, you can put macros before that position % that you want to be flagged if they occur in the sequence, even % when they are mentioned nowhere else (macros which would be an % error if actually called). Also available as the more customary % |^| character, but that tends to behave worse in \LaTeX-aware % editors. % \item[\texttt{\string'}] This indicates the last call sequence % element to be matched. If any traced macros appear after this % point, an error will get generated. Any immediately following % call sequence entries will not get reached. % \item[|.|] A single dot indicates a wildcard: any of the tracked % control sequences might occur here. You still have to follow this % with macro arguments and a braced replacement text. Wildcards are % considered as a fallback when nothing else matches. % \item[|(|\dots|)|] Parens may be used for grouping alternatives % and\slash or combining items for the sake of repeating % specifications, of which there are three: % \item[|?|] If a question mark follows either a macro call, wildcard % call, parenthesized group, or call sequence end, the item before % it is optional. % \item[|+|] A plus sign following an item means that this item may be % repeated one or more times. % \item[|*|] An asterisk following an item means that this item may be % repeated zero or more times. % \item[\texttt{\string|}] A vertical bar separates alternatives. % Alternatives extend as far as possible, to the next bar, to an % enclosing paren group, or to the start and\slash or end of the % whole call sequence specification if nothing else intervenes. % \end{description} % Note that opposed to traditional regexp evaluation, no backtracking % is employed: at each point in the call sequence, the next match is % immediately chosen and a choice can (for obvious reasons) not be % reverted. It is the task of the user to specify a call sequence in % a sufficiently non-ambiguous manner that will make the call sequence % tracing not pick dead ends. % \begin{macrocode} \begin{qstest}{ExpectCallSequence}{ExpectCallSequence} \def\e{e} \def\f{f} \def\g{g} \def\h{h} \begin{ExpectCallSequence}{`\e#1{% \Expect\expandafter{\csname\CalledName#1\endcsname}{\e }% \Expect*{\meaning#1}{macro:->e}}+\f#1{}'} \e \e \e \e \f \end{ExpectCallSequence} \end{qstest} % \end{macrocode} % % \subsection{Ending a standalone test file} % One finishes a standalone test file by calling the \LaTeX\ control % sequence \cmd{\quit}. This stops processing even when we did not % actually get into a document. We don't actually do this here since % there will be further tests in the full documentation file. % However, we will now close the log file we opened for this demonstration. % \begin{macrocode} \LogClose{lgout} %</test> % \end{macrocode} % \IfFileExists{qstest-qs.lgout}{% % And now we will show the resulting standalone log file: % \IndexInput{qstest-qs.lgout}}{% % \GenericError{(\jobname) }% % {`qstest-qs.lgout' is missing} % {Please run `qstest-qs.tex' (unpacked by `qstest.ins') through LaTeX first.} % {Documentation will be incomplete otherwise.}} % % We can now stop skipping if we are compiling the |dtx| file % standalone. % \begin{macrocode} %<*dtx> \fi %</dtx> % \end{macrocode} % \StopEventually{} % \section{The driver file} % \begin{macrocode} %<*driver> \documentclass{ltxdoc} \usepackage{qstest} \usepackage{hyperref} \OnlyDescription %<driver> \AlsoImplementation \begin{document} \GetFileInfo{qstest.sty} \date{\filedate} \title{\texttt{\filename}\\\fileinfo\\version \fileversion} \author{David Kastrup\thanks{\href{mailto:dak@gnu.org} {David.Kastrup@QuinScape.de}, \href{http://quinscape.de}{QuinScape GmbH}}} \maketitle \DocInput{qstest.dtx} \end{document} %</driver> % \end{macrocode} % \hypertarget{installer}{% % \section{The installer file} % } % If you did not get an installer file with the package, you can % recreate it by running % \begin{quote} % |tex docstrip| % \end{quote} % and specifying |dtx| as input extension, |ins| as output extension, % |installer| as option list and |qstest| as input file name. % % Installations with a non-e\TeX-based \LaTeX\ can try to remove the % |etex| option from the style, but it will impact robustness and % performance of the package. % % When called from a Makefile, you want to allow overwriting files, % and you don't want to install into the final target tree. In this % case, call % \begin{quote} % |tex "\let\Make=y \input makematch.ins"| % \end{quote} % \begin{macrocode} %<*installer> \input docstrip \ifx\Make y\askforoverwritefalse\fi \generate{ \file{qstest.drv}{\from{qstest.dtx}{driver,test,etex}} \file{qstest-qs.tex}{\from{qstest.dtx}{test,etex}} \file{makematch.drv}{\from{makematch.dtx}{driver,etex}} \file{makematch-qs.tex}{\from{makematch.dtx}{test,etex}} \ifx\Make y\else \usedir{tex/latex/qstest}\fi \file{qstest.sty}{\from{qstest.dtx}{package,etex}} \file{makematch.sty}{\from{makematch.dtx}{package,etex}}} \endbatchfile %</installer> % \end{macrocode} % % \section{The Implementation} % \subsection{Front matter} % Some data and version magic from SVN keyword expansion. % \begin{macrocode} %<*package> \NeedsTeXFormat{LaTeX2e} \def\next$Id: #1.dtx #2 #3-#4-#5 #6${% \ProvidesPackage{#1}[#3/#4/#5 1.#2 QuinScape Unit Test Package] } \next $Id: qstest.dtx 7896 2007-02-21 14:03:26Z dkastrup $ \RequirePackage{makematch} \newtoks\qst@tmptoks % \end{macrocode} % % \subsection{Error logging and treatment} % \begin{macro}{\TestErrors} % This defines test patterns that will throw an error when failing. % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand*{\TestErrors}{\MakeMatcher[,]\qst@errorcheck} \TestErrors{*, !fails} \newif\ifqst@error \def\qst@ifqst@error{\qst@errorcheck\qst@options \qst@errortrue\qst@errorfalse\ifqst@error} % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % \begin{macro}{\qst@failed} % This is the internal macro we call for every failure. It gets the % test message which is expanded and then sanitized. % \begin{macrocode} \long\def\qst@error#1{% \global\qst@testpassedfalse \global\let\qst@lastfailure\qst@testname \edef\qst@message{Failed: \qst@testname^^J#1}% \@onelevel@sanitize\qst@message \qst@failed} % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % \begin{macro}{\ifqst@testpassed} % This is used to flag failures in a test. % \begin{macrocode} \newif\ifqst@testpassed % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % \subsection{Logging} % \label{sec:logging} % \begin{macro}{\LogTests} % This macro receives three arguments. The first is the filename % extension of a log file. The second is a keyword list that % indicates which passed tests are to be logged. The third is a % keyword list indicating which failed tests are to be logged. % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand{\LogTests}[3]{% %<etex> \ifcsname qst:log:#1\endcsname \else %<*!etex> {\expandafter}\expandafter\ifx\csname qst:log:#1\endcsname \@undefined %</!etex> \expandafter\newwrite\csname qst:log:#1\endcsname \qst@gpush\qst@passed{\qst@logentry+{#1}}% \qst@gpush\qst@failed{\qst@logentry-{#1}}% \global\expandafter\let\csname qst:+log:#1\endcsname\qst@matchnever \global\expandafter\let\csname qst:-log:#1\endcsname\qst@matchnever \fi \expandafter\ifx \csname qst:+log:#1\endcsname \qst@matchnever \PackageInfo{qstest}{Logging on: \jobname.#1}% \ifnum\csname qst:log:#1\endcsname>\m@ne \immediate\openout\csname qst:log:#1\endcsname\jobname.#1\relax \fi \fi \MakeMatcher[,]\qst@tmp{#2}% \global\expandafter\let\csname qst:+log:#1\endcsname\qst@tmp \MakeMatcher[,]\qst@tmp{#3}% \global\expandafter\let\csname qst:-log:#1\endcsname\qst@tmp } % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % \begin{macro}{\qst@gpush} % \begin{macrocode} %<*etex> \long\def\qst@gpush#1#2{\xdef#1{\unexpanded{#2}% \unexpanded\expandafter{#1}}} %</etex> %<*!etex> \long\def\qst@gpush#1#2{\qst@tmptoks{#2}% \qst@tmptoks\expandafter{\the\expandafter\qst@tmptoks#1}% \xdef#1{\the\qst@tmptoks}} %</!etex> % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % \begin{macro}{\qst@logentry} % \begin{macrocode} \def\qst@logentry#1#2{\qst@maybelog#1{#2}{% \immediate\write\csname qst:log:#2\endcsname{\qst@message}}} % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % \begin{macro}{\qst@maybelog} % \begin{macrocode} \def\qst@maybelog#1#2#3{\csname qst:#1log:#2\endcsname\qst@options {#3}{}} % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % If the user specifies |log| as the extension, we don't want to % overwrite the log file. Instead we convert this to package warnings % and infos. % \begin{macrocode} \expandafter\let\csname qst:log:log\endcsname\m@ne \global\expandafter\let\csname qst:+log:log\endcsname\qst@matchalways \global\expandafter\let\csname qst:-log:log\endcsname\qst@matchalways \def\qst@passed{\qst@maybelog+{log}% {\PackageInfo{qstest}{\qst@message}}} \def\qst@failed{\ifqst@error \PackageError{qstest}{\qst@message}{}% \else \qst@maybelog-{log}{\PackageWarning{qstest}{\qst@message}}% \fi} % \end{macrocode} % \begin{macro}{\LogClose} % This closes the specified log file again. This is needed if the % log file gets processed during the \TeX\ run, like with verbatim % input or by running a |\write18| process on it. It is possible to % reopen the file later. Specifying |log| will not actually close % the log file, but just stop logging. % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand*\LogClose[1]{% \expandafter\ifx \csname qst:+log:#1\endcsname\qst@matchnever \else \PackageInfo{qstest}{Logging off: \jobname.#1}% \ifnum\csname qst:log:#1\endcsname>\m@ne \immediate\closeout\csname qst:log:#1\endcsname \fi \global\expandafter\let\csname qst:+log:#1\endcsname\qst@matchnever \global\expandafter\let\csname qst:-log:#1\endcsname\qst@matchnever \fi } %</package> %<*test> \IncludeTests{*} \makeatletter \begin{qstest}{\LogClose}{} \begin{ExpectCallSequence}{% `\PackageInfo#1#2#3{\Expect[##1]{#2}{qstest}% \Expect[##2]{#3}{Logging off: \jobname.log}% #1{#2}{#3}}'} \LogClose{log} \end{ExpectCallSequence} \end{qstest} \begin{qstest}{\LogTests}{} \begin{ExpectCallSequence}{% \PackageInfo#1#2#3{\Expect[##1]{#2}{qstest}% \Expect[##2]{#3}{Logging on: \jobname.log}% #1{#2}{#3}}} \LogTests{log}{*}{*} \end{ExpectCallSequence} \end{qstest} %</test> %<*package> % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % \subsection{The test code itself} % % \begin{macro}{\IncludeTests} % This defines the test case patterns to be included. Keyword % specifications and patterns are `sanitized': macros are not % expanded, and everything but spaces is converted to catcode~12 % characters. At the start of a pattern or a keyword, spaces get % ignored. Spaces inside of patterns or keywords should work as % expected, however. % \begin{macrocode} \def\IncludeTests{\MakeMatcher[,]\qst@includecheck} \let\qst@includecheck\qst@matchalways % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % \begin{environment}{qstest} % This is the environment for defining a test. |#1| is the name of % the test for the log file. The name is sanitized, so control % sequence names can be used verbatim. |#2| is a sequence of % options that may be matched by the patterns from % \cmd{\IncludeTests}. If there is no match the environment is % skipped like a comment environment. % \begin{macrocode} \RequirePackage{verbatim} \newenvironment{qstest}[2]{% % \end{macrocode} % We sanitize test name and options. In case people nest tests, we % don't want to announce an outer test passed when a single inner test % has passed. So we don't set \cmd{\qst@testpassedtrue} globally. % While a mixture of local and global assignments should in general be % avoided as it leads to ``savestack buildup'', this can't actually % happen here since the local assignment is done only once at the % start of a group. % \begin{macrocode} \qst@testpassedtrue %<etex> \edef\qst@testname{\detokenize{#1}}% %<*!etex> \qst@tmptoks{#1}% \edef\qst@testname{\the\qst@tmptoks}% \@onelevel@sanitize\qst@testname %</!etex> \MakeMatchTarget[,]\qst@options{#2}% \let\ifqst@error\qst@ifqst@error \qst@includecheck\qst@options\ignorespaces{% \let\endqstest\endcomment}}% {\ifqst@testpassed \edef\qst@message{Passed: \qst@testname}% \qst@passed \else \ifx\qst@testname\qst@lastfailure \else \edef\qst@message{Failed: \qst@testname}% \qst@failed \fi \fi} % \end{macrocode} % \end{environment} % \begin{macro}{\qst@testname} % Let us set up a default test name in case any tests occur outside % of a |qstest| environment. % \begin{macrocode} \def\qst@testname{unspecified} % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % \begin{macro}{\Expect} % This macro basically receives two brace-delimited % arguments\footnote{Actually, the arguments are collected with a % token register assignment. This gives several options for % specifying them, including giving a token register without % braces around it.} and checks that they are equal after being % passed through \cmd{\def} and sanitized. % If you precede one of those arguments % with |*| it gets passed through through \cmd{\edef} instead of % \cmd{\def}. There may also be additional tokens like % |\expandafter| before the opening brace. % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand\Expect[1][]{% %<etex> \edef\qst@tmpc{\unexpanded{#1}}% %<!etex> \qst@tmptoks{#1}% %<!etex> \edef\qst@tmpc{\the\qst@tmptoks}% \qst@expectarg\qst@defaultvalue\qst@expecttwo} \def\qst@expectarg#1#2{% \@ifstar{\qst@expectargii\edef#1#2}{\qst@expectargii\def#1#2}} \def\qst@expectargii#1#2#3{\long\def\qst@tmp##1{% #1#2####1####2####3####4####5####6####7####8####9{##1}% \@onelevel@sanitize#2#3}% \afterassignment\qst@expectargiii \qst@tmptoks=} \def\qst@expectargiii{\expandafter \qst@tmp\expandafter{\the\qst@tmptoks}} \def\qst@expecttwo{% \ifx\qst@tmpc\@empty \edef\qst@tmpc{\the\qst@tmptoks}% \fi \qst@expectarg\qst@tmpb\qst@expectfinish} \def\qst@expectfinish{% \ifx\qst@defaultvalue\qst@tmpb \else %<!etex> \qst@tmptoks\expandafter{\qst@tmpc}% \qst@error{ %<!etex> \string\Expect: \the\qst@tmptoks^^J %<etex> \string\Expect: \unexpanded\expandafter{\qst@tmpc}^^J <\qst@tmpb^^J >\qst@defaultvalue}% \fi} % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % \subsection{Dimension ranges} % % \begin{macro}{\InRange} % This is used as a second argument for \cmd{\Expect}. It will % make \cmd{\Expect} succeed if the first argument of \cmd{\Expect} % happens to lie in the closed range defined by the two arguments of % \cmd{\InRange}. % \begin{macrocode} \def\InRange#1#2{% \ifcase \ifdim\qst@defaultvalue<#1\@ne\fi \ifdim\qst@defaultvalue>#2\@ne\fi \tw@ \or \qst@afterfi{{in [#1..#2]}}% \or \qst@afterfi{\expandafter{\qst@defaultvalue}}% \fi} % \end{macrocode} % \begin{macro}{\qst@afterfi} % This is just a helper macro cleaning up a following |\fi|. % \begin{macrocode} \def\qst@afterfi#1#2\fi{\fi#1} % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % \end{macro} % \begin{macro}{\NearTo} % This is a pseudovalue like the last: it returns % \cmd{\qst@defaultvalue} if the specified value |#1| is close to % the given default value. There is an optional argument specifying % the closeness which defaults to |0.05pt|. It requires e\TeX\ % since the arithmetic can't be done otherwise. % \begin{macrocode} %<*etex> \newcommand*\NearTo[1]{% \ifx[#1\expandafter\qst@nearto\expandafter[%]] \else \qst@afterfi{\qst@nearto[0.05pt]{#1}}% \fi} \def\qst@nearto[#1]#2{% \ifcase \ifdim\qst@defaultvalue>\dimexpr#2+(#1)\relax \@ne\fi \ifdim\qst@defaultvalue<\dimexpr#2-(#1)\relax \@ne\fi \tw@ \or \qst@afterfi{{near[#1] to #2}}% \or \qst@afterfi{\expandafter{\qst@defaultvalue}}% \fi} %</etex> % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % \begin{macro}{\ExpectIfThen} % This is used for evaluating a condition as provided by the % |ifthen| package. See its docs for the kind of condition that is % possible there. % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand\ExpectIfThen[1]{% %<!etex> \qst@tmptoks{#1}% \ifthenelse{#1}{}{% \qst@error{ %<etex> \string\ExpectIfThen: \unexpanded{#1}% %<!etex> \string\ExpectIfThen: \the\qst@tmptoks }}} % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % % \begin{environment}{ExpectCallSequence} % This tells the test system that macros are going to be called in a % certain order and with particular types of arguments. % % The environment gets as an argument the expected call sequence. % The call sequence contains entries that look like a macro % definition: starting with the macro name followed with an argument % list ended with |{| ^^A}% % following it, followed by substitution code executed in place of % the macro. The argument list actually starts with an implicit % argument of |#1| which contains a macro with the original value of % the control sequence, so the explicitly specified argument list % starts with the argument called~|#2|. % % The substitution function is basically defined using % \begin{quote} % |\protected| |\long| |\def| % \end{quote} % so it will not usually get expanded except when hit with % \cmd{\expandafter} or actually being executed. Note that you % can't use this on stuff that has to work at expansion time. This % really works mainly with macros that would also be suitable % candidates for \cmd{\DeclareRobustCommand}. % % It is also a bad idea to trace a conditional in this manner: while % the substitution should actually work when being executed, it will % appear like an ordinary macro when being skipped, disturbing the % conditional nesting. % \begin{macro}{\qst@advance} % We maintain a lot of counters and often need them expanded. % Instead of allocating counter registers for them, we keep some of % them in macros. Advancing such a macro is done using % \cmd{\qst@advance}. Since we may do this in the middle of call % tracing, we allocate our own temporary counter in the non-e\TeX\ % case. % \begin{macrocode} %<etex> \def\qst@advance#1{\edef#1{\number\numexpr(#1)+1}} %<*!etex> \newcount\qst@tmpcnt \def\qst@advance#1{% \qst@tmpcnt#1% \advance\qst@tmpcnt\@ne \edef#1{\number\qst@tmpcnt}} %</!etex> % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % \subsection{The regexp state machine} % The whole idea of call sequence checking is to match the calls % happening throughout controlled macros to a sort of attributed % regular expression. To facilitate that, we replace the macros by % some fixed code exercising a state machine. For each state of the % state machine, we define a state macro (taking one argument) that % contains tokens to be matched followed by a corresponding action % sequence in braces. The argument that this state macro takes is the % control sequence in question itself: by using |#1| as the matching % token, one can ensure a match at some place. This is used for % implementing wildcards. % % An action sequence may be of three kinds: % \begin{description} % \item[explicit match] this matches a given token explicitly and % causes the state to change to a defined new state, and causes an % action to be called that has been user specified for this state transition. % \item[wildcard match] instead of immediately making a state transition, % the transition is remembered in case there is not explicit match: % explicit matches have priority. % \item[empty transition] this inserts the transitions of a different % state recursively into the matching process. Every state inserted % in this manner is recorded so as to not insert it again. This is % not associated with a transition. % \end{description} % % \begin{macro}{\qst@csmaketransition} % This will perform an actual transition when called as an action % code. It receives in |#1| the state to move to, in |#2| the % transition number to use for the replacement code, in |#3| the % code sequence to be replaced. Everything until the terminating % |.| of the expanded transition table can be thrown away. % \begin{macrocode} \long\def\qst@csmaketransition#1#2#3#4.{% \qst@cssetstate{#1}% \expandafter \endgroup \csname qst@cstrans:#2\expandafter\endcsname \csname qst@cssaved\romannumeral\qst@csscope>\string#3\endcsname} % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % \begin{macro}{\CalledName} % This is used for getting back the original name from the saved % sequence name as text. % \begin{macrocode} \def\CalledName#1{\expandafter\expandafter\expandafter\@gobble \expandafter\strip@prefix\string#1} % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % \begin{macro}{\qst@csstate} % \begin{macrocode} \def\qst@csstate{\csname qst@csstate\romannumeral \qst@csscope\endcsname} % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % \begin{macro}{qst@cssetstate} % \begin{macrocode} \def\qst@cssetstate#1{% \expandafter\expandafter\expandafter\xdef\qst@csstate{#1}} % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % \begin{macro}{\qst@csmakewildcard} % This matches a wildcard. Since those are considered last, it just % redefines \cmd{\qst@csnomatch} to a different default behavior when % nothing matched explicitly. It also removes the replicated % control sequence name in |#3| and restarts the matching process. % Wildcards don't match the end of a match. % \begin{macrocode} \long\def\qst@csmakewildcard#1#2#3{\ifx#3\endExpectCallSequence \else \def\qst@csnomatch{\qst@csmaketransition{#1}{#2}}% \fi \qst@tmp} % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % \begin{macro}{\qst@cscheckempty} % This first checks whether the current state has already been % considered (entering it into \cmd{\qst@lockout} if it has not), % then expands its table here and resumes the search. % \begin{macrocode} \long\def\qst@cscheckempty#1#2{% \ifcase\qst@cslockout{#1}\z@ \expandafter\def\expandafter\qst@cslockout \expandafter##\expandafter1\expandafter{% \qst@cslockout{##1}\ifnum##1=#1\@ne\fi}% \expandafter\expandafter\expandafter\qst@tmp \csname qst@csstate:#1\expandafter\endcsname\expandafter#2% \or \expandafter\qst@tmp \fi} % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % \begin{macro}{\qst@csnext} % This does the work of finding a transition from the current state % given a specified lookahead token. It does this via defining % \cmd{\qst@tmp} to a macro picking out the given token from the % following string, taking the corresponding sequence to be called % for it and calling it with the token as an argument. % % The lockout sequence in \cmd{\qst@cslockout} is preloaded with one % comparison locking out the current state. % \begin{macrocode} \long\def\qst@csnext#1#2{% \begingroup \edef\qst@csscope{#1}% \let\qst@csnomatch=\qst@csunexpected \def\qst@cslockout##1{\ifnum\qst@csstate=##1\@ne\fi}% \long\def\qst@tmp##1#2##2{##2#2}% \expandafter\expandafter\expandafter\qst@tmp \csname qst@csstate:\qst@csstate\endcsname#2% #2{\qst@csnomatch}.} %<*!etex> \let\qst@csnextii\qst@csnext \def\qst@csnext{\ifx\protect\@typeset@protect \expandafter\qst@csnextii \else \expandafter \@firstoftwo \expandafter \protect \fi} %</!etex> % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % \begin{macro}{\qst@csunexpected} % This is the default if we have had no match: % \begin{macrocode} \long\def\qst@csunexpected#1#2.{% \qst@error{ ExpectCallSequence: \string#1}% \expandafter\expandafter\expandafter \endgroup \qst@cssavedcs#1% } \long\def\qst@cssavedcs#1{% \csname qst@cssaved\romannumeral\qst@csscope>\string#1\endcsname} % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % \begin{macro}{\qst@csaddstate} % This does the actual work of adding something to the state table. % Uses \cmd{\def}. % \begin{macrocode} \long\def\qst@csaddstate#1#2{% %<etex> \ifcsname qst@csstate:#1\endcsname \else %<!etex> \expandafter\ifx\csname qst@csstate:#1\endcsname\relax \expandafter\let\csname qst@csstate:#1\endcsname \@gobble \fi \long\expandafter \def\csname qst@csstate:#1\expandafter\endcsname \expandafter##\expandafter1\expandafter{\romannumeral \expandafter\expandafter\expandafter\z@ \csname qst@csstate:#1\endcsname{##1}#2}} % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % \begin{macro}{\qst@csaddempty} % \begin{macrocode} \def\qst@csaddempty#1#2{% \expandafter\qst@csaddstate\expandafter{\number#1\expandafter}% \expandafter{\expandafter##\expandafter1\expandafter{\expandafter \qst@cscheckempty\expandafter{\number#2}}}} % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % \begin{macro}{\qst@csallocstate} % \begin{macro}{\qst@csalloctrans} % Those maintain the currently available next state, and the % currently available next transition. % \begin{macrocode} \def\qst@csallocstate{0} \def\qst@csalloctrans{0} % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % \end{macro} % \begin{macro}{\qst@csscope} % When we are nesting |ExpectCallSequence| environments, % this keeps track of the scope we are in. % \begin{macrocode} \def\qst@csscope{0} % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % \begin{macrocode} \newenvironment{ExpectCallSequence}[1] {% \qst@advance\qst@csscope \qst@cssetstate{\qst@csallocstate}% \let\qst@csgroupstate\qst@csallocstate \qst@advance\qst@csgroupstate \qst@advance\qst@csgroupstate \let\qst@csstack\@empty \qst@csparse.{}*(#1){...}% }{% \def\qst@cssavedcs{\@gobble}% \expandafter\qst@csnext\expandafter\qst@csscope \csname end {ExpectCallSequence}\endcsname} % \end{macrocode} % \end{environment} % \begin{macro}{\qst@csparse} % This is doing the basic parsing. We are having some problems % stopping non-e\TeX\ from hitting on the string space. This % approach will not work with implicit characters like % \cmd{\bgroup}, but then there are not too many of those around, % and so the impact on string space should be tolerable. % \begin{macrocode} \long\def\qst@csparse#1{% %<etex> \ifcsname qst@csparse:\string#1\endcsname %<*!etex> \ifcase \ifcat\relax\noexpand#1% \else \expandafter \ifx \csname qst@csparse:\string#1\endcsname \relax \else @ne \fi \fi \m@ne \or %</!etex> \csname qst@csparse:\string#1\expandafter\expandafter\expandafter \endcsname \expandafter\@gobble \else \expandafter\qst@csparsedefault \fi{#1}} % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % \begin{macro}{\qst@csparse:...} % This is what we do at the end of the patterns: we just jump to % state~0. At state~0 we add a wildcard restoring any remaining % macro redirection when it occurs, and let the end of the call % sequence be allowed there to move to state~1. Oh, and we actually % call the macro then. % \begin{macrocode} \expandafter\def\csname qst@cstrans:0\endcsname #1{\expandafter\let\csname\CalledName#1\endcsname= #1% \let#1=\@undefined \csname\CalledName#1\endcsname} \qst@csaddstate0{#1{\qst@csmakewildcard00}} \qst@csaddempty{0}{1} \expandafter\qst@csaddstate\expandafter1\expandafter{% \csname end {ExpectCallSequence}\endcsname{\qst@csmaketransition21}} \expandafter\let\csname qst@cstrans:1\endcsname\@gobble \def\qst@csalloctrans{2} \def\qst@csallocstate{3} \expandafter\let\csname end {ExpectCallSequence}\endcsname \endExpectCallSequence \expandafter\def\csname qst@csparse:...\endcsname{% \ifx\qst@csstack\@empty \else \PackageError{qstest}{Unmatched `(' in call sequence %) specification}{You need to fix this}% \loop \qst@csstack \ifx\qst@csstack\@empty \else \repeat \fi \qst@csaddempty{\qst@csallocstate}{0}% \qst@advance\qst@csallocstate \ignorespaces} % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % \begin{macro}{\qst@csparsedefault} % Ok, here is the default action. We resolve any pending state to % the next available state and set \cmd{\qst@cslaststate} accordingly. % Then we add a pending transition from the last state to the next % state. The saved definition is not overwritten if the macro % itself already has the proper setting. The purpose of that is to % be able to preserve undefined macros. % \begin{macrocode} \long\def\qst@csparsedefault#1{% %<*etex> \ifcsname qst@cssaved\romannumeral\qst@csscope>\string#1\endcsname \else \protected %</etex> %<*!etex> {\expandafter}% \expandafter\ifx\csname qst@cssaved\romannumeral\qst@csscope>% \string#1\endcsname \@undefined %</!etex> \edef\qst@tmp{\noexpand\qst@csnext \qst@csscope \noexpand#1}% \ifx#1\qst@tmp \else \expandafter\let \csname qst@cssaved\romannumeral\qst@csscope>\string#1\endcsname = #1% \let#1\qst@tmp \fi \fi \qst@csparsetransition{#1}\qst@csmaketransition} % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % \begin{macro}{\qst@csparsetransition} % Ok, here we read in the code for an actual transition. This will % create a new definition using \cmd{\def}. % \begin{macrocode} \long\def\qst@csparsetransition#1#2{% \let\qst@cslaststate\qst@csallocstate \qst@advance\qst@csallocstate \long\edef\qst@tmp##1##2{% \noexpand\qst@csaddstate{\qst@cslaststate}{% ##1{% ##2{\qst@csallocstate}% {\qst@csalloctrans}}}}% \qst@tmp{#1}{#2}% \expandafter\qst@advance\expandafter\qst@csalloctrans \expandafter\afterassignment\expandafter\qst@csparse \expandafter\long\expandafter\def \csname qst@cstrans:\qst@csalloctrans\endcsname} % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % \begin{macro}{\qst@csparse:.} % \begin{macrocode} \expandafter\def\csname qst@csparse:.\endcsname{% \qst@csparsetransition{##1}\qst@csmakewildcard} % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % \begin{macro}{\qst@csparse:?} % This turns the last element into an optional element. % \begin{macrocode} \expandafter\def\csname qst@csparse:?\endcsname{% \qst@csensurelaststate?% \qst@csaddempty\qst@cslaststate\qst@csallocstate \let\qst@cslaststate\@undefined \qst@csparse} % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % \begin{macro}{\qst@csensurelaststate} % This checks that we have a valid last state to hook onto. There % is no really useful error recovery if we haven't. % \begin{macrocode} \def\qst@csensurelaststate#1{\ifx\qst@cslaststate\@undefined \PackageError{qstest}{Unexpected `#1' in call sequence}{% Expect chaos to ensue}% \def\qst@cslaststate{0}% \fi} % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % \begin{macro}{\qst@csparse:*} % This would need to make the pending state identical with the % previous state while leaving all of it pending. But we can't % retroactively make previous states pending again, so we instead % make do with adding an empty transition from the previous state to % the next pending one. % \begin{macrocode} \expandafter\def\csname qst@csparse:*\endcsname{% \qst@csensurelaststate*% \qst@csaddempty\qst@csallocstate\qst@cslaststate \qst@advance\qst@csallocstate \qst@csaddempty\qst@cslaststate\qst@csallocstate \let\qst@cslaststate\@undefined \qst@csparse} % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % \begin{macro}{\qst@csparse:+} % This is somewhat similar. Note that we have to add an empty % transition at the end (like with |*| previously) to make sure that % something like |\a{}+\b{}+| does not match |\a\b\a|. % \begin{macrocode} \expandafter\def\csname qst@csparse:+\endcsname{% \qst@csensurelaststate+% \qst@csaddempty\qst@csallocstate\qst@cslaststate \let\qst@cslaststate\qst@csallocstate \qst@advance\qst@csallocstate \qst@csaddempty\qst@cslaststate\qst@csallocstate \let\qst@cslaststate\@undefined \qst@csparse} % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % \begin{macro}{\qst@csparse:(}^^A%{)} % Ok, now we are getting into grouping. This adds a bit of % complexity, but it is actually rather containable (took a lot of % work, though). % \begin{macrocode} \expandafter\def\csname qst@csparse:(\endcsname{% %<!etex> \qst@tmptoks\expandafter{\qst@csstack}% \edef\qst@csstack{\def\noexpand\qst@csstack{% %<etex> \unexpanded\expandafter{\qst@csstack}% %<!etex> \the\qst@tmptoks }% \def\noexpand\qst@csgroupstate{\qst@csgroupstate}}% \let\qst@csgroupstate\qst@csallocstate \qst@advance\qst@csallocstate \qst@csaddempty\qst@csgroupstate\qst@csallocstate \qst@csparse} % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % \DeleteShortVerb\| % \begin{macro}{\qst@csparse:|} % \begin{macrocode} \expandafter\def\csname qst@csparse:|\endcsname{% \let\qst@cslaststate\qst@csallocstate %<!etex> \qst@tmptoks\expandafter{\qst@csstack}% %<!etex> \edef\qst@csstack{\the\qst@csstack %<etex> \edef\qst@csstack{\unexpanded\expandafter{\qst@csstack}% \noexpand\qst@csaddempty{\qst@cslaststate}% \noexpand\qst@csallocstate}% \qst@advance\qst@csallocstate \qst@csaddempty\qst@csgroupstate\qst@csallocstate \let\qst@cslaststate\@undefined \qst@csparse} % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % \MakeShortVerb\| % \begin{macro}{\qst@csparse:)}^^A%{(} % \begin{macrocode} \expandafter\def\csname qst@csparse:)\endcsname{% \let\qst@cslaststate\qst@csgroupstate \ifx\qst@csstack\@empty \PackageError{qstest}{Unmatched `)' in call sequence specification}{You need to fix this}% \fi \qst@csstack \qst@csparse } % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % \begin{macro}{\qst@csparse:`} % We don't check whether this is actually the first encounter with % |`|: we just reset the state machine to come here. % \begin{macrocode} \expandafter\def\csname qst@csparse:`\endcsname{% \qst@cssetstate{\qst@csallocstate}% \let\qst@cslaststate\@undefined \qst@csparse} \expandafter\let\csname qst@csparse:^\expandafter\endcsname \csname qst@csparse:`\endcsname % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % \begin{macro}{\qst@csparse:'} % \begin{macrocode} \expandafter\def\csname qst@csparse:'\endcsname{% \qst@csaddempty{\qst@csallocstate}{1}% \let\qst@cslaststate\qst@csallocstate \qst@advance\qst@csallocstate \qst@csparse} \expandafter\let\csname qst@csparse:$%$ \expandafter\endcsname\csname qst@csparse:'\endcsname % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % Ok, let us test the state machine. First define two macros that we % are going to replace: % \begin{macrocode} %</package> %<*test> \begin{qstest}{ExpectCallSequence state machine}% {ExpectCallSequence,internal} \def\foo#1#2#3{\relax\relax} \let\fie\relax % \end{macrocode} % The free state table starts at 3, the free transitions at 2. % \begin{macrocode} \Expect*{\qst@csallocstate}{3} \Expect*{\qst@csalloctrans}{2} % \end{macrocode} % Now we have an implicit start into the call sequence that is |.{}*(| % and thus takes away 3 states and one transition. The call sequence % starts off with one ignored entry and then the real state, so we % expect to be at state~7 initially. % \begin{macrocode} \begin{ExpectCallSequence}{\fie{}% `\foo#1#2#3{#2\bar{#3}}(\bar#1#2{#2}|.#1{})+% \foo#1{}} \Expect*{\qst@csstate}{7} \Expect*{\qst@csallocstate}{15} % \end{macrocode} % The state transitions actually happen before the respective code is % called, so we can actually continue in the matching sequence while % still working off the replacement for a macro: % \begin{macrocode} \foo{\Expect*{\qst@csstate}{8}}{\Expect*{\qst@csstate}{10}} \Expect*{\qst@csstate}{10} % \end{macrocode} % \cmd{\fie} will match the wildcard. Note that we arrive at a % different target state than previously. While this is % counterintuively, we have to be aware that an empty transition from % state~10 to state~12 exists, so both are actually the same state in % reality. % \begin{macrocode} \fie \Expect*{\qst@csstate}{12} % \end{macrocode} % Now \cmd{\foo} kicks us out of the matching. Again, state~14 looks % strange, but it has an empty transition to state~0, the ``match % everything until we are finished'' state. % \begin{macrocode} \foo \Expect*{\qst@csstate}{14} % \end{macrocode} % So we actually make use of this state and call \cmd{\fie} after % which it will have reverted to its original meaning: % \begin{macrocode} \fie \Expect*{\qst@csstate}{0} \Expect*{\meaning\fie}*{\meaning\relax} % \end{macrocode} % It is sort of amusing that the above assertion will fail if we write % just % \begin{quote} % |\Expect*{\meaning\fie}{\relax}| % \end{quote} % since the meaning of \cmd{\relax} is not ended with a blank, while % the printed string of its name does end with one. We check that use % of \cmd{\foo} lets us revert its meaning as well. % \begin{macrocode} \foo\junk\junk\junk \Expect*{\qst@csstate}{0} \Expect*{\meaning\foo}{macro:#1#2#3->\relax \relax} \end{ExpectCallSequence} \end{qstest} %</test> %<*package> % \end{macrocode} % % \subsection{Saved results} % % The purpose of saved results is to be able to check that the value % has remained the same over passes. Results are given a unique label % name and are written to an auxiliary file where they can be read in % for the sake of comparison. One can use the normal |.aux| file for % this purpose, but it might be preferable to use a separate dedicated % file. That way it is possible to input a versioned \emph{copy} of % this file and have a fixed point of reference rather than the last % run. % % While the |.aux| file is read in automatically at the beginning of % the document, this does not happen with explicitly named files. You % have to read them in yourself, preferably using % \begin{quote} % |\InputIfFileExists|\marg{filename}|{}{}| % \end{quote} % so that no error is thrown when the file does not yet exist. % % \begin{macro}{\SaveValueFile} % This specifies which file name to use for saving results. If this % is specified, a special file is opened. If one does not specify % this, instead the standard |.aux| file is used instead. % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand*\SaveValueFile[1]{% \ifnum\qst@savefile=\@auxout \newwrite\qst@savefile \else \immediate\closeout\qst@savefile \fi \immediate\openout\qst@savefile #1\relax} \def\qst@savefile{\@auxout} % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % \begin{macro}{\CloseValueFile} % This is not likely to be used except for testing this package % itself: it closes the given file so that it may be read in again % immediately. % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand*\CloseValueFile{% \ifnum\qst@savefile=\@auxout \else \immediate\closeout\qst@savefile \fi} % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % \begin{macro}{\SaveValue} % This gets the label name as first argument (which gets sanitized % more or less, depending on whether you use e\TeX\ or not). % % The second argument is the same kind of argument as \cmd{\Expect} % expects. % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand\SaveValue[1]{% %<etex> \edef\qst@tmpc{\detokenize{#1}}% %<!etex> \edef\qst@tmpc{\string#1}% \ifnum\qst@savefile=\@auxout \ifx\@onlypreamble\AtBeginDocument \else \PackageError{qstest}{You need to specify \string\SaveValueFile^^J for test files without document.}{I can't use `\string\SaveValue' before either `\string\begin% {document}'^^J or `\string\SaveValueFile'}% \fi \fi \qst@expectarg\qst@defaultvalue\qst@saveval} % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % \begin{macro}{\qst@saveval} % This is tricky: we don't want to turn either |^^M| or |^^J| into % each other. But at least \TeX live will write out |^^J| as a % single character (causing a line break) and only |^^M| will % actually get escaped. It would be principally ok to just crank % out line feeds unmodified, if only \TeX\ would not strip spaces at % the end of a line. So we go through the string we want to put % out, and change the single character |^^J| manually into the three % characters |^^J| after which \TeX\ will preserve spaces. % \begin{macrocode} \def\qst@saveval{% {\immediate\write\qst@savefile{\string\InternalSetValue^^J% \expandafter\qst@cleanlf\qst@tmpc\qst@endcleanlf^^J% \expandafter\qst@cleanlf\qst@defaultvalue\qst@endcleanlf^^J% \string\EndInternalSetValue^^J}}} % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % \begin{macro}{\qst@cleanlf} % \begin{macro}{\qst@endcleanlf} % \begin{macrocode} \def\qst@cleanlf#1^^J{#1^% ^J\qst@cleanlf} \def\qst@endcleanlf^% ^J\qst@cleanlf{:^^J} % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % \end{macro} % \begin{macro}{\InternalSetValue} % The chosen catcodes are picked in order to have |^^xx| escapes % still work out (\TeX\ can't be kept from using them occasionally). % Of course, in case |^^| sequences have indeed been present in the % original macro (like in \cmd{\qst@cleanlf} above), we get % flummoxed. The spaces we read in here should be the same that % occur during sanitization. All of this is a bit of compromise. % Newlines separate keys and values. % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand*\InternalSetValue{\begingroup \let\do\@makeother\dospecials \endlinechar`\^^J \catcode`\^7 \qst@setsavedii} \begingroup \catcode`\!=12 \lccode`\!=`\\ \lowercase{\endgroup \def\qst@setsavedii#1:^^J#2:^^J!}EndInternalSetValue^^J{\endgroup %<etex> \expandafter\gdef\csname qst@value:\detokenize{#1}\endcsname{#2}} %<!etex> \expandafter\gdef\csname qst@value:\string#1\endcsname{#2}} % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % \begin{macro}{\EndInternalSetValue} % This should actually never get encountered: % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand*{\EndInternalSetValue}{% \PackageError{qstest}{\string\InternalSetValue\space got confused}% {You probably wrote something bad to the save file}} % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % \begin{macro}{\SavedValue} % This is used for retrieving a saved value. If there is no such % value, instead the current setting in \cmd{\qst@defaultvalue} is % used. % \begin{macrocode} \def\SavedValue#1{% %<*etex> \ifcsname qst@value:\detokenize{#1}\endcsname \expandafter\expandafter\expandafter {\csname qst@value:\detokenize{#1}\expandafter\endcsname\expandafter}% \else \expandafter\expandafter\expandafter{\expandafter\qst@defaultvalue \expandafter}% %</etex> %<*!etex> \expandafter\ifx\csname qst@value:\string#1\endcsname\relax \expandafter\expandafter\expandafter{\expandafter\qst@defaultvalue \expandafter}% \else \expandafter\expandafter\expandafter {\csname qst@value:\string#1\expandafter\endcsname\expandafter}% %</!etex> \fi} % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % \subsection{The End} % The test can be ended either in the driver file, or in a standalone % testfile. \cmd{\stop} is \LaTeX's way of ending the processing of % an input file before any document processing or setup has been done. % \begin{macrocode} %</package> %<test> \stop % \end{macrocode} % \Finale