%% rmpage.sty 29/8/96 %% rmpagenew.sty 27/8/95 %% LaTeX2e package file to define printing area parameters %% %% Copyright 1995, 1996, 1997 R.J.M. McDonnell %% email: rebecca@astrid.u-net.com % % This work is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify % it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by % the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or % any later version. % % This work is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, % but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of % MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the % GNU General Public License for more details. % % You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License % along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software % Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. % % % This version of rmpage was developed from Rowland's original rmpage % (er, this makes sense if you know what's happened), which was his % first ever LaTeX2e package. The original rmpage dealt with the % standard LaTeX classes' insistance on assuming that you had headers, % made the inside margin the large one, aand let you select different % text heights and widths, just like his old rma4 series of style % files. % % A fragment of code --- not more than a dozen lines --- from % classes.dtx was used in the original rmpage. I assume it's still here % somewhere, so part of this file is probably: % % Copyright 1994 the LaTeX3 project and the individual authors. % All rights reserved. For further copyright information see the file % legal.txt, and any other copyright indicated in this file. % % Quite what I'm suppose to do about this I don't know: if anyone % thinks my use of LaTeX3 project code needs to be dealt with more % formally, please let me know. %% %% %% \section{Some notes to me} %% % And replace % occurrences of pt with \p@, 0pt with \z@; define \mm@ to be 1mm, % \in@ to be 1in---use them likewise; and use \m@ne to replace % occurrences of -1 or -? % 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 % 12345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890 % Package rmpage Warning: % ! Package rmpage Error: % % Error text starts at column 25; there's another 56 characters to go % to the end of the line. First argument to each needs to full stop; % second argument to Error does, and starts at column 1. % % ABBREVIATIONS THAT MIGHT BE USED IN DEFINITIONS: % % clear = clearance % ptr = printer % sep = separation % col = column % par = paragraph % opt = option % land = landscape % port = portrait % min = minimum % l = left % r = right % t = top % b = bottom % %% %% %% \section{File identification} %% \NeedsTeXFormat{LaTeX2e}[1996/09/29] \ProvidesPackage{rmpage} [1997/09/29 v0.92veryx sets printing size and position etc. to suit me] % 1997/09/29 v0.92 Added an error message; removed a redundant error % message; added \RM@classtype 19 to use when the classtype is % unrecognized - new class type `Unknown', more-or-less. This % appears to work. The standard class width-setting stuff now % produces an error message if \@ptsize is outside the standard % range. I've added some bits to trap illegal values of % \RM@ptsizegroup. It's probably a good idea to add some code to % trap illegal values of other things as well. % 1996/11/26 v0.91 Added \RMheadheight stuff so you can define custom % multi-line headers with fancyhdr and have rmpage calculate % vertical page paramters sensibly. Don't know what to do about % footers yet---a bit of a problem... % Goes with rmplocal-v0.36.cfg % 1996/11/09 v0.90 Added some notes about new typesetting parameters % for fontinst founts. % Goes with rmplocal-v0.36.cfg % 1996/11/01 v0.89.2 Moved \baselineskip report % Goes with rmplocal-v0.35.cfg % 1996/10/31 v0.89.1 Changed a comment. % Goes with rmplocal-v0.34.cfg % 1996/10/31 v0.89 Added \baselineskip and \RM@ifbeton to reports at % end. Doesn't complain if you load beton with % standard-baselineskips and tell rmpage about it. And added a % check on the beton command rmpage uses. Moved re-setting of % \baselineskip to after reporting so \baselineskip is reported % correctly. % Goes with rmplocal-v0.33.cfg % 1996/10/28 v0.88 Binned a rubbish hook (grammar? who he?); added % \RM@executehook command. Added % \RM@AfterInitialTextwidthSetting hook. Stopped % \RM@textwidthgroup=4 producing an error message. % Goes with rmplocal-v0.32.cfg % 1996/10/28 v0.87 Changed a message; fixed slides ptperchar setting. % Changed width-setting code quite a lot to support foils class: % introduced \RM@textwidthgroup and \RM@ptsizegroup. Need more % hooks. All a bit iffy so far---needs tidying. % Goes with rmplocal-v0.31.cfg % 1996/10/27 v0.86.1 No changes; this version created purely to check % up on saveall. % Goes with rmplocal-v0.30.cfg % 1996/10/27 v0.86 Included rmpwnorm.pko in rmpage; retired % rmpwnorm. Corrected slides legibility check. Rationalized % comments a little. Put rmpwnorm defs at the top of rmpage and % \let\@undefs at end. Saved about 0.5s out of 16s execution % time. % Goes with rmplocal-v0.30.cfg % 1996/10/25 v0.85 Changed some comments and added \RM@typeclasstype % command, used in changed \RM@OnClassType. Changed width setting % code; now call rmpwnorm for all classes. rmpwslid.pko hsa been % retired, and the slides-specific stuff included in rmpwnorm.pko. % Goes with rmpwnorm-v0.60.pko and rmplocal-v0.30.cfg % 1996/10/25 v0.84.2 Minor reporting change. % Goes with rmpwnorm-v0.59.pko, rmpwslid-v0.7.pko, and % rmplocal-v0.29.cfg % 1996/10/25 v0.84.1 Minor reporting change. % Goes with rmpwnorm-v0.59.pko, rmpwslid-v0.7.pko, and % rmplocal-v0.29.cfg % 1996/10/21 v0.84 Started using rmpwslid again; changed some % comments; added \RM@percent command; changed reporting a bit % Goes with rmpwnorm-v0.58.pko, rmpwslid-v0.6.pko, and % rmplocal-v0.28.cfg % 1996/10/19 v0.83 added \RM@SetLengthAtLeast and \RM@DefLengthAtLeast % to set parameters to at least the required values. This is for % the ringbinding option (in the config file). % Goes with rmpwnorm-v0.57.pko, rmpwslid-v0.5.pko, and % rmplocal-v0.26.cfg % 1996/10/17 v0.82 added sixth looseness option; similar to sloppy so % you get a sensible looseness if you've asked for twocolumn % typesetting and a psfount. % Goes with rmpwnorm-v0.57.pko, rmpwslid-v0.5.pko, and % rmplocal-v0.25.cfg % 1996/10/15 v0.81.2 changed some comments % Goes with rmpwnorm-v0.57.pko, rmpwslid-v0.5.pko, and % rmplocal-v0.24.cfg % 1996/10/02 v0.81.1 Corrected a name (argh). % Goes with rmpwnorm-v0.57.pko, rmpwslid-v0.5.pko, and % rmplocal-v0.20.cfg % 1996/10/01 v0.81 Fiddled about so that loadconcrete loads the beton % package and executes the beton option. More CheckCommands and % changed the \RM@OnPrinterType command so it won't let you % configure printer types<10. % Goes with rmpwnorm-v0.56.pko, rmpwslid-v0.5.pko, and % rmplocal-v0.20.cfg % 1996/09/30 v0.80.2 Added ref to beton version supported. % 1996/09/30 v0.80.1 Changed refs to c6/7 to c7/6; removed wandering % \RM@tval. % Goes with rmpwnorm-v0.56.pko, rmpwslid-v0.5.pko, and % rmplocal-v0.19.1.cfg % 1996/09/29 v0.80 Changed initial definition of % \RM@[min|max]text[width|height] and % \RM@min[top|bottom|inside|outside]margins to \providecommand so % they can be set in a document. Added code to ensure than % \RM@maxtextheight is set to no more than the space allowed for % \textheight---doesn't make much practical difference at the % moment, but it is more elegant. Fixed a few messsages; is there % no end to them? Bunged in an \ExecuteOptions statement just % after the letterpaper option to select US letter paper by % default; doing it like that means you can over-ride it anywhere, % but I'm not likely to delete it by mistake. normalbase stuff % replaces smallbase stuff % Goes with rmpwnorm-v0.55.pko, rmpwslid-v0.5.pko, and % rmplocal-v0.19.cfg % 1996/09/28 v0.79 Changed defaults of \RM@headers and \RM@stdmargins % to true % 1996/09/27 v0.78 Changed wideish option to widish; changed ref to % luccasua to lucasual. % Goes with rmpwnorm-v0.54.1.pko, rmpwslid-v0.5.pko, and % rmplocal-v0.17.cfg % 1996/09/26 v0.77 Changed \RM@ClassExecuteOptions to % \RM@OnClassExecuteOptions % 1996/09/26 v0.76 Changed lucida-casual stuff to use new packages. % Goes with rmpwnorm-v0.54.pko, rmpwslid-v0.5.pko, and % rmplocal-v0.15.cfg % 1996/09/25 v0.75 Changed some error messages so they'll fit on an 80 % column terminal % Goes with rmpwnorm-v0.52.pko, rmpwslid-v0.5.pko, and % rmplocal-v0.15.cfg % 1996/09/24 v0.74 Put some printer/paper settings in the % \RM@PrinterPaperSettings hook in the config file. Changed the % initial value of \RM@nicedate to false. And checked % \@settopoint, which is used in rmpwnorm.pko % Goes with rmpwnorm-v0.50.pko, rmpwslid-v0.5.pko, and % rmplocal-v0.15.cfg % 1996/09/23 v0.73 Changed \textheight setting code to deal with % \RM@[min|max]textheight differently; the new code should ensure % that the [min|max]textheight limits can't cause printing outside % the available printing area. Fully testing the code is hurting % my head. Corrected final setting of \RM@totalheadclearance and % changed the comments there so they're right. Changed some % messages to give less poor line breaks. % Goes with rmpwnorm-v0.49.pko, rmpwslid-v0.5.pko, and % rmplocal-v0.14.cfg % 1996/09/22 v0.72 Corrected \RM@scalebyoption; two of the factors % had got themselves transposed by the intervention of a % gremlin. Oops. Shifted some options about into more sensible % groups. Added the letter4paper option to the paper size % documentation. % Goes with rmpwnorm-v0.49.pko, rmpwslid-v0.5.pko, and % rmplocal-v0.13.cfg % 1996/09/18 v0.71.2 Changed `can't find config file' warning to % match new names; removed rmpall.cfg from list of config files % looked for by default. Somewhat untested; be wary of these % changes! % Goes with rmpwnorm-v0.48.1.pko, rmpwslid-v0.5.pko, and % rmplocal-v0.12.1.cfg % 1996/09/16 v0.71.1 Saved because SaveAll appears to be behaving % very weirdly. % Goes with rmpwnorm-v0.48.1.pko, rmpwslid-v0.5.pko, and % rmplocal-v0.12.cfg % 1996/09/16 v0.71 Put the fulllength and stdlength options into the % config file because they need to be executed after the % touchlength options. Changed some comments. % Goes with rmpwnorm-v0.48.1.pko, rmpwslid-v0.5.pko, and % rmplocal-v0.12.cfg % 1996/09/15 v0.70 (boo) changed end of package reporting so you can % cut and paste parameters straight into a LaTeX doc. Needed to % change \RM@tval and \RM@ttval too. Shuffled a few code blocks % around at the end of the package. % 1996/09/13 v0.69 Replaced \newcommands with \defs (expect where I % need optional arguments). Saved 3\% time; oh well. Got rid of % \tight...\loosest commands---I've never used them and they're % redundant anyway. Isn't this the best version number since 42? % 101's the next good one, I think. Tried replacing pt with \p@ % and saved < 0.1s (<0.5\%), so left pt as pt. % Goes with rmpwnorm-v0.48.pko, rmpwslid-v0.5.pko, and % rmplocal-v0.11.cfg % 1996/09/12 v0.68 Removed a redundant \let...\@undefined at end. % Changed parameter reporting code quite a lot. Got rid of % \RM@ocltype commands, probably. % Goes with rmpwnorm-v0.47.pko, rmpwslid-v0.5.pko, and % rmplocal-v0.10.1.cfg % 1996/09/11 v0.67 Much hacking out of \RM@ocl statements. Added % \RM@infotheval command. Changed loosesetting commands, % including \GenericError. % Goes with rmpwnorm-v0.46.pko, rmpwslid-v0.5.pko, and % rmplocal-v0.10.1.cfg % 1996/09/11 v0.66 I mourn the death of rat-setwidth-norm, % rat-setwidth-slides, and rmpagelocal.cfg. Bill Gates killed % them, and I weep for their passing. They've been replaced by % rmpwnorm.pko, rmpwslid.pko, and rmplocal.cfg; horribly % utilitarian names, but needs must when the devil Gates drives. % Used the \RM@notinexecuteoptions command to prevent one executing % an option that advances a counter (these should always be done in % the right order, passed to the package normally). Created some % new printer types, and moved a lot of option declarations into % the config file. Added \RM@SetClassType command and % \RM@ClassExecuteOptions commands. Corrected a hook executor. % \@undefined some more commands. Author dies horribly and goes % to bed. % Goes with rmpwnorm-v0.45.pko, rmpwslid-v0.5.pko, and % rmplocal-v0.10.cfg % 1996/09/10 v0.65 Changed comments somewhat; got rid of plenty of % double %% lines. % Goes with rat-setwidth-norm-v0.43, rat-setwidth-slides-v0.4, % and rmpagelocal.cfg v0.9 % 1996/09/10 v0.64 Fiddled with a few bits; not much done. % Goes with rat-setwidth-norm-v0.43, rat-setwidth-slides-v0.4, % and rmpagelocal.cfg v0.8 % 1996/09/09 v0.63 Changed class detection code and class type % numbers; scrapped earlyclassdetect error checking and stuff like % that; rmpage.tex got some scribbles, and it really does make % sense, honest. % Goes with rat-setwidth-norm-v0.43, rat-setwidth-slides-v0.4, % and rmpagelocal.cfg v0.7 % 1996/09/05 v0.62 dropped \RM@oncolumn flag; replaced with % \RM@texcols counter; replaced old text column options with % onecolumn(width), twocolumn(width), threecolumnwidth, and % fourcolumnwidth. Added a new command and options to select % setting textwidth by: % (char+paper, char only, paper only) based width setting. % Added settings for DW520 printer to handle long A3 sizes printed % on A4 paper. Moved \if@compatibility check. Much tidying. % \RM@OnPaperSize commands now recognize [-1] as the long paper % size, meaning `all long paper sizes and not long'. Added small % and large basemaxmparwidth options to go with small and large % basemparclear which have been here a while. % Goes with rat-setwidth-norm-v0.42, rat-setwidth-slides-v0.4, % and rmpagelocal.cfg v0.6 % 1996/09/04 v0.61 changed marginal paragraph clearance setting; % it's set by an initial option, then scaled by option. A little % checking of the initial value is done. stdmargins and % notstdmargins no longer do anything at all with the position of % marginal notes; reversemargins/normalsmargins are up to you % now. Added concrete fount to recognized founts, and tidied % that code up a bit, removing some redundant options. Removed % 10, 11, and 12pt options because they do nought. Removed call % to 12pt option in ljmueepexam settings bit. Added code to % ensure that \textheight stays within the bounds set by min and % max textheight. And it works. Changed printer options: % dw520spec is now dw520; dw520 is now dw520-ours. % Goes with rat-setwidth-norm-v0.41, rat-setwidth-slides-v0.4, % and rmpagelocal.cfg v0.6 % 1996/09/03 v0.60 changed altitude options so it's now done as a % fraction of 24, and touchaltitude increments interpolate % between the main option heights (well, I know what I mean). % Fixed ltxdoc stuff; fixed \RM@OnPaperType etc. Came up with % new way of handling jacking up; there's now a jackup flag to % allow/disallow jacking up---it should be set on a % printer/papersize/etc basis by printersettings code. % Scrapped all the old jackup stuff. Improved hook handling with % \@ifundefined. Major re-work of \textheight setting: touch % options interpolate properly; added stdlength option. Er, % temporarily stopped using rat-setwidth-slides for slide width % setting, and used rat-setwidth-norm instead. Change this % again when rsw-norm is stable and can be used as the basis for % slides width setting. Added some \CheckCommands to do some % checking of the LaTeX commands I use. Added US paper sizes to % the option declarations. And stuff; much fiddling. % Goes with rat-setwidth-norm-v0.40, rat-setwidth-slides-v0.4, % and rmpagelocal.cfg v0.5 % 1996/09/02 v0.59.1 corrected leastoffset (oops) % 1996/09/02 v0.59 changed lots more stuff, mainly in the % corresponding version of rat-setwidth-norm. Removed touch % counters for width and offset setting; put ltxdoc class setting % code in the config file. Added \RM@[min|max]textwidth % parameters; set only for ltxdoc class for now; some checking % done to ensure they're not set too daftly. Hacked out some % obsolete code. % Goes with rat-setwidth-norm-v0.40, rat-setwidth-slides-v0.4, % and rmpagelocal.cfg v0.4 % 1996/08/29 v0.58 changed name to rmpage.sty and added \RM@scalebyoption % and \RM@sc@leby@ption. Replaced \PackageErrors with \RM@Error. % Changed \headsep, \footskip, \mparsep, and \columnsep setting code to % use \RM@scalebyoption. Adaptivecolumnsep code (in % rat-setwidth-norm) now gives a larger columnsep. Replaced % occurrrences of rmpagenew with rmpage. % Goes with rat-setwidth-norm-v0.38, rat-setwidth-slides-v0.4, % and rmpagelocal.cfg v0.3 % 1996/08/29 v0.57veryx; added five hooks: \RM@BeforeProcessOptions, % \RM@AfterProcessOptions, \RM@PrinterPaperSettings, % \RM@BeforeWidthSetting, and \RM@AfterWidthSetting. Changed % \ProcessOptions* back to \ProcessOptions. Changed class % identification code to use \RM@OnClassType; changed width-setting % file choice to use \RM@OnClassType % Goes with rat-setwidth-norm-v0.37, rat-setwidth-slides-v0.4, % and rmpagelocal.cfg v0.3 % 1996/08/28 v0.56.1veryx; added no10envelopepaper. % Goes with rat-setwidth-norm-v0.37, rat-setwidth-slides-v0.4, % and rmpagelocal.cfg v0.3 % 1996/08/25 v0.56veryx; erm, got 7/8longpaper right; changed paper % size codes and added more paper sizes. Changed classtouch % options into t@uch options; saved about 0.25s! Changed options % with marginpar in the name to options with mpar in the name; % saved about 0.1s. Changed options with columnsep in the name % to options with colsep in the name; saved about 0.1s. Saved % 0.45s this way. rmpagenew seems to add about 13.1s to a LaTeX % run. Eek! % Goes with rat-setwidth-norm-v0.37, rat-setwidth-slides-v0.4, % and rmpagelocal.cfg v0.3 % 1996/08/24 v0.55veryx; added \RM@Warn and \RM@Error as synonyms % for \PackageError{rmpagenew} etc., added longpaper support, and % changed the code that specifies the printer printing area so % you don't have to know about all paper sizes. Removed `sensible % paper' check, because a paper size can be specified in the .cfg % file. Changed the .cfg file searching code to support multiple % .cfg files (not fully tested). % Goes with rat-setwidth-norm-v0.36, rat-setwidth-slides-v0.4, % and rmpagelocal.cfg v0.2 % 1996/08/23 v0.54veryx; added \RM@PrinterPaperSettings hook and % started using the rmpagenew.cfg config file; eventually, I'll % have sensible paper size and local printer support. Added some % useful commands for setting printer and paper settings, and removed % some of the options from the \ExecuteOptions list (which is now in % the .cfg file). % Goes with rat-setwidth-norm-v0.35, rat-setwidth-slides-v0.4, % and rmpagenew.cfg v0.1 % 1996/08/21 v0.53.1veryx; changed some of the loose typesetting % parameters because they weren't very nice; corrected B paper % sizes, and confirmed A sizes against BS4000; checked some % envelope sizes against BS4264. % 1996/08/09 v0.53veryx; added dw600 printer option based on % measuring Rebecca's printer's printing area. % 1996/08/01 v0.52veryx; added beton option to change \baselineskip % before beton does so that \textheight is set correctly. Lots of % jiggery-pokery so that \normalsize is selected while vertical % stuff is being worked on (but only if beton's been loaded), and % so that the size and baselineskip of the fount that was selected % on entering the package is selected after vertical stuff has been % worked on. Goes with rat-setwidth-norm-v0.34.pko and % rat-setwidth-slides-v0.4.pko % 1996/07/21 v0.51.4veryx; trivial comment changes etc. Goes with % rat-setwidth-norm-v0.33.pko and rat-setwidth-slides-v0.4.pko. % 1996/07/12 v0.51.3veryx; changed a \PackageWarning into an % \oclwarninfo. Goes with rat-setwidth-norm-v0.32.pko and % rat-setwidth-slides-v0.4.pko % 1996/07/10 v0.51.2veryx; some small documentation changes. Goes % with rat-setwidth-norm-v0.32.pko and % rat-setwidth-slides-v0.4.pko % 1996/06/30 v0.51.1 veryx; as below but this one works. Goes with % rat-setwidth-norm-v0.30.pko % 1996/06/30 v0.51 veryx; changed email address and fixed % touchmoremarginparsep (and tmfootskip and tmheadsep. Foolish % child.) bug. And added notstdmargins option which also says % \reversemarginpar (\reversemarginpar is executed anyway just % after the \RM@stdmargins flag is defined); \normalmarginpar % added to stdmargins option to balance things up. % 1996/06/14 v0.50 veryx; changed \RM@onchatlevel to \RM@ocl; % used some of the new \RM@ocl commands (added an ocl command or % two); changed \ifs into \ifRM@s, and \let the \if, true, and % false declarations to \@empty at end; added \ifRM@infowarned flag % and message at end so user knows if a warning has been logged; % adaptivecolumnsep flag is now RM@adaptivecolsep. Goes with % rat-setwidth-norm v0.30 % 1996/06/07 v0.49.2veryx; added a couple of \s where they will do % most good. % 1996/05/24 v0.49.1veryx; stuff done with \RM@ocl commands; not % finished % 1996/05/16 v0.49veryx; \@total[head|foot|headfoot]clearance % lengths changed to \RM@... lengths; \@ifnotearlyerror command % renamed \RM@ifnotearly error; goes with rsw.sty v0.29 % 1996/05/12 v0.48veryx; \RM@mparclearfrac used to retire % \@minmparclearance; [least...most]mparclearfrac options added; % \@maxmparwidth length replaced with \RM@maxmparwidth command % both \@emptied at end; [least...most]maxmparwidth options % added; goes with rat-setwidth-norm v0.28 % 1996/05/06 v0.47veryx; goes with rat-setwidth-norm v0.27. Changed % \@min[left|right|foot|head]clearance lengths to % \RM@min[left|right|head|foot]clearance commands; changed a couple of % ifnums to ifdims like they should be; minor message changes % (probably); \@emptied the new commands at end; \@emptied % \RM@oclwarninfo at end. % 1996/05/05 v0.46veryx; added the \@RMoclwarninfo command; % \def->\newcommand for a couple of commands; % \@min[outside|inside|top|bottom]margin lengths changed to commands % beginning with \RM@ and \@emptied at end; goes with rsw-norm v0.26 % 1996/04/29 v0.45.1 added \let\XXX\@empty stuff for jackup commands. % 1996/04/24 v0.45 changed dw520printer minclearances so they match the % printer, not the specs. Added dw520printerspec option with % minclearances according to spec; changed \@[p|l]jackuplong[er|est] % to \RM@[ditto]; changed \@jackup to command and \let it to % \RM@[p|l]jackuplong[er|est] at the appropriate points; goes with % rsw-norm v0.25 % 1996/04/20 v0.44veryx; added fulllength and fullwidth options; % replaced \@ptr[l|r|t|b][port|land]clear lengths with % \RM@ptr[l|r|t|b][port|land]clear commands; goes with % rat-setwidth-norm-v0.25 % 1996/04/12 v0.43veryx; added support for rmsizeN packages; I'm not sure % they are a good thing to let loose on the rest of the world. % Changed \@minmparclearance to 8mm from 0.4in % 1996/04/11 v0.42veryx; \@looseoption counter now \RM@looseoption % command; \@classtype counter now \RM@classtype command; \@fountfamily % counter now \RM@fountfamily command; \@chatlevel now \RM@chatlevel; % \@lengthoption counter now \RM@lengthoption command; \@widthoption % counter now \RM@widthoption command; \@offsetoption counter now % \RM@offsetoption command; \@printerype counter now \RM@printertype % command; \@papertype counter now \RM@papertype command; % \@onchatlevel command now \RM@onchatlevel command. All these % commands \let to \@empty at the end. \@headfootbalance renamed % \RM@headfootbalance; \@touchlength renamed \RM@touchlength; % \@touchaltitude renamed \RM@touchaltitude; \@touchoffset renamed % \RM@touchoffset; \@touchwidth renamed \RM@touchwidth % 1996/04/05 v0.41veryx; changed some \defs (ish). \looseness changed to % \sloppiness; it seems that \looseness is defined by the TeX kernel (oops). % Some commands now defined by \newcommand ... \def. Maybe do % something about this later. Started changing counts into defs % (where possible) to free memory at the end with \let\XXX-\@empty. % Find out where I got this idea from and see if it works. Commented % out quite a few paper sizes for speed's sake % 1996/03/29 v0.40veryx; added ...columnsep, ...headsep, ...footskip, % ...marginparsep options; fixed marginparwidth setting % 1996/03/16 v0.39veryx; \normalmarginpar and \mparswitchtrue % (\if@twoside) now set in conventional place if \@classtype=9 (ltxdoc). % 1996/03/14 v0.38veryx; added adaptivecolumnsep option % 1996/03/12 v0.37veryx; added touch... counters and classtouch options % so you can always get a touch option to have an effect. Removed the % notouch options; they were horrid and now redundant. % 1996/03/12 v0.36veryx; changed touch... switches so touchsmaller after % touchlarger results in no change and vice-versa. Handy if you have a % class or something that uses a touch... option. % 1996/03/12 v0.35veryx; recognises ljmueepexam class, and sets default % options; \@earlyclassdetect flag checks that the % \@ifclassloaded command is still working; added notouch... options % to cancel any of the touchXXX option pairs % 1996/03/11 v0.34veryx; changed longest setting parameters slightly so % dw520 is happier % 1996/03/10 v0.33veryx; removed the (unused!) oldlength option; changed % some comments; now reports text/paper height. % 1996/03/09 v0.32veryx; added the thisfountwidth and loadthisfount % options; removed \let..\@empty; fiddled with some messages. % 1996/03/08 v0.31veryx; midoffset->normaloffset; removed some redundant % \relaxes; fixed calls to rat-setwidth-[norm/slides].pko; made failed % loadfount more friendly; one \let...\@empty at end (add more to clear % memory) % 1996/03/07 v0.30veryx; added all A, B, and C series paper sizes. % 1996/03/06 v0.29veryx; added ltxguide class; fixed textheight definition % based on classtype and made it more robust. % 1996/03/05 v0.28veryx; low options corrected % 1996/03/04 v0.27veryx; added touchmoreoffset/touchlessoffset options and % flags. Added old British book sizes as paper sizes. [more/less]offset % and touch[more/less]offset options seem to work. % 1996/03/03 v0.26veryx; removed \if@rmcv, @ltxdoc, and @rmletter flags. Rely on % references to \@classtype from now on. Added halfinchmargins option. % Added more papersizes. Added touchhigher and touchlower options. % Started to do things to support variable offsets; \@offsetoption counter % defined, as well as more/less offset options. % 1996/02/29 v0.25veryx; loadfount now sets \@looseoption=4 unless a looseness % setting option has been specified % 1996/02/28 v0.24veryx; corrected default value of \@lengthoption % 1996/02/27 v0.23veryx; added portrait/landscape forcing---needed because of % the paper size definitions % 1996/02/25 v0.22veryx; added \@min[inside,outside,top,bottom]emargins; % added maxmparwidth + minmparclearance; changed fountfamily % options to fountwidth; changed class recognition code and add\@rd bithesis % to recognition list; added c4 papertype; added altitude options % 1996/02/20 v0.21veryx; added the load[fount] options % 1996/02/18 v0.20veryx; ltxdoc switch added; nicedate fixed % 1996/02/17 v0.19veryx; paper size flags no longer used (but \@sensiblepaper % is still used). More sensible code for setting and checking head and % foot clearances. \@jackup[l][p]long[er][est] now used to set \@jackup; % \@jackup can be set differently for every printer/size/orientation % combination. % 1996/02/16 v0.18veryx; more fount families declared; began to rationalize % paper size handling. Check length settings! % 1996/02/15 v0.17veryx; minclearances now set by printer options % 1996/02/14 V0.16veryx; minclearances now set better. % 1996/02/13 v0.15veryx; multicolumn option added; setwidth-norm changed; % fount family options declared (not that they're used yet. % 1996/01/28 v0.14veryx; shorter and shortest options added % 1996/01/17 v0.13veryx; shortish option added % 1996/01/08 v0.12veryx; printer's happier still---minfootclearance->15mm % 1995/12/18 v0.11veryx; dunno what I did; changed setwidth-norm at the same time % 1995/12/10 v0.10veryx; printer's happier---minfootclearance->19mm % 1995/12/03 v0.9veryx; argh! changed minfootclearance->20mm; Printer probs. % 1995/11/05 v0.8veryx: notonecolumn option added; saves attempting to % detect all the ways of asking for multicolumn printing. % 1995/11/05 v0.7veryx: oneinchmargins added; \@toowide replaced by % \@setbymargins; \@minleft/right clearances now exist and know about % portrait/landscape printing (as do \@minfoot/head clearances). % 1995/11/01 v0.6veryx: portrait/landscape recognised. % 1995/10/22 v0.5veryx; nicedate now balanced by nastydate % 1995/08/29 v0.4veryx; can't remember % % %% %% %% \subsection{Changes to rmpwnorm.pko, now included in rmpage.sty} %% % 1996/10/25 v0.60 Included the changes needed to set horizontal % parameters for the slides class; this is to make rmpwslid.pko % obsolete. I wonder if it's worked yet? Changed | to / as the % OR delimiter in some typeouts because ltxguide re-defines | % with shortvrb % Goes with rmpage-v0.85.sty % 1996/10/25 v0.59.1 Changed name in \ProvidesFile (eek) % Goes with rmpage-v0.84.2.sty % 1996/10/25 v0.59 Changed some logged info % Goes with rmpage-v0.84.1.sty % 1996/10/21 v0.58 Changed the minimum textwidth warning limit. % Changed stuff to use rmpwslid.pko again % Goes with rmpage-v0.84.sty % 1996/10/02 v0.57 Fixed a couple of depressingly obvious width % setting bugs. How did they get this far? Was I mad? asleep? % somewhere else? when I checked it the first time? % Goes with rmpage-v0.81.1.sty % 1996/09/30 v0.56 Changed checking and handling of illegal % RM@fountfamily setting. % Goes with rmpage-v0.80.1.sty % 1996/09/29 v0.55 Added some checks to ensure that the various % printing limits don't ask for something impossible. % Goes with rmpage-v0.80.sty % 1996/09/27 v0.54.1 Changed comments so wideish appears as widish. % Goes with rmpage-v0.78.sty % 1996/09/26 v0.54 Changed lucida casual width to match the new % lucasual stuff. % Goes with rmpage-v0.76.sty % 1996/09/25 v0.53 Changed character-based width multipliers; very % strange, this is. % Goes with rmpage-v0.75.sty % 1996/09/25 v0.52 Changed handling of multiple columns so you get % stdwidth with stdwidth: removed columnsep from the reckoning for % stdwidth setting, and warned if you've asked for more than two % columns % Goes with rmpage-v0.75.sty % 1996/09/24 v0.51 Added a report of which textwidth has been used. % Removed some redundant comments, and added some new ones about % what to do in with future versions. Deleted some frighteningly % pointless code. % Goes with rmpage-v0.74.sty % 1996/09/23 v0.50 Did something else, but I can't remember what. % Probably. Never mind; save the version. % Goes with rmpage-v0.73.sty % 1996/09/22 v0.49 Changed the textwidth setting code, so that if you % ask for a paper-based textwidth (like oneinchmargins) and % characterwidthset, you get oneinchmargins and a warning. % Goes with rmpage-v0.72.sty % 1996/09/14 v0.48.1 minor doc change % Goes with rmpage-v0.71.2.sty % 1996/09/13 v0.48 Got rid of the one \newcommand. Saved a tiny bit % of time. % Goes with rmpage-v0.69.sty % 1996/09/12 v0.47 Played about with reporting a good deal. Remove % \RM@marginoffset length; it appears to be redundant. % Goes with rmpage-v0.68.sty % 1996/09/11 v0.46 Much hacking out of \RM@ocl statements % Goes with rmpage-v0.67.sty % 1996/09/11 v0.45 Urk. Corrected \RM@setbywidth code and added more % reporting; changed name to rmpnormw.pko from rat-setwidth-norm % (as it would be in a world free from Bill Gates's malign % influence). Apologies to people who might use the abbreviation % RMP in a different context. % Goes with rmpage-v0.66 % 1996/09/10 v0.44 Turned %% lines into % lines. % Goes with rmpage-v0.65 % 1996/09/09 v0.43 Added column width limit warning, and console % message about textwidth in terms of characters. % Goes with rmpage-v0.63 % 1996/09/05 v0.42 Changed multiple-column handling, and added stuff % to support setting width by paper only, or by character size % only. Scrapped shrunk[p|c]width flags and surrounding code. % Goes with rmpage-v0.62 % 1996/09/04 v0.41 marginal paragraph width setting changed: % maxmparwidth and mparclearance are both now setbyoption, with % initial values set as a fraction of paperwidth. Oh dear: % corrected columnsep error in width setting code (I must debug % things properly, foolish boy). Added Concrete founts to the % list of known founts: concrete is number 11, thisfountwidth is % done by number 12 now. Much tidying done. % Goes with rmpage-v0.61.sty % 1996/09/02 v0.40 Re-worked the initial \textwidth setting selection % code and the offsetting code. Added support for % \RM@[min|max]textwidth. Removed some obsolete code. % Goes with rmpage-v0.59.sty % 1996/08/30 v0.39 re-measured the character widths of the various % standard founts using larger sample and (mainly) the new 8r % installation. (cmr and hlcn the exceptions to this 8r business, % I think). % 1996/08/30 v0.38 changed width setting code to take notice of % \columnsep. Changed mparsep and columnsep setting to use % \RM@scalebyoption. Changed \PackageError{rmpagenew} into % \RM@Error. Changed occurrances of rmpagenew into rmpage. % Changed columnsep given by adaptivecolsep (it's a bit larger % now). % Goes with rmpage.sty v0.58 % 1996/08/25 v0.37 changed the name of marginparsepoption to % mparsepoption, to go along with rmpagenew. % Goes with rmpagenew.sty v0.56 % 1996/08/24 v0.36; debugged some stuff (too tired to remember what % was wrong); I think that's it. % Goes with rmpagenew.sty v0.55. % 1996/08/23 v0.35 veryx; Changed the \textwidth settting code to % preserve the \RM@offsetfrac relationship between right-hand and % left-hand margins. It appears to work, but I haven't tested it % exhaustively yet. Oh, and the \RM@offsetfrac relationship isn't % maintained if you've asked for fullwidth. I'm not sure that % this is the right decision, but I suspect so. Goes with % rmpagenew v0.53.1 % 1996/07/28 v0.34 veryx; changed setwidth setting so that wider, % widest, oneinchmargins, halfinchmargins, and full width all use % the standard width setting code (eek). Goes with rmpagenew v0.51.4. % 1996/07/21 v0.33 veryx; corrected stdwidth setting (was ten times % too small). Goes with rmpagenew v0.51.4. % 1996/07/08 v0.32 veryx; changed \@marginoffset length to % \RM@marginoffset; goes with rmpagenew v0.51.1 % 1996/06/30 v0.31 veryx; fixed marginparwidth setting bug. Goes % with rmpagenew-v0.51.1.sty (v0.51 is faulty, as are all previous % versions of rat-setwidth-norm. And what makes you think I've % found all the bugs *now*, eh?) % 1996/06/16 v0.30.1 veryx; changed remaining \PackageWarnings into % \RM@oclwarninfos. Goes with rmpagenew v0.50. % 1996/06/14 v0.30 veryx; removed oldwidth support; changed \ifs to % \ifRM@s; \RM@ptperchar+\RM@offsetfrac both \let to \@empty at % end; new \RM@ocl commands used to tidy up the code that reports % stuff to the user; goes with rmpagenew v0.50 % 1996/05/24 v0.29.1veryx; changed \@ptperchar, \@offsetfrac, and % \@setptperchar to \RM@ names and \let \RM@setptperchar\@empty at end. % 1996/05/16 v0.29veryx; changed \@rmdaftmargins length to % \RM@daftmargins length; goes with rmpagenew v0.49 % 1996/05/12 v0.28veryx; goes with rmpagenew v0.48; \@minmparclearance % retired, and \RM@mparclearfrac used instead; \@maxmparwidth % length replaced with \RM@maxmparwidth command. % 1996/05/06 v0.27veryx; goes with rmpagenew v0.47; % \@min[left|right]clearance lengths now \RM@min[left|right]clearance % commands; minor message changes. % 1996/05/05 v0.26veryx; goes with rmpagenew v0.46; \@min[in|out]sidemargin % lengths changed to \RM@[...] commands. % 1996/04/24 v0.25.1veryx; changed a messge so it fits on the line better % 1996/04/20 v0.25veryx; added fullwidth option; changed increase esm % code so the warning makes sense; goes with rmpagenew-v0.44 % 1996/04/12 v0.24veryx; added some more \typeouts. % 1996/04/11 v0.23veryx; some counters are now commands with changed names % (\RM@XXX rather than \@XXX); see changes comments for rmpagenew-v0.42 % for full details. Opposite \oddsidemargin now correctly calculated. % 1996/04/10 v0.22veryx; now deals with wide asking for wider \textwidth % than wider/est, and traps some possible bug conditions. % 1996/03/29 v0.21veryx; added ...columnsepoption/...marginparsepoption % support % 1996/03/14 v0.20veryx; added adaptivecolumnsep % 1996/03/12 v0.19veryx; \@touch[width/offset] counters supported (soon!) % 1996/03/12 v0.18veryx; added \@onchatlevel to control \typeouts % 1996/03/09 v0.17veryx; added code to support thisfountwidth; removed % \let...\@empty; fiddled with some messages % 1996/03/05 v0.16veryx; stdwidth now done properly % 1996/03/04 v0.15veryx; variable l/r offsets probably supported % 1996/03/03 v0.14veryx; replaced \if@ltxdoc with \ifnum\@classtype=9; % halfinchmargins now supported. Probably cleaned up something else. % Started to do things to support variable l/r offsets; \@offsetfrac counter % defined. % 1996/02/25 v0.13veryx; completely re-wrote most of the margin setting code. % 1996/02/25 v0.12veryx; added support for \@min[in,out]sidemargins; uses % \@maxmparwidth and \@minmparclearance set by rmpagenew. % 18/02/96 v0.11veryx; ltxdoc switch added; min \textwidth is 355pt if % typesetting with ltxdoc. 0.4in is min gap twixt marginal notes and edge of % paper. % 17/2/96 v0.10.1veryx; \marginparsep=0pt for wider+widest % 16/2/96 v0.10veryx; added courier and utopia fount family sizes % 16/2/96 v0.9veryx; different founts now set different \textwidths. stdwidth % option sets normalwidth \textwidth to standard values. % 15/2/96 v0.8.1veryx; began to take notice of different founts (and other stuff) % 14/2/96 v0.8veryx; wider and widest setting appears to work; stdmargins untested. % 13/2/96 v0.7veryx: narrowest and narrower options added, widths now set % to less arbitrary values; touchnarrower/wider works even % more (idiot) % 12/2/96 v0.6veryx: touchnarrower/wider now work again (fool) % 18/12/95 v0.5veryx: stdmargins works (ish); marginpar sizes set better, but untested % 5/11/95 v0.4veryx: maximum \textwidth based on papersize now sets % minimum margins as a fraction of \paperwidth; \RM@onecolumn flag recognized. % 5/11/95 v0.3veryx; \@toowide flag replaced by \RM@setbymargins and % oneinchmargins option added, set by (almost) the same code that does for % wider and widest. Fixed margin setting bug in my head. Wider and % widest now set margins proportional to paperwidth. Added *some* l/r margin % checking code. % 3/11/95 v0.2veryx: added more width options; used \@widthoption counter % for the first time. % 2/11/95 v0.1veryx rat-setwidth-norm.pko % Extracted from rmpagenew v0.5veryx on 2/11/95. See rmpagenew.sty for % copyright information. %% %% %% \subsection{End of rmpwnorm's changes history} %% %% \CharacterTable %% {Upper-case \A\B\C\D\E\F\G\H\I\J\K\L\M\N\O\P\Q\R\S\T\U\V\W\X\Y\Z %% Lower-case \a\b\c\d\e\f\g\h\i\j\k\l\m\n\o\p\q\r\s\t\u\v\w\x\y\z %% Digits \0\1\2\3\4\5\6\7\8\9 %% Exclamation \! Double quote \" Hash (number) \# %% Dollar \$ Percent \% Ampersand \& %% Acute accent \' Left paren \( Right paren \) %% Asterisk \* Plus \+ Comma \, %% Minus \- Point \. Solidus \/ %% Colon \: Semicolon \; Less than \< %% Equals \= Greater than \> Question mark \? %% Commercial at \@ Left bracket \[ Backslash \\ %% Right bracket \] Circumflex \^ Underscore \_ %% Grave accent \` Left brace \{ Vertical bar \| %% Right brace \} Tilde \~} %% %% %% %% \section{Begin with definitions} %% %% %% \subsection{Miscellaneous definitions} %% % The golden ratio = (\sqrt{5} - 1) / 2 \approx 0.6180 % 210/297 \approx 1/\sqrt{2} \approx 0.7071 % % Define a command so I can print \catcode`\%=11\relax \def\RM@percentsign{%} \catcode`\%=14\relax % % \RM@ocl.: level = 1, 2, or 3. 1 is printed only with % garrulous option, 2 with garrulous and chatty, 3 with garrulous, % chatty, and taciturn. Nought is printed with t' yorkshire option % \@onlevel{1}{\typeout{Done it}}{} % % \RM@ocl{1}{}{}: include reports of option setting etc.; garrulous % \RM@ocl{2}{}{}: include most parameter values and report main % processing blocks; chatty % \RM@ocl{3}{}{}: final parameter values etc. only; taciturn % \RM@ocl{4}{}{}: always print even when yorkshire; % % % \RM@oclwarninfo{num}{text}; like \RM@ocl, but text is used in a % PackageWarning if num > chatlevel, or in a PackageInfo otherwise. \newif\ifRM@infowarned\RM@infowarnedfalse % \long\def\RM@ocl#1#2#3{\ifnum #1>\RM@chatlevel #2\else #3\fi} % \def\RM@ttval#1{\typeout{\space\space\space\protect#1\space= \the#1}} \def\RM@tval#1{\typeout{\space\space\space\protect#1\space= #1}} % \long\def\RM@oclwarninfo#1#2{\RM@ocl{#1} {\PackageWarningNoLine{rmpage}{#2}} {\PackageInfo{rmpage}{#2}\RM@infowarnedtrue}} % \def\RM@infotheval#1{\PackageInfo{rmpage}{\the#1\space= \protect#1}} % \def\RM@Error#1#2{\PackageError{rmpage}{#1}{#2}} \def\RM@Warn#1{\PackageWarning{rmpage}{#1}} % \if@compatibility \RM@Error{rmpage won't work right in LaTeX 2.09 compatibility mode} {Either stop using the rmpage document style option, or typeset your document\MessageBreak as a LaTeX2e document. You can do this by using \protect\documentclass\space\MessageBreak instead of \protect\documentstyle; style files like rmpage are loaded by saying:\MessageBreak \protect\usepackage{rmpage}} \fi% endif@compatibility % \CheckCommand{\@gobble}[1]{} \CheckCommand{\@gobbletwo}[2]{} \CheckCommand{\@gobblefour}[4]{} \CheckCommand{\@firstofone}[1]{#1} \CheckCommand{\@firstoftwo}[2]{#1} \CheckCommand{\@secondoftwo}[2]{#2} \CheckCommand*{\@settopoint}[1]{\divide#1\p@\multiply#1\p@} % \CheckCommand*{\@ifpackageloaded}{\@ifl@aded\@pkgextension} \CheckCommand*{\@ifclassloaded}{\@ifl@aded\@clsextension} % \CheckCommand*{\@ifpackagewith}{\@if@ptions\@pkgextension} % \CheckCommand*{\@ifundefined}[1]{% \expandafter\ifx\csname#1\endcsname\relax \expandafter\@firstoftwo \else \expandafter\@secondoftwo \fi} %% %% %% \subsection{Initialize parameter variables} %% \def\RM@earlyclass{0} % Set to the class number if \@ifclassloaded has said `yes' to % anything before \ProcessOptions; produce an error if it hasn't when % it should've. % \newif\ifRM@loadfount\RM@loadfountfalse \newif\ifRM@nicedate\RM@nicedatefalse % \newif\ifRM@adaptivecolsep\RM@adaptivecolsepfalse % % % This flag is used to detect when the \DeclareOptions bit is over, % and is set true just before \ProcessOptions. So options which % should not be used in an \ExecuteOptions statement can be trapped % and warned about, using the \RM@notinexecuteoptions command in the % \DeclareOption statement. % \newif\ifRM@donewithoptions\RM@donewithoptionsfalse % \def\RM@notinexecuteoptions {\ifRM@donewithoptions \else \RM@Error {You shouldn't be using the \CurrentOption\space option in \MessageBreak an \protect\ExecuteOptions\space statement} {Try passing the \CurrentOption\space option to rmpage in the conventional way} \fi} % % % The following code is from article.cls % % % \DeclareOption{oneside}{\@twosidefalse \@mparswitchfalse} % % \DeclareOption{twoside}{\@twosidetrue \@mparswitchtrue} % % % % \DeclareOption{onecolumn}{\@twocolumnfalse} % % \DeclareOption{twocolumn}{\@twocolumntrue} % end article.cls extract % % Stuff to keep track of the things they're named after\ldots % % centred text or not, twoside or not (and damn the standard flag), % the number of text columns, and portrait/landscape orientation. % % \newif\ifRM@centre \RM@centrefalse \newif\ifRM@twoside \RM@twosidefalse \def\RM@textcols{1} \newif\ifRM@portrait\RM@portraittrue% no std flag % % need this switch to figure out what to do with minimum printing % clearances if you're using ISO long sizes % \newif\ifRM@portlandinvert\RM@portlandinvertfalse % \newif\ifRM@headers \RM@headerstrue \newif\ifRM@footers \RM@footerstrue % \newif\ifRM@stdmargins\RM@stdmarginstrue % % % The 6 parameters below need to be counts. % \newcount\RM@headfootbalance\RM@headfootbalance=12 % % % The four counters below are set by options; the allowed values mean: % 3=least, 6=less, 9=lessish, 12=normal, 15=moreish, 18=more, 21=most. % Values less than 12 shrink the corresponding length, greater than 12 % expands the length. % \newcount\RM@columnsepoption\RM@columnsepoption=12 \newcount\RM@headsepoption\RM@headsepoption=12 \newcount\RM@footskipoption\RM@footskipoption=12 \newcount\RM@mparsepoption\RM@mparsepoption=12 % \newcount\RM@mparclearoption\RM@mparclearoption=12 \newcount\RM@maxmparwidthoption\RM@maxmparwidthoption=12 % % % This works as a flag: % 0 = set width by character and paper-based widths (default) % 1 = set width by character-based width only % 2 = set width by paper-basd width only % It's set by options here, and acted on in rsw-norm. \def\RM@setwidthby{0} % % % \RM@mparclearance is a new parameter: the gap between the outside edge % of a marginal paragraph and the edge of the paper. It is scaled by % option later on, and is set to an initial value based on a fraction of % paperwidth later on. The two base initial values work out to 0.4in or % 0.8in if US letter paper is specified. So that you don't have to use % the normalbasemparclear or largebasemparclear options, or so you can % set your own base \RM@mparclearance, normalbasemparclear is set by % default after option processing if \RM@mparclearance=-666pt. % \newlength\RM@mparclearance \setlength\RM@mparclearance{-666pt} % % \RM@maxmparwidth is dealt with similarly; if nothing else is done % to \RM@maxmparwidth % \newlength\RM@maxmparwidth \setlength\RM@maxmparwidth{-666pt} % \def\RM@chatlevel{2} % 0 = All % 1 = Most parameter values and reports of main processing blocks % 2 = Some: main final values % 3 = Nothing reported except essential warnings and errors % \def\RM@ifbeton{3}% 0=beton opt, beton loaded % 1=beton loaded, no opt % 2=beton opt, beton not loaded % 3=pristine % 4=nobeton opt \def\RM@looseoption{205} % 0=tight, 1=looseish, 2=loose, 3=looser, 4=loosest, 5=sloppier, % 205=undefined % % Needs to be a count. \newcount\RM@lengthoption\RM@lengthoption=15 % 0=stdlength, 3=shortest, 6=shorter, 9=shortish, 12=short % 15=normallength ... 27=longest, 30=fulllength % \def\RM@classtype{0} % 0=undefined, % 1=article, 2=report, 3=letter, 4=book, 5=slides, % 10=ltxdoc, 11=ltxguide, 19=unknown % 20=rmcv, 21=rmletter, 22=bithesis, 23=ljmueepexam % % Needs to be a count \newcount\RM@widthoption\RM@widthoption=14 % 14=normal % % Needs to be a count \newcount\RM@offsetoption\RM@offsetoption=11 % 2=leastoffset, 11=normaloffset, 20=mostoffset % \def\RM@fountfamily{0} % 0=cmr, 1=avant, 2=bookman, 3=chancery, 4=helvet, 5=newcent, % 6=palatino, 7=times, 8=utopia, 9=lucasual 10=courier, 11= concrete, % 12=this fount, 13=lucida-casual % \def\RM@printertype{0} % \def\RM@papertype{0} % 0=unknown, 1=usletter, 2=uslegal, 3=usexecutive, % 4=a0, 15=b0, 26=c0, 36=foolscapfolio, ... % % % 0 = not long % 1 = 7/8 2 = 3/4 3 = 2/3 4 = 5/8 5 = 1/2 % 6 = 3/8 7 = 1/3 8 = 1/4 9 = 1/8. % 1/2 is non-canonical, but works anyway. % \def\RM@longpapertype{0} % % minmargins are the minimum gap between the main block of text and the % edge of the paper. minclearances are the minimum gap between the % furthest extent of printing and the edge of the paper. minmargins are % only taken notice of by classes like bithesis, where a minimum margin % is specified in the regulations. % % The following commands hold the minimum permitted margin around the % body of the text (different to printing area: you can have marginal % notes inside the margin, you can't have marginal notes outside the % permitted printing area.) The foot and head are contained within the % \RM@min[top/bottom]margin space. These parameters are only set where % regulations or something specify minimum margins. For example: % camera-ready copy for journals, theses, and stuff like that. They are % currently only set if you are using the bithesis class; it is sensible % to set them anywhere before LaTeX's \textheight/width/etc., parameters % are set. You could add code to set them for the book class, add an % option which sets these parameters, or whatever. % \providecommand{\RM@minoutsidemargin}{0pt} \providecommand{\RM@mininsidemargin}{0pt} \providecommand{\RM@mintopmargin}{0pt} \providecommand{\RM@minbottommargin}{0pt} % % The following commands hold the minimum margin around the printing % area for a particular printer/paper size/orientation combination. % They are set later, and are set to the values of % \@ptr[r/l][port/land]clear. Precisely which minclearance is set to % which ptrclearance depends on the printer/papersize/orientation % combination. The default setting is r->right, l->left, t->head, % b->foot. The default setting of 1742pt is so that if they are *not* % set later, the ommission is apparent in the printed output. (er, the % least random number concatenated with the philosophically most % significant number). % \def\RM@minrightclearance{1742pt} \def\RM@minleftclearance{1742pt} \def\RM@minfootclearance{1742pt} \def\RM@minheadclearance{1742pt} % % % \RM@[min|max]text[width|height] are yet more limits on text size. % Intended to be set on a class-by-class basis, applying limits where % necessary. % \providecommand{\RM@mintextwidth}{1pt} \providecommand{\RM@maxtextwidth}{9999pt} \providecommand{\RM@mintextheight}{1pt} \providecommand{\RM@maxtextheight}{9999pt} % % % The following three parameters need to be lengths % \newlength\RM@totalheadfootclearance \newlength\RM@totalfootclearance \newlength\RM@totalheadclearance % % % The following lengths hold the minimum margin around the printing area % for a particular printer. They are set later. They are used to set % the minimum clearance parameters for each paper size. % \def\RM@ptrrportclear{0pt}% right-hand edge, portrait orientation \def\RM@ptrlportclear{0pt}% left-hand edge, portrait orientation \def\RM@ptrtportclear{0pt}% top edge, portrait orientation \def\RM@ptrbportclear{0pt}% bottom edge, portrait orientation \def\RM@ptrrlandclear{0pt}% right-hand edge, landscape orientation \def\RM@ptrllandclear{0pt}% left-hand edge, landscape orientation \def\RM@ptrtlandclear{0pt}% top edge, landscape orientation \def\RM@ptrblandclear{0pt}% bottom edge, landscape orientation % % Assumed minimum printer position tolereance; added to the % \RM@min...clearance parameters after they've been set by everything % else. Intended to cope with the fact that the real world is % wobblier than you might think. \def\RM@ptrpostol{0pt} % % % If this switch is set to true, then the printing area can be raised % a bit without warning to clear an over-large non-printing margin at % the bottom. \newif\ifRM@jackup\RM@jackupfalse % % % 0 for all classes except slides. 1 for slides class. Change by % class; use class detection section in the config file or the % \RM@BeforeTextheightSetting hook. \def\RM@textheightgroup{0} % % % 0 = article, report, letter, book, and derivatives % 1 = slides % 2 = foiltex % 3 = classes using non-standard values for \@ptperchar % 4 = undefined classes (produces error currently; don't use) \def\RM@textwidthgroup{0} % % % \RM@ptsizegroup is used by the width setting code; it's set to 0, 1, % or 2 as if it were \@ptsize. But classes like foils which have four % different base sizes set \@ptsize to different values. In these % cases, RM@ptsizegroup is set to 0, 1, 2, or 3; code which needs to % know which typesize you're using needs to be told about foils and % the like, so it behaves differently. This probably makes life a % little easier. % % The initial value is set to be either 0pt, or whatever \@ptsize is, if % it exists. This might not always be appropriate, but it's a good % starting point. % \@ifundefined{@ptsize} {\def\RM@ptsizegroup{0}} {\edef\RM@ptsizegroup{\@ptsize}} %% %% %% \subsection{Some useful commands} %% % The four commands below are intended to be used by a .cfg file % writer (and me, inside rmpage) to fiddle about with settings that % apply to different paper sizes/orientations on a printer-by-printer % basis. % % \RM@OnPortraitPaperSize[<long size code>]{<paper type code>}{<TeX % code>} Executes <TeX code> if paper size is as specified and in % portrait orientation. The default <long size code> (the [optional % argument]) is 0, which is `not long'. Passing -1 as the <long size % code> [optional argument] means `all sizes based on this <paper type % code>'; i.e., not long, 7/8long, 3/4long, \ldots, and 1/8long. % % The other \RM@On...PaperSize commands are similar. % \newcommand*{\RM@OnPaperSize}[3][0]{ \ifnum#2=\RM@papertype \relax \ifnum#1=\RM@longpapertype \relax #3 \relax \else \ifnum#1=-1 #3 \relax \fi \fi \fi } \newcommand*{\RM@OnPortraitPaperSize}[3][0]{ \ifRM@portrait \ifnum#2=\RM@papertype \relax \ifnum#1=\RM@longpapertype \relax #3 \relax \else \ifnum#1=-1 #3 \relax \fi \fi \fi \fi } \newcommand*{\RM@OnLandscapePaperSize}[3][0]{ \ifRM@portrait \else \ifnum#2=\RM@papertype \relax \ifnum#1=\RM@longpapertype \relax #3 \relax \else \ifnum#1=-1 #3 \relax \fi \fi \fi \fi } \def\RM@OnPrinterType#1#2{\ifnum#1<10\relax \RM@Error{You shouldn't be applying local code to this printer} {Printer types < 10 are supposed to be the same everywhere: stop it.} \else \ifnum#1=\RM@printertype\relax #2 \relax\fi \fi} % % % % \RM@OnClassType{<class type number>}{<true code>}{<false code>} % Executes <true code> if \RM@classtype=<class type number>; % otherwise executes <false code>. Reports the current class type if % you've asked for garrulous reporting. % \def\RM@OnClassType#1#2#3{\relax \RM@ocl{1}{\RM@typeclasstype{\RM@classtype}}{} \ifnum\RM@classtype=#1 \relax #2 \relax \else #3 \relax \fi } %% 0=unknown, 1=article, 2=report, 3=letter, 4=book, 5=slides, %% 10=ltxdoc, 11=ltxguide, 20=rmcv, 21=rmletter, 22=bithesis, %% 23=ljmueepexam % % Re-define the \RM@LocalClassReport command in the config file if you % add classes. Use the \RM@OnClassType{<number>}{<true code>}{<false % code>} to report your new class. % \def\RM@LocalClassReport{\typeout{Undefined class detected}} % \def\RM@typeclasstype#1{ \ifcase#1 \typeout{Unknown class type}% 0=Unknown \or \typeout{article class detected}% 1=article \or \typeout{report class detected}% 2=report \or \typeout{letter class detected}% 3=letter \or \typeout{book class detected}% 4=book \or \typeout{slides class detected}% 5=slides \or \typeout{Undefined class detected}% 6 \or \typeout{Undefined class detected}% 7 \or \typeout{Undefined class detected}% 8 \or \typeout{Undefined class detected}% 9 \or \typeout{ltxdoc class detected}% 10=ltxdoc \or \typeout{ltxguide class detected}% 11=ltxguide \or \typeout{Undefined class detected}% 12 \or \typeout{Undefined class detected}% 13 \or \typeout{Undefined class detected}% 14 \or \typeout{Undefined class detected}% 15 \or \typeout{Undefined class detected}% 16 \or \typeout{Undefined class detected}% 17 \or \typeout{Undefined class detected}% 18 \or \typeout{Unknown class detected}% 19 \or \typeout{rmcv class detected}% 20=rmcv \or \typeout{rmletter class detected}% 21=rmletter \or \typeout{bithesis class detected}% 22=bithesis \or \typeout{ljmueepexam class detected}% 23=ljmueepexam \else \ifnum\RM@classtype=50 \relax \typeout{foils class detected}% 50=foils \else \typeout{No standard class detected} \RM@LocalClassReport% Other \fi \fi} % % \RM@SetClassType{<class name>}{<class type number>} If class <class % name> has been loaded, and current \RM@classtype is less than <class % type number>, sets \RM@classtype to be <class type number>. % \def\RM@SetClassType#1#2{ \@ifclassloaded{#1} {\ifnum\RM@classtype<#2 \def\RM@classtype{#2} \fi} {} } % % \RM@OnClassExecuteOptions{<class name>}{<option list>} % If the class <class name> has been loaded, % perform \ExecuteOptions{<option list>}. % \def\RM@OnClassExecuteOptions#1#2{\@ifclassloaded{#1}{\ExecuteOptions{#2}}{}} % % \RM@OnTextheightGroup{<textheight group number>}{<true code>}{<false code>} % Executes <true code> if \RM@textheightgroup=<textheight group number>; % otherwise executes <false code> % \long\def\RM@OnTextheightGroup#1#2#3{ \relax \ifnum\RM@textheightgroup=#1 #2 \else #3 \fi } % % Ditto for textwidth % \long\def\RM@OnTextwidthGroup#1{ \relax \ifnum\RM@textwidthgroup=#1\relax \expandafter\@firstoftwo \else \expandafter\@secondoftwo \fi } % % Use these commands to set parameters like \RM@mininsidemargin, which % often need to be set to at least a certain value. One's for % lengths, the other's for commands. % \def\RM@SetLengthAtLeast#1#2{\ifdim#1<#2 \relax #1#2 \relax\fi} \def\RM@DefLengthAtLeast#1#2{\ifdim#1<#2 \relax \def#1{#2}\relax\fi} % % \RM@scalebyoption{<thing to scale>}{<option number to scale by>} % If I want to report values, do it outside this command; the bugs % seem to have gone now. % \def\RM@scalebyoption#1#2{ \ifcase#2 \RM@Error{What option do you think that is, then?} {rmpage has a bug: \protect\RM@scalebyoption\space has been passed 0 as an option number.\MessageBreak This shouldn't happen} \or #1=0.3263#1% 1 = least - touchless - [class|@]touchless \or #1=0.3613#1% 2 \or #1=0.4000#1% 3 = least \or #1=0.4429#1% 4 \or #1=0.4903#1% 5 \or #1=0.5429#1% 6 = less \or #1=0.6011#1% 7 \or #1=0.6655#1% 8 \or #1=0.7368#1% 9 = lessish \or #1=0.8158#1% 10 \or #1=0.9032#1% 11 \or \relax% 12 = norm \or #1=1.1072#1% 13 \or #1=1.2258#1% 14 \or #1=1.3572#1% 15 = moreish \or #1=1.5027#1% 16 \or #1=1.6637#1% 17 \or #1=1.8420#1% 18 = more \or #1=2.0394#1% 19 \or #1=2.2580#1% 20 \or #1=2.5000#1% 21 = most \or #1=2.7679#1% 22 \or #1=3.0646#1% 23 = most + touchmore + [class|@]touchmore \else \RM@Error{This isn't right} {rmpage has a bug: \protect\RM@scalebyoption has been passed a number greater than 23\MessageBreak as an option number.} \fi% endifcase#2 } % % Only used by the fount loading code; just short-hand to save % re-typing this lot N times. % \def\RM@noffilew#1#2{\RM@Error{You've asked me to load the\MessageBreak #1\space fount family,\MessageBreak but I can't find the file #2} {Get the file #2, and put it somewhere LaTeX can see it.}} % \def\RM@executehook#1{\@ifundefined{#1}{}{\csname#1\endcsname}} % % The name of the default configuration file (the .cfg extension is % optional; rmpage first searches for \RMconfigfile.cfg, then % \RMconfigfile). Change this with \newcommand in your document % preamble, before loading rmpage.sty, if you want to. Damn Bill % Gates to hell and back for the 8+3 filename; this would be called % rmpagelocal if it weren't for Microsoft and its attendant evils. % Go on, bring on your lawyers, see if I care. % % \providecommand{\RMconfigfile}{rmplocal} % % %% %% %% \section{Various definitions from rmpwnorm} %% ================================= %% %% % Needs to be a length \newlength\RM@ptperchar % % % Needs to be a count \newcount\RM@offsetfrac\RM@offsetfrac=60 % % \RM@OnWidthOption{<low width option number>}{<high width option number>} % {<true code>}{<false code>} % Executes <true code> if % <low width option number> < \RM@widthoption < <high width option number>; % otherwise executes <false code> % \def\RM@OnWidthOption#1#2#3#4 { \ifnum#1<\RM@widthoption \ifnum\RM@widthoption<#2 #3 \else #4 \fi \else #4 \fi } % % This is ignored if the slides class is being used; only one point % size is available % \def\RM@setptperchar#1#2#3#4{% std / foils \ifcase\RM@ptsizegroup \setlength\RM@ptperchar{#1}% 10 pt/17pt \or \setlength\RM@ptperchar{#2}% 11 pt/20pt \or \setlength\RM@ptperchar{#3}% 12 pt/25pt \or \setlength\RM@ptperchar{#4}% 12 pt/30pt \else \RM@Error {I don't recognize the point size you've asked\MessageBreak for. I have assumed you meant 10pt; you can\MessageBreak continue, but you will probably not like the\MessageBreak \protect\textwidth\space setting} {\protect\RM@ptsize\space has been set outside the range 0->3. I don't understand; I need fixing} \setlength\RM@ptperchar{#1} \fi% endifcase\@ptsize } % % Executing this command sets \RM@ptperchar to a value based on the % current fount. It's used a few times in the width setting code. % Note that you've got to have selected the fount you want (but note % that this code executes a \selectfont just in case you've forgotten). % \def\RM@setthisfountptperchar{ \selectfont \settowidth{\RM@ptperchar}% 1067 characters in this para {Yet the more I thought about it, the more attractive it became. Hitherto, my life has been ruled by the principles of emotional candour, complex pharmaceuticals, and financial chicanery, but look where it has got me: holed up in this goat-stained room with a comprehensive selection of liturgical sourcebooks, a duffel-bag stuffed with lurid pornography and Barbie and Ken snarling on the other side of the wall (their accents slip with rage or lubricity). Down they quailed to the earth, those Phaeacians of the long oars, those master mariners, beneath the hurtling of the stone which soared so freely from the hero's hand that it overpassed the marks of every other. Athene, in her human shape, appeared suddenly and marked the place where it touched earth. Loudly she cried to Odysseus: `Stranger, even a blind man's dim groping hand would pick out the dint of your stone: because it does not lie confused among the crowd of marks, but is alone, far in front of all. Be confident, for this event at least. No Phaeacian will reach your throw, much less exceed it.'} % 1067 total chars of English from Bargepole and T.E. Lawrence \divide\RM@ptperchar by1067 \typeout{***************************************************************} \typeout{*\space\space\space\space\space\space\space\space \space\space\space\space\space\space\space\space\space \space\space\space\space\space\space\space\space\space \space\space\space\space\space\space\space\space\space \space\space\space\space\space\space\space\space\space \space\space\space\space\space\space\space\space\space \space\space\space\space\space\space\space\space*} \typeout{* I am using the currently selected fount in my \space\space\space\space\space\space\space\space\space \space\space\space\space\space*} \typeout{* \protect\textwidth\space calculations. This fount is \f@encoding\space encoded: \space\space\space\space \space\space\space\space*} \typeout{* \f@family\space family, \f@series\space series, \f@shape\space shape, \f@size pt size \space\space\space\space\space\space\space\space\space \space\space\space\space\space\space\space\space\space \space*} \typeout{* I reckon it measures \the\RM@ptperchar\space points per character \space\space\space\space\space\space\space\space *} \typeout{*\space\space\space\space\space\space\space\space \space\space\space\space\space\space\space\space\space \space\space\space\space\space\space\space\space\space \space\space\space\space\space\space\space\space\space \space\space\space\space\space\space\space\space\space \space\space\space\space\space\space\space\space\space \space\space\space\space\space\space\space\space*} \typeout{***************************************************************} } %% %% \section{Declare options} %% =============== %% \typeout{Starting option declaration} % % \RM@chatlevel % 0 = All % 1 = Most parameter values and reports of main processing blocks % 2 = Some: main final values % 3 = Nothing reported except essential warnings and errors \DeclareOption{garrulous}{\def\RM@chatlevel{0}} \DeclareOption{chatty}{\def\RM@chatlevel{1}} \DeclareOption{taciturn}{\def\RM@chatlevel{2}} \DeclareOption{yorkshire}{\def\RM@chatlevel{3}} % % % Data source for the old British book sizes: Pears Cyclopedia, 68th % edition, 1959-1960. Pelham Books Ltd., 1959. (General Compendium, % page N13). A, B, and other untrimmed sizes taken from BS4000. C0, % C1, C2, C7, and C7/6 taken from The Cambridge Factfinder, Cambridge % University Press, 1993. C3, C4, C5, C6, DL, and non-ISO envelope % sizes taken from BS4264. % % According to BS4000, % The ISO A series is based on A0, with a surface area of $1m^{2}$. % Each ISO B paper size is a geometric mean between adjacent A sizes, % with sides in the same proportions. % % Each size shall be acheived by dividing the size immediately above it % into two equal parts, the division being parallel to the shorter % side. Consequently, the areas of two successive sizes shall be in the % ratio 2:1. % % All the size in each series shall be geometrically similar to one % another. % % What this means is that the ratio of the sides must be $1:\sqrt{2}$, % so that A0 is $841mm \times 1189mm$. % % Tolerances are specified thus: % % \begin{tabular}{rl} % Size & tolerance \\ \hline % $\mathrm{sizes}\leq 150 \mathrm{mm}$&$\pm1.5 \mathrm{mm}$ \\ % $150\mathrm{mm}<\mathrm{sizes}\leq 600\mathrm{mm}$&$\pm2 \mathrm{mm}$\\ % $600\mathrm{mm}<\mathrm{sizes}\mathrm{mm}$&$\pm3 \mathrm{mm}$\\ % \end{tabular} % % Long ISO sizes are created by dividing ordinary ISO sizes into slices, % cutting parallel to the short edge, e.g., % \begin{tabular}{ll} % 1/3 A4 & $99 \times 210$ \\ % 1/4 A4 & $74 \times 210$ \\ % 1/8 A8 & $13 \times 74 $ \\ % \end{tabular} % % 2/3 A4 is apparently a common size commercially, used for invoices % and the like. It is defined as $198 \times 210 \mathrm{mm}$. Note % that the standard defines sizes to the nearest millimetre, but % rmpage does not round the calculated long sizes, nor does it ensure % that only ISO sizes are processed by the `long' options. This is % because you can chop up any bit of paper you like; if you are cutting % real-world paper, rounding errors on a 1/8 size could result in 4mm % error by the time you reached the strip furthest from the datum edge, % very different from the 0.5mm error (which is always within specified % tolerance and therefore irrelevant), which you get if you're talking % about single bits of paper. % % % % NEW % % papertypes: 0=undefined, 1=letter, 2=legal, 3=executive, % 9 letter4paper % 10=a0, ... , 20=a10 (a4=14, a5=15) % 30=b0, ... , 40=b10 % 50=c0, ... , 57=c7, 58=dl, 59=c7/6, % 60=bspopseedevelopepaper, 61=bspopnonisoenvelopepaper, % 62=bsbrochureenvelopepaper, 63=bslegalenvelopepaper, % 64=bslargelegalenvelopepaper, 65=bscalendarenvelopepaper % 66=no10envelopepaper % 70=foolscap folio, 71=foolscap quarto, 72=foolscap octavo % 73=crown folio, 74=crown quarto, 75=crown octavo % 76=royal folio, 77=royal quarto, 78=royal octavo % 79=imperial folio, 80=imperial quarto, 81=imperial octavo % 82=large crown octavo % 83=demy quarto, 84=demy octavo % 85=medium quarto, 86=medium octavo % 90=RA0, 91=RA1, 92=RA2, 93=SRA0, 94=SRA1, 95=SRA2 % 96=metricdoublecrownpaper, 97=metricquadcrownpaper % 98=metriclargequadcrownpaper, 99=metricquaddemypaper % 100=metricsmallquadroyalpaper % % 3 US sizes recognised by 3 options (1-3) % 1 bodge size recognised by 1 option (9) % 11 A sizes defined by 11 options: for writing paper, books, etc. (10-20) % 11 B sizes defined by 11 options: for posters, etc. (30-40) % 10 C sizes plus dlpaper defined by 10 options: for envelopes, etc. (50-59) % 6 BS4264 envelope sizes defined by 6 options: (60-65) % 1 US envelope size defined by 1 option: (66) % 17 old British sizes defined by 18 options. (70-86) % 11 BS4000 untrimmed sizes defined by 11 options (90-100) % ----- % 71 different paper sizes defined by 72 options. % % \DeclareOption{letterpaper}{\def\RM@papertype{1} \setlength\paperheight {11in} \setlength\paperwidth {8.5in} } % % Ensure that the standard LaTeX default paper size is always % selected. Doing this here ensures that it can be over-ridden % anywhere else, but it won't be removed. Ugly, but reliable, and % therefore elegant? % \ExecuteOptions{letterpaper} % \DeclareOption{legalpaper}{\def\RM@papertype{2} \setlength\paperheight {14in} \setlength\paperwidth {8.5in} } \DeclareOption{executivepaper}{\def\RM@papertype{3} \setlength\paperheight {10.5in} \setlength\paperwidth {7.25in} } \DeclareOption{a4paper}{\def\RM@papertype{14} \setlength\paperheight{297mm} \setlength\paperwidth{210mm} } \DeclareOption{a5paper}{\def\RM@papertype{15} \setlength\paperheight{210mm} \setlength\paperwidth{148mm} } \DeclareOption{b5paper}{\def\RM@papertype{35} \setlength\paperheight{250mm} \setlength\paperwidth{176mm} } \DeclareOption{c6paper}{\def\RM@papertype{56} \setlength\paperheight{162mm} \setlength\paperwidth{114mm} } \DeclareOption{dlpaper}{\def\RM@papertype{58}% Ordinary envelopes \setlength\paperheight{220mm} \setlength\paperwidth{110mm} } \DeclareOption{no10envelopepaper}{\def\RM@papertype{66}% Ordinary US envelopes \setlength\paperheight{9.5in} \setlength\paperwidth{4.12in} } % long paper type numbers: % % 0 = not long (or 1) % 1 = 7/8 2 = 3/4 3 = 2/3 4 = 5/8 5 = 1/2 % 6 = 3/8 7 = 1/3 8 = 1/4 9 = 1/8 % % long paper options in rmplocal.cfg % % These options can be executed before or after the load<fount> % options; they'll over-ride the `loose' request of the loadfount options % whichever way. \DeclareOption{tight}{\def\RM@looseoption{0}} \DeclareOption{looseish}{\def\RM@looseoption{1}} \DeclareOption{loose}{\def\RM@looseoption{2}} \DeclareOption{looser}{\def\RM@looseoption{3}} \DeclareOption{loosest}{\def\RM@looseoption{4}} \DeclareOption{sloppyish}{\def\RM@looseoption{5}} % \DeclareOption{shortest}{\RM@lengthoption=3} \DeclareOption{shorter}{\RM@lengthoption=6} \DeclareOption{short}{\RM@lengthoption=9} \DeclareOption{shortish}{\RM@lengthoption=12} \DeclareOption{normallength}{\RM@lengthoption=15} \DeclareOption{longish}{\RM@lengthoption=18} \DeclareOption{long}{\RM@lengthoption=21} \DeclareOption{longer}{\RM@lengthoption=24} \DeclareOption{longest}{\RM@lengthoption=27} % % Note that the touch length options need to be executed after the % main length options; one way of doing this is to ensure that the % touch options are declared after the main options, and that % \ProcessOptions is used rather than \ProcessOptions* % % The touchlength options are in rmplocal.cfg now. The fulllength % and stdlength options must be executed after the touchlength options. % % And odd length options---fulllength and stdlength---need to be % executed after the touchlength options, so bung them in the % configuration file. This isn't a nice way of doing it, but it'll % work. % % % Headsep is scaled by option % \DeclareOption{leastheadsep}{\RM@headsepoption=3} \DeclareOption{lessheadsep}{\RM@headsepoption=6} \DeclareOption{lessishheadsep}{\RM@headsepoption=9} \DeclareOption{normalheadsep}{\RM@headsepoption=12} \DeclareOption{moreishheadsep}{\RM@headsepoption=15} \DeclareOption{moreheadsep}{\RM@headsepoption=18} \DeclareOption{mostheadsep}{\RM@headsepoption=21} % % Footskip is scaled by option % \DeclareOption{leastfootskip}{\RM@footskipoption=3} \DeclareOption{lessfootskip}{\RM@footskipoption=6} \DeclareOption{lessishfootskip}{\RM@footskipoption=9} \DeclareOption{normalfootskip}{\RM@footskipoption=12} \DeclareOption{moreishfootskip}{\RM@footskipoption=15} \DeclareOption{morefootskip}{\RM@footskipoption=18} \DeclareOption{mostfootskip}{\RM@footskipoption=21} % % The marginpar setting options are now in rmplocal.cfg % % \columnsep is scaled by option. % \DeclareOption{leastcolsep}{\RM@columnsepoption=3} \DeclareOption{lesscolsep}{\RM@columnsepoption=6} \DeclareOption{lessishcolsep}{\RM@columnsepoption=9} \DeclareOption{normalcolsep}{\RM@columnsepoption=12} \DeclareOption{moreishcolsep}{\RM@columnsepoption=15} \DeclareOption{morecolsep}{\RM@columnsepoption=18} \DeclareOption{mostcolsep}{\RM@columnsepoption=21} % % The touch options below need to be executed after their corresponding % main options (sort of thing). Keeping these declarations after the % corresponding main declarations, and using \ProcessOptions rather than % \ProcessOptions* does this rather neatly. % % The touch colsep, mparsep, footskip, and headsep options are now in % rmplocal.cfg % % If \RM@adaptivecolseptrue, then \columnsep is set to be a fraction % of the number of points per character. This isn't always % appropriate, and the flag is set to false by default. % \DeclareOption{adaptivecolsep}{\RM@adaptivecolseptrue} \DeclareOption{noadaptivecolsep}{\RM@adaptivecolsepfalse} % % Note that the width option setting options need to be executed in % the order they are declared here: so that you can increment or % decrement narrowest---widest; but stdwidth, half and one inchmargins, % and fullwidth are all fixed options. % % One easy way of ensuring this is to keep these options declared in % this order and use \ProcessOptions rather than \ProcessOptions* % \DeclareOption{widest}{\RM@widthoption=26} \DeclareOption{wider}{\RM@widthoption=23} \DeclareOption{wide}{\RM@widthoption=20} \DeclareOption{widish}{\RM@widthoption=17} \DeclareOption{normalwidth}{\RM@widthoption=14} \DeclareOption{narrowish}{\RM@widthoption=11} \DeclareOption{narrow}{\RM@widthoption=8} \DeclareOption{narrower}{\RM@widthoption=5} \DeclareOption{narrowest}{\RM@widthoption=2} % % The touchwidth options are in rmplocal.cfg now. % \DeclareOption{stdwidth}{\RM@widthoption=32} \DeclareOption{halfinchmargins}{\RM@widthoption=31} \DeclareOption{oneinchmargins}{\RM@widthoption=30} \DeclareOption{fullwidth}{\RM@widthoption=29} % % Left/right positioning. % \DeclareOption{twoside}{\RM@twosidetrue\@mparswitchtrue}% Hmm. Is this wise? \DeclareOption{oneside}{\RM@twosidefalse} \DeclareOption{centre}{\RM@centretrue} \DeclareOption{notcentre}{\RM@centrefalse} % % stdmargins: large margin outside, small margin inside. % notdstdmargins: large margin inside, small margin outside. % \DeclareOption{stdmargins}{\RM@stdmarginstrue} \DeclareOption{notstdmargins}{\RM@stdmarginsfalse} % % The offset options don't do anything if the centre option has been % specified. % \DeclareOption{leastoffset}{\RM@offsetoption=2} \DeclareOption{lessoffset}{\RM@offsetoption=5} \DeclareOption{lessishoffset}{\RM@offsetoption=8} \DeclareOption{normaloffset}{\RM@offsetoption=11} \DeclareOption{moreishoffset}{\RM@offsetoption=14} \DeclareOption{moreoffset}{\RM@offsetoption=17} \DeclareOption{mostoffset}{\RM@offsetoption=20} % % The touchoffset options must be executed after the offset options. % This is easy to arrange: just declare the options in this order, and % use \ProcessOptions rather than \ProcessOptions* (that is, these % options must be processed in the order of declaration, rather than % the order given in the calling commands). % % The touch offset options are in the config file now. % % Note that the standard classes set the \@twocolumn flag. rmpage % doesn't, but it now needs to see it to decide which typesetting % looseness to set if you've asked for twocolumn and loaded a % psfount. See the loadfount options in the config file. % % The config file has onecolumnwidth...tencolumnwidth options, which % change \textwidth but don't change the number of columns. You can % use the multicols package to do that. \DeclareOption{onecolumn}{\def\RM@textcols{1}} \DeclareOption{twocolumn}{\def\RM@textcols{2}} % % % 0 = set width by character and paper-based widths (default) % 1 = set width by character-based width only % 2 = set width by paper-based width only % % The bothwidth option is redundant, which is a good thing because I % really don't like the name \DeclareOption{bothwidthset}{\def\RM@setwidthby{0}} \DeclareOption{characterwidthset}{\def\RM@setwidthby{1}} \DeclareOption{paperwidthset}{\def\RM@setwidthby{2}} % \DeclareOption{portrait}{\RM@portraittrue} \DeclareOption{landscape}{\RM@portraitfalse} % \DeclareOption{noheaders}{\RM@headersfalse} \DeclareOption{headers}{\RM@headerstrue} \DeclareOption{nofooters}{\RM@footersfalse} \DeclareOption{footers}{\RM@footerstrue} % \DeclareOption{highest}{\RM@headfootbalance=0}% 0/8 \DeclareOption{higher}{\RM@headfootbalance=3}% 1/8 \DeclareOption{high}{\RM@headfootbalance=6}% 2/8 \DeclareOption{highish}{\RM@headfootbalance=9}% 3/8 \DeclareOption{normalaltitude}{\RM@headfootbalance=12}% 4/8 \DeclareOption{lowish}{\RM@headfootbalance=15}% 5/8 \DeclareOption{low}{\RM@headfootbalance=18}% 6/8 \DeclareOption{lower}{\RM@headfootbalance=21}% 7/8 \DeclareOption{lowest}{\RM@headfootbalance=24}% 8/8 % % These touch options must be executed after the altitude options % above; one easy way is to declare the touch options after the % straight altitude options and use \ProcessOptions, not % \ProcessOptions* % % nice/othernicedate date are in rmplocal.cfg now. % \DeclareOption{usdate}{\RM@nicedatefalse} \DeclareOption{ukdate}{\RM@nicedatetrue} % % The option to load founts and set textwidth by fount size are now % in rmplocal.cfg % % Printer types were: % 0=fullbleed, 1=general, 2=dw520, 3=dw600, 4=pessimistic % % all printer options are now in rmplocal.cfg % % Printer types are: % 0=fullbleed, 1=general, 2=pessimistic, 3=optimistic % 10=dw300 11=dw500 12=dw600 (HP deskwriter inkjet series) % 20=lj2 21=lj3 22=lj4 (HP laserjet laser printer series) % 30=canonbjx bubblejet something (Canon bubblejet inkjet series) % 40+ whatever else comes up % % The figures for all these printers are guesses, except for the DW500 % (from the manual) and the DW600 and lj4 (measured): I'd very much % appreciate it if you could send me any information on the non-printing % margins for any other printers. I can use information on printing % limits at the top, bottom, left, and right for portrait and landscape % modes, and whether the data is what the book says or what you measured % (preferrably both, but anything'll help). If anyone really uses LaTeX % with an A3 printer, do tell: it's something I've been wondering about. % % % % \RM@ifbeton=3 is pristine value; 1=beton loaded, neither beton nor % nobeton specified. % \DeclareOption{beton}{ \ifnum\RM@ifbeton=3 \def\RM@ifbeton{2} \else \RM@Error{You've specified both the beton and nobeton options;\MessageBreak make up your mind!} {Remove one or both of the beton and nobeton options to rmpage} \fi } % \DeclareOption{nobeton}{ \ifnum\RM@ifbeton=3 \def\RM@ifbeton{4} \else \RM@Error{You've specified both the beton and nobeton options;\MessageBreak make up your mind!} {Remove one or both of the beton and nobeton options to rmpage} \fi } % %% %% %% \subsection{Load config file} %% % Once upon a time, the config files had sensible names. Then the % evil Bill Gates came along and chopped their legs off, leaving them % bleeding to death in the dust. Bill skipped off down the road, % cackling with delight at his own cruelty. Alas, there was no saving % these poor mutilated wretches, but I created some new file names % that I dislike but work with the crippled `operating system' most % personal computers are equipped with. % % Load the config file here, because it can have option declarations. % % Configuration file handling: load one of the following files, searched % in this order: the file jobname.rmp, the file specified by % \RMconfigfile (rmplocal.cfg by default), or rmpgen.cfg. rmplocal.cfg % is the local config file, based on my one. rmpgen.cfg is a config % file with all options defined, based on my rmplocal.cfg. If you want % to change the default first config file, you must % \newcommand{\RMconfigfile}{<filename>} in the preamble of your % document, \emph{before} loading rmpage. % % rmplocal.cfg is the one I'm working on, not for general release. % rmpgen.cfg and rmplocal.gfc are derived from it, the first with all % options enabled, the second with some commented out. The idea is % that users modify rmplocal.gfc to produce their own rmplocal.cfg, % but keep rmpgen.cfg unmolested so any document using rmpage can % specify it by saying \newcommand{\RMconfigfile}{rmpgen.cfg} in the % preamble. % % The idea is that you can write a document using your local config % file, and if you want to send it to someone else, specify: % \newcommand{\RMconfigfile}{rmpgen.cfg} in your preamble % before loading rmpage.sty. If the document is okay after that, % no further changes are needed. Or you could provide a config file % for one document: say you have a document called zarvox.tex; if you % provide a config file called zarvox.rmp, that will be loaded by % rmpage as the config file for zarvox.tex only. % % The multi-pronged approach might be over-the-top, but then again, it % might not. I suspect just having rmplocal.cfg and rmpgen.cfg % might be sufficient. % % \InputIfFileExists{\jobname.rmp}{}{ \InputIfFileExists{\RMconfigfile.cfg}{}{ \InputIfFileExists{\RMconfigfile}{}{ \InputIfFileExists{rmpgen.cfg}{}{ \RM@oclwarninfo{3}% {Can't find file \jobname.rmp, file \RMconfigfile.cfg,\MessageBreak file \RMconfigfile, or\MessageBreak file rmpgen.cfg.\MessageBreak Carrying on without a configuration file;\MessageBreak some things might not work properly. } \ExecuteOptions{notstdmargins}% Is this still needed? } } } } % % Only worry about unknown options after loading the config file % Used to not complain about unused option if using rmcv. Scrapped % this behaviour: it's a messy way of doing things. % % I could just drop this statement altogether, but it's been here a % while and I like it. % \DeclareOption*{ \RM@Warn{I don't know about the `\CurrentOption' option.} } % Process options in the order of declaration, rather than the order of % calling. That way, the various touch options don't need fiddling % with. % \RM@executehook{RM@BeforeProcessOptions} \RM@donewithoptionstrue \ProcessOptions % %% %% %% \section{Deal with paper sizes} %% ===================== %% % First, deal with long paper sizes. Note that this code must come % \emph{before} the code to ensure landscape/portrait orientation. % And that code to ensure landscape/portrait orientation \emph{must} % come after this, because this code first ensures portrait % orientation, then divides down from that. Well \emph{I} know what I % mean\ldots % \RM@ocl{1} {\typeout{Base paper dimensions:} \RM@ttval{\paperheight} \RM@ttval{\paperwidth} }{} % % ensure portrait orientation; this must be done so the % \RM@portlandinvert flag below can be set correctly. \ifnum\paperheight<\paperwidth \@tempdima=\paperwidth \paperwidth=\paperheight \paperheight=\@tempdima \fi % \ifcase\RM@longpapertype \relax% 0 = do nothing \or\paperheight=0.8750\paperheight% 1 = 7/8 \or\paperheight=0.7500\paperheight% 2 = 3/4 \or\paperheight=0.6667\paperheight% 3 = 2/3 \or\paperheight=0.6250\paperheight% 4 = 5/8 \or\paperheight=0.5000\paperheight% 5 = 1/2 \or\paperheight=0.3750\paperheight% 6 = 3/8 \or\paperheight=0.3333\paperheight% 7 = 1/3 \or\paperheight=0.2500\paperheight% 8 = 1/4 \or\paperheight=0.1250\paperheight% 9 = 1/8 \else \RM@Error{rmpage has a bug}{A long paper option has been specified\MessageBreak that I don't recognise. Bad karma: get me fixed!} \fi % % If \RM@portlandinverttrue, then the portrait/landscape orientation % of the paper has been switched (ish). Like, if you've got A4 % portrait, keep the paper that way up, and chop it into four bits to % get 1/4 A4, the 1/4 A4 sheets are looking at you landscape way % round, man. What a rotten explanation. % % For this to work, portrait orientation must have been forced before % the long size \paperheight reduction code immediately above. % Portrait/landscape is set to the user's preference below. % \relax \ifdim\paperheight<\paperwidth \RM@portlandinverttrue \else \RM@portlandinvertfalse \fi % % % Ensure that portrait and landscape really mean portrait and % landscape... This code was added because of the paper size % definitions above; the standard classes normally deal with this. % \ifRM@portrait \ifdim\paperwidth>\paperheight \@tempdima=\paperwidth \paperwidth=\paperheight \paperheight=\@tempdima \fi% endifdim \else %if landscape \ifdim\paperheight>\paperwidth \@tempdima=\paperwidth \paperwidth=\paperheight \paperheight=\@tempdima \fi% endifdim \fi% endifRM@portrait % % The final values of the paper dimensions are now set. If user code % changes them, the initial values should be reported. The final % values are reported at the end along with everything else. % %% %% %% \section{Deal with RM type sizes and PS founts etc} %% ========================================= %% % This code below requests tight as the default typesetting tightness. % Not having tight in the default options lists above means that the % loadfount options can be over-ridden by tight/loose/.../loosest % options. If \RM@looseoption has not been set by anything, it is set % to tight. The tight/loose/.../loosest options set \RM@looseoption to % the specified value; and loadpsfount sets \RM@looseoption=2 (loose) % only if \RM@looseoption=205 (the initial value). So tight etc. % option can over-ride loadpsfount, but not vice-versa. This works % whether tight/loosest comes before or after loadpsfount in the options % list. % % Note that loadpsfounts sets \RM@looseoption=5 (sloppy) if you've % asked for two column typesetting and no other looseness. This is % *not* done if you've asked for a multiple column width. The % multicol package makes its own arrangements; it might be best to % use the tight option if you're asking for a multiple column width. % This is because the \sloppiness command changes lots of typesetting % parameters, and it might be the case that the parameters the multicol % package changes are set on the assumption that all other typesetting % parameters have their standard values. I don't know what the answer % is, I really don't. % % But according to Sebastian Rahtz's psnfss2e.tex, v 3.2, 1995/11/21, % the metrics produced by fontinst have changed since the original % advice was written (updated documentation would help, you % know---the documentation I got with fontinst in 1996 makes no % mention of this), so the suggestion that you should use looser % typesttting parameters no longer applies. Keep the support for this % behaviour, but don't change the typesetting parameters? Hmm. But % my experience shows that the founts are still quite tight, and you % get lots more linebreak problems with the PSNFSS founts than cmr. % So I think the thing to do is keep some loosening of some sort. % Looseish appears loose enough. % % \ifnum\RM@looseoption=205\def\RM@looseoption{0}\fi % % % \RM@ptsize=666 if no attempt has been made to load an rmsizeN package % AND no call is requested in this package % \ifnum\RM@ptsize=666 \else \RequirePackage{rmsize\RM@ptsize}% only load if not already loaded \fi % % The various options have set their counters, which rmpage leaves % undisturbed until the end, where they are reported with everything % else. So don't report them here. % % % Load founts using standard packages if asked... % % \ifRM@loadfount \ifcase\RM@fountfamily% % 0 cmr \RM@Warn{You don't need to loadcmr using the rmpage package} \or% 1 Avant Garde \IfFileExists{avant.sty}{\RequirePackage{avant}}{ \RM@nofilew{Avant Garde}{avant.sty}} \or% 2 Bookman \IfFileExists{bookman.sty}{\RequirePackage{bookman}}{ \RM@nofilew{Bookman}{bookman.sty}} \or% 3 Zapf Chancery \IfFileExists{chancery.sty}{\RequirePackage{chancery}}{ \RM@nofilew{Zapf Chancery}{chancery.sty}} \or% 4 Helvetica \IfFileExists{helvet.sty}{\RequirePackage{helvet}}{ \RM@nofilew{Helvetica}{helvet.sty}} \or% 5 New Century Schoolbook \IfFileExists{newcent.sty}{\RequirePackage{newcent}}{ \RM@nofilew{New Century Schoolbook}{newcent.sty}} \or% 6 Palatino \IfFileExists{palatino.sty}{\RequirePackage{palatino}}{ \RM@nofilew{Palatino}{palatino.sty}} \or% 7 Times \IfFileExists{times.sty}{\RequirePackage{times}}{ \RM@nofilew{Times}{times.sty}} \or% 8 Utopia \IfFileExists{utopia.sty}{\RequirePackage{utopia}}{ \RM@nofilew{Utopia}{utopia.sty}} \or% 9 Lucida casual \IfFileExists{lucasual.sty}{\RequirePackage{lucasual}}{ \RM@nofilew{Lucida Casual}{lucasual.sty}} \or% 10 Courier \renewcommand{\rmdefault}{pcr} \RM@Warn{The loadcourier option makes the default roman fount\MessageBreak Courier. I think this is ugly and crude: you might\MessageBreak be better off using the times package and \protect\ttfamily} \or% 11 Concrete \IfFileExists{beton.sty}{\RequirePackage{beton}}{ \RM@nofilew{Concrete}{beton.sty}} \or% 12 This fount width \RM@Warn{You can't load 'this fount'; stop it!} \or% 13 Lucida casual again \def\RM@fountfamily{9}% sets \RM@fountfamily to std lucasual value \IfFileExists{lucida-helvetica.sty}{\RequirePackage{lucida-helvetica}}{ \RM@nofilew{Lucida Casual}{lucida-helvetica.sty}} \fi \fi % % Code to deal with the beton package; I don't like this, but I'm not % TeXnical enough to write anything I feel happier with. % % Written to work with beton 1.3 1995/03/05 % % See corresponding \let\@setfontsize=\RM@old@setfontsize etc just % before running setwidth code. % % beton messes about with \baselineskip, but changes it % \AtBeginDocument. So a certain amount of jiggery-pokey is needed. % % The beton package must be loaded before rmpage. rmpage then uses % the guts of beton to change baselineskip to the beton value so we % can set textheight properly (assuming the beton option has been % specified). % \@ifpackageloaded{beton}{ \ifnum\RM@ifbeton=3\def\RM@ifbeton{1}\fi% beton loaded, no opt \ifnum\RM@ifbeton=2\def\RM@ifbeton{0}\fi% beton loaded, beton opt }{} % \ifnum\RM@ifbeton<3 \@ifpackagewith{beton}{standard-baselineskips} {% if beton has been loaded with standard-baselineskips \RM@ocl{2}{\typeout{rmpage thinks the beton package has been loaded with standard-baselineskips}}{} } {% if beton has been loaded without standard-baselineskips \ifnum\RM@ifbeton<2 \RM@ocl{2}{\typeout{rmpage thinks the beton package has been loaded without standard-baselineskips}}{} \ifnum\RM@ifbeton=1 \RM@oclwarninfo{3}{You should send the beton option to rmpage \MessageBreak if you're using the beton package. I'll set \MessageBreak \protect\textheight\space using beton \protect\baselineskip\space anyway.} \fi%endifnum\RM@ifbeton=1 % if beton has been loaded without standard-baselineskips % use beton internals to change \baselineskip, % after saving old size (restore after \textheight setting) % % Check this command from beton first\ldots \CheckCommand*{\beton@new@setfontsize}[3] {\edef\@tempa{\def\noexpand\@tempb####1<#2}% \@tempa>##2<##3\@nil{\def\beton@baselineskip@value{##2}}% \edef\@tempa{\noexpand\@tempb\beton@baselineskip@table<#2}% \@tempa><\@nil \ifx\beton@baselineskip@value\@empty \def\beton@baselineskip@value{#3}% \fi \beton@old@setfontsize{#1}{#2}\beton@baselineskip@value} % dun \let\RM@ldf@baselineskip=\f@baselineskip \let\RM@ldf@size=\f@size \let\beton@old@setfontsize=\@setfontsize% Don't bugger about \let\@setfontsize=\beton@new@setfontsize% unless necessary \normalsize \else % if beton has not been loaded, complain and do nought. \RM@Error{You must load beton before rmpage\MessageBreak if you want to use the beton option with rmpage.} {Either remove the beton option from rmpage, or\MessageBreak \protect\usepackage{beton} before \protect\usepackage[beton]{rmpage}} \fi%endifnum\RM@ifbeton<2 } \fi% endifnum\RM@beton<3 % % (almost) End code to deal with the beton package; see just % before calling width setting code %% %% %% \section{Identify class} %% % 0=unknown, 1=article, 2=report, 3=letter, 4=book, 5=slides, 10=ltxdoc, % 11=ltxguide, 19=default unknown, 20=rmcv, 21=rmletter, 22=bithesis, % 23=ljmueepexam, 50=foils % % Note that only class numbers 0-11 are defined in rmpage; 20-23 are % defined in the config file, using the \RM@DefineNewClasses hook. % % For this code to work properly, the classes which are called loaded % by other classes need to be detected first, so that if you base (say) % bithesis on report, \RM@classtype ends up set to 22 (for bithesis), % rather than 2 (for report), which is what is needed. Because % \RM@DefineNewClasses is executed after the standard list of classes % below, this isn't something you normally need to think about. % % Of course, you can detect the loading of classes in the % \RMAfterProcessOptions hook if you like, or set \RM@classtype using % an option % % Execute the \RM@DefineNewClasses hook if it exists and if % \RM@classtype is less than 20 (that is, either a standard LaTeX % class or no class has been defined). This way, you can define % class types with options, and they won't be changed here. % \ifnum\RM@classtype<20 \RM@executehook{RM@DefineNewClasses} \fi % % If a class type hasn't been defined yet, try and detect one of the % standard classes. \RM@SetClassType sets \RM@ClassType to the given % value, if \RM@classtype is below that value and the given class has % been loaded. % \ifnum\RM@classtype=0 \RM@SetClassType{article}{1} \RM@SetClassType{report}{2} \RM@SetClassType{letter}{3} \RM@SetClassType{book}{4} \RM@SetClassType{slides}{5} \RM@SetClassType{ltxdoc}{10} \RM@SetClassType{ltxguide}{11} \RM@SetClassType{foils}{50} \RM@SetClassType{rmtest}{49} \fi% endifnum\RM@classtype %% %% %% \subsection{Set things up for specific classes} %% %% Defaults: %% %% \def\RM@textheightgroup{0} %% \def\RM@textwidthgroup{0} %% \@ifundefined{@ptsize}{\def\RM@ptsizegroup{0pt}}{\edef\RM@ptsizegroup{\@ptsize}} %% % \RM@textheightgroup = 1 for slides class, 0 for everything else % \RM@textwidthgroup = 0 for std classes except slides, 1 for slides, % 2 for foils, and 3 for other. % \RM@ptsizegroup = \@ptsize for std classes except slides, % 0=undefined \RM@OnClassType{0} {\RM@Warn{I don't recognize this class;\MessageBreak I'll behave partly as if you asked for an article.\MessageBreak This behaviour is decidely iffy at the moment.} \def\RM@textwidthgroup{3}% value for classes using non-standard \@ptsize \def\RM@ptsizegroup{0}% Maybe not the right thing. \def\RM@classtype{19}}{} % 1=article % 2=report % 3=letter % 4=book % 5=slides \RM@OnClassType{5} {\def\RM@textheightgroup{1}% slides textheight setting \def\RM@textwidthgroup{1}% slides textwidth setting \RM@oclwarninfo{3} {I'm not very good with slides yet. Good luck}}{} %6=ltxdoc; see config file %7=ltxguide %20=rmcv %21=rmletter %22=bithesis %23=ljmueepexam \RM@OnClassType{49} { \def\RM@textwidthgroup{3}% rmtest textwidth setting % \ifnum\@ptsize=17 \def\RM@ptsizegroup{0}\fi % \ifnum\@ptsize=20 \def\RM@ptsizegroup{1}\fi % \ifnum\@ptsize=25 \def\RM@ptsizegroup{2}\fi % \ifnum\@ptsize=30 \def\RM@ptsizegroup{3}\fi \RM@oclwarninfo{3} {rmtest class detected, you poor fool you^^J Sit down and have a nice cup of tea.^^J There's that's better, isn't it?} }{} %50=foils \RM@OnClassType{50} { \def\RM@textwidthgroup{2}% foils textwidth setting \ifnum\@ptsize=17 \def\RM@ptsizegroup{0}\fi \ifnum\@ptsize=20 \def\RM@ptsizegroup{1}\fi \ifnum\@ptsize=25 \def\RM@ptsizegroup{2}\fi \ifnum\@ptsize=30 \def\RM@ptsizegroup{3}\fi \RM@oclwarninfo{3} {rmpage's foils class support is not well tested} }{} % % Execute \RM@AfterProcessOptions if it exists % \RM@executehook{RM@AfterProcessOptions} % % % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % % The following code was taken from ltoutput.dtx. The assumption is % that odd pages are on the left and even pages on the right. That way % you have odd and even margins arranged so the inside (or outside) % margins are largest. But for some reason this assumption broke down % for the Excalibur manual (which ends up with odd page numbers on the % left). I must investigate. % % % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % \ifRM@twoside % \ifodd\count\z@ \let\@thehead\@oddhead \let\@thefoot\@oddfoot % \let\@themargin\oddsidemargin % \else \let\@thehead\@evenhead % \let\@thefoot\@evenfoot \let\@themargin\evensidemargin % \fi % \fi % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %% %% %% \section{Deal with printer/paper specific settings} %% % The following code needs to be reviewed for each printer/paper size % combination. % % Begin by setting default minimum clearances; the long paper sizes % introduce a complication, because using ISO A or B series sizes, % a long size of 2/3 or less needs to be turned $90\deg$ to retain % its portrait/landscape sense relative to the original sheet (does % that make sense?). The idea is this: if you want, say, 1/4 A4, % you can get it by cutting a sheet of A4 into little bits, % \emph{after} you've run it through the printer. So the printer % printing area limits that apply to a bit of 1/4 A4 landscape are the % limits that apply to straight A4 portrait. % % So the default minimum clearances are set to be the printer's default % portrait clearances if you've asked for portrait printing in a % straight size, or landscape clearances if you've asked for landscape % printing in a long size. If you've asked for a long size and % the \RM@portlandinvert switch has been set true, you'll get % portrait clearances if you've asked for landscape printing, and % landscape clearances if you've asked for portrait printing. % % Except that, in the case of long sizes above 1/2, you can only get % one long page on each full-size bit of paper, so the minimum % clearance on one side can be zero, because it's unlikely that % you'll be anywhere near the edge of the paper (this assumption % breaks down when you get to 7/8 A7, 3/4 A9, or 2/3 A10 on a DW520). % % I think it's right to maintain the appropriate clearance limit by % default if you ask for a long size which can be put many to a sheet % of paper, because you might want to do just that with dvidvi, and it'd % be a bit of a bugger if the last page in the sequence was missing a % bit. If you don't agree with me, you can change this behaviour % using the \RM@PrinterPaperSettings hook in the config file. % % Assuming that the leading edge of the paper travelling into the % printer is the top or left-hand edge of the typeset page, we have % this situation: % % If the paper size is 7/8, 3/4, or 2/3, and you've asked for % portrait printing, the minimum right clearance can be zero if % \RM@portlandinvert is true, and the minimum bottom clearance can be % zero if \RM@portlandinvert is false. % % If you've asked for landscape printing, the inverse situation % applies. % % But there is a certain amount of variation in paper size, and limit % to the accuracy with which you can cut, so I think it's appropriate % to set the minimum clearance to about 1 or 2mm, unless you've % specified fullbleedprinter. Time for another bloody parameter, call % it \RM@ptrpostol (for printer position tolerance), and set it for each % printer. This is added to the minclearance parameters after they % have been set (after the \RM@PrintPaperSettings hook's been % executed), so there's plenty of scope for setting it to whatever % you like. % % It's okay, I'm confused too. % % And if you don't like this behaviour, you can over-ride it for any % given paper size and printer combination in your config file. Good, % innit? % \ifRM@portrait \ifRM@portlandinvert \@tempswafalse \else \@tempswatrue \fi \else \ifRM@portlandinvert \@tempswatrue \else \@tempswafalse \fi \fi % % % Set portrait printer clearance settings (yech) % if (\RM@portrait and not \RM@portlandinvert) % or (not \RM@portrait and \RM@portlandinvert). % % Set landscape printer clearance settings % if (\RM@portrait and \RM@portlandinvert) % or (not \RM@portrait and not \RM@portlandinvert). % % Report which kind of setting's begin used, because everything here's % a bit confusing % \if@tempswa \RM@ocl{1}{\typeout{Portrait printing clearance settings}}{} \let\RM@minrightclearance\RM@ptrrportclear \let\RM@minleftclearance\RM@ptrlportclear \let\RM@minfootclearance\RM@ptrbportclear \let\RM@minheadclearance\RM@ptrtportclear \else \RM@ocl{1}{\typeout{Landscape printing clearance settings}}{} \let\RM@minrightclearance\RM@ptrrlandclear \let\RM@minleftclearance\RM@ptrllandclear \let\RM@minfootclearance\RM@ptrblandclear \let\RM@minheadclearance\RM@ptrtlandclear \fi % % Then set one clearance to 0pt if you've asked for 7/8, 3/4, % or 2/3 long paper; report again to explain what's happening. % \relax \ifnum\RM@longpapertype>0 \ifnum\RM@longpapertype<4 \RM@ocl{1}{\typeout {Setting bottom page clearance to zero, because the requested long\MessageBreak paper type fits one to a straight page}}{} \ifRM@portrait \ifRM@portlandinvert \def\RM@minrightclearance{0pt} \else \def\RM@minfootclearance{0pt} \fi% endifRM@portlandinvert \else \ifRM@portlandinvert \def\RM@minfootclearance{0pt} \else \def\RM@minrightclearance{0pt} \fi% endifRM@portlandinvert \fi% endifRM@portrait \fi% endifRM@longpapertype<4 \fi % % % Note that the values of the various \RM@ptr...clear parameters that % are used are the ones reported at the end of the package. % \RM@min[head|foot]clearances are reported after inital setting and % at the end. Aside from that, it's probably a good idea to report % the value of these various parameters before printer-specific code % gets the chance to screw things up: this is where debugging % information can be really useful. \RM@papertype, % \RM@longpapertype, and \RM@portlandinvert all have their final % values. If user code changes any of these, that should be reported, % along with the value before changing \RM@ocl{1} {\typeout{Before printer specific settings} \RM@tval{\RM@minrightclearance} \RM@tval{\RM@minleftclearance} \RM@tval{\RM@minheadclearance} \RM@tval{\RM@minfootclearance} \RM@tval{\RM@ptrrlandclear} \RM@tval{\RM@ptrrlandclear} \RM@tval{\RM@ptrblandclear} \RM@tval{\RM@ptrtlandclear} \RM@tval{\RM@ptrrportclear} \RM@tval{\RM@ptrlportclear} \RM@tval{\RM@ptrbportclear} \RM@tval{\RM@ptrtportclear} }{} % % % It might be best to have this code in a config file? % % % % % Because all manner of strange things can happen to the clearances % above, it might be best to set the \RM@min...clearance parameters to % their corresponding \RM@ptr...clear values on a printer-by-printer % basis. % % But I reckon most printers are A4 printers, so I've set the % \RM@min..clearance parameters to their corresponding \RM@ptr...clear % values for any printer. If you're printer needs something else, you % can set this by putting an \RM@OnPrinterType{} command in the % \RM@PrinterPaperSettings hook. % % It might also be a good idea to set \RM@jackuptrue for A3 portrait if % you've got an HP inkjet or similar printer with an over-large bottom % margin. I've done this for DW520 printers, because I like it that % way. You can of course over-ride this if you like. % % % If you need to set minimum clearances for particular printer/paper % combinations, set them using this hook, defined in the configuration % file.. % \RM@executehook{RM@PrinterPaperSettings} % % And finally add \RM@ptrpostol to the minclearances. This is just a % fudge factor to cope with the fact that paper's not that accurately % cut, printers aren't perfectly accurate, and the real world wobbles % a bit. The job is complicated by the fact that the % \RM@min...clearances are commands, not lengths. I could define a % command to add to a command (ish), but that's a job for another day % and a major re-working of rmpage after it's settled down a bit. % \setlength\@tempdima{\RM@minfootclearance} \addtolength\@tempdima{\RM@ptrpostol} \edef\RM@minfootclearance{\the\@tempdima} % \setlength\@tempdima{\RM@minheadclearance} \addtolength\@tempdima{\RM@ptrpostol} \edef\RM@minheadclearance{\the\@tempdima} % \setlength\@tempdima{\RM@minrightclearance} \addtolength\@tempdima{\RM@ptrpostol} \edef\RM@minrightclearance{\the\@tempdima} % \setlength\@tempdima{\RM@minleftclearance} \addtolength\@tempdima{\RM@ptrpostol} \edef\RM@minleftclearance{\the\@tempdima} % % % Deal with mparclearance initial value here; it's scaled later (in % the width setting file). Should I report what's going on? I % suspect not: see how it goes. And \RM@ocltype won't exist soon; the % commented out stuff'll need changing if it's going to be kept. % \ifdim\RM@mparclearance=-666pt \setlength\RM@mparclearance{0.04706\paperwidth} %\RM@ocltype{1}{Set short mparclearance} \fi \ifdim\RM@mparclearance=-667pt \setlength\RM@mparclearance{0.09412\paperwidth} %\RM@ocltype{1}{Set long mparclearance} \fi % \ifdim\RM@maxmparwidth=-666pt \setlength\RM@maxmparwidth{0.2353\paperwidth} %\RM@ocltype{1}{Set short maxmparwidth} \fi \ifdim\RM@maxmparwidth=-667pt \setlength\RM@maxmparwidth{0.4706\paperwidth} %\RM@ocltype{1}{Set long maxmparwidth} \fi % % Check that \RM@mparclearance hasn't been set to something silly. % \@tempswafalse \ifdim\RM@mparclearance<0pt \@tempswatrue \fi \ifdim\RM@mparclearance>\paperwidth \@tempswatrue \fi \if@tempswa \RM@Warn{\protect\RM@mparclearance has been set to a daft value\MessageBreak \protect\RM@mparclearance\space= \the\RM@mparclearance } \fi % % Check that \RM@maxmparwidth hasn't been set to anything daft % \@tempswafalse \ifdim\RM@maxmparwidth<0pt \@tempswatrue \fi \ifdim\RM@maxmparwidth>\paperwidth \@tempswatrue \fi \if@tempswa \RM@Warn{\protect\RM@maxmparwidth has been set to a daft value\MessageBreak \protect\RM@maxmparwidth\space= \the\RM@maxmparwidth } \fi % % \RM@mparclearance and \RM@maxmparwidth now both have their initial % values. Report them along with the vertical clearances just below. % % % The easiest way of dealing with min[top,bot]margins is to ensure that % the min[head,foot]clearances are at least as big. Final values of % these parameters are reported at the end, and % \RM@min[top|bottom]margin isn't changed by rmpage (user code should % report any changes), so only report \RM@min[head|foot]clearance % here. But this might be confusing, so maybe report top and bottom % margin limits one day. % \RM@ocl{2} {\typeout{Initial values:} \RM@tval{\RM@minheadclearance} \RM@tval{\RM@minfootclearance} \RM@ttval{\RM@maxmparwidth} \RM@ttval{\RM@mparclearance} }{} % \ifdim\RM@minfootclearance<\RM@minbottommargin \let\RM@minfootclearance\RM@minbottommargin \fi \ifdim\RM@minheadclearance<\RM@mintopmargin \let\RM@minheadclearance\RM@mintopmargin \fi %% %% %% \section{Begin setting LaTeX's vertical layout parameters} %% % Set the head/foot clearance balance as a fraction of 24 (to bleh). % e.g., \@hfb= 18 gives: 0.75\@thfc=\thc, 0.25\@thfc=\tfc % 18/24 (24-18)/24 %\RM@headfootbalance=12 % This is now set by normalaltitude/high/low options. Default is % normalaltitude => \headfootbalance=12 % % \baselineskip get played around with rather a lot. Might as well % report it here; who knows what might be going on? % \RM@ocl{1}{ \typeout{At first use of \protect\baselineskip:} \RM@ttval{\baselineskip}}{} % % Re-define \headheight so you can fit a whole line in the headbox % (the standard classes leave the headbox too short!), or so that no % height at all is left for the header. % \@ifundefined{RMheadheight}{\let\RMheadheight\baselineskip}{} \ifRM@headers \headheight=\RMheadheight \else \headheight=0pt \headsep=0pt \fi % % if you've asked for a page with no footers, allow no space for them. % \ifRM@footers \relax \else \footskip=0pt \fi % % Multiply \headsep according to the option used... % % \RM@scalebyoption{\headsep}{\RM@headsepoption} % % Multiply \footskip according to the option used... % Note that \footskip is the distance to the bottom of the box containing % the foot, so assume that this box is one line deep, and act accordingly... % Keep the explicit report of size before and after, because the % report typed by \RM@scalebyoption gives the value less \baselineskip % \RM@ocl{1}{ \typeout{Initial value:} \RM@ttval{\footskip} }{} % \addtolength\footskip{-\baselineskip}% add this back on after the multiplication \RM@scalebyoption{\footskip}{\RM@footskipoption} \addtolength\footskip{\baselineskip}% added back --- see above % % Footskip now has its final value which isn't changed by rmpage % (user code from a config file might change it, and if so should % report before and after). \footskip is reported at the end, so don't % report here. % % % Now check the limits on textheight % ---------------------------------- % % \RM@[min|max]textheight... % % % Initial check for impossible values: set the two parameters to % values that allow rmpage to calculate a normal layout. \RM@ocl{2}{ \typeout{Initial values:} \RM@tval{\RM@maxtextheight} \RM@tval{\RM@mintextheight} }{} % \ifdim\RM@maxtextheight<\topskip \RM@Error{You've set \protect\RM@maxtextheight\space to a value\MessageBreak that's too short for one line of text} {Try increasing it...} \fi % \ifdim\RM@mintextheight>\RM@maxtextheight \RM@Error{You've asked for a \protect\RM@mintextheight that is greater\MessageBreak than \protect\RM@maxtextheight} {You'll have to change at least one of the two before I can work\MessageBreak out a layout properly.} \fi % The value of \RM@maxtextheight can be anything. Before the code % below gets to work, it makes sense to ensure that \RM@maxtextheight % is no larger than what will fit on the paper, everything else % considered. \RM@min[foot|head]clearances have been set to at least % \RM@min[top|bottom]margins % \setlength\@tempdima{\paperheight} \addtolength\@tempdima{-\RM@minheadclearance} \addtolength\@tempdima{-\RM@minfootclearance} \addtolength\@tempdima{-\headheight} \addtolength\@tempdima{-\headsep} \addtolength\@tempdima{-\footskip} % % Initial check \ifdim\@tempdima<0pt \RM@Error{The vertical printable region is too small---I can't\MessageBreak calculate a valid layout} {Your layout parameters ask for a negative \protect\textheight. Major bummer.} \fi % % If \@tempdima<\topskip, there's no room for any text at all in the % text body. This is not the kind of layout rmpage was meant to come % up with, so test for it. % \ifdim\@tempdima<\topskip \RM@Error{The vertical printable region is too small---I can't\MessageBreak calculate a valid layout} {Your layout parameters are asking for a \protect\textheight\MessageBreak which is too short for one line of text. Major bummer.} \fi % % \@tempdima is now set to the space available for \textheight. % Make sure that \RM@maxtextheight is no more than this: \ifdim\RM@maxtextheight>\@tempdima \edef\RM@maxtextheight{\the\@tempdima} \RM@ocl{1} {\typeout{I've reduced \protect\RM@maxtextheight\space to fit the available space}}{} \fi % % Likewise, \RM@mintextheight can be anything. It should be greater % than zero, and less than \RM@maxtextheight. Setting it to anything % else is daft. \ifdim\RM@mintextheight<0pt \def\RM@mintextheight{0pt} \RM@Warn{You asked for a negative \RM@mintextheight;\MessageBreak I've increased it to 0pt.} \fi % \ifdim\RM@mintextheight>\RM@maxtextheight \RM@Error{The vertical printable region is too short---I can't\MessageBreak make \protect\textheight\space as large as \protect\RM@mintextheight} {Either reduce \protect\RM@mintextheight, or change other layout parameters to\MessageBreak increase the space available for \protect\textheight.} \fi %% %% %% \subsection{Textheight setting code begins here} %% % \headheight, \headsep, \footskip, \RM@mintextheight, and % \RM@maxtextheight all have their final values by now. % % Define sum of clearance above and below foot and head. % % \textheight is set as a fraction of \paperheight so that if you are % typesetting in 10pt, normallength, with headers and footers, on A4 % paper, the clearance above and below the foot and head is the same as % it'd be if you'd used the standard classes. This applies to normal % and slides setting; the \textheights are different for each. % % Other length options scale this base fraction of \paperheight. % % \RM@jackup should be = \RM@totalfootclearance-\RM@minfootclearance at % the place marked %jackup point%. This is so the code below sets % vertical page parameters directly - rmpage won't let you print off % what it thinks the printing area is, but it's nice if you've set the % sizes yourself. % % The standard LaTeX article and report classes set \textheight like % this: % (from size10.clo) % \setlength\@tempdima{\paperheight} % \addtolength\@tempdima{-2in} % \addtolength\@tempdima{-1.5in} % \divide\@tempdima\baselineskip % \@tempcnta=\@tempdima % \setlength\textheight{\@tempcnta\baselineskip} % % (etc) % % In terms of the code below, the fixed length subtracted from % \paperheight, here 3.5in, is: % % 3.5in=\RM@totalheadfootclearance+\headheight+\headsep+\footskip+\topskip % % rmpage normallength setting gives the same \textheight as the standard % method if you're using headers and footers on A4 paper. This isn't % guaranteed, because of rounding errors, but I'd be very surprised if % they ever really changed anything. % % Set \textheight in two different ways (so far): one way for slides; % the other for everything else. % % Note that \RM@textheightgroup is defined above; this code is here % just to show what's been done. % % %Default textheight setting method is number 0 % \def\RM@textheightgroup{0} % % % Slides class uses method 1 by default % \RM@OnClassType{5}{\def\RM@textheightgroup{1}}{} % % set things differently if you're using slides % % You can change the \RM@textheightgroup on a class-by-class basis % using \RM@OnClassType in the \RM@AfterProcessOptions hook, and you % can define a new textheight setting group by using % \RM@OnTextheightGroup{N}{<TeX code>} in the % \RM@BeforeTextheightSetting hook \RM@executehook{RM@BeforeTextheightSetting} % % \RM@textheightgroup should now have it's final value, which it % retains until the end of the package. So only report it at the end of % the package. % % The code block below has multipliers that increase \textheight by % about 1 line if you say touchlonger with normallength on A4; that's % about right, I reckon. (12.92pt to be precise). Larger steps are % inappropriate, or so I think at the momemt. % % It's geometrical series: multiply by 1.0772 for each step--- % $\sqrt[12]{ 2.442660550}$ or thereabouts. % %% %% %% Set base \thfc for all classes except slides %% ............................................ %% \RM@OnTextheightGroup{0}{ \ifcase\RM@lengthoption \setlength\RM@totalheadfootclearance{3.5in}%0=stdlength \ifRM@footers \addtolength\RM@totalheadfootclearance{-\footskip} \fi \ifRM@headers \addtolength\RM@totalheadfootclearance{-\headsep} \addtolength\RM@totalheadfootclearance{-\headheight} \fi \addtolength\RM@totalheadfootclearance{-\topskip} \or \setlength\RM@totalheadfootclearance{0.6034\paperheight}%1 \or \setlength\RM@totalheadfootclearance{0.5602\paperheight}%2 \or \setlength\RM@totalheadfootclearance{0.5200\paperheight}%3 shortest \or \setlength\RM@totalheadfootclearance{0.4827\paperheight}%4 \or \setlength\RM@totalheadfootclearance{0.4481\paperheight}%5 \or \setlength\RM@totalheadfootclearance{0.4160\paperheight}%6 shorter \or \setlength\RM@totalheadfootclearance{0.3862\paperheight}%7 \or \setlength\RM@totalheadfootclearance{0.3585\paperheight}%8 \or \setlength\RM@totalheadfootclearance{0.3328\paperheight}%9 short \or \setlength\RM@totalheadfootclearance{0.3090\paperheight}%10 \or \setlength\RM@totalheadfootclearance{0.2868\paperheight}%11 \or \setlength\RM@totalheadfootclearance{0.2663\paperheight}%12 shortish \or \setlength\RM@totalheadfootclearance{0.2294\paperheight}%13 \or \setlength\RM@totalheadfootclearance{0.2294\paperheight}%14 \or \setlength\RM@totalheadfootclearance{0.2130\paperheight}%15 norm \or \setlength\RM@totalheadfootclearance{0.1977\paperheight}%16 \or \setlength\RM@totalheadfootclearance{0.1836\paperheight}%17 \or \setlength\RM@totalheadfootclearance{0.1704\paperheight}%18 longish \or \setlength\RM@totalheadfootclearance{0.1582\paperheight}%19 \or \setlength\RM@totalheadfootclearance{0.1468\paperheight}%20 \or \setlength\RM@totalheadfootclearance{0.1363\paperheight}%21 long \or \setlength\RM@totalheadfootclearance{0.1265\paperheight}%22 \or \setlength\RM@totalheadfootclearance{0.1175\paperheight}%23 \or \setlength\RM@totalheadfootclearance{0.1091\paperheight}%24 longer \or \setlength\RM@totalheadfootclearance{0.1012\paperheight}%25 \or \setlength\RM@totalheadfootclearance{0.0940\paperheight}%26 \or \setlength\RM@totalheadfootclearance{0.0872\paperheight}%27 longest \or \setlength\RM@totalheadfootclearance{0.0810\paperheight}%28 \or \setlength\RM@totalheadfootclearance{0.0752\paperheight}%29 \or \setlength\RM@totalheadfootclearance{0pt}% 30 fulllength \else \RM@Error{rmpage has a bug}{I don't know what to do with a \protect\textheight\space setting option greater than 30} \fi% endifcase\RM@lengthoption }{} %% %% %% Set base \thfc for slides class only %% .................................... %% \RM@OnTextheightGroup{1}{ \ifcase\RM@lengthoption \setlength\RM@totalheadfootclearance{3in}%0=stdlength \ifRM@footers \addtolength\RM@totalheadfootclearance{-\footskip} \fi \ifRM@headers \addtolength\RM@totalheadfootclearance{-\headsep} \addtolength\RM@totalheadfootclearance{-\headheight} \fi \addtolength\RM@totalheadfootclearance{-\topskip} \or \setlength\RM@totalheadfootclearance{0.3983\paperheight}%1 \or \setlength\RM@totalheadfootclearance{0.3698\paperheight}%2 \or \setlength\RM@totalheadfootclearance{0.3433\paperheight}%3 shortest \or \setlength\RM@totalheadfootclearance{0.3187\paperheight}%4 \or \setlength\RM@totalheadfootclearance{0.2958\paperheight}%5 \or \setlength\RM@totalheadfootclearance{0.2746\paperheight}%6 shorter \or \setlength\RM@totalheadfootclearance{0.2549\paperheight}%7 \or \setlength\RM@totalheadfootclearance{0.2367\paperheight}%8 \or \setlength\RM@totalheadfootclearance{0.2197\paperheight}%9 short \or \setlength\RM@totalheadfootclearance{0.2039\paperheight}%10 \or \setlength\RM@totalheadfootclearance{0.1893\paperheight}%11 \or \setlength\RM@totalheadfootclearance{0.1758\paperheight}%12 shortish \or \setlength\RM@totalheadfootclearance{0.1632\paperheight}%13 \or \setlength\RM@totalheadfootclearance{0.1515\paperheight}%14 \or \setlength\RM@totalheadfootclearance{0.1406\paperheight}%15 norm \or \setlength\RM@totalheadfootclearance{0.1305\paperheight}%16 \or \setlength\RM@totalheadfootclearance{0.1212\paperheight}%17 \or \setlength\RM@totalheadfootclearance{0.1125\paperheight}%18 longish \or \setlength\RM@totalheadfootclearance{0.1044\paperheight}%19 \or \setlength\RM@totalheadfootclearance{0.0969\paperheight}%20 \or \setlength\RM@totalheadfootclearance{0.0900\paperheight}%21 long \or \setlength\RM@totalheadfootclearance{0.0835\paperheight}%22 \or \setlength\RM@totalheadfootclearance{0.0775\paperheight}%23 \or \setlength\RM@totalheadfootclearance{0.0720\paperheight}%24 longer \or \setlength\RM@totalheadfootclearance{0.0668\paperheight}%25 \or \setlength\RM@totalheadfootclearance{0.0620\paperheight}%26 \or \setlength\RM@totalheadfootclearance{0.0576\paperheight}%27 longest \or \setlength\RM@totalheadfootclearance{0.0535\paperheight}%28 \or \setlength\RM@totalheadfootclearance{0.0496\paperheight}%29 \or \setlength\RM@totalheadfootclearance{0pt}% 30 fulllength \else \RM@Error{rmpage has a bug}{I don't know what to do with a \protect\textheight\space setting option greater than 30} \fi% endifcase\RM@lengthoption }{} % % % Dealing with \RM@mintextheight and \RM@maxtextheight: ensure that % the limits aren't exceeded here, so we can check that we're still % printing within the specified printing area. Need to check that the % \RM@mintextheight and \RM@maxtextheight limits aren't exceeded % later, and check that the printing area is kept to after that. What % a mess. % % Minimum practical \textheight >= (integer x \baselineskip) + \topskip % Calculate this and bung it in \@tempdimb for now. % \setlength\@tempdimb{\RM@mintextheight} \addtolength\@tempdimb{-\topskip} \divide\@tempdimb by\baselineskip \@tempcnta=\@tempdimb \setlength\@tempdimb{\baselineskip} \multiply\@tempdimb by\@tempcnta \addtolength\@tempdimb{\topskip} % \@tempdimb is now at most 1 \baselineskip less than % \RM@mintextheight, and is a valid value for \textheight. % If \@tempdimb is too small, enlarge it by \baselineskip to ensure % that is big enough. \ifdim\@tempdimb<\RM@mintextheight\relax \addtolength\@tempdimb{\baselineskip} \fi % Check that I've not made a mistake with the assumption above. \ifdim\@tempdimb<\RM@mintextheight\relax \RM@Error{This isn't right} {Rowland's got it wrong again; there's a bug here} \fi % % And now save this value; keep the original \RM@mintextheight % unchanged. % \edef\RM@minpractextheight{\the\@tempdimb} % % Now calculate the maximum \RM@totalheadfootclearance % \setlength\@tempdima{\paperheight} \addtolength\@tempdima{-\headheight} \addtolength\@tempdima{-\headsep} \addtolength\@tempdima{-\footskip} \addtolength\@tempdima{-\RM@minpractextheight} % \edef\RM@maxtotalheadfootclearance{\the\@tempdima} % % Now calculate \RM@maxpractextheight and % \RM@mintotalheadfootclearance. Note that minthfc is the minimum % *practical* value, not just the minimum space left. % \setlength\@tempdima{\RM@maxtextheight} \addtolength\@tempdima{-\topskip} \divide\@tempdima by\baselineskip \@tempcnta=\@tempdima \setlength\@tempdima{\baselineskip} \multiply\@tempdima by\@tempcnta \addtolength\@tempdima{\topskip} % % \@tempdimb can be smaller than \RM@maxtextheight, but not larger. % So set \RM@maxpractextheight now % \edef\RM@maxpractextheight{\the\@tempdima} % \setlength\@tempdima{\paperheight} \addtolength\@tempdima{-\headheight} \addtolength\@tempdima{-\headsep} \addtolength\@tempdima{-\footskip} \addtolength\@tempdima{-\RM@maxpractextheight} % \edef\RM@mintotalheadfootclearance{\the\@tempdima} % % \RM@maxpractextheight, \RM@minpractextheight are set % \RM@mintotalheadfootclearance, \RM@maxtotalheadfootclearance are set % % % Check that the calculated values don't yield an impossible task. % \ifdim\RM@maxpractextheight<\RM@minpractextheight\relax \RM@Error{I can't set \protect\textheight} {The \protect\textheight\space limits you've asked for make me\MessageBreak calculate a maximum practical \protect\textheight\space that is less\MessageBreak than the minimum practical \protect\textheight} \fi % % % Now check that \RM@totalheadfootclearance is within bounds: % \ifdim\RM@totalheadfootclearance<\RM@mintotalheadfootclearance\relax \RM@totalheadfootclearance=\RM@mintotalheadfootclearance \RM@oclwarninfo{3} {I had to increase the \protect\RM@totalheadfootclearance\space to\MessageBreak make \protect\textheight\space as small as \protect\RM@maxtextheight} \fi % \ifdim\RM@totalheadfootclearance>\RM@maxtotalheadfootclearance\relax \RM@totalheadfootclearance=\RM@maxtotalheadfootclearance \RM@oclwarninfo{3} {I had to decrease the \protect\RM@totalheadfootclearance\space to\MessageBreak make \protect\textheight\space as large as \protect\RM@mintextheight} \fi % % \RM@totalheadfootclearance now has a value that should produce a % valid \textheight. But we still need to check that the text will % appear inside the allowed printing region, so: be pure, be vigilant, % behave! % % The eventual value of \textheight cannot become larger from this % point onwards, so issue an error message if \textheight does % exceed \RM@maxtextheight at the end of things. % % Note that \RM@maxpractextheight and \RM@minpractextheight are legal % final values for \textheight; use them if need be. % % \setlength\RM@totalheadclearance{\RM@totalheadfootclearance} \divide\RM@totalheadclearance 24\multiply\RM@totalheadclearance\RM@headfootbalance \setlength\RM@totalfootclearance{\RM@totalheadfootclearance} \addtolength\RM@totalfootclearance{-\RM@totalheadclearance} % % These clearances are reported here, again if jacked up, again if % reduced to fit inside limits, before \textheight is set, and after % \textheight is set. I reckon that's enough. % \RM@ocl{2} {\typeout{Initially requested vertical clearances} \RM@ttval{\RM@totalheadclearance} \RM@ttval{\RM@totalfootclearance} \RM@ttval{\RM@totalheadfootclearance} }{} % % Jack up by \RM@minfootclearance-\RM@totalfootclearance if the flag % says so. That is, keep \RM@totalheadfootclearance the same, % but add % \RM@minfootclearance-\RM@totalfootclearance to \RM@totalfootclearance, % and subtract % \RM@minfootclearance-\RM@totalfootclearance from \RM@totalheadclearance. % % It's more straightforward to set \RM@totalfootclearance to % \RM@minfootclearance, then recalculate \RM@totalheadclearance. % Keep the calculation of the amount of lift, for information's sake. \ifRM@jackup \ifdim\RM@totalfootclearance<\RM@minfootclearance \relax \setlength\@tempdima{\RM@minfootclearance} \addtolength\@tempdima{-\RM@totalfootclearance} \setlength\RM@totalfootclearance{\RM@minfootclearance} \setlength\RM@totalheadclearance{\RM@totalheadfootclearance} \addtolength\RM@totalheadclearance{-\RM@totalfootclearance} \RM@ocl{2} {\typeout{Raise the text area by \the\@tempdima} \RM@ttval{\RM@totalfootclearance} \RM@ttval{\RM@totalheadclearance}} {} \fi% endifdim \fi% endifRM@jackup % % Once upon a time, there were weird and hideous calculations in this % part of the woods, but the fairy godmother waved her wand and replaced % them with nice friendly calculations that didn't have a tendency to % dress in leather trousers and consume interesting chemicals in the % dodgier parts of Amsterdam. So, no more fudge, not even chocolate % fudge cake, no matter how bad the munchies. % % Hweever, rounding errors were discovered then and might be a problem % even now. The old code had typical deviations of 0.001pt. I reckon % that small errors can be ignored, and I'll define small as less than % 1/3 of an output pixel. This is 0.08pt at 300dpi, or 0.02pt at % 1200dpi. So 0.01pt is negligible, and ten times larger than likely % rounding errors. (0.01pt is about 3.5 microns, or less than ten % wavelengths of visible light). This becomes relevant later on. %% %% %% Make sure the text will fit on the page %% ....................................... %% \ifdim\RM@totalfootclearance<\RM@minfootclearance% was <\@tempdima \ifnum\RM@lengthoption=30 \else% if \RM@lengthoption <> fulllength; don't warn if fulllength. \RM@oclwarninfo{3} {To keep inside the specified printing limits,\MessageBreak I will have to increase the clearance between the\MessageBreak bottom of the last text and the bottom of the\MessageBreak paper. If you are not using footers, you might\MessageBreak try using the nofooter option\MessageBreak \the\RM@totalfootclearance \space= calculated clearance\MessageBreak \RM@minfootclearance \space= allowed clearance} \fi% endifnum\RM@lengthoption=30 \setlength\@tempdima{\RM@minfootclearance} \addtolength\@tempdima{-\RM@totalfootclearance} \addtolength\RM@totalfootclearance{\@tempdima} \addtolength\RM@totalheadfootclearance{\@tempdima} \fi% end\ifdim\RM@totalfootclearance<\RM@minfootclearance % \ifdim\RM@totalheadclearance<\RM@minheadclearance% was <\@tempdima \ifnum\RM@lengthoption=30 \else% if \RM@lengthoption <> fulllength; don't warn if fulllength. \RM@oclwarninfo{3}{% To keep inside the specified printing limits,\MessageBreak I will have to increase the clearance between the\MessageBreak top of the first text and the top of the \MessageBreak paper. If you are not using headers, you\MessageBreak might try using the noheader option\MessageBreak \the\RM@totalheadclearance\space= calculated clearance\MessageBreak \RM@minheadclearance\space= allowed clearance} \fi \setlength\@tempdima{\RM@minheadclearance} \addtolength\@tempdima{-\RM@totalheadclearance} \addtolength\RM@totalheadclearance{\@tempdima} \addtolength\RM@totalheadfootclearance{\@tempdima} \fi % % Now then, \RM@totalheadfootclearance might have been enlarged by now, % to keep inside the specified printing limits. If % \RM@totalheadfootclearance is larger than % \RM@maxtotalheadfootclearance, I can't set \textheight to a value % large enough for \RM@mintextheight. But rounding errors are a % possibility... Deal with them like this: % % If thfc is too large (ie textheight will be smaller than mintextheight), % produce an error, unless the amount by which it is too large is % less than 0.01pt (assumed maximum rounding error), in which case thfc will % be set to minthfc. % \relax \ifdim\RM@totalheadfootclearance>\RM@maxtotalheadfootclearance\relax \setlength\@tempdima{\RM@totalheadfootclearance} \addtolength\@tempdima{-\RM@maxtotalheadfootclearance} \addtolength\@tempdima{-0.01pt} \relax \ifdim\@tempdima>0pt \RM@Error{I can't set \protect\textheight\space large enough} {\protect\RM@mintextheight is too large for the printing clearances\MessageBreak and vertical options you have requested on this paper.} \else \RM@ocl{1} {\tyopeout{Fudged thfc to maxthfc} \RM@ttval{\RM@totalheadfootclearance} \RM@ttval{\RM@maxtotalheadfootclearance} }{} \setlength\RM@totalheadfootclearance{\RM@maxtotalheadfootclearance} \fi \fi % % If thfc is too small (ie textheight will be larger than maxtextheight), % produce an error, unless the amount by which it is too small is % less than 0.01pt (assumed maximum rounding error), in which case thfc will % be set to maxthfc. % \relax \ifdim\RM@totalheadfootclearance<\RM@mintotalheadfootclearance\relax \setlength\@tempdima{\RM@totalheadfootclearance} \addtolength\@tempdima{-\RM@mintotalheadfootclearance} \addtolength\@tempdima{+0.01pt} \relax \ifdim\@tempdima<0pt \RM@Error{I can't set \protect\textheight\space small enough\MessageBreak This can't happen!} {\protect\RM@maxtextheight\space is too small for the printing clearances\MessageBreak and vertical options you have requested on this paper.} \else \RM@ocl{1} {\typeout{Fudged thfc to minthfc} \RM@ttval{\RM@totalheadfootclearance} \RM@ttval{\RM@mintotalheadfootclearance} }{} \setlength\RM@totalheadfootclearance{\RM@mintotalheadfootclearance} \fi \fi % % And now recalculate \RM@totalheadclearance, and check for % significant rounding errors... % \setlength\@tempdima{\RM@totalheadfootclearance} \addtolength\@tempdima{-\RM@totalfootclearance} \setlength\@tempdimb{\@tempdima} \addtolength\@tempdimb{-\RM@totalheadclearance} \ifdim\@tempdimb<0pt \setlength{\@tempdimb}{-\@tempdimb} \fi \ifdim\@tempdimb>0.02pt \RM@Error{Houston, we have a problem} {I've come across significant rounding errors in my calculations.\MessageBreak I'm not sure \protect\textheight\space will be set well.} \fi \setlength\RM@totalheadclearance\@tempdima % % By now, the totalhead/foot/headfootclearances should be set % correctly. \RM@totalheadclearance is allowed to be as much as % 0.02pt too large; \RM@totalheadfootclearance should be set to % a value that yields as valid \textheight directly, if it has been % limited by \RM@mintextheight or \RM@maxtextheight. % % %% %% %% Now calculate \textheight %% ......................... %% % % What this code does is set \textheight to % % the (nearest lower): % (integer) x \baselineskip + \topskip, and then changes % \RM@totalheadfootclearance so that: % % \paperheight= % \footskip+\textheight+\headsep+\headheight+\totalheadfootclearance % % is still true % \RM@ocl{2} {\typeout{Before calculating \protect\textheight} \RM@ttval{\RM@totalfootclearance} \RM@ttval{\RM@totalheadclearance} \RM@ttval{\RM@totalheadfootclearance}} {} % % Note that the code from here onward does not affect: % footskip, \headsep, \headheight, \topskip, \RM@mintextheight, % \RM@maxtextheight, or \paperheight. If the beton option has been % specified, \baselineskip will be reset to the value it had on % entering rmpage. % \setlength\@tempdima{\paperheight} \addtolength\@tempdima{-\RM@totalheadfootclearance} \addtolength\@tempdima{-\footskip} \addtolength\@tempdima{-\headsep} \addtolength\@tempdima{-\headheight} % % It should not be possible for \@tempdima to exceed the bounds % defined by \RM@maxtextheight and \RM@mintextheight. Check, and % issue an error if this has happened. % \ifdim\@tempdima>\RM@maxtextheight \RM@Error{Something's wrong with \protect\textheight setting} {The initial \protect\textheight\space guess is larger than \protect\RM@maxtextheight. This shouldn't be possible.} \fi % \ifdim\@tempdima<\RM@mintextheight \RM@Error{Something's wrong with \protect\textheight setting} {The initial \protect\textheight\space guess is smaller than \protect\RM@mintextheight. This shouldn't be possible.} \fi % % I think this intermediate value might be interesting at times % \RM@ocl{1}{ \typeout{First stab at \protect\textheight\space= \the\@tempdima} }{} % % \@tempdima is now set to what I'd like \textheight to be, % but we need \textheight = (integer) x \baselineskip + \topskip % \addtolength\@tempdima{-\topskip} % % \@tempdima is now originally requested \textheight - \topskip % \setlength\@tempdimb{\@tempdima} \divide\@tempdima\baselineskip \@tempcnta=\@tempdima \setlength\@tempdima{\@tempdimb} % % \@tempcnta is now the integer referred to above; and \@tempdima is % \textheight-\topskip. % \setlength\textheight{\@tempcnta\baselineskip} \addtolength\textheight{\topskip} % % But check that \textheight isn't too small; it used to be the case % that \textheight might be one \baselineskip too small at this point. % This should never happen now, but check anyway and issue an error if % it has. % \ifdim\textheight<\RM@mintextheight\relax \RM@Error{\protect\textheight's got no business being this small} {Yet another bug needs fixing} \fi % \RM@ocl{2} {\typeout{\protect\textheight\space is:} \typeout{\space\space\space\the\@tempcnta\space x \the\baselineskip\space+ \the\topskip\space= \the\textheight} }{} % % The number of text lines is (integer) + 1 % % \textheight is now (integer) x \baselineskip + \topskip % % Now I need to re-calculate \RM@thfc; it needs to be increase by the % difference between the originally requested \textheight and the one % I'm really going to use... % % The easiest way to find out what the originally requested % \textheight was is to add \topskip to \@tempdima % \addtolength\@tempdima{\topskip} % % And to get the difference between the originally requested \textheight % and the `real' one, just subtract the real one from \@tempdima (the % original request). This will give me a positive length (which is % tested for: if the length's not positive, something's wrong), which I % can add to \RM@thfc to increase the head and foot clearance to cope % with \textheight being smaller than it was, sort of thing. % \addtolength\@tempdima{-\textheight} \ifdim\@tempdima<0pt \RM@Error{This can't happen; something's wrong} {Hah! It has! rmpage has a bug; get Rowland to fix it.} \fi % \@tempdima is the amount by which textheight has shrunk \addtolength\RM@totalheadfootclearance{\@tempdima} % Increase \thc and \tfh proportionally to match: \setlength\@tempdimb{\@tempdima} \divide\@tempdimb 24\multiply\@tempdimb\RM@headfootbalance % \@tempdimb is the amount by which the top space should increase \addtolength\RM@totalheadclearance{\@tempdimb} \addtolength\@tempdima{\@tempdimb} % \@tempdima:= \@tempdima - \@tempdimb; % the amount by which the bottom space should increase \addtolength\RM@totalfootclearance{\@tempdima} % % So \textheight and footer/header clearances are now set. % All I need to do now is define \topmargin. % \setlength\topmargin{\RM@totalheadclearance} \addtolength\topmargin{-1in} % % %% %% %% \section{Change horizontal page parameters} %% % The code to set horizontal layout parameters derives from % rmpwnorm.pko v0.60. % % 0=unknown, 1=art, 2=rep, 3=lett, 4=book, 5=slides, 10=ltxdoc, % 11=ltxguide, 20=rmcv, 21=rmletter, 22=bithesis, 23=ljmueepexam % % % % All classes so far except slides use rat-setwidth-norm.pko to set % % horizontal parameters. At least that used to be the name; I've % % changed it to rmpwnorm.pko because of the malign influence of the % % evil Bill Gates and his pernicious Microsoft DOS. % % (RMPageWidthNORMal.PacKageOption). % % % % Retired rmpwslid.pko; rmpwnorm.pko now deals with slides as well. % % Perhaps I should now include the width-setting code in rmpage % % itself? Think on it. % % % \providecommand*{\RM@widthsetter}{rmpwnorm.pko} % % % % All sort of obsolete comments lurk below. % % % The slides class uses rat-setwidth-slides.pko to set horizontal % % % parameters. Almost: now using rmpwslid.pko because of That Man % % % Who's Name Shall Not Be Spoken Lest The Piles of a Thousand % % % Pensioners Afflict Thy Backside (TMWNSNBSLTPTPATB. Good acronym, % % % eh?) % % % % % % % TEMPORARILY STOPPED USED RSW-SLIDES FOR SLIDE WIDTH SETTING. % % % % USE IT AGAIN WHEN RSW-NORM IS STABLE AND CAN BE USED AS THE BASIS % % % % FOR A NEW VERSION OF RSW-SLIDES. % % % % % % % \RM@OnClassType{5}{\def\@ptsize{2}}{}% bodge to get rsw-norm to work % % % with slides class % % \RM@OnClassType{5}{\def\RM@widthsetter{rmpwslid.pko}}{} % % % % Execute hook if it exists; this one's so you can ask for any width % % setting file you like. % %% %% %% \subsection{Pre width setting: hook and checks} %% \RM@executehook{RM@BeforeWidthSetting} % % Check that \RM@mintextwidth and \RM@maxtextwidth aren't stupid % \@tempswatrue if they are daft. \@tempswafalse \relax \ifdim\@tempdima<0pt\relax \setlength\@tempdima{-\@tempdima} \fi \relax \ifdim\RM@mintextwidth>\RM@maxtextwidth\relax \@tempswatrue \fi \relax \ifdim\RM@mintextwidth>\paperwidth\relax \@tempswatrue \fi \relax \if@tempswa \RM@Error{You've set \protect\RM@[min/max]textwidth to something daft} { \protect\RM@mintextwidth\space=\RM@mintextwidth\MessageBreak \protect\RM@maxtextwidth\space=\RM@maxtextwidth\MessageBreak \protect\paperwidth\space=\the\paperwidth\MessageBreak } \fi %% %% %% \section{Width setting code proper} %% %% The code below (until `End of what was rmpwnorm') is rmpwnorm.pko, %% except a few bits which seem logically to belong %% elsewhere---command definintions etc. %% %% The code below is derived from: rat-setwidth-norm.pko; %% specifically, rmpwnorm.pko v0.60 1996/10/25. The changes history %% is now at the top of this file, below rmpage.sty's changes history. % % % Start out by setting \@tempdimb to preferred \textwidth depending on % \@ptsize and options. %% %% %% \subsection{Check for stuff that's not allowed in the slides class} %% % Are these checks really needed? I might get rid of them. But then % again\ldots \RM@OnClassType{5} {\RM@ocl{1}{\typeout{Detected slides class}}{} \ifnum\RM@textcols=1 \else \RM@Error{Too many columns} {The slides class only allows one column of text} \fi % \@ifundefined{@ptsize}{} {\RM@Error{What typesize is this?} {The slides class only allows one typesize}} % \ifRM@adaptivecolsep \RM@Error{You can't have adaptivecolumsep with the slides class} {The slides class only allows one column of text} \fi}{} %% %% %% \subsection{Check the \comname{textwidth} limits} %% % Some preliminary checks to ensure that the various horizontal % printing limits aren't asking for something impossible, and % hopefully give some useful information if the impossible has % been asked for. % % This code can reduce \RM@maxtextwidth to the maximum allowed % \textwidth; it can increase \RM@mintextwidth to 0pt is it's % negative to begin with. % % \RM@ocl{2} {\typeout{Initial values:} \RM@tval{\RM@mintextwidth} \RM@tval{\RM@maxtextwidth} }{} % \setlength\@tempdima{\paperwidth} \addtolength\@tempdima{-\RM@minrightclearance} \addtolength\@tempdima{-\RM@minleftclearance} \setlength\@tempdimb{\paperwidth} \addtolength\@tempdimb{-\RM@mininsidemargin} \addtolength\@tempdimb{-\RM@minoutsidemargin} % \@tempswafalse \ifdim\@tempdima<0pt \@tempswatrue \fi \ifdim\@tempdimb<0pt \@tempswatrue \fi \if@tempswa \RM@Error{The horizontal printable region is too small; I can't\MessageBreak calculate a valid layout} {Your layout parameters ask for a negative \protect\textwidth\MessageBreak Major bummer.} \fi % \ifdim\RM@mintextwidth>\RM@maxtextwidth \RM@Error{I can't produce a layout with \protect\RM@mintextwidth\space larger\MessageBreak than \protect\RM@maxtextwidth} {Change one or both of these parameters and try again} \fi % % Ensure that neither \RM@maxtextwidth nor \RM@mintextwidth are larger % than \@tempdim[a|b]. Note that the final values of % \RM@[min|max]textwidth are reported at the end; I only need to % report why the changes occurred here. % \ifdim\RM@maxtextwidth>\@tempdima \edef\RM@maxtextwidth{\the\@tempdima} \RM@ocl{1} { \typeout{I have reduced \protect\RM@maxtextwidth\space to fit inside^^J\protect\RM@min[left/right]clearance\space limits} }{} \fi % \ifdim\RM@maxtextwidth>\@tempdimb \edef\RM@maxtextwidth{\the\@tempdimb} \RM@ocl{1} { \typeout{I have reduced \protect\RM@maxtextwidth\space to fit inside^^J\protect\RM@min[in/out]sidemarginclearance\space limits.} }{} \fi % % Now \RM@mintextwidth % \ifdim\RM@mintextwidth>\RM@maxtextwidth \RM@Error{After reducing it to fit the available space,\MessageBreak \protect\RM@maxtextwidth\space is now smaller than\MessageBreak \protect\RM@mintextwidth. I can't produce a valid layout} {You need to change at least one of these parameters, or use a\MessageBreak different size paper, or different horizontal limits.} \fi % \ifdim\RM@mintextwidth<0pt \def\RM@mintextwidth{0pt} \RM@Warn{You've asked for a negative \protect\RM@mintextwidth;\MessageBreak I've made it 0pt.} \fi %% %% %% \subsection{Set \comname{RM*ptperchar}} %% % \RM@fountfamily shouldn't be > 12. If it is, the fountfamily's % unknown. Issue a warning and set \RM@fountfamily to 12: % thisfountwidth. % \ifnum\RM@fountfamily>12 \RM@Warn{I don't know what fount \protect\RM@fountfamily\space = \RM@fountfamily\space is.\MessageBreak I'll pretend you meant 12: thisfountwidth\MessageBreak} \def\RM@fountfamily{12} \fi % % Note that \RM@ptperchar is pre-calculated (with the text used for % \RM@fountfamily=12) so that it is not necessary to have the main body % fount selected before this code executes---this fount can in general % be selected anywhere: leave it up to the user. % % \RM@textwidthgroup should be set to one of the values below by now. % The \RM@BeforeSettingptperchar hook lets you change this if you want % to. % % Set \RM@ptperchar; N blocks of code: % \RM@textwidthgroup 0 = article, report, letter, book, and derivatives % \RM@textwidthgroup 1 = slides % \RM@textwidthgroup 2 = foiltex % \RM@textwidthgroup 3 = classes using non-standard values for \@ptperchar % \RM@textwidthgroup 4 = undefined classes (produces error currently; don't use) % \ifcase\RM@textwidthgroup\relax % 0=general %% %% %% Set \RM@ptperchar for std classes except slides %% ................................................ %% \@tempswafalse \ifnum\RM@ptsizegroup < 0 \@tempswatrue \fi \ifnum\RM@ptsizegroup > 3 \@tempswatrue \fi \if@tempswa \RM@Error{You can't have this point size. Sorry} {rmpage doesn't support \RM@ptsizegroup\space=\protect\RM@ptsizegroup\space with this class} \fi \ifcase\RM@fountfamily% 0=cmr \RM@setptperchar{4.39592pt}{4.81352pt}{5.16339pt}{0pt} \or% 1=Avant Garde (pag) \RM@setptperchar{4.8146pt}{5.27199pt}{5.77753pt}{0pt} \or% 2=Bookman (pbk) \RM@setptperchar{4.8823pt}{5.34612pt}{5.85876pt}{0pt} \or% 3=Zapf Chancery (pzc) \RM@setptperchar{3.46992pt}{3.79956pt}{4.16391pt}{0pt} \or% 4=Helvetica (phv) \RM@setptperchar{4.36852pt}{4.78352pt}{5.24222pt}{0pt} \or% 5=New Century Schoolbook (pnc) \RM@setptperchar{4.58647pt}{5.02219pt}{5.50377pt}{0pt} \or% 6=Palatino (ppl) \RM@setptperchar{4.38867pt}{4.80559pt}{5.2664pt}{0pt} \or% 7=Times (ptr) \RM@setptperchar{3.9714pt}{4.34868pt}{4.76569pt}{0pt} \or% 8=Utopia (put) \RM@setperchar{4.45232pt}{4.87529pt}{5.34279pt}{0pt} \or% 9=Lucida casual (hlcn) \RM@setptperchar{5.02287pt}{5.50003pt}{6.02745pt}{0pt} \or% 10=Courier (pcr) \RM@setptperchar{6.0506pt}{6.6254pt}{7.26073pt}{0pt} \or% 11=Concrete (ccr) \RM@setptperchar{4.40622pt}{4.82481pt}{5.28748pt}{0pt} \or% 12=AN Other fount; set the fount before loading rmpage \RM@setthisfountptperchar \else% 13 and above=other \RM@setptperchar{4.39592pt}{4.81352pt}{5.16339pt}{0pt} \RM@Error{Truth is a mirage and death's an oasis:\MessageBreak you've got cmr width. Let's call it a bug.} {I don't recognize the fount family you requested; but this fount\MessageBreak family number should have been trapped by a check above. This\MessageBreak shouldn't have happened. It's one of them bug things} \fi % Done setting \RM@ptperchar for std classes except slides % \or% 1=slides %% %% %% Set \RM@ptperchar for the slides class only %% ........................................... %% \@tempswafalse \ifnum\RM@ptsizegroup<0 \@tempswatrue \fi \ifnum\RM@ptsizegroup>0 \@tempswatrue \fi \if@tempswa \RM@Error{You can't have this point size. Sorry} {rmpage doesn't support \RM@ptsizegroup\space=\protect\RM@ptsizegroup\space with this class} \fi \ifcase\RM@fountfamily% 0=lcmss \setlength\RM@ptperchar{10.2716pt} \or% 1=Avant Garde (pag) \setlength\RM@ptperchar{9.58444pt} \or% 2=Bookman (pbk) \setlength\RM@ptperchar{9.71921pt} \or% 3=Zapf Chancery (pzc) \setlength\RM@ptperchar{6.90758pt} \or% 4=Helvetica (phv) \setlength\RM@ptperchar{8.69641pt} \or% 5=New Century Schoolbook (pnc) \setlength\RM@ptperchar{9.1303pt} \or% 6=Palatino (ppl) \setlength\RM@ptperchar{8.73653pt} \or% 7=Times (ptr) \setlength\RM@ptperchar{7.90588pt} \or% 8=Utopia (put) \setlength\RM@ptperchar{8.86324pt} \or% 9=Lucida casual (hlcn) \setlength\RM@ptperchar{10.00424pt} \or% 10=Courier (pcr) \setlength\RM@ptperchar{12.04494pt} \or% 11=Concrete (ccr) \setlength\RM@ptperchar{9.13852pt} \or% 12=AN Other fount; set the fount before loading rmpage \RM@setthisfountptperchar \else% 13 and above=other \setlength\RM@ptperchar{10.2716pt} \RM@Error{Truth is a mirage and death's an oasis:\MessageBreak you've got lcmss width. Let's call it a bug.} {I don't recognize the fount family you requested; but this fount\MessageBreak family number should have been trapped by a check above. This\MessageBreak shouldn't have happened. It's one of them bug things} \fi% % % % Done setting \RM@ptperchar for the slides class only % \or% 2=foils %% %% %% Set \RM@ptperchar for the foils class only %% ........................................... %% \@tempswafalse \ifnum\RM@ptsizegroup<0 \@tempswatrue \fi \ifnum\RM@ptsizegroup>4 \@tempswatrue \fi \if@tempswa \RM@Error{You can't have this point size. Sorry} {rmpage doesn't support \RM@ptsizegroup\space=\protect\RM@ptsizegroup\space with this class} \fi \ifcase\RM@fountfamily% 0=fcmss \RM@setptperchar{7.2472pt}{8.69832pt}{10.43463pt}{12.52324pt} \or% 1=Avant Garde (pag) \RM@setptperchar{8.31964pt}{9.9855pt}{11.97876pt}{14.37643pt} \or% 2=Bookman (pbk) \RM@setptperchar{8.43661pt}{10.1259pt}{12.14719pt}{14.57857pt} \or% 3=Zapf Chancery (pzc) \RM@setptperchar{5.99603pt}{7.19662pt}{8.63318pt}{10.3612pt} \or% 4=Helvetica (phv) \RM@setptperchar{7.5488pt}{9.06032pt}{10.86888pt}{13.0444pt} \or% 5=New Century Schoolbook (pnc) \RM@setptperchar{7.92543pt}{9.51236pt}{11.41116pt}{13.69524pt} \or% 6=Palatino (ppl) \RM@setptperchar{7.58362pt}{9.10211pt}{10.91902pt}{13.10458pt} \or% 7=Times (ptm) \RM@setptperchar{6.8626pt}{8.23671pt}{9.88087pt}{11.85864pt} \or% 8=Utopia (put) \RM@setperchar{7.69362pt}{9.23412pt}{11.0774pt}{13.29465pt} \or% 9=Lucida casual (hlcn) \RM@setptperchar{8.67952pt}{10.41745pt}{12.49692pt}{14.9983pt} \or% 10=Courier (pcr) \RM@setptperchar{10.45544pt}{12.54895pt}{15.05392pt}{18.06711pt} \or% 11=Concrete (ccr) no 30pt with std .fd; 30pt size scaled from 25pt. \RM@setptperchar{7.61395pt}{9.13852pt}{10.9627pt}{13.1552pt} \or% 12=AN Other fount; set the fount before loading rmpage \RM@setthisfountptperchar \else% 13 and above=other \RM@setptperchar{7.2472pt}{8.69832pt}{10.43463pt} \RM@Error{Truth is a mirage and death's an oasis:\MessageBreak you've got fcmss width. Let's call it a bug.} {I don't recognize the fount family you requested; but this fount\MessageBreak family number should have been trapped by a check above. This\MessageBreak shouldn't have happened. It's one of them bug things} \fi % Done setting ptperchar for foils % \or% 3=non-standard ptperchar \RM@setthisfountptperchar\relax \or% 4=other \relax \else% > 3 % error condition \RM@Error{This shouldn't happen} {An iffy \protect\RM@textwidthgroup\space when setting \protect\RM@ptperchar. Call it a bug.} \fi% end setting ptperchar % % Finished setting \RM@ptperchar for all classes % %% %% %% \subsection{Set \comname{columnsep}} %% % Begin by setting \columnsep (and maybe \mparsep some time in the % future). It might be useful one day for the \textwidth setting code % (below) to know what these are. % % \columnsep is set to 10pt by article.cls. This is 2.3 10pt cmr chars, % 2.07 11pt, and 1.93 12pt. I reckon 2.07 char widths is a good thing to % try as a first guess. I suppose trying some \twocolumn stuff would be % the best way to if it's right... But the KOMA-script code sets % \columnsep to 12pt; this goes with its default 11pt body text size. % I think this means that setting \columnsep to 2.3\RM@ptperchar is a % good thing for starters. % % Don't do \columnsep stuff for foils or slides classes, because they % don't support multiple columns. % Do \columnsep stuff for std classes except slides... \RM@OnTextwidthGroup{1} {\ifRM@adaptivecolsep \setlength\columnsep{2.3\RM@ptperchar}% other value \@tempswafalse \ifnum\RM@ptsizegroup<0 \@tempswatrue \fi \ifnum\RM@ptsizegroup>3 \@tempswatrue \fi \if@tempswa \RM@Warn{The adaptivecolsep option doesn't know about this text\MessageBreak point size option - this shouldn't matter\MessageBreak \RM@ptsizegroup\space=\protect\RM@ptsizegroup} \fi \ifcase\RM@ptsize% 10pt is std \columnsep \setlength\columnsep{2.3\RM@ptperchar}% 10pt value \or \setlength\columnsep{2.3\RM@ptperchar}% 11pt value \or \setlength\columnsep{2.3\RM@ptperchar}% 12pt value \fi%endif\@ptsize \fi% end\ifRM@adaptivecolsep % % Report `before' value only here; after value is reported at the end % of rmpage. \RM@ocl{2} {\typeout{Before scaling:} \RM@ttval{\columnsep}}{} % % Multiply \columnsep according to the option used... \RM@scalebyoption{\columnsep}{\RM@columnsepoption} }{} % % End \columnsep stuff for std classes except slides % % % \columnsep stuff for odd classes % \RM@OnTextwidthGroup{3} {\@ifundefined{columnsep}{} {\ifRM@adaptivecolsep \setlength\columnsep{2.3\RM@ptperchar} \fi \RM@ocl{2} {\typeout{Before scaling:} \RM@ttval{\columnsep}}{} \RM@scalebyoption{\columnsep}{\RM@columnsepoption} } }{} %% %% %% \subsection{Set initial \comname{textwidth} values} %% % \RM@widthoption: 2=narrowest, 5=narrower, 8=narrow, 11=narrowish, % 14=normalwidth, % 17=widish, 20=wide, 23=wider, 26=widest, % 29=halfinchmargins, 30=oneinchmargins, 31=fullwidth. % 32=stdwidth %% %% %% \subsubsection{Set character-based initial \comname{textwidth}} %% ................................................ %% % \@tempdimb is set to a requested textwidth - the preferred textwidth % calculated as the width of a certain number of characters. \@tempdima % is set to the maximum allowed textwidth based on the smallest allowed % margins. \textwidth is set to the smaller of these two dimensions. % Number of characters specified is (approximately) the number of % natural-width cmr characters corresponding to the set width. % % normalwidth is pretty much standard 2e; stdwidth is standard 2e. % % This part of the code ensures that \@tempdimb is greater than the % minimum allowed \textwidth (\RM@mintextwidth). A check is made % again for this condition after all the margins have been set. % % Different STDWIDTH SETTINGS for slides and everything else... % \RM@OnClassType{5} {\RM@OnWidthOption{31}{33}{% 32=stdwidth settings from slides.cls \setbox\@tempboxa\hbox{\rmfamily im} \setlength\@tempdimb{.5\wd\@tempboxa} \setlength\@tempdimb{65\@tempdimb} }{} } {\RM@OnWidthOption{31}{33}{ \ifcase\RM@ptsizegroup% 32=stdwidth settings \setlength\@tempdimb{345pt}% From size10.clo; 78.4819 chars \or\setlength\@tempdimb{360pt}% From size11.clo; 74.7893 chars \or\setlength\@tempdimb{390pt}% From size12.clo; 75.5318 chars \else \RM@Error{Invalid point size}{You've asked for a point size that isn't 10, 11, or 12pt and for standard \protect\textwidth\space. You can't have both.} \fi}{} } % % % Widths 29, 30, or 31: are the fixed-margin widths; the paper-based % % \textwidth guess is set to whatever the width needs to be, so set % % \@tempdimb to the largest practical value if one of these widths has % % been selected. BUT! you can ask for a fixed-margin width and then % % ask for characterwidthset... I reckon the thing to do is set the % % character-based \textwidth guess to the same value as the % % paper-based \textwidth guess for these fixed-margin widths---this % % job can only be done after the paper-based \textwidth guess has been % % calculated below. Oh, and issue a warning if the user's asked for a % % fixed-margin width and characterwidthset, 'cos that's silly. % % % \RM@OnWidthOption{28}{32}{ % \@tempdimb=\paperwidth % }{} % % Widths 0--28 are scaled widths, so set base width. % % The base width is chosen to give, to $\pm 1\%$, the same number of % characters per line as the fixed lengths given in size[10|11|12].clo. % It doesn't give you identical line breaks with different founts, % because different founts are different (that's an important point, % that is), but you'll get a similar number of lines of text with % different founts. % % \RM@ttval{} \RM@OnWidthOption{-1}{29}{ \RM@OnTextwidthGroup{0} {\@tempswafalse \ifnum\RM@ptsizegroup<0 \@tempswatrue \fi \ifnum\RM@ptsizegroup>3 \@tempswatrue \fi \if@tempswa \RM@Error{You can't have this point size. Sorry} {rmpage doesn't support \RM@ptsizegroup\space=\protect\RM@ptsizegroup\space with this class} \fi \ifcase\RM@ptsizegroup% normalwidth settings for other std classes \setlength\@tempdimb{785\RM@ptperchar} \or\setlength\@tempdimb{748\RM@ptperchar} \or\setlength\@tempdimb{755\RM@ptperchar} \fi}{} \RM@OnTextwidthGroup{1}{\setlength\@tempdimb{700\RM@ptperchar}}{}% normalwidth for slides \RM@OnTextwidthGroup{2} {\@tempswafalse \ifnum\RM@ptsizegroup<0 \@tempswatrue \fi \ifnum\RM@ptsizegroup>4 \@tempswatrue \fi \if@tempswa \RM@Error {You can't have this point size. Sorry} {rmpage doesn't support \RM@ptsizegroup\space=\protect\RM@ptsizegroup\space with this class} \fi \ifcase\RM@ptsizegroup% normalwidth settings for foils class \setlength\@tempdimb{750\RM@ptperchar} \or\setlength\@tempdimb{730\RM@ptperchar} \or\setlength\@tempdimb{715\RM@ptperchar} \or\setlength\@tempdimb{700\RM@ptperchar} \fi}{} \RM@OnTextwidthGroup{3}% normalwidth settings for odd classes {\setlength\@tempdimb{750\RM@ptperchar}}{} \divide\@tempdimb by10 \ifcase\RM@widthoption \@tempdimb=0.7077\@tempdimb%0 \or\@tempdimb=0.7254\@tempdimb%1 \or\@tempdimb=0.7436\@tempdimb%2 narrowest \or\@tempdimb=0.7621\@tempdimb%3 \or\@tempdimb=0.7812\@tempdimb%4 \or\@tempdimb=0.8007\@tempdimb%5 narrower \or\@tempdimb=0.8207\@tempdimb%6 \or\@tempdimb=0.8413\@tempdimb%7 \or\@tempdimb=0.8623\@tempdimb%8 narrow \or\@tempdimb=0.8839\@tempdimb%9 \or\@tempdimb=0.9060\@tempdimb%10 \or\@tempdimb=0.9286\@tempdimb%11 narrowish \or\@tempdimb=0.9518\@tempdimb%12 \or\@tempdimb=0.9756\@tempdimb%13 \or\@tempdimb=1.0000\@tempdimb%14 norm \or\@tempdimb=1.0250\@tempdimb%15 \or\@tempdimb=1.0506\@tempdimb%16 \or\@tempdimb=1.0769\@tempdimb%17 widish \or\@tempdimb=1.1038\@tempdimb%18 \or\@tempdimb=1.1314\@tempdimb%19 \or\@tempdimb=1.1597\@tempdimb%20 wide \or\@tempdimb=1.1887\@tempdimb%21 \or\@tempdimb=1.2184\@tempdimb%22 \or\@tempdimb=1.2489\@tempdimb%23 wider \or\@tempdimb=1.2801\@tempdimb%24 \or\@tempdimb=1.3121\@tempdimb%25 \or\@tempdimb=1.3449\@tempdimb%26 widest \or\@tempdimb=1.3785\@tempdimb%27 \or\@tempdimb=1.4130\@tempdimb%27 \else \RM@Error{This can't happen} {Urgh. rmpage has a bug, or something} \fi }{} % % Note that \RM@scalewidth only scales options 0--28 % % % % \@tempdimb is maximum allowed \textwidth (character based) % \@tempdima will be maximum allowed \textwidth (paper based) % Now set \textwidth as in size\@ptsize.clo (almost) % % \RM@ocl{1} % {\typeout{Early Initial \protect\textwidth\space targets:^^J % % \space\space paper-based: \the\@tempdima^^J % \space\space char-based : \the\@tempdimb} % }{} % % %% %% %% \subsubsection{Set paper-based initial \comname{textwidth}} %% ............................................ %% % % std 2e min margins from size\@ptsize.clo are 2in when summed. % margins used to be (and are now using A4 paper) (all measurements in inches): % % narrowest narrow normal wide widest % narrower narrowish widish wider % A4 5=2.8 % A5 5=2 % % \textwidth: % A4 137.9mm % ------- % % NOTE: lucida casual wants to be 457.46pt=161mm wide (\normalwidth). % What to do? ----- % % This means dropping 23mm. Hmm. % % Set \@tempdima to \paperwidth-based \textwidth: % \RM@OnWidthOption{31}{33}{%32 is stdwidth; do it the way size[n].clo does it \setlength\@tempdima{-2in} \addtolength\@tempdima{\paperwidth} \@settopoint\@tempdima% Added for better compatibility }{} \RM@OnWidthOption{30}{32}{%31 halfinchmargins \setlength\@tempdima{-1in} \addtolength\@tempdima{\paperwidth} }{} \RM@OnWidthOption{29}{31}{%30 oneinchmargins \setlength\@tempdima{-2in} \addtolength\@tempdima{\paperwidth} }{} \RM@OnWidthOption{28}{30}{%29 fullwidth \setlength\@tempdima{0pt} \addtolength\@tempdima{\paperwidth} }{} % % % Erm, A4 margin is geometric mean of 2 and 2\sqrt{2} inches. This is % because the standard classes apply a minimum total margin of 2 inches; % this seems to be meant to apply to the smaller paper sizes, like A5. % I reckon it's too much of a gap for normalwidth. If you scale 2 % inches up from A5 to A4, you get a gap of 2\sqrt{2} inches. That's % too big; so go for something in between. A geometric mean is the % right sort for this kind of job, hence the numbers below. My % reasoning doesn't convince me completely, but it's a ay of arriving at % a result I rather like. % % normalwidth A5 portrait: 1.6676in % normalwidth A4 portrait: 2.3664in % % normalwidth is 0.7138 of \paperwidth. % % scaling is arranged so that the width option beyond widest would % give a paper-based \textwidth of \paperwidth. The steps in between % are in a geomtric sequence, with an increment of \sqrt[15]{1/0.7138} % % Can anyone udnerstnad this gibbershni? \RM@OnWidthOption{-1}{29}{% 0-28 \setlength\@tempdima{0.7138\paperwidth} \ifcase\RM@widthoption \@tempdima=0.7300\@tempdima%0 \or\@tempdima=0.7466\@tempdima%1 \or\@tempdima=0.7636\@tempdima%2 narrowest \or\@tempdima=0.7809\@tempdima%3 \or\@tempdima=0.7987\@tempdima%4 \or\@tempdima=0.8169\@tempdima%5 narrower \or\@tempdima=0.8354\@tempdima%6 \or\@tempdima=0.8544\@tempdima%7 \or\@tempdima=0.8738\@tempdima%8 narrow \or\@tempdima=0.8937\@tempdima%9 \or\@tempdima=0.9140\@tempdima%10 \or\@tempdima=0.9348\@tempdima%11 narrowish \or\@tempdima=0.9560\@tempdima%12 \or\@tempdima=0.9778\@tempdima%13 \or\@tempdima=1.0000\@tempdima%14 norm \or\@tempdima=1.0227\@tempdima%15 \or\@tempdima=1.0460\@tempdima%16 \or\@tempdima=1.0698\@tempdima%17 widish \or\@tempdima=1.0941\@tempdima%18 \or\@tempdima=1.1189\@tempdima%19 \or\@tempdima=1.1444\@tempdima%20 wide \or\@tempdima=1.1704\@tempdima%21 \or\@tempdima=1.1970\@tempdima%22 \or\@tempdima=1.2242\@tempdima%23 wider \or\@tempdima=1.2520\@tempdima%24 \or\@tempdima=1.2805\@tempdima%25 \or\@tempdima=1.3096\@tempdima%26 widest \or\@tempdima=1.3394\@tempdima%27 \or\@tempdima=1.3698\@tempdima%28 \else \RM@Error{This can't happen} {Urgh. rmpage has a bug, or something} \fi }{} % % Widths 29, 30, or 31: are the fixed-margin widths; the paper-based % \textwidth guess is set to whatever the width needs to be, so I used % to set \@tempdimb to the largest practical value if one of these % widths has been selected. BUT! you can ask for a fixed-margin width % and then ask for characterwidthset... I reckon the thing to do is set % the character-based \textwidth guess to the same value as the % paper-based \textwidth guess for these fixed-margin widths---this job % can only be done after the paper-based \textwidth guess has been % calculated below. Oh, and issue a warning if the user's asked for a % fixed-margin width and characterwidthset, 'cos that's silly. % \RM@OnWidthOption{28}{32}{ \ifnum\RM@setwidthby=1 \RM@Warn{You've asked for a fixed margin size \protect\textwidth\MessageBreak (half inch or one inch margins, or fullwidth), as well\MessageBreak as setting \protect\textwidth\space by the character-based width\MessageBreak only. This is silly: stop it.} \fi % Set the character-based textwidth guess to the same value as the % paper-based textwidth guess. \@tempdimb=\@tempdima }{} % \RM@executehook{RM@AfterInitialTextwidthSetting} % % \@tempdima = paper-based textwidth guess % \@tempdimb = character-based textwidth guess % % Report these after allowing for multiple columns; you can work back % to what the values here should be, if you need to, or find out by % requesting onecolumn. This doesn't feel quite right, but I'm % trying to minimise reporting. % % Enlarge \@temdimb to accomodate multiple columns. % Make \@tempdimb = % \RM@textcols x \@tempdimb + (\RM@textcols-1) x \columnsep % % (but if stdwidth (widthoption = 32), % \@tempdimb = \RM@textcols x \@tempdimb ) % Don't execute this code for the slides class, because slides can % only have one column. It doesn't matter now if you do, but future % changes might screw things up. \RM@OnClassType{5}{} {\ifnum\RM@textcols<1 \RM@Error{This ain't right} {\protect\RM@textcols is too small. This might be a bug.} \else \ifnum\RM@widthoption=32 \setlength\@tempdimb{\RM@textcols \@tempdimb} \ifnum\RM@textcols>2 \RM@Warn{You can only have stdwidth with one or two columns;\MessageBreak You've asked for \RM@textcols\space columns\MessageBreak The result might not be what you want.} \fi \else% every width except stdwidth \setlength\@tempdimb{\RM@textcols \@tempdimb} \addtolength\@tempdimb{\RM@textcols \columnsep} \addtolength\@tempdimb{-\columnsep} \fi \fi}% endRM@OnClassType %% %% %% \subsection{Begin \comname{textwidth} checking and selection} %% % Now try to ensure that \textwidth will not exceed the % \RM@[min|max]textwidth limits. This test needs to be done again, % after \textwidth has been set, because \textwidth can shrink. % \ifdim\@tempdima<\RM@mintextwidth\@tempdima=\RM@mintextwidth\fi \ifdim\@tempdimb<\RM@mintextwidth\@tempdimb=\RM@mintextwidth\fi \ifdim\@tempdima>\RM@maxtextwidth\@tempdima=\RM@maxtextwidth\fi \ifdim\@tempdimb>\RM@maxtextwidth\@tempdimb=\RM@maxtextwidth\fi % % Reported here rather than elsewhere, because: % you can work back to the onecolumn values if needed (or find out by % asking for onecolumn) % running into the [min|max]textwidth limits should be apparent --- % you can find out by comparing values, or removing the limits if % needed % This doesn't feel quite right, but I'm trying to minimise reporting. % \RM@ocl{1} {\typeout{Initial \protect\textwidth\space targets:^^J \space\space paper-based: \the\@tempdima^^J \space\space char-based : \the\@tempdimb} }{} % % % Major revision of the code below on 25/2/96. This has been tidied, % and a properly thought-out algorithm implemented. Check the algorithm % and the code: I like it. % % I think it might be more elegant to force the initial value of % \textwidth to be small enough to fit in the available space, margin % offset considered. I'm not sure how to go about that---perhaps: % For the selected textwidth: % calculate inside/outside clearances % increase inside (say) clearance if needed % re-calculate outside clearance % increase outside clearance if needed % re-calculate inside clearance % re-calculate textwidth based on final clearances % % The idea above needs a fair bit of work---I think saving it for % version 2 is the thing. % % % But \textwidth must not get larger than % \paperwidth-\@minleftcl-\@minrightcl, or larger than % \paperwidth-\RM@mininsidemargin-\RM@minoutsidemargin (these are % normally zero length). % % The following code prevents that happening: both \@tempdima % (paper-basd textwidth guess) and \@tempdimb (character-based textwidth % guess) need to be checked, because they are not always both % considered. % % This code ensures that the requested \textwidth will fit on the % page if you're printing centred. % % Check min[left|right]margins: % \setlength\@tempdimc{\paperwidth} \addtolength\@tempdimc{-\RM@minleftclearance} \addtolength\@tempdimc{-\RM@minrightclearance} % \ifdim\@tempdimc<\@tempdima \RM@oclwarninfo{3} {Paper-based textwidth reduced from:\MessageBreak \the\@tempdima\space to \the\@tempdimc\MessageBreak because of min[left/right]clearance limits} \setlength\@tempdima{\@tempdimc} \fi % \ifdim\@tempdimc<\@tempdimb \RM@oclwarninfo{3} {Character-based textwidth reduced from:\MessageBreak \the\@tempdimb\space to \the\@tempdimc\MessageBreak because of min[left/right]clearance limits} \setlength\@tempdimb{\@tempdimc} \fi % % Check min[inside|outside]margins % \setlength\@tempdimc{\paperwidth} \addtolength\@tempdimc{-\RM@mininsidemargin} \addtolength\@tempdimc{-\RM@minoutsidemargin} % \ifdim\@tempdimc<\@tempdima \RM@oclwarninfo{3} {Paper-based textwidth reduced from:\MessageBreak \the\@tempdima\space to \the\@tempdimc\MessageBreak because of min[in/out]sidemargin encroachment\MessageBreak} \setlength\@tempdima{\@tempdimc} \fi % \ifdim\@tempdimc<\@tempdimb \RM@oclwarninfo{3} {Character-based textwidth reduced from:\MessageBreak \the\@tempdimb\space to \the\@tempdimc\MessageBreak because of min[in/out]sidemargin encroachment\MessageBreak} \setlength\@tempdimb{\@tempdimc} \fi %% %% %% Decide which \@tempdim to use for \textwidth %% ............................................ %% % Before we get to here, I have ensured that if the user has asked % for a paper-based textwidth like oneinchmargins, the % character-based textwidth has been set to the same value. So if % you ask for character-based textwidth setting and oneinchmargins, % you still get oneinchmargins, which is the best sense that can be % made of the request. % % Ensure that the paper-based width is larger if you've asked for % character-based only width setting; or that the character-based % width is larger if you've asked for paper-based only width setting. % \ifcase\RM@setwidthby %0 = both \or% 1 = character-based only; make paper width very large \setlength\@tempdima{16383pt} \or% 2= paper-based only; make character width very large \setlength\@tempdimb{16383pt} \else \RM@Error{Time for a cuppa} {\protect\RM@setwidthby\space is too large.\MessageBreak This is a species of bug} \fi % % Pick the narrower of the two widths (paper based or character % based) unless told otherwise % \ifdim\@tempdima>\@tempdimb \RM@ocl{2}{\typeout{Using character-based \protect\textwidth}}{} \setlength\textwidth{\@tempdimb}% Use character-based width if % paper-based width is larger \else \RM@ocl{2}{\typeout{Using paper-based \protect\textwidth}}{} \setlength\textwidth{\@tempdima}% Use paper-based width if % character-based width is larger \fi % % The paper-based \textwidth guess might have been shrunk to less % than \RM@mintextwidth by now, and been selected as the \textwidth to % choose. Test and produce an error if this is the case. % \ifdim\textwidth>\RM@maxtextwidth \RM@Error {\protect\textwidth\space has ended up larger than\MessageBreak \protect\RM@maxtextwidth. This can't happen, can it?} {Something very strange has happened to my brain.} \fi \ifdim\textwidth<\RM@mintextwidth \RM@Error {I can't make \protect\textwidth\space as wide as\MessageBreak \protect\RM@mintextwidth. Reducing the offset might help. \MessageBreak \protect\textwidth\space= \the\textwidth\MessageBreak \protect\paperwidth\space= \the\paperwidth\MessageBreak \protect\RM@mininsidemargin\space= \RM@mininsidemargin\MessageBreak \protect\RM@minoutsidemargin\space= \RM@minoutsidemargin\MessageBreak \protect\RM@minleftclearance\space= \RM@minleftclearance\MessageBreak \protect\RM@minrightclearance\space= \RM@minrightclearance\MessageBreak} {The horizontal limits are such that I can't cope. \MessageBreak I'm afraid you'll have to sort this one out yourself. \MessageBreak Good luck.} \fi %% %% %% \subsection{Calculate margins etc} %% % Start calculating margins. Begin by calculating the value of % \evensidemargin; if \evensidemargin and \oddsidemargin are the same % (in the case of centred or onesided printing), \oddsidemargin is % eventually set to be the same as \evensidemargin. If \evensidemargin % and \oddsidemargin are different (in the case of notcentred and % twosided printing only), \oddsidemargin is calculated from % \evensidemargin; it is set to: % [(\paperwidth-\textwidth-\evensidemargin) - 2in]. Physically, this is % the size of the right margin on even numbered pages. The 2in is % subtracted because TeX measures from 1in into the page. % % \ifRM@centre \evensidemargin=0.5\@tempdima \fi % \ifRM@stdmargins and \ifRM@twoside \evensidemargin=0.6\@tempdima \fi % \ifRM@stdmargins and oneside \evensidemargin=0.4\@tempdima \fi % \ifnotRM@stdmargins and \ifRM@twoside \evensidemargin=0.4\@tempdima \fi % \ifnotRM@stdmargins and oneside \evensidemargin=0.6\@tempdima \fi % % Define a counter \RM@offsetfrac, set by midoffset option to 60 by default. % \ifRM@centre \RM@offsetfrac=50 \fi % \ifRM@stdmargins and oneside \RM@offsetfrac= 100-\RM@offsetfrac \fi % \ifnotRM@stdmargins and \ifRM@twoside \RM@offsetfrac= 100-\RM@offsetfrac \fi % then: % \setlength\evensidemargin {\paperwidth} % \addtolength\evensidemargin {-\textwidth} % \divide\evensidemargin by 100 % \multiply\evensidemargin by \RM@offsetfrac % \addtolength\evensidemargin {-1in} % %% %% %% Horizontal offset %% ................. %% \ifnum\RM@offsetoption<2 \RM@oclwarninfo{3} {Using a touchlessoffset option with leastoffset gives \MessageBreak you an offset the other way. (poorly expressed-sorry.) \MessageBreak This might not be what you want.} \fi % % Note that the slides class produces centred pages by default; this % needs to be requested as the default option for the slides class by an % \ExecuteOptions in the config file. \rmpage's default config file % does this. % \ifcase\RM@offsetoption \RM@offsetfrac=48%0 \or\RM@offsetfrac=49%1 \or\RM@offsetfrac=50%2 least \or\RM@offsetfrac=51%3 \or\RM@offsetfrac=52%4 \or\RM@offsetfrac=53%5 less \or\RM@offsetfrac=54%6 \or\RM@offsetfrac=55%7 \or\RM@offsetfrac=56%8 lessish \or\RM@offsetfrac=57%9 \or\RM@offsetfrac=59%10 \or\RM@offsetfrac=60%11 norm \or\RM@offsetfrac=63%12 \or\RM@offsetfrac=65%13 \or\RM@offsetfrac=68%14 moreish \or\RM@offsetfrac=71%15 \or\RM@offsetfrac=74%16 \or\RM@offsetfrac=77%17 more \or\RM@offsetfrac=80%18 \or\RM@offsetfrac=83%19 \or\RM@offsetfrac=87%20 most \or\RM@offsetfrac=91%21 \or\RM@offsetfrac=94%22 \fi % % % % NB: % % 50 -> 53 -> 56 -> 60; x [ (60/50) ^ (1/3) ] each step (1.0627) % % 60 -> 68 -> 77 -> 87; x [ (87/60) ^ (1/3) ] each step (1.1319) % % % % So make touch[more/less]offset multipliers be ^ (1/3) these two values: % % 1.0627 ^ (1/3) = 1.0205. Reciprocal = 0.9799 % % increase by 2%; decrease by 2% % % 1.1319 ^ (1/3) = 1.0421. Reciprocal = 0.9596 % % increase by 4%; decrease by 4% % % \ifRM@centre \RM@offsetfrac=50 \else \ifRM@stdmargins \ifRM@twoside \relax \else% if notcentre and RM@stdmargins and oneside \RM@offsetfrac=-\RM@offsetfrac \advance\RM@offsetfrac by 100 \fi% endiftwoside \else% if notRM@stdmargins \ifRM@twoside% if notcentre and notRM@stdmargins and twoside \RM@offsetfrac=-\RM@offsetfrac \advance\RM@offsetfrac by 100 \fi% endiftwoside \fi% endifstdmargins \fi% endifcentre %% %% %% Initial \evensidemargin setting %% ............................... %% \setlength\evensidemargin {\paperwidth} \addtolength\evensidemargin {-\textwidth} \divide\evensidemargin by 100 \multiply\evensidemargin by \RM@offsetfrac \addtolength\evensidemargin {-1in} % % Note that any changes to \evensidemargin are reported below. % \RM@ocl{1}{ \typeout{Initial \protect\evensidemargin\space request: \the\evensidemargin}}{} % % Note that \RM@offsetfrac being a percentage causes rather large % rounding errors when calculating touch[more/less]offset. If this % matters, make \RM@offsetfrac a fraction of something larger and a % power of two (128? 256? 512?). %% %% %% Initial \evensidemargin checks %% .............................. %% % \evensidemargin is now set to the initial preferred value. % Now check that it is > (minleftclearance,minoutsidemargin) if 2side % or > (minleftclearance,mininsidemargin) if not2side % % Increase \evensidemargin if necessary; this code ensures that % \evensidemargin is larger than all restrictions placed on the gap % that is set by \evensidemargin (in twoside mode, this is % minoutsidemargin or minleftclearance; in oneside mode, this is % minleftclearance or mininsidemargin). This might affect the % final left/right margin ratio. Calculate marginparwidth later. % % Note that if \evensidemargin is increased, \textwidth must be % decreased by the same amount to keep the margin opposite \evenside % margin the same. This doesn't maintain the required relationship; % that's done in the next step. % \ifRM@twoside \ifdim\RM@minleftclearance>\RM@minoutsidemargin \setlength\@tempdima{\RM@minleftclearance} \else \setlength\@tempdima{\RM@minoutsidemargin} \fi \else \ifdim\RM@minleftclearance>\RM@mininsidemargin \setlength\@tempdima{\RM@minleftclearance} \else \setlength\@tempdima{\RM@mininsidemargin} \fi \fi \addtolength\@tempdima{-1in} \setlength\@tempdimb{\evensidemargin} \addtolength\@tempdimb{-\@tempdima} \@tempdimb=-\@tempdimb% change sign to ease my brain \ifdim\@tempdimb>0pt \addtolength\evensidemargin{\@tempdimb} \addtolength\textwidth{-\@tempdimb} \RM@oclwarninfo{3} {A: I had to increase \protect\evensidemargin\space by: \MessageBreak \the\@tempdimb\space to \the\evensidemargin\MessageBreak and decrease \protect\textwidth by:\MessageBreak \the\@tempdimb\space to \the\textwidth\MessageBreak} \fi % % If \evensidemargin has been increased, the margin opposite % \evensidemargin must also be increased to maintain the % relationship: % \evensidemargin/(sum of both margins) = \RM@offsetfrac % % The way to do this is to decrease \textwidth by b, where: % b = a (1-f)/f % % a=change in \evensidemargin, f=\RM@offsetfrac/100 % % Note that the code below depends on \@tempdimb = increase in % \evensidemargin on entry, and leaves \@tempdimb = a (1-f)/f on % exit. % % And this jiggery-pokery is only needed if \@tempdimb>0. % % First some paranoia: \ifnum\RM@offsetfrac=0 \RM@Error {\protect\RM@offsetfrac=0; it should never be this value} {rmpage has a bug that needs fixing} \fi % The job itself... gets buggered up without that bloody \relax. Why? \relax \ifdim\@tempdimb>0pt % First calculate 100x(1-f), leaving the result in \@tempcnta \@tempcnta=100 \advance\@tempcnta by-\RM@offsetfrac % Now multiply a by 100 x (1-f) \multiply\@tempdimb by\@tempcnta % And finally divide by (f x 100) \divide\@tempdimb by\RM@offsetfrac % \@tempdimb is now a (1-f)/f, so subtract it from \textwidth: \addtolength\textwidth{-\@tempdimb} \RM@oclwarninfo{3} {B: I had to decrease \protect\textwidth\space by:\MessageBreak \the\@tempdimb\space to \the\textwidth} \fi % % Finished calculating \evensidemargin. %% %% %% Re-check \textwidth and margins %% ............................... %% % Now check \textwidth; check that: % [\paperwidth-(1"+\evensidemargin+\textwidth)] % < (\RM@minrightclearance,\RM@mininsidemargin) if 2side % or < (\RM@minrightclearance,\RM@minoutsidemargin) if not2side % % reduce \textwidth if necessary % % \setlength\@tempdimb{\paperwidth} \addtolength\@tempdimb{-1in} \addtolength\@tempdimb{-\evensidemargin} \addtolength\@tempdimb{-\textwidth} % \ifRM@twoside \ifdim\RM@minrightclearance>\RM@mininsidemargin \setlength\@tempdima{\RM@minrightclearance} \else \setlength\@tempdima{\RM@mininsidemargin} \fi \else \ifdim\RM@minrightclearance>\RM@minoutsidemargin \setlength\@tempdima{\RM@minrightclearance} \else \setlength\@tempdima{\RM@minoutsidemargin} \fi \fi% % \addtolength\@tempdimb{-\@tempdima} \@tempdimb=-\@tempdimb% change sign to ease my brain \ifdim\@tempdimb>0pt \addtolength\textwidth{-\@tempdimb} \RM@oclwarninfo{3} {C: I had to decrease \protect\textwidth\space by:\MessageBreak \the\@tempdimb\space to \the\textwidth} \fi % % If \textwidth has been reduced, one could equally say that the % margin opposite \evensidemargin has been increased. So % \evensidemargin must also be increased to maintain the % relationship: % \evensidemargin/(sum of both margins) = \RM@offsetfrac % but this must be done without increasing the margin opposite % \evensidemargin; an amount must be added to \evensidemargin, and % the same amount subtracted from \textwidth. Good, isn't this? % % The thing to do is increase \evensidemargin and decrease \textwidth % by an amount a, where % % a = b f/(1-f) % % b = increase in margin opposite \evensidemargin % f = \RM@offsetfrac % % Note that the code below needs the increase in the margin opposite % \evensidemargin to be in \@tempdimb on entry, and leaves b f/(1-f) % in \@tempdimb on exit. % % And this jiggery-pokery is only needed if \@tempdimb>0. % First some paranoia: \ifnum\RM@offsetfrac=0 \RM@Error {\protect\RM@offsetfrac=0; it should never be this value} {rmpage has a bug that needs fixing} \fi % The job itself... \relax \ifdim\@tempdimb>0pt\relax % First calculate b x 100 x f, leaving the result in \@tempdimb \@tempdimb=\RM@offsetfrac\@tempdimb % Then calculate 100x(1-f), leaving the result in \@tempcnta \@tempcnta=100 \advance\@tempcnta by-\RM@offsetfrac % Now divide by 100 x (1-f) \divide\@tempdimb by\@tempcnta % \@tempdimb is now b f/(1-f), so subtract it from \textwidth and % \evensidemargin: \addtolength\textwidth{-\@tempdimb} \addtolength\evensidemargin{\@tempdimb} \RM@oclwarninfo{3} {D: I had to decrease \protect\textwidth\space by:\MessageBreak \the\@tempdimb\space to \the\textwidth\space\MessageBreak and increase \protect\evensidemargin\space by\MessageBreak \the\@tempdimb\space to \the\evensidemargin} \fi % % There, now doesn't that feel better? %% %% %% Calculate \oddsidemargin %% ........................ %% % Now calculate \oddsidemargin. \osm must be set equal to \esm if printing % onesided or centred; if printing twosided, \osm must be set to the size of the % right margin on even pages. % % begin by assuming that we are printing (onesided or centred) \setlength\oddsidemargin{\evensidemargin} % Then change \osm if we are printing (twosided and notcentred) \ifRM@twoside \ifRM@centre \relax \else% if (twoside and notcentre) % set osm to size of right margin on even pages \setlength\oddsidemargin{\paperwidth} \addtolength\oddsidemargin{-2in} \addtolength\oddsidemargin{-\evensidemargin} \addtolength\oddsidemargin{-\textwidth} \fi% endifRM@centre \fi% endifRM@twoside %% %% %% Re-check \textwidth %% ................... %% % And finally, ensure that \textwidth is still big enough\ldots % \ifdim\textwidth<\RM@mintextwidth \RM@Error {I can't make \protect\textwidth as wide as \protect\RM@mintextwidth.\MessageBreak See the log file for more details} {If I've only complained about this problem once on this run, \MessageBreak try centred printing, or just a reduced offset.} \fi %% %% %% Calculate \marginparwidth and \marginparsep %% ........................................... %% % Begin by working out a new value of \marginparsep: % \RM@ocl{1} {\typeout{Initial value:} \RM@ttval{\marginparsep}}{} % \RM@scalebyoption{\marginparsep}{\RM@mparsepoption} % % Now that marginparsep has its final value, calculate marginparwidth... % Keep the reports, because things get quite hairy here and I might % forget what's going on... % \ifRM@twoside \if@reversemargin \RM@ocl{1} {\typeout{marginparwidth setting: twoside, reversemarginpars}}{} \setlength\marginparwidth{\oddsidemargin} \addtolength\marginparwidth{1in} \else \RM@ocl{1} {\typeout{marginparwidth setting: twoside, normalmarginpars}}{} \setlength\marginparwidth{\evensidemargin} \addtolength\marginparwidth{1in} \fi% endif@reversemargin \else \if@reversemargin \RM@ocl{1} {\typeout{marginparwidth setting: oneside, reversemarginpars}}{} \setlength\marginparwidth{\evensidemargin} \addtolength\marginparwidth{1in} \else \RM@ocl{1} {\typeout{marginparwidth setting: oneside, normalmarginpars}}{} \setlength\marginparwidth{\paperwidth} \addtolength\marginparwidth{-\textwidth} \addtolength\marginparwidth{-\evensidemargin} \addtolength\marginparwidth{-1in} \fi% endif@reversemargin \fi% endifRM@twoside % % Minor bobble: if you're printing in more than one column, marginal % notes end up in the margin nearest the current column, so the smallest % margin provides the limit... What with one thing and another, % the easiest way of finding out which one this is is by calculating the % size of the margins, to the left and right, and testing. % % Only do this check for classes other than slides, because slides can % only have one column. \RM@OnClassType{5}{} {\ifnum\RM@textcols=1 \else \RM@ocl{1} {\typeout{marginparwidth setting: multicolumn setttings}}{} \setlength{\marginparwidth}{\paperwidth} \addtolength{\marginparwidth}{-\textwidth} \addtolength{\marginparwidth}{-\evensidemargin} \addtolength{\marginparwidth}{-2in} \ifdim\marginparwidth>\evensidemargin \setlength{\marginparwidth}{\evensidemargin} \fi \addtolength{\marginparwidth}{1in} \fi}% endRM@OnClassType % % Use the one typeout for both reports; hopefully more efficient that % otherwise. Certainly uglier. % \RM@ocl{1} {\typeout {Assumed size of marginal paragraph margin = \the\marginparwidth^^JInitial value:} \RM@ttval{\RM@mparclearance}}{} % \RM@scalebyoption{\RM@mparclearance}{\RM@mparclearoption} % % \marginparwidth is now as big as the margin space the notes will % appear in, and \RM@mparclearance has its final value. % % Finish calculating \marginparwidth... % % The minimum space allowed between the edge of the paper and the mpar is % \RM@mparclearfrac * \paperwidth; this product is placed in % \@tempdimb. If the specified min[left|right]clearance is greater % than this value, the min[l|r]clearance is used instead. % % % % Gap between note and text \addtolength\marginparwidth{-\marginparsep} % % I wish I knew why some of these ifs don't work the way I expect. % \relax \ifdim\RM@minrightclearance>\RM@minleftclearance\relax \@tempdima=\RM@minrightclearance \RM@ocl{1}{\typeout{\protect\RM@minrightclearance\space is greater than \protect\RM@minleftclearance}}{} \else \@tempdima=\RM@minleftclearance \RM@ocl{1}{\typeout{\protect\RM@minleftclearance\space is greater than \protect\RM@minrightclearance}}{} \fi% endifdim \relax \ifdim\@tempdima<\RM@mparclearance\relax \@tempdima=\RM@mparclearance \RM@ocl{1}{\typeout{\protect\RM@mparclearance\space is greater than \protect\RM@min[left/right]clearance}}{} \fi% endifdim % \@tempdima is now the larger of \RM@minlclearance, % \RM@minrclearance, and \RM@mparclearance. Use this dimension % as the minimum marginal paragraph clearance. \RM@ocl{1} {\typeout{\protect\marginparwidth\space reduced by \the\@tempdima\space (space to the paper's edge)^^J \space\space\space to \the\marginparwidth}}{} \addtolength\marginparwidth{-\@tempdima} % % Final value is reported at the end of rmpage % \RM@ocl{1}{ \typeout{Initial value} \RM@ttval{\RM@maxmparwidth} }{} \RM@scalebyoption{\RM@maxmparwidth}{\RM@maxmparwidthoption} \ifdim\marginparwidth>\RM@maxmparwidth% 2in std 2e \setlength\marginparwidth{\RM@maxmparwidth} \RM@ocl{1} {\typeout {\protect\marginparwidth\space reduced to \the\marginparwidth\space (\protect\RM@maxmparwidth limit)} }{} \fi % \ifdim\marginparwidth<0pt\marginparwidth=0pt\fi \ifdim\marginparwidth<\RM@ptperchar% Too small to hold one average character \RM@oclwarninfo{3} {\protect\marginparwidth\space= \the\marginparwidth; this is less than one\MessageBreak character wide. If you intend to use marginal\MessageBreak notes, you probably need to enlarge the margin\MessageBreak that marginal notes appear in} \fi%endifdim\marginparwidth<\RM@ptperchar % % END OF THE SECTION THAT WAS REVISED 25/2/96. %% %% %% \subsection{Check column width for legibility} %% \RM@ocl{2}{ \typeout{Before calculating column width:} \RM@ttval{\textwidth} }{} % \setlength{\@tempdima}{\textwidth} % % Now calculate one column width. \rmpage can handle any number of % columns; there's options up to 10 columns, which is the multicol % package limit. You can create an option to set \RM@textcols to % anything you like. % % Only do this check for classes other than slides, because slides can % only have one column. \RM@OnClassType{5}{} {\ifnum\RM@textcols=0 % Avoid dividing by zero... \RM@Error{You can't have zero columns} {\protect\RM@textcols\protect is zero. This shouldn't happen.} \else \@tempcnta=\RM@textcols \advance\@tempcnta by-1 \addtolength\@tempdima{-\@tempcnta\columnsep} \divide\@tempdima by\RM@textcols \fi}% endRM@OnClassType % % \RM@ocl{2}{ \typeout{\space\space\space the width of one column = \the\@tempdima} }{} % Do odd things to measure character width of one column % \addtolength\@tempdima{\@tempdima}% 2 x column width \@tempcnta=\@tempdima \setlength\@tempdimb{0.2\RM@ptperchar}% ptperchar / 5 \divide\@tempcnta by\@tempdimb% characters wide x 10 % % It'd be tricky to get this information anywhere else in rmpage et al. % Always at least log this information. % \RM@ocl{3} {\typeout {\space\space\space the width of one column = \the\@tempcnta\space (characters x 10) }} {\PackageInfo{rmpage} {the width of one column = \the\@tempcnta\space characters x 10 wide}} % % Warn if there's too many or too few characters across one column. % Standard spread of columnwidth according to the textbooks is 1.5-2.5 x % the width of the alphabet. I use a more sophisticated way of % measuring the width of a character than just banging down a complete % (lower-case) alphabet (not that it makes any difference to legibility, % I wouldn't have thought). My way gives a points-per-character % measurement of about 12\% more than the simple way, so the textbook % textwidth spread is about 39 (43.7) to 65 (75) characters (my measured % characters in brackets. Seen the 75 character upper limit before?). % % Rather than be overly proscriptive, merely warn if column width % exceeds normal width or is less than 41 characters (measured my way; % that's about 37 textbook characters). I've entered the warning % separately for each point size in case I feel like changing my mind % later on, and varying things for each point size. % % I feel there should be a more elgant way of doing this, but I can't % figure one out yet. % \def\RM@toowideQ#1#2{\relax\ifnum #1>#2 \relax \protect\RM@oclwarninfo{3} {\protect\textwidth\space is too wide for comfy reading}\fi} \def\RM@toonarrowQ#1#2{\relax\ifnum #1<#2 \relax \protect\RM@oclwarninfo{3} {\protect\textwidth\space is too narrow for comfy reading}\fi} % Different code for slides, because slides can only have one typesize % and doesn't define \@ptsize \RM@OnClassType{5}% slides code {\RM@toowideQ{\@tempcnta}{700} \RM@toonarrowQ{\@tempcnta}{410}}{} % % std classes except slides \RM@OnTextwidthGroup{0} {\ifcase\RM@ptsizegroup \relax % 10pt \RM@toowideQ{\@tempcnta}{785} \RM@toonarrowQ{\@tempcnta}{410} \or% 11pt \RM@toowideQ{\@tempcnta}{748} \RM@toonarrowQ{\@tempcnta}{410} \or% 12pt \RM@toowideQ{\@tempcnta}{755} \RM@toonarrowQ{\@tempcnta}{410} \else% unknown \RM@Warn{I don't know what this point size is} \fi }{}% end std classes except slides %% % foils class \RM@OnTextwidthGroup{2}{ \ifcase\RM@ptsizegroup \relax % 17pt \RM@toowideQ{\@tempcnta}{750} \RM@toonarrowQ{\@tempcnta}{410} \or% 20pt \RM@toowideQ{\@tempcnta}{730} \RM@toonarrowQ{\@tempcnta}{410} \or% 25pt \RM@toowideQ{\@tempcnta}{715} \RM@toonarrowQ{\@tempcnta}{410} \or% 30pt \RM@toowideQ{\@tempcnta}{700} \RM@toonarrowQ{\@tempcnta}{410} \else% unknown \RM@Warn{I don't know what this point size is} \fi}{}% end foils class settings % % odd classes \RM@OnTextwidthGroup{3}{ \RM@toowideQ{\@tempcnta}{785} \RM@toonarrowQ{\@tempcnta}{410} }{}% end odd class stuff % % local odd classes; these limits are extreme. \RM@OnTextwidthGroup{4}{ \RM@toowideQ{\@tempcnta}{785} \RM@toonarrowQ{\@tempcnta}{410} }{}% end local odd classes checking % \let\RM@toowideQ\@undefined \let\RM@toonarrowQ\@undefined %% %% End of what was rmpwnorm %% ------------------------ %% %% %% \subsection{Post width setting hook} %% \RM@executehook{RM@AfterWidthSetting} %% %% %% \section{End of page layout setting} %% %% %% %% \section{Begin miscellaneous stuff} %% % Everything below here is extra bits and bobs: stuff to change % linebreaking (or paragraph forming?) parameters, and some code to % change the \today command. And right at the end is the `tell the % user what I've done' code, and some \lets to free up memory (it % says here). %% %% %% \subsection{Change typesetting parameters} %% % Many of the values below were recommended by Alan Jeffries % % Code below from latex.ltx; consider using the sloppiness commands to % re-define \fussy and \sloppy? --- \sloppy is used by default by % LaTeX's standard classes for \twocolumn setting. See notes above: the % values suggested by Jeffries for fontinst founts shouldn't be used % anymore: Sebastian Rahtz says the metrics have been changed % (11/95). But they're still tighter than cmr and give bad line % breaks too often for my liking, but looseish seems a better % looseness now. Perhaps I might change the sloppiness command so % that the looseish settings are used for a loose, and everything is % changed around that? I'd greatly appreciate anybody's opinion on % this one: my head's exploded. % % setting by default % % \def\sloppy{% % % \tolerance 9999% % % \emergencystretch 3em% % % \hfuzz .5\p@ % % \vfuzz\hfuzz} % % \def\sloppypar{\par\sloppy} % % \def\endsloppypar{\par} % % \def\fussy{% % % \emergencystretch\z@ % % \tolerance 200% % % \hfuzz .1\p@ % % \vfuzz\hfuzz} % % % sloppiness{0}=fussy LaTeX % sloppiness{1}=fussier % sloppiness{2}=close to Alan Jeffries's suggestion for fontinst founts % sloppiness{3}=sloppier % sloppiness{4}=sloppiest % sloppiness{5}=sloppier than sloppy % \def\sloppiness#1{\@tempcnta=#1 \ifnum\@tempcnta<0 \GenericError{} {You've asked for a negative looseness} {See the rmpage package documentation for further information} {Change your document when you get the chance; I'll assume you meant 0 for now} \@tempcnta=0 \fi \ifnum\@tempcnta>5 \GenericError{} {You've asked for a looseness greater than 5} {See the rmpage package documentation for further information} {Change your document when you get the chance; I'll assume you meant 4 for now} \@tempcnta=5 \fi \ifcase\@tempcnta % 0 \relax \tolerance200 \pretolerance100 \emergencystretch0em \hfuzz0.1pt \leftskip0pt \rightskip0pt \hyphenpenalty50 \exhyphenpenalty50 \doublehyphendemerits10000 %\interlinepenalty0 Don't affect pagebreaking (yet?) %\clubpenalty150 %\widowpenalty150 \or%1 \tolerance400 \pretolerance200 \emergencystretch0.03\textwidth% default 0 \hfuzz0.1pt \leftskip0pt \rightskip0pt minus 0.1pt \hyphenpenalty=25 \exhyphenpenalty=35 \doublehyphendemerits5000 \or%2 \tolerance800% default 200 \pretolerance400% default 100 \emergencystretch0.06\textwidth% default 0; AJ says 2em \hfuzz0.1pt%default 0.1pt \leftskip0pt%default 0; AJ says 0pt-1pt; \rightskip0pt minus 0.15pt%default 0; AJ says 0pt-1pt; \hyphenpenalty0% AJ value; default 50 \exhyphenpenalty25% AJ value; default 50. \doublehyphendemerits2500% AJ value; default 10000; \or%3 \tolerance1200 \pretolerance600 \emergencystretch0.09\textwidth \hfuzz0.1pt \leftskip0pt \rightskip0pt minus 0.23pt \hyphenpenalty0 \exhyphenpenalty12 \doublehyphendemerits1000 \or%4 \tolerance1600 \pretolerance800 \emergencystretch0.12\textwidth% default 0; AJ says 2em for fontinst fonts \hfuzz0.1pt \leftskip0pt minus0.1pt \rightskip0pt minus0.34pt \hyphenpenalty=0 \exhyphenpenalty=0 \doublehyphendemerits100 \or%5 --- sloppier than sloppy for psfounts in 2 cols \tolerance9999 \pretolerance1600 \emergencystretch0.21\textwidth% \hfuzz0.1pt \vfuzz0.5pt \leftskip0pt minus0.15pt \rightskip0pt minus0.5pt \hyphenpenalty0 \exhyphenpenalty0 \doublehyphendemerits0 \else \GenericError{} {This can't happen} {See the rmpage package documentation for further information} {Maybe it has; I think I have a bug} \fi \if@twocolumn \emergencystretch0.5\emergencystretch \fi } % % Then set the level of typesetting tightness that has been set by the % code above. % \sloppiness{\RM@looseoption} %% %% %% \subsection{Change date format if asked} %% \ifRM@nicedate% From nicedate.sty; changed \def\today{% \ifcase\day\or 1st\or 2nd\or 3rd\or 4th\or 5th\or% 6th\or 7th\or 8th\or 9th\or 10th\or 11th\or 12th\or 13th\or 14th\or% 15th\or 16th\or 17th\or 18th\or 19th\or 20th\or 21st\or 22nd\or% 23rd\or 24th\or 25th\or 26th\or 27th\or 28th\or 29th\or 30th\or% 31st\else 666th\fi\space% \ifcase\month\or% January\or February\or March\or April\or May\or June\or % July\or August\or September\or October\or November\or % December\else yraunaJ\fi\space% \number\year}% \fi %% %% %% \subsection{Report final layout etc parameters} %% \RM@ocl{3} { \typeout{\RM@percentsign} \typeout{\RM@percentsign\space -----------------------} \typeout{\RM@percentsign\space LaTeX layout parameters} \typeout{\RM@percentsign\space -----------------------} \typeout{\RM@percentsign} \RM@ttval{\paperheight} \RM@ttval{\textheight} \RM@ttval{\paperwidth} \RM@ttval{\textwidth} } { \PackageInfo{rmpage}{LaTeX layout parameters} \RM@infotheval{\paperheight} \RM@infotheval{\textheight} \RM@infotheval{\paperwidth} \RM@infotheval{\textwidth} }% end \RM@ocl{3}: report main final values \RM@ocl{2}{ \RM@ttval{\topmargin} \RM@ttval{\headsep} \RM@ttval{\headheight} \RM@ttval{\footskip} \RM@ttval{\columnsep} \RM@ttval{\marginparsep} \RM@ttval{\marginparwidth} \RM@ttval{\evensidemargin} \RM@ttval{\oddsidemargin} \ifRM@nicedate \typeout{\RM@percentsign\space ! Redefined the \protect\today\space command} \fi \ifnum\RM@looseoption=0 \else \typeout{\RM@percentsign\space Changed LaTeX linebreaking parameters:} \RM@ttval{\tolerance} \RM@ttval{\pretolerance} \RM@ttval{\emergencystretch} \RM@ttval{\hfuzz} \RM@ttval{\leftskip} \RM@ttval{\rightskip} \RM@ttval{\hyphenpenalty} \RM@ttval{\exhyphenpenalty} \RM@ttval{\doublehyphendemerits} \typeout{\RM@percentsign\space End changed LaTeX linebreaking parameters} \fi \typeout{\RM@percentsign} \typeout{\RM@percentsign\space ---------------------------} \typeout{\RM@percentsign\space End LaTeX layout parameters} \typeout{\RM@percentsign\space ---------------------------} \typeout{\RM@percentsign} \setlength\@tempdima{\paperwidth} \addtolength\@tempdima{-\textwidth} \typeout{\space\space\space \paperwidth-\textwidth = \the\@tempdima} \setlength\@tempdimb{\oddsidemargin} \addtolength\@tempdimb{1in} \setlength\@tempdima{\evensidemargin} \addtolength\@tempdima{1in} \typeout{\space\space\space \evensidemargin + 1in = \the\@tempdima} \typeout{\space\space\space \oddsidemargin + 1in = \the\@tempdimb} \setlength\@tempdima{\evensidemargin} \addtolength\@tempdima{1in} \setlength\@tempdima{-\@tempdima} \addtolength\@tempdima{\paperwidth} \addtolength\@tempdima{-\textwidth} \typeout{\space\space\space opposite evensidemargin = \the\@tempdima} \setlength\@tempdima{\oddsidemargin} \addtolength\@tempdima{1in} \setlength\@tempdima{-\@tempdima} \addtolength\@tempdima{\paperwidth} \addtolength\@tempdima{-\textwidth} \typeout{\space\space\space opposite oddsidemargin = \the\@tempdima} \RM@ttval{\baselineskip} \typeout{\protect\rmpage\space package parameters} \RM@ttval{\RM@totalfootclearance} \RM@ttval{\RM@totalheadclearance} \RM@tval{\RM@minrightclearance} \RM@tval{\RM@minleftclearance} \RM@tval{\RM@minheadclearance} \RM@tval{\RM@minfootclearance} \RM@tval{\RM@mintextwidth} \RM@tval{\RM@maxtextwidth} \RM@tval{\RM@mintextheight} \RM@tval{\RM@maxtextheight} \RM@tval{\RM@minbottommargin} \RM@tval{\RM@mintopmargin} \RM@tval{\RM@mininsidemargin} \RM@tval{\RM@minoutsidemargin} \RM@ttval{\RM@ptperchar} \RM@ttval{\RM@offsetfrac} \RM@tval{\RM@textcols} \RM@ttval{\RM@mparclearance} \RM@ttval{\RM@maxmparwidth} \RM@tval{\RM@ifbeton} \ifcase\RM@looseoption \typeout{tight typesetting} \or\typeout{looseish typesetting} \or\typeout{loose typesetting} \or\typeout{looser typesetting} \or\typeout{loosest typesetting} \or\typeout{psuedo sloppy typesetting} \else \ifnum\RM@looseoption=205 \RM@Error{Undefined typesetting tightness} {A bug has evolved: Rowland should fix this.} \else \RM@Error{Unknown typesetting tightness} {A silly bug has evolved: Rowland should be hassled for inventing it} \fi% endifnum \fi% endifcase }{}% end \RM@ocl{2}: report final values \RM@ocl{1}{ \RM@ttval{\RM@widthoption} \RM@ttval{\RM@lengthoption} \RM@ttval{\RM@headsepoption} \RM@ttval{\RM@footskipoption} \RM@ttval{\RM@columnsepoption} \RM@ttval{\RM@mparsepoption} \RM@ttval{\RM@mparclearoption} \RM@ttval{\RM@offsetoption} \RM@ttval{\RM@totalheadfootclearance} \RM@tval{\RM@mintotalheadfootclearance} \RM@tval{\RM@maxtotalheadfootclearance} \RM@tval{\RM@maxpractextheight} \RM@tval{\RM@minpractextheight} \RM@tval{\RM@classtype} \RM@tval{\RM@textheightgroup} \RM@tval{\RM@textwidthgroup} \RM@tval{\RM@printertype} \RM@tval{\RM@ptrrlandclear} \RM@tval{\RM@ptrllandclear} \RM@tval{\RM@ptrtlandclear} \RM@tval{\RM@ptrblandclear} \RM@tval{\RM@ptrrportclear} \RM@tval{\RM@ptrlportclear} \RM@tval{\RM@ptrtportclear} \RM@tval{\RM@ptrbportclear} \RM@tval{\RM@ptrpostol} \RM@tval{\RM@papertype} \RM@tval{\RM@longpapertype} \ifRM@portlandinvert \typeout{\space\space\space \protect\RM@portlandinvert\space is true} \else \typeout{\space\space\space \protect\RM@portlandinvert\space is false} \fi \ifRM@portrait \typeout{\space\space\space \protect\RM@portrait\space is true} \else \typeout{\space\space\space \protect\RM@portrait\space is false} \fi \RM@tval{\RM@ptsize} \RM@tval{\RM@ptsizegroup} \typeout{End \protect\rmpage\space package parameters} \RM@OnClassType{5}{}{% Not for slides class \typeout{\space\space\space Point size: 1\@ptsize pt} \RM@tval{\@ptsize}} }{}% end \RM@ocl{1}: report final values %% %% %% \subsection{Re-set \comname{baselineskip} if needed after beton changes} %% % If beton settings have been made, it's probably best to re-set the % selected fount size to what it was before I selected \normalsize % with beton's \baselineskip. But it's got to be done after all the % reporting, so the correct value of \comname{baselineskip} is reported. % % If a new size/baselineskip pair was selected because the beton % option had been specified, and the beton package loaded, un-do the % changes using the saved values. This is probably unnecessary, but % you never know what might be making assumptions about things. % \@ifpackagewith{beton}{standard-baselineskips}{}% Do nought if ... { % If beton was loaded without the standard-baselineskips option, % reset the fount size/baselineskip to whatever it was before rmpage % changed it to what rmpage thinks beton will change it to. Can't say % I like this, but do you have a better idea? \ifnum\RM@ifbeton<2 \let\@setfontsize=\beton@old@setfontsize \fontsize{\RM@ldf@size}{\RM@ldf@baselineskip} \selectfont \fi% endifnum\RM@ifbeton<2 } %% %% %% \subsection{Erm, a message about warnings in the log file} %% \ifRM@infowarned \RM@Warn{I have printed some warnings in the log file} \fi% endifRM@infowarned % % %% %% %% \section{Free up some space} %% %% %% \subsection{Empty stuff from rmpage} %% % The following \let\XXX=\@empty construction allegedy clears memory. I % don't know where I got the idea, but I'll try it and see if it works. % \let\RM@chatlevel\@undefined \let\RM@ocl\@undefined \let\RM@oclwarninfo\@undefined \let\RM@ttval\@undefined \let\RM@tval\@undefined \let\RM@looseoption\@undefined \let\RM@classtype\@undefined \let\RM@fountfamily\@undefined \let\RM@lengthoption\@undefined \let\RM@widthoption\@undefined \let\RM@offsetoption\@undefined \let\RM@printertype\@undefined \let\RM@papertype\@undefined \let\RM@ptrrportclear\@undefined \let\RM@ptrlportclear\@undefined \let\RM@ptrtportclear\@undefined \let\RM@ptrbportclear\@undefined \let\RM@ptrrlandclear\@undefined \let\RM@ptrllandclear\@undefined \let\RM@ptrtlandclear\@undefined \let\RM@ptrblandclear\@undefined \let\RM@minoutsidemargin\@undefined \let\RM@mininsidemargin\@undefined \let\RM@mintopmargin\@undefined \let\RM@minbottommargin\@undefined \let\RM@minrightclearance\@undefined \let\RM@minleftclearance\@undefined \let\RM@minfootclearance\@undefined \let\RM@minheadclearance\@undefined \let\RM@maxmparwidth\@undefined \let\RM@footersfalse\@undefined \let\RM@footerstrue\@undefined \let\ifRM@footers\@undefined \let\RM@headersfalse\@undefined \let\RM@headerstrue\@undefined \let\ifRM@headers\@undefined \let\ifRM@loadfount\@undefined \let\RM@loadfounttrue\@undefined \let\RM@loadfountfalse\@undefined \let\ifRM@nicedate\@undefined \let\RM@nicedatetrue\@undefined \let\RM@nicedatefalse\@undefined \let\ifRM@adaptivecolsep\@undefined \let\RM@adaptivecolseptrue\@undefined \let\RM@adaptivecolsepfalse\@undefined \let\ifRM@centre\@undefined \let\RM@centretrue\@undefined \let\RM@centrefalse\@undefined \let\ifRM@twoside\@undefined \let\RM@twosidetrue\@undefined \let\RM@twosidefalse\@undefined \let\RM@textcols\@undefined \let\ifRM@portrait\@undefined \let\RM@portraittrue\@undefined \let\RM@portraitfalse\@undefined \let\ifRM@stdmargins\@undefined \let\RM@stdmarginstrue\@undefined \let\RM@stdmarginsfalse\@undefined \let\ifRM@infowarned\@undefined \let\RM@infowarnedtrue\@undefined \let\RM@infowarnedfalse\@undefined \let\RM@ifbeton\@undefined \let\RM@ldf@baselineskip\@undefined \let\RM@ldf@size\@undefined \let\RM@OnPortraitPaperSize\@undefined \let\RM@OnLandscapePaperSize\@undefined \let\RM@OnPrinterType\@undefined \let\RM@PrinterPaperSettings\@undefined \let\RM@longpapertype\@undefined \let\RM@Error\@undefined \let\RM@Warn\@undefined \let\RM@portlandinverttrue\@undefined \let\RM@portlandinvertfalse\@undefined \let\ifRM@portlandinvert\@undefined \let\RM@ptrpostol\@undefined \let\RM@widthsetter\@undefined \let\RM@OnClassType\@undefined \let\RM@textheightgroup\@undefined \let\RM@BeforeProcessOptions\@undefined \let\RM@AfterProcessOptions\@undefined \let\RM@DefineNewClasses\@undefined \let\RM@PrinterPaperSettings\@undefined \let\RM@BeforeWidthSetting\@undefined \let\RM@AfterWidthSetting\@undefined \let\RM@scalebyoption\@undefined \let\ifRM@jackup\@undefined \let\RM@jackupfalse\@undefined \let\RM@jackuptrue\@undefined \let\RM@noffilew\@undefined \let\RM@notinexecuteoptions\@undefined \let\RM@SetClassType\@undefined \let\RM@OnClassExecuteOptions\@undefined \let\RM@OnTextheightGroup\@undefined \let\RM@totalheadfootclearance\@undefined \let\RM@totalfootclearance\@undefined \let\RM@totalheadclearance\@undefined \let\RM@OnPaperSize\@undefined \let\RM@infotheval\@undefined \let\RM@minpractextheight\@undefined \let\RM@maxtotalheadfootclearance\@undefined \let\RM@maxpractextheight\@undefined \let\RM@mintotalheadfootclearance\@undefined \let\RM@setpsloose\@undefined \let\RM@SetLengthAtLeast\@undefined \let\RM@DefLengthAtLeast\@undefined \let\RM@textwidthgroup\@undefined \let\RM@ptsizegroup\@undefined \let\RM@AfterInitialTextwidthSetting\@undefined %% %% %% \subsection{Clear rmpwnorm stuff} %% \let\RM@setptperchar\@undefined \let\RM@ptperchar\@undefined \let\RM@offsetfrac\@undefined \let\RM@OnWidthOption\@undefined \let\RM@setthisfountptperchar\@undefined % \let\@undefined % \let\@undefined % % % don't \let\RM@ptsize\@undefined; maybe want to see it in document % % Finis \endinput