% \iffalse % $Id: sageep.dtx,v 1.7 2009-01-14 21:43:46 boris Exp $ % % Copyright 2008, Boris Veytsman % This work may be distributed and/or modified under the % conditions of the LaTeX Project Public License, either % version 1.3 of this license or (at your option) any % later version. % The latest version of the license is in % http://www.latex-project.org/lppl.txt % and version 1.3 or later is part of all distributions of % LaTeX version 2005/12/01 or later. % % This work has the LPPL maintenance status `maintained'. % % The Current Maintainer of this work is Boris Veytsman, % <borisv@lk.net> % % This work consists of the files sageep.dtx, sageep.bst and the % derived file sageep.cls % % \fi % \CheckSum{129} % % %% \CharacterTable %% {Upper-case \A\B\C\D\E\F\G\H\I\J\K\L\M\N\O\P\Q\R\S\T\U\V\W\X\Y\Z %% Lower-case \a\b\c\d\e\f\g\h\i\j\k\l\m\n\o\p\q\r\s\t\u\v\w\x\y\z %% Digits \0\1\2\3\4\5\6\7\8\9 %% Exclamation \! Double quote \" Hash (number) \# %% Dollar \$ Percent \% Ampersand \& %% Acute accent \' Left paren \( Right paren \) %% Asterisk \* Plus \+ Comma \, %% Minus \- Point \. Solidus \/ %% Colon \: Semicolon \; Less than \< %% Equals \= Greater than \> Question mark \? %% Commercial at \@ Left bracket \[ Backslash \\ %% Right bracket \] Circumflex \^ Underscore \_ %% Grave accent \` Left brace \{ Vertical bar \| %% Right brace \} Tilde \~} % %\iffalse % Taken from xkeyval.dtx %\fi %\makeatletter %\def\DescribeOption#1{\leavevmode\@bsphack % \marginpar{\raggedleft\PrintDescribeOption{#1}}% % \SpecialOptionIndex{#1}\@esphack\ignorespaces} %\def\PrintDescribeOption#1{\strut\emph{option}\\\MacroFont #1\ } %\def\SpecialOptionIndex#1{\@bsphack % \index{#1\actualchar{\protect\ttfamily#1} % (option)\encapchar usage}% % \index{options:\levelchar#1\actualchar{\protect\ttfamily#1}\encapchar % usage}\@esphack} %\def\DescribeOptions#1{\leavevmode\@bsphack % \marginpar{\raggedleft\strut\emph{options}% % \@for\@tempa:=#1\do{% % \\\strut\MacroFont\@tempa\SpecialOptionIndex\@tempa % }}\@esphack\ignorespaces} %\makeatother % \newcommand{\progname}[1]{\textsf{#1}} % % \MakeShortVerb{|} % \GetFileInfo{sageep.dtx} % \title{\LaTeX{} Style for Environmental and Engineering Geophysical % Society's Annual Meeting Papers % \thanks{\copyright 2008, Boris Veytsman}} % \author{Boris Veytsman\thanks{% % \href{mailto:borisv@lk.net}{\texttt{borisv@lk.net}}, % \href{mailto:boris@varphi.com}{\texttt{boris@varphi.com}}}} % \date{\filedate, \fileversion} % \maketitle % \begin{abstract} % This package provides class for typesetting papers for % Environmental and Engineering Geophysical Society's Annual % Meeting, SAGEEP. It is based on the recommendations for % SAGEEP-2009. % \end{abstract} % \changes{v0.1}{2008/12/19}{First fully functional version} % \changes{v1.0}{2009/01/14}{First publicly released version} % \tableofcontents % % \clearpage %\section{Introduction} %\label{sec:intro} % % The Environmental and Engineering Geophysical Society (EEGS) is an % international scientific organization with about 700 % members~\cite{EEGS_web_site}. One of its main activities is its % annual meetings, the Application of Geophysics to Engineering and % Environmental Problems (SAGEEP). The papers for this meeting are % accepted as PDF files. This class typesets papers according to the % guidelines~\cite{SAGEEP09}, intended for SAGEEP-2009. It should % probably work for the future SAGEEP, unless EEGS changes its % guidelines. % % The class was commissioned and paid for by US Army Corps of % Engineers, Engineer Research and Development Center, 3909 Halls % Ferry Road, Vicksburg, MS 39180-6199. % % %\section{User Guide} %\label{sec:user_guide} % % % %\subsection{Installation} %\label{sec:ug_install} % % The class uses some \LaTeX{} packages. Normally they should be % present in any up-to-date distribution. If you do not have them, % you can download them using the links below prior to using the class. % % You will need \progname{PSFNSS}~\cite{Schmidt04:PSNFSS9.2}: the % \LaTeX{} package providing the access to common PostScript fonts. % Of course you will need the fonts themselves. You will also need % packages \progname{geometry}~\cite{Umeki08:Geometry}, % \progname{caption}~cite{Sommerfeldt07:Caption} and % \progname{natbib}~\cite{Daly07:Natbib}. % % % The installation of the class follows the usual % practice~\cite{TeXFAQ} for \LaTeX{} packages: % \begin{enumerate} % \item Run \progname{latex} on |sageep.ins|. This will produce the % \LaTeX{} class |sageep.cls|. % \item Put the files |sageep.cls| and |sageep.bst| to % the places where \LaTeX{} and Bib\TeX{} can find them (see % \cite{TeXFAQ} or the documentation for your \TeX{} % system).\label{item:install} % \item Update the database of file names. Again, see \cite{TeXFAQ} % or the documentation for your \TeX{} system for the system-specific % details.\label{item:update} % \item The file |sageep.pdf| provides the documentation for the % package (this is the file you are probably reading now). % \end{enumerate} % As an alternative to items~\ref{item:install} and~\ref{item:update} % you can just put the files |sageep.cls| and |sageep.bst| in the % working directory where your |.tex| file is. % % %\subsection{Invocation} %\label{sec:ug_invocation} % % To use the class, put in the preamble of your document % \begin{flushleft} % |\documentclass[|\meta{options}|]{sageep}| % \end{flushleft} % % The class recoginzes the standard \LaTeX{} options, shared by the % most document classes~\cite{Lamport94}. % \DescribeOptions{8pt,9pt,10pt,11pt,12pt} The default font size % changing options (|8pt|, |9pt|, \dots, |12pt|) have no effect other % than producing a warning in the log. % % %\subsection{Use of the Class} %\label{sec:ug_use} % % Most of the standard \LaTeX{} commands work with the class. Here we % document only the differences from the standard system. % % %\subsubsection{Front Matter} %\label{sec:ug_frontmatter} % % % \DescribeMacro{\title} % \DescribeMacro{\author} % \DescribeMacro{\maketitle} % The |\title| command works as usual. The |\author| command should % include both the author's name and affiliation in the format % described in~\cite{SAGEEP09} (first name, middle initial, last % name, name of organization/institution, city and state abbreviation % or country). For papers with several authors you can issue several % |\author| commands. For example, % \begin{verbatim} % \author{Sam A. Llaun, Academy of Lagado, Lagado, Balnibarbi} % \author{James Incandenza, Interdependence University, Boston, MA} % \end{verbatim} % The command |\maketitle| should be put \emph{after} |\title| and % |\author| commands. % % %\subsubsection{Sections} %\label{sec:ug_sections} % % \DescribeMacro{section} % The sections in SAGEEP articles are unnumbered. Accordingly, the % command |\section| does not produce section number (and is % equivalent to the command |\section*|). % % There is a certain inconsistency in the format % guidelines~\cite{SAGEEP09}: the text says that section headings % should be in initial caps, while the headings in the sample are % uppercase. Therefore the class does not change the case of the % headings and subheadings. If % you enter them with initial caps, they will be typeset with initial % caps. If you enter them in upper case, they will be typeset in % upper case. % % Note that ``Abstract'' should be the first section of the paper. The % other obligatory sections are ``Conclusions'' and ``References''. % % %\subsubsection{Tables and Figures} %\label{sec:ug_floats} % % \DescribeMacro{\caption} % There is an important difference between the style of tables % required by~\cite{SAGEEP09} and the standard \LaTeX{} style: the % caption of a table must be placed \emph{above} the table rather than % below it. The class takes care of the proper spacing between the % caption and the table body, but it is your responsibility to put % the |\caption| command in a table first, and then the body of the % table, for example: % \begin{verbatim} % \begin{table}[htbp] % \caption{North American Paper Sizes} % \label{tab:paper} % \begin{tabular}{lll} % \hline % Size & in $\times$ in &mm $\times$ mm\\ % \hline % Letter &8.5 $\times$ 11 &216 $\times$ 279\\ % Legal &8.5 $\times$ 14 &216 $\times$ 356\\ % Junior Legal &8 x 5 &\\ % Ledger &17 $\times$ 11 &432 $\times$ 279\\ % Tabloid &11 $\times$ 17 &279 $\times$ 432\\ % \hline % \end{tabular} % \end{table} % \end{verbatim} % Do not center table or figure body. % % To include graphics you can use, for example, the % \progname{graphics} bundle~\cite{Carlisle05:Graphics}. It is % \emph{not} loaded automatically. % % %\subsubsection{References} %\label{sec:ug_refs} % % \DescribeMacro{\cite} % The class loads \progname{natbib} package~\cite{Daly07:Natbib} to % properly format the references. It also redefines |\cite| to work % as |\citep|, producing a parenthetical (author, year) citation. You % can get the other forms of citation using |\citet|, |\citeauthor| or % |\citeyear| commands of \progname{natbib}. % % The Bib\TeX{} style |sageep.bst| is supplied with the class to % format the list of references. If you use Bib\TeX, just select this % bibliography style with |\bibliographystyle{sageep}|. % % \changes{v0.2}{2009/01/11}{Bibliography style change for manuals} % This style has a non-standard treatment of manuals as required by % SAGEEP style: the organization that published the manual is used as % an author of the manual for sorting and citation purposes. Of % course this means that manuals should not have real authors, which % is usually the case with technical manuals. % %\StopEventually{% % \clearpage % \bibliography{sageep} % \bibliographystyle{unsrt}} % \clearpage %\section{Implementation} %\label{sec:impl} % %\subsection{Identification} %\label{sec:ident} % % We start with the declaration who we are. Most |.dtx| files put % driver code in a separate driver file |.drv|. We roll this code into the % main file, and use the pseudo-guard |<gobble>| for it. % \begin{macrocode} %<class>\NeedsTeXFormat{LaTeX2e} %<*gobble> \ProvidesFile{sageep.dtx} %</gobble> %<class>\ProvidesClass{sageep} [2009/01/14 v1.0 Typesetting Papers for Environmental and Engineering Geophysical Society's Annual Meeting] % \end{macrocode} % % And the driver code: % \begin{macrocode} %<*gobble> \documentclass{ltxdoc} \usepackage{array} \usepackage{url,amsfonts} \usepackage[breaklinks,colorlinks,linkcolor=black,citecolor=black, pagecolor=black,urlcolor=black,hyperindex=false]{hyperref} \PageIndex \CodelineIndex \RecordChanges \EnableCrossrefs \begin{document} \DocInput{sageep.dtx} \end{document} %</gobble> %<*class> % \end{macrocode} % % %\subsection{Options} %\label{sec:options} % % \begin{macro}{\sageep@size@warning} % The font-changing options are not used in our setup, so we just % produce a warning: % \begin{macrocode} \long\def\sageep@size@warning#1{% \ClassWarning{sageep}{Size-changing option #1 will not be honored}}% \DeclareOption{8pt}{\sageep@size@warning{\CurrentOption}}% \DeclareOption{9pt}{\sageep@size@warning{\CurrentOption}}% \DeclareOption{10pt}{\sageep@size@warning{\CurrentOption}}% \DeclareOption{11pt}{\sageep@size@warning{\CurrentOption}}% \DeclareOption{12pt}{\sageep@size@warning{\CurrentOption}}% % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % All other options are just sent to the main class: % \begin{macrocode} \DeclareOption*{\PassOptionsToClass{\CurrentOption}{book}} \ProcessOptions\relax % \end{macrocode} % %\subsection{Loading Class and Packages} %\label{sec:loading} % % We start with the base class % \begin{macrocode} \LoadClass[12pt]{article} % \end{macrocode} % %\subsection{Fonts} %\label{sec:fonts} % % We use Times for the main font. The guidelines say nothing about other % fonts, but to reproduce the familiar look, we also use Helvetica for % the sans serifed font, and Courier for the monospaced font: % \begin{macrocode} \usepackage{mathptmx} \usepackage[scaled]{helvet} \usepackage{courier} % \end{macrocode} % %\subsection{Page Dimensions and Paragraphing} %\label{sec:page} % % The requirements are 0.75'' margin top, left and right, and 1'' % bottom. % % \begin{macrocode} \RequirePackage[top=0.75in, left=0.75in, right=0.75in, bottom=1in]{geometry} % \end{macrocode} % % % \begin{macro}{\parindent} % The paragraphs have 0.5'' indentation % \begin{macrocode} \setlength{\parindent}{0.5in} % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % We indent even the paragraphs after section heads: % \begin{macrocode} \RequirePackage{indentfirst} % \end{macrocode} % % %\subsection{Headers and Footers} %\label{sec:headers} % % No footers or headers: % \begin{macrocode} \pagestyle{empty} % \end{macrocode} % % % %\subsection{Front Matter} %\label{sec:frontmatter} % % \begin{macro}{\author} % The |\author| command can be repeated. Each invocation adds an % author and affiliation to the list of authors. The following is % adapted from~\cite{Downes04:amsart}. % \begin{macrocode} \renewcommand{\author}[1]{% \ifx\@empty\authors \gdef\authors{#1}% \else \g@addto@macro\authors{\and#1}% \fi} \let\authors\@empty % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % % \begin{macro}{\maketitle} % Now we are ready to make the title. The title and authors are % centered. % \begin{macrocode} \def\maketitle{% \bgroup \centering \ifx\@empty\@title\relax \else {\large\bfseries\MakeUppercase{\@title}\par\vspace{\baselineskip}}% \fi \ifx\@empty\authors\relax \else {\let\and=\linebreak \normalfont\itshape\authors\par\vspace{\baselineskip}}% \fi \egroup} % \end{macrocode} % % \end{macro} % % %\subsection{Sectioning} %\label{sec:sectioning} % % % We do not number sections: % \begin{macrocode} \setcounter{secnumdepth}{0} % \end{macrocode} % % % \begin{macro}{\section} % Sections are in 14\,pt bold centered. % \begin{macrocode} \renewcommand\section{\@startsection{section}{1}{0pt}{\baselineskip}% {\baselineskip}{\normalfont\centering\large\bfseries}} % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % % \begin{macro}{\subsection} % Subsections are bold, italics, normal size: % \begin{macrocode} \renewcommand\subsection{\@startsection{subsection}{2}{0pt}{\baselineskip}% {1sp}{\normalfont\normalsize\itshape\bfseries}} % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % % %\subsection{Floats} %\label{sec:floats} % % We use \progname{caption} package~\cite{Sommerfeldt07:Caption} for % control of captions: % \begin{macrocode} \RequirePackage{caption} % \end{macrocode} % % Captions are justified left with ``Figure'' or ``table'' in boldface: % \begin{macrocode} \captionsetup{labelfont=bf, indent=0pt, singlelinecheck=off} % \end{macrocode} % % For tables the caption is above the table: % \begin{macrocode} \captionsetup[table]{position=above} % \end{macrocode} % % \changes{v0.2}{2009/01/11}{Changed floats parameters} % We change the parameters of float placement according to the % recommendations from~\cite{Oostrum97:Floats}: % \begin{macrocode} \renewcommand{\textfraction}{0.05} \renewcommand{\topfraction}{0.95} \renewcommand{\bottomfraction}{0.95} \renewcommand{\floatpagefraction}{0.35} \setcounter{totalnumber}{5} % \end{macrocode} % % % %\subsection{Bibliography} %\label{sec:biblio} % % We use \progname{natbib}~\cite{Daly07:Natbib}. % \begin{macrocode} \RequirePackage[round]{natbib} % \end{macrocode} % \begin{macro}{\cite} % We redefine |\cite| to be |\citep|: % \begin{macrocode} \let\cite=\citep % \end{macrocode} % % \end{macro} % % \subsection{The final word} %\label{sec:final} % % \begin{macrocode} %</class> % \end{macrocode} % %\Finale %\clearpage % %\PrintChanges %\clearpage %\PrintIndex % \endinput