# The `sectionbreak` package This package provides LaTeX support for section breaks, used mainly in fiction books to signal changes in a story, like changes in time, location, etc. (Source: [Wikipedia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Section_(typography))). ## Package options There are several package options: `disable` : disable section break printing. `mark` : characters printed in the center of the section break. It is space by default, common value might be `***` for example. `asterism` : request [asterism](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Asterism_(typography)) as a section mark. `preskip` : Amount of space printed before the section mark. It should be a dimension unit supported by TeX. `postskip` : Similar to `preskip`, but it is a space printed after the section mark. `skip` : Set both `preskip` and `postskip` to the same value. `style` : LaTeX commands for font style change, like `\bfseries`, for example. ## Commands `\sectionbreak[<mark>]` : print the section break. Optional argument can contain content which should be printed in the break center. `\sectionbreakmark{<mark>}` : set the content printed in the following `\sectionbreak` commands. `\asterism` : print the asterism (\asterism) symbol. ## The `tex4ht` support The `sectionbreak` package has support for `tex4ht`, so it is possible to use this package in conversion to `HTML` or other formats supported by this conversion system. It provides the following configurations: `\Configure{sectionbreak}{before section break }{after section}` : this configuration can be used for insertion of a box around the section break mark, which can be styled using CSS to print the blank space around the content. `\Configure{asterism}{code which replaces the asterism symbol}` : the asterism symbol is configured to use Unicode for it's rendering by default. This method might be unsupported by some devices like e-Ink readers, so it is possible to set a different code using this configuration. # Example \documentclass[12pt]{article} \usepackage[asterism]{sectionbreak} \begin{document} Section separated by three exclamation marks. \sectionbreak[!!!] Section separated by asterism section mark requested in \texttt{\textbackslash usepackage}. \sectionbreak Section separated by a rule. \sectionbreakmark{\rule{10em}{3pt}} \sectionbreak \end{document} % <img src="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/michal-h21/sectionbreak/master/sectionbreak-example.png" > % <!-- Section separated by three exclamation marks. \sectionbreak[!!!] Section separated by asterism section mark requested in \texttt{\textbackslash usepackage}. \sectionbreak Section separated by a rule. \sectionbreakmark{\rule{10em}{3pt}} \sectionbreak % --> # License This package is copyright 2017--2018 Michal Hoftich. It may be distributed and/or modified under the conditions of the [LaTeX Project Public License](http://www.latex-project.org/lppl.txt), either version 1.3 of this license or (at your option) any later version. This work has the LPPL maintenance status `maintained'.