# ShangHaiTech university THESIS (shtthesis) [](https://github.com/lirundong/shtthesis/actions) [](https://github.com/lirundong/shtthesis/releases/latest) [](https://ctan.org/pkg/shtthesis) [](https://www.overleaf.com/latex/templates/shanghaitech-university-thesis-template/mskbxkmfxqpt) `shtthesis` project, forked from [`ucasthesis`](https://github.com/mohuangrui/ucasthesis), is an **unofficial** LaTeX thesis template for ShanghaiTech University and satisfies all format requirements of graduate/undergraduate thesis. The user just need to set `\documentclass{shtthesis}` and to setup mandatory information via `\shtsetup`, then his or her thesis document will be typeset properly: ```latex \documentclass[master]{shtthesis} \shtsetup{ title = {������������}, title* = {Title~of~Thesis}, author = {������������}, author* = {Name~of~Author}, % ... } \begin{document} % ... ``` ## Get the Template - Stable version: Install or download with any of following methods - CTAN (**highly recommended**): [`shtthesis`](https://ctan.org/pkg/shtthesis) package on CTAN can be installed via `tlmgr` for TeX Live and MacTeX users: ```bash tlmgr install shtthesis ``` If your distribution already contains `shtthesis`, please update it to the latest version: ```bash tlmgr update shtthesis ``` **Note**: `shtthesis` package on CTAN does not include the university logo file. Please download [`shanghaitech-emblem.pdf`](https://github.com/lirundong/shtthesis/raw/v0.3/shanghaitech-emblem.pdf) from this repository and put it in the root of your project directory. - [Overleaf](https://www.overleaf.com/latex/templates/shanghaitech-university-thesis-template/mskbxkmfxqpt): Please compile with XeLaTeX. Since compilation time for Overleaf free-plan is limited to *1 minute*, you might encounter with timeout issue if compiling with LuaLaTeX - GitHub Release: Please refer to the [release](https://github.com/lirundong/shtthesis/releases) page and download required files based on release information - Develop version: Directly clone the GitHub repo ```bash git clone https://github.com/lirundong/shtthesis.git ``` Please, read through [the user's guide](http://mirrors.ctan.org/macros/latex/contrib/shtthesis/shtthesis-user-guide.pdf) before continuing. ## Get Started After cloning or downloading this template, please 0. Install a modern TeX distribution **in full scheme**: - Windows or Linux: [TeX Live](https://www.tug.org/texlive/) - macOS: [MacTeX](https://www.tug.org/mactex/) 1. Open your terminal (CMD for Windows users) and switch to this directory, compile this template by `latexmk` tool with LuaLaTeX or XeLaTeX engine (**note**: pdfLaTeX is not supported): ```bash latexmk -pdflua # if you prefer XeLaTeX engine: # latexmk -pdfxe ``` the output file `shtthesis-user-guide.pdf` is the compiled user guide document 2. Open the document source file [shtthesis-user-guide.tex](shtthesis-user-guide.tex) and enjoy TeXing :smirk: ## License - The copyright of ShanghaiTech University logo (`shanghaitech-emblem.pdf`) is owned by ShanghaiTech University - The rest of `shtthesis` project is licensed under GNU Public License v3, see [LICENSE](LICENSE) for details