% \iffalse meta-comment % % Copyright (C) 2010-2013 by Daniel Majoros % % This file may be distributed and/or modified under the % conditions of the LaTeX Project Public License, either % version 1.2 of this license or (at your option) any later % version. The latest version of this license is in: % % http://www.latex-project.org/lppl.txt % % and version 1.2 or later is part of all distributions of % LaTeX version 1999/12/01 or later. % % \fi % %\iffalse %<package>\NeedsTeXFormat{LaTeX2e} %<package>\ProvidesPackage{simplecd} %<package> [2013/02/28 v1.4 Simple CD, DVD covers and many more] % %<*driver> \documentclass{ltxdoc} \usepackage{simplecd} \usepackage{graphicx} \usepackage{float} \usepackage{listings} %Provides clickable links in content tables, references \usepackage[hyperindex=false,% pdftitle={simplecd},% pdfauthor={Daniel Majoros},% pdfsubject={CD, DVD and other media covers and labels},% pdfkeywords={cover,cd,dvd,bluray,sheet,keepcase,layout,disk,zip,VHS}]{hyperref} \EnableCrossrefs \CodelineIndex \RecordChanges \begin{document} \lstset{language=[LaTeX]Tex} \lstset{numbers=left, numberstyle=\tiny, stepnumber=1, numbersep=5pt} \lstset{gobble=1,float,frame=tb} \lstset{tabsize=2} \DocInput{./simplecd.dtx} \end{document} %</driver> %\fi % % \CheckSum{1464} % % \CharacterTable % {Upper-case \A\B\C\D\E\F\G\H\I\J\K\L\M\N\O\P\Q\R\S\T\U\V\W\X\Y\Z % Lower-case \a\b\c\d\e\f\g\h\i\j\k\l\m\n\o\p\q\r\s\t\u\v\w\x\y\z % Digits \0\1\2\3\4\5\6\7\8\9 % Exclamation \! Double quote \" Hash (number) \# % Dollar \$ Percent \% Ampersand \& % Acute accent \' Left paren \( Right paren \) % Asterisk \* Plus \+ Comma \, % Minus \- Point \. Solidus \/ % Colon \: Semicolon \; Less than \< % Equals \= Greater than \> Question mark \? % Commercial at \@ Left bracket \[ Backslash \\ % Right bracket \] Circumflex \^ Underscore \_ % Grave accent \` Left brace \{ Vertical bar \| % Right brace \} Tilde \~} % % \changes{v1.0}{2010/07/01}{Initial version} % \changes{v1.1}{2012/11/04}{Rewrote drawing mechanism, added layouts, disk images, additional covers} % \changes{v1.2}{2012/12/21}{Added new layouts and many new covers, labels} % \changes{v1.3}{2013/01/26}{Added nohcenter option, more layouts and singlesheet} % \changes{v1.4}{2013/02/28}{Made unitlength setting local} % % \DoNotIndex{\newline,\\,\space,\begin,\end,\rule,\cline,\hspace,\vspace,\centering,\DeclareRobustCommand,\{,\},\ } % \DoNotIndex{\newcommand,\newlength,\setlength,\parbox,\line,\putline,\resizebox,\unitlength} % \DoNotIndex{\put,\RequirePackage,\vrule,\DeclareOption,\fontsize,\ProcessOptions,\relax} % \DoNotIndex{\renewcommand,\selectfont,\multicolumn,\framebox,\usebox,\put,\line,\value,\rotatebox,\setcounter,\newcounter,\!,!\!,!\,! ,\! ,!\! ,!\ , } % \DoNotIndex{\Large,\Huge,\huge,\footnotesize,\underline,\savebox,\equal,\boolean,\newboolean,\setboolean,\baselineskip,\ifthenelse} % \DoNotIndex{\scalebox,\makebox,\OR,\AND,\newsavebox,\qbezier,\circle,\space,\textless,\textgreater,\csname,\endcsname} % \begingroup % \makeatletter % \lccode`9=32\relax % \lowercase{%^^A % \edef\x{\noexpand\DoNotIndex{\@backslashchar9}}%^^A % }%^^A % \expandafter\endgroup\x % % \GetFileInfo{simplecd.sty} % % \title{The \textsf{simplecd} package\thanks{This document % corresponds to \textsf{simplecd}~\fileversion, % dated~\filedate.}} % \author{D\'aniel Majoros} % % \maketitle % % \begin{abstract} % The simplecd package provides printable cut-outs for various CD, DVD and other data storage holders. % The name of the package comes form it's implementation and ease of use. % \end{abstract} % % \newlength{\orig} % \setlength{\orig}{\baselineskip} % \setlength{\baselineskip}{0.9\baselineskip} % \tableofcontents % \setlength{\baselineskip}{\orig} % % \section{Introduction} % The \textsf{simplecd} package was created for producing cut-outs for creating covers, inlays(inlets) for % optical disc packaging such as jewel cases, keepcases. Additional data storage cover support were added for % VHS, audio cassette and gramophone records. The covers were aimed for containing only % simple text with different font sizes, but since everything is placed inside a |\parbox| environment, it can % contain a wide range of things. % % There are also macros which can resize ready-to-print images to the appropriate size. % % The layout macros provide ready-to-use formatting for the covers. % % \section{Installation} % % The install procedure is the usual. Run \texttt{(pdf)latex} on the \texttt{simplecd.ins} file to obtain the necessary \texttt{simplecd.sty} file: \\ % % \texttt{pdflatex ./simplecd.ins --output-directory=./} \\ % % Then place the \texttt{simplecd.sty} file in a directory that is searched by \TeX. % If you use some kind of \LaTeX\ distribution, like MiKTeX, see it's documentation. % % \section{Usage} % % To use the package, put this in the document preamble: |\usepackage{simplecd}|. % This section gives a detailed information on macros, lists their parameters also. % % It is worth to decrease the document's margins, so the covers can fit onto % an A4 sized paper. For this, use the \textsf{geometry} package, for example like this: \\ % |\usepackage[left=1cm, top=1cm, right=1cm, bottom=1cm]{geometry}| % % All examples in this document were resized, for full size output, see the \texttt{examples.pdf} file. % % \vspace{0.3cm} % % \begin{lstlisting} % LaTeX example source codes in this document are placed in % listings like this. They are usually followed by output % produced with the code samples. % \end{lstlisting} % % \vspace{0.3cm} % % Please note that not all the covers were tested ( printed and placed on actual media ) as the appropriate media was not available. % % \subsection{Cut-outs} % % \subsubsection{Jewel cases} % % \DescribeMacro{\covers} % The first and foremost macro is for the standard jewel case and it's backsheet with two spines. % The parameters of the |\covers| macro are as follows: % |\covers| \oarg{backsheet text} \marg{cover title} \marg{spine text}. The first two can be % whole paragraphs with different font sized texts. For a new line, you can use |\\|, % and for a skip, use |\vspace{length to skip}| in the text after a new line. % The spine text will be printed on both spines. The spine % text should be short enough to fit into the desired space. % % Example: % \begin{lstlisting} % \covers % [{\Large Backsheet text}] % {{\Huge Jewelcase Title} \\ \vspace{1cm} Subtitle} % {Spine Text} % \end{lstlisting} % % \begin{figure}[H] % \centering % \resizebox{0.95\textwidth}{!}{\covers[{\Large Backsheet text}]{{\Huge Jewelcase Title} \\ \vspace{1cm} Subtitle}{Spine Text}} % \caption{Jewel case covers} % \end{figure} % % \vspace*{0.5cm} % % \DescribeMacro{\frontcover} % The |\frontcover|, which is called in the previously mentioned macro, produces the front cover for % the jewel case. It's mandatory argument is the cover text: |\frontcover| \marg{cover text}. % % \DescribeMacro{\LXfrontcover} \DescribeMacro{\LXXXfrontcover} The |\LXfrontcover| and |\LXXXfrontcover| macros work just the same as % |\frontcover| but they produce covers for jewel cases that holds 60 or 80 millimeter disks (LX and LXXX are roman numbers, their values are 60 and 80). % % \DescribeMacro{\backsheet} % The |\backsheet| macro is also called from the |\covers| macro. It produces the backsheet with two % identical spines. The usage is |\backsheet| \oarg{backsheet middle text} \marg{spine text}. % % \DescribeMacro{\jewelspine} % The |\jewelspine| macro creates a single spine for the jewelcase. It's usage is |\jewelspine| \marg{spine text}. % % \DescribeMacro{\singlesheet} The |\singlesheet| macro creates a single sheet for a special jewel case. The \marg{front side} % argument makes it possible to put content beside the jewel case sized front content. % Usage: |\singlesheet| \marg{front} \marg{front side} \marg{spine} \marg{back} % % \begin{lstlisting} % \singlesheet % {\huge Front} % {Front side} % {Spine} % {Back} % \end{lstlisting} % % \begin{figure}[H] % \centering % \resizebox{0.8\textwidth}{!}{ % \singlesheet % {\huge Front} % {Front side} % {Spine} % {Back}} % \caption{Single sheet} % \end{figure} % % \DescribeMacro{\djewel} % The |\djewel| macro creates a double page jewel case cover. Text can be put on one side, then it should be folded % in half. The usage is: |\djewel| \marg{first page text} \marg{second page text}. % % \begin{lstlisting} % \djewel % {\fontsize{70}{36}\selectfont Big Title} % {Second page} % \end{lstlisting} % % \begin{figure}[H] % \centering % \rotatebox{270}{\resizebox{0.48\textwidth}{!}{\djewel{\fontsize{70}{36}\selectfont Big Title}{Second page}}} % \caption{Double page jewel book} % \end{figure} % % \vspace*{0.5cm} % % This is also an example of using fix sized fonts with the \textsf{fix-cm} package. % % \subsubsection{Keepcases} % % \DescribeMacro{\slimdvd} \DescribeMacro{\dvd} % The |\slimdvd| and |\dvd| macros creates a slim and a simple DVD keepcase. Text can be put on both % sides plus on the spine area. \DescribeMacro{\bluray} The |\bluray| macro creates a keepcase for Blu-Ray disks. % Their usage is: |\dvd| \oarg{backside text} \marg{cover text} \marg{spine text}. % % \begin{lstlisting} % \slimdvd % [{\Large Backsheet text}] % {{\Huge \underline{SlimDVD Title}}% % \\ \vspace{1cm} Subtitle} % {Spine Text} % \end{lstlisting} % % \begin{figure}[H] % \centering % \rotatebox{270}{\resizebox{0.65\textwidth}{!}{\slimdvd[{\Large Backsheet text}]% % {{\Huge \underline{SlimDVD Title}} \\ \vspace{1cm} Subtitle}{Spine Text}} } % \caption{Slim DVD keepcase cover} % \end{figure} % % \vspace*{0.5cm} % % \subsubsection{Sleeves} % % \DescribeMacro{\sleeve} % The |\sleeve| macro creates a disk-sleeve which requires some glue after cutting it out. The upper part % can be used to close the sleeve. Text can be put on % it's cover and back. The usage is: |\sleeve| \oarg{back text} \marg{cover text}. % % \begin{lstlisting} % \sleeve[Back text]{{\Huge Sleeve text}} % \end{lstlisting} % % \begin{figure}[H] % \centering % \resizebox{0.7\textwidth}{!}{\sleeve[Back text]{{\Huge Sleeve text}}} % \caption{Paper sleeve} % \end{figure} % % \DescribeMacro{\sleeveLX} \DescribeMacro{\sleeveLXXX} The |\sleeveLX| and |\sleeveLXXX| macros produce sleeves for % the 60 and the 80 millimeter sized disks, respectively. Their use is the same as |\sleeve|. % % \begin{lstlisting} % \sleeveLX[Back text]{\large Front text} % \sleeveLXXX[Back text]{\large Front text} % \end{lstlisting} % % \begin{figure}[H] % \begin{minipage}[b]{0.45\textwidth} % \centering % \resizebox{0.8\textwidth}{!}{\sleeveLX[Back text]{\large Front text}} % \caption{60 millimeter disk sleeve} % \end{minipage} % \hspace{0.5cm} % \begin{minipage}[b]{0.45\textwidth} % \centering % \resizebox{0.8\textwidth}{!}{\sleeveLXXX[Back text]{\large Front text}} % \caption{80 millimeter disk sleeve} % \end{minipage} % \end{figure} % % \DescribeMacro{\sleevela} The |\sleevela| macro creates a sleeve that can be used in lever arch files. % The small circles must be cut out, they are for the levers. The distance between the circle centers is 8 centimeter. % % \begin{lstlisting} % \sleevela[Back text]{\scalebox{4}{Front text}} % \end{lstlisting} % % \begin{figure}[H] % \centering % \resizebox{0.8\textwidth}{!}{\sleevela[Back text]{\scalebox{4}{Front text}}} % \caption{Sleeve for lever arch files} % \end{figure} % % \vspace*{0.5cm} % % \subsubsection{Image as cover} % % \DescribeMacro{\coverimg} \DescribeMacro{\backsheetimg} \DescribeMacro{\dvdimg} \DescribeMacro{\slimdvdimg} % \DescribeMacro{\blurayimg} % The macros width the \emph{img} ending are expecting an image, and resizing this image to the appropriate cover % size. The macros are |\coverimg|, |\backsheetimg|, |\dvdimg|, |\slimdvdimg|, |\blurayimg|. Their usage is % |\coverimg| \parg{picture}. No image macro for % the sleeve. These macros does not keep the aspect ratio of the given image, thus it should already be at the % correct ratio. % % An example without the result: % \begin{lstlisting} % \dvdimg{includegraphics{coverpic}} % \end{lstlisting} % % \vspace*{0.5cm} % % \subsubsection{Inlays} % % \DescribeMacro{\dvdinlay} \DescribeMacro{\blurayinlay} % The |\dvdinlay| and |\blurayinlay| macros create a one sided inlay for the appropriate keepcases. % Their usage is |\dvdinlay| \marg{text}. % % \begin{lstlisting} % \dvdinlay % {{\Large DVD Inlay} % % \vspace{5cm} TextTextText % % \vspace{1cm} {\fontsize{20}{36}\selectfont TextText}} % \end{lstlisting} % % \begin{figure}[H] % \centering % \resizebox{0.5\textwidth}{!}{% % \dvdinlay{{\Large DVD Inlay % % \vspace{5cm} TextTextText % % \vspace{1cm} {\fontsize{20}{36}\selectfont TextText}}}} % \caption{DVD keepcase inlay} % \end{figure} % % \vspace*{0.5cm} % % \subsubsection{Floppy covers} % % These macros can be used to produce covers that can be glued to floppy disks at the appropriate place. % % \DescribeMacro{\floppyIIIV} The |\floppyIIIV| macro creates cover for the 3.5-inch (89 mm) disks. The cover % should be glued to both sides of the disk. Usage: |\floppyIIIV| \marg{front} \marg{back} % % \begin{lstlisting} % \floppyIIIV{Front content}{Back content}} % \end{lstlisting} % % \begin{figure}[H] % \centering % \resizebox{0.5\textwidth}{!}{% % \floppyIIIV{Front content}{Back content}}% % \caption{The 3.5-inch floppy disk cover} % \end{figure} % % \subsubsection{Zip disks} % % \DescribeMacro{\zipdisk} The |\zipdisk| macro provides a cover label for zip disks. % Cover dimensions: 98 millimeter wide, 120 millimeter high. Usage: |\zipdisk| \marg{front} \marg{back} % % \begin{lstlisting} % \zipdisk{Front content}{Back content} % \end{lstlisting} % % \begin{figure}[H] % \centering % \resizebox{0.5\textwidth}{!}{% % \zipdisk{Front content}{Back content}}% % \caption{Cover label for zip disks} % \end{figure} % % \DescribeMacro{\zipdiskII} The |\zipdiskII| macro provides a cover label for zip disks. % Cover dimensions: 60 millimeter wide, 51 millimeter high. Usage: |\zipdiskII| \marg{content} % % \begin{lstlisting} % \zipdiskII{Content} % \end{lstlisting} % % \begin{figure}[H] % \centering % \resizebox{0.4\textwidth}{!}{% % \zipdiskII{Content}}% % \caption{Cover label for zip disks} % \end{figure} % % \subsubsection{Disk covers} % % Macros presented below can be used to create images like actual disks. The results can be used for example for top cover of a cake box. % For printing directly on the disks themselves, use a printing software especially designed for this task. % % Content can be placed anywhere in the rectangle which is always defined by the largest circle in the picture. % \begin{figure}[H] % \centering % \resizebox{0.5\textwidth}{!}{% % \setlength{\unitlength}{1mm}% % \cdrdisk{\begin{picture}(116,116)\framebox(116,116){}\end{picture}}% % } % \caption{The rectangle that is the boundary for the content} % \end{figure} % % \DescribeMacro{\cdrdisk} The |\cdrdisk| macro creates an image of a CD-R disk. It's inner circle leaves space for the transparent part of the disk. % Usage: |\cddvddisk| \marg{content} % % \begin{lstlisting} % \cdrdisk{ % {\Huge Title} \\ \vspace{3cm} % Left \hspace{7cm} Right \\ \vspace{3cm} % TextText} % \end{lstlisting} % % \begin{figure}[H] % \centering % \resizebox{0.5\textwidth}{!}{% % \cdrdisk{% % {\Huge Title} \\ \vspace{3cm}% % Left \hspace{7cm} Right \\ \vspace{3cm}% % TextText}% % } % \caption{CD-R image with positioned texts} % \end{figure} % % \DescribeMacro{\cddvddisk} The |\cddvddisk| macro is slightly bigger than the |\cdrdisk|, and has a smaller inner circle. This smaller inner cicrle % is nearly as small as the center hole in the disks. % % \begin{lstlisting} % \cddvddisk{ % {\Huge Title} \\ \vspace{3cm} % Left \hspace{7cm} Right \\ \vspace{3cm} % TextText} % \end{lstlisting} % % \begin{figure}[H] % \centering % \resizebox{0.5\textwidth}{!}{% % \cddvddisk{ % {\Huge Title} \\ \vspace{3cm} % Left \hspace{7cm} Right \\ \vspace{3cm} % TextText} % } % \caption{CD, DVD image with positioned texts} % \end{figure} % % \DescribeMacro{\disk} The |\disk| macro provides the picture of a standard compact disk with all the circles indicating the different parts. % The innermost circle is the size of the center hole in the disks. % % \begin{lstlisting} % \disk{ % {\Huge Title} \\ \vspace{3cm} % Left \hspace{7cm} Right \\ \vspace{3cm} % TextText} % \end{lstlisting} % % \begin{figure}[H] % \centering % \resizebox{0.5\textwidth}{!}{% % \disk{% % {\Huge Title} \\ \vspace{3cm}% % Left \hspace{7cm} Right \\ \vspace{3cm}% % TextText}% % } % \caption{Disk image with positioned texts} % \end{figure} % % \DescribeMacro{\emptydisk} The |\emptydisk| macro provides the picture of a standard compact disk without all the circles indicating the different parts. % The innermost circle is the size of the center hole in the disks. % % \begin{lstlisting} % \emptydisk{ % {\Huge Title} \\ \vspace{3cm} % Left \hspace{7cm} Right \\ \vspace{3cm} % TextText} % \end{lstlisting} % % \begin{figure}[H] % \centering % \resizebox{0.5\textwidth}{!}{% % \emptydisk{% % {\Huge Title} \\ \vspace{3cm}% % Left \hspace{7cm} Right \\ \vspace{3cm}% % TextText}% % } % \caption{Empty disk image with positioned texts} % \end{figure} % % \DescribeMacro{\LXXXdisk} The |\LXXXdisk| macro is the disk image of a 80 millimeter disk. % % \begin{lstlisting} % \LXXXdisk{Title \\ \vsapce{4cm} Text} % \end{lstlisting} % % \begin{figure}[H] % \centering % \resizebox{0.4\textwidth}{!}{% % \LXXXdisk{{\large Title } \\ \vspace{4cm} Text} % } % \caption{80 millimeter disk image with positioned texts} % \end{figure} % % \subsubsection{VHS covers} % % \DescribeMacro{\vhsfront} The |\vhsfront| macro creates the label that can be placed on the front middle part of a VHS cassette. % Usage: |\vhsfront| \marg{content} \\ % % \begin{lstlisting} % \vhsfront{\huge Text} % \end{lstlisting} % % \begin{figure}[H] % \centering % \resizebox{0.5\textwidth}{!}{% % \vhsfront{\huge Text} % } % \caption{VHS front label} % \end{figure} % % \DescribeMacro{\vhsspine} The |\vhsspine| macro creates the spine that can be placed on the side of a VHS cassette. % Usage: |\vhsspine| \marg{content} \\ % % \begin{lstlisting} % \vhsspine{\huge Text} % \end{lstlisting} % % \begin{figure}[H] % \centering % \resizebox{0.8\textwidth}{!}{% % \vhsspine{\huge Text} % } % \caption{VHS front label} % \end{figure} % % \DescribeMacro{\CCCvhscover} \DescribeMacro{\CCCCvhscover} The |\CCCvhscover| and |\CCCvhscover| macros % create a cover for a 300 series and 400 series VHS cassette, respectively. To differentiate between the two: % the 300 series cover is 257 millimeter wide, the 400 series cover is 296 millimeter wide. % Their usage is the same: |\CCCvhscover| \marg{front} \marg{spine} \marg{back} \\ % % \begin{lstlisting} % \CCCvhscover % {\scalebox{6}{Front}} % {\scalebox{4}{Spine}} % {\scalebox{4}{Back}} % \end{lstlisting} % % \begin{figure}[H] % \centering % \resizebox{0.9\textwidth}{!}{% % \CCCvhscover{\scalebox{6}{Front}}{\scalebox{4}{Spine}}{\scalebox{4}{Back}} % } % \caption{Cover for a 300 series VHS case} % \end{figure} % % \subsubsection{Audio cassette covers} % % \DescribeMacro{\cassettecover} The |\cassettecover| macro creates cover label for an audio cassette. Many types of cassettes exist with more or less % different labels, so the provided label may need adjustments, like cutting off the corners or a rectangular inner part. % Usage: |\cassettecover| \marg{content} \\ % % \begin{lstlisting} % \cassettecover % {{\huge Upper text} \\ \vspace{2cm} Lower text} % \end{lstlisting} % % \begin{figure}[H] % \centering % \resizebox{0.7\textwidth}{!}{% % \cassettecover{{\huge Upper text} \\ \vspace{2cm} Lower text} % } % \caption{Cover label for an audio cassette} % \end{figure} % % \DescribeMacro{\cassetteinlay} The |\cassetteinlay| macro provides an inlay for the standard cassette case. % Usage: |\cassetteinlay| \marg{front} \marg{spine} \marg{back} \\ % % \begin{lstlisting} % \cassetteinlay % {\huge Front} % {Spine} % {Back} % \end{lstlisting} % % \begin{figure}[H] % \centering % \resizebox{0.7\textwidth}{!}{% % \cassetteinlay % {\huge Front} % {Spine} % {Back} % } % \caption{Cover label for an audio cassette} % \end{figure} % % \subsubsection{Gramophone records} % % \DescribeMacro{\vinylcdcover} The |\vinylcdcover| macro provides a cover label for vinyl CDs. % The vinyl CDs have the same size as standard CDs, they just look like old gramophone records. The outer circle is 65 millimeter in diameter, % the inner circle is 16.7 milimeter in diameter. Usage: |\vinylcdcover| \marg{content} \\ % % \begin{lstlisting} % \vinylcdcover % {{\huge Upper text} \\ \vspace{3cm} Lower text} % \end{lstlisting} % % \begin{figure}[H] % \centering % \resizebox{0.7\textwidth}{!}{% % \vinylcdcover{{\huge Upper text} \\ \vspace{3cm} Lower text} % } % \caption{Cover label for a vinyl CD} % \end{figure} % % \DescribeMacro{\recordcover} The |\recordcover| macro creates cover label for a 30 centimeter record. The outer circle is 99 millimeter in diameter, % the inner circle is 8 milimeter in diameter. Usage: |\recordcover| \marg{content} \\ % % \begin{lstlisting} % \recordcover % {{\huge Upper text} \\ \vspace{3cm} Lower text} % \end{lstlisting} % % \begin{figure}[H] % \centering % \resizebox{0.7\textwidth}{!}{% % \recordcover{{\huge Upper text} \\ \vspace{3cm} Lower text} % } % \caption{Cover label for a gramophone record} % \end{figure} % % \subsection{Layouts} % % The layouts are pre-set cover layouts for ease of use. Similar content can be produced and used in the cover macros. % % Some layouts contain preconfigured text. The texts are always % in English and represent a personal preference. All layouts have a macro suffixed with the \texttt{empty} word that % only contains the frames with no text, so one can insert any content. % % A layout can be used on various cover types. The first word in the layout's name decides the type. % \begin{description} % \item[jewel] type layouts are compatible with: |\covers| |\frontcover| |\sleeve| |\djewel| |\sleevela| |\singlesheet| % \item[LX] type layouts are compatible with: |\LXfrontcover| |\sleeveLX| % \item[LXXX] type layouts are compatible with: |\LXXXfrontcover| |\sleeveLXXX| % \item[dvd] type layouts are compatible with: |\dvd| |\slimdvd| % \item[bluray] type layouts are compatible with: |\bluray| % \end{description} % Note that this compatibility is not checked in the macros. The layouts were designed to be centered on the covers. % If the |nohcenter| package option is used, they could get misplaced. % % Any parameter in a layout can be empty. It means that no content will be put in the appropriate cell. For example |\jewelflaglempty {} {Middle} {}| % % The numbers in the parentheses in the below examples marks the number of the parameter which will be placed there. For example (3) means the % third parameter of the macro. % % Many layouts have a meaningful name, like driver, movie or music. % These names indicate a sugessted usage and they are easier to remeber than layoutA, layoutB etc. % % \subsubsection{Jewel case layouts} % % \DescribeMacro{\jeweldriverl} \DescribeMacro{\jeweldriverlempty} The |\jeweldriverl| can be used to create cover for driver disks that are supplied with % PC hardware elements. % Usage: |\jeweldriverl| \marg{title} \marg{subtitle} \marg{date} \marg{serial} \marg{disk version} \marg{right middle cell} \marg{bottom cell} % % \begin{lstlisting} % \frontcover % {\jeweldriverl % {Motherboard(1)} % {Model XYZ (2)} % {2012.20.12 (3)} % {123456789 (4)} % {12-ABC (5)} % {Driver \\ Manual (6)} % {Driver not compatible with ZYX operating system (7)}} % \end{lstlisting} % % \begin{figure}[H] % \centering % \scalebox{0.6}{\frontcover{\jeweldriverl{Motherboard(1)}{Model XYZ (2)}{2012.20.12 (3)}{123456789 (4)}% % {12-ABC (5)}{Driver \\ Manual (6)}{Driver not compatible with ZYX operating system (7)}}} % \caption{Driver CD layout on a jewel case fronrcover} % \end{figure} % % \vspace*{0.5cm} % % \DescribeMacro{\jewellempty} The |\jewellempty| macro provides the same border as in the other layouts, just with one cell with centered content. % Usage: |\jewellempty| \marg{content} \\ % % \DescribeMacro{\jewelmusiclempty} The |\jewelmusiclempty| macro is for music disks. There is no non-empty version as there isn't any text to be left out. % Usage: |\jewelmusiclempty| \marg{title} \marg{performer} \marg{year} \marg{style} \\ % % \begin{lstlisting} % \sleeve % [\jewellempty % {\begin{enumerate} % \item Track One % \item Track Two % \end{enumerate}}] % {\jewelmusiclempty % {Album X (1)} % {XYZ band(2)} % {2222 (3)} % {Styles (4)}} % \end{lstlisting} % % \begin{figure}[H] % \centering % \resizebox{0.5\textwidth}{!}{\sleeve[\jewellempty{\begin{enumerate} \item Track One \item Track Two \end{enumerate}}]% % {\jewelmusiclempty{Album X (1)}{XYZ band(2)}{2222 (3)}{Styles (4)}}} % \caption{Music layout on front, empty layout on back} % \end{figure} % % \DescribeMacro{\jewelbacklempty}\DescribeMacro{\jewelbackIIlempty} % The |\jewelbacklempty| macro is the pair of the |\jewellempty| macro. This is for the backsheet of a jewel case. The |\jewelbackIIlempty| macro is % the same, without the layout border and centering. Their usage is the same. % Usage: |\jewelbacklempty| \marg{content} \\ % % \begin{lstlisting} % \backsheet % [\jewelbacklempty % {Backsheet content}] % {Spine text} % \backsheet % [\jewelbackIIlempty % {Backsheet content}] % {Spine text} % \end{lstlisting} % % \begin{figure}[H] % \begin{minipage}[b]{0.45\textwidth} % \centering % \resizebox{0.9\textwidth}{!}{\backsheet[\jewelbacklempty{Backsheet content}]{Spine text}} % \caption{Empty jewel backsheet layout} % \end{minipage} % \hspace{0.5cm} % \begin{minipage}[b]{0.45\textwidth} % \centering % \resizebox{0.9\textwidth}{!}{\backsheet[\jewelbackIIlempty{Backsheet content}]{Spine text}} % \caption{Empty jewel backsheet layout without border and centering} % \end{minipage} % \end{figure} % % \DescribeMacro{\LXlempty} \DescribeMacro{\LXXXlempty} \DescribeMacro{\LXemptydriverl} \DescribeMacro{\LXXXemptydriverl} % % \DescribeMacro{\LXdriverl} \DescribeMacro{\LXXXdriverl} The empty, empty driver and driver layouts for the 60 % and 80 millimeter disk covers: |\LXlempty|, |\LXXXlempty|, |\LXemptydriverl|, |\LXXXemptydriverl|, |\LXdriverl| and |\LXXXdriverl| macros. % % \begin{lstlisting} % \LXfrontcover{\LXlempty{\scalebox{3}{Title}}} % \LXXXfrontcover % {\LXXXdriverl % {Motherboard(1)} % {Model XYZ (2)} % {2012.20.12 (3)} % {123456789 (4)} % {12-ABC (5)} % {Driver \\ Manual (6)} % {Driver not compatible with ZYX operating system (7)}} % \end{lstlisting} % % \begin{figure}[H] % \begin{minipage}[b]{0.45\textwidth} % \centering % \resizebox{0.7\textwidth}{!}{\LXfrontcover{\LXlempty{\scalebox{3}{Title}}}} % \caption{The \texttt{\textbackslash LXlempty} layout} % \end{minipage} % \hspace{0.5cm} % \begin{minipage}[b]{0.45\textwidth} % \centering % \resizebox{0.75\textwidth}{!}{\LXXXfrontcover{\LXXXdriverl{Motherboard(1)}{Model XYZ (2)}{2012.20.12 (3)}{123456789 (4)}% % {12-ABC (5)}{Driver \\ Manual (6)}{Driver not compatible with ZYX operating system (7)}}} % \caption{The \texttt{\textbackslash LXXXdriverl} layout} % \end{minipage} % \end{figure} % % \DescribeMacro{\jewelstripeslempty} The |\jewelstripeslempty| macro provides a layout of a stiped jewel cover. If the second or % the third parameters are empty, then the appropriate diagonal stripe will not be drawn. % Usage: |\jewelstripeslempty| \marg{center content} \marg{upper right content} \marg{lower left content} \\ % % \begin{lstlisting} % \frontcover % {\jewelstripeslempty % {Main Title (1)} % {Right upper text (2)} % {Left lower text (3)}} % \end{lstlisting} % % \begin{figure}[H] % \centering % \scalebox{0.6}{\frontcover % {\jewelstripeslempty % {Main Title (1)} % {Right upper text (2)} % {Left lower text (3)}}} % \caption{Striped jewel cover with missing upper right stripe} % \end{figure} % % \DescribeMacro{\jewelgamel} \DescribeMacro{\jewelgamelempty} The |\jewelgamel| and the |\jewelgamelempty| macros provide a layout for game disks. % As usual, the empty version does not contain the preset texts. % Usage: |\jewelgamel| \marg{title} \marg{release year} \marg{genres} \marg{developer} \marg{publisher} \marg{serial} \marg{comment} \\ % % \begin{lstlisting} % \frontcover % {\jewelgamel % {Title (1)} % {<release year> (2)} % {<genre list> (3)} % {<developer> (4)} % {<publisher> (5)} % {<serial> (6)} % {<comment> (7)}} % \end{lstlisting} % % \begin{figure}[H] % \centering % \scalebox{0.6}{\frontcover % {\jewelgamel % {Title (1)} % {\textless release year\textgreater (2)} % {\textless genre list\textgreater (3)} % {\textless developer\textgreater (4)} % {\textless publisher\textgreater (5)} % {\textless serial\textgreater (6)} % {\textless comment\textgreater (7)}}} % \caption{The \texttt{\textbackslash jewelgamel} layout} % \end{figure} % % \DescribeMacro{\jewelflaglempty} The |\jewelflaglempty| macro creates a cover layout in a 3-striped flag format. Content can be put in each stripe. % Usage: |\jewelflaglempty| \marg{upper content} \marg{middle content} \marg{lower content} \\ % % \begin{lstlisting} % \frontcover % {\jewelflaglempty % {Upper (1)} % {\scalebox{3}{Middle (2)}} % {Lower (3)}} % \end{lstlisting} % % \begin{figure}[H] % \centering % \scalebox{0.6}{\frontcover % {\jewelflaglempty % {Upper (1)} % {\scalebox{3}{Middle (2)}} % {Lower (3)}}} % \caption{The \texttt{\textbackslash jewelflaglempty} layout} % \end{figure} % % \DescribeMacro{\jewellineslempty} The |\jewellineslempty| macro creates horizontal lines. The main purpose of these is % to be written onto them by hand after printing. Nevertheless, content can be placed onto it with the first parameter. % The content text must not be resized and it must contain odd number of lines. After even number of lines, add |\\ \ | like in % the below example. % Usage: |\jewellineslempty| \marg{content} \\ % % \begin{lstlisting} % \frontcover % {\jewellineslempty % {Text line 1 \\ Text line 2 \\ \ }} % \end{lstlisting} % % \begin{figure}[H] % \centering % \scalebox{0.6}{ % \frontcover % {\jewellineslempty % {Text line 1 \\ Text line 2 \\ \ }}} % \caption{The \texttt{\textbackslash jewellineslempty} layout} % \end{figure} % % \DescribeMacro{\jeweltitledlempty} The |\jeweltitledlempty| macro creates a layout with an upper title part and a large lower part for content. % Usage: |\jeweltitledlempty| \marg{title} \marg{content} \\ % % \begin{lstlisting} % \singlesheet % {\jeweltitledlempty % {Title} % {Lots of content \\ More\dots \\ Even more\dots}} % {}{}{} % \end{lstlisting} % % \begin{figure}[H] % \centering % \scalebox{0.6}{ % \singlesheet % {\jeweltitledlempty % {Title} % {Lots of content \\ More\dots \\ Even more\dots}} % {}{}{}} % \caption{The \texttt{\textbackslash jeweltitledlempty} layout} % \end{figure} % % \subsubsection{Keepcase layouts} % % \DescribeMacro{\dvdlempty} The |\dvdlempty| macro provides the mandatory empty layout % for the standard keepcases. It's usage is |\dvdlempty| \marg{content}. % % \DescribeMacro{\dvdmovielempty} \DescribeMacro{\dvdmoviel} The |\dvdmoviel| macro is for a movie disk cover. % Usage: |\dvdmoviel| \marg{title} \marg{original title} \marg{release year} \marg{director} % \marg{languages} \marg{subtitles} \marg{actors} \marg{comment} \\ % % \begin{lstlisting} % \dvd % [\dvdlempty{\Large Back text}] % {\dvdmoviel % {Movie title (1)} % {Original title (2)} % {Release year (3)} % {Director (4)} % {Language1 \\ Language2 (5)} % {Subtitle1 \\ Subtitle2 (6)} % {Actor1 \\ Actor2 \\ Actor3 \\ Actor4 (7)} % {Comment, rating, etc. (8)}} % {spinetext} % \end{lstlisting} % % \begin{figure}[H] % \centering % \scalebox{0.45}{\rotatebox{270}{\dvd[\dvdlempty{\Large Back text}]{\dvdmoviel{Movie title (1)}% % {Original title (2)}{2012 (3)}{Director (4)}{Language1 \\ Language2 (5)}% % {Subtitle1 \\ Subtitle2 (6)}{Actor1 \\ Actor2 \\ Actor3 \\ Actor4 (7)}{Comment, rating, etc. (8)}}{spinetext}} } % \caption{Front movie and empty back layouts for DVD keepcase} % \end{figure} % % \DescribeMacro{\bluraylempty} The |\bluraylempty| macro provides the mandatory empty % layout for the Blu-ray keepcases. It's usage is |\bluraylempty| \marg{content}. % % \DescribeMacro{\bluraymovielempty} \DescribeMacro{\bluraymoviel} The |\bluraymoviel| macro is for a Blu-ray movie disk cover. % Usage: |\bluraymoviel| \marg{title} \marg{original title} \marg{release year} % \marg{director} \marg{languages} \marg{subtitles} \marg{actors} \marg{comment} \\ % % \begin{lstlisting} % \bluray % [\bluraylempty{\Large Back text}] % {\bluraymoviel % {Movie title (1)} % {Original title (2)} % {Release year (3)} % {Director (4)} % {Language1 \\ Language2 (5)} % {Subtitle1 \\ Subtitle2 (6)} % {Actor1 \\ Actor2 \\ Actor3 \\ Actor4 (7)} % {Comment, rating, etc. (8)}} % {spinetext} % \end{lstlisting} % % \begin{figure}[H] % \centering % \scalebox{0.45}{\rotatebox{270}{\bluray[\bluraylempty{\Large Back text}]{\bluraymoviel{Movie title (1)}% % {Original title (2)}{2012 (3)}{Director (4)}{Language1 \\ Language2 (5)}% % {Subtitle1 \\ Subtitle2 (6)}{Actor1 \\ Actor2 \\ Actor3 \\ Actor4 (7)}{Comment, rating, etc. (8)}}{spinetext}} } % \caption{Front movie and empty back layouts for Blu-ray keepcase} % \end{figure} % % \subsection{General macros} % % These macros are used behind the macros described above. They are made public, with one note: % keep in mind that these can change during package development, so % do not be suprised when after a package update, they work differently. % % Those parameters that require a length, expect a single, positive integer, for example a counter value. % The numbers represent length in millimeters. % % \DescribeMacro{\keepcase} With |\keepcase|, one can create % a custom sized keepcase in the format of cover, spine and a backside. It's usage is: % |\keepcase| \oarg{backtext} \marg{cover text} \marg{spinetext} \marg{cover height} \marg{cover width} \marg{spine width}. % The cover width refers to one side's width without the spine. % % \DescribeMacro{\inlay} With the general |\inlay| macro, one can create % a custom sized inlay. It's usage is: |\inlay| \marg{text} \marg{inlay width} \marg{inlay height}. % % \vspace*{0.5cm} % % \subsection{Package Options} % % Use package options at the package loading as usual, for example: \\ |\usepackage[nofold,noalign]{simplecd}|. % % \begin{description} % \item[noalign:] Many cover macros are containing some text alignment lengths. Without them, the content would be % centered vertically in the frames. \label{opt:noalign}The |noalign| option sets these alignment lengths to zero, so one can align the % contents individually. This option does not affect layout placement. % % \item[nofold:] As default, many covers contain folding lines with the same line type as where the pieces must be cut out. % With the |nofold| option, the folding lines won't be drawn. % % \item[spiner:] The |spiner| option rotates all spine texts with $180^\circ$. % % \item[nohcenter:] The |nohcenter| option disables the horizontal centering of the contents of all covers, labels and layouts. % \end{description} % % \vspace*{0.5cm} % % \section{Font size} % % For covers, often a large font is desired. Here is a list of the standard \LaTeX\ sizing macros: % \begin{itemize} % \item {\tiny |\tiny|} % \item {\scriptsize |\scriptsize|} % \item {\footnotesize |\footnotesize|} % \item {\small |\small|} % \item {\normalsize |\normalsize|} % \item {\large |\large|} % \item {\Large |\Large|} % \item {\LARGE |\LARGE|} % \item {\huge |\huge|} % \item {\Huge |\Huge|} % \end{itemize} % Their use is the same: |{\huge text to be resized}|. % % If the largest is still not enough, use the |\scalebox| \marg{ratio} \marg{text} macro: % \begin{itemize} % \item \scalebox{4}{ratio is 4} % \item \scalebox{5}{ratio is 5} % \item \scalebox{7}{ratio is 7} % \end{itemize} % The |\scalebox| macro can be used on many other things, not just text. % % All of the above presented methods increase or decrease the font size relative to the document's default font size. % To create fixed size fonts, use the \textsf{fix-cm} package's |\fontsize| macro. % % \section{Troubleshooting} % % \begin{description} % \item[Problem: the text won't fit into a frame.] Suggestions: try to break it into multiple lines, for example with the |\\| macro. % Decrease the font size. Use scaling to shrink the content with the |\scalebox{ratio}{object}| macro. % \item[Problem: printed pieces do not fit.] Suggestions: make sure the pieces are appropriate for the selected container. Make sure % the software used for viewing and printing result file (the PDF/DVI/PS viewer) does not resize the page before printing. % \item[Problem: the cover won't fit onto one page.] Suggestions: use a large enough paper size. Decrease te margin of the paper with % the \texttt{geometry} package. An A4 paper with 1cm margins should be able to contain all cover types. % \item[Problem: the content is not in the vertical center of a cover.] Suggestion: see the \texttt{noalign} % package option on page \pageref{opt:noalign}. % \end{description} % % \StopEventually{\PrintChanges\PrintIndex} % % \section{Implementation} % % Used for setting fix font size for spine texts. % \begin{macrocode} \RequirePackage{fix-cm} % \end{macrocode} % % Used for calculating lengths % \begin{macrocode} \RequirePackage{calc} % \end{macrocode} % % Used for the nofold option % \begin{macrocode} \RequirePackage{ifthen} % \end{macrocode} % Used for drawing, resizing, rotating % \begin{macrocode} \RequirePackage{graphicx} % \end{macrocode} %% The |noalign| option sets all text aligning lengths to zero. % \begin{macrocode} \DeclareOption{noalign}{ \setlength{\sc@jewelalign}{0cm} \setlength{\sc@keepcasealign}{0cm} \setlength{\sc@inalign}{0cm} \setboolean{sc@align}{false} } % \end{macrocode} %% Layouts should set this to true to indicate the containing cover %% to not use align spaces even if noalign is not used % \begin{macrocode} \newboolean{sc@layout} \setboolean{sc@layout}{false} % \end{macrocode} %% The |nofold| option removes the folding lines on the cut-outs. % \begin{macrocode} \DeclareOption{nofold}{ \setboolean{sc@fold}{false} } % \end{macrocode} %% Redefines rotation degrees to rotate spine text with $180^\circ$. % \begin{macrocode} \DeclareOption{spiner}{ \renewcommand{\sc@spinerotone}{270} \renewcommand{\sc@spinerottwo}{90} } % \end{macrocode} %% Disables horizontal centering everywhere % \begin{macrocode} \DeclareOption{nohcenter}{ \renewcommand{\sc@centering}{} } % \end{macrocode} % \begin{macro}{\sc@spinerotone} % Default rotation degree. \\ % Usage: |\sc@spinerotone| % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand{\sc@spinerotone}{90} % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % \begin{macro}{\sc@spinerottwo} % Default rotation degree. \\ % Usage: |\sc@spinerottwo| % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand{\sc@spinerottwo}{270} % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} %% Boolean for indicating whether or not the folding lines need to be drawn. True value means to draw. % \begin{macrocode} \newboolean{sc@fold} \setboolean{sc@fold}{true} % \end{macrocode} %% Boolean for indicating whether or not the default aligning is needed. % \begin{macrocode} \newboolean{sc@align} \setboolean{sc@align}{true} % \end{macrocode} % \begin{macro}{\sc@truestr} % Stores the string that is used to indicate to always draw a border in |\sc@choicebox|. \\ % Usage: |\sc@truestr| % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand{\sc@truestr}{t} % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % \begin{macro}{\sc@falsestr} % Stores the string that is used to indicate to not draw a border in |\sc@choicebox| if nofold option is set. \\ % Usage: |\sc@falsestr| % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand{\sc@falsestr}{f} % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % \begin{macro}{\sc@centering} % Centering alias to allow disabling the centering, see novcenter package option % Usage: |\sc@centering| % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand{\sc@centering}{\centering} % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % \begin{macro}{\sc@unittype} % Unit type for all lengths. \\ % Usage: |\sc@unittype| % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand{\sc@unittype}{mm} % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % Setting unit length for drawing % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand{\sc@picinit}{% \setlength{\unitlength}{1\sc@unittype}% } % \end{macrocode} %% Text aligning lengths % These lengths ensure that the text is not in the vertical center of a cell, % instead, they are little above of the center. % \begin{macrocode} \newlength{\sc@jewelalign} \setlength{\sc@jewelalign}{15 \sc@unittype} \newlength{\sc@keepcasealign} \setlength{\sc@keepcasealign}{40 \sc@unittype} \newlength{\sc@inalign} \setlength{\sc@inalign}{30 \sc@unittype} % \end{macrocode} % Dimension names are created as follows: prefixed with |sc@|, then some letters for % identifying the case, then place, then width or height and the draw word. %% CD jewel case dimensions % \begin{macrocode} \newcounter{sc@cdjccoverwidthdraw} \setcounter{sc@cdjccoverwidthdraw}{120} \newcounter{sc@cdjccoverheightdraw} \setcounter{sc@cdjccoverheightdraw}{120} \newcounter{sc@cdjcspinewidthdraw} \setcounter{sc@cdjcspinewidthdraw}{6} \newcounter{sc@cdjcbackheightdraw} \setcounter{sc@cdjcbackheightdraw}{117} \newcounter{sc@cdjcbackwidthdraw} \setcounter{sc@cdjcbackwidthdraw}{151} \newcounter{sc@cdjcbackinwidthdraw} \setcounter{sc@cdjcbackinwidthdraw}{% \value{sc@cdjcbackwidthdraw} - 2*\value{sc@cdjcspinewidthdraw}} % \end{macrocode} %% Mini disk dimensions % \begin{macrocode} \newcounter{sc@cdLXXXjccoverwidthdraw} \setcounter{sc@cdLXXXjccoverwidthdraw}{80} \newcounter{sc@cdLXXXjccoverheightdraw} \setcounter{sc@cdLXXXjccoverheightdraw}{80} \newcounter{sc@cdLXjccoverwidthdraw} \setcounter{sc@cdLXjccoverwidthdraw}{60} \newcounter{sc@cdLXjccoverheightdraw} \setcounter{sc@cdLXjccoverheightdraw}{60} % \end{macrocode} %% Jewelcase spine fixed text font size % \begin{macro}{\sc@cdjfontsize} % Usage: |\sc@cdjfontsize| % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand{\sc@cdjfontsize}{15} % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} %% DVD keepcase dimensions % \begin{macrocode} \newcounter{sc@dvdkccoverwidthdraw} \setcounter{sc@dvdkccoverwidthdraw}{128} \newcounter{sc@dvdkccoverheightdraw} \setcounter{sc@dvdkccoverheightdraw}{183} \newcounter{sc@dvdkcspinewidthdraw} \setcounter{sc@dvdkcspinewidthdraw}{14} \newcounter{sc@dvdkcinletwidthdraw} \setcounter{sc@dvdkcinletwidthdraw}{115} \newcounter{sc@dvdkcinletheightdraw} \setcounter{sc@dvdkcinletheightdraw}{175} % \end{macrocode} % Slim DVD keepcase dimensions % \begin{macrocode} \newcounter{sc@sdvdkcspinewidthdraw} \setcounter{sc@sdvdkcspinewidthdraw}{7} % \end{macrocode} %% Blu-ray keepcase dimensions % \begin{macrocode} \newcounter{sc@brcoverheightdraw} \setcounter{sc@brcoverheightdraw}{149} \newcounter{sc@brinletwidthdraw} \setcounter{sc@brinletwidthdraw}{115} \newcounter{sc@brinletheightdraw} \setcounter{sc@brinletheightdraw}{140} % \end{macrocode} %% Dimensions for drawing the sleeves % \begin{macrocode} \newcounter{sc@dssleeve} \setcounter{sc@dssleeve}{15} \newcounter{sc@dssleeveLXXXmm} \setcounter{sc@dssleeveLXXXmm}{10} \newcounter{sc@dssleeveLXmm} \setcounter{sc@dssleeveLXmm}{8} % \end{macrocode} % \begin{macrocode} \ProcessOptions\relax % \end{macrocode} %% Temporary counters for the implementation. % \begin{macrocode} \newcounter{sc@tempa} \newcounter{sc@tempb} \newcounter{sc@tempc} \newcounter{sc@tempd} \newcounter{sc@tempe} \newcounter{sc@tempf} \newcounter{sc@tempg} \newcounter{sc@layouttempa} \newcounter{sc@layouttempb} \newcounter{sc@layouttempc} \newcounter{sc@resizertempa} % \end{macrocode} % Puts the desired vspace if the amount is not null and no layout is currently being used % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand{\sc@doalign}[1]{% \ifthenelse{\equal{#1}{} \OR \boolean{sc@layout}}{}{\ \\ \vspace{#1}}% \setboolean{sc@layout}{false}% } % \end{macrocode} % The covers are drawed inside the \texttt{picture} environment. The text is always placed inside a |\parbox| . % % The space produced with the |\vspace| macros are for aligning purposes. Without them, the texts would be % vertically centered in the cell. % \begin{macro}{\covers} % Creates a jewel case cover with a front and a backsheet. % Usage: |\covers| \oarg{backsheet text} \marg{cover title} \marg{spine text} % \begin{macrocode} \DeclareRobustCommand{\covers}[3][\ ]{% \frontcover{#2} \vspace*{0.5cm}% \backsheet[#1]{#3}% } % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % \begin{macro}{\frontcover} % Creates front cover for a jewel case. % Usage: |\frontcover| \marg{cover title} % \begin{macrocode} \DeclareRobustCommand{\frontcover}[1]{% \sc@cell{#1}{\value{sc@cdjccoverwidthdraw}}% {\value{sc@cdjccoverheightdraw}}% {\sc@jewelalign}% } % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % \begin{macro}{\LXfrontcover} % Creates front cover for a 60 millimeter jewel case. % Usage: |\LXfrontcover| \marg{cover title} % \begin{macrocode} \DeclareRobustCommand{\LXfrontcover}[1]{% \sc@cell{#1}{\value{sc@cdLXjccoverwidthdraw}}% {\value{sc@cdLXjccoverheightdraw}}% {\sc@jewelalign}% } % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % \begin{macro}{\LXXXfrontcover} % Creates front cover for a 80 millimeter jewel case. % Usage: |\LXXXfrontcover| \marg{cover title} % \begin{macrocode} \DeclareRobustCommand{\LXXXfrontcover}[1]{% \sc@cell{#1}{\value{sc@cdLXXXjccoverwidthdraw}}% {\value{sc@cdLXXXjccoverheightdraw}}% {\sc@jewelalign}% } % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % Rotating for one of the spine texts. Also used in |\singlesheet| % \begin{macrocode} \newcounter{sc@backsheetspinerot} \setcounter{sc@backsheetspinerot}{180+\sc@spinerotone} % \end{macrocode} % \begin{macro}{\backsheet} % Creates backsheet for a jewel case with 2 spines. % Usage: |\backsheet| \oarg{backsheet middle text} \marg{spine text} % \begin{macrocode} \DeclareRobustCommand{\backsheet}[2][\ ]{% \sc@picinit% \begin{picture}% (\value{sc@cdjcbackwidthdraw}, \value{sc@cdjcbackheightdraw})% \sc@choicebox{\value{sc@cdjcspinewidthdraw}}% {\value{sc@cdjcbackheightdraw}}% {\rotatebox{\sc@spinerotone}% {\fontsize{\sc@cdjfontsize}{36}\selectfont #2}}% {\sc@truestr}{\sc@truestr}{\sc@truestr}{\sc@falsestr}% \sc@choicebox{\value{sc@cdjcbackinwidthdraw}}% {\value{sc@cdjcbackheightdraw}}% {\parbox[c]{\value{sc@cdjcbackinwidthdraw} \sc@unittype}{% \sc@centering #1\sc@doalign{\sc@jewelalign}}}% {\sc@truestr}{\sc@truestr}{\sc@falsestr}{\sc@falsestr}% \sc@choicebox{\value{sc@cdjcspinewidthdraw}}% {\value{sc@cdjcbackheightdraw}}% {\rotatebox{\value{sc@backsheetspinerot}}{% \fontsize{\sc@cdjfontsize}{36}\selectfont #2}}% {\sc@truestr}{\sc@truestr}{\sc@falsestr}{\sc@truestr}% \end{picture}% } % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % \begin{macro}{\jewelspine} % Creates a single spine for a jewel case. % Usage: |\jewelspine| \marg{text} % \begin{macrocode} \DeclareRobustCommand{\jewelspine}[1]{% \sc@picinit% \begin{picture}% (\value{sc@cdjccoverheightdraw}, \value{sc@cdjcspinewidthdraw})% \framebox% (\value{sc@cdjccoverheightdraw}, \value{sc@cdjcspinewidthdraw})% {\fontsize{\sc@cdjfontsize}{36}\selectfont #1}% \end{picture}% } % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % \begin{macro}{\singlesheet} % Creates a single sheet for a special jewel case. % Usage: |\singlesheet| \marg{front} \marg{front side} \marg{spine} \marg{back} % \begin{macrocode} \DeclareRobustCommand{\singlesheet}[4]{% \sc@picinit% \begin{picture}(155,120)% \put(0,2){% \sc@choicebox{15}{116}% {\rotatebox{90}{\parbox[c]{116\sc@unittype}{\sc@centering #4}}}% {\sc@truestr}{\sc@truestr}{\sc@truestr}{\sc@falsestr}}% \put(15,2){% \sc@choicebox{3}{116}% {\rotatebox{\value{sc@backsheetspinerot}}{\fontsize{9}{36}\selectfont #3}}% {\sc@truestr}{\sc@truestr}{\sc@falsestr}{\sc@falsestr}}% \put(36,0){% \makebox(120,120)[c]{% \parbox[c]{120\sc@unittype}{% \sc@centering #1\sc@doalign{\sc@jewelalign}}}}% \put(18,2){% \makebox(18,120)[c]{% \rotatebox{270}{\parbox[c]{18\sc@unittype}{\sc@centering #2}}}}% \put(18,2){\line(1,0){18}}% \put(18,118){\line(1,0){18}}% \put(36,0){\line(0,1){2}}% \put(36,118){\line(0,1){2}}% \put(36,0){\line(1,0){119}}% \put(36,120){\line(1,0){119}}% \put(155,0){\line(0,1){120}}% \end{picture}% } % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % \begin{macro}{\sc@sleeve} % Creates a custom-sized sleeve for cutting out and glueing together. % Usage: |\sc@sleeve| \oarg{other side middle text} \marg{middle text} \marg{sleeve length} % \marg{cover height} \marg{cover width} \marg{sleeve drawing} % \begin{macrocode} \DeclareRobustCommand{\sc@sleeve}[6][]{% \setcounter{sc@tempc}{#5 + 2}% \setcounter{sc@tempd}{#4 + 2}% \setcounter{sc@tempe}{\value{sc@tempc} + #3 *2}% \setcounter{sc@tempf}{2 * \value{sc@tempd} + #3}% \setcounter{sc@tempg}{2 * \value{sc@tempd}}% \sc@picinit% \begin{picture}(\value{sc@tempe}, \value{sc@tempf})% \put(0,\value{sc@tempd}){#6}% \put(#3,\value{sc@tempf}){\rotatebox{270}{#6}}% \put(\value{sc@tempe},\value{sc@tempg}){\rotatebox{180}{#6}}% \put(#3,\value{sc@tempd}){% \sc@choicebox{\value{sc@tempc}}{\value{sc@tempd}}{% \parbox[c]{\value{sc@tempc} \sc@unittype}{% \sc@centering #2\sc@doalign{\sc@jewelalign}}% }{\sc@falsestr}{\sc@falsestr}{\sc@falsestr}{\sc@falsestr}% }% \put(#3,0){% \sc@choicebox{\value{sc@tempc}}{\value{sc@tempd}}{% \rotatebox{180}{\parbox[c]{\value{sc@tempc} \sc@unittype}{% \sc@centering #1\sc@doalign{\sc@jewelalign}}}% }{\sc@truestr}{\sc@falsestr}{\sc@truestr}{\sc@truestr}% }% \end{picture}% } % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % \begin{macro}{\sc@sleevebox} % Draws a fold part of the sleeve. % Usage: |\usebox{\sc@sleevebox}| % \begin{macrocode} \newsavebox{\sc@sleevebox} \savebox{\sc@sleevebox}{% \sc@picinit% \setcounter{sc@tempa}{\value{sc@cdjccoverheightdraw} + 2}% \put(\value{sc@dssleeve},0){\line(-1,1){\value{sc@dssleeve}}}% \put(0,\value{sc@dssleeve}){\line(0,1){92}}% \put(\value{sc@dssleeve},\value{sc@tempa}){% \line(-1,-1){\value{sc@dssleeve}}}% } % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % \begin{macro}{\sc@sleeveboxLXmm} % Draws a fold part of the 60 mm sleeve. % Usage: |\usebox{\sc@sleeveboxLXmm}| % \begin{macrocode} \newsavebox{\sc@sleeveboxLXmm} \savebox{\sc@sleeveboxLXmm}{% \sc@picinit% \setcounter{sc@tempa}{\value{sc@cdLXjccoverheightdraw} + 2}% \put(\value{sc@dssleeveLXmm},0)% {\line(-1,1){\value{sc@dssleeveLXmm}}}% \put(0,\value{sc@dssleeveLXmm}){\line(0,1){46}}% \put(\value{sc@dssleeveLXmm},\value{sc@tempa}){% \line(-1,-1){\value{sc@dssleeveLXmm}}}% } % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % \begin{macro}{\sc@sleeveboxLXXXmm} % Draws a fold part of the 80 mm sleeve. % Usage: |\usebox{\sc@sleeveboxLXXXmm}| % \begin{macrocode} \newsavebox{\sc@sleeveboxLXXXmm} \savebox{\sc@sleeveboxLXXXmm}{% \sc@picinit% \setcounter{sc@tempa}{\value{sc@cdLXXXjccoverheightdraw} + 2}% \put(\value{sc@dssleeveLXXXmm},0)% {\line(-1,1){\value{sc@dssleeveLXXXmm}}}% \put(0,\value{sc@dssleeveLXXXmm}){\line(0,1){62}}% \put(\value{sc@dssleeveLXXXmm},\value{sc@tempa}){% \line(-1,-1){\value{sc@dssleeveLXXXmm}}}% } % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % \begin{macro}{\sleeve} % Creates a disk sleeve for cutting out and glueing together. % Usage: |\sleeve| \oarg{other side middle text} \marg{middle text} % \begin{macrocode} \DeclareRobustCommand{\sleeve}[2][]{% \sc@sleeve[#1]{#2}{\value{sc@dssleeve}}% {\value{sc@cdjccoverheightdraw}}% {\value{sc@cdjccoverwidthdraw}}% {\usebox{\sc@sleevebox}}% } % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % \begin{macro}{\sleeveLXXX} % Creates a 80 millimeter disk sleeve for cutting out and glueing together. % Usage: |\sleeveLXXX| \oarg{other side middle text} \marg{middle text} % \begin{macrocode} \DeclareRobustCommand{\sleeveLXXX}[2][]{% \sc@sleeve[#1]{#2}{\value{sc@dssleeveLXXXmm}}% {\value{sc@cdLXXXjccoverheightdraw}}% {\value{sc@cdLXXXjccoverwidthdraw}}% {\usebox{\sc@sleeveboxLXXXmm}}% } % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % \begin{macro}{\sleeveLX} % Creates a 60 millimeter disk sleeve for cutting out and glueing together. % Usage: |\sleeveLX| \oarg{other side middle text} \marg{middle text} % \begin{macrocode} \DeclareRobustCommand{\sleeveLX}[2][]{% \sc@sleeve[#1]{#2}{\value{sc@dssleeveLXmm}}% {\value{sc@cdLXjccoverheightdraw}}% {\value{sc@cdLXjccoverwidthdraw}}% {\usebox{\sc@sleeveboxLXmm}}% } % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % \begin{macro}{\sleevela} % Creates a disk sleeve for lever arch files. % Usage: |\sleevela| \oarg{back text} \marg{front text} % \begin{macrocode} \DeclareRobustCommand{\sleevela}[2][]{% \sc@picinit% \begin{picture}(165,248)% \put(13,0){\usebox{\sc@sleevebox}}% \put(165,122){\rotatebox{180}{\usebox{\sc@sleevebox}}}% \put(28,0){% \sc@choicebox{122}{122}{% \rotatebox{180}{% \parbox[c]{122\sc@unittype}{\sc@centering #1\sc@doalign{\sc@jewelalign}}% }}{\sc@truestr}{\sc@falsestr}{\sc@falsestr}{\sc@falsestr}% }% \put(28,122){% \sc@choicebox{122}{122}{% \parbox[c]{122\sc@unittype}{\sc@centering #2\sc@doalign{\sc@jewelalign}}% }{\sc@falsestr}{\sc@truestr}{\sc@falsestr}{\sc@truestr}% }% \put(0,122){% \sc@choicebox{28}{122}{}% {\sc@truestr}{\sc@truestr}{\sc@truestr}{\sc@falsestr}}% \put(14,142.5){\circle{6}}% \put(14,222.5){\circle{6}}% \end{picture}% } % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % \begin{macro}{\keepcase} % Universal macro for creating keepcases in various sizes. % Usage: |\keepcase| \oarg{backtext} \marg{cover text} \marg{spinetext} \marg{cover height} % \marg{cover width} \marg{spine width} % \begin{macrocode} \DeclareRobustCommand{\keepcase}[6][]{% \setcounter{sc@tempa}{2*#5 + #6 }% \sc@picinit% \begin{picture}(#4, \value{sc@tempa})% \rotatebox{90}{% \sc@choicebox{#5}{#4}{% \parbox[c]{#5 \sc@unittype}{% \sc@centering #1\sc@doalign{\sc@keepcasealign}}% }{\sc@truestr}{\sc@truestr}{\sc@truestr}{\sc@falsestr}% \sc@choicebox{#6}{#4}{% \rotatebox{\sc@spinerottwo}{\parbox[c]{#4 \sc@unittype}{% \sc@centering #3}}% }{\sc@truestr}{\sc@truestr}{\sc@falsestr}{\sc@falsestr}% \sc@choicebox{#5}{#4}{% \parbox[c]{#5 \sc@unittype}{% \sc@centering #2\sc@doalign{\sc@keepcasealign}}% }{\sc@truestr}{\sc@truestr}{\sc@falsestr}{\sc@truestr}% }% \end{picture}% } % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % \begin{macro}{\slimdvd} % Creates a slim dvd keepcase cover. % Usage: |\slimdvd| \oarg{back text} \marg{cover text} \marg{spine text} % \begin{macrocode} \DeclareRobustCommand{\slimdvd}[3][]{% \keepcase[#1]{#2}{#3}{\value{sc@dvdkccoverheightdraw}}% {\value{sc@dvdkccoverwidthdraw}}% {\value{sc@sdvdkcspinewidthdraw}}% } % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % \begin{macro}{\dvd} % Creates a dvd keepcase. % Usage: |\dvd| \oarg{back text} \marg{cover text} \marg{spine text} % \begin{macrocode} \DeclareRobustCommand{\dvd}[3][]{% \keepcase[#1]{#2}{#3}{\value{sc@dvdkccoverheightdraw}}% {\value{sc@dvdkccoverwidthdraw}}% {\value{sc@dvdkcspinewidthdraw}}% } % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % \begin{macro}{\bluray} % Creates a Blu-Ray keepcase. % Usage: |\bluray| \oarg{backtext} \marg{cover text} \marg{spine text} % \begin{macrocode} \DeclareRobustCommand{\bluray}[3][]{% \keepcase[#1]{#2}{#3}{\value{sc@brcoverheightdraw}}% {\value{sc@dvdkccoverwidthdraw}}% {\value{sc@dvdkcspinewidthdraw}}% } % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % \begin{macro}{\coverimg} % Resizes the image for a jewel case cover. % Usage: |\coverimg| \parg{picture} % \begin{macrocode} \DeclareRobustCommand{\coverimg}[1]{% \resizebox{\value{sc@cdjccoverwidthdraw} \sc@unittype}{% \value{sc@cdjccoverheightdraw} \sc@unittype}{#1}% } % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % \begin{macro}{\backsheetimg} % Resizes the image for a jewel case backsheet with spines. % Usage: |\backsheetimg| \parg{picture} % \begin{macrocode} \DeclareRobustCommand{\backsheetimg}[1]{% \resizebox{% \value{sc@cdjcbackwidthdraw}+\value{sc@cdjcspinewidthdraw}*2% \sc@unittype}% {\value{sc@cdjcbackheightdraw} \sc@unittype}{#1}% } % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % \begin{macro}{\slimdvdimg} % Resizes an image for the slim dvd keepcase. % Usage: |\slimdvdimg| \parg{picture} % \begin{macrocode} \DeclareRobustCommand{\slimdvdimg}[1]{% \resizebox{\value{sc@dvdkcheightdraw} \sc@unittype}% {\value{sc@sdvdkccoverwidthdraw}*2+\value{sc@sdvdkcspinewidthdraw}% \sc@unittype}{#1}% } % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % \begin{macro}{\dvdimg} % Resizes an image for a dvd keepcase. % Usage: |\dvdimg| \parg{picture} % \begin{macrocode} \DeclareRobustCommand{\dvdimg}[1]{% \resizebox{\value{sc@dvdkcheightdraw} \sc@unittype}% {\value{sc@dvdkccoverwidthdraw}*2+\value{sc@dvdkcspinewidthdraw}% \sc@unittype}{#1}% } % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % \begin{macro}{\blurayimg} % Resizes an image for the Blu-Ray keepcase. % Usage: |\blurayimg| \parg{picture} % \begin{macrocode} \DeclareRobustCommand{\blurayimg}[1]{% \resizebox{\value{sc@brcoverheightdraw} \sc@unittype}% {\value{sc@dvdkccoverwidthdraw}*2+\value{sc@dvdkcspinewidthdraw}% \sc@unittype}{#1}% } % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % \begin{macro}{\sc@cell} % Creates a single cell for a cover, inlay. % Usage: |\sc@cell| \marg{text} \marg{width} \marg{height} \marg{aligning space} % \begin{macrocode} \DeclareRobustCommand{\sc@cell}[4]{% \sc@picinit% \begin{picture}(#2,#3)% \framebox(#2,#3)[c]{% \parbox[c]{#2 \sc@unittype}{\sc@centering #1\sc@doalign{#4}}% }% \end{picture}% } % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % \begin{macro}{\sc@choicebox} % Creates a box with configurable borders. If a parameter in 4-7 range is |\sc@truestr|, then % the appropriate border is drawn. If |\sc@falsestr| or nofold option is used, border is not drawn. % Usage: |\sc@choicebox| \marg{width} \marg{height} \marg{text} \marg{bottom border} % \marg{top border} \marg{left border} \marg{right border} % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand{\sc@choicebox}[7]{% \makebox(#1,#2)[c]{% \parbox[c]{#1 \sc@unittype}{\sc@centering #3}% }% \ifthenelse{\boolean{sc@fold} \OR \equal{#4}{\sc@truestr}}% {\put(-#1,0){\line(1,0){#1}}}{}% \ifthenelse{\boolean{sc@fold} \OR \equal{#5}{\sc@truestr}}% {\put(-#1,#2){\line(1,0){#1}}}{}% \ifthenelse{\boolean{sc@fold} \OR \equal{#6}{\sc@truestr}}% {\put(-#1,0){\line(0,1){#2}}}{}% \ifthenelse{\boolean{sc@fold} \OR \equal{#7}{\sc@truestr}}% {\put(0,0){\line(0,1){#2}}}{}% } % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % \begin{macro}{\inlay} % Creates a custom sized inlay. % Usage: |\inlay| \marg{text} \marg{width} \marg{height} % \begin{macrocode} \DeclareRobustCommand{\inlay}[3]{% \sc@cell{#1}{#2}{#3}{\sc@inalign}% } % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % \begin{macro}{\dvdinlay} % Creates an inlay card for a dvd/slimdvd keepcase. % Usage: |\dvdinlay| \marg{text} % \begin{macrocode} \DeclareRobustCommand{\dvdinlay}[1]{% \inlay{#1}{\value{sc@dvdkcinletwidthdraw}}% {\value{sc@dvdkcinletheightdraw}}% } % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % \begin{macro}{\blurayinlay} % Creates an inlay for a Blu-Ray keepcase. % Usage: |\blurayinlay| \marg{text} % \begin{macrocode} \DeclareRobustCommand{\blurayinlay}[1]{% \inlay{#1}{\value{sc@brinletwidthdraw}}% {\value{sc@brinletheightdraw}}% } % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % \begin{macro}{\djewel} % Creates a two-page jewel case cover. % Usage: |\djewel| \marg{first page text} \marg{second page text} % \begin{macrocode} \DeclareRobustCommand{\djewel}[2]{% \setcounter{sc@tempa}{2 * \value{sc@cdjccoverwidthdraw}}% \sc@picinit% \begin{picture}(\value{sc@cdjccoverheightdraw}, \value{sc@tempa})% \rotatebox{90}{% \sc@choicebox{\value{sc@cdjccoverwidthdraw}}% {\value{sc@cdjccoverheightdraw}}{% \parbox[c]{\value{sc@cdjccoverwidthdraw} \sc@unittype}{% \sc@centering #2\sc@doalign{\sc@jewelalign}}% }{\sc@truestr}{\sc@truestr}{\sc@truestr}{\sc@falsestr}% \sc@choicebox{\value{sc@cdjccoverwidthdraw}}% {\value{sc@cdjccoverheightdraw}}{% \parbox[c]{\value{sc@cdjccoverwidthdraw} \sc@unittype}{% \sc@centering #1\sc@doalign{\sc@jewelalign}}% }{\sc@truestr}{\sc@truestr}{\sc@falsestr}{\sc@truestr}% }% \end{picture}% } % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % \begin{macro}{\floppyIIIV} % Cover for the 3.5-inch floppy. % Usage: |\floppyIIIV| \marg{front content} \marg{back content} % \begin{macrocode} \DeclareRobustCommand{\floppyIIIV}[2]{% \sc@picinit% \begin{picture}(70,69.5)% \put(-2,66.5){\qbezier(3, 3)(2, 3)(2, 2)}% \put(1,69.5){\line(1,0){68}}% \put(66,66.5){\qbezier(4, 2)(4, 3)(3, 3)}% \put(0,56.5){% \makebox(70,13)[c]{\rotatebox{180}{\parbox[c]{70mm}{\sc@centering #2}}}}% \put(0,54){\sc@choicebox{70}{2.5}{}% {\sc@falsestr}{\sc@falsestr}{\sc@truestr}{\sc@truestr}}% \put(0,0){\makebox(70,54)[c]{\parbox[c]{70mm}{\sc@centering #1}}}% \put(0,1){\line(0,1){67.5}}% \put(70,1){\line(0,1){67.5}}% \put(1,0){\line(1,0){68}}% \put(-2,-1){\qbezier(2, 2)(2, 1)(3, 1)}% \put(66,-1){\qbezier(3, 1)(4, 1)(4, 2)}% \end{picture}% } % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % \begin{macro}{\zipdisk} % Cover for a zip disk. % Usage: |\zipdisk| \marg{front content} \marg{back content} % \begin{macrocode} \DeclareRobustCommand{\zipdisk}[2]{% \sc@picinit% \begin{picture}(98,120)% \put(0,20){\makebox(98,100)[c]{\parbox[c]{98\sc@unittype}{\sc@centering #1}}}% \put(0,13){\sc@choicebox{98}{7}{}% {\sc@falsestr}{\sc@falsestr}{\sc@truestr}{\sc@truestr}}% \put(0,0){% \makebox(98,13)[c]{% \rotatebox{180}{\parbox[c]{98\sc@unittype}{\sc@centering #2}}}}% \put(0,0){\framebox(98,120){}}% \end{picture}% } % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % \begin{macro}{\zipdiskII} % Cover for a zip disk. % Usage: |\zipdiskII| \marg{content} % \begin{macrocode} \DeclareRobustCommand{\zipdiskII}[1]{% \sc@cell{#1}{60}{51}{}% } % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % \begin{macro}{\disk} % Creates a CD-R image. % Usage: |\disk| \marg{content} % \begin{macrocode} \DeclareRobustCommand{\disk}[1]{% \sc@picinit% \begin{picture}(120,120)% % Ellipse: u = 60.0 v = 60.0 a = 60.0 b = 60.0 phi = 0.0 Grad \qbezier(120.0, 60.0)(120.0, 84.8528)(102.4264, 102.4264)% \qbezier(102.4264, 102.4264)(84.8528, 120.0)(60.0, 120.0)% \qbezier(60.0, 120.0)(35.1472, 120.0)(17.5736, 102.4264)% \qbezier(17.5736, 102.4264)(0.0, 84.8528)(0.0, 60.0)% \qbezier(0.0, 60.0)(0.0, 35.1472)(17.5736, 17.5736)% \qbezier(17.5736, 17.5736)(35.1472, 0.0)(60.0, 0.0)% \qbezier(60.0, 0.0)(84.8528, 0.0)(102.4264, 17.5736)% \qbezier(102.4264, 17.5736)(120.0, 35.1472)(120.0, 60.0)% % Ellipse: u = 60.0 v = 60.0 a = 58.0 b = 58.0 phi = 0.0 Grad \qbezier(118.0, 60.0)(118.0, 84.0244)(101.0122, 101.0122)% \qbezier(101.0122, 101.0122)(84.0244, 118.0)(60.0, 118.0)% \qbezier(60.0, 118.0)(35.9756, 118.0)(18.9878, 101.0122)% \qbezier(18.9878, 101.0122)(2.0, 84.0244)(2.0, 60.0)% \qbezier(2.0, 60.0)(2.0, 35.9756)(18.9878, 18.9878)% \qbezier(18.9878, 18.9878)(35.9756, 2.0)(60.0, 2.0)% \qbezier(60.0, 2.0)(84.0244, 2.0)(101.0122, 18.9878)% \qbezier(101.0122, 18.9878)(118.0, 35.9756)(118.0, 60.0)% % Ellipse: u = 60.0 v = 60.0 a = 23.0 b = 23.0 phi = 0.0 Grad \qbezier(83.0, 60.0)(83.0, 69.5269)(76.2635, 76.2635)% \qbezier(76.2635, 76.2635)(69.5269, 83.0)(60.0, 83.0)% \qbezier(60.0, 83.0)(50.4731, 83.0)(43.7365, 76.2635)% \qbezier(43.7365, 76.2635)(37.0, 69.5269)(37.0, 60.0)% \qbezier(37.0, 60.0)(37.0, 50.4731)(43.7365, 43.7365)% \qbezier(43.7365, 43.7365)(50.4731, 37.0)(60.0, 37.0)% \qbezier(60.0, 37.0)(69.5269, 37.0)(76.2635, 43.7365)% \qbezier(76.2635, 43.7365)(83.0, 50.4731)(83.0, 60.0)% % Ellipse: u = 60.0 v = 60.0 a = 11.5 b = 11.5 phi = 0.0 Grad \qbezier(71.5, 60.0)(71.5, 64.7635)(68.1317, 68.1317)% \qbezier(68.1317, 68.1317)(64.7635, 71.5)(60.0, 71.5)% \qbezier(60.0, 71.5)(55.2365, 71.5)(51.8683, 68.1317)% \qbezier(51.8683, 68.1317)(48.5, 64.7635)(48.5, 60.0)% \qbezier(48.5, 60.0)(48.5, 55.2365)(51.8683, 51.8683)% \qbezier(51.8683, 51.8683)(55.2365, 48.5)(60.0, 48.5)% \qbezier(60.0, 48.5)(64.7635, 48.5)(68.1317, 51.8683)% \qbezier(68.1317, 51.8683)(71.5, 55.2365)(71.5, 60.0)% % Ellipse: u = 60.0 v = 60.0 a = 7.5 b = 7.5 phi = 0.0 Grad \qbezier(67.5, 60.0)(67.5, 63.1066)(65.3033, 65.3033)% \qbezier(65.3033, 65.3033)(63.1066, 67.5)(60.0, 67.5)% \qbezier(60.0, 67.5)(56.8934, 67.5)(54.6967, 65.3033)% \qbezier(54.6967, 65.3033)(52.5, 63.1066)(52.5, 60.0)% \qbezier(52.5, 60.0)(52.5, 56.8934)(54.6967, 54.6967)% \qbezier(54.6967, 54.6967)(56.8934, 52.5)(60.0, 52.5)% \qbezier(60.0, 52.5)(63.1066, 52.5)(65.3033, 54.6967)% \qbezier(65.3033, 54.6967)(67.5, 56.8934)(67.5, 60.0)% \put(0,0){% \makebox(120,120)[c]{% \parbox[c]{120\sc@unittype}{\sc@centering #1}% }}% \end{picture}% } % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % \begin{macro}{\emptydisk} % Creates a CD-R image. % Usage: |\emptydisk| \marg{content} % \begin{macrocode} \DeclareRobustCommand{\emptydisk}[1]{% \sc@picinit% \begin{picture}(120,120)% % Ellipse: u = 60.0 v = 60.0 a = 60.0 b = 60.0 phi = 0.0 Grad \qbezier(120.0, 60.0)(120.0, 84.8528)(102.4264, 102.4264)% \qbezier(102.4264, 102.4264)(84.8528, 120.0)(60.0, 120.0)% \qbezier(60.0, 120.0)(35.1472, 120.0)(17.5736, 102.4264)% \qbezier(17.5736, 102.4264)(0.0, 84.8528)(0.0, 60.0)% \qbezier(0.0, 60.0)(0.0, 35.1472)(17.5736, 17.5736)% \qbezier(17.5736, 17.5736)(35.1472, 0.0)(60.0, 0.0)% \qbezier(60.0, 0.0)(84.8528, 0.0)(102.4264, 17.5736)% \qbezier(102.4264, 17.5736)(120.0, 35.1472)(120.0, 60.0)% % Ellipse: u = 60.0 v = 60.0 a = 7.5 b = 7.5 phi = 0.0 Grad \qbezier(67.5, 60.0)(67.5, 63.1066)(65.3033, 65.3033)% \qbezier(65.3033, 65.3033)(63.1066, 67.5)(60.0, 67.5)% \qbezier(60.0, 67.5)(56.8934, 67.5)(54.6967, 65.3033)% \qbezier(54.6967, 65.3033)(52.5, 63.1066)(52.5, 60.0)% \qbezier(52.5, 60.0)(52.5, 56.8934)(54.6967, 54.6967)% \qbezier(54.6967, 54.6967)(56.8934, 52.5)(60.0, 52.5)% \qbezier(60.0, 52.5)(63.1066, 52.5)(65.3033, 54.6967)% \qbezier(65.3033, 54.6967)(67.5, 56.8934)(67.5, 60.0)% \put(0,0){% \makebox(120,120)[c]{% \parbox[c]{120\sc@unittype}{\sc@centering #1}% }}% \end{picture}% } % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % \begin{macro}{\cdrdisk} % Creates a CD-R image. % Usage: |\cdrdisk| \marg{content} % \begin{macrocode} \DeclareRobustCommand{\cdrdisk}[1]{% \sc@picinit% \begin{picture}(116, 116)% % Ellipse: u = 58.0 v = 58.0 a = 58.0 b = 58.0 phi = 0.0 Grad \qbezier(116.0, 58.0)(116.0, 82.0244)(99.0122, 99.0122)% \qbezier(99.0122, 99.0122)(82.0244, 116.0)(58.0, 116.0)% \qbezier(58.0, 116.0)(33.9756, 116.0)(16.9878, 99.0122)% \qbezier(16.9878, 99.0122)(0.0, 82.0244)(0.0, 58.0)% \qbezier(0.0, 58.0)(0.0, 33.9756)(16.9878, 16.9878)% \qbezier(16.9878, 16.9878)(33.9756, 0.0)(58.0, 0.0)% \qbezier(58.0, 0.0)(82.0244, 0.0)(99.0122, 16.9878)% \qbezier(99.0122, 16.9878)(116.0, 33.9756)(116.0, 58.0)% % Ellipse: u = 58.0 v = 58.0 a = 19.0 b = 19.0 phi = 0.0 Grad \qbezier(77.0, 58.0)(77.0, 65.8701)(71.435, 71.435)% \qbezier(71.435, 71.435)(65.8701, 77.0)(58.0, 77.0)% \qbezier(58.0, 77.0)(50.1299, 77.0)(44.565, 71.435)% \qbezier(44.565, 71.435)(39.0, 65.8701)(39.0, 58.0)% \qbezier(39.0, 58.0)(39.0, 50.1299)(44.565, 44.565)% \qbezier(44.565, 44.565)(50.1299, 39.0)(58.0, 39.0)% \qbezier(58.0, 39.0)(65.8701, 39.0)(71.435, 44.565)% \qbezier(71.435, 44.565)(77.0, 50.1299)(77.0, 58.0)% \put(0,0){% \makebox(116,116)[c]{% \parbox[c]{116\sc@unittype}{\sc@centering #1}% }}% \end{picture}% } % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % \begin{macro}{\cddvddisk} % Creates a CD, DVD image. % Usage: |\cddvddisk| \marg{content} % \begin{macrocode} \DeclareRobustCommand{\cddvddisk}[1]{% \sc@picinit% \begin{picture}(117, 117)% % Ellipse: u = 58.5 v = 58.5 a = 58.5 b = 58.5 phi = 0.0 Grad \qbezier(117.0, 58.5)(117.0, 82.7315)(99.8657, 99.8657)% \qbezier(99.8657, 99.8657)(82.7315, 117.0)(58.5, 117.0)% \qbezier(58.5, 117.0)(34.2685, 117.0)(17.1343, 99.8657)% \qbezier(17.1343, 99.8657)(0.0, 82.7315)(0.0, 58.5)% \qbezier(0.0, 58.5)(0.0, 34.2685)(17.1343, 17.1343)% \qbezier(17.1343, 17.1343)(34.2685, 0.0)(58.5, 0.0)% \qbezier(58.5, 0.0)(82.7315, 0.0)(99.8657, 17.1343)% \qbezier(99.8657, 17.1343)(117.0, 34.2685)(117.0, 58.5)% % Ellipse: u = 58.5 v = 58.5 a = 11.25 b = 11.25 phi = 0.0 Grad \qbezier(69.75, 58.5)(69.75, 63.1599)(66.455, 66.455)% \qbezier(66.455, 66.455)(63.1599, 69.75)(58.5, 69.75)% \qbezier(58.5, 69.75)(53.8401, 69.75)(50.545, 66.455)% \qbezier(50.545, 66.455)(47.25, 63.1599)(47.25, 58.5)% \qbezier(47.25, 58.5)(47.25, 53.8401)(50.545, 50.545)% \qbezier(50.545, 50.545)(53.8401, 47.25)(58.5, 47.25)% \qbezier(58.5, 47.25)(63.1599, 47.25)(66.455, 50.545)% \qbezier(66.455, 50.545)(69.75, 53.8401)(69.75, 58.5)% \put(0,0){% \makebox(117,117)[c]{% \parbox[c]{117\sc@unittype}{\sc@centering #1}% }}% \end{picture}% } % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % \begin{macro}{\LXXXdisk} % Creates a 80 millimeter disk image. % Usage: |\LXXXdisk| \marg{content} % \begin{macrocode} \DeclareRobustCommand{\LXXXdisk}[1]{% \sc@picinit% \begin{picture}(76, 76)% % Ellipse: u = 38.0 v = 38.0 a = 38.0 b = 38.0 phi = 0.0 Grad \qbezier(76.0, 38.0)(76.0, 53.7401)(64.8701, 64.8701)% \qbezier(64.8701, 64.8701)(53.7401, 76.0)(38.0, 76.0)% \qbezier(38.0, 76.0)(22.2599, 76.0)(11.1299, 64.8701)% \qbezier(11.1299, 64.8701)(0.0, 53.7401)(0.0, 38.0)% \qbezier(0.0, 38.0)(0.0, 22.2599)(11.1299, 11.1299)% \qbezier(11.1299, 11.1299)(22.2599, 0.0)(38.0, 0.0)% \qbezier(38.0, 0.0)(53.7401, 0.0)(64.8701, 11.1299)% \qbezier(64.8701, 11.1299)(76.0, 22.2599)(76.0, 38.0)% % Ellipse: u = 38.0 v = 38.0 a = 9.0 b = 9.0 phi = 0.0 Grad \qbezier(47.0, 38.0)(47.0, 41.7279)(44.364, 44.364)% \qbezier(44.364, 44.364)(41.7279, 47.0)(38.0, 47.0)% \qbezier(38.0, 47.0)(34.2721, 47.0)(31.636, 44.364)% \qbezier(31.636, 44.364)(29.0, 41.7279)(29.0, 38.0)% \qbezier(29.0, 38.0)(29.0, 34.2721)(31.636, 31.636)% \qbezier(31.636, 31.636)(34.2721, 29.0)(38.0, 29.0)% \qbezier(38.0, 29.0)(41.7279, 29.0)(44.364, 31.636)% \qbezier(44.364, 31.636)(47.0, 34.2721)(47.0, 38.0)% \put(0,0){% \makebox(76,76)[c]{% \parbox[c]{76\sc@unittype}{\sc@centering #1}% }}% \end{picture}% } % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % \begin{macro}{\vhsfront} % Front label for a VHS cassette. % Usage: |\vhsfront| \marg{content} % \begin{macrocode} \DeclareRobustCommand{\vhsfront}[1]{% \sc@cell{#1}{76}{44}{}% } % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % \begin{macro}{\vhsspine} % Side spine label for a VHS cassette. % Usage: |\vhsspine| \marg{content} % \begin{macrocode} \DeclareRobustCommand{\vhsspine}[1]{% \sc@cell{#1}{145}{17}{}% } % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % \begin{macro}{\CCCvhscover} % Case for a 300 series VHS cassette. % Usage: |\CCCvhscover| \marg{front} \marg{spine} \marg{back} % \begin{macrocode} \DeclareRobustCommand{\CCCvhscover}[3]{% \keepcase[#3]{#1}{#2}{197}{115}{27}% } % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % \begin{macro}{\CCCCvhscover} % Case for a 400 series VHS cassette. % Usage: |\CCCCvhscover| \marg{front} \marg{spine} \marg{back} % \begin{macrocode} \DeclareRobustCommand{\CCCCvhscover}[3]{% \keepcase[#3]{#1}{#2}{210}{134.5}{27}% } % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % \begin{macro}{\cassettecover} % Cover label for an audio cassette. % Usage: |\cassettecover| \marg{content} % \begin{macrocode} \DeclareRobustCommand{\cassettecover}[1]{% \sc@picinit% \begin{picture}(88,39)% % Ellipse: u = 22.0 v = 16.5 a = 7.5 b = 7.5 phi = 0.0 Grad % \qbezier(29.5, 16.5)(29.5, 19.6066)(27.3033, 21.8033)% % \qbezier(27.3033, 21.8033)(25.1066, 24.0)(22.0, 24.0)% \qbezier(22.0, 24.0)(18.8934, 24.0)(16.6967, 21.8033)% \qbezier(16.6967, 21.8033)(14.5, 19.6066)(14.5, 16.5)% \qbezier(14.5, 16.5)(14.5, 13.3934)(16.6967, 11.1967)% \qbezier(16.6967, 11.1967)(18.8934, 9.0)(22.0, 9.0)% % \qbezier(22.0, 9.0)(25.1066, 9.0)(27.3033, 11.1967)% % \qbezier(27.3033, 11.1967)(29.5, 13.3934)(29.5, 16.5)% % Ellipse: u = 66.0 v = 16.5 a = 7.5 b = 7.5 phi = 0.0 Grad \qbezier(73.5, 16.5)(73.5, 19.6066)(71.3033, 21.8033)% \qbezier(71.3033, 21.8033)(69.1066, 24.0)(66.0, 24.0)% % \qbezier(66.0, 24.0)(62.8934, 24.0)(60.6967, 21.8033)% % \qbezier(60.6967, 21.8033)(58.5, 19.6066)(58.5, 16.5)% % \qbezier(58.5, 16.5)(58.5, 13.3934)(60.6967, 11.1967)% % \qbezier(60.6967, 11.1967)(62.8934, 9.0)(66.0, 9.0)% \qbezier(66.0, 9.0)(69.1066, 9.0)(71.3033, 11.1967)% \qbezier(71.3033, 11.1967)(73.5, 13.3934)(73.5, 16.5)% \put(22,9){\line(1,0){44}}% \put(22,24){\line(1,0){44}}% \framebox(88,39)[c]{\parbox[c]{88\sc@unittype}{\sc@centering #1}}% \end{picture}% } % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % \begin{macro}{\cassetteinlay} % Cover label for an audio cassette. % Usage: |\cassetteinlay| \marg{content} % \begin{macrocode} \DeclareRobustCommand{\cassetteinlay}[3]{% \sc@picinit% \begin{picture}(102,104)% \put(0,38){% \sc@choicebox{102}{66}{\parbox[c]{102\sc@unittype}{\sc@centering #1}}% {\sc@falsestr}{\sc@truestr}{\sc@truestr}{\sc@truestr}}% \put(0,25){% \sc@choicebox{102}{13}{\parbox[c]{102\sc@unittype}{\sc@centering #2}}% {\sc@falsestr}{\sc@falsestr}{\sc@truestr}{\sc@truestr}}% \put(0,0){% \sc@choicebox{102}{25}{\parbox[c]{102\sc@unittype}{\sc@centering #3}}% {\sc@truestr}{\sc@falsestr}{\sc@truestr}{\sc@truestr}}% \end{picture}% } % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % \begin{macro}{\vinylcdcover} % Cover label for a vinyl CD. % Usage: |\vinylcdcover| \marg{content} % \begin{macrocode} \DeclareRobustCommand{\vinylcdcover}[1]{% \sc@picinit% \begin{picture}(65,65)% % Ellipse: u = 32.5 v = 32.5 a = 32.5 b = 32.5 phi = 0.0 Grad \qbezier(65.0, 32.5)(65.0, 45.9619)(55.481, 55.481)% \qbezier(55.481, 55.481)(45.9619, 65.0)(32.5, 65.0)% \qbezier(32.5, 65.0)(19.0381, 65.0)(9.519, 55.481)% \qbezier(9.519, 55.481)(0.0, 45.9619)(0.0, 32.5)% \qbezier(0.0, 32.5)(0.0, 19.0381)(9.519, 9.519)% \qbezier(9.519, 9.519)(19.0381, 0.0)(32.5, 0.0)% \qbezier(32.5, 0.0)(45.9619, 0.0)(55.481, 9.519)% \qbezier(55.481, 9.519)(65.0, 19.0381)(65.0, 32.5)% % Ellipse: u = 32.5 v = 32.5 a = 8.35 b = 8.35 phi = 0.0 Grad \qbezier(40.85, 32.5)(40.85, 35.9587)(38.4043, 38.4043)% \qbezier(38.4043, 38.4043)(35.9587, 40.85)(32.5, 40.85)% \qbezier(32.5, 40.85)(29.0413, 40.85)(26.5957, 38.4043)% \qbezier(26.5957, 38.4043)(24.15, 35.9587)(24.15, 32.5)% \qbezier(24.15, 32.5)(24.15, 29.0413)(26.5957, 26.5957)% \qbezier(26.5957, 26.5957)(29.0413, 24.15)(32.5, 24.15)% \qbezier(32.5, 24.15)(35.9587, 24.15)(38.4043, 26.5957)% \qbezier(38.4043, 26.5957)(40.85, 29.0413)(40.85, 32.5)% \put(0,0){% \makebox(65,65)[c]{\parbox[c]{65\sc@unittype}{\sc@centering #1}}}% \end{picture}% } % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % \begin{macro}{\recordcover} % Cover label for a 30 centimeter record. % Usage: |\recordcover| \marg{content} % \begin{macrocode} \DeclareRobustCommand{\recordcover}[1]{% \sc@picinit% \begin{picture}(99,99)% % Ellipse: u = 49.5 v = 49.5 a = 49.5 b = 49.5 phi = 0.0 Grad \qbezier(99.0, 49.5)(99.0, 70.0036)(84.5018, 84.5018)% \qbezier(84.5018, 84.5018)(70.0036, 99.0)(49.5, 99.0)% \qbezier(49.5, 99.0)(28.9964, 99.0)(14.4982, 84.5018)% \qbezier(14.4982, 84.5018)(0.0, 70.0036)(0.0, 49.5)% \qbezier(0.0, 49.5)(0.0, 28.9964)(14.4982, 14.4982)% \qbezier(14.4982, 14.4982)(28.9964, 0.0)(49.5, 0.0)% \qbezier(49.5, 0.0)(70.0036, 0.0)(84.5018, 14.4982)% \qbezier(84.5018, 14.4982)(99.0, 28.9964)(99.0, 49.5)% % Ellipse: u = 49.5 v = 49.5 a = 4.0 b = 4.0 phi = 0.0 Grad \qbezier(53.5, 49.5)(53.5, 51.1569)(52.3284, 52.3284)% \qbezier(52.3284, 52.3284)(51.1569, 53.5)(49.5, 53.5)% \qbezier(49.5, 53.5)(47.8431, 53.5)(46.6716, 52.3284)% \qbezier(46.6716, 52.3284)(45.5, 51.1569)(45.5, 49.5)% \qbezier(45.5, 49.5)(45.5, 47.8431)(46.6716, 46.6716)% \qbezier(46.6716, 46.6716)(47.8431, 45.5)(49.5, 45.5)% \qbezier(49.5, 45.5)(51.1569, 45.5)(52.3284, 46.6716)% \qbezier(52.3284, 46.6716)(53.5, 47.8431)(53.5, 49.5)% \put(0,0){% \makebox(99,99)[c]{\parbox[c]{99\sc@unittype}{\sc@centering #1}}}% \end{picture}% } % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % \begin{macro}{\sc@jewelemptyl} % Empty jewel layout. % Usage: |\sc@jewelemptyl| \marg{content} \marg{cover width} \marg{cover height} % \begin{macrocode} \DeclareRobustCommand{\sc@jewelemptyl}[3]{% \setboolean{sc@layout}{true}% \setcounter{sc@layouttempa}{#2 - 10}% \setcounter{sc@layouttempb}{#3 - 10}% \sc@picinit% \begin{picture}(\value{sc@layouttempa}, \value{sc@layouttempb})% \framebox(\value{sc@layouttempa}, \value{sc@layouttempb})[c]{#1}% \end{picture}% } % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % \begin{macro}{\jewellempty} % Empty layout border. % Usage: |\jewellempty| \marg{content} % \begin{macrocode} \DeclareRobustCommand{\jewellempty}[1]{% \setcounter{sc@layouttempa}{\value{sc@cdjccoverwidthdraw} - 10}% \setcounter{sc@layouttempb}{\value{sc@cdjccoverheightdraw} - 10}% \sc@jewelemptyl{ \makebox(\value{sc@layouttempa},\value{sc@layouttempb})[c]{% \parbox[c]{\value{sc@layouttempa} \sc@unittype}{\sc@centering #1}}}% {\value{sc@cdjccoverwidthdraw}}% {\value{sc@cdjccoverheightdraw}}% } % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % \begin{macro}{\jeweldriverlempty} % Empty cover layout for a hardware driver disk. % Usage: |\jeweldriverlempty| \marg{title} \marg{subtitle} \marg{date} \marg{serial} % \marg{disk version} \marg{right middle cell} \marg{bottom cell} % \begin{macrocode} \DeclareRobustCommand{\jeweldriverlempty}[7]{% \sc@jewelemptyl{% \put(0,80){% \framebox(110,30){\parbox[c]{110mm}{\sc@centering\scalebox{4.5}{#1}}}}% \put(0,60){\framebox(110,20){\parbox[c]{110mm}{\sc@centering\huge #2}}}% \put(0,50){\framebox(55,10){\parbox[c]{55mm}{\sc@centering #3}}}% \put(0,40){\framebox(55,10){\parbox[c]{55mm}{\sc@centering #4}}}% \put(0,30){\framebox(55,10){\parbox[c]{55mm}{\sc@centering #5}}}% \put(55,30){\framebox(55,30)[t]{% \parbox[c]{4cm}{% \vspace{0.5cm}% \setlength{\baselineskip}{1.5\baselineskip} #6% }% }}% \put(0,0){\framebox(110,30)[t]{% \parbox[c]{10.5cm}{\vspace{0.5cm} #7}% }}}% {\value{sc@cdjccoverwidthdraw}}% {\value{sc@cdjccoverheightdraw}}% } % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % \begin{macro}{\jeweldriverl} % Cover layout for a hardware driver disk. % Usage: |\jeweldriverl| \marg{title} \marg{subtitle} \marg{date} \marg{serial} % \marg{disk version} \marg{right middle cell} \marg{bottom cell} % \begin{macrocode} \DeclareRobustCommand{\jeweldriverl}[7]{% \jeweldriverlempty{#1}{#2}{Acquisition date: #3}{Serial: #4}% {Disk version/ID: #5}{#6}{#7}% } % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % \begin{macro}{\jewelmusiclempty} % Cover layout for music disks. % Usage: |\jewelmusiclempty| \marg{title} \marg{performer} \marg{year} \marg{style} % \begin{macrocode} \DeclareRobustCommand{\jewelmusiclempty}[4]{% \sc@jewelemptyl{% \put(0,60){% \makebox(110,40)[c]{\parbox[c]{110mm}{\sc@centering\scalebox{4}{#1}}}}% \put(0,60){\makebox(110,10)[c]{\parbox[c]{110mm}{\sc@centering\Large #2}}}% \put(0,15){\makebox(110,20)[c]{\parbox[c]{110mm}{\sc@centering\Large #4}}}% \put(0,10){\makebox(110,10)[c]{\parbox[c]{110mm}{\sc@centering\Large #3}}}% }% {\value{sc@cdjccoverwidthdraw}}% {\value{sc@cdjccoverheightdraw}}% } % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % \begin{macro}{\sc@jewelbackemptyl} % Empty jewel backsheet layout. % Usage: |\sc@jewelbackemptyl| \marg{content} % \begin{macrocode} \DeclareRobustCommand{\sc@jewelbackemptyl}[2]{% \setboolean{sc@layout}{true}% \setcounter{sc@layouttempa}{\value{sc@cdjcbackinwidthdraw} - 10}% \setcounter{sc@layouttempb}{\value{sc@cdjcbackheightdraw} - 10}% \sc@picinit% \begin{picture}(\value{sc@layouttempa}, \value{sc@layouttempb})% \csname#2\endcsname(\value{sc@layouttempa}, \value{sc@layouttempb})[c]{#1}% \end{picture}% } % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % \begin{macro}{\jewelbacklempty} % Empty layout border. % Usage: |\jewelbacklempty| \marg{content} % \begin{macrocode} \DeclareRobustCommand{\jewelbacklempty}[1]{% \setcounter{sc@layouttempa}{\value{sc@cdjcbackinwidthdraw} - 10}% \setcounter{sc@layouttempb}{\value{sc@cdjcbackheightdraw} - 10}% \sc@jewelbackemptyl{% \parbox[c]{\value{sc@layouttempa} \sc@unittype}{\sc@centering #1}}{framebox}% } % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % \begin{macro}{\jewelbackIIlempty} % Empty layout without border. % Usage: |\jewelbackIIlempty| \marg{content} % \begin{macrocode} \DeclareRobustCommand{\jewelbackIIlempty}[1]{% \setcounter{sc@layouttempa}{\value{sc@cdjcbackinwidthdraw} - 10}% \setcounter{sc@layouttempb}{\value{sc@cdjcbackheightdraw} - 10}% \sc@jewelbackemptyl{% \parbox[c]{\value{sc@layouttempa} \sc@unittype}{#1}}{makebox}% } % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % \begin{macro}{\LXlempty} % Empty layout border for 60 millimeter disk covers. % Usage: |\LXlempty| \marg{content} % \begin{macrocode} \DeclareRobustCommand{\LXlempty}[1]{% \setboolean{sc@layout}{true}% \setcounter{sc@resizertempa}{\value{sc@cdLXjccoverwidthdraw} - 10}% \resizebox{\value{sc@resizertempa}\sc@unittype}{!}{% \sc@jewelemptyl{% \parbox[c]{\value{sc@resizertempa} \sc@unittype}{\sc@centering #1}}% {\value{sc@cdLXjccoverwidthdraw}}% {\value{sc@cdLXjccoverheightdraw}}}% } % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % \begin{macro}{\LXXXlempty} % Empty layout border for 80 millimeter disk covers. % Usage: |\LXXXlempty| \marg{content} % \begin{macrocode} \DeclareRobustCommand{\LXXXlempty}[1]{% \setboolean{sc@layout}{true}% \setcounter{sc@resizertempa}{\value{sc@cdLXXXjccoverwidthdraw} - 10}% \resizebox{\value{sc@resizertempa}\sc@unittype}{!}{% \sc@jewelemptyl{% \parbox[c]{\value{sc@resizertempa} \sc@unittype}{\sc@centering #1}}% {\value{sc@cdLXXXjccoverwidthdraw}}% {\value{sc@cdLXXXjccoverheightdraw}}}% } % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % \begin{macro}{\LXdriverlempty} % Driver layout border for 60 millimeter disk covers. % Usage: |\LXdriverlempty| \marg{title} \marg{subtitle} \marg{date} \marg{serial} % \marg{version} \marg{right middle cell} \marg{bottom cell} % \begin{macrocode} \DeclareRobustCommand{\LXdriverlempty}[7]{% \setboolean{sc@layout}{true}% \setcounter{sc@resizertempa}{\value{sc@cdLXjccoverheightdraw} - 10}% \resizebox{\value{sc@resizertempa}\sc@unittype}{!}{% \jeweldriverlempty{#1}{#2}{#3}{#4}{#5}{#6}{#7}}% } % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % \begin{macro}{\LXXXdriverlempty} % Driver layout border for 80 millimeter disk covers. % Usage: |\LXXXdriverlempty| \marg{title} \marg{subtitle} \marg{date} \marg{serial} % \marg{disk version} \marg{right middle cell} \marg{bottom cell} % \begin{macrocode} \DeclareRobustCommand{\LXXXdriverlempty}[7]{% \setboolean{sc@layout}{true}% \setcounter{sc@resizertempa}{\value{sc@cdLXXXjccoverheightdraw} - 10}% \resizebox{\value{sc@resizertempa}\sc@unittype}{!}{% \jeweldriverlempty{#1}{#2}{#3}{#4}{#5}{#6}{#7}}% } % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % \begin{macro}{\LXdriverl} % Driver layout border for 60 millimeter disk covers. % Usage: |\LXdriverl| \marg{title} \marg{subtitle} \marg{date} \marg{serial} % \marg{disk version} \marg{right middle cell} \marg{bottom cell} % \begin{macrocode} \DeclareRobustCommand{\LXdriverl}[7]{% \LXdriverlempty{#1}{#2}{Acquisition date: #3}{Serial: #4}% {Disk version/ID: #5}{#6}{#7}% } % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % \begin{macro}{\LXXXdriverl} % Driver layout border for 80 millimeter disk covers. % Usage: |\LXXXdriverl| \marg{title} \marg{subtitle} \marg{date} \marg{serial} % \marg{disk version} \marg{right middle cell} \marg{bottom cell} % \begin{macrocode} \DeclareRobustCommand{\LXXXdriverl}[7]{% \LXXXdriverlempty{#1}{#2}{Acquisition date: #3}{Serial: #4}% {Disk version/ID: #5}{#6}{#7}% } % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % \begin{macro}{\jewelstripeslempty} % One centered stripe and 2 optional diagonal stripes with content. % Usage: |\jewelstripeslempty| \marg{center content} \marg{upper right content} \marg{lower left content} % \begin{macrocode} \DeclareRobustCommand{\jewelstripeslempty}[3]{% \setboolean{sc@layout}{true}% \sc@picinit% \begin{picture}% (\value{sc@cdjccoverwidthdraw},\value{sc@cdjccoverheightdraw})% \put(0,75){\line(1,0){120}}% \put(0,45){\line(1,0){120}}% \put(0,45){\makebox(\value{sc@cdjccoverwidthdraw},30)[c]% {\parbox[c]{\value{sc@cdjccoverwidthdraw}\sc@unittype}{\sc@centering #1}}}% \ifthenelse{\equal{#2}{}}{}{% \put(62,117.5){\rotatebox{-40}{% \put(13.5,15){\line(1,0){49.8}}% \put(2.2,5){\line(1,0){69.8}}% \put(5,5){\makebox(60,10)[c]{\parbox[c]{50mm}{\sc@centering #2}}}}}}% \ifthenelse{\equal{#3}{}}{}{% \put(-5,29.5){\rotatebox{-40}{% \put(-6,15){\line(1,0){69.8}}% \put(2.2,5){\line(1,0){49.8}}% \put(0,5){\makebox(60,10)[c]{\parbox[c]{50mm}{\sc@centering #3}}}}}}% \end{picture}% } % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % \begin{macro}{\jewelgamelempty} % Empty cover layout for a game disk. % Usage: |\jewelgamelempty| \marg{title} \marg{release year} \marg{genres} \marg{developer} % \marg{publisher} \marg{serial} \marg{comment} % \begin{macrocode} \DeclareRobustCommand{\jewelgamelempty}[7]{% \sc@jewelemptyl{% \put(0,70){% \framebox(110,40){\parbox[c]{110mm}{\sc@centering\scalebox{3}{#1}}}}% \put(0,60){\framebox(55,10){\parbox[c]{55mm}{\sc@centering #2}}}% \put(55,60){\framebox(55,10){\parbox[c]{55mm}{\sc@centering #3}}}% \put(0,50){\framebox(55,10){\parbox[c]{55mm}{\sc@centering #4}}}% \put(55,50){\framebox(55,10){\parbox[c]{55mm}{\sc@centering #5}}}% \put(0,40){\framebox(110,10){\parbox[c]{110mm}{\sc@centering #6}}}%% \put(0,0){\framebox(110,40)[t]{% \parbox[c]{105mm}{\vspace{5mm} #7}% }}}% {\value{sc@cdjccoverwidthdraw}}% {\value{sc@cdjccoverheightdraw}}% } % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % \begin{macro}{\jewelgamel} % Cover layout for a game disk. % Usage: |\jewelgamel| \marg{title} \marg{release year} \marg{genres} \marg{developer} % \marg{publisher} \marg{serial} \marg{comment} % \begin{macrocode} \DeclareRobustCommand{\jewelgamel}[7]{% \jewelgamelempty{#1}{Released: #2}{Genre(s): #3}{Developer: #4}% {Publisher: #5}{Serial: #6}{#7}% } % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % \begin{macro}{\jewelflaglempty} % Empty cover layout in a 3-striped flag format. % Usage: |\jewelflaglempty| \marg{upper content} \marg{middle content} \marg{lower content} % \begin{macrocode} \DeclareRobustCommand{\jewelflaglempty}[3]{% \sc@jewelemptyl{% \put(0,73.33){% \framebox(110,36.66){\parbox[c]{110mm}{\sc@centering #1}}}% \put(0,36.66){\framebox(110,36.66){\parbox[c]{110mm}{\sc@centering #2}}}% \put(0,0){\framebox(110,36.66){\parbox[c]{110mm}{\sc@centering #3}}}% }% {\value{sc@cdjccoverwidthdraw}}% {\value{sc@cdjccoverheightdraw}}% } % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % \begin{macro}{\jewellineslempty} % Cover with horizontal lines. % Usage: |\jewellineslempty| \marg{content} % \begin{macrocode} \DeclareRobustCommand{\jewellineslempty}[1]{% \setboolean{sc@layout}{true}% \sc@picinit% \begin{picture}% (\value{sc@cdjccoverwidthdraw},\value{sc@cdjccoverheightdraw})% \put(5,110){\line(1,0){110}}% \put(5,100){\line(1,0){110}}% \put(5,90){\line(1,0){110}}% \put(5,80){\line(1,0){110}}% \put(5,70){\line(1,0){110}}% \put(5,60){\line(1,0){110}}% \put(5,50){\line(1,0){110}}% \put(5,40){\line(1,0){110}}% \put(5,30){\line(1,0){110}}% \put(5,20){\line(1,0){110}}% \put(5,10){\line(1,0){110}}% \put(5,10){% \makebox(110,110){% \parbox[c]{110mm}{\sc@centering \setlength\baselineskip{1cm} #1}}}% \end{picture}% } % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % \begin{macro}{\jeweltitledlempty} % Empty cover layout with a top title part and a larger bottom part. % Usage: |\jeweltitledlempty| \marg{title} \marg{content} % \begin{macrocode} \DeclareRobustCommand{\jeweltitledlempty}[2]{% \setboolean{sc@layout}{true}% \sc@picinit% \begin{picture}(\value{sc@cdjccoverwidthdraw}, \value{sc@cdjccoverheightdraw}) \put(5,100){% \makebox(110,20){\parbox[c]{110mm}{\sc@centering\huge #1}}}% \put(5,0){\makebox(110,100){\parbox[c]{110mm}{#2}}}% \end{picture}% } % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % \begin{macro}{\dvdmovielempty} % Cover layout for movie DVDs. % Usage: |\dvdmovielempty| \marg{title} \marg{original title} \marg{release year} % \marg{director} \marg{languages} \marg{subtitle} \marg{actors} \marg{comment} % \begin{macrocode} \DeclareRobustCommand{\dvdmovielempty}[8]{% \setboolean{sc@layout}{true}% \setcounter{sc@layouttempa}{\value{sc@dvdkccoverwidthdraw} - 10}% \setcounter{sc@layouttempb}{\value{sc@dvdkccoverheightdraw} - 10}% \sc@picinit% \begin{picture}(\value{sc@layouttempa}, \value{sc@layouttempb})% \put(0,140){% \framebox(118,33)[c]{\parbox[c]{110mm}{\sc@centering\scalebox{3}{#1}}}}% \put(0,120){% \framebox(118,20)[c]{\parbox[c]{110mm}{\sc@centering\huge #2}}}% \put(0,110){\framebox(59,10)[c]{\parbox[c]{50mm}{\sc@centering #3}}}% \put(0,100){\framebox(59,10)[c]{\parbox[c]{50mm}{#4}}}% \put(0,70){\framebox(59,30)[c]{\parbox[c]{50mm}{#5}}}% \put(0,40){\framebox(59,30)[c]{\parbox[c]{50mm}{#6}}}% \put(59,40){\framebox(59,80)[c]{\parbox[c]{50mm}{#7}}}% \put(0,0){\framebox(118,40)[t]{\parbox[c]{108mm}{\vspace{0.5cm} #8}}}% \end{picture}% } % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % \begin{macro}{\dvdmoviel} % Cover layout for movie DVDs. % Usage: |\dvdmoviel| \marg{title} \marg{original title} \marg{release year} % \marg{director} \marg{languages} \marg{subtitle} \marg{actors} \marg{comment} % \begin{macrocode} \DeclareRobustCommand{\dvdmoviel}[8]{% \dvdmovielempty{#1}{#2}{Released: #3}{Directed by: #4}% {\underline{Spoken languages:} \\ #5}% {\underline{Subtitles:} \\ #6}{\underline{Starring:} \\ #7}{#8}% } % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % \begin{macro}{\dvdlempty} % Empty layout for DVD keepcases. % Usage: |\dvdlempty| \marg{content} % \begin{macrocode} \DeclareRobustCommand{\dvdlempty}[1]{% \setboolean{sc@layout}{true}% \setcounter{sc@layouttempa}{\value{sc@dvdkccoverwidthdraw} - 10}% \setcounter{sc@layouttempb}{\value{sc@dvdkccoverheightdraw} - 10}% \sc@picinit% \begin{picture}(\value{sc@layouttempa}, \value{sc@layouttempb})% \put(0,0){% \framebox(\value{sc@layouttempa}, \value{sc@layouttempb})[c]{% \parbox[c]{\value{sc@layouttempa}\sc@unittype}{\sc@centering #1}}}% \end{picture}% } % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % \begin{macro}{\bluraymovielempty} % Cover layout for movie Blu-rays. % Usage: |\bluraymovielempty| \marg{title} \marg{original title} \marg{release year} % \marg{director} \marg{languages} \marg{subtitles} \marg{actors} \marg{comment} % \begin{macrocode} \DeclareRobustCommand{\bluraymovielempty}[8]{% \setboolean{sc@layout}{true}% \setcounter{sc@layouttempa}{\value{sc@dvdkccoverwidthdraw} - 10}% \setcounter{sc@layouttempb}{\value{sc@brcoverheightdraw} - 10}% \sc@picinit% \begin{picture}(\value{sc@layouttempa}, \value{sc@layouttempb})% \put(0,120){% \framebox(118,20)[c]{\parbox[c]{110mm}{\sc@centering\scalebox{3}{#1}}}}% \put(0,105){% \framebox(118,15)[c]{\parbox[c]{110mm}{\sc@centering\huge #2}}}% \put(0,95){\framebox(59,10)[c]{\parbox[c]{50mm}{\sc@centering #3}}}% \put(0,85){\framebox(59,10)[c]{\parbox[c]{50mm}{#4}}}% \put(0,55){\framebox(59,30)[c]{\parbox[c]{50mm}{#5}}}% \put(0,25){\framebox(59,30)[c]{\parbox[c]{50mm}{#6}}}% \put(59,25){\framebox(59,80)[c]{\parbox[c]{50mm}{#7}}}% \put(0,0){\framebox(118,25)[t]{\parbox[c]{108mm}{\vspace{0.5cm} #8}}}% \end{picture}% } % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % \begin{macro}{\bluraymoviel} % Cover layout for movie Blu-rays. % Usage: |\bluraymoviel| \marg{title} \marg{original title} \marg{release year} % \marg{director} \marg{languages} \marg{subtitles} \marg{actors} \marg{comment} % \begin{macrocode} \DeclareRobustCommand{\bluraymoviel}[8]{% \bluraymovielempty{#1}{#2}{Released: #3}{Directed by: #4}% {\underline{Spoken languages:} \\ #5}% {\underline{Subtitles:} \\ #6}{\underline{Starring:} \\ #7}{#8}% } % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % \begin{macro}{\bluraylempty} % Empty layout for Blu-ray keepcases. % Usage: |\bluraylempty| \marg{content} % \begin{macrocode} \DeclareRobustCommand{\bluraylempty}[1]{% \setboolean{sc@layout}{true}% \setcounter{sc@layouttempa}{\value{sc@dvdkccoverwidthdraw} - 10}% \setcounter{sc@layouttempb}{\value{sc@brcoverheightdraw} - 10}% \sc@picinit% \begin{picture}(\value{sc@layouttempa}, \value{sc@layouttempb})% \put(0,0){% \framebox(\value{sc@layouttempa}, \value{sc@layouttempb})[c]{% \parbox[c]{\value{sc@layouttempa}\sc@unittype}{\sc@centering #1}}}% \end{picture}% } % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % \Finale \endinput