thesis-ekf class Copyright 2014-2024 by Tibor Tomacs This file may be distributed and/or modified under the conditions of the LaTeX Project Public License, either version 1.2 of this license or (at your option) any later version. The latest version of this license is in: and version 1.2 or later is part of all distributions of LaTeX version 1999/12/01 or later. Install: ======= - Run 'latex thesis-ekf.ins' for the 'thesis-ekf.cls' file. - Run 'pdflatex thesis-ekf.dtx' to get the 'thesis-ekf.pdf' documentation. The files should be installed in the following subdirectories of the TEXMF tree. ============================================================= Files TEXMF Installation folder ------------------------------------------------------------- eszterhazy-logo-de.eps tex/latex/thesis-ekf/ eszterhazy-logo-de.pdf tex/latex/thesis-ekf/ eszterhazy-logo-en.eps tex/latex/thesis-ekf/ eszterhazy-logo-en.pdf tex/latex/thesis-ekf/ eszterhazy-logo-hu.eps tex/latex/thesis-ekf/ eszterhazy-logo-hu.pdf tex/latex/thesis-ekf/ thesis-ekf.cls tex/latex/thesis-ekf/ README doc/latex/thesis-ekf/ thesis-ekf.pdf doc/latex/thesis-ekf/ thesis-ekf.dtx source/latex/thesis-ekf/ thesis-ekf.ins source/latex/thesis-ekf/ ============================================================= Thesis class for Eszterh��zy K��roly Catholic University (Eger, Hungary).