% Configuration file for Thor's Hammer
\pwdInstrFldTU{Enter password to mark this quiz}
\markQzFldCA{Mark It}
\markQzFldTU{Press to mark this quiz}
\freezeQuizFldTU{Make all fields readonly, cannot be undone}
\freezeQuizFldCA{Freeze Quiz}
\essayQFldTU{Assign points to extended responses}
\completeMsgFldV{Congratulations, you have completed the quiz,
  before doing anything else, you need to save this document.}
\ShrtPtsFldFmt{"Short Pts: "+event.value}
\LngPtsFldFmt{"Long Pts: "+event.value}
\TotalsFldFmt{"Total: "+event.value+" \eqOutOf "%
\NoNumEnteredMsg{"You did not enter a number, enter a nonnegative number only"}
\TooMuchCreditMsg{"You've assigned too much credit for this problem, assigning the maximum instead"}
% caption and tool tip for \stuSaveBtn
\stuSaveBtnTU{Press to save and close the document}
% verify ending the quiz
\EndQzWarningMsg{"When you end the quiz, you cannot change
any of your answers without starting the quiz over from the 
Press \\"Yes\\" to end the quiz."}
\ThorsAlertTitle{"Thor's Hammer"}
% beginning of quiz warning if no name fields
\InitQzMsg{"You cannot begin the quiz before entering
  your first and last names in the fields provided.\n\n
  Enter the name as you are known in the class; otherwise,
  you will receive no credit for your work."}
\instrSaveFldTU{Save and close this file to the current folder}
\instrSaveFldCA{Save \string& Close}
% Other definitions
\thQHFirstName{First name:}
\thQHLastName{Last name:}
\MarkWarningMsg{"You did not award the student a final mark.\
  \\n\\nAward the mark and then save."}
% Second save warning, appears on dismissal of Save As dialog
\SecondSaveMsg{"Alert! This document has not been saved, do not
  exit before saving!"}