%% This is file `ticket.sty',
%% File: ticket.sty Copyright (c) 1999-2016 Thomas Emmel
%% <thomas@family-emmel.de>
% This package may be distributed and/or modified under the
% conditions of the LaTeX Project Public License, either version 1.3
% of this license or (at your option) any later version.
% The latest version of this license is in
%   http://www.latex-project.org/lppl.txt
% and version 1.2 or later is part of all distributions of LaTeX 
% version 1999/12/01 or later.
% This package consists of the file ticket.sty 
%  v0.1a-0.1d non-official implementations 
%  v0.2       fixing some minor bugs and add examples
%  v0.3a      checking for an old calc-package
%  v0.3b      use internal values if tdf-file is not specified
%  v0.3c      \ticketreset added.
%  v0.3d      added option emptycrossmark as provided by
%             Rafal Bielski <rafal dot bielski at dhl dot com>
%             Similar option was provided by
%             Ivan Lloro Boada <antispam at wanadoo dot es>
%  v0.4a      added the flashcard-style invented by
%             Santiago Mejia <san_tico at yahoo dot com>
%  v0.4b      added 'rowmode' introduced by Wulf Coulmann 
%             <wulf at coulmann dot de>
%  v0.4c      added \ticketskip to allow for empty tickets
%             at the start such that you can re-use used sheets
%             by Maximilian Appel <mail at maxappel dot de>
%  v0.4d      lost some examples in last package
%             no new features
%             Many thanks for all contributions

\typeout{Package: `ticket' \fileversion\space <\filedate> (Thomas Emmel)}

\newif\if@crossmark      \@crossmarkfalse
\newif\if@circlemark     \@circlemarkfalse
\newif\if@emptycrossmark \@emptycrossmarkfalse
\newif\if@cutmark        \@cutmarkfalse
\newif\if@boxed          \@boxedfalse
\newif\if@extern         \@externfalse
\newif\if@backside       \@backsidefalse
\newif\if@rowmode        \@rowmodefalse



% older calc packages have a small bug
      {% Yes. OK! 
      {% No. 
        {Package calc too old (older than v4.1b).}%


% standard definitions


\newcounter{ticket@num@X}% Number of tickets in horizontal direction
\newcounter{ticket@num@Y}% Number of tickets in vertical direction
\setcounter{ticket@num@X}{2}% default value
\setcounter{ticket@num@Y}{3}% default value


\newdimen\ticketWidth% width of a ticket
\newdimen\ticketHeight% height of a ticket

\newdimen\ticket@dis@X% horizontal space between tickets
\newdimen\ticket@dis@Y% vertical space between tickets
\ticket@dis@X=0mm% default value
\ticket@dis@Y=0mm% default value



%% now load ticket definitions from file
  {\typeout{load \ticketToUse}}
  {\errmessage{\ticketToUse\space not found! Please use another file}}

%% temporary length


%% a restart

%% backsides should be handled different for flashcards

% the heart: a "counter"
      % otherwise:
          % otherwise:
      % otherwise:
          % otherwise:

% by Maximilian Appel 2016
    \ % space needed to avoid "there is no line here to end" error
% default content...
% users should renew this command
\put( 5, 5){Ticket....}%

% the main command: \ticket 
% users should define a command like \myticket to get more than one parameter
% position global
% open a picture of zero size and place some crosses
% put the default content into the ticket
% put the variable content into the ticket