_____________________ The TOCBIBIND package The tocbibind package can be used to add the ToC and/or bibliography and/or the index etc., to the Table of Contents listing. ______________ Change History Version 1.5k (2010/10/13) - Remove a superfluous message from the console output: "The document has [section|chapter] divisions" Version 1.5j (2009/12/28) - Internal changes: \phantomsection is no longer needed for hyperref support Version 1.5i (2009/09/04) - New maintainer (Will Robertson) Changes in version 1.5h (2004/05/10) - Changed license from LPPL v1.0 to v1.3 Changes in version 1.5g (2003/03/13) - Fixed Bibliography page headings in twocolumn book class Changes in version 1.5f (2003/02/04) - Fixed Index heading \MakeUppercase problem Changes in version 1.5e (2003/01/22) - Improved harmony with the chapterbib and natbib packages Changes in version 1.5d (2002/04/09) - Fixed problem with \tocchapter in non-chaptered documents Changes in version 1.5c (2002/03/11) - Fixed problem with \tocetcmark Changes in version 1.5b (2001/11/10) - Improved interface for new pagestyles Changes in version 1.5 (2001/04/17) - Removed requirement for the stdclsdv package - Fixed problem when used with the hyperref package Changes in version 1.4a (2000/03/05) - Improved flexibility of single line numbered chapters - Examples of handling additional kinds of List of... - Replaced command \toc@file by \tocfile Changes in version 1.4: (2000/03/04) - Disabled LaTeX feature (bug 3126) of change in Index title height - Added commands for single line numbered chapter headings - Added numbered List of... headings Changes in version 1.3a: (1999/09/12) - Fixed index numbering, options, and headings - Improved (warning) reporting Changes in version 1.2: (1999/01/17) - Operates with the tocloft package - Supports numbered bibliography and index headings First public release: version 1.0 (1998/10/24) ----------------------------------------------------------------- Author: Peter Wilson, Herries Press Maintainer: Will Robertson (will dot robertson at latex-project dot org) Copyright 1998--2004 Peter R. Wilson Copyright 2009 Will Robertson This work may be distributed and/or modified under the conditions of the LaTeX Project Public License, either version 1.3c of this license or (at your option) any later version: <http://www.latex-project.org/lppl.txt> This work has the LPPL maintenance status "maintained". The Current Maintainer of this work is Will Robertson. This work consists of the files: README (this file) tocbibind.dtx tocbibind.ins and the derived files: tocbibind.sty The distribution consists of the following files: README (this file) tocbibind.dtx tocbibind.ins tocbibind.pdf (user manual) ----------------------------------------------------------------- To install the package: - run: latex tocbibind.ins (which will generate tocbibind.sty) - Move tocbibind.sty to a location where LaTeX will find it (typically in a local texmf tree at tex/latex/***) and refresh the file database. See the FAQ on CTAN at help/uk-tex-faq or http://www.tug.ac.uk/faq for more information on this. To process the manual: - run: latex tocbibind.dtx - For an index, run: makeindex -s gind.ist tocbibind - run: latex tocbibind.dtx - Print tocbibind.dvi for a hardcopy of the package manual