%% uct10.clo 11/3/94
%% Copyright (C) 1988-2004 Daniel Gildea, BBF, Ethan Munson.
% This work may be distributed and/or modified under the
% conditions of the LaTeX Project Public License, either version 1.3
% of this license or (at your option) any later version.
% The latest version of this license is in
%   http://www.latex-project.org/lppl.txt
% and version 1.3 or later is part of all distributions of LaTeX
% version 2003/12/01 or later.
% This work has the LPPL maintenance status "maintained".
% The Current Maintainer of this work is Daniel Gildea.
%  ****************************************
%  *               FONTS                  *
%  ****************************************
\lineskip 1pt            % \lineskip is 1pt for all font sizes.
\normallineskip 1pt
% All of the font selection commands have been revised to conform with the
% LaTeX2e font selection commands (BBF 10/31/94).
% Each size-changing command \SIZE executes the command
%        \fontsize\@FONTSIZE{BASELINESKIP}\selectfont
% where:
%  \@FONTSIZE     = Name of font-size command.  The currently available
%                  (preloaded) font sizes are: \@vpt (5pt), \@vipt (6pt),
%                  \@viipt (etc.), \@viiipt, \@ixpt, \@xpt, \@xipt, \@xiipt,
%                  \@xivpt, \@xviipt, \@xxpt, \@xxvpt.  These are defined
%		   in ltfss.dtx.
%   BASELINESKIP = Normal value of \baselineskip for that size. (Actual 
%                  value will be \baselinestretch * BASELINESKIP.)
% For reasons of efficiency that needn't concern the designer, the
% document style defines \@normalsize instead of \normalsize .  This
% is done only for \normalsize, not for any other size-changing
% commands.

\abovedisplayskip 10\p@ plus2\p@ minus5\p@
\belowdisplayskip \abovedisplayskip
\abovedisplayshortskip  \z@ plus3\p@   
\belowdisplayshortskip  6\p@ plus3\p@ minus3\p@
\let\@listi\@listI}   % Setting of \@listi added 9 Jun 87
\abovedisplayskip 8.5\p@ plus3\p@ minus4\p@
\belowdisplayskip \abovedisplayskip
\abovedisplayshortskip \z@ plus2\p@
\belowdisplayshortskip 4\p@ plus2\p@ minus2\p@
\def\@listi{\leftmargin\leftmargini %% Added 22 Dec 87
\topsep 4\p@ plus2\p@ minus2\p@\parsep 2\p@ plus\p@ minus\p@
\itemsep \parsep}}
\abovedisplayskip 6\p@ plus2\p@ minus4\p@
\belowdisplayskip \abovedisplayskip
\abovedisplayshortskip \z@ plus\p@
\belowdisplayshortskip 3\p@ plus\p@ minus2\p@
\def\@listi{\leftmargin\leftmargini %% Added 22 Dec 87
\topsep 3\p@ plus\p@ minus\p@\parsep 2\p@ plus\p@ minus\p@
\itemsep \parsep}}
% The shortform font selection commands are not defined in LaTeX2e.  This
% defines them so that they do non-orthogonal font selection, which is 
% useful if you are in the middle of converting a document from 2.09.
% These commands are no longer used internally in this class. (BBF 10/31/94)

\normalsize  % Choose the normalsize font.

%  ****************************************
%  *            PAGE LAYOUT               *
%  ****************************************
% All margin dimensions measured from a point one inch from top and side
% of page.  
%% UCTHESIS style is not intended to be used two-sided because the
%% University of California style requirements explicitly specify 
%% single-sided printing.   So the two-sided settings are meaningless.

\if@twoside               % Values for two-sided printing:
   \oddsidemargin 0.5in   %   Left margin on odd-numbered pages.
   \evensidemargin 0.0in  %   Left margin on even-numbered pages.
   \marginparwidth 0pt    %   Width of marginal notes.
\else                     % Values for one-sided printing:
   \oddsidemargin 0.5in   %   Note that \oddsidemargin = \evensidemargin
   \evensidemargin 0.5in
   \marginparwidth 0pt
\marginparsep 11pt        % Horizontal space between outer margin and 
                          % marginal note
                         % Top of page:
\topmargin 0.0in         %    Nominal distance from top of page to top
                         %    of box containing running head.
\headheight 12pt         %    Height of box containing running head.
\headsep 25pt            %    Space between running head and text.
\topskip = 10pt          %    '\baselineskip' for first line of page.
                         % Bottom of page:
\footskip 30pt           %    Distance from baseline of box containing
                         %    foot to baseline of last line of text.
% 24 Jun 86: changed to explicitly compute \textheight to avoid
% roundoff.  The value of the multiplier was calculated as the floor
% of the old \textheight minus \topskip, divided by \baselineskip for
% \normalsize.  The old value of \textheight was 528pt.  \textheight
% is the height of text (including footnotes and figures, excluding
% running head and foot).
\textheight = 37\baselineskip
\advance\textheight by \topskip
\textwidth 6.0truein     % Width of text line.
                         % For two-column mode: 
\columnsep 10pt          %    Space between columns 
\columnseprule 0pt       %    Width of rule between columns.
% A \raggedbottom command causes 'ragged bottom' pages: pages set to
% natural height instead of being stretched to exactly \textheight.
\footnotesep 6.65pt   % Height of strut placed at the beginning of every
                      % footnote = height of normal \footnotesize strut,
                      % so no extra space between footnotes.
\skip\footins 9pt plus 4pt minus 2pt  % Space between last line of text
                                      % and top of first footnote.
% FLOATS: (a float is something like a figure or table)
\floatsep 12pt plus 2pt minus 2pt        % Space between adjacent floats
                                         % moved to top or bottom of
                                         % text page.
\textfloatsep 20pt plus 2pt minus 4pt    % Space between main text and
                                         % floats at top or bottom of
                                         % page.
\intextsep 12pt plus 2pt minus 2pt       % Space between in-text figures
                                         % and text.
\dblfloatsep 12pt plus 2pt minus 2pt     % Same as \floatsep for
                                         % double-column figures in
                                         % two-column mode.
\dbltextfloatsep 20pt plus 2pt minus 4pt % \textfloatsep for
                                         % double-column  floats.
\@fptop 0pt plus 1fil    % Stretch at top of float page/column. (Must
                         % be 0pt plus ...)
\@fpsep 8pt plus 2fil    % Space between floats on float page/column.
\@fpbot 0pt plus 1fil    % Stretch at bottom of float page/column. (Must
                         % be 0pt plus ... )
\@dblfptop 0pt plus 1fil % Stretch at top of float page. (Must be 0pt
                         % plus ...)
\@dblfpsep 8pt plus 2fil % Space between floats on float page.
\@dblfpbot 0pt plus 1fil % Stretch at bottom of float page. (Must be
                         % 0pt plus ... )
\marginparpush 5pt       % Minimum vertical separation between two
                         % marginal notes.

%  ****************************************
%  *           PARAGRAPHING               *
%  ****************************************
\parskip 0pt plus 1pt              % Extra vertical space between
                                   % paragraphs.
\parindent 4em                     % Width of paragraph indentation.
%\topsep 8pt plus 2pt minus 4pt    % Extra vertical space, in addition
                                   % to \parskip, added above and below
                                   % list and paragraphing environments.
\partopsep 2pt plus 1pt minus 1pt  % Extra vertical space, in addition
                                   % to \parskip and \topsep, added when
                                   % user leaves blank line before
                                   % environment.
%\itemsep 4pt plus 2pt minus 1pt   % Extra vertical space, in addition
                                   % to \parskip, added between list
                                   % items.
% See \@listI for values of \topsep and \itemsep
% (Change made 9 Jun 87)
% The following page-breaking penalties are defined
\@lowpenalty   51      % Produced by \nopagebreak[1] or \nolinebreak[1]
\@medpenalty  151      % Produced by \nopagebreak[2] or \nolinebreak[2]
\@highpenalty 301      % Produced by \nopagebreak[3] or \nolinebreak[3]
\@beginparpenalty -\@lowpenalty    % Before a list or paragraph
                                   % environment.
\@endparpenalty   -\@lowpenalty    % After a list or paragraph
                                   % environment.
\@itempenalty     -\@lowpenalty    % Between list items.
% \clubpenalty         % 'Club line'  at bottom of page.
% \widowpenalty        % 'Widow line' at top of page.
% \displaywidowpenalty % Math display widow line.
% \predisplaypenalty   % Breaking before a math display.
% \postdisplaypenalty  % Breaking after a math display.
% \interlinepenalty    % Breaking at a line within a paragraph.
% \brokenpenalty       % Breaking after a hyphenated line.

%    ****************************************
%    *        CHAPTERS AND SECTIONS         *
%    ****************************************
% Definition of \part moved to report.doc  on 19 Jan 88
% \@makechapterhead {TEXT} : Makes the heading for the \chapter command.
\def\@makechapterhead#1{%           % Heading for \chapter command
  \vspace*{50\p@}%                  % Space at top of text page.
  {\parindent \z@\raggedright 
    \ifnum \c@secnumdepth >\m@ne    % IF secnumdepth > -1 THEN
     \huge\bfseries \@chapapp{} \thechapter % Print '\chaptername' and number.
    \vskip 20\p@ \fi                % Space between number and title.
    \Huge \bfseries                       % Title.
    \nobreak                        % TeX penalty to prevent page break.
    \vskip 40\p@                    % Space between title and text.
% \@makeschapterhead {TEXT} : Makes the heading for the \chapter*
% command.
\def\@makeschapterhead#1{%          % Heading for \chapter* command
  \vspace*{50\p@}%                  % Space at top of page.
  {\parindent \z@ \raggedright 
    \Huge \bfseries                       % Title.
    \nobreak                        % TeX penalty to prevent page break.
    \vskip 40\p@                    % Space between title and text.
%    When defining a \chapter or \section command without using
%    \@startsection, you can use \secdef as follows:
%       \def\chapter { ... \secdef \CMDA \CMDB }
%       \def\CMDA    [#1]#2{ ... }  % Command to define
%                                   % \chapter[...]{...}
%       \def\CMDB    #1{ ... }      % Command to define
%                                   % \chapter*{...}
\def\chapter{\clearpage      % Starts new page.
   \thispagestyle{plain}%    % Page style of chapter page is 'plain'
   \global\@topnum\z@        % Prevents figures from going
                             % at top of page.
   \@afterindenttrue         % Suppresses indent in first paragraph.
   \secdef\@chapter\@schapter}   % Change to \@afterindentfase for no indent.
\def\@chapter[#1]#2{\ifnum \c@secnumdepth >\m@ne
       {\protect\addvspace{10\p@}} % Adds between-chapter space
       {\protect\addvspace{10\p@}} % to lists of figs & tables.
   \if@twocolumn                   % Tests for two-column mode.  
     \else \@makechapterhead{#2}%
           \@afterheading          % Routine called after chapter and
     \fi}                          % section heading.
\def\@schapter#1{\if@twocolumn \@topnewpage[\@makeschapterhead{#1}]%
        \else \@makeschapterhead{#1}%
%            optional * [ALTHEADING]{HEADING}
%    Generic command to start a section.  
%    NAME       : e.g., 'subsection'
%    LEVEL      : a number, denoting depth of section -- e.g.,
%                 chapter=1, section = 2, etc.  A section number will be
%                 printed if and only if LEVEL < or = the value of the
%                 secnumdepth counter.
%    INDENT     : Indentation of heading from left margin
%    BEFORESKIP : Absolute value = skip to leave above the heading.  
%                 If negative, then paragraph indent of text following 
%                 heading is suppressed.
%    AFTERSKIP  : if positive, then skip to leave below heading,
%                       else - skip to leave to right of run-in heading.
%    STYLE      : commands to set style
%  If '*' missing, then increments the counter.  If it is present, then
%  there should be no [ALTHEADING] argument.  A sectioning command
%  is normally defined to \@startsection + its first six arguments.
\def\section{\@startsection {section}{1}{\z@}{-3.5ex plus-1ex minus
    -.2ex}{2.3ex plus.2ex}{\reset@font\Large\bfseries}}
\def\subsection{\@startsection{subsection}{2}{\z@}{-3.25ex plus-1ex
    minus-.2ex}{1.5ex plus.2ex}{\reset@font\large\bfseries}}
\def\subsubsection{\@startsection{subsubsection}{3}{\z@}{-3.25ex plus
    -1ex minus-.2ex}{1.5ex plus.2ex}{\reset@font\normalsize\bfseries}}
    {paragraph}{4}{\z@}{3.25ex plus1ex minus.2ex}{-1em}{\reset@font
    \normalsize \bfseries}}
     {subparagraph}{4}{\parindent}{3.25ex plus1ex minus
% Default initializations of \...mark commands.  (See below for their
% us in defining page styles.
% \def\sectionmark#1{}           % Preloaded definitions
% \def\subsectionmark#1{}
% \def\subsubsectionmark#1{}
% \def\paragraphmark#1{}
% \def\subparagraphmark#1{}
% The value of the counter secnumdepth gives the depth of the
% highest-level sectioning command that is to produce section numbers.
% The \appendix command must do the following:
%    -- reset the chapter counter to zero
%    -- set \@chapapp to Appendix (for messages)
%    -- redefine the chapter counter to produce appendix numbers
%    -- reset the section counter to zero
%    -- redefine the \chapter command if appendix titles and headings
%       are to look different from chapter titles and headings.

%    ****************************************
%    *                LISTS                 *
%    ****************************************
% The following commands are used to set the default values for the list
% environment's parameters. See the LaTeX manual for an explanation of
% the meanings of the parameters.  Defaults for the list environment are
% set as follows.  First, \rightmargin, \listparindent and \itemindent
% are set to 0pt.  Then, for a Kth level list, the command \@listK is
% called, where 'K' denotes 'i', 'ii', ... , 'vi'.  (I.e., \@listiii is
% called for a third-level list.)  By convention, \@listK should set
% \leftmargin to \leftmarginK.
% For efficiency, level-one list's values are defined at top level, and
% \@listi is defined to set only \leftmargin.
\leftmargini 25pt
\leftmarginii 22pt     % > \labelsep + width of '(m)'
\leftmarginiii 18.7pt  % > \labelsep + width of 'vii.'
\leftmarginiv 17pt     % > \labelsep + width of 'M.'
\leftmarginv 10pt
\leftmarginvi 10pt
\labelsep 5pt
%\parsep 4pt plus 2pt minus 1pt (Removed 9 Jun 87)
% \@listI defines top level and \@listi values of
% \leftmargin, \topsep, \parsep, and \itemsep
% (Added 9 Jun 87)
\def\@listI{\leftmargin\leftmargini \parsep 4\p@ plus2\p@ minus\p@%
\topsep 8\p@ plus2\p@ minus4\p@
\itemsep 4\p@ plus2\p@ minus\p@}
   \topsep 4\p@ plus2\p@ minus\p@
   \parsep 2\p@ plus\p@ minus\p@
   \itemsep \parsep}
    \topsep 2\p@ plus\p@ minus\p@ 
    \parsep \z@ \partopsep\p@ plus\z@ minus\p@
    \itemsep \topsep}
