# Installing Locally To get started as an author in Ximera, all you need is the XimeraLaTeX LaTeX Package. Unfortunately, at this point, this package is not part of CTAN. However, you can install it manually with the instructions below. Please feel free to contact Bart Snapp with questions (snapp.14@osu.edu). 1. Get a GitHub account 2. Go to: [XimeraLaTeX on GitHub](https://github.com/XimeraProject/ximeraLatex) 3. Click on the green code button:  and copy the code, (or just copy: `git@github.com:XimeraProject/ximeraLatex.git`) 4. Clone the repository. At this point the installation becomes operating-system specific. ## Linux If you are running linux, create the local directory structure `~/texmf/tex/latex` ��������� texmf ��������������������� tex ��������������������������������� latex Now move the `ximeraLatex` folder (cloned in step 4. above) into the latex folder. At this point you have installed XimeraLaTeX! You can test your installation by compiling: ``` \documentclass{ximera} \begin{document} \begin{problem} Hello $\answer[format=string]{World}$ \end{problem} \end{document} ``` ## MacOS If you are running MacOS, create the local directory structure `~/Library/texmf/tex/latex`. To do this, you'll need to make your Library folder visible, see [How to make your Library folder visible in the Finder](http://kb.mit.edu/confluence/display/istcontrib/How+to+make+your+Library+folder+visible+in+the+Finder+in+OS+X+10.9+%28Mavericks%29+or+later). ��������� Library ��������������������� texmf ��������������������������������� tex ��������������������������������������������� latex Now move the `ximeraLatex` folder (cloned in step 4. above) into the latex folder. At this point you have installed XimeraLaTeX! You can test your installation by compiling: ``` \documentclass{ximera} \begin{document} \begin{problem} Hello $\answer[format=string]{World}$ \end{problem} \end{document} ``` ## Windows If you are running Windows, create the local directory structure `C:\localtexmf\tex\latex\` ��������� C: ��������������������� localtexmf ��������������������������������� tex ��������������������������������������������� latex Now move the `ximeraLatex` folder (cloned in step 4. above) into the latex folder. For MiKteX to notice this directory, go to: * Start ��� All programs ��� MiKTeX Folder ��� Maintenance (Admin) Folder ��� Settings (Admin). * Now select the tab ���Roots.��� * Click ���Add��� because you are going to add a path. * Find `C:\localtexmf\` and click ���OK.��� * Click ���apply��� then ���OK.��� * Reopen Miktex Settings (Admin). Click **Refresh FNDB.** The steps above will vary between systems. However, the key steps are **adding the path** and **Refreshing FNDB.** At this point you have installed XimeraLaTeX! You can test your installation by compiling: ``` \documentclass{ximera} \begin{document} \begin{problem} Hello $\answer[format=string]{World}$ \end{problem} \end{document} ```