`xpeek`: Define commands that peek ahead in the input stream ============================================================ The `xpeek` package provides tools to help define commands that, like [`\xspace`][1], peek at what follows them in the command stream and choose appropriate behavior. The code is adapted from an answer posted to [TeX.SX][2] by Enrico ���egreg��� Gregorio at <http://tex.stackexchange.com/a/59542/2966>, with modifications according to suggestions & contributions by Enrico, Joseph Wright, Bruno Le Floch, & Clemens Niederberger; see <http://tex.stackexchange.com/q/63568/2966> and <http://thread.gmane.org/gmane.comp.tex.latex.latex3/2894>. Installation ------------ This package is distributed as a standalone `.dtx` file, packaged for the LaTeX3 project���s `l3docstrip`. To produce the style file, run this command: pdflatex xpeek.dtx This will also produce a version of the PDF documentation, but with undefined references and without an index or change-log. To get a more useful version of the documentation, run these commands next: pdflatex xpeek.dtx makeindex -s l3doc.ist -o xpeek.ind xpeek.idx makeindex -s gglo.ist -o xpeek.gls xpeek.glo pdflatex xpeek.dtx pdflatex xpeek.dtx These next commands are not strictly necessary, since Acrobat Reader can generate & display thumbnails on-the-fly. But since `l3doc` includes `hypdoc` which includes `thumbpdf`, I may as well generate the pre-rendered thumbnails: thumbpdf xpeek.pdf pdflatex xpeek.dtx Notice that the command for generating the index is different from the one usually used for `ltxdoc`-documented packages; that���s because I���m using the new (and experimental) package `l3doc`. License ------- Copyright �� 2012 by Joel C. Salomon <joelcsalomon@gmail.com>. This work consists of the file `xpeek.dtx`, and the derived files `xpeek.ins`, `xpeek.pdf`, & `xpeek.sty`. It may be distributed and/or modified under the conditions of the LaTeX Project Public License (LPPL), either version 1.3c of this license or (at your option) any later version. The latest version of this license is at <http://www.latex-project.org/lppl.txt>. This work is ���maintained��� (_per_ LPPL maintenance status) by Joel C. Salomon <joelcsalomon@gmail.com>. [1]: http://ctan.org/pkg/xspace [2]: http://tex.stackexchange.com