%%% Document option for  proceedings after  Birkhaeuser 
%%% Bengt M{\aa}rtensson  bengt@mathematik.uni-Bremen.de  g09e@dhbrrz41.bitnet

\typeout{Document Option `BIRK <10 June 1989>}

% For the title page:
% There is a new command \dedication, the command \date is ignored

\newfont{\titlefont}{cmr17}	% Like Birkhauser wants it

       to 0pt{$^{\@thefnmark}$\hss}}   
     \else \newpage
     \global\@topnum\z@        % Prevents figures from going at top of page.
     \@maketitle \fi\thispagestyle{empty}\@thanks

 \vskip 2em                 % Vertical space above title.
  {\LARGE\titlefont \@title \par}     % Title set in \LARGE size. 
  \vskip 4em                % Vertical space after title.
  {\large\authorfont            % each author set in \large, in a
   \lineskip .5em           % tabular environment
  \vskip 2em              % Vertical space after author.
%  {\large \@date}           % Date set in \large size.
 \vskip 1.5em}                % Vertical space after date.

\else \small 
{\normalsize\bf Abstract\vspace{-.5em}\vspace{0pt}} 


\gdef\@dedication{\mbox{}}          %Default is empty

%%% For the end of the article:

%%% Theorem- and Remark like environments (also see the file remark.sty)
%%% The following theorem-like environments are pre-defined: theorem,
%%% lemma, corollary, proposition.
%%% The following remark-like environments are pre-defined:
%%% definition, remark, example.
%%% There is also a proof environement and an acknowledgement
%%% environment.

\input remark.sty

\def\@beginremark#1#2{\trivlist \item[\hskip \labelsep{\it #1\ #2.\ }]}
      \item[\hskip \labelsep{\it #1\ #2\ (#3).\ }]}


% We put periods after the number, as opposed to standard LaTeX.
\def\@begintheorem#1#2{\it \trivlist \item[\hskip \labelsep{\bf #1\ #2.\ }]}
\def\@opargbegintheorem#1#2#3{\it \trivlist
      \item[\hskip \labelsep{\bf #1\ #2.\ (#3)\ }]}


\def\@rectangle {\hbox{\vrule \vbox to 0.4em
                              {\hrule\hbox to 0.4em{\hfil}\vfil\hrule}\vrule}}
\xdef\@endgadget #1{{\unskip\nobreak\hfil\penalty50\hskip1em\hbox{}\nobreak
\newenvironment{declaration}[1]{\trivlist \item[\hskip \labelsep{\bf #1 }]\ignorespaces}{\endtrivlist}
\newenvironment{acknowledgement}{\trivlist \item[\hskip \labelsep{\it Acknowledgement:\quad}]\ignorespaces}{\endtrivlist}

% Somewhat changed appearance
    \def\newblock{\hskip .11em plus .33em minus .07em}

\ds@twoside			% Left- and right heads different

\def\@threepart#1#2#3{\rlap{#1} \hfil {#2} \hfil \llap{#3}}

%%% Measures the way Birkhauser wants it

\textheight = 42\baselineskip
\advance\textheight by \topskip
\textwidth 4.5in
  \hrule width 2in%.4\columnwidth 
  \kern 2.6\p@}                 % The \hrule has default height of .4pt .