# Makefile contributed by Steve Rumsby
# and modified by Mark Phillips

# Where your TeX input files live
TEXINPUTSDEST	= /usr/local/lib/tex/inputs

# Name of your Latex (for documentation)
# Note: this must support NFSS in order for you to latex the manual;
# otherwise print manual.ps
LATEX           = latex

# Name of your DVI to PostScript converter, and
# flags needed to process the manual
DRIVER		= dvips

# Where it keeps its support files
PSDIR		= /usr/local/lib/tex/dvips

# System executable directory
BINDIR		= /u/geom/bin

# Directory for Manual pages
MANDIR		= /u/geom/man/man1

# Where perl lives
PERL		= /usr/local/bin/perl

# Where you want to install the PostScript copy of the manual
# ("manual.ps").  If you don't want to formally install this,
# leave this definition blank.
MANUALDIR = /u/geom/lib/geomsty

# Pathname of directory where you want to install the auxiliary
# programs geomfix and mathlabels.  These are used by mathfig.

# If your system doesn't support symbolic links you
# could change this to "cp"
LN		= ln -s

# Change this to "install" if you want
CP		= /bin/cp

# You shouldn't have to change anything below here



MANUALFILES = manual.ps

all:	mathlabels mathfig mathfig.1

install: all
	$(CP) *.sty *.chg $(TEXINPUTSDEST)
	/bin/rm -f $(TEXINPUTSDEST)/driver.chg
	$(CP) mathfig $(BINDIR)
	$(CP) mathlabels geomfix $(AUXDIR)
	$(CP) math.pro illustrator.pro $(PSDIR)
	$(CP) mathfig.1 $(MANDIR)
	if [ "${MANUALDIR}" != "" ] ; then /bin/cp ${MANUALFILES} ${MANUALDIR} ; fi

mathlabels: Makefile
	/bin/rm -f mathlabels
	(echo '#!$(PERL)'; sed 1d mathlabels.orig) > mathlabels
	chmod 755 mathlabels

mathfig: Makefile mathfig.orig
	/bin/rm -f mathfig
	sed -e 's|geomfix=geomfix|geomfix=${AUXDIR}/geomfix|' \
	    -e 's|mathlabels=mathlabels|mathlabels=${AUXDIR}/mathlabels|' \
	    < mathfig.orig > mathfig
	chmod 755 mathfig

mathfig.1: Makefile mathfig.1.orig
	/bin/rm -f mathfig.1
	sed -e 's|^geomfix$$|${AUXDIR}/geomfix|' \
	    -e 's|^mathlabels$$|${AUXDIR}/mathlabels|' \
	    < mathfig.1.orig > mathfig.1

	/bin/rm -f *~  #*#

distclean:	clean
	/bin/rm -f *.dvi *.log *.lof *.aux *.bbl *.blg *.idx *.toc \
	  mathlabels mathfig mathfig.1 geomsty.tar.Z geomsty.shar

manual.dvi: manual.tex manual.bib
	${LATEX} manual
	bibtex manual
	${LATEX} manual
	${LATEX} manual

manual.ps: manual.dvi
	${DRIVER} ${DRIVERFLAG} manual.dvi

doc:    manual.ps

tar:	distclean manual.ps
	gnutar hcvfZ geomsty.tar.Z -C .. `sed '1,/^\** *CONTENTS/ d' README`

shar:   distclean manual.ps
	(cd ..; shar -F -L95 -ogeomsty/geomsty.shar `sed '1,/^\** *CONTENTS/ d' README`)