%%  pageframe.sty  by Cameron Smith
%%  18 Sept 1990, 16 Oct 1990, 21 Nov 1990, 14 Nov 1991
%%  By default, draws a frame around the text area to represent
%%  the edge of the paper -- useful when pages for a book of size
%%  7x9 inches (for example) is being proofed on 8 1/2 x 11 inch
%%  paper.  If \pageframefalse is executed, the part of the frame
%%  beside the text is removed, leaving only the corner marks
%%  to use for checking registration and for cropping.
%%  The full frame can be restored by executing \pageframetrue.
%%  This shows the results of
%%       \pageframetrue  and   \pageframefalse
%%        _|__________|_       _|          |_
%%         |          |
%%         |          |
%%         |          |
%%         |          |
%%         |          |
%%         |          |
%%        _|__________|_       _            _
%%         |          |         |          |
%%  This style option also prints (outside the page area) a timestamp,
%%  a job ID, and the page number and a sequence number on each page.
%%  The sequence number advances throughout the document, so even if
%%  there is a page (i) and several pages 1, only the first page
%%  will have sequence number 1.
%%  An oversight in the original version sometimes caused the tag line
%%  to be printed in an unusual font (if that was the last-used font
%%  on the preceding page).  The current version explicitly sets the
%%  font for the tag line so that this won't happen.  The default is
%%  to use cmr10, since it's highly unlikely that there are any TeX
%%  sites that don't have this font available, but the \pffont macro
%%  is provided in case another font is desired.
%%  Two more features have been added: an "inner skeleton", consisting
%%  of rules that demarcate the header, footer, and text area, and a
%%  "text grid" that can be placed inside the text area.  Use
%%  "\innerskeltrue" or "\innerskelfalse" to control the skeleton
%%  and "\textgridtrue" or "\textgridfalse" to control the text grid.
%%  Use (for example) "\gridsize{10pt}{12pt}" to make a grid whose
%%  squares have width 10pt and height 12pt.
%%  To use this style option, include pageframe as an optional argument
%%  in the \documentstyle command, e.g.
%%                 \documentstyle[pageframe]{book}
%%  Also you must tell LaTeX the height of the paper you are using
%%  (it can deduce the width for itself).  You do this by including
%%  a declaration such as
%%                         \paperheight{9in}
%%  in the preamble of your document.  This *must* appear before
%%  the first page of output, because the new output routine
%%  uses this value.  (If you forget to specify it, then two
%%  things will happen: the vertical rules at the sides of the
%%  text will disappear, because LaTeX thinks they have height 0pt,
%%  and the rule that represents the bottom of the paper will be
%%  flush against the bottom of the footer.)
%%  Since this style file modifies (a part of) LaTeX's output routine,
%%  it is exceedingly unlikely to be compatible with any other style
%%  option that also modifies the output routine.
%%  Please direct comments and bug reports by electronic mail
%%  to  CAMERON@MIDD.BITNET  or  cameron@midd.cs.middlebury.edu
%%  This is the timestamp
\divide\@tempcntb by 60\multiply\@tempcntb by 60\advance\@tempcnta-\@tempcntb
\divide\@tempcntb by 60
\edef\@@@timestamp{\vrule height.4in depth .3in width 0pt%
	   \ifnum\@tempcntb<10 0\fi
	   \number\@tempcntb:\ifnum\@tempcnta<10 0\fi\number\@tempcnta
%%  \pffont lets us specify the font to use for the tag line
%%  By default we use whatever font is current when this file is
%%  being loaded.  This will normally be cmr10; in any case we're
%%  selecting a font which is (a) certainly available on the system
%%  were running on and (b) probably suitable for this purpose
%%  (normal-sized roman text).
%% This is the code that makes the "inner skeleton".
\@@@gridwd 10pt \@@@gridht 10pt
\def\@@@innerskel{\vbox to 0pt{%
\vskip \topmargin
\vbox to 0pt{\vss\hrule width\textwidth}%
\vskip \headheight
\vbox to 0pt{\vss\hrule width\textwidth}%
\vskip \headsep
\vbox to 0pt{\vss\hrule width\textwidth}%
\vbox to 0pt{\vbox to \textheight{%
\leaders\vbox to \@@@gridht{\vss\hrule width\textwidth}\vfil
\hbox to \textwidth{\llap{\vrule height\textheight}%
\iftextgrid\leaders\hbox to\@@@gridwd{\hfil\vrule height\textheight}\fi\hfil
\vrule height\textheight}%
\vbox to 0pt{\vss\hrule width\textwidth}%
\vskip \footskip
\vbox to 0pt{\vss\hrule width\textwidth}%
\vskip -\footheight
\vbox to 0pt{\vss\hrule width\textwidth}%
%%  The paper width can be deduced from the text width and margins,
%%  but the paper height must be specified.
%%  The part of the output routine that puts the frame on the
%%  page to represent the edge of the paper is surrounded by
%%  \ifpageframe...\fi so that it can be suppressed.
%%  \@@@cropmark should be followed by two letters, the first of which
%%  is t or b (for top or bottom) and the second l or r (left or right).
%%  It makes a box of height, width, and depth 0pt, but with a
%%  crop mark extending above or below and left or right of the base point.
%%  The arms of the crop mark do not quite meet, but are positioned
%%  so that if they were extended to meet, the meeting point would be
%%  the corner of the paper.  This is to allow a little leeway for
%%  positioning and cutting the paper.
\vbox to 0pt{%
\hbox to .5in{\if#2r\hfil\fi
\vrule width .45in height .4pt depth 0pt\if#2l\hfil\fi}%
\hbox to .5in{\if#2l\hfil\fi\vrule height .45in depth 0pt\if#2r\hfil\fi}%
\hbox to .5in{\if#2r\hfil\fi
\vrule width .45in height .4pt depth 0pt\if#2l\hfil\fi}%
\def\@outputpage{\begingroup\catcode`\ =10 
     \let\-\@dischyph \let\'\@acci \let\`\@accii \let\=\@acciii
       \ifodd\count\z@ \let\@thehead\@oddhead \let\@thefoot\@oddfoot
          \else \let\@thehead\@evenhead
          \let\@thefoot\@evenfoot \let\@themargin\evensidemargin
     \global\advance\@@@sheetcount by1%
     \vbox{\normalsize \baselineskip\z@ \lineskip\z@ 
           \let\par\@@par %% 15 Sep 87
           \vbox to 0pt{\vss
		Sheet number \number\@@@sheetcount
		\space\space Page number \thepage
	   \hrule height 0pt depth 0pt
           \hbox{\@@@cropmark tl\hskip\@@@pagewidth\@@@cropmark tr}
	   \ifpageframe\vbox to0pt{\vss\hrule width\@@@pagewidth}\fi
	   \ifpageframe\llap{\vrule height0pt depth\@@@pageheight}\else
	   \vrule height0pt depth\@@@pageheight width0pt\fi
                 \vskip \topmargin
                   \vbox to\headheight{\vfil \hbox to\textwidth
                                       {\let\label\@gobble \let\index\@gobble
                                         \@thehead}} %% 22 Feb 87
                 \vskip \headsep
                 \hbox to\textwidth{\let\label\@gobble 
                           \let\index\@gobble  %% 22 Feb 87
	   \rlap{\vrule height0pt depth\@@@pageheight}\fi
	   \ifpageframe\vbox to0pt{\hrule width\@@@pagewidth\vss}\fi
           \hbox{\@@@cropmark bl\hskip\@@@pagewidth\@@@cropmark br}
%%  End of "pageframe.sty"