% \iffalse
% makeindex -s gglo.ist -o aeb-minitoc.gls aeb-minitoc.glo
% makeindex -s gind.ist -o aeb-minitoc.ind aeb-minitoc.idx
%% aeb-minitoc.sty package,                              %%
%% Copyright (C) 2012--2018  D. P. Story                 %%
%%   dpstory@uakron.edu  dpstory@acrotex.net             %%
%%                                                       %%
%% This program can redistributed and/or modified under  %%
%% the terms of the LaTeX Project Public License         %%
%% Distributed from CTAN archives in directory           %%
%% macros/latex/base/lppl.txt; either version 1.2 of the %%
%% License, or (at your option) any later version.       %%
%<package> [2019/10/06 v1.9 Creates a simple mini-toc]
\OnlyDescription  % comment out for implementation details
\renewcommand\theparagraph{\texorpdfstring{\protect\P\protect\ }{\textparagraph}}
\renewcommand\thesubparagraph{\texorpdfstring{\protect\P\protect\P\protect\ }{\textparagraph\textparagraph}}
  \@startsection {section}{1}{\z@}%
    {-3.5ex \@plus -1ex \@minus -.2ex}%
    {2.3ex \@plus.2ex}%
\InputIfFileExists{aebdocfmt.def}{\PackageWarning{aeb-minitoc}{Inputting aebdocfmt.def}}
     \PackageInfo{aeb-minitoc}{aebdocfmt.def cannot be found}}
  \title{The  \textsf{aeb-minitoc} Package}
  \author{D. P. Story\\
    Email: \texttt{dpstory@uakron.edu}}
  \date{processed \today}
\IfFileExists{\jobname.ind}{\newpage\setupFullwidth\par\PrintIndex}{\paragraph*{Index} The index goes here. Execute
    \begin{quote}\texttt{makeindex -s gind.ist -o aeb-minitoc.ind aeb-minitoc.idx}\end{quote}
    on the command line and recompile
\IfFileExists{\jobname.gls}{\PrintChanges}{\paragraph*{Change History} The list of changes goes here. Execute
    \texttt{makeindex -s gglo.ist -o aeb-minitoc.gls aeb-minitoc.glo}
    on the command line and recompile \texttt{aeb-minitoc.dtx}.}
% \fi
% \MakeShortVerb{|}
% \InputIfFileExists{aebdonotindex.def}{\PackageInfo{web}{Inputting aebdonotindex.def}}
%    {\PackageInfo{web}{cannot find aebdonotindex.def}}
%    \begin{macrocode}
%    \end{macrocode}
% The \DescribeMacro{\ifMiniTocListings}\cs{ifMiniTocListings} is a Boolean switch, which when true
% signals that there is a non-empty listing; otherwise, it is set to false. It is used to display
% a latex warning to the user that the listing is empty. Also, globally, \cs{ifMiniTocListings}
% is set to false when \IndexOpt{nominitocs}\opt{nominitocs} is taken. The other option
% is \IndexOpt[\protect\EXCL]{!nominitocs}\opt{!nominitocs} is a convenience option; it is not `not' version
% of \opt{nominitocs}; when \opt{!nominitocs} is specified, mini-tocs are created. This is the
% same as specifiying no option at all.
%    \begin{macrocode}
\newif\ifMiniTocListings \MiniTocListingstrue
%    \end{macrocode}
% \section{Description}
% A simple mini-toc package; originally designed for \textsf{web}, but now works for all standard
% {\LaTeX} classes. The main user command is \cs{insertminitoc}, defined below.
% Our approach is to use each entry the \cs{jobname.toc} as the first argument of the
% macro \cs{mtocCL}, a second argument keeps a running count on the number of entries.
%\mtocCL{\contentsline{section}{\numberline{1}Section Title}{2}}{cnt} or
%   {\numberline{1}Section Title}{2}{section.1}}{cnt}
%\cs{contentsline} has four arguments when \pkg{hyperref} is loaded and three otherwise. When inserting
%the full table of contents, we define |\def\mtocCL#1#2{#1}| to do nothing. When we
%are building a mini-toc, we \cs{let} \cs{mtocCL} to \cs{mtoc@CL@mtoc}. The effect
%of this macro is to remove any entry (in \cs{jobname.toc}) that does not contain
%\cs{contentsline} as it first token and to position the \texttt{cnt} argument for later use.
%But by then \cs{contentsline} has already
%been \cs{let} to \cs{cl@LOOKFORSEC}. Now \cs{cl@LOOKFORSEC} determines whether any
%particular entry should be displayed in the current mini-toc.
% \section{Documentation and Code.}
% As a demonstration of this package, we present a mini-toc for this section,
% which only has \cs{paragraph} and \cs{subparagraph} section headings.
% \changes{v1.2}{2018/08/29}{Created \string\texttt{aeb-minitoc.ins}}
% \changes{v1.3}{2018/08/29}{Remove \string\textsf{hyperref} as a requirement}
% \changes{v1.4}{2018/08/29}{Some renaming of commands}
% \changes{v1.6}{2018/09/21}{Code cleanup in prepreparation for release}
% The verbatim listing for this mini-toc is
%  \declaretocfmt{paragraph}{\@W{1em}\@D{0em}}
%  \declaretocfmt{subparagraph}{\@W{1.5em}\@D{1em}}
%\textbf{Contents of this section}\vadjust{\kern3pt}%
% \value{secnumdepth}=5 \value{tocdepth}=5
% \TOCLevels{section}{subparagraph}
% \begin{minitocfmt}{\minitocFmt}
%   \declaretocfmt{paragraph}{\@W{1em}\@D{0em}}
%   \declaretocfmt{subparagraph}{\@W{1.5em}\@D{1em}}
% \end{minitocfmt}
% \begin{center}\minitocFmt
% \fbox{\begin{minipage}{0.8\linewidth}\centering
% \textbf{Contents of this section}\vadjust{\kern3pt}%
% \insertminitoc\relax
% \end{minipage}}
% \end{center}
% \noindent We begin by saving the definitions macros we modify later.
%    \begin{macrocode}
%    \end{macrocode}
%    Some counters and utility macros. The counter \DescribeMacro\@minitocCnt\cs{@minitocCnt} is incremented
%    in the redefined \cs{addtocontents} command. The command \DescribeMacro{\mtocgobble}\cs{mtocgobble} is
%    a `public' version of the core {\LaTeX} command \cs{@gobble}.
%    \begin{macrocode}
\newcount\@minitocCnt \@minitocCnt=0\relax
\let\mtoc@One=1 \let\mtoc@Zero=0
%    \end{macrocode}
% \paragraph[The top and bottom most]{The top and bottom most.}
% The package assigns the top level and bottom level automatically, based upon the class being used;
% the document author can override these for the whole document, or for particular mini-tocs.
% \DescribeMacro{\TOPLevel}\cs{TOPLevel\darg{\ameta{name}}} is the name of the top level. It is expected
% that a mini-toc will be inserted with each top level in the document, as the author's discretion. The
% \DescribeMacro{\BTMLevel}\cs{BTMLevel\darg{\ameta{name}}} is the name of the bottom most level. A mini-toc
% consists of all sections \emph{beneath} the top level and \emph{above} the bottom level. Thus, if
% \cs{TOPLevel\darg{chapter}} and \cs{BTMLevel\darg{subsubsection}}, then the mini-toc contans all \cs{section}
% and \cs{subbsection} title headings within the current chapter.
% \subparagraph[Manually set the top and bottom levels]{Manually set the top and bottom levels.} \DescribeMacro{\TOPLevel}\cs{TOPLevel\darg{\ameta{top-level}}}
% and \DescribeMacro{\BTMLevel}\cs{BTMLevel\darg{\ameta{btm-level}}} are used to determine what entries are to be included in the mini-toc.
% As a convenience,
% \begin{quote}
%   \DescribeMacro{\TOCLevels}\cs{TOCLevels\darg{\ameta{top-level}}\darg{\ameta{btm-level}}}
% \end{quote}
% can declare both
% at once. If an argument is empty, the current level is used.
%    \begin{macrocode}
%    \end{macrocode}
%    \subparagraph[Automatically set the top and bottom levels]{Automatically set the top and bottom levels.}
%    We make reasonable choices for \texttt{book}, \texttt{report}, and \texttt{article}; these are the three
%    classes that this package supports. In the course, we define, in macro form, the levels of
%    each of these section names (\cs{sl@\ameta{sec-name}} and \cs{sl@\ameta{sec-name}*}).
%    \begin{macrocode}
\newif\if@foundTOPLevel \@foundTOPLevelfalse
%    \end{macrocode}
% The command \cs{insertminitoc}, just before inputting \cs{jobname.toc}, \cs{let}s \cs{contentsline} to
% \DescribeMacro\cl@LOOKFORSEC\cs{cl@LOOKFORSEC}. This command then looks for lines at the top most section level, if it finds one,
% and the section number matches the one set by \cs{insertminitoc} (\cs{mtoc@sec}), it sets
% \cs{if@foundTOPLevel} to \texttt{true}, and stores all subsequent lines in \cs{toks@} until
% another section is encountered, at which time \cs{if@foundTOPLevel} is set to \texttt{false}. There are two versions
% of \cs{cl@LOOKFORSEC}: (1) \DescribeMacro\cl@LOOKFORSEC@LX\cs{cl@LOOKFORSEC@LX} for when \pkg{hyperref} is not loaded;
% and (2) \DescribeMacro\cl@LOOKFORSEC@HY\cs{cl@LOOKFORSEC@HY} for
% when \pkg{hyperref} is loaded.\par\medskip
% \noindent
% \cs{mtoc@@contentsline} takes five arguments, we save the page number (\texttt{\#3})
% the hyperref anchor (\texttt{\#4}) and the TOC entry number (\texttt{\#5}). The
% definitions made within \cs{mtoc@@contentsline} are later \cs{let} to \cs{@PgNum},
% \cs{@L}, and \cs{@E}. We grab \texttt{\#5}, which is the entry count, and pass
% the rest to \cs{mtoc@contentsline}.
%    \begin{macrocode}
%    \end{macrocode}
%     All but the last argument in both of these next two command are the standard
%     arguments for \cs{contentsline}. The last argument is one introduced by this
%     package; it keeps the count of the TOC entries. This last argument is used
%     to identify the top level section.
%    \begin{macrocode}
\long\def\cl@LOOKFORSEC@HY#1#2#3#4#5{\def\mt@rgi{#1}% dps
      \ifnum\NUMLevel > \TOPLevelNum\relax\else
  \@chkForNl#2\@nil % is it a * section
          \ifnum\NUMLevel > \BTMLevelNum\relax\else
%    \end{macrocode}
% This version of \cs{mtoc@BTMLevel} only accepts lines that are not
% \texttt{subsubsection}.
%    \begin{macrocode}
%    \end{macrocode}
%    \DescribeMacro{\@chkForNl} determines if the first token is \cs{numberline}.
%    \begin{macrocode}
\def\@chkForNl#1#2\@nil{% check for number line
%    \end{macrocode}
% \paragraph{Modify \texorpdfstring{\protect\cs{tableofcontents}}{\textbackslash{tableofcontents}}}
%    \begin{macrocode}
    \if@filesw \expandafter\newwrite\csname tf@#1\endcsname
    \immediate\openout \csname tf@#1\endcsname \jobname.#1\relax
%    \end{macrocode}
% \paragraph[Modify \texorpdfstring{\protect\cs{addtocontents}}
%   {\textbackslash{addtocontents}}]{Modify \cs{addtocontents}.}
%   (\cs{addtocontents\darg{toc}\darg{\ameta{content}}}) If the document author inserts vertical spacing, or
% other formatting, that could be problems in the minitoc. So we'll try to remove it.
% We begin by placing the second argument \ameta{content} as the argument of a command,
% \cs{mtocCL\darg{\ameta{content}}}. Initially, \cs{mtocCL} just passes its argument into the
% {\TeX} stream. Later, it will be redefined within \cs{insertminitoc}.
%    \begin{macrocode}
%    \end{macrocode}
%    (2019/10/06) Fix the \cs{protected@file@percent} problem, the solution continues
%    into the definition of \cs{addtocontents@mtoc}.
%    \changes{v1.8}{2019/10/05}{\string\cs{LaTeX}/\string\pkg{hyperref} introduced
%    \string\cs{protected@file@percent}, which breaks this package. We do a fix.}
%    \changes{v1.9}{2019/10/06}{Additional fix to \string\cs{protected@file@percent} solution}
%    \begin{macrocode}
%    \end{macrocode}
% Here, we modify the macro \cs{addtocontents} to insert \cs{mtocCL}.
%    \changes{v1.7}{2018/09/29}{Delay redefinition of \string\cs{addtocontents} until beginning of document,
%    to avoid incompatibility with \string\pkg{siunitx}.}
%    \begin{macrocode}
%    \end{macrocode}
% Modify the \cs{tableofcontents} to \cs{mtoc@tableofcontents}.
% We compensate later by executing \cs{mtoc@start@toc} at the end of the document.
%    \begin{macrocode}
%    \end{macrocode}
% \leavevmode\DescribeMacro{\mtoc@CL@mtoc}\cs{mtoc@CL@mtoc} is the redefined version of \cs{mtocCL}, as described above.
% We attempt to see if the first token of its argument is \cs{contentsline}, if yes
% we pass it on, otherwise, we gobble it.
%    \begin{macrocode}
%    \end{macrocode}
%   \paragraph[Modify \texorpdfstring{\protect\cs{@startsection}}{\textbackslash{@startsection}} and referencing]%
%     {Modify \texorpdfstring{\protect\cs{@startsection}}{\textbackslash{@startsection}} and referencing.}
%   We redefine \cs{@startsection} to pick up the first argument (the section name)
%   and define \cs{@currentsecname}, which is use in a simple cross referencing system
%   needed for this mini-toc package. This package should be loaded after \pkg{hyperref} for sure.
%    \begin{macrocode}
%    \end{macrocode}
%    The use of \DescribeMacro\mtoclabel\cs{mtoclabel} and \DescribeMacro\mtocref
%    \cs{mtocref} are not needed unless you redefine a section heading to a non-numerical
%    value. This system needs a section number.
%    \begin{macrocode}
%    \end{macrocode}
% \paragraph[\texorpdfstring{\protect\cs{insertminitoc}}{\textbackslash{insertminitoc}}:
%   The main command]{\protect\cs{insertminitoc}: The main command.}
% \DescribeMacro{\insertminitoc}\cs{insertminitoc} is the main user command for this package, it places
% a ``minitoc'' for a section (\cs{mtoc@TOPLevel}) of a document, listing only the subsections within that section.
% It takes an optional argument for indicating the section number, the subsections of which are to
% be displayed. The default is the current section, \texttt{\cs{@nameuse\darg{the\cs{mtoc@TOPLevel}}}}.
% \par\medskip\noindent
%    \DescribeMacro{\if@minitoc} This Boolean is set to true, in a group, when \cs{insertminitoc} is expanded.
%    This is to support a feature for formatting a mini-toc entry;
%    \cs{miniorfulltoc} is used for this purpose. \cs{miniorfulltoc} is
%    inserted in the optional argument of a section command:
% \subsection[\protect
%   \miniorfulltoc{\textbf}{Subsection Entry}]{Subsection Entry}
%The first argument of \cs{miniorfulltoc} is passed to the second entry; for example,
%|{\textbf{Subsection Entry}}| as an argument and in a group. Thus, the first argument
%can be a command with one argument, or a command with not arguments.
%    \begin{macrocode}
\newif\if@minitoc \@minitocfalse
\newif\if@MiniTocListings \@MiniTocListingstrue
%    \end{macrocode}
%    \leavevmode\DescribeMacro\insertminitoc\hskip-\marginparsep\texttt{[\ameta{label-name}]}
%    After the above preliminaries, we get to \cs{insertminitoc}.
%    The default value of the optional parameter is |MTOC.\the\@minitocCnt|; thus, we use the most
%    recent value of \cs{@minitocCnt}. An explicit argument is needed when the mini-toc is placed
%    somewhere else (after \cs{\@minitocCnt} has been incremented). You can also say
%    \cs{insertminitoc[\ameta{label-name}]}, where \ameta{label-name} is a label name set by
%    the \cs{mtoclabel} command.
%    \begin{macrocode}
  \ifnum\TOPLevelNum > \BTMLevelNum
      The top level (\mtoc@TOPLevel) must be\MessageBreak
      must be higher on the hierarchy then at bottom level}
      {Try switching the two}\fi
%    \end{macrocode}
%    \cs{let} \cs{contentsline} to \cs{cl@LOOKFORSEC}
%    \begin{macrocode}
%    \end{macrocode}
%    \cs{let} \cs{mtocCL} to \cs{mtoc@CL@mtoc}
%    \begin{macrocode}
%    \end{macrocode}
%    Insert formatting ($\cs{Pg}=\cs{sl@@sNumFmt}$) for the page number here.
%    \begin{macrocode}
  {\PackageInfo{aeb-minitoc}{TOC file read}}
  {\PackageInfo{aeb-minitoc}{TOC file not available}}%
%    \end{macrocode}
%    \textbf{Insertion point.} This is where the mini-toc entries are entered
%    into the latex stream to be typeset.
%    \begin{macrocode}
  \PackageWarning{aeb-mintoc}{No mini-toc built here}\fi
%    \end{macrocode}
%      When the \opt{nominitocs} option is in effect, we \cs{let} the command
%      \cs{insertminitoc} to \DescribeMacro\insertminitocNOT\cs{insertminitocNOT}, which absorbs all its arguments.
%    \begin{macrocode}
%    \end{macrocode}
%    \leavevmode\DescribeMacro{\numBoxWidth}\hskip-\marginparsep\texttt{\darg{\ameta{length}}}
%    The \cs{mtoc@numBoxWidth} determines the width of the \cs{hbox} that contains the section number.
%    It is conveniently set using \cs{numBoxWidth}. The default declaration is
%    \cs{numBoxWidth\darg{2.5em}}. The \ameta{length} should be measured in em units. Within
%    the \env{minitocfmt}, \cs{@W} is \cs{let} to \cs{numBoxWidth}.
%    \begin{macrocode}
%    \end{macrocode}
% In its ``raw'' expansion, \cs{insertminitoc} may not be what you want; in this case,
% enclose it in some appropriate environment.
% The following is an example of how to use this command.
% This can be part of a command that inserts code just after every \cs{section}.
%where \cs{minitocFmt} is a command that expands to some formatting, see demo files.
%\paragraph[The mini-toc format environment: \texttt{minitocfmt}]%
% {The mini-toc format environment: \texttt{minitocfmt}.}
%    To help facilitate designing and declaring the mini-toc format, we define
%    the \texttt{minitocfmt} environment. The environment defines a command
%    (\ameta{\cs{cmd}}) that contains all the formatting information for
%    the mini-toc. The body of the environment consists of a series of
%    \cs{declaretocfmt\darg{\ameta{toc-fmt}}} declarations. Within argument
%    of \cs{declaretocfmt}, \cs{@W} is an alias for \cs{numBoxWidth} and
%    \cs{@D} is an alias for \cs{sl@dots}. If \cs{@D}
%    appears ($\texttt{@D} = \texttt{@dottedtocline}$, a dotted line is created in the usual
%    {\LaTeX} manner. \cs{@N} is an alias \cs{sl@sNumFmt} and \cs{@P} is an alias for
%    \cs{sl@pNumFmt}. All are optional. \def\MP#1{\marginpar{\raggedleft\small\itshape#1}}
%  \item[\cs{@A\darg{\ameta{various}}}]\hskip-.5em\relax\space is a command that is not used very
%      often, but is available when needed. The argument \ameta{various} is
%      various commands to support the min-toc being generated.
%      \item[\cs{@PW\darg{\ameta{length}}}] Within\MP{pg num box width} the argument of
%          \cs{@A}, insert \cs{@PW\darg{\ameta{length}}} to set
%          the width of the box that contains the page number
%          (\cs{@pnumwidth}). The value set by {\LaTeX} is
%          \texttt{1.55em}.
%      \item[\cs{@DS\darg{\ameta{num}}}] The \ameta{num}\MP{dots separation} determines the
%          separation between dots for a TOC entry that uses a dotted rule
%          line. This command is only recognized within the argument of
%          \cs{@A}. The default is 4.5.
%      \item[\cs{@R\darg{\ameta{length}}}]\hskip-.5em\relax\space is a\MP{right margin of title}
%          convenience command, it takes its argument and defines the
%          {\LaTeX} command \cs{@tocrmarg}, which sets the right margin
%          for the sec-title. The length set by {\LaTeX} is
%          \texttt{2.55em}. The \ameta{length} of \cs{@R} should be \emph{larger
%          than} the \ameta{length} set by \cs{@PW}.
%  \item[\cs{declaretocfmt\darg{\ameta{sec-name}}\darg{\ameta{various}}}]\hskip-.5em\relax\space
%    formats all \ameta{sec-name} (section, subsection, etc.) entries.
%    A `typical' table of contents entry has the form:
%\ameta{sec-num} \ameta{title-heading}\dotfill\ameta{pg-num}
%Within the \ameta{various} argument, there are a number of commands that
%are recognized:
%    \item[\cs{@W\darg{\ameta{length}}}]\hskip-.5em\relax\space is\MP{sec
%        num box width} the width of the box that encloses
%        \ameta{sec-num}. Normally, all lengths are measured in
%        \texttt{em} units (\cs{@W\darg{\ameta{num}em}}). The default
%        length is \texttt{2.5em}
%    \item[\cs{@D\darg{\ameta{length}}}]\hskip-.5em\relax\space is\MP{use dots} the
%        amount to indent prior to \ameta{sec-num}. Again, \texttt{em}
%        units preferred (\cs{@D\darg{\ameta{num}em}}). When the \cs{@D}
%        command is present in the argument, a dotted line is
%        to be used for the entry (this is the norm). If \cs{@D} not
%        present, there is an opportunity within the \ameta{various}
%        argument to create a custom entry.
%    \item[\cs{@B\darg{\ameta{length}}}] Same as \cs{@D}\MP{no dots}, but no dotted leaders are created.
%    \item[\cs{@N\darg{\ameta{fmt}}}]\hskip-.5em\relax\space is\MP{fmt sec num} the
%        formatting for \ameta{sec-num}. You can pass a command with one
%        argument that will operate on the section number; for example,
%        \cs{@N\darg{\cs{textbf}}}, \cs{@N\darg{\cs{color\darg{blue}}}},
%        or \cs{@N\darg{\cs{color\darg{blue}}\cs{textbf}}}. Note that
%        changing the style to bold might require a corresponding change
%        in \cs{@W}.
%    \item[\cs{@F\darg{\ameta{fmt}}}]\hskip-.5em\relax\space is\MP{fmt title} the formatting
%        for the title heading of the current section; for example, \cs{@F\darg{\string\bfseries}}
%        turns all heading, for this \ameta{sec-name}, bold.
%    \item[\cs{@P\darg{\ameta{fmt}}}]\hskip-.5em\relax\space is the\MP{fmt pg num}
%        formatting for the page number (\ameta{pg-num}). You can pass a
%        command with one argument that will operate on the page number
%        When \pkg{hyperref} is loaded with the \opt{colorlinks} option,
%        we cannot change the color of the page number (see the discussion
%        of \cs{@A} above), but \cs{@P\darg{\string\textit}} changes the
%        numbers to italics. If \pkg{hyperref} is not loaded,
%        \cs{@P\darg{\string\color\darg{red}\string\textit}} changes page
%        numbers to a red italic.
%    \item[\cs{@R\darg{\ameta{length}}}]\hskip-.5em\relax\space is\MP{right margin of title} a convenience
%        command, it takes its argument and defines the {\LaTeX} command
%        \cs{@tocrmarg}, which sets the right margin for the sec-title.
%        The length set by {\LaTeX} is \texttt{2.55em}. Setting \cs{@R}
%        within the \ameta{various} argument of \cs{declaretocfmt} affects
%        the current section level as well as all lower section levels. If
%        you want to make this `local' change, you need to put \cs{@R}
%        back to its default of \texttt{2.55em} locally for other
%        declarations.
%    \item[\cs{@E}] Within\MP{TOC number} the \env{minitocfmt} environment, the command
%        \cs{@E} expands to the current TOC entry number of the TOC entry
%        being read in.
%    \item[\cs{@L}] This\MP{link anchor} macro expands to the \pkg{hyperref} anchor of the
%        page entry reference, it is empty if \pkg{hyperref} is not
%        loaded.
%    \item[\cs{@Pg}] This\MP{pg number} macro expands to the page number this entry
%        references.
%    Usually, the \ameta{length} argument is measured in \texttt{em} units (\texttt{\ameta{num}em}).
%    \begin{macrocode}
%    \end{macrocode}
% Within the \env{minitocfmt}, \cs{@D} is \cs{let} to \cs{sl@dots}.
%    \begin{macrocode}
%    \end{macrocode}
% Within the \env{minitocfmt}, \cs{@F} is \cs{let} to \cs{\sl@EntryFmt}.
%    \begin{macrocode}
\def\sl@EntryFmt#1{\def\sl@@EntryFmt{#1}} % dps
\let\sl@@EntryFmt\relax % dps
%    \end{macrocode}
% Within the \env{minitocfmt}, \cs{@N} is \cs{let} to \cs{sl@sNumFmt}.
%    \begin{macrocode}
%    \end{macrocode}
% Within the \env{minitocfmt}, \cs{@P} is \cs{let} to \cs{sl@pNumFmt}.
%    \begin{macrocode}
%    \end{macrocode}
%     \subparagraph[The \texorpdfstring{\protect\cs{declaretocfmt}}{\textbackslash{declaretocfmt}} command defined]%
%       {The \texorpdfstring{\protect\cs{declaretocfmt}}{\textbackslash{declaretocfmt}} command defined.}
%    The \cs{declaretocfmt} is used to designed how a mini-toc entry is displayed.
%    \begin{macro}{\declaretocfmt}\hskip-\marginparsep\texttt{\darg{\ameta{sec-name}}\darg{\ameta{various}}}
%    The \pkg{aeb-mintoc} way of declaring the formatting for a toc \ameta{sec-name} entry. The
%    \ameta{various} argument consists of various combinations of \cs{@W}, \cs{@D}, \cs{@N}, and \cs{@P}.
%    \begin{macrocode}
  \global\@namedef{\mtoc@CmdName @l@#1}##1##2{%
      \mtoc@star#1*\@nil % dps
  \edef\x{\expandafter\noexpand\csname l@#1\endcsname}%
  \edef\y{\expandafter\noexpand\csname\mtoc@CmdName @l@#1\endcsname}%
%    \end{macrocode}
%    \end{macro}
%    \subparagraph[The \texttt{minitocfmt} environment defined]%
%     {The \texttt{minitocfmt} environment defined.} Is a `simplified' way of
%    designing toc entries.
%    \begin{environment}{minitocfmt}\hskip-\marginparsep\texttt{\darg{\cs{\ameta{cmdName}}}}
%    The definition of the  environment. The argument is a command that will hold the expanded
%    content of the environment. The body of the environment consists of one or more
%    \cs{declaretocfmt} commands.
%    \begin{macrocode}
%    \end{macrocode}
%    The \cs{mtoc@getCmdName} returns the \texttt{cmdName} (without backslash). \texttt{cmdName}
%    is used the creating command sequences, using to this definition.
%    \begin{macrocode}
%    \end{macrocode}
%    The body of the environment consists of one or more \cs{declaretocfmt} commands, these
%    commands contribute to \cs{mtoc@toks}. \cs{mtoc@toks} consists of all the formatting
%    declarations requested.
%    \begin{macrocode}
%    \end{macrocode}
%    \end{environment}
%    \leavevmode\DescribeMacro\mtoc@addto is a macro to add to the declarations. Within
%    \env{minitocfmt} is \cs{@A} is \cs{let} to \cs{mtoc@addto}.
%    \begin{macrocode}
  \global\mtoc@toks=\expandafter{\mtoc@@tmp #1}}
%    \end{macrocode}
%    Here is code from \texttt{latex.ltx} for \cs{@dottedtocline}, we modify it so there
%    are no leaders.
%    \begin{macrocode}
  \ifnum #1>\c@tocdepth \else
    \vskip \z@ \@plus.2\p@
    {\leftskip #2\relax \rightskip \@tocrmarg \parfillskip -\rightskip
     \parindent #2\relax\@afterindenttrue
     \@tempdima #3\relax
     \advance\leftskip \@tempdima \null\nobreak\hskip -\leftskip
%     \leaders\hbox{$\m@th
%        \mkern \@dotsep mu\hbox{.}\mkern \@dotsep
%       mu$}\hfill
% Insert an \hfill
     \hb@xt@\@pnumwidth{\hfil\normalfont \normalcolor #5}%
%    \end{macrocode}
%    \begin{macrocode}
%    \end{macrocode}