The aeb_mobile Package
Author: D. P. Story
Dated: 2018/04/26
Version: v1.4

The package is a simple application of the web and eforms packages from
the acrotex collection to format a PDF for a smartphone.

The design aim was to maximize the viewing and printing experience when
the PDF is viewed on the desktop/laptop and in a smartphone.

Also distributed is the spdef package. This package has four options:
pa, ph, use, !use. pa sets the \ifsmartphone switch (defined in
aeb_mobile) to false (meaning paper); ph sets \ifsmartphone to true
(meaning smartphone); use is a general purpose key for creating stitches
on the fly, use=preview defines a switch \ifpreview and sets it to true,
while !use=preview defines a switch \ifpreview and sets it to false.

What's new (2018/04/26): Added a 'dummy' package named aeb-mobile, which is 
the name this package is listed under. 


Now, I must get back to my retirement.
