%% This is file `aeguill.sty' % This file gives french guillemets (and not guillemots!) % built with the LatinModern fonts (default), % the Polish CMR fonts, WNCYR fonts, the LASY fonts % or with the EC fonts. % This is useful in conjunction with the ae package % (this package loads the ae package in case it has not been loaded) % and with or without the french(le) package. % % In order to get the guillemets, it is necessary to either type % \guillemotleft and \guillemotright, or to use an 8 bit encoding % (such as ISO-Latin1) which selects these two commands, % or, if you use the french package (but not the frenchle package), % to type << or >>. % % By default, you get the LatinModern guillemets; if this package is loaded % with the `pl' option, you get the Polish guillemets; % with the `cm' option, you get the LASY guillemets; with `ec' you % get the EC guillemets, and with `cyr' you get the cyrillic guillemets. % % In verbatim mode, you always get the EC/TT guillemets. % % The default option is interesting in conjunction with PDF, % because LatinModern is a Type 1 font close to CMR % and whose guillemets are very close in shape to the EC guillemets. % % % Support for Polish CMR guillemets was kindly provided by % Rolf Niepraschk <niepraschk@ptb.de> in version 0.99 (2000/05/22). % Bernd Raichle provided extensive simplifications to the code % for version 1.00. % % This package is released under the LPPL. % % Changes: % Date version % 2001/04/12 1.01 the frenchle and french package are now distinguished. % 2003/08/02 1.02 support for the new LatinModern fonts (suggested by Daniel Flipo) % the default has been changed to LatinModern guillemets % (this is an unfortunate, but in my view necessary, incompatibility) % (I do not plan to change this default ever, as LatinModern is % supposed to become standard, and eventually make ae/ec obsolete) % \def\fileversion{1.02} \def\filedate{2003/08/02} \NeedsTeXFormat{LaTeX2e} \ProvidesPackage{aeguill}[2003/08/02 1.02 % AE fonts with french guillemets (D. Roegel)] \RequirePackage{ae} \newcommand{\@ae@switch}[5]{#5} \DeclareOption{ec}{\renewcommand\@ae@switch[5]{#1}} \DeclareOption{cm}{\renewcommand\@ae@switch[5]{#2}} \DeclareOption{cyr}{\renewcommand\@ae@switch[5]{#3}} \DeclareOption{pl}{\renewcommand\@ae@switch[5]{#4}} \DeclareOption{lm}{\renewcommand\@ae@switch[5]{#5}} \ExecuteOptions{lm} \ProcessOptions % % Load necessary packages % \@ae@switch{% ec % do nothing }{% cm \RequirePackage{latexsym}% }{% cyr \RequirePackage[OT2,T1]{fontenc}% }{% pl \RequirePackage[OT4,T1]{fontenc}% }{% lm % do nothing } % The following command will be compared to \frenchname, % as defined in french.sty and frenchle.sty. \def\aeguillfrenchdefault{french}% \let\guill@verbatim@font\verbatim@font \def\verbatim@font{\guill@verbatim@font\ecguills{cmtt}% \let\guillemotleft\@oguills\let\guillemotright\@fguills} \begingroup \catcode`\<=13 \catcode`\>=13 \def\x{\endgroup \def\ae@lfguill{<<}% \def\ae@rfguill{>>}% }\x \newcommand{\ecguills}[1]{% \def\selectguillfont{\fontencoding{T1}\fontfamily{#1}\selectfont}% \def\@oguills{{\selectguillfont\symbol{19}}}% \def\@fguills{{\selectguillfont\symbol{20}}}% } \newcommand{\aeguills}{% \ae@guills % We redefine \guillemotleft and \guillemotright % in order to catch them when they are used % with \DeclareInputText (in latin1.def for instance) % We use \auxWARNINGi as a safe indicator that french.sty is used. \gdef\guillemotleft{\ifx\auxWARNINGi\undefined \@oguills % neither french.sty nor frenchle.sty \else \ifx\aeguillfrenchdefault\frenchname \ae@lfguill % french.sty \else \@oguills % frenchle.sty \fi \fi}% \gdef\guillemotright{\ifx\auxWARNINGi\undefined \@fguills % neither french.sty nor frenchle.sty \else \ifx\aeguillfrenchdefault\frenchname \ae@rfguill % french.sty \else \@fguills % frenchle.sty \fi \fi}% } % % Depending on the class option % define the internal command \ae@guills \@ae@switch{% ec \newcommand{\ae@guills}{% \ecguills{cmr}}% }{% cm \newcommand{\ae@guills}{% \def\selectguillfont{\fontencoding{U}\fontfamily{lasy}% \fontseries{m}\fontshape{n}\selectfont}% \def\@oguills{\leavevmode\nobreak \hbox{\selectguillfont (\kern-.20em(\kern.20em}\nobreak}% \def\@fguills{\leavevmode\nobreak \hbox{\selectguillfont \kern.20em)\kern-.2em)}% \ifdim\fontdimen\@ne\font>\z@\/\fi}}% }{% cyr \newcommand{\ae@guills}{% \def\selectguillfont{\fontencoding{OT2}\fontfamily{wncyr}\selectfont}% \def\@oguills{{\selectguillfont\symbol{60}}}% \def\@fguills{{\selectguillfont\symbol{62}}}} }{% pl \newcommand{\ae@guills}{% \def\selectguillfont{\fontencoding{OT4}\fontfamily{cmr}\selectfont}% \def\@oguills{{\selectguillfont\symbol{174}}}% \def\@fguills{{\selectguillfont\symbol{175}}}} }{% lm \newcommand{\ae@guills}{% \ecguills{lmr}}% } \AtBeginDocument{% \ifx\GOfrench\undefined \aeguills \else \let\aeguill@GOfrench\GOfrench \gdef\GOfrench{\aeguill@GOfrench \aeguills}% \fi } \endinput