%% This is myletter.cfg
%% You should modify this file to correspond to
%% the site where it is used.
%% It may be a good idea to input this file into the
%% the personal configuration file.
%% Thus only names have to be redefined, the official
%% letterhead is kept in this file and changes for everyone
%% when the masterfile is changed.
%% You may include logos and other graphic-material into
%% your letterhead:

%% You may redefine the following variables

%\renewcommand*{\yourrefname}   {Ihr Zeichen:}
%\renewcommand*{\yourmailname}  {Ihr Schreiben vom:}
%\renewcommand*{\myrefname}     {Unser Zeichen:}
%\renewcommand*{\mymailname}    {Unser Schreiben vom:}
%\renewcommand*{\customername}  {Kundennummer }
%\renewcommand*{\invoicename}   {Rechnungsnummer }
%\renewcommand*{\subjectname}   {}  %{Betr.}
%\renewcommand*{\ccname}        {Kopien an:}
%\renewcommand*{\enclname}      {Anlagen:}
%\renewcommand*{\headtoname}    {An}
%\renewcommand*{\datename}      {Datum}
%\renewcommand*{\pagename}      {Seite}
%\renewcommand*{\telephonename} {Telefon}
%\renewcommand*{\telefaxname}   {FAX}

% This may be neccessary for babel:
% \let\savedcaptions\captionsgerman
% \def\captionsgerman{\savedcaptions
%    \renewcommand*{\myrefname}	{Mein Zeichen:}
%    }

%%% Top of first page: left
    Mein Name\hfill}}

%%% Top of every other page
    Mein Name}

%% The normal page-layout for the following page does not contain a 
%% footer. In fact the layout is rather primitive. So if you want to
%% include some fancy text, your corporate logo or whatever, you have
%% to redefine the pagestyle. You may have to adjust the textheight if
%% the footer becomes too large. Of course you can use fancyhdr or
%% scrpage if you need a more powerful tool.

% \if@twoside % Twoside definition
%   \def\ps@headings{%
%       \def\@oddfoot{\hfil Text on the odd page}
% 	  \def\@evenfoot{Text on the even page\hfil}
%       \def\@oddhead{\usebox{\firm}
%          \headfont\hfil\@date\hfil\pagename\ \pnumfont\thepage}%
%       \let\@evenhead\@oddhead}
% \else % Oneside definition
%   \def\ps@headings{%
%       \def\@oddfoot{\hfil Text for one-side layout\hfill}
%       \def\@oddhead{\usebox{\firm}
%          \headfont\hfil\@date\hfil\pagename\ \pnumfont\thepage}}
% \fi

%%% Top of first page: right
% Use either Text:
    Meine Stra{\ss}e 1\\ 12345 Meindorf}}
% or graphic:

%% and remember to adjust FIRM and firmaddress:

%%% Top of first page: left + right
%%% You may want to adjust the raisebox
%%% Return address
%%% one line version
   \hskip5mm Mein Name \textperiodcentered Meine Stra{\ss}e 1
   \textperiodcentered D--12345 Meindorf\hskip5mm}}

%%% two line version
%   {\underline{
%      \slshape\fontsize{7}{8pt}\selectfont
%      \hskip3mm\parbox{65mm}
%      {\makebox[65mm][c]
%         {Fachschaft -- Maschinenbau \textperiodcentered
%          \mbox{\raise .75ex \hbox{c}\kern -.15em /\kern -.125em
%              \smash{\lower .3ex \hbox{o}}}
%               AStA TU Braunschweig}
%       \makebox[65mm][c]
%          {Katharinenstra{\ss}e 1 \textperiodcentered D--38106 Braunschweig}}
%   \hskip3mm}}

%%% Firstpage footer
%%% The code should be controlled by @banklo
%%% The following line may look nice in a FAX.CFG :-)
%%% If you have a bad telephone-line try snail-mail!\\
       \ifnum\language = \l@german
	  Undeutsche Landesbank Frankfurt,
	  BLZ~123\,456\,78, Konto~1\,111\,007\\}%
	  Die Sparkasse Meindorf,
	  BLZ~007\,123\,10, Konto~08\,15\\}

%%% Text displayed below the header on the right side
%%% This should be controlled by @bankhi
%%% This is the only place that will be re-evaluated for
%%% every letter! Everything that changes for different
%%% letters (in the same document) must go either here
%%% or in the ref-line.
       \ifnum \language = \l@german
         \ifnum \language = \l@german
           \telephonename: 040 / 44\,17\,77
           \telephonename: 49--40--44\,17\,77
         \telephonename: \telephonenum
         \ifnum \language = \l@german
           \telefaxname: 040 / 44\,17\,77
           \telefaxname: 49--40--44\,17\,77
         \telefaxname: \telefaxnum
         e-mail: Mein-Name@ insert.your.domain.here
         e-mail: \@email
       \ifnum \language = \l@german
	  Undeutsche Landesbank Frankfurt,
	  BLZ~123\,456\,78, Konto~1\,111\,007\\[.5ex]
	  Die Sparkasse L\"uneburg,
	  BLZ~007\,123\,10, Konto~08\,15 \\[.5ex]

     %% Finally fixed it!
     %% If you want to have the date here, set the
     %% rightdate options.
     %% (With a big excuse to Markus and many others, who
     %% had to wait that long)

%% The labels defined in myletter.cls are what my printer likes:
%% Onecolumn, 100mm * 50mm, 3mm separation.
%% If you have different lables edit here:

%   \pagestyle{empty}
%   \let\@texttop\relax
%   \setlength\parsep {0\p@} 
%% The margins are calculated from the 1in,1in point,
%% thus negative values if the margins schould be smaller
%   \topmargin -60\p@
%   \headsep \z@
%   \oddsidemargin -35\p@
%   \evensidemargin -35\p@
%   \textheight 10in
%   \@colht\textheight  \@colroom\textheight \vsize\textheight
%   \textwidth 550\p@
% You may have to increase columnsep if you use twocolumn labels
% This is what letter.cls uses.
%   \columnsep 26\p@
% This does almost nothing since there is an explicit fontsize-command 
% in the text written.
%   \ifcase \@ptsize\relax
%     \normalsize
%   \or
%     \small
%   \or
%     \footnotesize
%   \fi
%   \baselineskip \z@
%   \lineskip     \z@
%   \boxmaxdepth  \z@
%   \parindent    \z@
% This is obvious, isn't it?
%   \twocolumn
%   \relax}

%% This is how the label printed will look like.
%% Note that specialmail will be written to the .aux-file
%% when the letter is processed. The width used here is
%% what letter.cls uses. 

%  \parbox[b][2in][c]{3in}{%
%     \strut\ignorespaces\usebox{\firmreturn}\\
%     \fontsize{12}{14pt}\selectfont
%     \parbox[t][1.2in][c]{3in}{#2}
%   }\par%
