This is myletter.upl
This file describes akletter.cls, version 1.5

Akletter replaces the older myletter.cls which I have written
in the early days of LaTeX2e.

After a short discussion with Bernd Raichle, Jan Braun and some 
of my Beta-testers, I decided to rename the class to akletter.

Yes, myletter wasn't a good name from the start, but I never meant 
this for distribution, it was only a small hack to make me and a few 
friends happy.

I'm sorry if I hurt someone with the changes introduced in 1.5 (some 
were already in the never released 1.4d).

Akletter 1.5 is not fully compatible to myletter 1.4.
There are some minor changes in the page-layout I didn't dare to 
build into myletter.
I tried to clean up the way a date is set:
refdate		- The Date will be shown in the reference-line.
			  If refdatename is defined, it will be set above the date.
			  This forces a reference-line with 5 items.
subjectdate	- The Date appear in the same line as the first line of the
			  subject. It will be rightaligned to the text.
rightdate	- The Date is shown in the rightfield, unless a
			  custom-definition of this field disables it completly.

Only one option should be used, the default is subjectdate, which should 
look similar to myletter.cls.

1.5	  First version derived from myletter.cls.
	  Compatibility-class created.
	  There is a new length \addrfieldindent that controlls the indentation 
	  of the addressfield. Use it to adjust to envelops with window.
1.5 a Introduced refdate/subjectdate/rightdate
1.5 b Removed bugs found by Jan Braun
1.5 c Made ready for public release
      Added akfax.cfg
1.5 d Synced with letter.cls 1.2u
1.5 e Added some commands to change fonts in
      - reference line:
	    \reffont for the stationary text
		\reftextfont for the actual text you insert
	  - pageheader \headfont (not titlepage)
	  - pagenumber \pnumfont
	  * some suggestion to design your own layout for pages following the 
	  firstpage are now in the cfg-file
	  * finally translated the manual to english (lettereng)
1.5 f Synced with letter.cls 1.2z
      Reset the footnote counter for every letter now.
      Some minor correction to the cfg-files to avaoid using math
      Only relevant if you use T1 fonts (like postscript ones)
1.5 g Added support for letter paper (not released)
1.5 h corrected support for letter paper, added new papersize a4offset which
      is useful when you put the letter into a plastic binder with transparent
      cover. Binders like that are often used for job applications in germany.
      (Thanks to Margrehta Ri"sland for the suggestion and code samples.)
      Added dateformat isodate 2000-05-28
      Supplied akfaxps.cfg to show how to use Times/Courier
1.5 i Made Layout more flexible by introducing new lengths:
      addrfieldsep, datesep and openingsep.
      Added option to exchange addrfield and rightfield.