# latex-alert-message - available on [CTAN](http://www.ctan.org/pkg/alertmessage) Alert messages for LaTeX - Inspired by [Bootstrap alerts](http://www.w3schools.com/bootstrap/bootstrap_alerts.asp) [](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/pidupuis/latex-alert-message/master/panels.png) ## Installation #### Clean installation To install the package properly, download the [TDS archive](https://github.com/pidupuis/latex-alert-message/blob/master/alertmessage.tds.zip?raw=true). Then extract the archive into the texmf folder and install the package as following: ```bash sudo unzip alertmessage.tds.zip -d "$(kpsewhich -var-value TEXMFLOCAL)" sudo texhash ``` The package will be available from anywhere on your computer. #### Use the package without installation You can use the package without installation by putting the [package file](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/pidupuis/latex-alert-message/master/alertmessage.sty) and the [images](https://github.com/pidupuis/latex-alert-message/tree/master/img) in the root directory of your LaTeX project. Download the [latest release](https://github.com/pidupuis/latex-alert-message/releases/tag/v1.0) as a full example project or look at the [example.tex](https://github.com/pidupuis/latex-alert-message/blob/master/example.tex). ## Documentation Include the package in the header of your TeX file: ```tex \usepackage{alertmessage} ``` And simply call the methods you need. There are four panels availables for `information`, `warnings`, `errors` or `success` messages. ```tex \alertinfo{Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet.} \alertsuccess{Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet.} \alertwarning{Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet.} \alerterror{Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet.} ``` The panel will adapt its size according to the length of the text (as you can see in the example). ## Contributing Feel free to open [issues](https://github.com/pidupuis/latex-alert-message/issues) or create [pull requests](https://github.com/pidupuis/latex-alert-message/pulls). If you want to modify the package for personal use, you can manually edit the [package file](https://github.com/pidupuis/latex-alert-message/blob/master/alertmessage.sty). If you want to create a TDS archive to share your modifications with your friends, use the [TDS generation script](https://github.com/pidupuis/latex-alert-message/blob/master/generate_tds.sh). If you want to deploy your modifications on the CTAN by yourself, please take a different package name. ## Releases * [v1.1](https://github.com/pidupuis/latex-alert-message/releases/tag/v1.1) [2015-08-04]: Provides TDS archive to facilitate the installation process. * [v1.0](https://github.com/pidupuis/latex-alert-message/releases/tag/v1.0) [2015-08-02]: Provides macros for `information`, `warnings`, `errors` or `success` alerts.