% asaetr.cls
% Minimal hack needed to have asaetr.sty compile
% using \documentclass instead of \documentstyle.
% 05 Sept 1997 TCI Software Research
% Added access to asaesub documentclass option.
% 08 June 1999 MacKichan Software, Inc. (gp)
% Added the two-letter font commands that are supposed to
% be defined in the class file.
% 11 May 2000 MacKichan Software, Inc. (gp)
\newif\if@asaesubmit %(gp)
\DeclareOption{asaesub}{\@asaesubmittrue} %(gp)
% for 2.09 compatability

 \abovedisplayskip 4pt plus 1pt minus 1pt
 \belowdisplayskip \abovedisplayskip
 \abovedisplayshortskip 4pt plus 1pt
 \belowdisplayshortskip \abovedisplayshortskip


\input asaetr.sty

\ProcessOptions  %(gp)

% Borrowed from article.cls

\if@asaesubmit   %(gp)
\endinput %(gp)