% \iffalse meta-comment % % b1encoding.dtx % % Author: Peter Wilson (Herries Press) herries dot press at earthlink dot net % Copyright 2005 Peter R. Wilson % % This work may be distributed and/or modified under the % conditions of the Latex Project Public License, either % version 1.3 of this license or (at your option) any % later version. % The latest version of the license is in % http://www.latex-project.org/lppl.txt % and version 1.3 or later is part of all distributions of % LaTeX version 2003/06/01 or later. % % This work has the LPPL maintenance status "author-maintained". % % This work consists of the files listed in the README file. % % %<*driver> \documentclass[twoside]{ltxdoc} \usepackage{url} \usepackage[draft=false, plainpages=false, pdfpagelabels, bookmarksnumbered, hyperindex=false ]{hyperref} \providecommand{\phantomsection}{} %%\OnlyDescription %% comment this out for the full glory \EnableCrossrefs \CodelineIndex \setcounter{StandardModuleDepth}{1} \makeatletter \@mparswitchfalse \makeatother \renewcommand{\MakeUppercase}[1]{#1} \pagestyle{headings} \newenvironment{addtomargins}[1]{% \begin{list}{}{% \topsep 0pt% \addtolength{\leftmargin}{#1}% \addtolength{\rightmargin}{#1}% \listparindent \parindent \itemindent \parindent \parsep \parskip}% \item[]}{\end{list}} \begin{document} \raggedbottom \DocInput{b1encoding.dtx} \end{document} %</driver> % % \fi % % \CheckSum{461} % % \DoNotIndex{\',\.,\@M,\@@input,\@addtoreset,\@arabic,\@badmath} % \DoNotIndex{\@centercr,\@cite} % \DoNotIndex{\@dotsep,\@empty,\@float,\@gobble,\@gobbletwo,\@ignoretrue} % \DoNotIndex{\@input,\@ixpt,\@m} % \DoNotIndex{\@minus,\@mkboth,\@ne,\@nil,\@nomath,\@plus,\@set@topoint} % \DoNotIndex{\@tempboxa,\@tempcnta,\@tempdima,\@tempdimb} % \DoNotIndex{\@tempswafalse,\@tempswatrue,\@viipt,\@viiipt,\@vipt} % \DoNotIndex{\@vpt,\@warning,\@xiipt,\@xipt,\@xivpt,\@xpt,\@xviipt} % \DoNotIndex{\@xxpt,\@xxvpt,\\,\ ,\addpenalty,\addtolength,\addvspace} % \DoNotIndex{\advance,\Alph,\alph} % \DoNotIndex{\arabic,\ast,\begin,\begingroup,\bfseries,\bgroup,\box} % \DoNotIndex{\bullet} % \DoNotIndex{\cdot,\cite,\CodelineIndex,\cr,\day,\DeclareOption} % \DoNotIndex{\def,\DisableCrossrefs,\divide,\DocInput,\documentclass} % \DoNotIndex{\DoNotIndex,\egroup,\ifdim,\else,\fi,\em,\endtrivlist} % \DoNotIndex{\EnableCrossrefs,\end,\end@dblfloat,\end@float,\endgroup} % \DoNotIndex{\endlist,\everycr,\everypar,\ExecuteOptions,\expandafter} % \DoNotIndex{\fbox} % \DoNotIndex{\filedate,\filename,\fileversion,\fontsize,\framebox,\gdef} % \DoNotIndex{\global,\halign,\hangindent,\hbox,\hfil,\hfill,\hrule} % \DoNotIndex{\hsize,\hskip,\hspace,\hss,\if@tempswa,\ifcase,\or,\fi,\fi} % \DoNotIndex{\ifhmode,\ifvmode,\ifnum,\iftrue,\ifx,\fi,\fi,\fi,\fi,\fi} % \DoNotIndex{\input} % \DoNotIndex{\jobname,\kern,\leavevmode,\let,\leftmark} % \DoNotIndex{\list,\llap,\long,\m@ne,\m@th,\mark,\markboth,\markright} % \DoNotIndex{\month,\newcommand,\newcounter,\newenvironment} % \DoNotIndex{\NeedsTeXFormat,\newdimen} % \DoNotIndex{\newlength,\newpage,\nobreak,\noindent,\null,\number} % \DoNotIndex{\numberline,\OldMakeindex,\OnlyDescription,\p@} % \DoNotIndex{\pagestyle,\par,\paragraph,\paragraphmark,\parfillskip} % \DoNotIndex{\penalty,\PrintChanges,\PrintIndex,\ProcessOptions} % \DoNotIndex{\protect,\ProvidesClass,\raggedbottom,\raggedright} % \DoNotIndex{\refstepcounter,\relax,\renewcommand,\reset@font} % \DoNotIndex{\rightmargin,\rightmark,\rightskip,\rlap,\rmfamily,\roman} % \DoNotIndex{\roman,\secdef,\selectfont,\setbox,\setcounter,\setlength} % \DoNotIndex{\settowidth,\sfcode,\skip,\sloppy,\slshape,\space} % \DoNotIndex{\symbol,\the,\trivlist,\typeout,\tw@,\undefined,\uppercase} % \DoNotIndex{\usecounter,\usefont,\usepackage,\vfil,\vfill,\viiipt} % \DoNotIndex{\viipt,\vipt,\vskip,\vspace} % \DoNotIndex{\wd,\xiipt,\year,\z@} % % \changes{v1.0}{2005/11/27}{First public release} % % \def\fileversion{v1.0} \def\filedate{2005/11/27} % \newcommand*{\Lpack}[1]{\textsf {#1}} ^^A typeset a package % \newcommand*{\Lopt}[1]{\textsf {#1}} ^^A typeset an option % \newcommand*{\file}[1]{\texttt {#1}} ^^A typeset a file % \newcommand*{\Lcount}[1]{\textsl {\small#1}} ^^A typeset a counter % \newcommand*{\pstyle}[1]{\textsl {#1}} ^^A typeset a pagestyle % \newcommand*{\Lenv}[1]{\texttt {#1}} ^^A typeset an environment % \newcommand*{\AD}{\textsc{ad}} % \newcommand*{\thisfont}{OandS} % % \title{The \Lpack{B1} encoding files\thanks{This % file has version number \fileversion, last revised % \filedate.}} % % \author{% % Peter Wilson\thanks{\texttt{herries dot press at earthlink dot net}}\\ % Herries Press % } % \date{\filedate} % \maketitle % \begin{abstract} % A set of encoding files are provided for the B1 encoding for the % \Lpack{bookhands} fonts. % \end{abstract} % \tableofcontents % % \section{Introduction} % % The \Lpack{bookhands} fonts have several glyphs that are not in modern % fonts while also excluding many of the modern glyphs. I have created % a new encoding for the \Lpack{bookhands} which I have called B1, or % TeXBookHands1 (TeXBH1). % % To use the B1 encoding you need to have at least the files \file{b1enc.def} % (similar to \file{t1enc.def}) and \file{b1cmr.fd} (similar to % \file{t1cmr.fd}) installed on your LaTeX system. % % To use a B1 encoded font in a document the preamble must have at least: \\ % \verb?\usepackage[...,B1,...]{fontenc}? % % This manual is typeset according to the conventions of the % \LaTeX{} \textsc{docstrip} utility which enables the automatic % extraction of the \LaTeX{} macro source files~\cite{COMPANION}. % % % % \StopEventually{ % \bibliographystyle{alpha} % \renewcommand{\refname}{Bibliography} % \begin{thebibliography}{GMS94} % \addcontentsline{toc}{section}{\refname} % % \bibitem[MG04]{COMPANION} % Frank Mittelbach and Michel Goossens. % \newblock \emph{The LaTeX Companion}. % \newblock Second edition. % \newblock Addison-Wesley Publishing Company, 2004. % % % \end{thebibliography} % % \PrintIndex % % } % % % % \section{The code} \label{sec:mf} % % % \subsection{The \file{b1enc.def} file} % % The \file{b1enc.def} file is the \Lpack{B1} encoding's equivalent to % the \Lpack{T1} encoding's \file{t1enc.def}, the original of which is % maintained in the kernel's \file{ltoutenc.dtx} file. % % This file should be put somewhere where LaTeX will look for *.def files. % For example: \url{/usr/TeX/texmf-local/tex/latex/bookhands/b1enc.def}. % % \begin{macrocode} %<*B1> \ProvidesFile{b1enc.def} [2005/08/09 v0.1 Definitions for the TeXBookhands1 encoding] \DeclareFontEncoding{B1}{}{} % \end{macrocode} % The majority of the accents. I keep slots (o000/h00/d0), (o012/h0A/d10) % and (o015/h0D/d13) empty; glyphs that would normally be in those slots are % moved further down. % \begin{macrocode} %%\DeclareTextAccent{\`}{B1}{0}% see 23 \DeclareTextAccent{\'}{B1}{1} \DeclareTextAccent{\^}{B1}{2} \DeclareTextAccent{\~}{B1}{3} \DeclareTextAccent{\"}{B1}{4} \DeclareTextAccent{\H}{B1}{5} \DeclareTextAccent{\r}{B1}{6} \DeclareTextAccent{\v}{B1}{7} \DeclareTextAccent{\u}{B1}{8} \DeclareTextAccent{\=}{B1}{9} %%\DeclareTextAccent{\.}{B1}{10}% see 24 % \end{macrocode} % Some accents are built by hand. % \begin{macrocode} %%% barunder (\b) 9 \DeclareTextCommand{\b}{B1}[1] {\hmode@bgroup\o@lign{\relax#1\crcr\hidewidth\sh@ft{29}% \vbox to.2ex{\hbox{\char9}\vss}\hidewidth}\egroup} %%% cedilla (\c) 11 \DeclareTextCommand{\c}{B1}[1] {\leavevmode\setbox\z@\hbox{#1}\ifdim\ht\z@=1ex\accent11 #1% \else{\ooalign{\hidewidth\char11\hidewidth \crcr\unhbox\z@}}\fi} %%% dotunder (\d) \DeclareTextCommand{\d}{B1}[1] {\hmode@bgroup \o@lign{\relax#1\crcr\hidewidth\sh@ft{10}.\hidewidth}\egroup} %%% ogonek 12 \DeclareTextCommand{\k}{B1}[1] {\oalign{\null#1\crcr\hidewidth\char12}} %%\DeclareTextCommand{\textperthousand}{B1} %% {\%\char 24 } % space or `relax as delimiter? %%\DeclareTextCommand{\textpertenthousand}{B1} %% {\%\char 24\char 24 } % space or `relax as delimiter? % \end{macrocode} % Punctuation marks. % \begin{macrocode} %%\DeclareTextSymbol{\quotesinglbase}{B1}{13} \DeclareTextSymbol{\guilsinglleft}{B1}{14} \DeclareTextSymbol{\guilsinglright}{B1}{15} \DeclareTextSymbol{\textquotedblleft}{B1}{16} \DeclareTextSymbol{\textquotedblright}{B1}{17} \DeclareTextSymbol{\quotedblbase}{B1}{18} \DeclareTextSymbol{\guillemotleft}{B1}{19} \DeclareTextSymbol{\guillemotright}{B1}{20} \DeclareTextSymbol{\textendash}{B1}{21} \DeclareTextSymbol{\textemdash}{B1}{22} \DeclareTextAccent{\`}{B1}{23} %%%\DeclareTextSymbol{\textcompwordmark}{B1}{23} \DeclareTextAccent{\.}{B1}{24} \DeclareTextSymbol{\i}{B1}{25} \DeclareTextSymbol{\j}{B1}{26} % \end{macrocode} % The `f' ligatures, which TeX takes care of. % \begin{verbatim} %%% ff 27, fi 28, fl 29, ffi 30, ffl 31 % \end{verbatim} % A few other symbols, but on the whole we are into ASCII territory. % \begin{macrocode} \DeclareTextSymbol{\textvisiblespace}{B1}{32} \DeclareTextSymbol{\textquotedbl}{B1}{`\"}% 34 %%% # 35 \DeclareTextSymbol{\textdollar}{B1}{`\$}% 36 %%% % 37 %%% & 38 \DeclareTextSymbol{\textquoteright}{B1}{`\'}% 39 % \end{macrocode} % \begin{verbatim} %%% ( 40, ) 41, * 42, + 43, , 44, - 45, . 46, / 47, %%% 0 48, 1 49, 2 50, 3 51, 4 52, 5 53, 6 54, 7 55, 8 56, 9 57, %%% : 58, ; 59, % \end{verbatim} % A couple more symbols. % \begin{macrocode} \DeclareTextSymbol{\textless}{B1}{`\<}% 60 %%% = 61 \DeclareTextSymbol{\textgreater}{B1}{`\>}% 62 % \end{macrocode} % Back into normal ASCII mode. % \begin{verbatim} %%% ? 63, @ 64, %%% A 65, B 66, C 67, D 68, E 69, F 70, G 71, H 72, I 73, J 74, %%% K 75, L 76, M 77, N 78, O 79, P 80, Q 81, R 82, S 83, T 84, %%% U 85, V 86, W 87, X 88, Y 89, Z 90, %%% [ 91, \ 92, % \end{verbatim} % Another little symbol group. % \begin{macrocode} \DeclareTextSymbol{\textbackslash}{B1}{`\\}% 92 %%% ] 93 \DeclareTextSymbol{\textasciicircum}{B1}{`\^}% 94 \DeclareTextSymbol{\textunderscore}{B1}{95} \DeclareTextSymbol{\textquoteleft}{B1}{`\`}% 96 % \end{macrocode} % \begin{verbatim} %%% a 97, b 98, c 99, d 100, e 101, f 102, g 103, h 104, i 105, j 106, %%% k 107, l 108, m 109, n 110, o 111, p 112, q 113, r 114, s 115, t 116, %%% u 117, v 118, w 119, x 120, y 121, z 122, % \end{verbatim} % Now we are into the post-ASCII realm. Most of the remainder are % accented characters, % \begin{macrocode} \DeclareTextComposite{\.}{B1}{i}{`\i}% \DeclareTextComposite{\.}{B1}{\i}{`\i}% \DeclareTextSymbol{\textbraceleft}{B1}{`\{}% 123 \DeclareTextSymbol{\textbar}{B1}{`\|}% 124 \DeclareTextSymbol{\textbraceright}{B1}{`\}}% 125 \DeclareTextSymbol{\textasciitilde}{B1}{`\~}% 126 % \end{macrocode} % Replace T1 \u{A} by \cs{quotesinglbase}. % \begin{macrocode} %%\DeclareTextComposite{\u}{B1}{A}{128} \DeclareTextSymbol{\quotesinglbase}{B1}{128} \DeclareTextComposite{\k}{B1}{A}{129} \DeclareTextComposite{\'}{B1}{C}{130} \DeclareTextComposite{\v}{B1}{C}{131} \DeclareTextComposite{\v}{B1}{D}{132} \DeclareTextComposite{\v}{B1}{E}{133} \DeclareTextComposite{\k}{B1}{E}{134} % \end{macrocode} % Replace T1 \u{G} by \cs{textparagraph}. % \begin{macrocode} %%\DeclareTextComposite{\u}{B1}{G}{135} \DeclareTextSymbol{\textparagraph}{B1}{135} \DeclareTextComposite{\'}{B1}{L}{136} \DeclareTextComposite{\v}{B1}{L}{137} \DeclareTextSymbol{\L}{B1}{138} \DeclareTextComposite{\'}{B1}{N}{139} \DeclareTextComposite{\v}{B1}{N}{140} \DeclareTextSymbol{\NG}{B1}{141} \DeclareTextComposite{\H}{B1}{O}{142} \DeclareTextComposite{\'}{B1}{R}{143} \DeclareTextComposite{\v}{B1}{R}{144} \DeclareTextComposite{\'}{B1}{S}{145} \DeclareTextComposite{\v}{B1}{S}{146} % \end{macrocode} % Replace T1 \c{S} by \cs{textslongt} --- the (long) s-t ligature. % \begin{macrocode} %%\DeclareTextComposite{\c}{B1}{S}{147} %% longs-t ligature {147} \DeclareTextSymbol{\textslongt}{B1}{147} \DeclareTextComposite{\v}{B1}{T}{148} % \end{macrocode} % Replace T1 \c{T} by \cs{texthalfr} --- a half r glyph % \begin{macrocode} %%\DeclareTextComposite{\c}{B1}{T}{149} %% half-r {149} \DeclareTextSymbol{\textrhalf}{B1}{149} \DeclareTextComposite{\H}{B1}{U}{150} \DeclareTextComposite{\r}{B1}{U}{151} \DeclareTextComposite{\"}{B1}{Y}{152} \DeclareTextComposite{\'}{B1}{Z}{153} \DeclareTextComposite{\v}{B1}{Z}{154} \DeclareTextComposite{\.}{B1}{Z}{155} \DeclareTextComposite{\.}{B1}{I}{157} \DeclareTextSymbol{\dj}{B1}{158} \DeclareTextSymbol{\textsection}{B1}{159} % \end{macrocode} % Replace T1 \u{a} by \cs{textslong} --- the long s glyph % \begin{macrocode} %%\DeclareTextComposite{\u}{B1}{a}{160} \DeclareTextSymbol{\textslong}{B1}{160} \DeclareTextComposite{\k}{B1}{a}{161} \DeclareTextComposite{\'}{B1}{c}{162} \DeclareTextComposite{\v}{B1}{c}{163} \DeclareTextComposite{\v}{B1}{d}{164} \DeclareTextComposite{\v}{B1}{e}{165} \DeclareTextComposite{\k}{B1}{e}{166} % \end{macrocode} % Replace T1 \u{g} by \cs{textet} --- the e-t ligature (this is not the \&). % \begin{macrocode} %%\DeclareTextComposite{\u}{B1}{g}{167} %% e-t ligature {167} \DeclareTextSymbol{\textet}{B1}{167} \DeclareTextComposite{\'}{B1}{l}{168} \DeclareTextComposite{\v}{B1}{l}{169} \DeclareTextSymbol{\l}{B1}{170} \DeclareTextComposite{\'}{B1}{n}{171} \DeclareTextComposite{\v}{B1}{n}{172} \DeclareTextSymbol{\ng}{B1}{173} \DeclareTextComposite{\H}{B1}{o}{174} \DeclareTextComposite{\'}{B1}{r}{175} \DeclareTextComposite{\v}{B1}{r}{176} \DeclareTextComposite{\'}{B1}{s}{177} \DeclareTextComposite{\v}{B1}{s}{178} % \end{macrocode} % Replace the T1 \c{s} by \cs{textst} --- the (short) s-t ligature % \begin{macrocode} %%\DeclareTextComposite{\c}{B1}{s}{179} %% s-t ligature {179} \DeclareTextSymbol{\textst}{B1}{179} \DeclareTextComposite{\v}{B1}{t}{180} % \end{macrocode} % Replace the T1 \c{t} by \cs{textct} --- the c-t ligature % \begin{macrocode} %%\DeclareTextComposite{\c}{B1}{t}{181} %% c-t ligature {181} \DeclareTextSymbol{\textct}{B1}{181} \DeclareTextComposite{\H}{B1}{u}{182} \DeclareTextComposite{\r}{B1}{u}{183} \DeclareTextComposite{\"}{B1}{y}{184} \DeclareTextComposite{\'}{B1}{z}{185} \DeclareTextComposite{\v}{B1}{z}{186} \DeclareTextComposite{\.}{B1}{z}{187} \DeclareTextSymbol{\textexclamdown}{B1}{189} \DeclareTextSymbol{\textquestiondown}{B1}{190} \DeclareTextSymbol{\textsterling}{B1}{191} \DeclareTextComposite{\`}{B1}{A}{192} \DeclareTextComposite{\'}{B1}{A}{193} \DeclareTextComposite{\^}{B1}{A}{194} \DeclareTextComposite{\~}{B1}{A}{195} \DeclareTextComposite{\"}{B1}{A}{196} \DeclareTextComposite{\r}{B1}{A}{197} \DeclareTextSymbol{\AE}{B1}{198} \DeclareTextComposite{\c}{B1}{C}{199} \DeclareTextComposite{\`}{B1}{E}{200} \DeclareTextComposite{\'}{B1}{E}{201} \DeclareTextComposite{\^}{B1}{E}{202} \DeclareTextComposite{\"}{B1}{E}{203} \DeclareTextComposite{\`}{B1}{I}{204} \DeclareTextComposite{\'}{B1}{I}{205} \DeclareTextComposite{\^}{B1}{I}{206} \DeclareTextComposite{\"}{B1}{I}{207} \DeclareTextSymbol{\DH}{B1}{208} \DeclareTextSymbol{\DJ}{B1}{208} \DeclareTextComposite{\~}{B1}{N}{209} \DeclareTextComposite{\`}{B1}{O}{210} \DeclareTextComposite{\'}{B1}{O}{211} \DeclareTextComposite{\^}{B1}{O}{212} \DeclareTextComposite{\~}{B1}{O}{213} \DeclareTextComposite{\"}{B1}{O}{214} \DeclareTextSymbol{\OE}{B1}{215} \DeclareTextSymbol{\O}{B1}{216} \DeclareTextComposite{\`}{B1}{U}{217} \DeclareTextComposite{\'}{B1}{U}{218} \DeclareTextComposite{\^}{B1}{U}{219} \DeclareTextComposite{\"}{B1}{U}{220} \DeclareTextComposite{\'}{B1}{Y}{221} \DeclareTextSymbol{\TH}{B1}{222} \DeclareTextSymbol{\SS}{B1}{223} \DeclareTextComposite{\`}{B1}{a}{224} \DeclareTextComposite{\'}{B1}{a}{225} \DeclareTextComposite{\^}{B1}{a}{226} \DeclareTextComposite{\~}{B1}{a}{227} \DeclareTextComposite{\"}{B1}{a}{228} \DeclareTextComposite{\r}{B1}{a}{229} \DeclareTextSymbol{\ae}{B1}{230} \DeclareTextComposite{\c}{B1}{c}{231} \DeclareTextComposite{\`}{B1}{e}{232} \DeclareTextComposite{\'}{B1}{e}{233} \DeclareTextComposite{\^}{B1}{e}{234} \DeclareTextComposite{\"}{B1}{e}{235} \DeclareTextComposite{\`}{B1}{i}{236} \DeclareTextComposite{\`}{B1}{\i}{236} \DeclareTextComposite{\'}{B1}{i}{237} \DeclareTextComposite{\'}{B1}{\i}{237} \DeclareTextComposite{\^}{B1}{i}{238} \DeclareTextComposite{\^}{B1}{\i}{238} \DeclareTextComposite{\"}{B1}{i}{239} \DeclareTextComposite{\"}{B1}{\i}{239} \DeclareTextSymbol{\dh}{B1}{240} \DeclareTextComposite{\~}{B1}{n}{241} \DeclareTextComposite{\`}{B1}{o}{242} \DeclareTextComposite{\'}{B1}{o}{243} \DeclareTextComposite{\^}{B1}{o}{244} \DeclareTextComposite{\~}{B1}{o}{245} \DeclareTextComposite{\"}{B1}{o}{246} \DeclareTextSymbol{\oe}{B1}{247} \DeclareTextSymbol{\o}{B1}{248} \DeclareTextComposite{\`}{B1}{u}{249} \DeclareTextComposite{\'}{B1}{u}{250} \DeclareTextComposite{\^}{B1}{u}{251} \DeclareTextComposite{\"}{B1}{u}{252} \DeclareTextComposite{\'}{B1}{y}{253} \DeclareTextSymbol{\th}{B1}{254} \DeclareTextSymbol{\ss}{B1}{255} %</B1> % \end{macrocode} % % \subsection{The \file{TeXB1.enc} file} % % The \file{TeXB1.enc} file is the \Lpack{B1} encoding's version of % the \Lpack{T1} encoding's \file{8b.enc} file. It provides the PostScript % encoding vector for Type 1 versions of \Lpack{B1} fonts. Slots % (o000/h00/d0), (o012/h0A/d10) and (o015/h0D/d13) are empty. % % This file should be put somewhere where LaTeX will look for *.enc files. % For example: \url{/usr/TeX/texmf-local/tex/latex/bookhands/TeXB1.enc}. % % \begin{macrocode} %<*enc> /TeXB1 [ %%%% Comments are the 8b.enc entries /.notdef % 0 /acute % 1 /dotaccent % 1 /circumflex % 2 /fi % 2 /tilde % 3 /fl % 3 /dieresis % 4 /fraction % 4 /hungarumlaut % 5 /ring % 6 /Lslash % 6 /caron % 7 /lslash % 7 /breve % 8 /ogonek % 8 /macron % 9 /ring % 9 /.notdef % 10 /cedilla % 11 /breve % 11 /ogonek % 12 /minus % 12 /.notdef % 13 /guilsinglleft % 14 /Zcaron % 14 /guilsinglright % 15 /zcaron % 15 % 0x10 /quotedblleft % 16 /caron % 16 /quotedblright % 17 /dotlessi % 17 /quotedblbase % 18 /dotlessj % 18 /guillemotleft % 19 /ff % 19 /guillemotright % 20 /ffi % 20 /endash % 21 /ffl % 21 /emdash % 22 /.notdef % 22 /grave % 23 /.notdef % 23 /dotaccent % 24 /.notdef % 24 /dotlessi % 25 /.notdef % 25 /dotlessj % 26 /.notdef % 26 /ff % 27 /.notdef % 27 /fi % 28 /.notdef % 28 /fl % 29 /.notdef % 29 /ffi % 30 /grave % 30 /ffl % 31 /quotesingle % 31 % 0x20 (ASCII begins) /space % 32 /exclam % 33 /quotedbl % 34 /numbersign % 35 /dollar % 36 /percent % 37 /ampersand % 38 /quoteright % 39 /parenleft % 40 /parenright % 41 /asterisk % 42 /plus % 43 /comma % 44 /hyphen % 45 /period % 46 /slash % 47 % 0x30 /zero % 48 /one % 49 /two % 50 /three % 51 /four % 52 /five % 53 /six % 54 /seven % 55 /eight % 56 /nine % 57 /colon % 58 /semicolon % 59 /less % 60 /equal % 61 /greater % 62 /question % 63 % 0x40 /at % 64 /A % 65 /B % 66 /C % 67 /D % 68 /E % 69 /F % 70 /G % 71 /H % 72 /I % 73 /J % 74 /K % 75 /L % 76 /M % 77 /N % 78 /O % 79 % 0x50 /P % 80 /Q % 81 /R % 82 /S % 83 /T % 84 /U % 85 /V % 86 /W % 87 /X % 88 /Y % 89 /Z % 90 /bracketleft % 91 /backslash % 92 /bracketright % 93 /asciicircum % 94 /underscore % 95 % 0x60 /quoteleft % 96 /a % 97 /b % 98 /c % 99 /d % 100 /e % 101 /f % 102 /g % 103 /h % 104 /i % 105 /j % 106 /k % 107 /l % 108 /m % 109 /n % 110 /o % 111 % 0x70 /p % 112 /q % 113 /r % 114 /s % 115 /t % 116 /u % 117 /v % 118 /w % 119 /x % 120 /y % 121 /z % 122 /braceleft % 123 /bar % 124 /braceright % 125 /asciitilde % 126 /hyphen % 127 /.notdef % rubout; ASCII ends % 127 % 0x80 /quotesinglbase % 128 /Euro % 128 /Aogonek % 129 /.notdef % 129 /Cacute % 130 /quotesinglbase % 130 /Ccaron % 131 /florin % 131 /Dcaron % 132 /quotedblbase % 132 /Ecaron % 133 /ellipsis % 133 /Eogonek % 134 /dagger % 134 /paragraph % 135 /daggerdbl % 135 /Lacute % 136 /circumflex % 136 /Lcaron % 137 perthousand % 137 /Lslash % 138 /Scaron % 138 /Nacute % 139 /guilsinglleft % 139 /Ncaron % 140 /OE % 140 /Eng % 141 /.notdef % 141 /Ohungarumlaut % 142 /.notdef % 142 /Racute % 143 /.notdef % 143 % 0x90 /Rcaron % 144 /.notdef % 144 /Sacute % 145 /.notdef % 145 /Scaron % 146 /.notdef % 146 % \end{macrocode} % \verb?/slong_t? is my name for the long s-t ligauture % \begin{macrocode} /slong_t % 147 /quotedblleft % 147 /Tcaron % 148 /quotedblright % 148 % \end{macrocode} % \verb?/r.half? is my name for the half r glyph % \begin{macrocode} /r.half % 149 /bullet % 149 /Uhungarumlaut % 150 /endash % 150 /Uring % 151 /emdash % 151 /Ydieresis % 152 /tilde % 152 /Zacute % 153 /trademark % 153 /Zcaron % 154 /scaron % 154 /Zdot % 155 /guilsinglright % 155 /IJ % 156 /oe % 156 /Idot % 157 /.notdef % 157 /dcroat % (dyet)% 158 /.notdef % 158 /section % 159 /Ydieresis % 159 % 0xA0 /slong % 160 /.notdef % 160 % nobreakspace /aogonek % 161 /exclamdown % 161 /cacute % 162 /cent % 162 /ccaron % 163 /sterling % 163 /dcaron % 164 /currency % 164 /ecaron % 165 /yen % 165 /eogonek % 166 /brokenbar % 166 % \end{macrocode} % \verb?/e_t? is my name for the e-t ligature (this is not an \&). % \begin{macrocode} /e_t % 167 /section % 167 /lacute % 168 /dieresis % 168 /lcaron % 169 /copyright % 169 /lslash % 170 /ordfeminine % 170 /nacute % 171 /guillemotleft % 171 /ncaron % 172 /logicalnot % 172 /eng % 173 /hyphen % Y&Y (also at 45); Windows' softhyphen % 173 /ohungarumlaut % 174 /registered % 174 /racute % 175 /macron % 175 % 0xD0 /rcaron % 176 /degree % 176 /sacute % 177 /plusminus % 177 /scaron % 178 /twosuperior % 178 % \end{macrocode} % \verb?/s_t? is my name for the (short) s-t ligature. % \begin{macrocode} /s_t % 179 /threesuperior % 179 /tcaron % 180 /acute % 180 % \end{macrocode} % \verb?/c_t? is my name for the c-t ligature. % \begin{macrocode} /c_t % 181 /mu % 181 /uhungarumlaut % 182 /paragraph % 182 /uring % 183 /periodcentered % 183 /ydieresis % 184 cedilla % 184 /zacute % 185 /onesuperior % 185 /zcaron % 186 /ordmasculine % 186 /zdot % 187 /guillemotright % 187 /ij % 188 /onequarter % 188 /exclamdown % 189 /onehalf % 189 /questiondown % 190 /threequarters % 190 /sterling % 191 /questiondown % 191 % 0xC0 /Agrave % 192 /Aacute % 193 /Acircumflex % 194 /Atilde % 195 /Adieresis % 196 /Aring % 197 /AE % 198 /Ccedilla % 199 /Egrave % 200 /Eacute % 201 /Ecircumflex % 202 /Edieresis % 203 /Igrave % 204 /Iacute % 205 /Icircumflex % 206 /Idieresis % 207 % 0xD0 /Eth % 208 /Ntilde % 209 /Ograve % 210 /Oacute % 211 /Ocircumflex % 212 /Otilde % 213 /Odieresis % 214 /OE % 215 /multiply % 215 /Oslash % 216 /Ugrave % 217 /Uacute % 218 /Ucircumflex % 219 /Udieresis % 220 /Yacute % 221 /Thorn % 222 /Germandbls % 223 % 0xE0 /agrave % 224 /aacute % 225 /acircumflex % 226 /atilde % 227 /adieresis % 228 /aring % 229 /ae % 230 /ccedilla % 231 /egrave % 232 /eacute % 233 /ecircumflex % 234 /edieresis % 235 /igrave % 236 /iacute % 237 /icircumflex % 238 /idieresis % 239 % 0xF0 /eth % 240 /ntilde % 241 /ograve % 242 /oacute % 243 /ocircumflex % 244 /otilde % 245 /odieresis % 246 /oe % 247 /divide % 247 /oslash % 248 /ugrave % 249 /uacute % 250 /ucircumflex % 251 /udieresis % 252 /yacute % 253 /thorn % 254 /germandbls % 255 /ydieresis % 255 ] def %</enc> % \end{macrocode} % % % \subsection{The \file{b1cmr.fd} files} % % At a minimum CMR must be provided as a B1 font, otherwise the NFSS system % objects. I have not done a real B1 encoding for CMR, but the following % at least keeps NFSS quiet. It is \file{t1cmr.fd} with the `t1' changed to % `b1' throughout. % % This file should be put somewhere where LaTeX will look for *.fd files. % For example: \url{/usr/TeX/texmf-local/tex/latex/bookhands/b1cmr.fd}. % % \begin{macrocode} %<*b1cmr> %% This is file b1cmr.fd based on %% file `t1cmr.fd', \ProvidesFile{b1cmr.fd} [2005/11/27 v1.0 bookhand font definitions] \providecommand{\EC@family}[5]{% \DeclareFontShape{#1}{#2}{#3}{#4}% {<5><6><7><8><9><10><10.95><12><14.4>% <17.28><20.74><24.88><29.86><35.83>genb*#5}{}} \DeclareFontFamily{B1}{cmr}{} \EC@family{B1}{cmr}{m}{n}{ecrm} \EC@family{B1}{cmr}{m}{sl}{ecsl} \EC@family{B1}{cmr}{m}{it}{ecti} \EC@family{B1}{cmr}{m}{sc}{eccc} \EC@family{B1}{cmr}{bx}{n}{ecbx} \EC@family{B1}{cmr}{b}{n}{ecrb} \EC@family{B1}{cmr}{bx}{it}{ecbi} \EC@family{B1}{cmr}{bx}{sl}{ecbl} \EC@family{B1}{cmr}{bx}{sc}{ecxc} \EC@family{B1}{cmr}{m}{ui}{ecui} %</b1cmr> % \end{macrocode} % % \Finale \endinput %% \CharacterTable %% {Upper-case \A\B\C\D\E\F\G\H\I\J\K\L\M\N\O\P\Q\R\S\T\U\V\W\X\Y\Z %% Lower-case \a\b\c\d\e\f\g\h\i\j\k\l\m\n\o\p\q\r\s\t\u\v\w\x\y\z %% Digits \0\1\2\3\4\5\6\7\8\9 %% Exclamation \! Double quote \" Hash (number) \# %% Dollar \$ Percent \% Ampersand \& %% Acute accent \' Left paren \( Right paren \) %% Asterisk \* Plus \+ Comma \, %% Minus \- Point \. Solidus \/ %% Colon \: Semicolon \; Less than \< %% Equals \= Greater than \> Question mark \? %% Commercial at \@ Left bracket \[ Backslash \\ %% Right bracket \] Circumflex \^ Underscore \_ %% Grave accent \` Left brace \{ Vertical bar \| %% Right brace \} Tilde \~}