# bpchem bpchem -- Sup��port for type��set��ting chem��i��cal for��mu��lae, IUPAC compound names and more Author: Bj��rn Pedersen Email: Bjoern.Pedersen@frm2.tum.de Version: 1.1 License: Released under the LaTeX Project Public License See: http://www.latex-project.org/lppl.txt This package has been written to alleviate the task of writing publications containing lots of chemistry. It provides methods for typesetting chemical names, sum formulae and isotopes. It provides the possibility to break very long names even over several lines. This package also provides a way to automatically enumerate your chemical compounds, allowing for one-level subgrouping. What this package does not provide: Methods to draw chemical compounds. Although there exist some packages,which where designed for this purpose (e.g. xymtex, PPChTex) they are quite limited once you get to complex organic, or metal organic compounds. I recommend using an external drawing program, possibly in conjunction with psfrag, in these cases.