BXcalc Package

LaTeX: To extend the functionality of the calc package

This package bundle consists of the following packages:

  * bxcalcize: To make calc expressions available in more places.

  * bxcalcux: To add user-defined units to the calc syntax.

In addition, this bundle provides the bxcalc package, which simply loads
the above-mentioned packages internally.

### System requirement

  * TeX format: LaTeX.
  * TeX engine: Anything.
      - Some functions requires the e-TeX extension.
  * Dependent packages:
      - calc

### Installation

  - `*.sty` ��� $TEXMF/tex/latex/BXcalc

### License

This package is distributed under the MIT License.

bxcalc package ��� main

This package simply loads all other packages in this bundle.

Note: Under the LaTeX kernel of the version 2020/10/01 or later, the
bxcalcize package is not loaded since it is no longer needed.

bxcalcize package ��� to make calc expressions available in more places

Some standard LaTeX commands involving length specification do not allow
the use of calc expressions. This package makes such uses possible.

See the manual bxcalcize.pdf for detail.

Note: The functionality of this package will be provided by the LaTeX
kernel of the version 2020/10/01.

bxcalcux package ��� to add user-defined units to the calc syntax

This package enables users to define new length units and use them in
calc expressions.

See the manual bxcalcux.pdf for detail.

Revision History

  * Version 1.1  ���2020/09/25���
      - Support LaTeX kernel 2020/10/01.

  * Version 1.0b ���2019/11/24���
      - Bug fix.

  * Version 1.0a ���2018/01/28���
      - Bug fix.

  * Version 1.0  ���2017/05/21���
      - The first public version as this bundle, which has been seperated
        from the old BXjatool bundle.

Takayuki YATO (aka. "ZR")  