% --------------------------------------------------------------------------
% the CARBOHYDRATES package
%   ready drawn carbohydrates with chemfig
% --------------------------------------------------------------------------
% Clemens Niederberger
% Web:    https://github.com/cgnieder/carbohydrates
% E-Mail: contact@mychemistry.eu
% --------------------------------------------------------------------------
% Copyright 2014-2015 Clemens Niederberger
% This work may be distributed and/or modified under the
% conditions of the LaTeX Project Public License, either version 1.3
% of this license or (at your option) any later version.
% The latest version of this license is in
%   http://www.latex-project.org/lppl.txt
% and version 1.3 or later is part of all distributions of LaTeX
% version 2005/12/01 or later.
% This work has the LPPL maintenance status `maintained'.
% The Current Maintainer of this work is Clemens Niederberger.
% --------------------------------------------------------------------------
% If you have any ideas, questions, suggestions or bugs to report, please
% feel free to contact me.
% --------------------------------------------------------------------------
\def\cbhdr@info{carbohydrate molecules with chemfig}

  \cbhdr@info\space (CN)]


% ==========================================================================
% message handling
% generic help message:

  For details have a look at the `carbohydrates' manual.%

% create message macros:

  \cbhdr@error{#1 can't form #2 rings}%


    \cbhdr@error{The chain is not implemented for #2s in the #1 model}%

  \cbhdr@error{The chair model is not implemented for #1}%




% ==========================================================================
% colors



% ==========================================================================
% wavy bonds:
\pgfdeclaredecoration{cbhdr wave}{initial}{
    width = +0pt ,
    next state = sine,
    persistent precomputation = {
        \pgfdecoratedinputsegmentlength /
      \setlength{\pgfdecorationsegmentlength}{\matchinglength pt}

  cbhdr/wavy bond/.style =
      decoration =
          amplitude   = 0.23*\CF@atom@sep/3 ,
          post length = 0 pt,
          pre length  = 0 pt,
          % Use the atom spacing: saved 
          segment length = \CF@atom@sep/5 ,
          cbhdr wave

% ==========================================================================
% sub molecules for all the modular building of the molecules later



  % aldohexoses:
  % fischer:
  % skeletons
  % with C and H
  % haworth:
  % chair:
  \or % 1
  \or % 2
  \or % 3
  \or % 4
  \or % 5




% 4=r, 5=r
% 4=l, 5=r

% 4=r, 5=l
% 4=l, 5=l

% 4=r, 5=0
% 4=l, 5=0
% 4=0 wouldn't make sense since then the furanose ring cannot be formed

% fischer


% haworth
  {(-[:0,.75,,1,cbhdr/wavy bond]\cbhdr@anomer@OH)}

% chair:
  {(-[:0,.75,,1,cbhdr/wavy bond]\cbhdr@anomer@OH)}

% ==========================================================================
% commands to define the chain and ring molecules avoiding code duplication:

% the arguments of a chain refer to r and l for the chiral centers. A hexose
% needs four arguments: \cbhdr@newchain\hexose#1#2#3#4{<code>}

% \cbhdr@newchain<macro><arguments>{<chemfig code>}


% the first argument of a ring always is alpha/beta, the following arguments
% refer to r and l for the chiral centers. A hexose needs five arguments:
% \cbhdr@newring\hexose#1#2#3#4#5{<code>}

% \cbhdr@newring<macro><arguments>{<chemfig code>}


% ==========================================================================
% now let's build the molecules using the submolecules from above. They're
% all named using the following naming scheme:
% \<module>@<model>@<chain>/<ring>(@<ringtype>)
% --------------------------------------------------------------------------
% Fischer - skeleton formulas

% hexoses
% chain

% pyranoses

% furanoses

% pentoses
% chain

% pyranoses

% furanoses

% tetroses
% chain

% pyranoses

% furanoses

% trioses
% chain

% pyranoses

% furanoses

% --------------------------------------------------------------------------
% Fischer - with C and H

% hexoses
% chain

% pyranoses

% furanoses

% pentoses
% chain

% pyranoses

% furanoses

% tetroses
% chain

% pyranoses

% furanoses

% trioses
% chain

% pyranoses

% furanoses

% --------------------------------------------------------------------------
% Haworth
\newcommand*\cbhdr@decr{-} % >
\newcommand*\cbhdr@thick{} % line width=3pt
\newcommand*\cbhdr@incr{-} % <

% hexoses
% chain

% pyranoses

% furanoses

% pentoses
% chain

% pyranoses

% furanoses

% tetroses
% chain

% pyranoses

% furanoses

% trioses
% chain

% pyranoses

% furanoses

% --------------------------------------------------------------------------
% Chair

% hexoses
% chain

% pyranoses

% furanoses
  \cbhdr@chair@error{furanose rings}%

% pentoses

% tetroses

% trioses

% ==========================================================================
% the user commands - built from the commands above using the already
% mentioned naming scheme
% <module>@<model>@<chain>/<ring>(@<ringtype>)

\newcommand*\cbhdr@model{}    % fischer/haworth/chair
\newcommand*\cbhdr@fischer{}  % @skeleton
\newcommand*\cbhdr@form{}     % chain/ring
\newcommand*\cbhdr@ringtype{} % pyranose/furanose

% --------------------------------------------------------------------------
% options for the user command:
    model/.is choice ,
    model/fischer/.is choice ,
    model/fischer/skeleton/.code = \def\cbhdr@model{fischer@skeleton} ,
    model/fischer/full/.code     = \def\cbhdr@model{fischer} ,
    model/fischer/.default       = full ,
    model/haworth/.code          = \def\cbhdr@model{haworth} ,
    model/chair/.code            = \def\cbhdr@model{chair} ,
    chain/.code                  = \def\cbhdr@constitution{chain} ,
    ring/.is choice ,
    ring/true/.code              = \def\cbhdr@constitution{ring@\cbhdr@ringtype@default} ,
    ring/pyranose/.code          = \def\cbhdr@constitution{ring@pyranose} ,
    ring/furanose/.code          = \def\cbhdr@constitution{ring@furanose} ,
    ring/.default                = true ,
    anomer/.is choice ,
    anomer/alpha/.code           = \def\cbhdr@anomer{alpha} ,
    anomer/beta/.code            = \def\cbhdr@anomer{beta} ,
    anomer/undetermined/.code    = \def\cbhdr@anomer{undetermined} ,
    length/.is choice ,
    length/6/.code               =
      \def\cbhdr@length{aldohexose} ,
    length/5/.code               =
      \def\cbhdr@length{aldopentose} ,
    length/4/.code               =
      \def\cbhdr@length{aldotetrose} ,
    length/3/.code               =
      % doesn't matter: will cause an error anyway
      \def\cbhdr@length{aldotriose} ,
    hexose/.style                = { length=6 } ,
    pentose/.style               = { length=5 } ,
    tetrose/.style               = { length=4 } ,
    triose/.style                = { length=3 } ,
    3d/.is choice ,
    3d/true/.code                =
      \def\cbhdr@thick{line width=3pt}
      \def\cbhdr@incr{<} ,
    3d/false/.code               =
      \def\cbhdr@incr{-} ,
    3d/.default                  = true ,
    defaults/.style              = {
      model  = fischer ,
      chain ,
      anomer = alpha ,
      length = 6
    } ,
    color/.code 2 args = \cbhdr@defcolor{#1}{#2}

% --------------------------------------------------------------------------
% the user command:
    \csuse{cbhdr@\cbhdr@length @\cbhdr@model @\cbhdr@constitution}{#2}%


% ==========================================================================
% a command to define ready made carbohydrates

  \@ifnextchar[ % ]


  \@ifnextchar[ % ]


% ==========================================================================
% predefined carbohydrates:
% aldohexoses:
\newaldose \allose   [hexose]{rrrr}
\newaldose \altrose  [hexose]{lrrr}
\newaldose \glucose  [hexose]{rlrr}
\newaldose \gulose   [hexose]{rrlr}
\newaldose \mannose  [hexose]{llrr}
\newaldose \idose    [hexose]{lrlr}
\newaldose \galactose[hexose]{rllr}
\newaldose \talose   [hexose]{lllr}

% aldopentoses:
\newaldose \ribose   [pentose]{rrr}
\newaldose \arabinose[pentose]{lrr}
\newaldose \xylose   [pentose]{rlr}
\newaldose \lyxose   [pentose]{llr}

\newaldose \desoxyribose[pentose]{0rr}

% aldotetroses:
\newaldose \erythrose[tetrose]{rr}
\newaldose \threose  [tetrose]{lr}

% aldotrioses:
\newaldose \glycerinaldehyde[triose]{r}

% ==========================================================================
% setup commands
% general defaults:
    cbhdr/.cd ,
      defaults/.style = {#1} ,

% defaults for particular carbohydrate defined with \newaldose:
    cbhdr/.cd ,
      \cbhdr@tmpa-defaults/.style = { #2 } ,

% ==========================================================================

% ==========================================================================
- Ringe fuer L-Saccharide
- Ketten f��r Tri- Tetr- und Pentosen
- Optionen f��r Farben

- Ketosen - viell. nur Fructose

- Optionen f��r oxidierte u reduzierte Formen?