%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % plain.sty % %%%%%%%%% % % Copyright 1990 David Carlisle % % This file may be distributed under the terms of the LPPL. % See 00readme.txt for details. % Defines a new environment plain, in which plain TeX files should be % LaTeX'able. % Defines \magnification and \bye to be no-op. % Re-enables some plain commands (\line, \eqalign ...) % Fakes some other plain commands (\footnote, \topinsert, ... ) % Keeps LaTeX's font definitions, and output routine. % % Example use: % \begin{plain} % \input{Somebodys_nasty_plain_file.tex} % \end{plain} % % You do not have to \input the plain commands, they can be entered % directly inside the plain environment. % % \begin{plain} % $$ \eqalign{1+2&=2+1\cr&=3}$$ % \end{plain} % Note that this style file is designed to make plain TeX files do % something sensible inside LaTeX. The page breaks, widths of lines, % fonts used etc may not be the same as obtained from plain TeX. % If you want exactly the same result from LaTeX as plain TeX use: (!!) % latex \&plain Somebodys_nasty_plain_file.tex % David Carlisle % carlisle@cs.man.ac.uk % 1990/11/14 % All of the code is from (l)plain.tex except a few definitions % which are marked with the comment: %DPC % and one set of three commands marked with the comment %RF (at DPC's request) % % one place where extraneous \par token, and two places where % extraneous spaces appeared corrected RF 2001/09/14 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % 1990/11/14 initial version % 1994-5 Robin Fairbairns kindly fixed up a few things % 1996/04/22 Add support for plain TeX commands and primitives hit % by AMS packages. %DPC % Just to get started... \NeedsTeXFormat{LaTeX2e} \ProvidesPackage{plain}[1996/04/22 Plain TeX emulation (DPC)] %DPC \let\latex@end=\end %DPC % First a few \new's \newif\ifus@@latex \newif\if@cr@latex \newbox\tabs@latex \newbox\tabsyet@latex \newbox\tabsdone@latex %DPC % AMS packages might squash these, so ... \ifx\@@over\@undefined \let\@@over\over \fi \ifx\@@atop\@undefined \let\@@atop\atop \fi \ifx\@@above\@undefined \let\@@above\above \fi \ifx\@@overwithdelims\@undefined \let\@@overwithdelims\overwithdelims \fi \ifx\@@atopwithdelims\@undefined \let\@@atopwithdelims\atopwithdelims \fi \ifx\@@abovewithdelims\@undefined \let\@@abovewithdelims\abovewithdelims \fi %DPC % The plain environment: \def\plain{% % %DPC % put the \ifs and registers back \let\ifus@\ifus@@latex \let\if@cr\if@cr@latex \let\tabs\tabs@latex \let\tabsyet\tabsyet@latex \let\tabsdone\tabsdone@latex % \let\centering=\@centering % % \line changed to \@@line because LaTeX redefines \line \let\line\@@line % <-- this comment marker inserted by RF 2001-09-14 % LaTeX has its own tabbing environment, so PLAIN's is disabled. \def\cleartabs{\global\setbox\tabsyet\null \setbox\tabs\null}% \def\settabs{\setbox\tabs\null \futurelet\next\sett@b}% \let\+=\relax % in case this file is being read in twice \def\sett@b{\ifx\next\+\let\next\relax \def\next{\afterassignment\s@tt@b\let\next}% \else\let\next\s@tcols\fi\next}% \def\s@tt@b{\let\next\relax\us@false\m@ketabbox}% \def\tabalign{\us@true\m@ketabbox}% non-\outer version of \+ \outer\def\+{\tabalign}% \def\s@tcols##1\columns{\count@##1 \dimen@\hsize \loop\ifnum\count@>\z@ \@nother \repeat}% \def\@nother{\dimen@ii\dimen@ \divide\dimen@ii\count@ \setbox\tabs\hbox{\hbox to\dimen@ii{}\unhbox\tabs}% \advance\dimen@-\dimen@ii \advance\count@\m@ne}% % \def\m@ketabbox{\begingroup \global\setbox\tabsyet\copy\tabs \global\setbox\tabsdone\null \def\cr{\@crtrue\crcr\egroup\egroup \ifus@\unvbox\z@\lastbox\fi\endgroup \setbox\tabs\hbox{\unhbox\tabsyet\unhbox\tabsdone}}% \setbox\z@\vbox\bgroup\@crfalse \ialign\bgroup&\t@bbox####\t@bb@x\crcr}% % \def\t@bbox{\setbox\z@\hbox\bgroup}% \def\t@bb@x{\if@cr\egroup % now \box\z@ holds the column \else\hss\egroup \global\setbox\tabsyet\hbox{\unhbox\tabsyet \global\setbox\@ne\lastbox}% now \box\@ne holds its size \ifvoid\@ne\global\setbox\@ne\hbox to\wd\z@{}% \else\setbox\z@\hbox to\wd\@ne{\unhbox\z@}\fi \global\setbox\tabsdone\hbox{\box\@ne\unhbox\tabsdone}\fi \box\z@}% % % LaTeX has its own sectioning macros \outer\def\beginsection##1\par{\filbreak\bigskip \message{##1}\leftline{\bf##1}\nobreak\smallskip\vskip-\parskip \noindent}% % % LaTeX change: \bye is eliminated. %DPC % \bye made a no-op \let\bye\relax % %DPC % fake \supereject \let\supereject\clearpage % %DPC % \end made no-op unless it is followed by { \def\end{\@ifnextchar \bgroup\latex@end\relax}% % % LaTeX change: \eqalign eliminated, since it is replaced by the % eqnarray environment. \def\eqalign##1{\null\,\vcenter{\openup\jot\m@th \ialign{\strut\hfil$\displaystyle{####}$&$\displaystyle{{}####}$\hfil \crcr##1\crcr}}\,}% % % LaTeX: The following \eqalign type macros are eliminated, since % they are replaced by the eqnarray environment. \def\eqalignno##1{\displ@y \tabskip\centering \halign to\displaywidth{% \hfil$\@lign\displaystyle{####}$\tabskip\z@skip &$\@lign\displaystyle{{}####}$\hfil\tabskip\centering &\llap{$\@lign####$}\tabskip\z@skip\crcr ##1\crcr}}% \def\leqalignno##1{\displ@y \tabskip\centering \halign to\displaywidth{% \hfil$\@lign\displaystyle{####}$\tabskip\z@skip &$\@lign\displaystyle{{}####}$\hfil\tabskip\centering &\kern-\displaywidth\rlap{$\@lign####$}\tabskip\displaywidth\crcr ##1\crcr}}% % %DPC % Fake plain's \nopagenumers \def\nopagenumbers{\pagestyle{empty}}% % \def\advancepageno{\ifnum\pageno<\z@ \global\advance\pageno\m@ne \else\global\advance\pageno\@ne \fi}% increase |pageno| % \countdef\pageno\z@ % %DPC % Fake plain's \footnote with internal LaTeX commands \def\footnote##1{\def\@thefnmark{##1}\@footnotemark\@footnotetext}% % %DPC % Re-instate the primitive \underline %(LaTeX's version generates errors in some valid (plain) contexts) \let\underline\@@underline % %DPC % Re-instate plain's \item \def\item{\par\hang\textindent}% \def\itemitem{\par\indent \hangindent2\parindent \textindent}% % %DPC % Fake plain's \[top|mid|page]insert with LaTeX's figure environment. \def\topinsert{\begin{figure}[!tp]}% \def\midinsert{\begin{figure}[!htp]}% \def\pageinsert{\begin{figure}[p]}% \def\endinsert{\end{figure}}% % % \magnification doesn't work in LaTeX % %DPC % Make \magnification just gobble the next <number> \def\magnification{\count@}% % %RF (at DPC's request) % \proclaim \hang and \textindent from plain.tex (since they're now no % longer part of 2e kernel, but only compatibility) \def\proclaim ##1. ##2\par{\medbreak \noindent{\bf##1.\enspace}{\sl##2\par}% \ifdim\lastskip<\medskipamount \removelastskip\penalty55\medskip\fi}% % \def\hang{\hangindent\parindent}% % \def\textindent##1{\indent\llap{##1\enspace}\ignorespaces}% % % %DPC % Repair AMS `damage' \let\over\@@over \let\atop\@@atop \let\above\@@above \let\overwithdelims\@@overwithdelims \let\atopwithdelims\@@atopwithdelims \let\abovewithdelims\@@abovewithdelims % \def\cases##1{\left\{\,\vcenter{\normalbaselines\m@th \ialign{$####\hfil$&\quad####\hfil\crcr##1\crcr}}\right.}% \def\matrix##1{\null\,\vcenter{\normalbaselines\m@th \ialign{\hfil$####$\hfil&&\quad\hfil$####$\hfil\crcr \mathstrut\crcr\noalign{\kern-\baselineskip}% ##1\crcr\mathstrut\crcr\noalign{\kern-\baselineskip}}}\,}% \def\pmatrix##1{\left(\matrix{##1}\right)}% % %DPC %end of \def\plain } %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \endinput