% \iffalse % +AMDG This document was begun on E January 1202, and it % is humbly dedicated to her Immaculate Heart for % her prayers, and to the Sacred Heart of Jesus for His % mercy. % % This document is copyright 2017 by Donald P. Goodman, and is % released publicly under the LaTeX Project Public License. The % distribution and modification of this work is constrained by the % conditions of that license. See % http://www.latex-project.org/lppl.txt % for the text of the license. This document is released % under version 1.3 of that license, and this work may be distributed % or modified under the terms of that license or, at your option, any % later version. % % This work has the LPPL maintenance status 'maintained'. % % The Current Maintainer of this work is Donald P. Goodman % (dgoodmaniii@gmail.com). % % This work consists of catechis.dtx, catechis.ins, and % derived files catechis.sty and catechis.pdf. % \fi % \iffalse %<package>\NeedsTeXFormat{LaTeX2e}[1999/12/01] %<package>\ProvidesPackage{catechis}[2021/07/17 v2.6 Support for writing catechism questions and answers] %<*driver> \documentclass{ltxdoc} \usepackage{doc} \usepackage{array} \usepackage{lettrine} \setcounter{DefaultLines}{3} \setlength{\DefaultFindent}{2pt} \renewcommand{\LettrineFontHook}{\color{red}} \usepackage{url} \usepackage{spverbatim} \usepackage{fancyvrb} \newcommand\vitem[1][]{\SaveVerb[% aftersave={\item[\textnormal{\bfseries\UseVerb[#1]{vsave}}]}]{vsave}} \usepackage[typeone]{dozenal} \usepackage{lmodern} \usepackage[]{catechis} \usepackage[colorlinks]{hyperref} \usepackage{makeidx} \EnableCrossrefs \PageIndex \CodelineNumbered \RecordChanges \makeindex \def\exline{\bigskip\hrule\bigskip} \tracingmacros=3 \begin{document} \DocInput{catechis.dtx} \end{document} %</driver> \fi % % \title{The |catechis| Package, v2.6} \author{Donald P.\ % Goodman III} \date{\today} % % \maketitle % % \begin{abstract} % \noindent % The catechism (a text consisting of explicitly-stated and % usually numbered questions and answers) has long been an % important vehicle for teaching the basics of concepts. % \LaTeX, however, does not by default have much facility % for producing such texts. The |catechis| package provides % a number of highly customizable macros for writing % catechisms, including a numbered question-and-answer % environment; comments on answers; and citations. % \end{abstract} % % \tableofcontents % % \section{Introduction} % % Catechisms are largely known for basic religious % instruction, and this has indeed been their primary use. % For this reason alone, \LaTeX\ ought to have some % facilities for authoring them. Furthermore, the form is % useful for other topics, as well; it provides an easy way % to give basic information on a topic, making it easily % extractable by eye from the full text, while still % allowing more advanced discussion for those who wish to % plunge more deeply into a given question. % % |catechis| is packaged according to the \LaTeX\ % \textsc{docstrip} utility, which allows automatic % extraction of code and documentation from the same files. % % This is version 2.0 of |catechis|; it represents a mostly % complete rewrite of the package, which is therefore much % simpler and more robust. % % \section{The State of the \TeX\ for Catechisms} % \label{sect:state} % % \LaTeX\ has basically no provision for producing % well-formed catechisms. It's easy enough to fake it, of % course; for example: % % \begin{verbatim} % \begin{enumerate} % \item\textbf{Who made us?} \\ God made us. % \item\textbf{Why did God make us?} \\ God made us to % know Him, love Him, and serve Him, and by so doing % to gain everlasting life with Him in Heaven. % \end{enumerate} % \end{verbatim} % % This gives the following result: % % \exline %\begin{enumerate} % \item\textbf{Who made us?} \\ God made us. % \item\textbf{Why did God make us?} \\ God made us to % know Him, love Him, and serve Him, and by so doing % to gain everlasting life with Him in Heaven. %\end{enumerate} % \exline % % However, this solution is far from satisfactory. It's % unportable, fit really only for this one document; % uncustomizable, because it's hard-wired to do only this % one thing; unmodifiable, at least automatically, because % it uses explicit visual formatting in the text; and far % too wordy. What is desired is something more along the % lines of the following: % % \begin{verbatim} % \catques{Who made us?}{God made us.} % \catques{Why did God make us?}{God made us to % know Him, love Him, and serve Him, and by so doing % to gain everlasting life with Him in Heaven.} % \end{verbatim} % % Which, with the |catechis| package, produces this: % % \exline % \catques{Who made us?}{God made us.} % \catques{Why did God make us?}{God made us to % know Him, love Him, and serve Him, and by so doing % to gain everlasting life with Him in Heaven.} % \catques{What will happen if the question is really long, % so that it wraps to the next line?}{It will work properly, % with the wrapped line appropriately indented. The answer, % as you have already seen, will behave likewise.} % \exline % % |catechis| provides these facilities and more to produce % high-quality, useful catechisms. % % \section{Basic Usage} % \label{sect:basics} % % The most basic usage of |catechis| is encompassed by the % \DescribeMacro{\catques}|\catques| macro: % % \begin{center} % \cmd{\catques} \marg{question} \marg{answer} % \end{center} % % There is no more to this than meets the eye. Both % arguments are mandatory, though either may be empty; the % first is the question, and the second is the answer. It % is often helpful to indent sensibly to keep these more % readable in the source: % % \begin{verbatim} % \catques{What is the question?}{% % The question is, ``What is the question?''}% % \end{verbatim} % % This produces the following: % % \exline % \catques{What is the question?}{The question is, ``What is the question?''}% % \exline % % Our next macro, \DescribeMacro{\catcomment}|\catcomment|, % really shows the genius of the catechism concept. The % question and answer are the \emph{basic} information; it's % easily followed up by a comment, which is visually % separate and can be skipped by those interested in, or % only ready for, the basics, but is still sensibly placed % and ready for those who wish it. % % \exline % \catques{What is the question?}{The question is, ``What is the question?''}% % \catcomment{This is a comment. It's very interesting, it % wraps and indents correctly, and the package's default % comment style is demonstrated here.} % \catques{How are the questions numbered? Are they % numbered sequentially, throughout the text?}{Yes, the % questions are numbered sequentially throughout the text. % You can reset the numbers manually, which we'll talk about % later; but by default, there is one question stream which % is numbered from 1 on up.} % \catcomment{We're numbering questions sequentially to show % that you can have catechism questions scattered throughout % a text, or your text can be entirely in the form of a % catechism. |catechis| works either way.} % \exline % % There is also the \DescribeMacro{\catexplic}|\catexplic| % command, which works essentially identically to % |\catcomment| but can include paragraph breaks and is % intended for much lengthier commentary on the answer. % % \begin{verbatim} % \catques{What is the question?}{The question is, ``What is the question?''}% % \catcomment{This is a comment. It's very interesting, it % wraps and indents correctly, and the package's default % comment style is demonstrated here.} % \catexplic{We can make some really impressive things % happen with this command. While comments allow % short explanatory comments on an answer, explics % give us field to go on for a long time, if we want. % % We can put in paragraph breaks, and we can even do the % following: % \begin{compactenum} % \item We can put lists in them! % \item Isn't that cool? This can provide a great way to % give advanced information on a topic that people can read % if they want, or just skip on to the next question! % \end{compactenum}\restoreindents % % You can really produce beautiful catechetical works using % this facility, which will do a great job of instructing % people at all levels of expertise. % }% % \end{verbatim} % % \exline % \catques{What is the question?}{The question is, ``What is the question?''}% % \catcomment{This is a comment. It's very interesting, it % wraps and indents correctly, and the package's default % comment style is demonstrated here.} % \catexplic{We can make some really impressive things % happen with this command. While comments allow % short explanatory comments on an answer, explics % give us field to go on for a long time, if we want. % % We can put in paragraph breaks, the indentation of which % we can control with fine granularity; and we can even do the % following: % % \begin{compactenum} % \item We can put lists in them! % \item Isn't that cool? This can provide a great way to % give advanced information on a topic that people can read % if they want, or just skip on to the next question! % \end{compactenum}\restoreindents % % You can really produce beautiful catechetical works using % this facility, which will do a great job of instructing % people at all levels of expertise. % % }% % \exline % % You'll note that lists \emph{will} hose all of % |catechis|'s careful indentation, so after using one in a % |\catexplic|, you must issue % \DescribeMacro{\restoreindents}|\restoreindents| to get % everything back to normal. % % Catechisms also routinely provide citations to support % their claims; |catechis| provides for this, too. A % heading for a group of citations is printed by issuing % \DescribeMacro{\catcitetitle}|\catcitetitle|, and each % individual citation is printed by issuing the |\catcite| % command, which takes the citation as the first argument % and the source as the second: % % \begin{center} % \DescribeMacro{\catcite} % \cmd{\catcite} \marg{citation} \marg{source} % \end{center} % % An example: % % \begin{verbatim} % \catcitetitle % \catcite{For the apparel oft proclaims the man.}{Polonius} % \catcite{And this above all: to thine own self be true; / % and it must follow, as the night the day, / that thou % canst not be false to any man.}{Polonius} % \end{verbatim} % % \exline % \catcitetitle % \catcite{For the apparel oft proclaims the man.}{Polonius} % \catcite{And this above all: to thine own self be true; / % and it must follow, as the night the day, / that thou % canst not be false to any man.}{Polonius} % \exline % % Because this will often not result in proper spacing, % |catechis| provides an environment, % \DescribeMacro{catcitations}|catcitations|, which % will insert appropriate spacing before and after the % citations. This environment will automatically run % |\catcitetitle| for you. % % \begin{verbatim} % \begin{catcitations} % \catcite{For the apparel oft proclaims the man.}{Polonius} % \catcite{And this above all: to thine own self be true; / % and it must follow, as the night the day, / that thou % canst not be false to any man.}{Polonius} % \end{catcitations} % \end{verbatim} % % \exline % \begin{catcitations} % \catcite{For the apparel oft proclaims the man.}{Polonius} % \catcite{And this above all: to thine own self be true; / % and it must follow, as the night the day, / that thou % canst not be false to any man.}{Polonius} % \end{catcitations} % \exline % % Lastly, |catechis| gives some provisions for more % customary catechetical enumerates. It uses standard % features from the |paralist| package for this, and simply % makes those the default. % % \begin{verbatim} % \catques{Can we do enumerates?}{Yes, we can do those; we % can even do them in a special way, so that it looks more % like the way catechisms customarily look.} % \catcomment{Just check this out; we have here a comment % giving slightly more detailed information, then an % enumerate giving \emph{much} more detailed information.} % \begin{enumerate} % \item Here, we have the first item, with some extra % details elaborating on what was said before. % \item Here, we have another item. % \item Here, we have still another. % \end{enumerate} % \end{verbatim} % % \exline % \catques{Can we do enumerates?}{Yes, we can do those; we % can even do them in a special way, so that it looks more % like the way catechisms customarily look.} % \catcomment{Just check this out; we have here a comment % giving slightly more detailed information, then an % enumerate giving \emph{much} more detailed information.} % \begin{compactenum} % \item Here, we have the first item, with some extra % details elaborating on what was said before. % \item Here, we have another item. % \item Here, we have still another. % \end{compactenum} % \exline % % \section{Customization} % \label{sect:custom} % % Pretty much everything in the package can be customized. % The names of the necessary commands and lengths are fairly % predictable: they will start with |\cat|, be followed by % the type of thing (|ques|, |comm|, |explic|, etc.), and % then the property to be set (|sty|, |indent|, |hindent|, % etc.). % % In all cases, lengths are set with |\setlength|, while % commands are set with |\newcommand| or |\def|. % % \begin{description} % \vitem|catquesnum| \DescribeMacro{catquesnum} The counter % which |catechis| maintains for the questions. It can be % set or reset with the usual \LaTeX\ counter commands % (e.g., |\setcounter|, |\addtocounter|). % \vitem|\thecatquesnum| \DescribeMacro{\thecatquesnum} The % actual typeset version of |catquesnum|. By default, this % is defined as |\renewcommand{\thecatquesnum}{\arabic{catquesnum}.}|. % \vitem|\catquesnumwd| \DescribeMacro{\catquesnumwd} The % width of the box in which |catechis| typesets the question % number. By default, |2em|. % \vitem|\catquesindent| \DescribeMacro{\catquesindent} % The indentation of the first line of the question in % |\catques|. By default, |0em|. % \vitem|\catqueshindent| \DescribeMacro{\catqueshindent} % The indentation of subsequent lines of the question in % |\catques|. By default, |2em|. % \vitem|\catquessty| \DescribeMacro{\catquessty} The style % in which the question will be printed in |\catques|. By % default, |\bfseries|. % \vitem|\catansindent| \DescribeMacro{\catansindent} % The indentation of the first line of the answer in % |\catques|. By default, |2em|. % \vitem|\catanshindent| \DescribeMacro{\catanshindent} % The indentation of subsequent lines of the answer in % |\catques|. By default, |2em|. % \vitem|\catanssty| \DescribeMacro{\catanssty} The style % in which the answer will be printed in |\catques|. By % default, empty. % \vitem|\catcommindent| \DescribeMacro{\catcommindent} % The indentation of the first line of the comment in % |\catcomment|. By default, |2em|. % \vitem|\catcommhindent| \DescribeMacro{\catcommhindent} % The indentation of subsequent lines of the comment in % |\catcomment|. By default, |2em|. % \vitem|\catcommsty| \DescribeMacro{\catcommsty} The style % in which the comment will be printed in |\catcomment|. By % default, empty. % \vitem|\catexplicindent| \DescribeMacro{\catexplicindent} % The indentation of the first line of the paragraphs in a % |\catexplic|. By default, |4em|. % \vitem|\catexplichindent| \DescribeMacro{\catexplichindent} % The indentation of subsequent lines of the paragraphs in a % |\catexplic|. By default, |2em|. % \vitem|\catexplicsty| \DescribeMacro{\catexplicsty} The style % in which the comment will be printed in |\catexplic|. By % default, |\small|. % \vitem|\catcitetitleword| % \DescribeMacro{\catcitetitleword} The word which the % |\catcitetitle| command will print. By default, % |Citations|. % \vitem|\catcitetitlesty| \DescribeMacro{\catcitetitlesty} % The style in which |\catcitetitle| will print its % contents. By default, |\Large\scshape|. % \vitem|\catcitationbefskip| \DescribeMacro{\catcitationbefskip} % The distance to skip prior to beginning a |catcitations| % environment, before running |\catcitetitle|. % \vitem|\catcitationaftskip| \DescribeMacro{\catcitationaftskip} % The distance to skip after ending a |catcitations| % environment. % \vitem|\catciteindent| \DescribeMacro{\catciteindent} The % indentation of the first line of the citation itself % (that is, the quotation) in a |\catcite|. By default, % |0em|. % \vitem|\catcitehindent| \DescribeMacro{\catcitehindent} % The indentation of subsequent lines in the citation itself % (that is, the quotation) in a |\catcite|. By default, % |0em|. % \vitem|\catcitesty| \DescribeMacro{\catcitesty} The style % in which the citation itself (that is, the quotation) will % be printed in |\catcite|. By default, |\itshape|. % \vitem|\catsrcindent| \DescribeMacro{\catsrcindent} The % indentation of the first line of the source % in a |\catcite|. By default, |2em|. % \vitem|\catsrchindent| \DescribeMacro{\catsrchindent} % The indentation of subsequent lines in the source % in a |\catcite|. By default, |2em|. % \vitem|\catsrcsty| \DescribeMacro{\catsrcsty} The style in % which the source will be printed in |\catcite|. By % default, empty. % \end{description} % % Finally, the list settings are all from |paralist|, so % that package's documentation should be consulted for % changing the defaults set up for them. % % These options are sufficient to manipulate |catechis| % into behaving however you'd like. % % \section{Implementation} % % Start by requiring |paralist|, to take care of our custom % enumerates. % \begin{macrocode} \RequirePackage{paralist} \setdefaultenum{(a)}{(1)}{(i)}{(A)} \setdefaultleftmargin{3.8em}{}{}{}{}{} % \end{macrocode} % Now we create the indentations and styles for the default % question counter, the questions themselves, and the % answers. We also set sensible defaults. % \begin{macrocode} \newlength{\catquesindent}\setlength{\catquesindent}{0em} \newlength{\catqueshindent}\setlength{\catqueshindent}{2em} \newlength{\catansindent}\setlength{\catansindent}{2em} \newlength{\catanshindent}\setlength{\catanshindent}{2em} \newlength{\catquesnumwd}\setlength{\catquesnumwd}{2em} \newcounter{catquesnum}\setcounter{catquesnum}{0} \def\catquesnumsty{\bfseries} \def\catquessty{\bfseries} \def\catanssty{} \renewcommand{\thecatquesnum}{\arabic{catquesnum}.} % \end{macrocode} % Here, we define the catechism question macro. Nothing % much surprising here. % \begin{macrocode} \def\catques#1#2{% \stepcounter{catquesnum}% \def\@currentlabel{\thecatquesnum}% {\parindent=\catquesindent\hangindent=\catqueshindent\hangafter=1% {\par\leavevmode\hbox to\catquesnumwd{\catquesnumsty\thecatquesnum\hfil}% \catquessty #1}\par\nobreak}% {\parindent=\catansindent\hangindent=\catanshindent\hangafter=1% {\par\catanssty #2}\par}% }% % \end{macrocode} % Define the catechism comments, and set sensible defaults % for the settings. % \begin{macrocode} \def\catcommsty{} \newlength{\commindent}\setlength{\commindent}{2em} \newlength{\commhindent}\setlength{\commhindent}{2em} \def\catcomment#1{% {\parindent=\commindent\hangindent=\commhindent\hangafter=1% {\par\catcommsty #1}\par} }% % \end{macrocode} % Define the catechism explications (longer than comments, % allowing paragraph breaks), and set sensible defaults for % their settings. % \begin{macrocode} \def\catexplicsty{\small} \newlength{\explicindent}\setlength{\explicindent}{4em} \newlength{\explichindent}\setlength{\explichindent}{2em} \long\def\catexplic#1{% {\par\everypar={\parindent=\explicindent\hangindent=\explichindent\hangafter=1}% {\par\catexplicsty\ #1}\par}% }% % \end{macrocode} % Because lists always seem to run roughshod over % indentation settings, and because it's easier to do this % than to write custom lists just for this package, we % define |\restoreindents| to fix settings after a list in a % |\catexplic|. % \begin{macrocode} \def\restoreindents{% \par% \everypar={% \parindent=\explicindent% \hangindent=\explichindent% \hangafter=1% }% \par% }% % \end{macrocode} % Define the commands to produce citation titles, and set % sensible defaults; also for the citation environment. % \begin{macrocode} \def\catcitetitlesty{\Large\scshape}% \def\catcitetitleword{Citations}% \def\catcitetitle{% \hbox to\linewidth{% \hfil% {\catcitetitlesty\catcitetitleword}% \hfil% }% \penalty10000% }% \newlength\catcitationbefskip\catcitationbefskip=1em% \newlength\catcitationaftskip\catcitationaftskip=1em% \def\catcitations{% \leavevmode% \vskip\catcitationbefskip% \catcitetitle% }% \def\endcatcitations{% \leavevmode% \vskip\catcitationaftskip% }% % \end{macrocode} % Define actual citations macros and lengths. % \begin{macrocode} \def\catcitesty{\itshape}% \def\catsrcsty{}% \newlength{\catciteindent}\setlength{\catciteindent}{0em}% \newlength{\catcitehindent}\setlength{\catcitehindent}{0em}% \newlength{\catsrcindent}\setlength{\catsrcindent}{2em}% \newlength{\catsrchindent}\setlength{\catsrchindent}{2em}% \def\catcite#1#2{% {\parindent=\catciteindent\hangindent=\catcitehindent\hangafter=1% {\par\catcitesty #1}\par}% \penalty10000% {\parindent=\catsrcindent\hangindent=\catsrchindent\hangafter=1% {\par\catsrcsty#2}\par}% }% \let\scripture=\catcite % \end{macrocode} % % And that's it. Happy \TeX{}ing! % % \PrintIndex