The chkfloat package Checking floats that get too far from their origin File: README Author: Tomas Hejda E-mail: DESCRIPTION =========== This package provides one single feature. It shows a warning whenever a float is placed more than a pre-defined pages from its orinigal page. Copyright: (C) 2012 Tomas Hejda Licence: The LaTeX Project Public License version 1.3 or higher FILES IN DISTRIBUTION ===================== README This file. chkfloat.sty Class file. chkfloat.pdf Documentation file. chkfloat.tex Documentation source file. BASIC INSTALLATION ==================== The minimum requirement to use the package is the to have chkfloat.sty in a directory where TeX can find it. For a basic installation on a TDS compliant system, move the following files to the following directories: <texmf>/tex/latex/chkfloat/ chkfloat.sty <texmf>/doc/latex/chkfloat/ README chkfloat.pdf