% ********************************************************************
% classicthesis.sty
% Copyright (C) 2018 Andr�� Miede and Ivo Pletikosi��
% If you like the style then I would appreciate a postcard. My address
% can be found in the file ClassicThesis.pdf. A collection of the
% postcards I received so far is available online at
% http://postcards.miede.de
% License:
% This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
% it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
% the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
% (at your option) any later version.
% This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
% but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
% GNU General Public License for more details.
% You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
% along with this program; see the file COPYING.  If not, write to
% the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,
% Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
% ********************************************************************
% Important:
% This style can also be used without the thesis template.
% It works with LaTeX, PDFLaTeX, XeLaTeX and LuaLaTeX.
% ********************************************************************
\ProvidesPackage{classicthesis}[2018/06/03 v4.6 Typographic style for a classic-looking thesis]
\providecommand{\classicthesis}{classicthesis v4.6}
% Removed due to hint by David Carlisle and Ulrike Fischer
% \PassOptionsToPackage{latest}{latexrelease} % replacement for fixltx2e,
%   \RequirePackage{latexrelease} % emulate newer kernel version if older is detected


% ********************************************************************
% Options
% ********************************************************************
\SetupKeyvalOptions{family=ct, prefix=ct@}

\DeclareBoolOption{drafting} % print version information on all pages

\DeclareBoolOption{tocaligned} % the left column of the toc will be aligned (no indentation)
\DeclareBoolOption{dottedtoc} % page numbers in ToC flushed right
\DeclareBoolOption{listsseparated} % OBSOLETE; toggles the vertical space between lof/lot entries of different chapters

\DeclareBoolOption[true]{parts} % OBSOLETE - automatic check; use part division

\DeclareBoolOption{nochapters} % OBSOLETE - automatic check; disable all chapter-specific commands
\DeclareBoolOption{eulerchapternumbers} % use AMS Euler for chapter font (otherwise Palatino)
\DeclareBoolOption{linedheaders} % chaper headers will have line above and beneath
\DeclareBoolOption{floatperchapter} % numbering per chapter for all floats (i.e., Figure 1.1)
\DeclareBoolOption{manychapters} % additional space in ToC after chapter number (if two digits are needed)

\DeclareBoolOption{listings} % OBSOLETE - automatic check; load listings package and setup LoL
\DeclareBoolOption{subfig} % OBSOLETE - automatic check; setup for preloaded @subfig package

\DeclareBoolOption{eulermath} % use awesome Euler fonts for mathematical formulae; only with pdflatex
\DeclareBoolOption[true]{beramono} % toggle a nice monospaced font (w/ bold) + pre-installed
\DeclareBoolOption{minionpro} % OBSOLETE - removed; setup for minion pro font; use minion pro small caps as well
\DeclareBoolOption[true]{palatino} % default is Palatino/Paladio/TeX Gyre Pagella font, use this switch to skip selection
\DeclareStringOption[classicthesis]{style} % classicthesis or arsclassica
\DeclareBoolOption{minionprospacing} % OBSOLETE; use minion pro's textssc for letter spacing
\DeclareBoolOption{pdfspacing} % OBSOLETE; use pdftex for letterspacing (via microtype)

\DeclareStringOption[a4]{paper} % paper size defaults to A4

%%% seems that KOMA-Script gives preference to old-style paper options, thus first

    {\PackageWarningNoLine{classicthesis}{Text area setup only provided for paper sizes: letter, a5, b5, a4. You are using paper=\ct@paper}}

% subfig-related stuff


% listings-related stuff


% fine-tuning if we do not use chapters
        \PackageWarningNoLine{classicthesis}{Chapter sectioning command not present in this document class. %
                Deactivating options floatperchapter, linedheaders, manychapters, listsseparated, eulerchapternumbers}%

% no parts in document class

% use arsclassica style
    {%\setboolean{ct@eulerchapternumbers}{true}% for arsclassica only eulerchapternumbers

% ********************************************************************
% PDF and XeLaTeX Stuff
% ********************************************************************

% ********************************************************************
% Colors
% ********************************************************************
    \RequirePackage{xcolor} % [dvipsnames]
\definecolor{CTsemi}{gray}{0.55} % chapter numbers will be semi transparent .5 .55 .6 .0
\definecolor{CTcitation}{rgb}{0,0.5,0} % WebGreen
\definecolor{CTurl}{named}{Maroon} % Maroon
\definecolor{CTtitle}{named}{Maroon} % Maroon {cmyk}{0, 0.87, 0.68, 0.32}
\definecolor{CTlink}{named}{RoyalBlue} % RoyalBlue {cmyk}{1, 0.50, 0, 0}
\definecolor{halfgray}{gray}{0.55} % chapter numbers will be semi transparent .5 .55 .6 .0

% ********************************************************************
% Font Stuff
% ********************************************************************
   { % use fontspec and OpenType fonts with utf8 engines
     \ifthenelse{\boolean{ct@palatino}}% default
         \setmainfont[Ligatures=TeX,Numbers=OldStyle]{TeX Gyre Pagella} % Palatino clone
         \linespread{1.05} % a bit more for Palatino
         \setmathfont{TeX Gyre Pagella Math}
       }{\relax} % use class' default font
       {\setmonofont[Scale=0.85]{DejaVu Sans Mono}} % like Bera; Scale=MatchLowercase
       {\setmonofont[Scale=1]{Latin Modern Mono}}
     % font for the chapter numbers will be defined in the old way below
     % because there is no OpenType Euler font; this is how it should be done:
     %\newfontface\chapterNumber[Scale=7,Color=000000]{TeX Gyre Pagella Bold}
   { % use Type 1 fonts with pdflatex
     \ifthenelse{\boolean{ct@palatino}}% default
       % default: Palatino
         \RequirePackage{mathpazo} % Palatino with real small caps and old style figures
         \linespread{1.05} % a bit more for Palatino

         % put your own suitable typewriter font here

         \RequirePackage{eulervm}} % Euler math fonts

       \ifthenelse{\boolean{ct@eulerchapternumbers}}% font for the chapter numbers
         %{\newfont{\chapterNumber}{eurb10 scaled 7000}}%
         %{\newfont{\chapterNumber}{pplr9d scaled 7000}}
         % Euler eurb10 / Palatino OSF pplr9d / Palatino SC pplrc9d
         % Latin Modern cork-lmr10 / Minion MinionPro-Regular-osf-t1
         % (MinionPro-SemiboldCapt-osf-t1 MinionPro-SemiboldDisp-osf-t1)

\RequirePackage{microtype} % character protruding and other micro-typography stuff
% [expansion=false]

% ********************************************************************
% Textblock size
\PassOptionsToPackage{headinclude,footinclude}{typearea} % for classes other than KOMA

    {% Letter 216mm x 279mm
            \PackageInfo{classicthesis}{letter paper, Palatino or other}
            \areaset[current]{356pt}{700pt}%  guessing from A4 values
    {% B5 176mm x 250mm
            % Thanks to Jos\'e M. Alcaide
            \PackageInfo{classicthesis}{B5 paper, Palatino or other}%
    {% A5 148mm x 210mm
            \PackageInfo{classicthesis}{A5 paper, Palatino or other}%
    {% A4 210mm x 297mm
            \PackageInfo{classicthesis}{A4 paper, Palatino or other}
            \areaset[current]{336pt}{750pt} % ~ 336 * factor 2 + 33 head + 42 \the\footskip
            % \areaset{336pt}{761pt} % 686 (factor 2.2) + 33 head + 42 head \the\footskip 10pt

% Here are some suggestions for the text widths and heights:
% Palatino  10pt: 288--312pt | 609--657pt
% Palatino  11pt: 312--336pt | 657--705pt
% Palatino  12pt: 360--384pt | 768pt
% Minion      10pt: 264--288pt | 561--609pt
% Minion      11pt: 288--312pt | 609--657pt
% Minion      12pt: 336pt      | 672pt

% ********************************************************************
% Own Stuff
% ********************************************************************
% Disable single lines at the start of a paragraph (Schusterjungen)
\clubpenalty = 10000
% Disable single lines at the end of a paragraph (Hurenkinder)
\widowpenalty = 10000
\displaywidowpenalty = 10000 % formulas

% Graffiti as in GKP's book "Concrete Mathematics"
% thanks to Lorenzo Pantieri and Enrico Gregorio
%   \slshape\footnotesize% this was due to \slhape in above book
   \parindent=0pt \lineskip=0pt \lineskiplimit=0pt %
   \tolerance=2000 \hyphenpenalty=300 \exhyphenpenalty=300%
% [\graffito@setup\raggedleft\hspace{0pt}{#1}]%
% {\graffito@setup\raggedright\hspace{0pt}{#1}}}

\RequirePackage{mparhack} % get marginpar right

\renewcommand{\marginpar}[2][]{% always add optional parameter, make it empty by default
   \if\relax\detokenize{#1}\relax% optional parameter empty, in all normal document calls
   \else%two parameters, let them use their styling

% Enumeration environment with small caps

% ********************************************************************
% Fancy Stuff
% ********************************************************************
\RequirePackage{booktabs} % for better rules in tables
\RequirePackage{textcase} % for \MakeTextUppercase

% Provide a hook for font customization, e.g., for arsclassica
\newcommand{\ct@altfont}{}% \color{red}\sffamily
\newcommand{\ct@caps}{\ct@altfont\scshape} % typesetting smallcaps

%%% define spacedallcaps and spacedlowsmallcaps
%%% engine-dependent letterspacing: microtype for pdflatex, fontspec for xelatex and luatex
    \ifthenelse{\boolean{pdf}\OR\boolean{luatex}}{ % pdf will soon test true for both pdflatex and luatex; \AND\NOT\boolean{luatex}
      \PackageInfo{classicthesis}{Using microtype for character spacing.%
                                  Make sure your pdflatex is version 1.40 or higher.}%
      % \microtypesetup{expansion=false}

    \ifthenelse{\boolean{xetex}}{ % use fontspec features; \OR\boolean{luatex} does not work well
      \PackageInfo{classicthesis}{Using fontspec for character spacing.}%
      \DeclareRobustCommand{\spacedallcaps}[1]{{\addfontfeature{LetterSpace=18.0}\ct@caps\MakeTextUppercase{#1}}}% WordSpace=1.8
      \DeclareRobustCommand{\spacedlowsmallcaps}[1]{{\addfontfeatures{LetterSpace=14.0}\ct@caps\MakeTextLowercase{#1}}}% WordSpace=1.8

% ********************************************************************
% headlines
% ********************************************************************
    %\RequirePackage{scrpage2} % provides headers and footers (KOMA Script)
    \RequirePackage{scrlayer-scrpage} % provides headers and footers (KOMA Script)
    \ofoot[\small\pagemark]{}% only for plain.scrheadings page style (first page of a chapter)
%    \DeclareRobustCommand{\fixBothHeadlines}[2]{} % <--- ToDo
    % hack to get the content headlines right (thanks, Lorenzo!)
            \@mkboth{\spacedlowsmallcaps{\contentsname}}{\spacedlowsmallcaps{\contentsname}}} %%%IVO: what does this do?

% ********************************************************************
% layout of the chapter-, section-, subsection-, subsubsection-,
% paragraph and description-headings
% ********************************************************************
\RequirePackage[newparttoc]{titlesec} % newparttoc to write \part to .toc with \numberline
\ifthenelse{\boolean{ct@nochapters}}{\relax}{\titleclass{\chapter}{top}} % thanks to Javier Bezos of titlesec
\def\ttl@addcontentsline#1#2{% this is from titlesec.sty
  \addcontentsline{toc}{#1}{\ifttl@toclabel\ttl@a\fi{#2}}% write titles as a group inside {}
% parts
    \def\ctparttext@keep{} % Thanks to Ivo
    \def\ctparttext@print{\ctparttext@keep \gdef\ctparttext@keep{}}
% chapters
{% lines above and below, number right
    {\relax}{\raggedleft{\color{CTsemi}\chapterNumber\thechapter} \\ }{0pt}%
}{% something like Bringhurst
% sections \FloatBarrier
% subsections
% subsubsections
% paragraphs
% descriptionlabels
    \renewcommand{\descriptionlabel}[1]{\hspace*{\labelsep}\spacedlowsmallcaps{#1}}   % spacedlowsmallcaps textit textsc
% spacing

% ********************************************************************
% layout of the TOC, LOF and LOT (LOL-workaround see next section)
% ********************************************************************
% avoid page numbers being right-aligned in fixed-size box
\settowidth{\newnumberwidth}{999} % yields overfull hbox warnings for pages > 999

% have the bib neatly positioned after the rest

% space for more than nine chapters
\settowidth{\newchnumberwidth}{.} % <--- tweak here if more space required
\ifthenelse{\boolean{ct@manychapters}}% <--- many chapters option

% pagenumbers right after the titles
% parts
    \renewcommand{\cftpartpresnum}{\scshape}%  \MakeTextLowercase
% chapters
% sections
% subsections
% subsubsections
% figures
% tables
% listings

% dirty work-around to get the spacing after the toc/lot/lof-titles right

\newcommand{\tocEntry}[1]{\protect\numberline {}{#1}}%

%% remove the vertical space between lof/lot entries of different chapters
    \PackageWarningNoLine{classicthesis}{Option "listsseparated" deprecated as of version 2.9.}%
% \ifthenelse{\boolean{ct@listsseparated}}{%
%     \AtBeginDocument{%
%         \addtocontents{lof}{\protect\vspace{-\cftbeforechapskip}}%
%         \addtocontents{lot}{\protect\vspace{-\cftbeforechapskip}}%
%         \ifthenelse{\boolean{ct@listings}}%
%                {%
%            \addtocontents{lol}{\protect\vspace{-\cftbeforechapskip}}%
%         }{\relax}%
%     }%
% }{%

%    }

% ********************************************************************
% Footnotes setup
% ********************************************************************
    % KOMA-command, footnotemark not superscripted at the bottom
    \message{Using KOMA-command "deffootnote" for footnote setup}%
    \PassOptionsToPackage{marginal}{footmisc}% marginal flushmargin
    % \setlength{\footnotemargin}{-.5em}%
    \PackageWarningNoLine{classicthesis}{Using package "footmisc" with option %
        "marginal" for footnote setup (not 100\% the same as with KOMA)}%

% ********************************************************************
% Drafting Stuff
% ********************************************************************
\RequirePackage{scrtime} % time access
\providecommand{\myVersion}{$\!\!$} % w/o classicthesis-config.tex
%    \RequirePackage{draftwatermark}%
%       \SetWatermarkLightness{0.9}
%           \SetWatermarkScale{.5}
%           \SetWatermarkText{\today\ at \thistime}
        \renewcommand{\PrelimText}{\footnotesize[\,\today\ at \thistime\ -- \myVersion\,]}
}{\renewcommand{\finalVersionString}{\emph{Final Version} as of \today\ (\myVersion).}}

% ********************************************************************
% Captions
% ********************************************************************
% \PassOptionsToPackage{font=small}{caption} % ,format=hang ,labelformat=smallcaps
% Thanks to cgnieder and Claus Lahiri
% http://tex.stackexchange.com/questions/69349/spacedlowsmallcaps-in-caption-label

% ********************************************************************
% Caption numbering now w/o chapter number
% ********************************************************************
        \lstset{numberbychapter=true}}{\relax}% numberbychapter works in listings>=1.4
            \@removefromreset{table}{chapter}  % requires remreset package
            \@removefromreset{figure}{chapter}  % requires remreset package
            \@removefromreset{equation}{chapter}  % requires remreset package

% ********************************************************************
% arsclassica integration (experimental, dirty hack currently)
% ********************************************************************

% ********************************************************************
% hyperreferences, pdf outline
% ********************************************************************
    \pdfstringdefDisableCommands{\let\thepart=\relax} % no part numbers (i, ii, iii) in PDF outline   IVO
   %\pdfstringdefDisableCommands{\renewcommand{\thepart}{\Roman{part}}} %%%IVO bring back Part numbers in PDF outline

% ********************************************************************
% Backward-compatibility
% ********************************************************************