% \iffalse meta-comment
% !TEX program  = pdfLaTeX
##### Comma separated list partition, differentiated mapping
- Source repository: https://github.com/rogard/clistmap
- Released under the LaTeX Project Public License v1.3c or later
- See http://www.latex-project.org/lppl.txt
\input l3docstrip.tex
clistmap ---  Partition a comma separated list, map differentiatedly across
Released under the LaTeX Project Public License v1.3c or later
See http://www.latex-project.org/lppl.txt


Copyright (C) 2022 by Erwann Rogard

This work may be distributed and/or modified under the
conditions of the LaTeX Project Public License (LPPL), either
version 1.3c of this license or (at your option) any later
version.  The latest version of this license is in the file:


This work is "maintained" (as per LPPL maintenance status) by
Erwann Rogard.

This work consists of the file clistmap.dtx and the derived files:
clistmap.sty, and clistmap.pdf.

%<install> \endbatchfile
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%<package> \RequirePackage{erw-l3}[2022-01-28]
%<package> \ProvidesExplPackage
%<package> {clistmap}                                  %^^A Package name
%<package> {2022-01-29}                                %^^A Release date
%<package> {1.2}                                       %^^A Release version
%<package> {Partition a comma separated list,          %^^A Description
%<package> map differentiatedly across components}
% ^^A\documentclass[full, show-notes]{l3doc}
% ^^A \listfiles
\usepackage{amsmath, amssymb, bookmark, enumitem, mathtools, microtype, tcolorbox, xparse, clistmap}
\usepackage[bibencoding=auto, backend=biber, sorting=ynt]{biblatex}
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  author       = {The \LaTeX3 Project Team},
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% ^^A *** Kernel
% ^^A *** Sectioning
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% ^^A *** Listing
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% \fi
% \GetFileInfo{\jobname.sty}
% \title{The \pkg{clistmap}~package\thanks{^^A
% This file describes version \fileversion, last revised \filedate.^^A
% }^^A
% }
%   \author{Erwann Rogard\thanks{first.lastname at gmail.com}}
%   \date{Released \filedate}
%   \begin{documentation}
%     \maketitle
%     \begin{abstract}
%       Let \meta{clist}$\doteq$\meta{e_1}|,...,|\meta{e_n}\cite[l3clist]{interface3}.
%       This package provides a key-based interface for defining templates whose job is to
%       partition \meta{clist}, and map differentiatedly across its components.
%       \cs{clistmap:nnn}\Arg{clist}|{...,|\meta{instance_i}|,...}|\meta{args} iterates over the $i$'s.
%       Implicit in \meta{instance_i} is \meta{rule sequence_i} (the template), \meta{cs name_i},
%       and \meta{signature_i}$=$\meta{args}' signature.
% A sequence of instances can be made into a new instance: 
% |serial_math_and:N|$\doteq$|{first_math:N,serial_rest_math_and:N}|, and likewise for the second component.
% |$\clistmap_inline:nnn{Z,C,Q,R}{serial_math_and:N}|\\|{\mathbb{#1}}$| expands to
% \ExplSyntaxOn$\clistmap_inline:nnn{Z,C,Q,R}{serial_math_and:N}{\mathbb{#1}}$\ExplSyntaxOff.
%       \cs{clistmap:nnnn} takes an additional argument, \meta{chain}$\sim$|end|\docpipe|append|\docpipe|nest|\docpipe|join|,
%       narrowing the set of instances needed to obtain a particular behaviour. 
%     \end{abstract}
%     \tableofcontents
%     \part{Usage}\label{part:usage}
%     \section{Overview}
%     Let \meta{clist}$\equiv$\meta{head}|,|\meta{rest}.
%     The lifecycle has four stages.
%     First, one provides templates called \emph{rule}s, parameterized by
%     \meta{rule sequence}, \meta{cs name}, and \meta{signature}. 
%     Typically, a rule checks for the recursion tail\cite[l3quark]{interface3} in some combination of \meta{head} and \meta{rest},
%     based on which it does either of: stop, recurse, forward to \meta{rule sequence},
%     and in each case optionally expands \cs[no-index]{\meta{cs name}:\meta{signature}n}\Arg{args}\Arg{head}.
%     Second, one associates keys to sequences of rules, \emph{rule sequence}.
%     Those preset are |first|, |middle|, |last|, |serial_second|, and |serial_last|,
%     for which the stated expression is evaluated for each \meta{e_i} in their respective subsets.
%     Brace groups are preserved.
%     Third, one declares \emph{instance}s of combinations of
%     \meta{rule sequence},  \meta{cs name}, and \meta{signature}. For example,
%     |middle_comma:N| and |serial_middle:|
%     bind together |middle| and |,#1{#2}|, and |,~#1|, respectively.
%     Fourth, define sequences of instances under the constraint that \meta{signature} is identical across them,
%     \emph{instance sequence}s. Among presets,
%     |comma:N| and |serial:| comprise in their natural order the matches for |(?:first_apply|\docpipe|comma_middle|\docpipe|comma_last):N|,
%     and |(?:first_apply|\docpipe|serial_middle|\docpipe|serial_second|\docpipe|serial_last):|, respectively.
%     They expand to |#1{|\meta{e_1}|},...,#1{|\meta{e_n}|}|, and \meta{e_1}|,~...,~and~|\meta{e_n}, respectively.
%     \cs{clistmap:nnn} works the same with an instance sequence or the list of its constituents.
%     \section{Programming}
%     \subsection{\textsf{key}}
%     \begin{function}{rule}
%       \begin{syntax}
%         \cs{clistmap_keys_set:n}|{ rule = |\Arg{key}\Arg{code}| }|
%       \end{syntax}
%       \begin{descr}
%       \item[Parameter semantics]\docfillblank
%         \begin{descr}
%         \item[\#1] \meta{rule sequence}
%         \item[\#2] \meta{cs name}
%         \item[\#3] \meta{signature}
%         \item[\#4] \meta{head is group}
%         \item[\#5] \meta{arguments}
%         \item[\#6] \meta{clist head}
%         \item[\#7] \meta{clist rest}
%         \end{descr}
%       \item[Requirement] \meta{code} is in terms of \texttt{\#1-\#7}
%       \end{descr}
%     \end{function}
%     \begin{function}{rule_if_rest_is_tail_eval_else, rule_if_empty_stop_else}
%       \begin{syntax}
%         \cs{clistmap_keys_set:n}|{ rule_if_rest_is_tail_eval_else = |\Arg{name}\Arg{code}| }|
%       \end{syntax}
%       \begin{descr}
%       \item[Semantics] Specialization of |rule|
%       \end{descr}
%     \end{function}
%     \begin{function}{rule_sequence}
%       \begin{syntax}
%         \cs{clistmap_keys_set:n}|{ rule_sequence = {...,|\meta{key_j} = |{ ...|\Arg{rule_i}|...},...} }|
%       \end{syntax}
%     \end{function}
%     \begin{function}{instance}
%       \begin{syntax}
%         \cs{clistmap_keys_set:n}|{ instance = { |\meta{key prefix}| = |\Arg{rule sequence}\Arg{cs name}\Arg{signature}| } }|
%       \end{syntax}
%       \begin{descr}
%       \item[Semantics] Associates \cs{clistmap_instance_key:nn}\Arg{key prefix}\Arg{signature} with the RHS of \meta{key prefix}| = |
%       \end{descr}
%     \end{function}
%     \begin{function}{instance_sequence}
%       \begin{syntax}
%         \cs{clistmap_keys_set:n}|{ instance_sequence = { |\meta{key} = |{ ...,|\meta{instance_i}|,...},... } }|
%       \end{syntax}
%     \end{function}
%     \subsection{\textsf{cs}}
%     \begin{function}{clistmap_keys_set:n}
%       \begin{syntax}
%         \cs{clistmap_keys_set:n}\Arg{keyval list}
%       \end{syntax}
%     \end{function}
%     \begin{function}[EXP]{\clistmap_info_clist:nn, \clistmap_info_prop:nn}
%       \begin{syntax}
%         \cs{clistmap_info_clist:nn}\Arg{key}\Arg{code}
%       \end{syntax}
%       \begin{descr}
%       \item[Note] Used for generating this doc
%       \end{descr}
%     \end{function}
%     \begin{function}[EXP]
%       {\clistmap_signature:n,
%       \clistmap_instance_key:nn}
%       \begin{syntax}
%         \cs{clistmap_instance_key:n}\Arg{key prefix}\Arg{signature}
%       \end{syntax}
%       \begin{descr}
%       \item[Expands to] \meta{key prefix}|:|\meta{signature}
%       \end{descr}
%     \end{function}
%     \begin{function}[EXP]
%       { \clistmap_instance_sequence_p:n,
%       \clistmap_instance_p:n }
%       \begin{syntax}
%         \cs{clistmap_instance_p:n}\Arg{key}
%       \end{syntax}
%       \begin{descr}
%       \item[Semantics] Whether the instance has been registered 
%       \end{descr}
%     \end{function}
%     \begin{function}[EXP]
%       {\clistmap_use_w:nnnn,
%       \clistmap_use_w:nnnnn,
%       \clistmap_use_w_group:nnnnnn }
%       \begin{syntax}
%         \cs{clistmap_use_w:nnnnn}
%         \Arg{rule}
%         \Arg{rule sequence (internal) }
%         \Arg{cs name}
%         \Arg{signature}
%         \Arg{head is group}\meta{more}\cs[no-index]{q_recursion_stop}
%       \end{syntax}
%       \begin{descr}
%       \item[Semantics] Evaluates \meta{code} associated with \meta{rule}
%       \item[Note] For use inside \meta{code} on the RHS of | rule = |\meta{rule bis}\meta{code}
%       \end{descr}
%     \end{function}
%     \begin{function}[EXP]
%       {\clistmap_bound_cs_group:nnnnn}
%       \begin{syntax}
%         \cs{clistmap_bound_cs_group:nnnnn}
%         \Arg{cs name}
%         \Arg{signature}
%         \Arg{group}
%         \Arg{args}
%         \Arg{elem}
%       \end{syntax}
%       \begin{descr}
%       \item[Definition] \meta{new elem}$=$|\bool_if:nTF|\Arg{group}|{|\Arg{elem}|}{|\meta{elem}|}|
%       \item[Semantics] \cs{\meta{cs name}:\meta{signature}}\meta{args}\Arg{new elem}
%       \item[Note] For use in conjunction with \cs{clistmap_use_w:nnnnn} and variants
%       \end{descr}
%     \end{function}
%     \begin{function}[EXP]
%       {\clistmap:nnn}
%       \begin{syntax}
%         \cs{clistmap:nnn}\Arg{clist}|{ ...,|\meta{instance_i}|,... }|\Arg{args}
%         \cs{clistmap:nnn}\Arg{clist}|{ ...,|\meta{instance sequence_i}|,... }|\Arg{args}
%       \end{syntax}
%       \begin{descr}
%       \item[Requirement]\docfillblank
%         \begin{description}
%         \item \meta{clist} has no trailing |,|
%         \item \meta{args} has signature \cs{clistmap_signature:n}\Arg{instance_i}
%         \end{description}
%       \item[Expands to]\docfillblank
%         \begin{descr}
%         \item[First version] For each $i$, the \meta{code} associated with \meta{rule_i}.
%         \item[Second version] Iterates over the constituents of \meta{rule sequence_i}
%         \end{descr}
%       \end{descr}
%     \end{function}
%     \begin{function}{\clistmap_inline:nnn}
%       \begin{syntax}
%         \cs{clistmap_inline:nnn}|{ ...,|\meta{instance_i}|,... }|\Arg{code}
%         \begin{descr}
%         \item[Requirement] \cs{clistmap_signature:n}\Arg{instance_i}$=$|N|
%         \end{descr}
%       \end{syntax}
%     \end{function}
%     \begin{function}[EXP]
%       {\clistmap:nnnn}
%       \begin{syntax}
%         \cs{clistmap:nnnn}\Arg{clist}\Arg{instances}\Arg{args}\Arg{end}
%         \cs{clistmap:nnnn}\Arg{clist}\Arg{instances}\Arg{args}\Arg{append}
%         \cs{clistmap:nnnn}\Arg{clist}\Arg{instances}\Arg{args}\Arg{nest}
%         \cs{clistmap:nnnn}\Arg{clist_1}\Arg{instances}\Arg{args}\Arg{join}\Arg{clist_2}
%       \end{syntax}
%       \begin{descr}
%       \item[Semantics]\docfillblank
%         \begin{descr}
%         \item[end] \cs{clistmap:nnn}\Arg{clist}\Arg{instances}\Arg{args}
%         \item[append] \meta{end}\cs{clistmap:nnnn}\Arg{clist}
%         \item[nest] \cs{clistmap:nnnn}\Arg{end}
%         \item[join] \cs{clistmap:nnnn}|{|\meta{end},\meta{clist_2}|}|
%         \end{descr}
%       \end{descr}
%     \end{function}
%     \begin{function}[EXP]
%       {\clistmap_inline:nnnn}
%       \begin{syntax}
%         \cs{clistmap_inline:nnnn}\Arg{clist}\Arg{instances}\Arg{code}\Arg{chain}
%       \end{syntax}
%       \begin{descr}
%       \item[Requirement] \cs{clistmap_signature:n}\Arg{instance_i}$=$|empty| or |N|
%       \end{descr}
%     \end{function}
%     \clearpage
%     \part{Listing}\label{part:listing}
%     \section{Using keys}
%     \addcontentsline{toc}{subsection}{\texttt{rule}}
%     \iffalse
%     \fi
  {label=lst:opt:rule,listing only}
    rule = {if_rest_is_tail_stop_else_forward_rest}
% \iffalse
% \fi
% \addcontentsline{toc}{subsection}{\texttt{rule_sequence}}
% \iffalse
% \fi
  {label=lst:opt:ruleseq, listing only}
    rule_sequence =
      first =
% \iffalse
% \fi
% \addcontentsline{toc}{subsection}{\texttt{instance}}
% \iffalse
% \fi
  {label=lst:opt:inst, listing only}
    instance =
% \iffalse
% \fi
% \addcontentsline{toc}{subsection}{\texttt{instance_sequence}}
% \iffalse
% \fi
  {label=lst:opt:inst_seq, listing only}
    instance_sequence =
      {N}{comma:}{first_apply:, rest_comma:},
      {}{serial_and:}{first_apply:, serial_rest_and:},
% \iffalse
% \fi
% \section{Preset keys}
% \addcontentsline{toc}{subsection}{\texttt{rule}}
% \iffalse
% \fi
\begin{listing}[\texttt{rule}]{label=lst:preset:rule, text only}
% \iffalse
% \fi
% \addcontentsline{toc}{subsection}{\texttt{rule_sequence}}
% \iffalse
% \fi
% \begin{listing}[\texttt{rule_sequence}]{label=lst:preset:rule_sequence, text only}
  { \clistmap_info_prop:n{rule_sequence}}{\item[\use_i:nn#1]}
% \iffalse
% \fi
% \addcontentsline{toc}{subsection}{\texttt{instance}}
% \iffalse
% \fi
\begin{listing}[\texttt{instance}]{label=lst:preset:instance, text only}
    { \clistmap_info_prop:n{instance} }
    { \item[\use_i:nn#1]\docfillblank }
% \iffalse
% \fi
% \addcontentsline{toc}{subsection}{\texttt{instance_sequence}}
% \iffalse
% \fi
\begin{listing}[\texttt{instance_sequence}]{label=lst:preset:instance_sequence, text only}
    { \clistmap_info_prop:n{instance_sequence} }
    { \item[\use_i:nn#1]\docfillblank }
% \iffalse
% \fi
% \section{\textsf{cs}}
% \subsection{\textsf{plain}}
% \addcontentsline{toc}{subsection}{\texttt{math}}
% \iffalse
% \fi
  \clistmap:nnn{Z, C, Q, R}
  { first_math:N, serial_rest_math_and:N }
% \iffalse
% \fi
% \subsection{\textsf{chain}}
% \addcontentsline{toc}{subsection}{\texttt{append}}
% \iffalse
% \fi
    serial_second:N,%^^A ignored in this case
% \iffalse
% \fi
% \addcontentsline{toc}{subsection}{\texttt{nest}}
% \iffalse
% \fi
% \iffalse
% \fi
% \addcontentsline{toc}{subsection}{\texttt{join}}
% \iffalse
% \fi
% \iffalse
% \fi
% \part{Other}
% \section{Bibliograhy}
% \printbibliography[heading=none]
% \section{To do}\label{other:bug}
% \begin{enumerate}
% \item ``Warning: A control sequence of the form ...__clistmap''
%   That's because of the way \cs[no-index]{__clist_instance_name:nn} is set up,
%  and passing to it an internal control sequence. So?
%  Modify \cs[no-index]{__clist_instance_name:nn}.
% \end{enumerate}
% \section{Support}\label{other:support}
% This package is available from \url{https://github.com/rogard/clistmap}.
% \changes{v1.0}
% {2022/01/27}
% {Initial version}
% \changes{v1.1}
% {2022/01/28}
% {Updated dependency to erw-l3 (from 4.1 to 4.2)}
% \changes{v1.2}
% {2022/01/29}
% {Pkg name change}
%   \StopEventually{
%    \clearpage
%     \PrintChanges
%     \PrintIndex %^^A https://tex.stackexchange.com/q/610349/112708
%   }
% \end{documentation}
% \begin{implementation}
%   \part{Implementation}\label{part:implem}
%    \begin{macrocode}
%      \ExplSyntaxOn
%    \end{macrocode}
% \section{\textsf{boilerplate}}
% \begin{macro}{\clistmap_keys_set:n, \clistmap_info_clist:nn}
%    \begin{macrocode}
\clistmap_keys_set:n{ \keys_set:nn{ @@ }{ #1 } }
#1 % <key>
#2 % <name:signature>
#1 % <key>
#2 % <code>
#1 % <key>
#2 % <name:signature>
#1 % <key>
{ \prop_map_function:cN
  {\prop_item:Nn\@@_info_prop_prop{#1}}\@@_brace:nn }
#1 % <key>
#2 % <code>
{ \prop_map_inline:cn
  {\prop_item:Nn\@@_info_prop_prop{#1}}{#2} }
  { \clist_map_function:nN{#1}\@@_head_clist_aux:n }
%    \end{macrocode}
% \end{macro}
% \section{\textsf{name}}
% \begin{macro}
%   {
%   \@@_rule_name:n,
%   \@@_instance_name:nnn,
%   \@@_instance_signature:n,
%   \@@_rule_sequence_name:n
% }
%    \begin{macrocode}
#1 % <rules>
#1 % <rules>
#2 % <cs name>
#1 % <rule>
#2 % <next rules>
#3 % <cs name>
#1 % <signature>
%    \end{macrocode}
% \end{macro}
% \section{\textsf{c}}
%    \begin{macrocode}
#1 % <name>
#1 % <name>
#2 % <signature>
\cs_generate_variant:Nn\@@_c:nn{e, ee}
#1 % <name>
#2 % <signature>
#1 % <rule>
#1 % <rules>
#2 % <cs name>
{ \@@_c:e
  { \@@_instance_name:nn{#1}{#2} } }
#1 % <rules>
#2 % <cs name>
#3 % <signature>
  { \@@_instance_name:nn{#1}{#2} }
  { \@@_instance_signature:n{#3} }
\cs_generate_variant:Nn\@@_instance_c:nnn{e, nne}
#1 % <rule>
#2 % <next rules>
#3 % <cs name>
#4 % <signature>
{ \@@_instance_c:enn
  {\@@_rule_link:nn{#1}{#2}}{#3}{#4} }
%    \end{macrocode}
% \section{\textsf{rule_link}}
%    \begin{macrocode}
#1 % <rule 1>
#2 % <rule 2>
#1 % <{rule{1}}...>
  \@@_rule_link:nw #1 \q_recursion_stop}
#1 % <rules>
#2 % <{rule{1}}...>
#1 % <rules>
#2 % <rule{1}>
#3 % <{rule{2}}...>
    {#1} % <rule 1>
    {#2} % <rule 2>
  } % <rules>
  #3 % <{rule{1}}...>
%    \end{macrocode}
% \section{\textsf{inline}}
%    \begin{macrocode}
{%^^A BUG
%    \end{macrocode}
% \section{\textsf{eval}}
% \begin{macro}
%   {\clistmap:nnn, \clistmap_inline:nnn}
%    \begin{macrocode}
#1 % <clist>
#2 % <instances>
#3 % <empty|code using #1>
  { \__clistmap_instance_signature_p:nn{#2}{N} }
    {#1} % <clist>
    {#2} % <key 1>
    { \__clistmap_instance_signature_p:nn{#2}{} }
        {#1} % <clist>
        {#2} % <key 1>
% ^^A Warning: trailing ',' inside #2 => Error
#1 % <clist>
#2 % <key,...>
#3 % <arguments>
  {#2} % <instance key>,...
  {\tl_if_head_is_group_p:n{#1}} % <head is group>
  {#3} % <arguments>
  {#1} % <clist>
#1 % <instance key>,...
#2 % <head is group>
#3 % <arguments>
#4 % <clist>
  {#2} % <head is group>
  {#3} % <arguments>
  {#4} % <clist>
#1 % <instance key>,...
#2 % <head is group>
#3 % <arguments>
#4 % <clist>
  {#2} % <head is group>
  {#3} % <arguments>
  {#4} % <clist>
  #1 % <instance key>,...
  , \q_recursion_tail
\cs_generate_variant:Nn\@@_eval:nnnn{ ne }
#1 % <head is group>
#2 % <arguments>
#3 % <clist>
#4 % <instance key>
  {#1} % <head is group>
  {#2} % <arguments>
  {#3} % <clist>
  #4 % <instance key>
#1 % <head is group>
#2 % <arguments>
#3 % <clist>
#4 % <instance key>
, #5 % <instance key,...>
  { \@@_instance_get:n{#4} }
  {#1} % <head is group>
  {#2} % <arguments>
  {#3} % <clist>
  #5 % <instance key>
#1 % <rule sequence>
#2 % <cs name>
#3 % <signature>
#4 % <head is group>
#5 % <arguments>
#6 % <clist>
  { \@@_rule_sequence_name:n{#1} } % <rule sequence>
  {#2}  % <cs name>
  {#3}  % <signature>
  {#4} % <head is group>
  #6, \q_recursion_tail\q_recursion_stop
%    \end{macrocode}
% \end{macro}
% \section{\textsf{chain}}
%    \begin{macrocode}
#1 % <new>
#2 % <\@@_append(?:_inline):nnn>
#3 % <\clistmap(?_inline):nnnn>
#1 % <new>
#2 % <\@@_nest(?:_inline):nnn>
#3 % <\clistmap(?_inline):nnnn>
    #3{ \clistmap:nnn{##1}{##2}{##3} }
#1 % <new>
#2 % <\@@_join(?:_inline):nnnn>
#3 % <\@@_join(?:_inline):nnn>
#4 % <\clistmap(?_inline):nnnn>
  { #4{##1,##2}{##3}{##4} }
  { #2{\clistmap:nnn{##1}{##2}{##3}} }  
#1 % <new>
#2 % <@@_chain(?:_inline):nnnn>
#3 % <@@_append(?:_inline):nnn>
#4 % <@@_nest(?:_inline):nnn>
#5 % <@@_join(?:_inline):nnn>
      { \clistmap:nnn{##1}{##2}{##3} }
      { #3{##1}{##2}{##3} }
      { #4{##1}{##2}{##3} }
      { #5{##1}{##2}{##3} }
    { \msg_error:nnn{@@}{chain}{##4} }
#1 % <clist>
#2 % <inst>
#3 % <args>
#4 % <chain>
  { \@@_instance_signature_p:nn{#2}{N} }
  { \@@_inline_aux:nnnn{#1}{#2}{}{#4} }
%    \end{macrocode}
% \section{\textsf{use_w}}\label{sec:code}
% \begin{macro}
%   {
%   \clistmap_use_w_group:nnnnnn,
%   \clistmap_use_w:nnnn,
%   \clistmap_use_w:nnnnn
% }
%   For use inside \meta{code} inside \nameref{sec:rule}
%    \begin{macrocode}
#1  % <rule sequence>
#2  % <cs name>
#3  % <signature>
#4  % <head is group>
#5  % <arguments>
#6  % <clist head>
#1 % <rule sequence>
#2 % <cs name>
#3 % <signature>
#4 % <head is group>
  \use:c{ \@@_instance_c:nnn{#1}{#2}{#3} }{#4}
#1 % <rule>
#2 % <next rule sequence>
#3 % <cs name>
#4 % <signature>
#5 % <head is group>
    {#1} % <rule>
    {#2} % <next rules>
    {#3} % <cs name>
    {#4} % <signature>
%    \end{macrocode}
% \end{macro}
% \begin{macro}
%   { \clistmap_bound_cs_group:nnnnn }
%    \begin{macrocode}
#1 % <cs name>
#2 % <signature>
#3 % <group (bool)>
#4 % <arguments>
#5 % <clist>
#1 % <cs name>
#2 % <signature>
#3 % <arguments>
#4 % <clist>
{ \use:c{\@@_bound_cs_c:nn{#1}{#2}}#3{#4} }
%    \end{macrocode}
% \end{macro}
% \section{\textsf{rule}}\label{sec:rule}
% \begin{macro}{rule}
%    \begin{macrocode}
\keys_define:nn{ @@ }
{ rule.code:n = \@@_rule:nn#1 }
%    \end{macrocode}
% \end{macro}
% \begin{macro}{\@@_rule:nn}
%    \begin{macrocode}
#1 % <rule>
#2 % <code>
  { \@@_rule_c:n{#1} } 
    {#1} % {<rule>}
    {#2} % {<code>}
    {##1} % <next rule>
    {##2} % <cs name>
    {##3} % <signature>
    {{##4}{##5}{##6}} % <head is group>
    % ^^A <arguments>
    % ^^A <clist head>
    {##7} % <clist rest>
    {##8} % <parameters}
% ^^A  ##1 % <next rules>
% ^^A  ##2 % <cs name>
% ^^A  ##3 % <signature>
% ^^A  ##4 % <head is group>
% ^^A  ##5 % <arguments>
% ^^A  ##6 % <clist head>
% ^^A  ##7 % <clist rest>
% ^^A  ##8 % <parameters>
#1 % <rule>
#2 % <code>
#3 % <next rules>
#4 % <cs name>
#5 % <signature>
#6 % {<head is group>}{<arguments>}{<clist head>}
#7 % <clist rest>
#8 % <parameters>
#1 % <instance>
#2 % <code>
#3 % <head is group>
#4 % <arguments>
#5 % <clist head>
#6 % <clist rest>
#7 % <parameters>
    #3#7#5, #6\q_recursion_stop % <parameters>
%    \end{macrocode}
% \end{macro}
% \section{\textsf{rule template}}
%    \begin{macrocode}
%    \end{macrocode}
% \begin{macro}
%   {rule_if_rest_is_tail_eval_else}
%    \begin{macrocode}
\keys_define:nn{ @@ }
  = {\@@_rule_if_rest_is_tail_eval_else:nn#1}
#1 % <name>
#2 % <else code>
  % ^^A  ##1 % <next rules>
  % ^^A  ##2 % <cs name>
  % ^^A  ##3 % <signature>
  % ^^A  ##4 % <head is group>
  % ^^A  ##5 % <arguments>
  % ^^A  ##6 % <clist head>
  % ^^A  ##7 % <clist rest>
  % ^^A  ##8 % <parameters>
    rule = {if_rest_is_tail_eval_else_#1}
        {##2} % <cs name>
        {##3} % <signature>
        {##4} % <head is group>
        {##5} % <arguments>
        {##6} % <clist>
%    \end{macrocode}
% \end{macro}
% \begin{macro}{rule_if_empty_stop_else}
%    \begin{macrocode}
{ @@ }
  = {\@@_rule_if_empty_stop_else:nn#1}
#1 % <name>
#2 % <else code>
  % ^^A  ##1 % <next rules>
  % ^^A  ##2 % <cs name>
  % ^^A  ##3 % <signature>
  % ^^A  ##4 % <head is group>
  % ^^A  ##5 % <arguments>
  % ^^A  ##6 % <clist head>
  % ^^A  ##7 % <clist rest>
  % ^^A  ##8 % <parameters>
    rule = {if_empty_stop_else_#1}
%    \end{macrocode}
% \end{macro}
% \section{\textsf{instantiate}}
% \begin{macro}{\@@_instantiate:nnnn}
%    \begin{macrocode}
#1 % <rule>
#2 % <next rules>
#3 % <cs name>
#4 % <signature>
  {\tl_count:n{#4}} % <signature arity>
  {#1} % <rule>
  {#2} % <next rules>
  {#3} % <cs name>
  {#4} % <signature>
#1 % <signature arity>
#2 % <rule>
#3 % <next rules>
#4 % <cs name>
#5 % <signature>
  { \erw_parameter:n{ 1 } } % <head is group>
  { \erw_parameter:ne{2}{ #1 } } % <parameters>
  { \erw_parameter:e{ \int_eval:n{#1+2} } } % <clist head>
  { \erw_parameter:e{ \int_eval:n{#1+3} } } % <clist rest>
  { \erw_argument:ne{2}{ #5 } } % <arguments>
  { #2 } % <rule>
  { #3 } % <next rules>
  { #4 } % <cs name>
  { #5 } % <signature>
#1 % <head is group>
#2 % <parameters>
#3 % <clist head>
#4 % <clist rest>
#5 % <arguments>
#6 % <rule>
#7 % <next rules>
#8 % <cs name>
#9 % <signature>
  \use:c{ \@@_rule_c:n{#6} }
  {#7} % <next rules>
  {#8} % <cs name>
  {#9} % <signature>
  {#1} % <head is group>
  {#2} % <arguments>
  {#3} % <clist head>
  {#4} % <clist rest>
  {#2} % <parameters>
%    \end{macrocode}
% \end{macro}
% \section{\textsf{property}}
% \begin{macro}{rule_sequence}
%    \begin{macrocode}
#1 % <rule sequence>
{ rule_sequence.code:n = \@@_rule_sequence_from_keyval:n{#1} }
#1 % <key = {{rule{1}}...>
#1 % <key>
#1 % <value>
%    \end{macrocode}
% \end{macro}
% \begin{macro}{\clistmap_signature:n, \clistmap_instance_p:n}
%    \begin{macrocode}
#1 % <key>
#2 % <rule sequence>
#3 % <name>
#4 % <signature>
  { {#2}{#3}{#4} }
#1 % <key>
{ \prop_item:Nn\@@_instance_prop{#1} }
  { \clistmap_instance_p:n{#1} }
  { \@@_instance_signature_get:n{#1} }
  { \msg_error:nnn{@@}{instance-not}{#1} }
#1 % <instance>
#1 %^^A <instance(?:_sequence)_1,...>
  #1, \q_recursion_tail
#1 %^^A <instance(?:_sequence)_1,...>
  \@@_instance_expand:nw#1, #2\q_recursion_stop
#1 % <head>
, #2 % <rest>
    { \@@_instance_sequence_get:n{#1} }
  \quark_if_recursion_tail_stop:n{#2},%^^A comma
#1 % <instance_1,...>
#2 % <signature>
      { \@@_instance_expand:n{#1} }
#1 % <signature_1,...>
#2 % <signature>
      { \str_if_eq_p:nn{#2} }
      { #1 }
%    \end{macrocode}
% \end{macro}
% \begin{macro}{instance_sequence, \clistmap_instance_sequence_p:n}
%    \begin{macrocode}
\keys_define:nn{ @@ }
  = {%^^A
% ^^A\cs_new_protected:Npn
% ^^A\@@_instance_sequence_put:n
% ^^A#1 % <{key}{key{1},...}>
% ^^A{ \@@_instance_sequence_put:nn#1 }
#1 % <{signature}{prefix key}{prefix key{1},...}>
{ \@@_instance_sequence_put:nnn#1 }
#1 % <signature>
#2 % <key prefix 1,...>
    { \@@_instance_sequence_value_aux:nn{#1} }
#1 % <signature>
#2 % <prefix key>
#3 % <prefix key{1}>,...
  { \clistmap_instance_key:nn{#2}{#1} }
  { \@@_instance_sequence_value:nn{#1}{#3} }
#1 % <key>
#2 % <instance key{1}>,...
    { #2 }
#1 % <key>
%    \end{macrocode}
% \end{macro}
% \section{\textsf{instance}}
% \begin{macro}{instance, \clistmap_instance_key:nn}
%    \begin{macrocode}
{ instance.code:n = \clist_map_function:nN{#1} \@@_instance:n }
% ^^A#1 % {key prefix}{<rule sequence>}{<cs name>}{<signature>}
#1 % {<signature>}{key prefix}{<rule sequence>}{<cs name>}
{ \@@_instance:nnnn#1 }
% ^^A#1 % <key prefix>
% ^^A#2 % <rule sequence>
% ^^A#3 % <cs name>
% ^^A#4 % <signature>
#1 % <signature>
#2 % <key prefix>
#3 % <rule sequence>
#4 % <cs name>
  { \clistmap_instance_key:nn{#2}{#1} }
#1 % <key prefix>
#2 % <signature>
#1 % <key>
#2 % <rule sequence>
#3 % <signature>
#4 % <cs name>
#1 % <rule sequence>
#2 % <cs name>
#3 % <signature>
  { \@@_rule_sequence_get:n{#1}{null} } % <{rule{1}}...>
  {#2} % <cs name>
  {#3}% <signature>
#1 % <{rule{1}}{rule{2}}...>
#2 % <cs name>
#3 % <signature>
    { \tl_count:n{#3} } % <signature arity>
    \erw_last:n{#1}  % <rule{n}>
    { \erw_remove_first:e{\tl_reverse:n{#1}} } % <{rule{n-1}}{rule{n-2}}...>
  { #2 } % <cs name>
  { #3 } % <signature>
#1 % <signature arity>
#2 % <rule{n}>
#3 % <{rule{n-1}}{rule{n-2}}...>
#4 % <cs name>
#5 % <signature>
  { {null}{} }
    {#2} % <next rules>
    {#4} % <cs name>
    {#5} % <signature>
    #3\q_recursion_tail % <{rule{n}}{rule{n-1}}...>
#1 % <next rules>
#2 % <cs name>
#3 % <signature>
#4 % <{rule{n}}{rule{n-1}}...>
  {#1} % <next rules>
  {#2} % <cs name>
  {#3} % <signature>
  #4 % <rule{n}>
  % <{rule{n-1}}...>
#1 % <next rules>
#2 % <cs name>
#3 % <signature>
#4 % <rule{n}>
#5 % <{rule{n-1}}...>
  {#4} % <rule>
  {#1} % <next rules>
  {#2} % <cs name>
  {#3} % <signature>
  {\@@_rule_link:nn{#4}{#1}} % <next rules>
  {#2} % <cs name>
  {#3} % <signature>
  #5 % <{rule{n}}...>
%    \end{macrocode}
% \end{macro}
% \section{\textsf{preset}}
% \subsection{\textsf{rule}}
%    \begin{macrocode}
% ^^A ##1 % <next rules>
% ^^A ##2 % <cs name>
% ^^A ##3 % <signature>
% ^^A ##4 % <head is group>
% ^^A ##5 % <arguments>
% ^^A ##6 % <clist head>
% ^^A ##7 % <clist rest>
% ^^A ##8 % <args>
  rule = {if_rest_is_tail_stop_else_eval_recurse}
    {#2} % <cs name>
    {#3} % <signature>
    {#4} % <head is group>
    {#5} % <arguments>
    {#6} % <clist>    
    {if_rest_is_tail_stop_else_eval_recurse} % <rule>
    {#1} % <next rule rule sequence>
    {#2} % <cs name>
    {#3} % <signature>
    {\tl_if_head_is_group_p:n{#7}}#5#7\q_recursion_stop % <head is group>
  rule = {if_rest_is_tail_stop_else_forward_rest}
  rule_if_empty_stop_else = {error}
  rule_if_empty_stop_else = {forward_head}
  rule_if_empty_stop_else = {forward_rest}
  rule_if_empty_stop_else = {forward_all}
      {#1}{#2}{#3}{#4}#5#6, #7\q_recursion_stop
  rule_if_rest_is_tail_eval_else = {error}
  rule_if_rest_is_tail_eval_else = {stop}
  rule_if_rest_is_tail_eval_else = {recurse}
    {if_rest_is_tail_eval_else_recurse} % <rule>
    {#1} % <next rule rule sequence>
    {#2} % <cs name>
    {#3} % <signature>
    {\tl_if_head_is_group_p:n{#7}} % <head is group>
    #5 % <argument>
    #7 % <clist>
%    \end{macrocode}
% \subsection{\textsf{rule_sequence}}
%    \begin{macrocode}
  rule_sequence =
    first =
    middle =
    last =
    serial_second =
    serial_last =
%    \end{macrocode}
% \subsection{\textsf{cs}}
%    \begin{macrocode}
  clist_map_inline =
%    \end{macrocode}
% \subsection{\textsf{instance}}
%    \begin{macrocode}
  instance =
%    \end{macrocode}
% \subsection{\textsf{instance_sequence}}
%    \begin{macrocode}
  instance_sequence =
    {N}{apply}{first_apply, rest_apply},
    {N}{comma_map}{first_map, rest_comma_map},
    {N}{comma_math}{first_math, rest_comma_math},
    {N}{comma}{first_apply, rest_comma},
    {N}{rest_apply}{middle_apply, last_apply},
    {N}{rest_comma_map}{middle_comma_map, last_comma_map},
    {N}{rest_comma_math}{middle_comma_math, last_comma_math},
    {N}{rest_comma}{middle_comma, last_comma},
    {N}{serial_and}{first_apply, serial_rest_and},
    {N}{serial_math_and}{first_math, serial_rest_math_and},
    {N}{serial_rest_and}{serial_middle, serial_second_and, serial_last_and},
    %^^A <one long entry>
    {serial_middle_math, serial_second_math_and, serial_last_math_and}
    %^^A </one long entry>
    {}{apply}{first_apply, rest_apply},
    {}{comma_math}{first_math, rest_comma_math},
    {}{newline}{first_apply, rest_newline},
    {}{comma_unbrace}{first_unbrace, rest_comma_unbrace},
    {}{comma}{first_apply, rest_comma},
    {}{rest_apply}{middle_apply, last_apply},
    {}{rest_comma_math}{middle_comma_math, last_comma_math},
    {}{rest_newline}{middle_newline, last_newline},
    {}{rest_comma_unbrace}{middle_comma_unbrace, last_comma_unbrace},
    {}{rest_comma}{middle_comma, last_comma},
    {}{rest_unbrace}{middle_unbrace, last_unbrace},
    {}{serial_and}{first_apply, serial_rest_and},
    {}{serial_math_and}{first_apply, serial_rest_math_and},
    {}{unbrace}{first_unbrace, rest_unbrace},
    % ^^A <one long entry>
    {serial_middle, serial_second_and, serial_last_and}
    % ^^A </one long entry>
    % ^^A <one long entry>
    {serial_middle_math, serial_second_math_and, serial_last_math_and}
    % ^^A </one long entry>
%    \end{macrocode}
% \section{\textsf{other}}
%    \begin{macrocode}
%    \end{macrocode}
% \end{implementation}
% \Finale