% Copyright (c) 2003-2021 Vladimir Volovich <vvv@vsu.ru>
% cmap package -- download CMap files into PDF
%   to make "search" and "copy-and-paste" functions work properly
% You may distribute and/or modify this program under the terms of LPPL
% the program consists of cmap.sty and {t1,t2a,t2b,t2c,t5,ot1,ot1tt,lae,lfe}.cmap
% Usage: put \usepackage{cmap} immediately after the \documentclass line
% Thanks to:
%   Han The Thanh
%   Maxim I. Tishin
%   Petr Sojka
%   Werner Lemberg
%   Oleg Katsitadze

\ProvidesPackage{cmap}[2021/02/06 v1.0j CMap support: searchable PDF]


% The cmap package can be used only with pdflatex and lualatex,
% but not with ordinary latex
    \PackageWarningNoLine{cmap}{pdftex not detected - exiting}%
    \protected\def\cmap@pdfobj{\pdfextension obj }%
    \protected\def\cmap@fontattr{\pdfextension fontattr }%
    \def\cmap@lastobj{\number\pdffeedback lastobj \space 0 R}%
  \def\cmap@lastobj{\number\pdflastobj\space 0 R}%

  \PackageWarningNoLine{cmap}{pdftex in DVI mode - exiting}

\edef\reserved@a{\noexpand\in@{,fontenc.sty,}{\@filelist}}% enc.def
\PackageWarningNoLine{cmap}{fontenc already loaded - some fonts may be unprocessed}
%\PackageWarningNoLine{cmap}{babel already loaded - some fonts may be unprocessed}%


    \immediate\cmap@pdfobj stream
      %attr {/Type /CIDFile}
      file {\reserved@f}%
    \expandafter\xdef\csname cmap@set@\cmap@f@encoding\endcsname{%
      \noexpand\expandafter\cmap@fontattr\noexpand\font@name{/ToUnicode \cmap@lastobj}}%
    \global\expandafter\let\csname cmap@set@\cmap@f@encoding\endcsname\empty
          \edef\reserved@f{\lowercase{\def\noexpand\reserved@f{\cmap@f@encoding tt.cmap}}}%
          \IfFileExists{\reserved@f}{\xdef\cmap@f@encoding{\cmap@f@encoding tt}}\relax
  \csname cmap@set@\cmap@f@encoding\endcsname
