% --------------------------------------------------------------------------
% the CNLTX bundle
%   LaTeX source code and output
% --------------------------------------------------------------------------
% Clemens Niederberger
% Web:    https://github.com/cgnieder/cnltx/
% E-Mail: contact@mychemistry.eu
% --------------------------------------------------------------------------
% Copyright 2013--2019 Clemens Niederberger
% This work may be distributed and/or modified under the
% conditions of the LaTeX Project Public License, either version 1.3
% of this license or (at your option) any later version.
% The latest version of this license is in
%   http://www.latex-project.org/lppl.txt
% and version 1.3 or later is part of all distributions of LaTeX
% version 2005/12/01 or later.
% This work has the LPPL maintenance status `maintained'.
% The Current Maintainer of this work is Clemens Niederberger.
% --------------------------------------------------------------------------
% If you have any ideas, questions, suggestions or bugs to report, please
% feel free to contact me.
% --------------------------------------------------------------------------
\def\cnltx@@info{LaTeX tools and documenting facilities (CN)}
\ProvidesPackage{cnltx-base}[\cnltx@@date\space \cnltx@@version\space \cnltx@@info]

% --------------------------------------------------------------------------
% error messaging

% messages with a common detailed error message:
% * : star: class, nostar: package
% #1: prefix
% #2: package/class name
% #3: message type
% #4: extended error message

% #1: Class|Package
% #2: prefix
% #3: package/class name
% #4: message type
% #5: extended error message

% messages where the detailed error message must be specified as second
% argument:
% * : star: class, nostar: package
% #1: prefix
% #2: package/class name
% #3: message type

% #1: Class|Package
% #2: prefix
% #3: package/class name
% #4: message type

% message handling for the cnltx bundle:
  For details have a look at the `cnltx' manual.}

% * : star: class, nostar: package
% #1: bundle module
% #2: message type



% --------------------------------------------------------------------------
% modules


% --------------------------------------------------------------------------
% setup command

% --------------------------------------------------------------------------
% scratch variables



% --------------------------------------------------------------------------
% catcode stuff:


  \catcode`#1=\csname cnltx@catcode@#1\endcsname



% --------------------------------------------------------------------------
% damit wir beim Definieren der vielen assoziierten Makros nichts
% ��berschreiben:

% --------------------------------------------------------------------------
% who knows what they might be good for -- well, for indexing:

% --------------------------------------------------------------------------
% generic conditionals
% those two are in the spirit of etoolbox's \ifbool and \notbool and provide
% the same functionalty as the `test' directive in `\ifboolexpr':


    test {\ifcsdef{c@#1}} and
    test {\ifcsdef{cl@#1}} and
    test {\ifcsdef{p@#1}} and
    test {\ifcsdef{the#1}}


% test if shellescape is enabled:
  \iftest{\ifnum\pdf@shellescape=1 }%

% an idea by Herbert Vo�� (http://tex.stackexchange.com/a/7183/5049):
%   make the test character an (hopefully extremely) unlikely % with
%   catcode!=14;  let's make & a temporary comment char
%   save both catcodes just in case someone changed the defaults:
& the test:

% an idea by Enrico Gregorio (http://tex.stackexchange.com/a/34449/5049):

% ``\@ifnextchars''
% list parser with no separator:

% the list that holds the tokens to be checked:

% set the tokens list (the parser does not like blank lists):

% check for token but leave it where it is:
  \ltx@ifnextchar{ }


% test string equality, expandably:

% a check for etoolbox's lists where items may contain braces:

% --------------------------------------------------------------------------
% expansion helper
% \cnltx@expandargs(<spec>)
%   this is heavily inspired by expl3's \exp_args:N<spec>; in fact the code
%   they use is very clever so it is basically just copied and renamed -- I'm
%   sorry for that but I couldn't've done better.

% auxiliary macros:

% the argument macros:
% n:
% N:
% c:
% o:
% f:
% x:

% the actual expansion helper macro:

% \exp_args:Nx

% \exp_args:Nxx

% \exp_args:NV

% expanding an environment argument or something:


% --------------------------------------------------------------------------
% tokenlist manipulation

% again we borrow an idea from expl3:
% \cnltx@if@in{tokenlist}{search}{true}{false}

% \cnltx@replace@once{macro}{search}{replace}
% \cnltx@replace@all{macro}{search}{replace}
\newrobustcmd*\cnltx@replace@once {\@@cnltx@replace\@@cnltx@replace@once\edef}
\newrobustcmd*\cnltx@replace@all  {\@@cnltx@replace\@@cnltx@replace@all \edef}
\newrobustcmd*\cnltx@greplace@all {\@@cnltx@replace\@@cnltx@replace@all \xdef}



% \cnltx@remove@once{macro}{search}
% \cnltx@remove@all{macro}{search}

% --------------------------------------------------------------------------
% an equivalent of \newcommand where the macro with the optional argument
% is expandable.  For this to work the newly defined macro /needs/ to eat the
% first following token!

% \newexpandablecmd*<cs>[<num mand>][<default opt>]{<definition>}







    {\iftest{\ifnum#1>1 }{#3[#4]{#2}}{#3[#4]#2}}%

% --------------------------------------------------------------------------
% looking for trailing punctuation:
% list parser with no separator:

% the list that holds the punctuation marks:

% set the punctuation list (the parser does not like blank lists):

% set default list:

  cnltx/.cd ,
    set-trail-punct/.code = \cnltx@set@punctuation{#1}

% --------------------------------------------------------------------------
% small helper if we gobbled \par:

% --------------------------------------------------------------------------
% per case list:


% --------------------------------------------------------------------------
% check for punctuation mark and gobble it if present:
  \ltx@ifnextchar{ }
    {\cnltx@ifpunctuation@gobble@aux{#2}{#3}{ }}


% --------------------------------------------------------------------------
% check for punctuation mark but leave it where it is:
  \ltx@ifnextchar{ }


% --------------------------------------------------------------------------
% the main command:

% --------------------------------------------------------------------------
% counter representation commands
% error messages
  \cnltx@base@error{Unknown counter representation \string#1}}

  \cnltx@base@error{Unknown internal counter representation #1}}

  \cnltx@base@error{Counter representation \string#1 already exists}}

  \cnltx@base@error{Internal counter representation \expandonce{#1} already exists}}

% --------------------------------------------------------------------------
% conditionals
% test for user commands like \arabic

% test for internal commands like \@arabic; we will assume they're /always/
% the same as the corresponding user command but with a leading @:

% --------------------------------------------------------------------------
% the main command
    \expandonce{\csname @\cnltx@stripbs#1\endcsname}%
    \noexpand\csname c@##1\noexpand\endcsname

% --------------------------------------------------------------------------
% the user commands
        {\csname @\cnltx@stripbs#1\endcsname}%

        {\csname @\cnltx@stripbs#1\endcsname}%



% --------------------------------------------------------------------------
% the following definitions are redundant, the LaTeX2e kernel provides them
% already.  They're provided as an overview:

% \arabic:
% \roman:
% \Roman:
    \or a\or b\or c\or d\or e\or f%
    \or g\or h\or i\or j\or k\or l%
    \or m\or n\or o\or p\or q\or r%
    \or s\or t\or u\or v\or w\or x%
    \or y\or z%
% \Alph:
    \or A\or B\or C\or D\or E\or F%
    \or G\or H\or I\or J\or K\or L%
    \or M\or N\or O\or P\or Q\or R%
    \or S\or T\or U\or V\or W\or X%
    \or Y\or Z%
% \fnsymbol:
% this is the definition of \fnsymbol in `latex.ltx'; a redefinition like in
% `fixltx2e.sty' would be preferable but \TextOrMath is not defined per
% default and we don't want to require `fixltx2e.sty'
      \or *%
      \or \dagger
      \or \ddagger
      \or \mathsection
      \or \mathparagraph
      \or \|%
      \or **%
      \or \dagger\dagger
      \or \ddagger\ddagger

% --------------------------------------------------------------------------
% colors definitions:


% set a color-scheme for the manual:


    color-scheme/.code = \cnltx@use@colorscheme{#1}

% predefined color-schemes:
  cs            => cnltxbrown ,
  option        => cnltxyellow ,
  module        => cnltxblue ,
  comment       => cnltxgray ,
  beginend      => red ,
  env           => black ,
  argument      => black ,
  meta          => black!80 ,
  cnltx         => cnltxred ,
  cnltxbg       => white ,
  link          => black!90 ,
  versionnote   => black!75 ,
  bibentry      => cnltxgreen ,
  bibentryfield => black ,
  expandable    => red ,
  unexpandable  => black ,
  makeidxkey    => cnltxgreen ,
  makeidxstring => black ,
  math          => cnltxgreen

  cs            => cnltxbrown ,
  option        => cnltxgreen ,
  module        => cnltxred ,
  comment       => cnltxgray ,
  beginend      => red ,
  env           => black ,
  argument      => black ,
  meta          => black!80 ,
  cnltx         => cnltxblue ,
  cnltxbg       => yellow!10 ,
  link          => cnltx ,
  versionnote   => black!75 ,
  bibentry      => cnltxyellow ,
  bibentryfield => black ,
  expandable    => red ,
  unexpandable  => black ,
  makeidxkey    => cnltxyellow ,
  makeidxstring => black ,
  math          => cnltxgreen

  cs            => black ,
  option        => cnltxformalblue ,
  module        => cnltxblue ,
  comment       => cnltxgray ,
  beginend      => red ,
  env           => black ,
  argument      => black ,
  meta          => black!80 ,
  cnltx         => cnltxformalblue ,
  cnltxbg       => white ,
  link          => black!90 ,
  versionnote   => black!75 ,
  bibentry      => black ,
  bibentryfield => black ,
  expandable    => red ,
  unexpandable  => black ,
  makeidxkey    => black ,
  makeidxstring => black ,
  math          => cnltxgreen

% set the default:


% --------------------------------------------------------------------------

2013/09/08 v0.1   - first working version
2013/09/10 v0.2   - added `cnltx-tools' to the bundle
                  - extended the messaging creation to class messages
2013/09/12 v0.3   - added index style file `cnltx.ist'
                  - added color `module'
                  - added \cnltx@remove@once and \cnltx@remove@all
                  - added long versions of tokenlist manipulation macros
2013/09/14 v0.4   - added \cnltx@fullexpand@afterarg
                  - new colors `bibentry' and `bibentryfield'
2013/09/20 v0.5   - added colors `expandable' and `unexpandable'
                  - added \definecolorscheme
2013/09/24 v0.6   - added \cnltx@ifisnum
2013/09/30 v0.7   - added functionality to look for trailing punctuation
                  - added colors `makeidxkey' and `makeidxstring'
                  - added counter representation command facilities
                  - generalized expansion helpers (by copying expl3's
                    \exp_arg:N<spec> idea)
                   - \iftest and \nottest
2013/10/21 v0.8   - \cnltx@ifnextchars
2013/11/22 v0.9   - \cnltx@modulo
                  - scratch variables
                  - \cnltx@ifshellescape
                  - \cnltx@greplace@once, \cnltx@greplace@all,
                    \cnltx@gremove@once, \cnltx@gremove@all
                  - \cnltx@ifisnum now also returns <false> if the test
                    argument is `<num>!'
2014/01/05 v0.10  - \expandtwice
                  - \cnltx@ifstrequal
2014/03/11 v0.11  - \cnltx@save@catcode, \cnltx@save@catcodes,
                    \cnltx@set@catcode, \cnltx@set@catcodes,
                    \cnltx@restore@catcode, \cnltx@restore@catcodes
                  - \cnltx@make@letter, \cnltx@make@other, \cnltx@make@active
                  - \cnltx@load@module, \cnltx@load@modules
2015/01/11 v0.12  - updating the bundle to CTAN
                  - more security for \cnltx@ifisnum
2015/08/17 v0.13  - resolve long overdue issues with cnltx-doc
2015/08/29 v0.13a - small changes in cnltx-example
2016/03/16 v0.13b - adapt bib style to biblatex v3.3