
% Put your definitions here.


% What follows are examples of what you will typically do in this
% file. Note that you need to move the examples above \endinput if
% you want to try them out.


% Use \ExecuteQuoteOptions to preset package options if you are not
% satisfied with the built-in defaults. Options given here will be
% processed before any options specified in the document preamble,
% so you can still override them in the preamble.



% Even if you modify the package defaults here, all preset values
% may still be changed in the document preamble as usual. The
% following values are the built-in package defaults:



% Here's an example of a new quote style with several variants (look
% up \DeclareQuoteStyle in the manual for all the details):

\DeclareQuoteStyle[quotes]{example}%     [variant]{style}
  {\textquotedblleft}%                   opening outer mark
  {\textquotedblright}%                  closing outer mark
  {\textquoteleft}%                      opening inner mark
  {\textquoteright}%                     closing inner mark
  [0.1em]%                               kern adjoining marks
  [\guilsinglleft]%                      middle outer mark
  [\textquoteleft]%                      middle inner mark

% Defining the default variant of the style:


% Defining a second-level alias:


% Adding a package option for the style:



% The names of all macros which csquotes provides by default are
% rather verbose. They are meant to be self-explanatory. You may
% find names like \hyphentextquote a bit too verbose, however,
% especially if you use them frequently. It is very easy to define
% shorter command names on top of the verbose ones. The trick is to
% exclude the arguments such that the short definition is a simple
% pointer to the full name:
%    \newcommand*{\htquote}{\hyphentextquote}
% Here are a few useful shorthands:



% You can even include language switches in the definition of the
% short command form:
%    \newcommand*{\usquote}{\hyphentextquote{american}}
% That, however, will not work as expected if you try to use the
% starred version because
%    \usquote*{quotation}
% will not yield
%    \hyphentextquote*{american}{quotation}
% but rather
%    \hyphentextquote{american}*{quotation}
% which is invalid syntax. The following little macro takes care of
% that. If you prefix a definition which consists of a macro name
% and one argument with \@checkstar, it will check if the starred
% version of the command was requested and rearrange the syntax
% accordingly:


% If we define our \usquote shorthand like that:
%    \newcommand*{\usquote}{\@checkstar\hyphentextquote{american}}
% then
%    \usquote*{quotation}
% will correctly yield
%    \hyphentextquote*{american}{quotation}
% Here are a few useful shorthands:






% It is also possible to define shorter environment names. In this
% case, the opening part of the environment definition should be the
% verbose environment name with a backslash; the closing definition
% should be the verbose name preceded by 'end' plus a backslash:



% Short environment definitions may also include language switches.
% In this case, the language name is included in the opening part of
% the environment definition. Here are a few useful examples:




% Here are some alternative environments for paragraph quotations
% (block and display). The first one decreases the font size of
% the 'quote' environment by one step:




% This environment forces indentation after all paragraph quotations:



% The last environment combines the previous ones:



