% Copyright (c) 2003-2011 Philipp Lehman.
%           (c) 2015-2019,2021,2022,2024 Joseph Wright.
% Permission is granted to copy, distribute and/or modify this
% software under the terms of the LaTeX Project Public License
% (LPPL), version 1.3c or any later version.
% This software is provided 'as is', without warranty of any kind,
% either expressed or implied, including, but not limited to, the
% implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a
% particular purpose.

  [2024-04-04 v5.2o context-sensitive quotations (JAW)]

%% Compatibility and requirements


     {Outdated 'etoolbox' package}
     {Upgrade to etoolbox v1.7 (2008/06/28) or later.\MessageBreak
      I found: '\csuse{ver@etoolbox.sty}'.\MessageBreak
      This is a fatal error. I'm aborting now.}




          {Outdated 'biblatex' package}
          {Upgrade to biblatex v0.8d (2009/05/30) or later.\MessageBreak
           I found: '\csuse{ver@biblatex.sty}'}}}

%% Category codes



%% General




% {<item>}{<list>}{<separator>}


% {<macro>}




% Miscellaneous tests






% Parsers for UTF-8


  \number`#1 \ifblank{#2}{}{.\csq@number@i#2&}}

  \number`#1 \ifblank{#2}{}{:\csq@utfprint@i#2&}}

% Grouping control




%% User feedback






  \def\MessageBreak{^^J(csquotes) \@spaces\@spaces\@spaces\space}%
  \immediate\write\m@ne{Package csquotes Debug: #1\on@line.}%


% Errors




    {Unbalanced groups or invalid nesting}

    {'\string#1' invalid in math mode}
    {This command may not be used in math mode}}

    {'\string#1' not defined}
    {This command or environment environment appears to
     be\MessageBreak undefined}}

    {Option '#1' invalid}
    {The option you have supplied is invalid. See the csquotes
     manual\MessageBreak for valid option keys and values}}

    {'\string#1' not available}
    {'\string#1' may not be used here because the\MessageBreak
     punctuation tracker is not working at this point}}

    I have detected a group level mismatch. Verify that all
    groups\MessageBreak and all active quotes are properly
    balanced and nested. If you\MessageBreak continue, I
    will write a summary of all previously opened
    groups\MessageBreak to the transcript file}%

    I have detected a group type mismatch. Verify that all
    groups\MessageBreak and all active quotes are properly
    balanced and nested. If you\MessageBreak continue, I
    will write a summary of all previously opened
    groups\MessageBreak to the transcript file}%

    Still \number\csq@qlevel\space quote\ifnum\csq@qlevel>\@ne s\fi
    \space open. If you continue, I will write a summary\MessageBreak
    of all previously opened groups to the transcript file}%

    {Invalid argument}
    {One of the arguments you have supplied is already allocated
     as\MessageBreak active quote or delimiter}}

    {Invalid argument}
    {Only single characters with category code 12 or 13 may
     be\MessageBreak allocated as active quotes. Numbers,
     punctuation marks, and\MessageBreak characters which
     are part of LaTeX's syntax or reserved\MessageBreak
     for a specific purpose are invalid}}

    {Invalid argument}
    {Only valid UTF-8 sequences representing a single
     character\MessageBreak may be allocated as active quotes}}

    You have nested a \@backslashchar blockquote. Block quotation
    commands\MessageBreak may only be used on quotation level 0}}%

    {Patching #1 failed}
    {This is an internal issue typically caused by a
     conflict\MessageBreak between csquotes and some
     other package. Modifying\MessageBreak the package
     loading order may fix the problem}}

    {ucs package not supported}
    {The ucs package is not supported. If you want to use
     UTF-8\MessageBreak encoded active quotes, try
     If you continue now, I will reject all UTF-8 encoded
     arguments\MessageBreak as invalid}}

% Warnings

    {Load '#1' before 'csquotes'}
    {'#1' package loaded too late}
    {Always load '#1' before 'csquotes'}}

    {No multilingual support.\MessageBreak #1}
    {Multilingual support does not seem to be available.\MessageBreak
     Try loading the 'babel' or the 'polyglossia' package}}

    {No style for language '#1'.\MessageBreak
     Using fallback style}
    {No style for language '#1'}
    {Define a style or alias for this language first}}

    {'\string#1' invalid at this point.\MessageBreak
     Ignoring command}
    {'\string#1' invalid at this point}
    {This command may not be used at this particular
     point.\MessageBreak See the manual of the 'csquotes'
     package for details}}

    {No space factor codes for '#1' encoding.\MessageBreak
     Punctuation tracker may fail}
    {Punctuation tracker may fail at this point}
    {No space factor codes for '#1' encoding.
     See \string\DeclareQuoteGlyph\MessageBreak
     in the 'csquotes' manual for details}}

%% Outer quotations

      Level 1 quote invalid at this point.
      The current level is \number\csq@qlevel}%

%% Inner quotations

      Level 2 quote invalid at this point.
      The current level is \number\csq@qlevel}%

%% Nestable quotations





%% Opening marks

      Level \number\csq@qlevel\space quote invalid at this point.
      The maximum level is \number\csq@maxlvl}%

%% Closing marks


      Cannot close any quote. The current level is 0}%


%% Style initialization




  \ifx\protect\noexpand % \@outputpage


%% Restore kerning



  \ifcat a\noexpand\csq@kernchar@ii
    \ifcat 1\noexpand\csq@kernchar@ii


%% Detect and kern adjoining quotes




    \unkern % EC fix


%% Punctuation

% 1001       apostrophe (biblatex only)
% 1002       abbreviation dot (biblatex only)
% 1003/1250  comma
% 1004/1500  semicolon
% 1005/2000  colon
% 1006/3000  period
% 1007/3001  exclamation mark
% 1008/3002  question mark
% 1009       suppress punctuation (biblatex only)









% {<true>}{<false>}


% {<text>}{<true>}{<false>}


% {<true>}{<false>}


% {<text>}{<true>}{<false>}


% {<character>}{<true>}{<false>}


% {<text>}{<character>}{<true>}{<false>}



%% Multilingual interface

       {Quote style '#1' not defined.\MessageBreak Ignoring command}
       {Quote style '#1' not defined}
       {Define the style or alias first}

         {\csq@warn@multilang{Cannot detect current language}}


          {\csq@warn@multilang{Cannot detect main document language}}}}}




% \lowercase: workaround for page headers of book.cls et al.


  \csq@warn@multilang{Cannot switch to language '\csq@tempa'}%


  \csq@warn@multilang{No hyphenation rules for '\csq@tempa'}%

  \language\csname l@#1\endcsname\relax


    \csq@info{Enabling multilingual quotes}%
    \csq@info{Adjusting default style}%

    \csq@warn@multilang{Cannot enable multilingual quotes}%
    \csq@warn@multilang{Cannot adjust default style}%
    \csq@warn@multilang{Cannot enable multilingual quotes}}}

%% Markup with control sequences

% Argument parsers

% {<macro>}[<cite>][<punct>] =>
%  <macro>{\mkcitation}{<cite>}{<punct>}




% {<macro>}[<pre>][<post>]{<key>}[<punct>] =>
%  <macro>{\mkccitation}{\csq@cite[<pre>][<post>]{<key>}}{<punct>}





% {<macro>}<punct> => <macro>{<apunct>}<tpunct>







% Punctuation



\AfterEndPreamble{% babel

% Plain quotes


% {<init>}{<endinit>}{<text>}


% Plain quotes + language switching





% PDF strings

    {\csq@pdf@quote@i #1}}

  \csq@pdf@ooqmark #1\csq@pdf@coqmark}
  \csq@pdf@oiqmark #1\csq@pdf@ciqmark}



% Text quotes


% {<init>}{<endinit>}{<qopen>}{<citehook>}{<cite>}{<punct>}{<text>}


% {<init>}{<endinit>}{<qopen>}{<citehook>}{<cite>}{<punct>}{<text>}{<apunct>}<tpunct>


% {<qopen>}{<text>}{<qclose>}{<punct>}{<apunct>}{<cite>}


% Text quotes + language switching





% Integrated text quotes


% Integrated text quotes + language switching





% PDF strings


% Block quotes


% {<init>}{<endinit>}{<citehook>}{<cite>}{<punct>}{<text>}

       \ifboolexpr{ bool {inner} and bool {hmode} }

% {<init>}{<endinit>}{<citehook>}{<cite>}{<punct>}{<text>}{<apunct>}<tpunct>

       \@backslashchar blockquote has \number\@tempcnta\space
       \csq@thresholdtype\space and manual breaks.\MessageBreak
       Setting as display}}
       \@backslashchar blockquote has \number\@tempcnta\space
       \csq@thresholdtype. Threshold is \number\csq@tshold.\MessageBreak
       Setting \iftoggle{csq@tempsw}{as display}{inline}}}%








% {<init>}{<endinit>}{<citehook>}{<cite>}{<punct>}{<text>}{<apunct>}<tpunct>


% {<init>}{<endinit>}{<citehook>}{<cite>}{<punct>}{<text>}{<apunct>}<tpunct>


% {<text>}{<punct>}{<apunct>}{<cite>}


% Block quotes + language switching




% Integrated block quotes


% Integrated block quotes + language switching




% PDF strings


% Display quotes


% {<init>}{<endinit>}{<citehook>}{<cite>}{<punct>}




% {<punct>}{<cite>}


% Display quotes + language switching



% Integrated display quotes


% Integrated display quotes + language switching



% Hooks


%% Markup with active characters


    \csq@info{Redefining character \string#1}%
    \csq@info{Making character \string#1 active}%

    \csq@info{Resetting character \string#1}%
    \csq@info{Resetting catcode of \string#1}%

  \csq@info{Redefining character \string#1}%

  \csq@info{Redefining character \csq@utfprint{#1}}%

  \csq@info{Resetting character \csq@utfprint{#1}}%

  \csq@info{Deallocating character \string#1}%

  \csq@info{Deallocating character \csq@utfprint{#1}}%






        \csq@info{Input encoding change}%

% Regular specials

% {<char>}{<textdef>}{<pdfdef1>}{<pdfdef2>}


% {<char>}{<macro>}{<textdef>}{<pdfdef1>}{<pdfdef2>}

  \csq@info{Allocating character \string#1}%

% {<char>}{<macro>}{<textdef>}{<pdfdef1>}{<pdfdef2>}

  \csq@info{Allocating character \csq@utfprint{#1}}%
       {\csq@utfprint{#1} not supported by inputenc}
       {This UTF-8 sequence does not seem to be supported by the
        inputenc\MessageBreak package}%

% Block specials

% {<char1>}{<delim>}{<char2>}{<textdef>}


    {\expandafter\noexpand\csname csq@saved@\number`#1\endcsname

    {\expandafter\noexpand\csname csq@saved@\csq@number{#1}\endcsname





  \expandafter{\csname csq@textdef@#1\endcsname}{#2}{#3}{#4}%
  \expandafter{\csname csq@xtxtdef@#1\endcsname}{#4}}

% Specials







% Define specials

% {<char>}{<def>}


% {<char>}{<csname>}


% {<macro>}{<delim>}{<char2>}{<def>}


% {<text>}{<delim>}{<macro>}


% {<macro>}{<def>}


% {<text>}{<macro>}


% {<char>}{<pdfomark>}{<pdfcmark>}


% {<char>}{<pdfomark>}{<pdfcmark>}

  \expandafter\def\csname u8:\csq@string{#1}\endcsname##1#1{#2##1#3}}

% Validate user input

% {<char>}{<macro>}{<utfmacro>}


% {<char>}{<true>}{<false>}



% {<char>}{<true>}{<false>}


% {<char>}{<true>}{<false>}




% {<char>}{<true>}{<false>}


    {\@secondoftwo}% 0x00-0x7F handled elsewhere


% 0xC0-0xFD, 0x80-0xBF, 0x80-0xBF, ...




% User interface












% Author interface


%% Switch quote styles manually


    \csq@info{Disabling multilingual quotes}%

  \csq@info{Enabling multilingual quotes}%

      \csq@info{Disabling multilingual quotes}%

%% Define quote styles

    {\csq@info{Redefining quotation style '\csq@tempa'}}%







%% Define quote aliases

       {Quote style not defined}
       {Define the style or alias '\csq@tempa' first}}
       {\csq@info{Redefining alias '#3' -> '\csq@tempa'}}%


%% Define quotes for PDF strings



%% Define package options



%% Space factor codes


%% Set defaults




%% Interface for biblatex





%% Author interface to auto quotes






%% Author interface to internal marks









%% Ellipses





\newcommand{\mktextelpins}[1]{[\textellipsis\unkern]\@ [#1]}
\newcommand{\mktextinselp}[1]{[#1] [\textellipsis\unkern]\@}

%% Auxiliary commands for some styles

% French




  \hskip 0.8\fontdimen2\font
   plus  0.3\fontdimen3\font
   minus 0.3\fontdimen4\font}

          Outdated 'polyglossia' version detected.\MessageBreak
          csquotes works best with 'polyglossia' v1.45\MessageBreak
          (2019/10/27) or above, but you are using\MessageBreak

% German


% Special styles



%% Package options


% Core options

    {\csq@info{Enabling strict warnings}%
    {\csq@info{Disabling strict warnings}%




  \csq@info{Disabling multilingual quotes}%
  \csq@info{Enabling multilingual quotes}%

    Option 'babel' depreciated.\MessageBreak
    Using 'autostyle'}%








% Initialize


%% Initial setup

% Provide 'quote' environment

     The 'quote' environment appears to be undefined.\MessageBreak
     I'm defining a typical 'quote' environment now}

% Deferred last minute setup

    {\csq@info{Checking for multilingual support..}%
       {\csq@info{... found 'polyglossia' package}%
          {\csq@info{... found 'babel' package}%
          {\csq@info{... none found}%
  \ifdef\collect@body % amsmath
       {\csq@err@patch{'amsmath' package}}}


% Restore catcodes


% Load predefined styles


% Load configuration file

\csq@info{Trying to load configuration file 'csquotes.cfg'..}
  {\csq@info{... configuration file loaded successfully}}
  {\csq@info{... configuration file not used}}

% Process options


