%% dithesis.cls version 0.2
%% dithesis - Latex2e document class for undergraduate theses at the Department
%%            of Informatics and Telecommunications, University of Athens.
%% Copyright (C) 2011-12 Yannis Mantzouratos <mantzouratos@gmail.com>
%% This work may be distributed and/or modified under the conditions of the 
%% LaTeX Project Public License, either version 1.3 of this license or (at
%% your option) any later version. 
%% The latest version of this license is in:
%% http://www.latex-project.org/lppl.txt
%% and version 1.3 or later is part of all distributions of LaTeX version 
%% 2005/12/01 or later.
%% This work has the LPPL maintenance status "maintained".
%% The Current Maintainer of this work is Yannis Mantzouratos.
%% This work consists of the source file dithesis.cls and the documentation
%% files sample.tex, samplewArial.tex, sample.pdf and samplewArial.pdf.
%% To ensure proper compilation, however, the logo of the University of Athens 
%% is also distributed alongside this work, under the filename athena.jpg.
%% This work conforms to the requirements of the Department of Informatics and
%% Telecommunications at the University of Athens regarding the preparation of 
%% undergraduate theses, as of Sep 1, 2011.
%% This work is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
%% WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS 
%% The entire risk as to the quality and performance of this work is with you.
%% Should this work prove defective, you assume the cost of all necessary 
%% servicing, repair, or correction.
%% See the LaTeX Project Public License for more details.
%% The latest official Microsoft Word(...) template can be found in
%% http://www.di.uoa.gr/lib.
%% version 0.2:
%% - Fixed pagestyle inconsistencies for multi-page Table of Contents, List of
%%   Figures, List of Tables, as well as the thesis prologue, acknowledgments,
%%   dedication, and abstract environments.
%% - Fixed spacing between the title and entries of List of Figures and List of
%%   Tables; the spacing between entries is now the same for sections, figures
%%   and tables, too.
%% - Fixed line spacing between different bibliography entries to zero.
%% - Added explicit enforcement of 12pt entries in List of Figures and List of
%%   Tables.

%% ============================================================
\ProvidesClass{dithesis}[2011/09/01 v0.2 DIT.UoA Undergraduate Thesis LaTeX
  document class]

%% ============================================================

%% User Interface Commands
% \thesistitle{text}: set the title of thesis to text
% \thethesistitle:    access the title of thesis later in the document
% \thesissection{title}:  set a new numbered section of thesis, with some title
% \thesissection*{title}: similar to \thesissection, but produces an unnumbered
%                         section, which will be included in the ToC.
% \thesissubsection,    \thesissubsection*
% \thesissubsubsection, \thesissubsubsection*
% all like before.

% \thesiskeywords{SAlabel}{SA}{KWlabel}{KW}{KW}{KW}{KW}{KW}:
%     set the Subject Area label, the Subject Area, the Keyword label and
%     five keywords, respectively, at the end of the current page.
  \begin{tabularx}{\textwidth}{l X}
    {\bfseries\MakeUppercase{#1}:}  & #2

  \begin{tabularx}{\textwidth}{l X}
    {\bfseries\MakeUppercase{#3}:}  & \MakeLowercase{#4, #5, #6, #7, #8}


% \university:      the name of university
% \school:          the name of school
% \department:      the name of the department
% \thesislabel:     how to label the thesis (do NOT confuse with title)
% \supervisorlabel: how to label the supervisor(s)
% \idlabel:         how to label the ID of the author(s)
% \thesisplace:     the place where the thesis was deemed successfully completed
% \thesisdate:      the date when the thesis was successfully completed
\newcommand{\university}{National and Kapodistrian University of Athens}
\newcommand{\school}{School of Science}
\newcommand{\department}{Department of Informatics and Telecommunications}
\newcommand{\thesisdate}{September 2011}

% \thesisauthor{Name}{ID}: set the author of the thesis; their name is Name and 
%                          their departmental identification number is ID.
% for multiple authors, just use the \thesisauthor command multiple times.
% relative ordering is preserved.
% \thethesisauthor:        access the author(s) of the thesis, as a list of
%                          comma-separated values.
    \def\theauthorsatacceptancepage{\textbf{#1}\\\textbf{\idlabel:} #2}
      \\\textbf{#1}\\\textbf{\idlabel:} #2}
    \g@addto@macro\theauthorsatfooters{, #1}

% \supervisor{Name}{Profession}: set the supervisor of the thesis; their name is
%                                Name and their profession is indicated by
%                                Profession (e.g. Professor, PhD Student, etc).
% for multiple supervisors, just use the \supervisor command multiple times.
% relative ordering is preserved.
    \def\thesupervisorslist{\textbf{#1,} #2}
    \g@addto@macro\thesupervisorslist{\\&\textbf{#1,} #2}

    \begin{tabular}{l l}
      \textbf{\supervisorlabel:} & \thesupervisorslist \\

    \begin{tabular}{l l}
      \textbf{\MakeUppercase{\supervisorlabel:}} & \thesupervisorslist \\
%% End of User Interface Commands
%% ============================================================

%% User Interface Environments
% the following are self explanatory.
% thesisabstract:         the abstract title is parameterized
% thesisdedication
% thesisacknowledgments:  the acknowledgments title is parameterized
% thesisprologue:         the prologue title is parameterized
% thesisterminology:      the terminology title is parameterized
% thesisabbreviations:    the abbreviations title is parameterized
% thesisbibliography[]{}: wrapper of thebibliography, where the (optional)
%                         references title is parameterized
               { \newpage

               { \newpage
               { \end{flushright}\clearpage\pagestyle{fancy}}

               { \newpage

               { \thesissection*{#1}

\newenvironment{thesisterminology}[1][Terminology Table]
               { \thesissection*{#1}}

\newenvironment{thesisabbreviations}[1][Abbreviations, Initials and Acronyms]
               { \thesissection*{#1}}

               { \renewcommand{\refname}{#1}
               { \end{thebibliography}}
%% End of User Interface Environments
%% ============================================================

%% General Packages
\RequirePackage{hyperref} % In-text references
\RequirePackage{tabularx} % Special tables
%% End of General Packages
%% ============================================================

%% Figures, Subfigures and Captions
\RequirePackage{graphicx}              % To include graphics
\RequirePackage{float}                 % Figures
\RequirePackage[caption=false]{subfig} % Subfigures
  tableposition=top]{caption}          % Captions

% caption fonts should be boldface 10pt.
%% End of Figures, Subfigures and Captions
%% ============================================================

%% Margins of Text Pages
  top=2cm,   bottom=2cm,     left=2cm,    right=2cm, bindingoffset=0.5cm, 
  head=14pt, headsep=0.50cm, foot=0.75cm]{geometry}
%% End of Margins of Text Pages
%% ============================================================

%% Paragraph and Line Spacing
\RequirePackage{parskip}                  % Paragraphs
\RequirePackage[onehalfspacing]{setspace} % Lines

% Indentation preceeding a paragraph should be 0 pt, and vertical space after
% a paragraph should be 6 pt.

% The following excerpt redefines thebibliography in order to achieve zero line
% spacing between different bibliography items.
% It is a copy of bibspacing.sty by Jakob Schiotz [dcwww.camd.dtu.dk/~schiotz/],
% self-contained for ease of use.
% Retrieved date: Sep 1, 2012.
       {\@latex@warning{Empty `thebibliography' environment}}%
% End of bibspacing.sty.
%% End of Paragraph and Line Spacing
%% ============================================================

%% Headers and Footers of Text Pages

% each page should have a left header with the thesis title at 8 pt, a left 
% footer with the names of authors at 8 pt, and a right footer with the current
% page number at 10 pt.
%% End of Headers and Footers of Text Pages
%% ============================================================

%% Format of Titles for Thesis Sections, Subsections and Subsubsections.

% sections should be boldfaced, uppercase and centered, at 14pt, with no 
% further spacing near them.
            {\thesection . }{0pt}{\MakeUppercase}
% subsections should be boldfaced and justified at left, at 12pt, with
% 12pt vertical spacing before them.
% subsubsections should be boldfaced and justified at left, at 12pt, with
% 12pt vertical spacing before them.
%% End of Format of Titles for Thesis Sections, Subsections and Subsubsections.
%% ============================================================

%% Format of Table of Contents, List of Figures and List of Tables.

% Table of Contents

% place dots between each section and the respective page number
% place dots between each subsection and the respective page number
% place a dot after each section number
% section entries should be 12 pt and bold
% subsection entries should be 10 pt
% subsubsection entries should be 10 pt
% subsections should not be indented, whereas subsubsections should
% subsections should have the same vertical space with sections
% space between sections and numbering in case of double digit numbers

% List of Figures
% place ``Figure x:'' labels in front of each figure
% explicitly enforce 12pt fonts
% and make the spacing the same as with sections

% List of Tables
% place ``Table x:'' labels in front of each table
% explicitly enforce 12pt fonts
% and make the spacing the same as with sections
%% End of Format of Table of Contents, List of Figures and List of Tables.
%% ============================================================

%% Format of the Title and Acceptance Pages

% the logo should exist to go on.
  \ClassError{dithesis}{The University of Athens logo athena.jpg was not found.}
             {Add athena.jpg in the class folder and try again.}

% maketitle modifications (refer to the titling package)


        \MakeUppercase{\school}} \\

















%% End of Format of the Title and Acceptance Pages
%% ============================================================