%% Copyright (C) 2006-2008 by:
%% Josef Kleber
%% <josef.kleber@gmx.net>
%% This file may be distributed and/or modified under the conditions of
%% the LaTeX Project Public License, either version 1.3 of this license
%% or (at your option) any later version.  The latest version of this
%% license is in:
%%    http://www.latex-project.org/lppl.txt
%% and version 1.3 or later is part of all distributions of LaTeX version
%% 2003/12/01 or later.
%% This work has the LPPL maintenance status "author-maintained".
%% This Current Maintainer of this work is Josef Kleber.
%% This work consists of all files listed in manifest.txt.
\ProvidesClass{dvdcoll}[2008/04/21 dvdcoll.cls v1.1a - Josef Kleber (C) 2006-2008]%
% define class option language for setting a language
  {%no babel
	  {%no babel
	        You tried to use option language=\dc@option@language\MessageBreak
	        <\dc@option@language> is at the moment not available\MessageBreak
	        dvdcoll.cls is using english instead!\MessageBreak
	        Please take a look at <english.dcl>,\MessageBreak
	        translate it to your language and email\MessageBreak
	        it to:  dvdcoll@web.de
		{% yes
	          You tried to use babel with option <\dc@option@language>\MessageBreak
	          <\dc@option@language> is at the moment not available\MessageBreak
	          dvdcoll.cls is using english instead!\MessageBreak
	          Please take a look at <english.dcl>,\MessageBreak
	          translate it to your language and email\MessageBreak
	          it to:  dvdcoll@web.de
		{% no
		    You did not specify a language via Package <babel>\MessageBreak
			or with the dvdcoll option language.\MessageBreak
			dvdcoll is using <english> as default instead
% define class option dvdlabel for horizontal positioning of the label
% define class option dvdskip for vertical space after Dvd
% define class option pagenumbers (yes,no)
	  \let\ps@plain=\ps@empty% LaTeX Begleiter S.231
% define class option heading for numbered or unnumbered headings
    \AtEndOfClass{\SetTOCNumwidth{2.2em}}% default
% define class option pdfencoding (pdfdocencoding,unicode)
	  \ClassInfo{dvdcoll.cls}{set unicode=false}
	  % use simplified but runtime optimized version for pdf encoding
	  \ClassInfo{dvdcoll.cls}{set unicode=true}
	  % use standard \pdfstringdef (hyperref) for pdf encoding
% define command option (DvdSeries) dvdnumbering for dvd numbering style
% define command option (DvdSeries) titlenumbering for dvd title numbering style
% define command option (DvdSeries) labelbase for setting a base counter in automatic labeling
% define command option (DvdSeries) labelbase for setting a prefix of the base counter in automatic labeling
% define command option (DvdSeries) labelbase for setting a suffix of the base counter in automatic labeling
% define command option (DvdSeries) labelbase for setting the length of the base counter in automatic labeling
    \ClassError{dvdcoll}{labelbaselength < 1}{labelbaselength < 1 makes no sense\MessageBreak%
	                                          please increase labelbaselength}%
% setting defaults
%--- naturalnames=true,hypertexnames=false --- verhindert das mehrfache Anlegen von hyperref-Ankern
%                                              (bedingt durch das R�cksetzen des Zahlers chapter)
%                                              und beseitigt die Warnungen (ext4) von hyperref
%--- Package adjustments ---
%avoid ugly looking frame overlays in \DvdTitleWithDescription
%--- Counters ---
% for generation of labelbase
% to produce a unique hyperref destination for season bookmark
%to prevent several bookmarks for the same season
%--- Variables ---
%--- Internal Commands ---
% used hspace in the BibTeX file
% \***skip aus source2e; etwas vergr��ert
\def\dc@smallskip{\vspace{6pt plus 2pt minus 2pt}}%
\def\dc@medskip{\vspace{12pt plus 4pt minus 4pt}}%
\def\dc@bigskip{\vspace{18pt plus 6pt minus 6pt}}%
% font sizes used in the tables
% dummy for .dcl definitons
\newcommand*\dc@pcwlz[1]% PrintCounterWithLeadingZero
  {}% no label!
% all \leadzeros provided by Heiko Oberdiek in d.c.t.t, Msg-Id: <eqrquu$f52$1@news.BelWue.DE>
  \ifnum#2<0 %
% create new toc type with same definition as section
% define a bookmark level (section) for dcdvd toc-entry
\AtEndOfClass{\AtBeginDocument{\hypersetup{pdfcreator={LaTeX with dvdcoll.cls},pdftitle={\dc@pdftitle}}}}%
%--- Commands ---
  \ifthenelse{#1 = 1}%
    \setcounter{seasondvd}{0}% just reset if #1 = 1
  %if dvdnumbering=season
  {% and bookmark is to be set for the first time
	\ifthenelse{\thebookmarkseason = #2}%
    {% create season bookmark
      \pdfbookmark[1]{\dc@season{} \theseason}{seasonbookmark*.\thebookmarkcount.\theseason}%
      % store season in bookmarkseason to prevent several bookmarks of the same season
{%default - default setting of xkeyval seem not to work??? all or nothing???
  %reset season bookmark indicator
  % create unique hyperref destination for season bookmark
  {%adjust toclevel for dvd bookmark (with or without season bookmark)
  %would produce double season bookmark entries, therefore ...
  % setting heading=nonumber (secnumdepth=-2) means no automatic reset 
  % of dvdcount because chapter get not reset
  %increasing counter depending on titlenumbering
  %if marker F is set
    %lfr entry absolutly before tabular line, otherwise error in the table - don't no why!
    %lfr entry without numbers if heading=nonumber
      \addcontentsline{lfr}{lfrsec}{\protect\numberline{} \dc@series\ - #1}%
        \addcontentsline{lfr}{lfrsec}{\protect\numberline{\thepart.\thechapter.\theseason.\theseasontitlecount} \dc@series\ - #1}%
        \addcontentsline{lfr}{lfrsec}{\protect\numberline{\thepart.\thechapter.\thedvdcount.\thetitlecount} \dc@series\ - #1}%
    %construct table
    \dc@print@counter & #1\strut & \hfill\dc@miss \tabularnewline%
	  % no min
      {\dc@print@counter & #1\strut & \tabularnewline}%
	  % with min
      {\dc@print@counter & #1\strut & \hfill{}#2~\dc@third \tabularnewline}%
  %increasing counter depending on titlenumbering
  %if description is empty
    %led entry without numbers if heading=nonumber
      \addcontentsline{led}{ledsec}{\protect\numberline{} \dc@series\ - #1}%
        \addcontentsline{led}{ledsec}{\protect\numberline{\thepart.\thechapter.\theseason.\theseasontitlecount} \dc@series\ - #1}%
        \addcontentsline{led}{ledsec}{\protect\numberline{\thepart.\thechapter.\thedvdcount.\thetitlecount} \dc@series\ - #1}%
  % if marker F is set
    %lfr entry absolutly before tabular line, otherwise error in the table - don't no why!
    %lfr entry without numbers if heading=nonumber
      \addcontentsline{lfr}{lfrsec}{\protect\numberline{} \dc@series\ - #1}%
        \addcontentsline{lfr}{lfrsec}{\protect\numberline{\thepart.\thechapter.\theseason.\theseasontitlecount} \dc@series\ - #1}%
        \addcontentsline{lfr}{lfrsec}{\protect\numberline{\thepart.\thechapter.\thedvdcount.\thetitlecount} \dc@series\ - #1}%
    \dc@print@counter & \makebox[0pt]{}\pdfnote{#1\strut} & \hfill\dc@miss \tabularnewline%
	  % no min
      {\dc@print@counter & \makebox[0pt]{}\pdfnote{#1\strut} & \tabularnewline}%
	  % with min
      {\dc@print@counter & \makebox[0pt]{}\pdfnote{#1\strut} & \hfill{}#2~\dc@third \tabularnewline}%
%no automatic heading -> clash with multicols
%labels without brackets
  \ifnum \c@tocdepth >\m@ne%
    \vskip 1.0em \@plus\p@%
      \parindent \z@ \rightskip \@pnumwidth%
      \parfillskip -\@pnumwidth%
      \leavevmode \sectfont%
      \hskip -\leftskip%
      ##1\nobreak\hfil \nobreak\hb@xt@\@pnumwidth{\hss ##2}\par%
  \ifnum \c@tocdepth >-2\relax%
    \addvspace{2.25em \@plus\p@}%
      \parindent \z@ \rightskip \@pnumwidth%
      \parfillskip -\@pnumwidth%
      \hskip -\leftskip%
      ##1\nobreak\hfil \nobreak\hb@xt@\@pnumwidth{\hss ##2}\par%
%--- Environments ---
  %prevents unwanted spaces in the table
  %switching off language dependant shorthands (babel) within environment Dvd
  %Hack von Markus Kohm zur Behebung des \bottomrule-Problems bei \endtabularx in Environments (-> Google-Groups)
  \expandafter\let\expandafter\SavedEndTab\csname endtabular*\endcsname%
  \expandafter\renewcommand\expandafter*\csname endtabular*\endcsname{%
  \refstepcounter{dvdcount}% \refstepcounter f�r hyperref-Link auf die jeweilige DVD
  \dc@calc@dvdcounter% to have correct counter in "text" form
  {%local redefinition for BibTeX export
  %create label
  {%#2 empty
	{%labelbase set
  {%#2 not empty
  \phantomsection% korrigiert fehlerhafte (falsch positionierte) Links auf dvd-Tabellen
    \bibwrite{@misc{\dc@dvd@label ,author={{\dc@bib@title}},year={\dc@dvd@label}}}%
  % verhindert overfull \hbox Errors wegen \tabularx{\linewidth}...
  %\midrule% bereits in der Definition enthalten durch Hack von Markus Kohm siehe oben
  %switching on shorthands again