% \iffalse meta-comment % !TEX TS-program = dtxmk % % Copyright (C) 2008 by John Burt <burt@brandeis.edu> % -------------------------------------------------- % % This file may be distributed and/or modified under the % conditions of the LaTeX Project Public License, either version 1.2 % of this license or (at your option) any later version. % The latest version of this license is in: % % http://www.latex-project.org/lppl.txt % % and version 1.2 or later is part of all distributions of LaTeX % version 1999/12/01 or later. % % \fi % % \iffalse %<package>\NeedsTeXFormat{LaTeX2e}[1997/12/01] %<package>\ProvidesPackage{edmargin} %<package> [2012/09/04 v1.2 edmargin file] % %<*driver> \documentclass{ltxdoc} \usepackage{makeidx,multicol,keyval,ifthen} \EnableCrossrefs \CodelineIndex \RecordChanges \begin{document} \DocInput{edmargin.dtx} \end{document} %</driver> % \fi % % \CheckSum{1970} % % \CharacterTable % {Upper-case \A\B\C\D\E\F\G\H\I\J\K\L\M\N\O\P\Q\R\S\T\U\V\W\X\Y\Z % Lower-case \a\b\c\d\e\f\g\h\i\j\k\l\m\n\o\p\q\r\s\t\u\v\w\x\y\z % Digits \0\1\2\3\4\5\6\7\8\9 % Exclamation \! Double quote \" Hash (number) \# % Dollar \$ Percent \% Ampersand \& % Acute accent \' Left paren \( Right paren \) % Asterisk \* Plus \+ Comma \, % Minus \- Point \. Solidus \/ % Colon \: Semicolon \; Less than \< % Equals \= Greater than \> Question mark \? % Commercial at \@ Left bracket \[ Backslash \\ % Right bracket \] Circumflex \^ Underscore \_ % Grave accent \` Left brace \{ Vertical bar \| % Right brace \} Tilde \~} % % % \changes{v1.0}{2008/04/21}{Initial version} % \changes{v1.01}{2008/04/23}{Bug fix in macro for defining new % endnote kinds.} % \changes{v1.02}{2008/04/28}{Corrections to manual.} % \changes{v1.2}{2012/09/04}{Fixed a bug the interfered with use of memoir class} % \GetFileInfo{edmargin.sty} % % \DoNotIndex{\newcommand,\newenvironment,\def,\edef,\else,\renewcommand,\makeatletter,\makeatother} % \DoNotIndex{\abovedisplayskip,\belowdisplayskip,\abovedisplayshortskip,\belowdisplayshortskip} % \DoNotIndex{\newcommand, \section, \subsection, \subsubsection, % \fileversion,} \DoNotIndex{\filedate, \docdate, \leavevmode, % \vspace, \small, \normalsize, \fontsize,} \DoNotIndex{\newcommand, % \section, \subsection, \subsubsection, \fileversion} % \DoNotIndex{\filedate, \docdate, \leavevmode, \vspace, \small, % \normalsize, \fontsize} \DoNotIndex{\selectfont, \abovedisplayskip, % \belowdisplayskip, \setlength, \item} \DoNotIndex{\global, \input, % \def, \edef, \texttt, \textsf, \setcounter} % \DoNotIndex{\pagenumbering, \oddsidemargin, \evensidemargin, % \newdimen, \renewcommand} \DoNotIndex{\makeatletter, \let, \@listi, % \@listl, \z@, \@xpt, \@xipt, \p@ , \@plus2} \DoNotIndex{\@minus5, % \@minus3, \@plus3, \makeatother, \@minus4, \relax, \pagestyle} % \DoNotIndex{\fancyhead, \fancyfoot, \thepage, \@ixp} % \DoNotIndex{\begin \botmark, \botmark, \catcode, \croppadbot, % \croppadtop} \DoNotIndex{\croppagewidth, \endverse, \equal, % \fancyfoot, \fancyhead, \fancyhf} \DoNotIndex{\fancypagestyle, % \firstmark, \footrulewidth, \hbox, \hbox, \headrulewidth} % \DoNotIndex{\hfil, \hspace, \ifthenelse, \immediate, \itemindent, % \listparindent} \DoNotIndex{\makeatletter, \nolinebreak, \openout, % \raggedbottom, \setcounter, \textrm} \DoNotIndex{\value, \vspace, % \write} % \DoNotIndex{\afterpoemtitleskip, \addtocounter, \advance, % \begin, \bf, \bigskip} % \DoNotIndex{\bigskipamount, \fi, \@fulltitle, \label, \large, \leftheader} % \DoNotIndex{\leftheadervalue, \leftmargin, \leftmargini} % \DoNotIndex{\medskip, \newcounter, \nobreak, \par, \textbf} % \DoNotIndex{\closeout,\em,\emph,\expandafter,\Huge,\it,\jobname,\kern,\newif, % \newwrite,\p@,\pageref,\renewenvironment,\rm,\scriptsize,\string, % \textsc, \unskip} % \setcounter{IndexColumns}{2} % \MakeShortVerb{|} % \def\fileversion{1.2} % \def\filedate{4 September 2012} % \def\docdate{4 September 2012} % \title{\textsf{Edmargin:} A Simple Design for Critical Editions with Multiple Endnote Series\thanks{This document % corresponds to \textsf{edmargin}~\fileversion, dated \filedate.}} % \author{John Burt \\ \texttt{burt@brandeis.edu}} % \date{September 4, 2012} % \maketitle % \begin{abstract} % \textsf{edmargin} provides multiple endnotes sections with running % headers of the form ``Notes to pp.~xx--yy'' for critical editions. % Rather than having endnote marks in the text, \textsf{edmargin} % puts markers in the margins referring to the page in the endnotes % sections to which the note refers. % \end{abstract} % \tableofcontents % \hfuzz=50pt % \section{Introduction} \textsf{edmargin} provides a simple scheme % for making critical editions. All critical editions provide several % series of notes, such as notes about emendations, explanatory notes, % and notes about the text. It is a common practice to tie these % notes to line numbers in the text, whether typographical lines in % prose text or verse lines in poetry. Some editions of prose works % enumerate sentences and paragraphs rather than lines, as the Bible % does. All of these systems involve considerable amounts of % laborious markup. \textsf{edmargin} provides a different system of % annotation which minimizes markup, and also minimizes the % possibilities of conflicts among commands. In the text, instead of % placing a marker, or remembering the line or sentence number, % \textsf{edmargin} simply places a mark in the margin (as for % instance ``c'' for a commentary, ``t'' for a textual note, or ``e'' % for an emendation) followed by the page number in the relevant % endnotes section to which the note refers. So, for instance, if on % page 42 of my text I have the anchor for an explanatory note which % appears on page 563 of the endnotes section for explanatory notes, % \textsf{edmargin} would put \emph{c: p.~563} in the margin on page % 42 of the line where that note occurs, and the text of the note % would appear on p.~563, with a reference to the page in the text to % which it occurs and a lemma drawn from that text. \textsf{edmargin} % comes with three built in categories of endnotes (emendations, % explanatory notes, textual notes), and facilities for easily % constructing other categories of endnote. All of the endnote % sections will have running headers of the form ``Textual Notes to % pp.~xx--yy.'' % % This scheme for a critical edition, while considerably simpler than % the traditional schemes, does provide the information a critical % edition requires, and should be easy for readers to use, provided % that there are not many notes on every line. The scheme is modelled % on that used by David V. Erdman and Harold Bloom in their edition of % \emph{The Complete Poetry and Prose of William Blake}. \textsf{edmargin} % can also make notes with markers in the text, in the traditional % fashion. % % % With the standard document classes, or the komascript classes, % \textsf{edmargin} requires the following packages to work correctly: % \textsf{fancyhdr}, % \textsf{ifthen} (for comparing page numbers), \textsf{needspace} (to % prevent widowed chapter titles in notes sections when resetting % notes by chapter using either |\notesbychapter| or % |\resetendnotes|), and \textsf{titleref} (to send the chapter titles % to the notes section). Because the marginal references are set with % |\marginpar| you should also call \textsf{mparhack} if you are % setting with the ``twoside'' option. \textsf{edmargin} sets very % narrow margin references (only 2em wide). If you are using % marginpars for any other purpose, you may need to adjust the width, % and monkey with the other parameters to make the marginal % references on both sides look symmetrical. To change the width of % the marginpars to 4em, issue |\setlength{\marginparwidth}{4em}|. % % With \textsf{memoir} class, \textsf{edmargin} requires fewer % packages, since many of the package functions are built into % \textsf{memoir} and some, \textsf{fancyhdr} most especially, % conflict with it. Minimally, you will need % \textsf{ifthen}. You might wish to call \textsf{memoir} with the % oldfontcommands option. % % \section{Setup} \DescribeMacro{\setupendnoteheaders} % |\setupendnoteheaders| opens an external channel to receive each of the % three preset kinds of endnote, opening external % files for emendations, textual collations, and explanatory notes % (with extensions .emd, .ent, and .enx respectively). Then it sets % the first page of each notes section to the |empty| pagestyle, since % you normally don't have running headers on the first page of a % section. And it changes the pagestyle for subsequent pages to have % a running header of the form ``Notes to pages xx--yy.'' This text % will appear in the center of each header. It also writes % information to the external file which will send information to the % table of contents when the external file for the endnotes section is read back into your % document. Each note written to the file increments a counter that % keeps track of all the endnotes (even if you are resetting the % number by chapter). \textsf{edmargin} creates two labels and two % pagerefs for every note, a label and a pageref for each page in the % main text \emph{from} which a note comes, and a label and a pageref % for each page in the notes sections \emph{upon} which the note is % written. Finally \textsf{edmargin} writes on the external file for % the endnotes a command to update the running header for that page of the % endnotes to be sure that it correctly reflects the pages in the % main text from which the notes are drawn. % % \DescribeMacro{\makeemendations} \DescribeMacro{\maketextnotes} % \DescribeMacro{\makeexplanatorynotes} You can use these commands % individually to set up the predefined classes of endnote, rather % than using |\setupendnoteheaders| to have \textsf{edmargin} put all three classes % of notes in the backmatter of your volume. (This would be useful if you are not % intending to make use of all three classes of note.) % \DescribeMacro{\putemendations} \DescribeMacro{\puttextnotes} % \DescribeMacro{\putexplanatory} |\puttextnotes|, |\putexplanatory|, % or |\putemendation| read the external files back into your document % at the place you specify. Remember that these commands change the % page style, so if any sections that do not use the same type of running % header follow these sections (the bibliography, % for instance), be sure to restore your prevailing headings style by % issuing, for example, |\pagestyle{headings}| % |\thispagestyle{empty}|. % % % \DescribeMacro{\notesbychapter} |\notesbychapter| % resets the note counters for each kind of endnote and % puts a centered line reading ``Chapter \textless\emph{chapter % number}\textgreater ~ \textless\emph{chapter title}\textgreater'' in % each of the three predefined sections of the the notes whenever % |\chapter| is issued. If you want only the chapter number, not its % title, issue |\titleinnotesfalse| in your preamble. Please note % that with the standard classes \textsf{edmargin} modifies % |\@chapter|, adding a few lines on to the end of the command. If % some other package does the same, you may need to reconcile them. % With \textsf{memoir} class, |\chapter| is modified only if % |\notesbychapter| is issued. % % \begin{sloppypar} % \DescribeMacro{\setstyleforchapternotebegin} % \DescribeMacro{\setstyleforchapternoteend} % |\setstyleforchapternotebegin| and |\setstyleforchapternoteend| % allows you to customize the appearance of the line that separates % chapters in the endnotes. If, for instance, rather having a % centered line in the small font size, you want a flushleft line in % the large fontsize, issue % |\setstyleforchapternotebegin{\begin{flushleft}\large}| and % |\setstyleforchapternoteend{\end{flushleft}}| in your preamble. % To set these lines in italic or bold, issue % |\setstyleforchapternotebegin{\em}| or % |\setstyleforchapternotebegin{\bf}| in your preamble. (It's safe, % indeed required, to use the old style font commands here, since the % chapter title line in the notes is confined to a group, which % restricts the scope of the font style command to the line.) If you are % using \textsf{memoir} class, you should use the oldfontcommands option if you % plan on issuing |\setstyleforchapternotebegin| and |\setstyleforchapternoteend|. % Remember that if you open an environment with % |\setstyleforchapternotebegin| you must close it in % |\setstyleforchapternoteend|. So, for instance, if you wish the % chapter line to be set flushleft, in boldface, in normal font size, % you would issue % |\setstyleforchapternotebegin{\begin{flushleft}\begin{bf}\normalsize}| and % |\setstyleforchapternoteend{\end{bf}\end{flushleft}}| in your % preamble. % \end{sloppypar} % % \DescribeMacro{\resetendnotes} Conceivably you might wish to do what % |\notesbychapter| does for each chapter individually. Issue this % command just after theh |\chapter| command. For instance, % there may be a chapter without endnotes, in which case % |\notesbychapter| would issue the centered line for that chapter, % but no notes would follow, which is ugly. Also, since the % Bibliography is, as far as memoir class is concerned, a chapter, you % must use |\resetendnotes| before each chapter rather issuing % |\notesbychapter| in the preamble if you have a bibliography, or odd % results will follow. |\resetendnotes| will put a divider line (and % give the chapter name) in the endnotes for all three of the preset % endnote sections. It will also put a divider line (and give the % chapter name) for any section you add using |\definenewnotetype|, if % you define new species of note types. This is convenient if you % know that there will be each species of note for a given chapter. % If the chapter does not include one of the species of notes, you % would be wiser to use the individual commands in the next paragraph % % \DescribeMacro{\resettextnotes} \DescribeMacro{\resetemendations} % \DescribeMacro{\resetexplanatory} These commands do what % |\resetendnotes| does, but only for the named section, not for all % three predefined endnote sections. If you used |\definenewnotetype| % to create a new kind of endnote, you will also be able to use the % corresponding ``reset'' command. For instance, if you created an % |\xyznote| command, you can issue |\resetxyznotes|. If you use % these commands, issue |\label{chapter\thechapter}| just after the % |\chapter| command, and then issue the reset commands you plan to % use. % % \section{Predefined Endnote Sections} % \textsf{edmargin} comes with three predefined endnotes sections and % three predefined kinds of endnote, |\textnote{}|, |\emendation{}|, % and |\explanatory{}|. % % % \DescribeMacro{\textnote} \DescribeMacro{\explanatory} % \DescribeMacro{\emendation} Use |\textnote| and its siblings as you % would use an ordinary |\endnote|. The argument of each note can be whatever you % wish, but for clarity it is a good idea to use as a lemma from the % text, since that will make the passage the note refers to clear. % For example: |\textnote{lemma] comment}|. % % \DescribeMacro{\literaltextnote} \DescribeMacro{\literalemendation} % \DescribeMacro{\literalexplanatory} |\literaltextnote| and its % siblings are useful for sending information directly to the % endnotes section to which the command refers. All of these commands % send unexpanded text to the endnote sections, so you use this command % to send to the endnote sections commands which will be executed when the endnote section is % read back into your document. You can send expanded text using % |\immediate\write\textnotes| and its siblings. % % \DescribeMacro{\notesincontents} If you do not wish to include a % line for the endnotes in the table of contents, issue % |\notesincontentsonfalse|. (This is the default). To include a line % for the endnotes in the table of contents, issue |\notesincontents| % or (toggling the boolean) |\notesincontentsontrue|. If you wish to % rethink how to present the notes in the table of contents, rather than % issuing |\notesincontents| include % an |\addtocontents| line in the main text just before you issue |\puttextnotes| or its siblings, the % command which will read all of your endnotes into your document at % that point. For instance, |\notesincontents| sets the word ``Textual Notes'' in the % table of contents flush with the left margin, just where the numbers % in the preceding chapters are. You might, however, wish to indent % that word just a bit, so that it will be flush with the chapter % titles above, rather than with the chapter numbers. If you wish to % do this, just before issuing |\puttextnotes|, issue % |\addcontentsline{toc}{chapter}{\protect\numberline{}\the\textnotescontentsname}|. % Use a similar line for the other endnotes sections, replacing |\textnotescontentsname| % with |\emendationscontentsname| or |\explanationscontentsname| as the case may be. % % \section{Creating New Endnote Sections} % \DescribeMacro{\definenewnotetype} You can create as many new kinds % of endnote sections as you wish, using the |\definenewnotetype| % command. This macro will % \begin{enumerate} % \item Open a new output stream and create a new external file to hold the % notes. % \item Define a ``literalwrite'' command, on the model of % |\literaltextnote| for writing literal text directly to that external file. % \item Send information to that file to set the page style and the % running header % \item Send information to that file to set the title of the endnotes % section, and formatting information for the note text. % \item Sets up an entry for the table of contents for the note section % \item Defines a new ``note'' command, and a new marginal marker for % that note % \item Defines a new ``reset'' command for setting notes by chapter, % and modifies |\resetendnotes| and |\notesbychapter| to include that % new reset command when those two commands are issued % \item Defines a new ``put'' command (on the model of % |\puttextnotes|) % for closing the external file and reading it into the text. % \end{enumerate} % % This monster command takes \emph{six} arguments, which are used for % setting the names of the various files and commands it creates, and % for defining such things as the title of the new notes section and % the marginal mark it places in the main text. These arguments, in % order, specify % \begin{enumerate} % \item The base name used to construct all the commands. % \item The extension used for the external file % \item The section title in the running headers of the note section % \item The section title at the beginning of the note section % \item The name of the section in the table of contents section % \item The marginal mark placed by the note command in the text % \end{enumerate} % % So, for instance,\begin{verbatim} % \definenewnotetype{xyznote}{xyz}{Xyznotes to}{XYZNOTES}{Xyznotes}{x} % \end{verbatim} creates a note command |\xyznote{}|, and a command % for sending literal text to the new note section |\literalxyznote|, % both of which write to an external file |\jobname.xyz|, sets running % headers for the notes sections of the form ``Xyznotes to % pp.~52-60,'' write a title line in the endnotes section giving the % title as XYZNOTES, writes an entry in the table of contents for % Xyznotes, and sets the marginal mark set by an |\xyznote| to be % ``x''. You can read in the xyznotes section into your document with % the command |\putxyznote|. And |\resetendnotes| and % |\notesbychapter| will put chapter titles in the xyznotes section, % just as they do for the textual notes, the explanatory notes, and % the emendations sections. Finally, you can use |\resetxyznotes| to % set a chapter title in only the xyznotes section. % % A trivial use of this commmand would be to make traditional % endnotes, in which case \textsf{edmargin} would merely be a % replacement (with a slightly different command set) for % \textsf{endnote} and \textsf{endheads}. The command for doing this % would be \begin{verbatim} \definenewnotetype{endnote}{enn}{Endnotes % to}{ENDNOTES}{Endnotes}{\relax} \end{verbatim} % % \section{Using \textsf{edmargin} in a Multilingual World} % % By default, \textsf{edmargin} uses English language running % headers, but these are easily changed. % % \begin{sloppypar} \DescribeMacro{\changetextnotesname} To change the % title in the text for the endnote section for textual notes (the % default is TEXTUAL NOTES), issue |\changetextnotesname{yourversion}|. To change the running header (by default ``Textual Notes % to'') issue |\changetextnotesheader{your version}|. To change the % name of the textual notes section in the table of contents (the % default is ``Textual Notes'') issue |\changetextnotescontentsname.| % Equivalent commands for emendations are |\changeemendationsname| % |\changeemendationsheadername| and |\changeemendationscontentsname|. % Equivalent commands for explanatory notes are % |\changeexplanationsname| |\changeexplanationsheader| and % |\changeexplanationscontentsname|. \end{sloppypar} % % % \begin{sloppypar} % \DescribeMacro{\changesinglepageabbrev} % \DescribeMacro{\changemultiplepageabbrev} Running headers refer to % single pages with the English abbreviation ``p.'' and to multiple % pages with the English abbreviation ``pp.'' To change these issue % |\changesinglepageabbrev{new abbrev}| or % |\changemultiplepageabbrev{new abbrev}| respectively. The ultimate % outcome is to translate a header of the form ``Notes to % pp.~xx-yy'' to the form appropriate for your % language. \end{sloppypar} % % \begin{sloppypar} % \DescribeMacro{\changechapternotesline}If you are using |\resetendnotes| % or |\setnotesbychapter| you may also want to % change the text of the line those commands add to the endnotes so as to use some % other word than ``Chapter.'' To change this, % issue |\changechapternotesline{your version}|.\end{sloppypar} % % \DescribeMacro{\backmattertextfont} |\edmargin| sets the endnote % text in the |\small| size. To change it to |\normalsize| issue % |\renewcommand{\backmattertextfont}{\normalsize}|. % % \section{Customization} % \DescribeMacro{\notemarkinmargin} % \DescribeMacro{\notemarkintext} % Rather than using marginal references, % \textsf{edmargin} can be set to put regular endnote markers in the % text and in the endnote sections. The different series of endnotes % will be distinguished by using the same abbrevations that were used % for marginal references. So, for % instance, the third textual note will have a mark that looks % ``t:3'' both in the text and in the textual notes section, and the % fifth explanatory note will have a mark that ``c:5'' both in the % text and in the textual notes section. You can put the endnote % markers in the main text rather than in the margins by issuing % |\notemarkintext| in your preamble. Putting the endnote % markers in the margin is the default, but you can make sure that % they go there by issuing |\notemarkinmargin|. % % \begin{sloppypar} % \DescribeMacro{\textnotesparamode} % \DescribeMacro{\emendationsparamode} % \DescribeMacro{\explanationsparamode} If you wish to print your % endnotes as block paragraphs, rather than giving a paragraph to % each note, issue |\textnotesparamode|, |\emendationsparamode|, or % |\explanationsparamode|, as the case may require. If you have used % |\definenewnotetype| to define a note type called |\xyznote|, you % can set these notes in block paragraphs by issuing % |\xyznotesparamode|. You might consider setting your notes in block % paragraphs if you have very many very short notes. \end{sloppypar} % % \section{Known Issues} Because the marginal references are set with % |\marginpar| some of them will appear on the wrong side in % two-sided printing, unless you include \textsf{mparhack} in your % list of packages. Also, if you have more than one reference on a % line, the second reference will be moved down a line (marginpars % are floats). This may not be an issue if the lemma in the second note % makes it clear what in the text it refers to. This problem can be % remedied by substituting the \textsf{marn} package and using the % |\marn| command in place of |\marginpar|. % % Using |\definenewnotetype| with |\notesbychapter| or % |\resetendnotes| causes a complaint that an |\iftrue| has been left % open whenever a |\chapter| command is written. The origin is % probably a problem with |\appendtomacro|. But the error is % harmless, it turns out, so I haven't tracked it down. % % \StopEventually{\PrintChanges\PrintIndex} % \section{Implementation} % \subsection{General Purpose Routines} % Essentially these routines are code posted by Heiko Oberdiek to % comp.text.tex. If you set a counter from a |\pageref|, that % |\pageref| is undefined on the first run, and \TeX\ will not only % complain about the undefined reference, but give a ``missing % number'' error if you try to do anything with that reference, such % as compare one page number to another. These commands enable one to % use the |\pageref| without generating the missing number error on % the first run. % \begin{macrocode} \providecommand*{\ifrefundefined}[1]{% \expandafter\ifx\csname r@#1\endcsname\relax \expandafter\@firstoftwo \else \expandafter\@secondoftwo \fi } \providecommand*{\@extract@ref}[2]{% \expandafter\expandafter\expandafter#1\csname r@#2\endcsname{}{}\@nil } \providecommand*{\@extractref}{% \@extract@ref\@car } \providecommand*{\@extractpageref}{% \@extract@ref\@secondcar } \long\def\@secondcar#1#2#3\@nil{#2} \providecommand*{\setcounterfromref}[2]{% \ifrefundefined{#2}{% \protect\G@refundefinedtrue \@latex@warning{Reference `#2' on page \thepage \space undefined}% \setcounter{#1}{0}% }{% \setcounter{#1}{\@extractref{#2}}% }% } \providecommand*{\setcounterfrompageref}[2]{% \ifrefundefined{#2}{% \protect\G@refundefinedtrue \@latex@warning{Reference `#2' on page \thepage \space undefined}% \setcounter{#1}{0}% }{% \setcounter{#1}{\@extractpageref{#2}}% }% } \long\def\appendtomacro#1#2{% \begingroup \toks@\expandafter{#1#2}% \xdef#1{\the\toks@}% \endgroup} % \end{macrocode} % \subsection{Building Blocks} % First, define some counters: % \begin{macrocode} \newcounter{allendnotes} \setcounter{allendnotes}{1} \newcounter{notepageholder} \setcounter{notepageholder}{1} % \end{macrocode} % \begin{macro}{\mymarks} % A command to set the marks. This will be called by the page style. % Notice that there is a test to see whether \textsf{memoir} class is being % loaded, so that marks will be set using \textsf{memoir} commands if % they are available. % \begin{macrocode} \newtoks{\singlepageabbrev} \singlepageabbrev={p.} \newcommand{\changesinglepageabbrev}[1]{\singlepageabbrev={#1}} \newtoks{\multiplepageabbrev} \newcommand{\changemultiplepageabbrev}[1]{\multiplepageabbrev={#1}} \newtoks{\chapternoteslinename} \chapternoteslinename={Chapter} \newcommand{\changechapternotesline}[1]{\chapternoteslinename={#1}} \multiplepageabbrev{pp.} \@ifclassloaded{memoir}{\newcommand{\mymarks}{% \ifthenelse{\equal{\rightmark}{\leftmark}}% {\unskip ~\the\singlepageabbrev~\rightmark}% if equal {\unskip ~\the\multiplepageabbrev~\rightmark--\leftmark}}%if not equal } {\newcommand{\mymarks}{% \ifthenelse{\equal{\firstmark}{\botmark}}% {\unskip ~\the\singlepageabbrev~\firstmark}% if equal {\unskip ~\the\multiplepageabbrev~\firstmark--\botmark}}%if not equal } % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % \begin{macro}{\endnotespagestyle} % A command to set the page style in \textsf{fancyhdr}. You might % want to change some aspects of this, such as where to put the page % number, to make it consistent with the rest of your document. % Notice that there is a test to see whether \textsf{memoir} class is being % loaded, so that the header commands built in to \textsf{memoir} are % used if they are available, and the header commands from % \textsf{fancyhdr} are used if they are not. % \begin{macrocode} \@ifclassloaded{memoir}{\makepagestyle{plain} \makeevenhead{plain}{}{}{{\small\textrm{\thepage}}} \makeoddhead{plain}{{\small\textrm{\thepage}}}{}{} \makeevenfoot{plain}{}{}{} \makeoddfoot{plain}{}{}{} \makepagestyle{endnotesstyle} \makeevenhead{endnotesstyle}{{\small\textrm{\thepage}}} {{\small{\em \the\notesheadername~\mymarks}}}{} \makeoddhead{endnotesstyle}{}{{\small{\em \the\notesheadername~\mymarks}}} {{\small\textrm{\thepage}}} \makeevenfoot{endnotesstyle}{}{}{} \makeoddfoot{endnotesstyle}{}{}{} }{\fancypagestyle{plain}{% \fancyhf{} \fancyhead[RO,LE]{{\small\textrm{\thepage}}} \renewcommand{\headrulewidth}{0pt} \renewcommand{\footrulewidth}{0pt} } \fancypagestyle{endnotesstyle}{% \fancyhf{} \fancyhead[CO]{{\small{\em \the\notesheadername~\mymarks}}} \fancyhead[CE]{{\small{\em \the\notesheadername~\mymarks}}} \renewcommand{\headrulewidth}{0pt} \renewcommand{\footrulewidth}{0pt} \fancyhead[RO,LE]{{\small\textrm{\thepage}}} } } % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % \begin{macro}{\checknoteheaders} % This macro sets the counter notepageholder to the value given by the % pageref of the note that is being output. All that strange business % with |\string| is there because I want to use the |\immediate\write| % mechanism to control what gets expanded and what doesn't get % expanded on the external files for the endnotes, |\jobname.ent| and % its friends. Everything except the actual number of the endnote is % written to the external file as unexpanded tokens. When, after you % call |\theendnotes|, you read in the external file for the endnotes, % for example |\jobname.ent|, all these tokens become a command to set % the |\mark|. Notice that there are two forms of this command, one % for the standard document classes, one for memoir class. % \textsf{edmargin} chooses which form depending upon which class is % loaded. % \begin{macrocode} \@ifclassloaded{memoir}{\newcommand{\checknoteheaders}{% \string\setcounterfrompageref\string{notepageholder\string}% \string{notl\theallendnotes\string}% \string\markboth\string{\string\thenotepageholder \string}\string{\string\thenotepageholder\string}% } }{\newcommand{\checknoteheaders}{% \string\setcounterfrompageref\string{notepageholder\string}% \string{notl\theallendnotes\string}% \string\mark\string{\string\thenotepageholder\string}% } } % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % \subsection{User Code} % \begin{macro}{\notesincontents} % This command just sets a boolean. Later, that boolean will be used % to determine whether you use the default line for the table of % contents for each endnote class, or whether you define one for % yourself using |\addtocontents|. % \begin{macrocode} \newif\ifnotesincontentson \notesincontentsonfalse \newcommand{\notesincontents}{\notesincontentsontrue} % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % \begin{macro}{\maketextnotes} % Next, setting up the textual collations: |\maketextnotes| opens an % external file with the extension .ent. And it sends formatting % information for the first page of the section, as well as % information to send to the table of contents. Also, it sets a label % for sending the page number of the textual notes to the table of % contents. % \begin{macrocode} % Extra white space at the top of the first page \newcommand{\backmatterafterheadersink}{\leavevmode\vspace{11pt}} % Set notes in small type \newcommand{\backmattertextfont}{\small} % writes unexpanded text on the specified external file \def\strip#1>{} \newcommand{\literaltextnote}[1]{% \begingroup% \def\next{#1}% \newlinechar='40% \immediate\write\textnotes{\expandafter\strip\meaning\next}% \endgroup% } \newcommand{\literalemend}[1]{% \begingroup% \def\next{#1}% \newlinechar='40% \immediate\write\emendations{\expandafter\strip\meaning\next}% \endgroup% } \newcommand{\literalexplain}[1]{% \begingroup% \def\next{#1}% \newlinechar='40% \immediate\write\explanations{\expandafter\strip\meaning\next}% \endgroup% } % Nothing happens to textual notes unless you say you want to collect % them. \newif\iftextnoteson \textnotesonfalse \newif\ifexplanon \explanonfalse \newif\ifemendationson \emendationsonfalse % Use tokens rather than hard coded names to make multilingual use easier \newtoks{\notesheadername} \newtoks{\edmrgnotesname} \edmrgnotesname={TEXTUAL NOTES} \newcommand{\changetextnotesname}[1]{\edmrgnotesname={#1}} \newtoks{\textnotesheadername} \textnotesheadername={Textual Notes to} \newcommand{\changetextnotesheader}[1]{\textnotesheadername={#1}} \newtoks{\textnotescontentsname} \textnotescontentsname={Textual Notes} \newcommand{\changetextnotescontentsname}[1]{\textnotescontentsname={#1}} % font size for endnote section titles \newcommand{\backmatterheadingfont}{\fontsize{16}{20}\selectfont} % setting up an empty page \newcommand{\clearemptydoublepage}{\newpage{\pagestyle{empty}\cleardoublepage}} % white space at top of back matter sections \newcommand{\backmattersink}{\leavevmode\vspace{21.5pt}} % set up the external file for textual notes \newcommand{\maketextnotes}{\global\textnotesontrue \newwrite\textnotes \immediate\openout\textnotes=\jobname.ent \literaltextnote{{\par\clearpage {\pagestyle{empty}\cleardoublepage} \thispagestyle{empty}} \notesheadername={\the\textnotesheadername} \pagestyle{endnotesstyle} % \fancyhead{} % \fancyfoot{} % \fancyhead[RO,LE]{{\small\textrm{\thepage}}} % \fancyhead[CO]{{\small{\em \the\textnotesheadername~\mymarks}}} % \fancyhead[CE]{{\small{\em \the\textnotesheadername~\mymarks}}} % \fancyfoot[C]{} \mark{3} \backmattersink \begin{center}{\normalfont \backmatterheadingfont \the\edmrgnotesname}\end{center} \label{textualnotes} % \lefthyphenmin=2\backmatterafterheadersink\tolerance=500\language=0 \normalfont \backmattertextfont} \immediate\write\textnotes{\string\ifnotesincontentson}% \immediate\write\textnotes{\string\addcontentsline\string{toc\string} \string{chapter\string}\string{\string\the\string\textnotescontentsname\string}}% %\immediate\write\@enotes{\string{\string\notescontentsname\string}}% %\string{\string\protect\string\numberline %\string{\string} \string\notescontentsname \string} \immediate\write\textnotes{\string\fi} } % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % \begin{macro}{\makeemendations} % Next, the emendations section: % \begin{macrocode} \newtoks{\emendationsname} \emendationsname={EMENDATIONS} \newcommand{\changeemendationsname}[1]{\emendationsname={#1}} \newtoks{\emendationsheadername} \emendationsheadername={Emendations to} \newcommand{\changeemendationsheader}[1]{\emendationsheadername={#1}} \newtoks{\emendationscontentsname} \emendationscontentsname={Emendations} \newcommand{\changeemendationscontentsname}[1]{% \emendationscontentsname={#1}} \newcommand{\makeemendations}{\global\emendationsontrue \newwrite\emendations \immediate\openout\emendations=\jobname.emd \literalemend{{\par\clearpage {\pagestyle{empty}\cleardoublepage} \thispagestyle{empty}} \notesheadername={\the\emendationsheadername} \pagestyle{endnotesstyle} % \fancyhead{} % \fancyhead[RO,LE]{{\small\textrm{\thepage}}} % \fancyhead[CO]{{\small{\em \the\emendationsheadername~\mymarks}}} % \fancyhead[CE]{{\small{\em \the\emendationsheadername~\mymarks}}} % \fancyfoot{} \mark{3} \backmattersink \begin{center}{\normalfont \backmatterheadingfont \the\emendationsname}\end{center} \label{emendationnotes} % \lefthyphenmin=2\backmatterafterheadersink\tolerance=500\language=0 \normalfont \backmattertextfont} \immediate\write\emendations{\string\ifnotesincontentson}% \immediate\write\emendations{\string\addcontentsline\string{toc\string} \string{chapter\string}\string{\string\the\string\emendationscontentsname\string}}% %\immediate\write\@enotes{\string{\string\notescontentsname\string}}% %\string{\string\protect\string\numberline %\string{\string} \string\notescontentsname \string} \immediate\write\emendations{\string\fi} } % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % \begin{macro}{\makeexplanatorynotes} % And the explanatory notes: % \begin{macrocode} \newtoks{\explanationsname} \explanationsname={EXPLANATORY NOTES} \newcommand{\changeexplanationsname}[1]{\explanationsname={#1}} \newtoks{\explanationsheadername} \explanationsheadername={Explanatory Notes to} \newcommand{\changeexplanationsheader}[1]{\explanationsheadername={#1}} \newtoks{\explanationscontentsname} \explanationscontentsname={Explanatory Notes} \newcommand{\changeexplanationscontentsname}[1]{% \explanationscontentsname={#1}} \newcommand{\makeexplanatorynotes}{\global\explanontrue \newwrite\explanations \immediate\openout\explanations=\jobname.enx \literalexplain{{\par\clearpage {\pagestyle{empty}\cleardoublepage} \thispagestyle{empty}} \notesheadername={\the\explanationsheadername} \pagestyle{endnotesstyle} % \fancyhead[RO,LE]{{\small\textrm{\thepage}}} % \fancyhead[CO]{{\small{\em \the\explanationsheadername~\mymarks}}} % \fancyhead[CE]{{\small{\em \the\explanationsheadername~\mymarks}}} % \fancyfoot{} \mark{3} \backmattersink \begin{center}{\normalfont \backmatterheadingfont \the\explanationsname}\end{center} \label{explanatorynotes} % \lefthyphenmin=2\backmatterafterheadersink\tolerance=500\language=0 \normalfont \backmattertextfont } \immediate\write\explanations{\string\ifnotesincontentson}% \immediate\write\explanations{\string\addcontentsline\string{toc\string} \string{chapter\string}\string{\string\the\string\explanationscontentsname\string}}% %\immediate\write\@enotes{\string{\string\notescontentsname\string}}% %\string{\string\protect\string\numberline %\string{\string} \string\notescontentsname \string} \immediate\write\explanations{\string\fi} } % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % Auxiliary commands for note and title sections % \begin{macrocode} % \newcommand{\argpageref}[1]{\pageref{#1}} \newcommand{\@pagemarktotextnotes}[1]{% \immediate\write\textnotes{\string\setcounterfrompageref\string{notepageholdertitle\string}% \string{#1\string}\string\unskip}% \immediate\write\textnotes{\string\mark% \string{\string\thenotepageholdertitle\string}}% } \newcommand{\@poempagetotextnotes}[1]{% \immediate\write\textnotes{\string\par\string\argpageref\string{#1\string}\string\unskip}% \@pagemarktotextnotes{#1}} \newcommand{\@poemtitletotextnotes}[1]{\literaltextnote{\textbf{#1}}} % \end{macrocode} % \begin{macro}{\setupendnoteheaders} % |\setupendnoteheaders| turns on processing of running headers. % \begin{macrocode} \newif\ifendnoteheaderson \endnoteheadersonfalse \newcommand{\setupendnoteheaders}{% \endnoteheadersontrue \maketextnotes \makeexplanatorynotes \makeemendations } % \newcommand{\setupendnoteheaders}{% % \endnoteheadersontrue % \if@enotesopen \else \@openenotes \fi % \immediate\write\@enotes{% % \string\thispagestyle\string{empty\string} % \string\pagestyle\string{endnotesstyle\string}} % \immediate\write\@enotes{\string\ifnotesincontentson}% % \immediate\write\@enotes{\string\addcontentsline\string{toc\string} % \string{chapter\string}\string{\string\the\string\notescontentsname\string}}% % %\immediate\write\@enotes{\string{\string\notescontentsname\string}}% % %\string{\string\protect\string\numberline % %\string{\string} \string\notescontentsname \string} % \immediate\write\@enotes{\string\fi} % \def\endnote{\@ifnextchar[\@xendnote{\stepcounter{endnote}% % % my addition begins % \stepcounter{allendnotes}\label{notl\theallendnotes}% % \immediate\write\@enotes{\checknoteheaders}% % % my addition ends % \protected@xdef\@theenmark{\theendnote}% % \@endnotemark\@endnotetext}} % \let\oldtheendnotes=\theendnotes % \renewcommand{\theendnotes}{% % \immediate\write\@enotes{\string\thispagestyle\string{endnotesstyle\string}} % \oldtheendnotes} % } % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % \begin{macro}{\putemendations} This macro closes external file for emendations, % reads it in, and puts an entry for the emendations into the table of contents % file. The macro tests to see whether there is an .aux file from a previous run % before doing this, and complains in the .log file if the .aux file does not % exist. % % \begin{macrocode} % \newcommand{\hyphenationforsmall}{\small\bf \hyphenchar\font=45 % \small\it \hyphenchar\font=45 % \small\rm \hyphenchar\font=45 % } \newcommand{\putemendations}{ \ifemendationson \clearemptydoublepage % \hyphenationforsmall \immediate\closeout\emendations \input \jobname.emd % \ifpoemcontentson % \ifemendationson % \immediate\write\poemcontents{\string\contentspoemtitlefont\ \the\emendationscontentsname} % \immediate\write % \poemcontents{\string~ \string\contentsleaders \string~\ % \string\pageref{emendationnotes} \string\par} % \immediate\write\poemcontents{\string\par \string\smallskip} % \fi %\fi \else \relax \fi} % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % \begin{macro}{\putexplanatory} Does the same for explanatory notes. % % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand{\putexplanatory}{ \ifexplanon \clearemptydoublepage % \hyphenationforsmall \immediate\closeout\explanations \input \jobname.enx % \ifpoemcontentson % \ifexplanon % \immediate\write\poemcontents{\string\contentspoemtitlefont\ \the\explanationscontentsname} % \immediate\write % \poemcontents{\string~ \string\contentsleaders \string~\ % \string\pageref{explanatorynotes} \string\par} % \immediate\write\poemcontents{\string\par \string\smallskip} % \fi % \fi \else \relax \fi} % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % \begin{macro}{\puttextnotes} Does the same for textual notes. % % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand{\puttextnotes}{ \iftextnoteson \clearemptydoublepage % \hyphenationforsmall \immediate\closeout\textnotes \input \jobname.ent % \ifpoemcontentson % \iftextnoteson % \immediate\write\poemcontents{\string\contentspoemtitlefont\ \the\textnotescontentsname} % \immediate\write % \poemcontents{\string~ \string\contentsleaders \string~\ % \string\pageref{textualnotes} \string\par} % \immediate\write\poemcontents{\string\par \string\smallskip} % \fi % \fi \else \relax \fi} % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % \begin{macro}{\margreftextnote} Macros to set marginal page % references showing where in the apparatus a comment upon the % marked line is to be found. |\margrefspecial{}| is for occasions % when you might need to set the label by hand. For instance, suppose % you have several textnotes on a line, and the note you wish to draw % attention to is on a different page from the other notes. % |\margreftextnote| under those circumstances will point only to the % first note. Use |\margrefspecial| to point to the other note, % giving |\margrefspecial| a unique argument, and opening that note % with a \label{} command using the same argument. % % \begin{macrocode} \setlength{\marginparwidth}{2em} \newcounter{margrefnumber} \setcounter{margrefnumber}{1} \newtoks{\margrefmarker} \margrefmarker={\dag} \newcommand{\setmargrefmarker}[1]{\margrefmarker={#1}}% \newcommand{\makemargreflabel}{\string\label\string{margref\themargrefnumber\string}} \newcommand{\setmargref}{% \marginpar{\scriptsize{\the\margrefmarker~\the\singlepageabbrev~\pageref{margref\themargrefnumber}}}% } \newcommand{\margreftextnote}{% \iftextnoteson\addtocounter{margrefnumber}{1}% \immediate\write\textnotes{\makemargreflabel}% \setmargref\else\relax\fi% } \newcommand{\margrefexplanatory}{% \ifexplanon\addtocounter{margrefnumber}{1}% \immediate\write\explanations{\makemargreflabel}% \setmargref\else\relax\fi% } \newcommand{\margrefemendation}{% \ifemendationson\addtocounter{margrefnumber}{1}% \immediate\write\emendations{\makemargreflabel}% \setmargref\else\relax\fi% } \newcommand{\margrefspecial}[1]{% \marginpar{\scriptsize {\the\margrefmarker~\the\singlepageabbrev~\pageref{#1}}} } % or, perhaps the note marker should be in the text rather than in % the margin \newif\ifn@temarkinmargin% \n@temarkinmargintrue% \newif\ifn@temarkintext% \n@temarkintextfalse% \newcommand{\notemarkinmargin}{\n@temarkinmargintrue\n@temarkintextfalse} \newcommand{\notemarkintext}{\n@temarkinmarginfalse\n@temarkintexttrue} %\newif\ifnotemarkinmargin \notemarkinmargintrue% \newcounter{enmrnotescratchcount}% \setcounter{enmrnotescratchcount}{0} \newtoks{\enmrendnotemarker}% \newcommand{\makeenmrendnotemarker}{% \enmrendnotemarker={\the\margrefmarker\theenmrnotescratchcount}}% \newcommand{\putenmrnotemarkerintext}{% \hbox\textsuperscript{\scriptsize{\the\enmrendnotemarker}}}% % To set notes in as a block paragraph, rather than individually \newif{\iftextnotespara}{\textnotesparafalse} \newcommand{\textnotesparamode}{\textnotesparatrue} \newif{\ifemendationspara}{\emendationsparafalse} \newcommand{\emendationsparamode}{\emendationsparatrue} \newif{\ifexplanationspara}{\explanationsparafalse} \newcommand{\explanationsparamode}{\explanationsparatrue} % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % \begin{macro}{\textnote} % \begin{macrocode} % \newcommand{\textnote}[1]{% % \iftextnoteson% % \margrefmarker={t:}% % \stepcounter{allendnotes}\label{notl\theallendnotes}% % \immediate\write\textnotes{\checknoteheaders}% % \immediate\write\textnotes{\string\par\string{\string\textbf\string{p.\ % \string\pageref\string{notl\theallendnotes\string}\string}\string}}% % \literaltextnote{~#1}% % \margreftextnote% % \fi % } \newcounter{enmrtextnotecount} \newcommand{\textnote}[1]{% \iftextnoteson% \margrefmarker={t:}% \ifn@temarkinmargin%n@temarkinmargin \margreftextnote% \else% \stepcounter{enmrtextnotecount}% \setcounter{enmrnotescratchcount}{\value{enmrtextnotecount}}% \makeenmrendnotemarker% \putenmrnotemarkerintext% \fi% \stepcounter{allendnotes}\label{notl\theallendnotes}% \immediate\write\textnotes{\checknoteheaders}% \ifn@temarkinmargin% \iftextnotespara\relax\else% \immediate\write\textnotes{\string\par}\fi% \immediate\write\textnotes{\string{\string\textbf\string{\the\singlepageabbrev\ \string\pageref\string{notl\theallendnotes\string}\string}\string}}% \else \iftextnotespara\relax\else% \immediate\write\textnotes{\string\par}\fi% \immediate\write\textnotes{\string\textsuperscript\string{\theenmrnotescratchcount\string}% }% \fi \literaltextnote{~#1}% \fi } % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % \begin{macro}{\explanatory} % \begin{macrocode} \newcounter{enmrexplanatorycount} \newcommand{\explanatory}[1]{% \ifexplanon% \margrefmarker={c:}% \ifn@temarkinmargin% \margrefexplanatory% \else% \stepcounter{enmrexplanatorycount}% \setcounter{enmrnotescratchcount}{\value{enmrexplanatorycount}}% \makeenmrendnotemarker% \putenmrnotemarkerintext% \fi% \stepcounter{allendnotes}\label{notl\theallendnotes}% \immediate\write\explanations{\checknoteheaders}% \ifn@temarkinmargin% \ifexplanationspara\relax\else% \immediate\write\explanations{\string\par}\fi% \immediate\write\explanations{\string{\string\textbf\string{\the\singlepageabbrev\ \string\pageref\string{notl\theallendnotes\string}\string}\string}}% \else% \ifexplanationspara\relax\else% \immediate\write\explanations{\string\par}\fi% \immediate\write\explanations{\string% \textsuperscript\string{\theenmrnotescratchcount\string}% }% \fi \literalexplain{~#1}% \fi} % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % \begin{macro}{\emendation} % \begin{macrocode} \newcounter{enmremendationcount} \newcommand{\emendation}[1]{% \ifemendationson% \margrefmarker={e:}% \ifn@temarkinmargin% \margrefemendation% \else% \stepcounter{enmremendationcount}% \setcounter{enmrnotescratchcount}{\value{enmremendationcount}}% \makeenmrendnotemarker% \putenmrnotemarkerintext% \fi% \stepcounter{allendnotes}\label{notl\theallendnotes}% \immediate\write\emendations{\checknoteheaders}% \ifn@temarkinmargin% \ifemendationspara\relax\else% \immediate\write\emendations{\string\par}\fi% \immediate\write\emendations{\string{\string\textbf\string{\the\singlepageabbrev\ \string\pageref\string{notl\theallendnotes\string}\string}\string}}% \else% \ifemendationspara\relax\else% \immediate\write\emendations{\string\par}\fi% \immediate\write\emendations{\string\textsuperscript\string{\theenmrnotescratchcount\string}% }% \fi \literalemend{~#1}% \fi} % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % \begin{macro}{\setstyleforchapternotebegin} % \begin{macrocode} \newif\iftitleinnotes \titleinnotestrue% \newcommand{\styleforchapternotebegin}{% } \newcommand{\styleforchapternoteend}{% } \newcommand{\setstyleforchapternotebegin}[1]{% \renewcommand{\styleforchapternotebegin}{#1}} \newcommand{\setstyleforchapternoteend}[1]{% \renewcommand{\styleforchapternoteend}{#1}}% \setstyleforchapternotebegin{\begin{center}} \setstyleforchapternoteend{\end{center}} \newcommand{\resettextnotes}{% % \label{chapter\thechapter}% \immediate\write\textnotes{\string\begingroup}% \immediate\write\textnotes{\string\goodbreak}% \immediate\write\textnotes{\string\Needspace\string{5\string\baselineskip\string}}% \immediate\write\textnotes{\string\styleforchapternotebegin}% \immediate\write\textnotes{\the\chapternoteslinename\string\ \thechapter\string~}% \iftitleinnotes% \immediate\write\textnotes{\string\titleref\string{chapter\thechapter\string}}% \fi% %\immediate\write\textnotes{\string}} \immediate\write\textnotes{\string\styleforchapternoteend}% % \immediate\write\textnotes{\string\end\string{center\string}} \immediate\write\textnotes{\string\nopagebreak}% \immediate\write\textnotes{\string\endgroup}% } \newcommand{\resetemendations}{% % \label{chapter\thechapter}% \immediate\write\emendations{\string\begingroup}% \immediate\write\emendations{\string\goodbreak}% \immediate\write\emendations{\string\Needspace\string{5\string\baselineskip\string}}% \immediate\write\emendations{\string\styleforchapternotebegin}% \immediate\write\emendations{\the\chapternoteslinename\string\ \thechapter\string~}% \iftitleinnotes% \immediate\write\emendations{\string\titleref\string{chapter\thechapter\string}}% \fi% \immediate\write\emendations{\string\styleforchapternoteend}% \immediate\write\emendations{\string\nopagebreak}% \immediate\write\emendations{\string\endgroup}% } \newcommand{\resetexplanatory}{% % \label{chapter\thechapter}% \immediate\write\explanations{\string\begingroup}% \immediate\write\explanations{\string\goodbreak}% \immediate\write\explanations{\string\Needspace\string{5\string\baselineskip\string}}% \immediate\write\explanations{\string\styleforchapternotebegin}% \immediate\write\explanations{\the\chapternoteslinename\string\ \thechapter\string~}% \iftitleinnotes% \immediate\write\explanations{\string\titleref\string{chapter\thechapter\string}}% \fi% \immediate\write\explanations{\string\styleforchapternoteend}% \immediate\write\explanations{\string\nopagebreak}% \immediate\write\explanations{\string\endgroup}% } \newcommand{\resetendnotes}{% % \label{chapter\thechapter}% removed SEP-04-2012 \resettextnotes% \resetemendations% \resetexplanatory} % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % \begin{macro}{\notesbychapter} % \begin{macrocode} \newif\ifnotesbychapteron \notesbychapteronfalse \@ifclassloaded{memoir}{\newcommand{\notesbychapter}{\notesbychapterontrue} \addtoiargdef{\chapter}{}{ \iftitleinnotes% \label{chapter\thechapter}% \fi% \ifnotesbychapteron% \relax% \resetendnotes% \fi} }{\newcommand{\notesbychapter}{\notesbychapterontrue} \def\@chapter[#1]#2{\ifnum \c@secnumdepth >\m@ne \if@mainmatter \refstepcounter{chapter}% \typeout{\@chapapp\space\thechapter.}% \addcontentsline{toc}{chapter}% {\protect\numberline{\thechapter}#1}% \else \addcontentsline{toc}{chapter}{#1}% \fi \else \addcontentsline{toc}{chapter}{#1}% \fi \chaptermark{#1}% \addtocontents{lof}{\protect\addvspace{10\p@}}% \addtocontents{lot}{\protect\addvspace{10\p@}}% \if@twocolumn \@topnewpage[\@makechapterhead{#2}]% \else \@makechapterhead{#2}% \@afterheading \fi \iftitleinnotes% \label{chapter\thechapter}% \fi% \ifnotesbychapteron% \relax% \resetendnotes% \fi} } % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % \begin{macro}{\definenewnotetype} % \begin{macrocode} % first, some building block commands % make some new ifs (Thanks to Igor Pechtchanski and Ulrich Schwarz) \newcommand{\m@kenewnoteif}[1]{% \expandafter\newif\csname if#1son\endcsname% \global\csname #1sontrue\endcsname% \expandafter\newif\csname ifno#1yet\endcsname% \csname no#1yettrue\endcsname% } % make a new output stream \newcommand{\n@woutputstream}[2]{% \expandafter\newwrite\csname #1s\endcsname% \immediate\expandafter\openout\csname #1s\endcsname=\expandafter\jobname .#2% } % set up a new literalwrite command \newcommand{\n@wliteralwrite}[1]{% \expandafter\newcommand\csname literal#1\endcsname[1]{% \begingroup% \def\next{##1}% \newlinechar='40 \immediate\write\expandafter\csname #1s\endcsname{\expandafter\strip\meaning\next}% \endgroup} } % heading material for new notes, label, font, par mode default \newcommand{\n@wnoteheadingmaterial}[3]{% \csname literal#1\endcsname{% \par\clearpage% {\pagestyle{empty}\cleardoublepage}% \thispagestyle{empty}% } \immediate\write\csname #1s\endcsname{% \string\notesheadername=\string{#2\string}% \string\pagestyle\string{endnotesstyle\string}% } \immediate\write\csname #1s\endcsname{% \string\mark\string{3\string}% \string\backmattersink% \string\begin\string{center\string}% \string{\string\normalfont \string% \backmatterheadingfont\ #3\string}\string\end\string{center\string}% } \immediate\write\csname #1s\endcsname{\string\label\string{#3\string}}% \immediate\write\csname #1s\endcsname{\string\normalfont\string\backmattertextfont}% \immediate\write\csname #1s\endcsname{\string\paramodefalse}% } % new entry for table of contents \newcommand{\n@wentryfortoc}[2]{% \immediate\write\csname #1s\endcsname{\string\ifnotesincontentson}% \immediate\write\csname #1s\endcsname{\string\addcontentsline\string{toc\string}% \string{chapter\string}\string{#2\string}}% \immediate\write\csname #1s\endcsname{\string\fi}% } % new marginal reference kind \newcommand{\n@wmargrefkind}[1]{% \expandafter\newcommand\csname margref#1\endcsname[1]{% \addtocounter{margrefnumber}{1}% \immediate\write\csname #1s\endcsname{\makemargreflabel}% \setmargref% } } % new note counter \newcommand{\n@wnotecounter}[1]{% \expandafter\newcounter{enmr#1count}% } \newcommand{\n@wparaboolean}[1]{% \expandafter\newif\csname if#1spara\endcsname}% \newcommand{\n@wputmargref}[1]{% \expandafter\csname margref#1\endcsname% } \newcommand{\n@wputnotenum}[1]{% \expandafter\stepcounter{enmr#1count}% \setcounter{enmrnotescratchcount}{\expandafter\value{enmr#1count}}% \makeenmrendnotemarker% \putenmrnotemarkerintext% } \newif\ifparamode \paramodefalse% \newcommand{\n@wsetparamode}[1]{% \expandafter\newcommand\csname #1sparamode\endcsname{% %\csname #1sparatrue\endcsname \immediate\write\expandafter\csname #1s\endcsname{\string\paramodetrue}% } } \newcommand{\enmrconditionalpar}{% \ifparamode% % \if#1spara \relax% \else% \par% \fi% } \newcommand{\n@wnotecommand}[2]{% \expandafter\newcommand\csname #1\endcsname[1]{% \margrefmarker={#2:}% \ifn@temarkinmargin% \n@wputmargref{#1}% \fi% \ifn@temarkintext% \n@wputnotenum{#1}% \fi% \stepcounter{allendnotes}\label{notl\theallendnotes}% \immediate\write\expandafter\csname #1s\endcsname{\checknoteheaders}% \ifn@temarkinmargin% \immediate\write\expandafter\csname #1s\endcsname{\string\enmrconditionalpar}% %\immediate\write\expandafter\csname #1s\endcsname{\string\par} \immediate\write\expandafter\csname #1s\endcsname{\string{\string\textbf\string{\the\singlepageabbrev\ \string\pageref\string{notl\theallendnotes\string}\string}\string}}% \else% % \immediate\write\csname #1s\endcsname{\string\par} \immediate\write\expandafter\csname #1s\endcsname{\string\enmrconditionalpar}% \immediate\write\csname #1s\endcsname{% \string\textsuperscript\string{\theenmrnotescratchcount\string}% }% \fi \expandafter\csname literal#1\endcsname{~##1}% }} %%%%%%%%%%%%%% \newcommand{\definenewnotetype}[6]{% % 1. make new ifs \m@kenewnoteif{#1}% % 2 # new output stream and external file \n@woutputstream{#1}{#2}% % 4. set up a literalwrite command \n@wliteralwrite{#1}% % 5. First a blank page than a page in the empty pagestyle % set the page style and running header \n@wnoteheadingmaterial{#1}{#3}{#4}% % 6. set up entry for table of contents \n@wentryfortoc{#1}{#5}% % % 7. set up a command to write the note \n@wmargrefkind{#1}% % % then a counter for the note kind \n@wnotecounter{#1} % % then a boolean for setting the notes in paragraph format \n@wparaboolean{#1} \n@wsetparamode{#1} % % then the note command \n@wnotecommand{#1}{#6} % 8. make a reset command for setting by chapter \expandafter\newcommand\csname reset#1s\endcsname[1]{% \immediate\write\csname #1s\endcsname{\string\begingroup}% \immediate\write\csname #1s\endcsname{\string\goodbreak}% \immediate\write\csname #1s\endcsname{\string\Needspace\string{5\string\baselineskip\string}}% \immediate\write\csname #1s\endcsname{\string\styleforchapternotebegin}% \immediate\write\csname #1s\endcsname{\the\chapternoteslinename\string\ \thechapter\string~}% \iftitleinnotes% \immediate\write\csname #1s\endcsname{\string\titleref\string{chapter\thechapter\string}}% \fi% \immediate\write\csname #1s\endcsname{\string\styleforchapternoteend}% \immediate\write\csname #1s\endcsname{\string\nopagebreak}% \immediate\write\csname #1s\endcsname{\string\endgroup}% } % 9. add this to resetchapter and setbychapter %\appendtomacro{\notesbychapter}{\expandafter\csname reset#1s\endcsname} \appendtomacro{\resetendnotes}{\expandafter\csname reset#1s\endcsname}% % 10. command for closing the file and reading in the endnotes section \expandafter\newcommand\csname put#1s\endcsname{% \immediate\expandafter\closeout\csname #1s\endcsname% \expandafter\input \jobname.#2% }% } % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % \Finale \endinput